frnorocmu % or auuu; cut: lilllbtf l1'C(.f_.Ll'UIll [)UUl(.'l1ll. I have made 52 'home vislts to ex- plain _t.o'pa1'ents why medical, dental `treatment ,and'pers'onal lnysciene are so necessary for the development of- their . children`. Vlll`\.lL,lJu -' _ v . Reg'a1'd111_r those who have ped1cu- 10315, I inspect these "children very frequen`tl_v.` also 11m`c visited their .homes and explained to` parents the necessity of eli`minatin_2' this" con- dltlon. All are much cleaner while some are quite free from pediculi. T have nrnrln K9-Iinnvghrn ..:a:+- 4-A .... m_en.t. ' T`ll1`i`(5, cl1i1'drcn llave l).oen operated upon for tonsils `and :1:lex1oids:;'onef has been 1'e-tted with glasses while numy are still 1'eceivi112"(lcz1tal .t1'o'at- 10 .. -' '- uyuu.-u vvcuu QUMUUI. .I.IlS])t'(?lIl0I)S '-Jzf-E Cluldren with Throatv trouble . .. 13 ' " Skin trouble .. .. 1 Cari-ous teeth ;. 22 Pediculosis . .' . . . . 2 Reheved tooth-ache for fourtc-on 9! :c]1ild1'ex"1; did nii:'1o1' d1'ossinus for five. VIII ' AJUua1\.l. UL auuuuquuu, nu1'1'u:, UIIE. -G`eintlemen':--Re visits to the Pub- ' lie Schools of Barrie as school nurse _ I have made 1668 inspections re per- , sonal hygiene, enlarged or diseased tonsils,` adenoids, lenlarged -glands, repeated ear-`ache, difficulty in hear- T ing, inamed condition _ Ineinbrane of` the eye, ' granulated eye-lids, short-sightedness, unclean mouths, carious teeth,- unclean nger- nails, skin-trouble, unclean- hair and head, pediculosis, fever symptoms, anaemic condition, orthopaedic de- fects, chorea,_etc. ' - Central School. Inspections 710 West" Wa._rd_ School Inspectioiis'451 Children with Throat trouble 18 " Eye trouble . 1 Carious teeth .. . 23 V Pediculosis .. 1 0 East iWard School . Inspections 6.; Children with Tlnfoat trouble .. .. 3 ` Carious` teeth 6 dn..+1.. 'n'r.....1 cI..1.'--1 1- -- of. mucus ` Children` with Throat` trouble .. 17 ? Eye trouble .. .. 3 Skin trouble. . . .` 1 "k . Carious teeth... . 39 . * . _ * Enlarged -glands .. 2 , ' Pediculosis . 8 1 V I I ( :- I I I I 1 \.I11,1'lUllS ECCCH . . -_ . South Ward School Inspections '-L-14! hila-an n-{H1 Vrplnuvnd` 4...\..Ll.. Barrie, County of Simcoe, Ontario, November 16th, T1: ' A To the` Chairman and `Members of Board of Education, "Barrie, Ont. .,`,,n+],_,,,...,,~.'. P ...'.-.:J-,. J... u... n__1_ UB0 [(1 L U_ll.UCo . `On motion of `Trustees Rzoss and Malcomson, the Property and Sup- ply Committee were empowered to take the necessary steps to prepare tl1_e C\ei`1tra1 School grounds for a border of shrubs `and plants on the south and east sides of the building, `to befcompletedl next spring. " , in two good ps-...T... .... .. um uuv 1 LLllUllIul_- I u'u.UU|_:D. . In connection withothis motion,'it was shown that there is no provision in the building to take care of pupils who are taken till--an almost daily occurrence. ' ` A ,. n nu . .. - LILL- On motion of Trustees Malcomson and Ross, the Property and Supply` Committee will procure a_ couch for the Collegiate Institute, to be placed as the Principaldirects. ' Tn nI\IfIIr\l\lI`:r\\-\ 'vv:`L"L:~ --,-L2_,, uu. usuu. I On mOtion of Trustees Ross and Maleomson Trustee Channenl was placed on "the Committees of which the late W. C. Andrew was a mem- ber. T l'\ nun - --- Examinations ar being held for about one day-per month, with_ the object-of testing in each tsubjet of the curriculum -before" the Xmas`va- cation. 