.rae'x-sin cgsuwas. 15. 8:0. ' V Queen Elizabeth s Navy to an announce nacho : anon o--- noon coco SATURDAY MARKETS I'ARMER S PRICES . large baskt .. . . ` s_mall basket . . . . ` pickling,`-basket v kn-.~.n1\ liovember W15,- 9 00 6 00 . _18 10 40 8 00 5 50 10 00 _ 10 50 nea av:-ad I kinda of nu. ma rug 1 arhyoltest ngzbe I_ I. -....18cl . .L.20c' ._........7-8c . .$1.00-$3.50 ..20-22cl .$5-6|- . . . . . . . .35c1 .. . . . .32-34c `. . . . .42.-44c . . $1.00-$1.75 .20, 25, 30c. . ....`35-4o . . . . ..5c T . . . . . . . .5c' :\- 80 40 36 14 16 . - a . H LIL: ' market I VIVV 20 10` 0'0 9 00 6 50 . 53 15 18 23 10 00 Ivan _- asvvs` ll`\l l 5. 10. 15 years. V Iopbrlc Wall Board` 1 '55 1 25 -12 00 11 O0 10 50 1 90 1916 . duty pald, at varxou _': envelope ` ` Tex '` . . 1' -_for Indian Sup- phes, W111 be celved at th1s De- on_, on Tuesday, November 28, 191 for the `delivery of Indian Supplieduring the scal year ending the 5'~v. March, 1918, . d' ` ' U oints in Mani- toba,` Saskatchewan .:_~I Alberta. `E`........... ..-.t.` -L._._.'l-__ `I1 `any tcndcr not necess yuua, |.J(1i|l\Cb|lU.llC VV au Forms of tender V particulars may be h to "the undersigned. U 111 Utlfbu. ntammg full e lowest or ly accepted. unlnutmnnva ;nnns-+;~n 4-1.-In ...J...... by applying IIJLJ , 1J\4\.'\o(lr|3\.\-It - Notice is he ' given` that after` the expiration o tWnty_(lays from the rst public 11 of this notice,f [application will `-made to the Sur-i l rogate Court -of t L County of Sim- coe for grant of ' ianship of the tab `a named infant to Esther Ann Ste t_ `t of the Town- ship of Euphrasia the County of Grey, widow, the n"iaternal g1'an(l- mother of the said i_ ant. BOYS & ICHISON, _ Solicitors forthe Applicant. Datedthis 7th day 'o'f..November A. D., 1916. A 45-47 tters of Guard-T `... ...-r . -.----ss. rv '--17.-- I TENDERS '5 '03 INDIAN sU1>} 'PLII:s ' ) `5"fe3`e1?;""inZZ {tisement without an-th ?D';3aT1i_tment will not be .: L3 auccpwtx. tlus adver- I . In the mat |Waltcr James.-. [-of Richard {the Township Imer, Deceased. \`.'.\$.'.... 3.. `I.-- I . . T` [IN THE s ~_ROGATE COURT 01'. NOTICE TO GREDITORS i THE 00 TY OI` SIMCOE v- |.n+;nn `:6 lnnvnl-\\1 nuI:Ivt\\1 v'n...n.- IHIOYI ll! > I or Valuable Blacksmith Property in the Village of Craigvale in the ` County. of Simcoe Under and by virtue of the Power ; of Sale contained in a certain`Mort- , gage uponwliich ` default has been , made and which will be produced at the time of sagib, there will be oered for sale by Ptgblic Auction by W. A. MeConke_v, E Z, Auctioneer, at the .New Barrie fuse in the Town of Barrie on Sat rday, the 18th day" of November, A. .1916, the following property, viz.: land singular that certain parcel & tract of land and premises situat the Village of "lying and being in -raigvale in the County of Sim" ' ' known as Lot Number One _ ` acing on Main street, containin one-quarter of g acre of land as" shown in the ma"_'of said Village of] Craigvale made ne Thomas Mul-| y .admeasurement i holland by Willi `Sanders, Esq., P.L.S. together w all -privileges and appurtenances hereunto belong- ing, registered p n number 131. Upon the property s said to be er- ected a comfortable frame house, a blacksmith shop antga frame stable on "cement foundati . Terms: Ten, per cent. of the pure `, se money shall be paid to the Mort ' ee s Solicitor on the day of sale ad the balance within '_ 30 days `wi out interest. There will be a reser d bid. For_ further terms and con itions, apply" to "ALEXANDER CO AN, Mort- 'ga`gee s .Solicitor, Barrie, Ontario. Dated at Barrie this 1st day of No- ` vember, 1916. 