7 T ' nun` . -- - uuu auyuu _lU uxaut: UM: b.l.'1p. These games have been of consid- 7 eravble value i_n `promoti1_1g good-_fel- Igwship betweenthe schools, and in -broadening the pupils of each instis tution by showing them something of the methods of another school than theirv-own. ` 'I'.1__-.__,', ditions, the `special train jirun by the ath`etic clubs was well patronized, and about _75 made the trip. Thngn crnrnna hnxrn Ron n-9 an-r-33 REPORT or SCHOOL NURSIL >-E ER(L'Y E. ..McDONALD 157:1. BATTALIONI lnabl at? but . hug. `.|:l`}1lU|.'a|lll1LI- UL_ UIIIDIIILI5 lull}? work of the; shelter. ' _ &TheLa:ie A Mrs. Drurywas p1'esidei1f' of At'hTe La"dies-. Auxilliary and Mrs. `Cam- eron, 'sec.-treas., xfeported. on `the _ work Abf:_tbhe year in c_onn'ectio1'1_*wi'th V `the `co1lc_ti_o" ` ; f_ Tcloi;11j_i"ii`g:_. .th_e__' Fu`:a`i.W.. .' .' I.'..} Electric "Light Water Gas . . . . . . . . . . .. '._. Livery .~.'.r. .Photos.. . . . . . . . . . .. Repairs . . . . . . . . . T Agent $ expenses. , . . Caretaker . . `. . . . `. . . Drugs . . . . . Stamps and phone . . Balance in Bank Balanee in Cash .. . ...f u.LuL, .A.u_I.u, Luann 111 L, IIAUII I bank . . . . .. .*..-.'..$116 36 Co. Simone, re S. Lamothe . . , 32 57 County Simcoe, mainten.f1nce 67_1 4] W- D. Norgate . . . . . . . . . . .. 45 00 [Donations 2 00 Grant from Alliston . . . . . . - 50 00 _ The. Misses Gunn, Barrie L. 300 Mrs. Redditt, Blake `St.,;_.. 5 00 A1`1ursefriend..... .. 800 Geo. Ottaway ; . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Mrs. Wm. `Aird 10 00- Sfroud Women s Institute . . 1000 ! Maintenance and . 1 Z `T 7 T p lkdlllhdt '21: . visits were m'a(le' toAwm'ds,e and in doinszyso a, distance of 2200. miles was trzivelled. 172 letters were writ- ten to Wards and others, and-84 were received. ' . Ofee interviews number 76. Cit. - ies. towns and villages visited num- beri131. Several hundred miles of" the distaneetravelled were done on :1 bicycle, because funds were not on . hand to pay` travelling expenses. ' V`I`ina.ncial _Statement_ Receipts Mar. 1916. cash in Union $116. 36 `lil\Iar, 1916, cash in Union -1.....1- ' . - 1121112 94:! \ lllllll \ llo ` "12 com'p1ai11ts.of z_1b11se'o1*T11e_:leet;` 1ve1'_e reported. and all were investi- gratod, and when found true action was at once takbn with satisfactory 1'esu1ts. 5 A1,, .. ' - 1` . -i - IILUUIDDIJ II.) DIIC llclllllco -is -beg'i1111i11f_r to revive, and if" our io;ork`;reeeives the encouragment it deserves from County, Municipal a_nd Township Councils, we will be able to do it in a manner more. betting workso hig.>:hI_v iinportant. The fol 5 lowing; mzres which cover the foul months _-since my appointment, Mwi1l _ I `However, I am glad. to say mterest` give some idea of the labor involved, and perhaps, Sl1 :J,'St some needs not nielitionedf I have on ~n1_v visiting list 151 children ag'ed from 1 to 20 vears: 31 ofithese are with their par-lg entsf 12 are in the shelter, and 108 in I ` _f0Sl .Pl' homes. . '0 have made wards o`f'p9 child1*en,' Four Vwards l1:1\'0~l)0911 returned to`; the shelter. and 12 have been placed 1 out or replaced. ` 5 -TT',\ Iinvvn ..n.u......,'l `IQ ..-.--I."....L!.__-. \JLll.' (ll 1\flIl(l\.\.'\lo I `\Ve haxfe Ijecelved 18 appllcatxonra for chlldron. "T ' `.-tn ' 1 n s V . uuu mu__1. OI lot zlhmbury, pnce Thompson, Box -In `our Work. we have been. very badly lmndicapped by lack of pro'1)e1'- shelter -accommod,ation .a_11d funds, and these point to a more serious l1andicap-a lack of Whole`-hearted ` interest by the people; | . T1.-n xxxxxx 1- T t\u\\ .-..l...1 4... ,.....- Z..L..-.....x-I LA: I/\1l Tlate I L`. 4;. `.1. uulxs auu .Lu.1. uutxulu 1|/U53 . -`We have 108 children placed in `foster ho1iies-real homes where the best" 'p\ossibilities, , wrapped [up in - them are being: developed, thus in- suring the best citizenship. The `.\:a1ue'of this work cannot be over- estimated. It is patriotic, humane and Christian in the very l1ig:h_est sense. ' ` T T" A uJ\.u.L xnnauxouuxqlx >Wub as IUll.l_)Wb'Z In presenting: this, my first report, I`Wish first of. all to thank the So- ciety for the honor conferred on me in the appointxiient. I esteem your condence more than I can tell. The laibors and responsibilities connected with the oice are such that I have often doubted your wisdom,- and were] it not for the help of `the utniost value received from inembers of the Executive Committee and others I could-not have continued. I am es- pecially indebted to Dr. Little,` Mr. T. T. Young` and Mr. Donald Ross._ . `HT. 1...... 1:10 -L:1_1.,,; , u-5. 11t:5lClJbCu' cuuuutu. Sheriff Harvey, tl1ePresident loc- . cupied the chair, . Secretary T. .T; .Yo_ung read the. nancial report and I'nspector~W. J. Justice read his re-` port, Mrs; Drury and Mrs. Cameron reporting `for the Ladies Auxiliary-. Inspector's Report The portion of Mr. Justice's re- port `dealing with the work of the loeal institution was as follows: T ..-.-....--L:M._ n-:~ -..__ D, ,1 The annual meeting of the Child-I re'n s Aid Society was held in the Police 7 Court Chambers on Tuesday afternoon, attended by" those who are interested in the work of rescu- ing` neglected children. ` 'Ql-.._.1A& TT..A. '` ' " Cot-mtiy Ihtittition Continu- . _ing its Work Despite Lack . of .A`ccomm'odati6n ANNUAL MEETING? CHILDREN'S AID ; Expenditure Llake _St., ;_. . on 5 00 8 00 00 an.` 2-: wages i of Canada our Criterion.` to * $954 .22 7$591 90 58 50 759V T8 98 14s3 . 13 64 1004 12 07- 13 90 35 00 205. , 2 25 . 257 59 , __4 92 f$5*4 22 1, 71916. The Advance would a preciate be - ing advised of all casua ties to Ban rie boys and those of the surround- ing neighborhood; Relatives of sol-_ diers killed or wounded are asked to; communicate with this office to give, what particulafs are available: /i_x_1fca'$eT of death asketch.of.Lthe' life of `the deceased'reciate_d. .'Bhe:.;~A>dvance ;.;is_: always .g1a,d_. ,.t9x pub: T M. " xom .~EI;glaxi&1 :01` mg ; 'I'0.'1'HI: RELATIVES or", - , SOLDIERS IN ENGLAND E on AT THE. rnom uu. UGDG VUJ. Juugulculco f and Elizabeth Hayne, plaintiifs, de-- fendant, Catherine .M. McQuay, ex- ecutrix, of the estate of the late John Hodgins and Mary Ann Higginson and Elizabeth Hayne, administratrix of the estate of the-late Eleanor J. Hodgins. Plaintiffs own "a farm in_ e Sunnidale and are taking action over . an alleged breach of agreement con- cerning the keep of an infant. .NS u n ALL.l.l|I|lLl1.Y . - Creswicke vs. Dyment--Mrs. Mary E. F. Creswicke, c-.