44-46 ` 'is1;1ea;u3"c."s F1`, y :Superintende;1t_ Teneral Qf . Ind1 ,;Aairs. M0RTi}A(;]13wS;L-.'D._. qt . of Ind" u'1'La11wXtl'fq: " Q_n_t;, 'Nove1j1b;' j at _ of G1 es: idey, a chell 2 ip fnVN_ott sed. g`1\ _of Guardianship of an infant child- Sidey, late of fn.N_otta\vasaga, Far- an V, 1916. J e the executor lotice is here y given pursuant to the Trustee ct, that all persons having claims a 'nst the estate of James Black, la` of the Township- of Innisfil, in th(a_'County of Simcoe`.~ Farmer, deceasejf who died on `or about the twe y-sixth day of Sep- tember, 1916, : requested to send particulars of t,'- r claims to the un- dersigned on ovefore the 18th day of Novem-ber, 1 "6, after which date - ": distribute the as- sets of the es " e among those eu- titled thereto, hing regard only to the claims of rich he shall then have notice, an hat he will not her- responsible to ll-3 person for the as- sets of said esta , whose claims shall received. not then have b l - Dated November, t, 1916, 171" -rsrsnu-a Post Oice to 06% Post Inspector ber}26th, 111 ~ I f7zeJuI;o:;n:zste?`Je:,l a$ili'1cSI:a1':-)- ceived at Ottawa 1111" 1,1oon, on Fri- day, the 8th Dece_' r, 1916, for the. conveyance of 's `Majesty s Mails on a. propose Contract for four ,years, six time `per week on the route Oro Stat_i_b R. No. 2, General_ s Specialty Vof ck Sales. "Printed notices cot .'ning further information as to cog : H ions of pro- posed contract may n and blank- forms of Tender miy _. obtained at the Post Office at tation, and at the oice of the spector, Toronto. _ 1'.-"W I17`! ;l"01.,9. Int f ucimsucu uu u ',t- ULUIU UN: 1013!] (lay N ovem-ber, l_`6, [the -f`: "e ying `iich shall he -..,_l_- f:`;; o Ross _ tor for Executor. jBa.rrie, Ont. sons having a claims or demands against the late ockman S. Willson, who died on M Xabout the twenty- seventh day 0 T -`June, 1916, are re-- quired on or b ore the twenty-sevr enth day of Nofvember, A. D. `1916, to send by poszjgsprepaid or to de- liver to the unrsigned, solicitors for Harry D. J` ieson of the said Town of Barrie,I*; xpress Agent, -and Toseph James skey of the saici fownship of O _ ia, Gardener, the- executors of th%will of the said [1 Widtice is herii given that all pei'-- iLockman S. Will , their names and -addresses and ful articulars in writ- ]mg of their cla s and statements: lof their accountsignd the nature of the securities, if ` y,- held by them. i Ant` fnlzo Mn}; o4-'4-or 4-La D113 w A11/1' oz W ART`,- Solicitors for the Qaid Eexecutors. A ' 34 uuu acuuxxuusa 1 AJ,` uunu Dy uuclu. , .L And take noti that after the said twenty-sevenyh day of Novem- ber, the said Exedptors will proceed to distribute the `assets of the said deceased among t persons entitled: thereto, having re _ard only to the had notice, and th 4 the said Execu-; claims of which th% shall then have": tors will not be li le for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose cllim they shall? not then have rece ed`notiee. "n..;-.`I -1. h____.: r-mt LIUU DIAUII uantc JCUC VUU HUIJUC. V Dated at Barrie he twenty-fth day of October, 1910} STEWART & STEWART`, QnI.,.'l-.\.... 13.... LL- A: In the matter of the estate of Lockman S`. Willson, late of the Township of Qrillia in the County of Simcoe,'Comh1e1'cia1 Traveller, dee `3f1.' . . E LTIEE1 C_:g1t:7:ct- ,jSEALED TENDE74, addressed t'o ho pncfmucnr an; I ...:II `L- -.- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,` 3. pur-v certain dis- =- acre. ie six months ars, cultivate 50 can ROOFING K5. I0. `I5 wanna ld Street :_ 2 ONT. nths iresidence of land in .. A }_x$nestea(_1 no uuunuwl` ull ' - . BEFORE YOU BUY He by expert machin- peed g-at class. amen alls ' `P-ltnoncbai KIN, Proprietor aqua ns nmm;}ai[[ E6. Llnnoga MERTAKING W831 % a ;u uasueus Kept: n Grave Vaul : hells. 3 in Caskets kept. no vravn Vnnlta nterson E9 CANADIAN rn REGU- lute R. L. Barwlch . 4:.` at th (W 1 Barrie - --vwvAUu {not 'be[ An -in ` -3311-nuo . iiegroi Q moment. ll??? Ill .L l\1Iuvv, uuv Good ! int:crrupted Emiline. :She didn t murderTnobOdy den, en; I reckon she ain t since. but dar was murder in her heart! `En den, dis. mo1-nin -- fore she woun out \ bout. de tuqquoises--somet ing queer h:appe11ed, somet ing terrible queer! ' `~`5What? `zzrn -V - ' ~"- - - ' VV nab S o \ She come upstairs. wid er bunch ob'1etters in her` hand, right arter lunch time, She laid dem down; but bcfo sheedone took off her `t ing `she took anodder one out er `her muff. Fo she took her hat off she opened it en read it. She drop- ped the envelope on de oor. I saw it. Hit wa n t .addressed "to her, hit was somebody ]se s letter. The Vusnnsn zagunuuinn ' -un.nnA"l.-J-4-.'I.. 1.`--. - unvlllulx U: ' ' Well? queried Dorcas. ` . H Hitj was fo ' `Mrs. Alice V, Bourne, Gotham Theatre. ' V _ `Ali`ceaV. Bourne !r Dorcas jumped to her feet. a ' Yessum. En1i1ine s_'& tongue. ran I ll tell yo . The girl s voice grew intense. Don yo. member she had dem tuqquoises on las night when yo come in wid de little blind boy? Lawd, I could er choked her dead wid my own` han s! She was de ol debil his self," en der s `a ojudszment a-`commin on her. When yo was ,2-rone, de t iugs she done say was curdlm to de blood. - lK'Il'!-'- T\-,,-L 9, _ , 1 Farms and Town In- e on onyvlmm. vvv uo uu.|.uL1|_A nu us: uluuu. _ , Mlss Pag Vt Is not a good Woman I know, but- f1nn.1l7 :..L',.-.-..-....L...] 'D.--:I.'--.. uuup. Dorcas laughed." ' Although the story was absurd, her skin had grown chillv while Emiline talked u IKTIII J 11 .,I99' I'll` ' II `;7Lz`a.wdy, dem tuqquoises would jhavc stayed sky-blue on _vo f Mis" Wentworth, or on any lady_ dait 'wa n t doin all demkind ob wick- .ed t ings. V , ' Rubbish! . I swar to do Lawd hit sv true. cried Emiline Tappealingly. ~ I ve heard my` granny tell hit many_ a time. `I'\ I 1 1' 11.1 1 .1 .wnaIea, H18 'GI`0SS` (16 mOI1I." But, queried ' Dorcas` with a puzzled _frown, what does it all mean? ' 111- 1 1 1 0 1'1 WC} 1 UL! Shehad er necklace ob de swel-i lest tuqquoises gib- her a month ago by a gemman. She s always gittin vpresents fr m gemmen. Dey was ez pale blue ez de skyf when she got `dem. She wears dem all. dc time, day .whaled, crosse'de imouf. and night. You see dem on` her when she was actin ? Dorcas nodded. _ . She nebber takes dem off; One day I tol her dey wa n t near ez blue cz dey- used to be. "She took` `dem to a jeweler man en hed dem cleaned. Hit didn t do dem a, mite ob good .Dis n1ornin . Emiline paused as if in terror of repeating it, dis morning , Mis Wentworth, ez sho ez Gawd made n1e, dem tuq- qugiss wa_sttu1rne_d g'1'<:eI}1l!_ ' orcas 'sa s. aring a er. _ .I screamed when I sot my` eyes on dem. The girl s teeth chattered. She asked n1e `what was de matter, en I to! her dat story ob de 01 C01- onel- s Misses. Dat s when .she M 111\-: OI ' 0:1 bllllh uuuuv o .V "`My granny once worked fo a wicked lady-was back in slave days. I member hearin her tell bout it when I was a little` gal. `Her .Misses was an army ]ady,ri'ch `en beautiful ez could -be,1 but she done hated her husband en_der was an- nodcr man she was she arter. Her husban , dc ne ol army man,,he died suddenone night. She had er necklace on, de bluesttuqquoises yo ebber see,.en de next'day dey turn- ed green. Den dey found `out `she d poisoned him. Dey would havehung A her,` but she drowned herself. -De tuqquoises was on her neck when dey pulled her out ob de ribber-day was green as grass. hnunnn olaiununil TI`v..