\'ecutrix of the es- tate of the late-A. Creswicke, plaintiff and `S. Dyxnent and Can- adian Oil Co.,' Ltd. and S. Dynient, liquidator of -the Canadian Oil Co., defendants. The ac- tion relates to the winding up of the A estate of the Oil. company by the late Mr." Creswicke. Plaintiff. [claims $3158.08 for costs, : fees and disburse- ments asgcounsel and solicitor and -interest on $3000 from 30th October tilldate of judgment. - ` - `Wnvnn 11!! naw' TIT... 'l'T_---- y..`.,., un quuuymu zuu umulleu. I Flynn," et al vs. Coburn-Tl1os.| Flynn and John D. C111111i11_9:l1a1n; ex- ecutors of the will of the late Ellen Coburn, are plaintiffs. VVilliam F. Coburn, deft. Case is one" of dis- pute i11-rent of farm. 7 Solicitors for both parties have consented. to ask judge to refer case to Mr. J. R. Cot- ,ter, local master, for trial. Murphy` vs. - Murphy-Patrick _- J. Murpl1y,Aa Vespra `farmer, claims damages t.o the amount-of $1691, for breech of agreement by the e.\'ec`utors of the Michael" Cronan estate, VV. Gwillimbury. ' I f`.-n-nan:-inbn -'.. 'l'\............a. -Ar \r W... U\l .,.... vcuuc U1 qauuuu.UU, paying` ` in cash 2000.00. Dei"endant claims theywowe $5321.11. . -A 3 Robbins vs, Tucker - Pl-ainti" uAThos. VV. Robbins, broker, Orillia and [defendant is James A. Tucker, mov- 'in{_-; picture man, also of Orillia, now `owner of Prine_ess theatre and for- merly the ,Auditorium located in the skating` rink; For the sum of $800, the plaintiff claims he purchas- ed a half interest in . the Princess ,theatre business. `The action is for breach of .contract on part of (left. in, dismantling: the auditoriuni. Dani- tage of $1000.00 are claimed. trlvrnvu - A4-' -1 - --- V "' \.vUVl7L qJLlUl.".tU._ -_ . _ Morrison and Hill vs. Thompson -AP`Iainti:'s,]\V'n1-. H. Morrison and Thos. - Hill, gexitlenlexl, p_1_n'chased `lots'to `the value of $6000.00, paying" Cash T)n`Fnnr1an`+ n1..'3.n.~ .;.,..u.. m w 1'ccu\`g:1' tms amount. _ Adams vs. Thompson--Plaintiff William `V. Adams, farmer, paid Thompson" $1200.-O0, he seeks to re- cover $1707.40. A ' ' 1m-....._.--__. -,,. `yo... -- cla: uuov-3 at C o -Shrubso1e.vs. B.ingham-M1-. J as. ` Shrubsole, Barrie, executor of the will of the late Mrs. Bessie Bingham, is plaintiff and Harold P. Bingham, defendant. The action arises out ofjthe will of the late` Mrs. Bingham, in which all her property was left to _l1e1_' son, Harold P. Bingham, an infant. - a - ` _, John James Thompson," Orillia,4 a real estate agent is defendant in `three actions, arising out. of land deals in, Edmonton. The plaintiffs claim in each ease the sales were ef-. ` fected through misrepresentationnl and gross exageration.` --- m` ` .r" I A -very7 heavy doc'ket, comprising ten cases, is entered for the non- jury. assizes, which opens in the Court House on Tuesday `of next week, befo1'e.Mr. Justice Clute. `The cases are: . 1-q1_ _._,-I .1 - - - Heavy Docket For Mr. O1ute:Next Week Vsuu, um. 11. -u. naymona. ` It is expected that the cbmmittee ofethe County Council appointed to report on V3. suitable building for a new shelter wl rcmm~+ n+ +1..` ..,....:..- Fug Dish --,,.... uu Va. auuuule ouualng I01 `new shelter W111 report at the commg `session of the County Council?" Viee-Pres.--Rev. Dr. McLeod. ` Sec.-Treas.-T. T. Young. ' I Inspector--W. J. Justice. ~ Executive-~A. J. Sarjeant, H. G. Robertson,; Dr. A. T. Little, D. Quin- lan, Rev. H. D. Raymond. T`. {Q nvnnni-o 4-kn4- 41.- .i.---~--JLL I I.-I"1'esident-`-S11e1'iff` W. M. Harvev. ed: uuau q7. uJ.UU H, lllUIlL!l. ,7 V Votes of `-thanks Were tendered In spector Justice for his Work during the year; to MissTeMcC1'acke11 for her faithful and painstaking work as matron; and (to the ladies for their `valuable services i11 connection with the Work of the shelter." T1... 4.=..n..-..:-.-. Vm - [t ed that the Matron s salarv "be 119t lless than $25.00 a month} VTAL..- -9 u___.L, ' 1' -... up vvuxn UL I/I16 5119117913 The following` officers were elect"- - V N ON -JU RY ASSIZES J stice Nov. 8` From headquarters of the Patriot-_ ic Fund at Ottawa has gone forth a. [call for a conference of the Patriotic Fund oeials for Simcoe County, to be held at Barrie on Tuesday of next week- The meeting` will be held in. the Police Court Chamber and will At this nieeting; the working of the Fund in this district will be discuss- ed and `an equitable basis of assist- ance to the families of soldiersear- . ranged; It is also likely the work- of the "Barrie Society will be consids e1'ablyf1i}_;'hte11e as it is now the Barrie oicers have claims to handle from Bond Head in the south as far nor_tl1 as W'aubaushene. It is `ex- pected that Sir Herbert while in town will address the County Coun- cil, then in session, in connection wi_tl1 the grant the Council will be asked to fmake at the coming session. (be attended by Sir Herbert Ames. I acres more. or anki barn, straw. uildings, ~ soil -of water, price` . Also pasture uth half of {at im}n~.'-.3" -~--- - ~ PATRIOTIC. FUND CONFERENCE IN IIIJ - N o timewas lost after the steamer docked in getting the men ashore T and into the waiting trains. These `trains are likened -by Canadian boys to street cars in comparison_ to the coaches in this country, nor are they verv [comfortable to travel in with eight .men_ to a _eompartment, but for speed they go like the wind." Along the road from boat to camp the women were much in evidence, lwaving thei_r hands and throwing `kisses at the speeding `soldiers. Witley camp. is about 35 miles from London. It is a distributing camp Where the battalions are broken up before going overseas. ` ; ull MU. The weathelyfor the first ve days- was fair and the sea calm `but the rest of the voyage was very rough, the boat rolling from side to side as a swing, with se'a-sickness much in order. Upon leaying Canadian wat- ers a wet? canteen was opened, beer being sold from 6.00 -to 8.00 p.` m. ' ....,.,. pan mm on me -voyage. I The `battalion sailed.` from Halia fax on Wednesday, Oct. 18th and ar- rived at Liverpool Saturday, Oct. 28. There were 1600 officers .and men aboard: the Simcoes and two com- panies of the 166th Bn. Q.O.R., To- ronto. T `_ _ ' . l . Monday mornings mail brought welcome 1ette1's'to Barrie from mem- bers of the 157thSimeoe Overseas Battalion in camp at \Vit1e_v, Eng. E-vei-"since the last message was re- ceived on landing in Halifaxbthe time has seemed long ere a letter written in England could reach Canada and Barrie. Two weeks and three days from the time the letters were pests ed till they were ixrthe hands of friends. . The letters, posted at the camp -bear date of October 29 a11d for the most part-told of the T119 hnffflinn ooilnzll -C`----~~~ 77-13 !