{In.. ...1...L IICIID IIIIIOD |J\J \.l\J VVl.\_llI LVL1 -L navy I The g'1r1 s eyes grew round. wxth terror. " ' 111-n '1,1, ,,I1 1 1 I VVG/B SLUULI INC EJINEUQO Dorcas shlvered. , Ennlme, what] has tlus to do wlth MISS Paget? I "t`1\l'| n-:11] ,4: nxvnns rwnnuv u-Aunt` uu:LL auuuau .L uux go to Iaughin . I reckon yo .don t know what an awful t ing dat is to happen. I nebber, heard tell ob hit but once. Hit don . happen except- in when `a won1an s ez wicked ez do 01 serpint herself ! am...:I:.... ...1,.. .... '-.'..n_` -_.- _____ 1.) . I , , > _ ' Lawdy, M1s ~ Wenthworth, don VI autluuu uI.;J.DUILa -_ I _ . ` Em1l1ne, what on earth are.you talkmg about? -u-|r__ .__.-._.___ _,._ V a 1 n ; _ .___ _-v-- - . lIia}a|uc[ceIun' the Lumber Lilo, - L Rlnnn van ---- Wlgat do you mean?! Emlhne spoke ' in a frightened whisper. ' Her tuqquoises am a-turn.in" green, I clar" fo Gawd, dey is! Dorcas laughed. The octoroon s statement was so irrelevant it was. almost funny. I.IIlI7(`I7 Mk TXTAHJ-I.......-.LL .1--. 9 3oME"r1MEs yotauy 3 box of ~ sodas that do V n t open up jst right. `Not so\with Mc_Cor- - mick s.~ Ourspeciai tight sealing keeps. the contentsc cklingv crisp. Said frcjshi evtywhe in different V .si:_cd' packages. Ask our grocer. - - A 'm___ o .'I..... ......1___ : n 1.ap4e& of Enoch . Wentworth :u_y unac D lK.7|I|lCJ.o LHU paused irreso1utely`for al I .L uuu1l1aUCu 111111. It -`would be great if one could [Work asthat ridiculous needle does. he thought. a It is such a lifelike thing`. It" goes on _with- a regularity that feazes a man, never pausing: day or-ni,g`ht, never droppingiout or balk- ing as we humans do when the Brain` goes numb. I wonder, Enoch loaf- ed back in his chair, I wonder if it is too late" to come back. It does not seem possible that a man could undergo a -physical change in a few months `While he is still` hale and hearty. A They say such a thing does __,-, ..-_-- ,,...... Hepicked up a letter which lay beside him `on the desk. It was ad- dressed in Merry s irregular Writ`- ing. There was nothing inside the envelope but a checkfor an amount in five gures. Wentworth ,r.rlanced at it,- then "tore it across. He" had sent the check to the actor without a word; it [represented the entire royalties on the House of Ester-, brook. ` The mail brought it back tto.hin1'.as it had gone. ` A small clock ticked out the time on` top of the desk. He remembered it was a Christmas gift from Merry. The ceaseless round of its second-hand fascinated hin1.l `KTL.-___,I'I 1 . .. -- VJIJUVVLIUCLI , The manuscript lay at his elbow. He read -it throug"h.o -Suddenly he realized that the stuff fell short, of what he could not decide. It lacked reality. He compared it wit}1 Mer- 'ry s drama. The story in that rose `up out of the paper, each character a living," breathing` man or` woman. This 'story_ was dead, . absolutely dead. He lifted` the sheetsvand de- liberately. tore them across, gritting his teeth while the paper_zippe'd, as a man does when he ,1s`v1n pain.` 1 _`r..~..:;1_-J ;,,, 1 .. -. - . '0 THE TA-NNERVI typewriter. ., , ,,____--_..__-- _- --- l....... . -He picked up a rubber band, twist- ed it about his ngers, then pulled it thin till it` suddenly snapped in` two. He shook himself as if a stren- uous effortlto wake up. For days he had been -evolving what seemed like a" virile plot for a play. He tramped the strrets to dohis thi_nk- ing and planned the scenario from beginning to end.. The night before he had locked himself in his office at the Gotham and in a frenzy of haste"shaped out each scene on. his rm... ..........-....-.."...L 1..-- -1. 1.3-4-11, , I oynzavnull UV _yuu. - _ . The W`ai'e1'ly Place house was per- fectly still. Enoch seated himself before the desk, cleared off the blot- ter, laid out a heap of eopypaper, lled the ink well and adjusted a newl pen. He leaned his head ;upon his] hand for a few minutes, and his liSt~l less eyes fell upon a calendar. He` discovered" that it bore the dates of AMarcht instead of April. He "tore o the record of the weeks which had passed and dropped it into the waste p basket. The pen rested listlessly be- tween` his fingers. When he tried a to _write with it the ink had dried; ` He did not dip it in the bottle again. - A trail of sleepless days and nights . lay behind hin1-he felt as if his ; brain had drowsed at its post. T 11'. __:,1__',1 ,,,, In - - l` unguwqcx Ina]. ' - . Business can be carried on with- out you, j was his daily ass_urance. `The House of Esterb_rook is good enough for `one season, perhaps `for more than one, and we" ought to look ahead. I am asked every day if you are writing another play. You ought to `strike while the iron is hot. The luck -we are having should bean in- spiration to you. . nu... nr-...`,,...1.. 131...... 1.-..-- ....... --..-. I I f Wcntworth locked dhidmself in the] library one Saturday morning. Os- Wald, witl1'qui_et insistence,_had -con- tinued the demand that. he break away, go home, and begin work on another play. .`nI-In:-daunozu nnis Isa` nnu..:p..1 A.L ...:LL I don t know yet, Emiline, what plans I can make. or what will be done with Robin; but I ll try to find some work for y_ou.` I L\I U `):1\du; s E .W11twort}1, ' she asked hesitatingly ef yo Ahear ob`er good place would .yo s send to mc`.? Jason, he knows where to n -me anytime." I She paused irresolutely. . You don want a nurse fo do little blind boy, I re ckon. I _se er bo1'n_ nurse. I like it! V . 111 1 '0. 1 . -rm DVUQL Cl. Illu- _ There was rose to go.- 'H'l.l'J;.! TI IlL)l\\3\-I ll 6 6 Yo 7 Emiline steal er fl , fm`\7?Vu}1:1" e ctllid she, get the letter? asked Dorcas. ' . ` 1117.9 1.9, ,, 1 I on ' 1 ` ` {Miss ' tvas: took` wid` dequeerestl t y ebber see arter `she done read it. She lay_.ba.ck en screeched en. laughed. She got clear hystericky. _ Den, all of er sudden, [she started to re questions at me bout little Julie Bourne en Mrs. Bourne, en where dey lived en Where dey come from. I didu t know nuin , butwhere dey lived. I Went up once to Harlem wid Mrs. Bourne to help her bring some stu` ob Miss Julie s to er. ? l1IT1,,,,, 1'1 1 1 .1 '1 .. nun CHAPTER XVIII- ,TheLIr'ony of Fate, Juzuunu kin search Tme, answered briskly. `FDat oma11{ ould murder er any 01 t ing. _ ` was a long silence. Emiliue n'n l ,,, -To remove glass stoppers.---when` the stopper of `a glass decanter it too V, ftigIit,V'-a cloth, wet with h_o,t' water and ~ -applied to the Vineckg. will,..ca1_1se*'_the ' lhigfztqfzeipatid-`and? th.`_.stoppr may; ov ' . When a Woman s voice from the lower hall answered, Enoch s face went pal'I"id white. f _ (Iv-.. .J:..--.. ..1.J 1..1..,.1- L-....1 T1........ " 7: l;)`lu(;b1acl'{ fool, I know my business. - Cabby, take -that `trunk uh as~I tell you to. ' Wentworth -_ could hear Jason ex- 1111* 1 1'.