(a Sunday included in the 3 days) $1.00 per Annum. The Simcoes So'onTBe in France MAIL FROM TTIE""~ ; 157m SIMCOES Welcome Woln-d F roxn Bey: Who `Left Simcoe County Recently for England 10 I1 12 13 14 15 we serve a cus- come here say such pure and before. ` e THE WEATHER 23 16 no (IV 27 nn 37 32 25' 31 Single copies `Sc . 'ied'toTearn tham s tried to serve" a llnn 4-`Iv-A . ._A . .$15.(/1.6" yter you -habvte 4 L you will know } overcoat. .~. Lneu to serve" We use the. e freeze mm is Perfect Ice i black ' yelvef; ' . . . .$16.50 $17.53 1`S . `. i`l.` v;indow's' for %pecia.I. ndy Worksgx Phone 305 collar vat. Are Yox Children T {J.Leamin to Save ' _"'J.'OW1 _W _o_r n A IB"1'A_}S. AND WIRACEX and the `Street Oiling V year 1916 are payable e`ber.22nq, 1916. The seeond insta " git of taxes tes for the the office rof the Treasurer on or be re_No.vem- f`A. W; SMIT 45947 ` 1530131: V4041 Oce Phone 163. Res. Phone 359 THE 7 male PLANING MILL % j 1 mos. ROGERS %No~;r1cEl 4:33 W easy, "yet ans are taking" brown, `With_ and the price; avn.4`-.1 4` All kinds of dressed lumber, floor: in, `ceiling, oak ooring, moulding and trim, B. C. shingles, gpugh lum- }rer`and jloisting "on" hind. Dres- sing and all orders- peceixfe prompt '_'attention. . d Barrie? Ont. Ciiltttttznznsg "1V1en_1_1.-%a.turda..y. Nov. 1$,_ 191l. I %A._LsL1E, . ;Munagr . Each matui-inig st count in the Union B _k of Canada, money wisely. ` Such valuable in" later life. _`.j`j with opportu_nities to live regular- ly, and training in ho to `expend in thrift and saving wi prove in- and daughter ` `should have a_.perso` 1 Savings Ac-i education ~ vol. 1;xv;-+1"o, A46.jThc_ni1pson Grew, Pub1isVher. 2.00. V J summons co vv uuu uua.s5a. 1! UK new 1Z.DU_ Muskrat, Marmot and Grey_ - Lamb in all sizes -~ vv luus uuuuuy DULS 00.00 [0 86.00. White Thibeb Sets s4.5otoe 310.00 _ . -V ` Tiger Cooney $4.50 to $7.50 Grey Cooney Sets $3.50 to `s5.oo , - T . _ White Lhassa Fox Sets $12.50" 'M'nalzv-nf. Mavvnnf nn llama" A`? A This season we hav 9. very complete showing of child- ren s fur sets. White Cooney Sets $3.50 to man. - CHILDREN Sf Jmnx JACKSON nuuuuaunn MAKER or PORTRAITS V Barrie Branli` .. .... nu _uL 1115' . impossible t'o e'death of his 2 was 9. result of; churning, and V t they are so: use and effect t` declare} ; tha' A . .: . . 111" --- A` Furriers _ E8SI11'e1` I , mu_uu-can -naraly` be `over-estimat_(1.v .The . rugby and -basketball [clubs had. at very successful day wh,enV-itfle _-ggllingwood [teams `came Vtov-A_ egb 11 U\ `D_urfng the past rhonth, the rega; ~1ar work of the school. has proceed-L" led without interruption except A_ for the temporaryvabscnce of one teach- cr-_-which absence .was due to be- reavement. " Her classes were taken v by a qualified suibs'.}itute i teacher from `Toronto. _" >_ .i (\.-L..3 J - , 0 1 Ttl. 11: u-v uuxcc pal uuub. Principal Henry s monthly 1'eporl: of B.C.I.V work was as follows: A V V Barrie, NOV>'. 1_0, 1916 The number enrolled a_$ tl1e*=B.C.I. is practically unchanged during the past month; Following are the g- ures for October: ' ` T Lb.I{l1L1CDo ' A jcircular letter from the _head- quarters of the Penny Bank noted the factvthat $300,000 of the child-d ren s funds were now inthe hands of the government drawing interest Iat threevper cent.` ' ' ; D..:....:....1 T:r....-...9_ ..-....z.LI-- MW, in k brown with _` ,3 W24, 25,. 