` ' _ * ' -" """ """_I.""'J ' ` ` ` Missy Dorcas ! rejaeated the W0- man with a contemptuous laugh." Get this out of your noddle straight away: I m not company Miss Dorcas is expecting. And here s a. bit of advice-lose your doddering old jaw, then announce me to your niaster.-s ,1 ",, , ,,_'LI, _ -__ _.__: -1- Ln...-.n cu VVUll.l;WU1.lall q,U1u1J_I.a1_y. V V . He turned to the woman. V who stood on the -stair. She `lifted her face and greeted him with a derisive laugh. . V - . {'1'}. kn AnnHnnnt`\ ALL. V(l/Ill DU IFQDDI . Yo ain t_;:ot no right_to' tote `dat trunk up dar without Marsc We`ntWortl1 s says so, cried the old lmegfro. I m gfwine to tell- him bout hit. - - I I Ullld W U]. lull UULIIU JICGL U DUAL CA" postulate again; Marse Enoch don?t know you_ re comin . Missy Dorcas am out .she ain t lgib `me no orders _ bout company. ll'Il" 'I\ I1! , J, 1 J,` , _,_- LIICII a/IIIIULILIUC Ill`; I/\J `V UCLA Enoch, with _a few quick steps. _reached the top of the stair and "leaned _over the ba11i_ste_rs._ The cab- man-tgl_aneed at his stern face, then dropped the trunk from his shoulder -and steadied it on. the edge of a step. ucu--- ..:...1. ......... ...... l\'I`l\ 77 .'.m'lm._ Mac. 113:1; "d..llU. ELUHIULCU lb U11. hut? GU55 UL ave!)- Stay rlght were youbare, order- ed Wentworth abruptly. `E - L.-......;'I 4- . [Jan 1|-vnvvnrnvl v- 1011!! VVCUVI He did not raise his head; in an_ apathy he was listening curiously to a_commotion in the lower part of the house. From a wrangle of voices in the hall rose the clear tones of T a woman. He jumped to his feet with consternation i11 his eyes and fiung_ the door open. j While he stood mo- tionless listening his forehead wrink- led -in perplexity. A eabm'an-was carrying a trunk, upstairs. It was so large that .it blocked the stair- way. A few steps below Jason tried in'vain to pass. i A av- ..:..n. ._..L --- _.:;.1.;. r-" .L..L.. wav. vuu J.lI.I."lll vufllu _|_JLa_yU.l bangs. ' God, A hc murmured, lf there Is any way for n1e to come "back- and beivin a me that :5 _ :3` -`[1 . n -. - - y . u . . u nu avian uuxuaa u1a.uucu'uuu as a thief. Still she had kept her word and. never again questioned the authorship of the play. Her accus- ation Ieft a welt which had not heal- ed. ' He knew she had spoken -the truth. He dropped his head upon his arms. -It was years since he had said a prayer. He had forgotten the form that -prayer takes. `H1.-.A 9 91... ................,1- u:.L- LL...... uvlullu He uttered the last word in an un- 'dertone-as if `some one were within hearing, There had been moments~-- especially in the dead of the night --when he had longed to lay bare his soul to a father confessor. The con- science which had slept for months awoke, and was raging. at him likea demona. He` sat` silent, going oven his life step by step from the day when he was confronted by tempta- tion and fell. Dorcas branded `him nu .. u..:..c can _1.- 1-3 L, A v come, .thoug'h--quick as seat, when your arteries harden, or something of that sort happens. T I m forty- two. V.A man isn t old at forty-two, andvyet-I feel old today. I sup-5 pose, he stared` steadily -at the face ' of the little clock as if it were a hu- manpcountenance, `-`I suppose this is par of the scheme they call` ret1;ib-_ ltition. . 5 T 1.: u. _. (To `be eonfinued) % 3-~.9:_3Q3BVB?TS.0N.F `_ _ er and aiser t A; F. A. Mal- eceive_ prompt. Oils Soothe % Skin Disease tons each, twenty-three were below The navy at the deatl1`o_f Queen Elizabeth numbered forty-two ves- sels only. None carried above forty guns; there were only two of 1,000 500 tons, some were of fty and-evenl twenty tons; The whole number of guns belonging to the eet then was 774. Horse Hides. . . . V Horse [Hair . . . . . . \Vool, unwashed . . Wool, washed . . . Lamb Skins" . . . . .. , aquurcn Beef Hides, green . .. Beef Hides, cured .. Tallow, . . . . . . . V . Sheep Skins. . . . . . . (`n H9 GL3..- JIICC unuxb. I TT l"I" `I |ca1`skins .... avv Wheat .. .. Barley . . . . . . . . . . Peas . . . . . . . . . . . Oa-ts ._ . . . . . . . . . . . I Buckwheat . . Rye .. .. Hay, per_ ton, new Flour, 3 western . . Family Flour, per fl Potatoes, per bag` .. Eggs, per doz. . . Butter, per lb . . . . Chickens, dressed . . Ducks .... ..'.. Turkeys . Mutton Lambs, each . . . . . hamb. per lb. . . . . ogs, live selects .. Sows, live .. . Butcl1er_Cattle_ . . . . nm1: MARKET (Corrected by Jos. Martin, H2 {E W square.) on I nu nr-nnn~n . . . . . . . . . . c Lamb, front, lb. . 18 19:- - 7 Lamb, hinds, lb. , . . . . . . . .23, 24a Onions, ., . . . . ..75c1` Onions, . . . .50c| Onions, . . ., . . .500 Parsley, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,5c Potatoes,bag'.. Pigs, young`, pair . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.00 "Pork, fronts . . . . . . . .` . . . .15-17c Pork, hinds.`. 20-25c Pumpkins, each. . . . . . . . . . 20-25c Radishes, bunch. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5c Squash . . ..- . . . . . . . . . . ,. .5-10c Sage;bunchs.... ....5c Summer savory, . bunch . . . . . . . .5c Tomatoes, green, basket .25-30c `Turnips . 3 for 5c - 2`_f.or 10_c Tu1'nips,_ba, ` . . . . .. .;. . 500. Thyme, bunch .. .. .. ....5o Vegetable marrow . . . . . . . . . . . .10c I Eggs four cents a piece was the leading item, on the market Satur- day, there were only two baskets which no doubt was one reason for the high price. Butter. sold slow at the price of last week, towards noon the stock on hand was largertlian usual, when a drop of five cents a pound was in order. Potatoes took an upward turn, selling at $2.00 a bag`, and in this connection it was current talk that one party sol(l pc- tatoes in an 8011 ) bag`. If thisis so, town" authorities should instruct the police to enforce the statute which places the weight of a bag of pota- f ties at 90 pounds.` In justice to the consumer $`2.00pota.toes calls for full xveiglit. Prices ruled as follows: Apples, bbl, Tolmvan, Sweets . . . .$'. . Apples, basket . . . . . . . .20, Butter, IT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35--10c Buttermilk, qt. '. . . . . . . . . .5c Beets, -bunch . . . L ., . . . . . . .5c V Beets, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c Cabbage, head . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 10c Chickens, spring, lb . . . ., . . . . . .18c Cream, coffee, pt.` . . . . . . . . . . 15c -Cream, whipping, pt. . . . . . ., 25c Carrots, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . .5c Carrots, basket . . . . . . . 25c Carrots, bag . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 Citrons,. . . . . . . . . . . . 1_0, 12:}, 15c Cauliower, head . . . . . . .5, 10, 15c Celery, stalk. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . .5-10c Duck,l'b . . . . .. .. 17c Eggs, doz. . . . . . . . . C. . . .45-48c Fowl, lb ...- . . . . ..15-17c Hay, ton . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . .$10-$12 Horse radish, bunch . . . . . . .t.5c Horse radish, prepared bottle .;. . . .. 1n 1K OE I I I l I IMARKET REPORTS LCCONKEY um