26, nu;__. Dr. .Richardson; in "the absence of Trustee Love,-o1'eported for tl1e'Man- agement Committee that lette_rs of condolence be -forwardecl in the name of the Board to Miss O. M. Burns, -of the Collegiate staff, and Miss Longman and Miss Livingrstolie ofithe Public School staff, onthe de`aths.of-relatives in each of their'_ families. e A V 0 u - \. uunn um :|;uUUoUUu ' Chairman Frawley from `the BC. I. building committee reconlmended payment of `accounts an1ounting`to_ $1624.79, . ` ' ' ' Tlhe FinancetReport,-rea d by Choir- man McAdam, noted receipts since last7meeti'ng of $4566.25; salary payments amounted to.'8-33098.30, ac- counts $265.35. T (`1L..:..........' `m_._ _-_1___ L-,,, -1 nn - Judge Wis`mer,' in connection_ with the work of'the_school nurse, sug- gested that dental supervision might be tried, the local dentists being en-T gaged monthly_ in rotation. .The plandid not seem to meet` with the full" approval of the members. No _provision having been made in the -estimates, the matter was allowed to drop. ` 111- .. . - - .-_ "e.:7T1;d`g:r`emY5Visn1er commended the re- port presentediby the school nurse, observing that in Miss Somerville the Board had a very etient o`ie- ial, but `if her reports were not fol- lowed up the work would be of -no avail. Chairman King in reply to the enquiry [stated that- the nurse` visited the hp1nes-- of children when it was necessary- to - give` instructions inthealth matters _and in cases where medieal aid was necessary, the ser- vicesdof a- medical` man were advis-` ed. 1 11'?` _ ehsentees were the two hunting. member'sf'of the Board, Dr. Wallwin` and P. Lo_ve._ AMr. H`. C. Channen, the newly elected trustee was present and was welcomed to the Board. `- - e ' ' 11..- uuu uuuclaa cluullcu U1, 01:. T-_ Eiciency of officers, good; general appearance and physique `of `rank and le, very good; arms -and stores, in good conditions; weekly practice; (no service rie practice; latest-instruction books used by of- ficers; physical training good; skir-_ mishing, very` fair; company eld training, fair ;_ ceremonial, good-; mus- `ketry exercise, good; musketry and judging distance, satisfactory scores _ made, well `instructed. A smart - cadetecorps, officers and*`N. C. 0. well up in their ,work. ' 'n'- nu 4.511; any At the time of inspection there were on parade ve oicers and 64 N. C. 0. s and cadets ; one officer ab- sent on leave, ve N. C.'O. sn and cadets absent on leave, nine Without leave. A total strength of oicers and cadets enrolled of 84. Irm..:........ .12 ..a:......- ...--:I- `..-..-_-1 T The regular" meeting of the Boarci of Education Monday evening was not characterized by any special leg- islation, the principal item before the Board [being the report of the oicial` inspection of the Cadet Corps last April; ' ` A4. 41... ;:..`... -4: :.........-;:-.- n_-.__.. Report.of Animgl lnsjiection ' of Cadet Corps Laid Be-" ' , 7 fore Sch_ol Board t to make every - that` lack of or[ .his 5 house- his barnyard d_eaths - in his . {I-nnnaaikl - LL '` B.c.1. HA3 smm % CADET coups 2i .15. .22 Boys - 7 V 13? ICU ' Girls Total gate 3 15 300 11 132 6231 19 . 34 672 7- 29 ; 531 26 :, 33 ; 636 _27J 30 - 557 O A1` fl 26 .13 3? ' Aggre-' Aver- ] nan!-.-. -.-. n... .4,E9 van! 1 748 .5- 14.2 29.7 32 27:6 : 30.3 26.5 39.1 15!!` -'-` `:`B . 00. PHOTOGRAPH ' I Severalzenquiries have been made .118 at this -qice as to where photo- he _.t__he 'Barrie._ompany- of the " ` ` 1:9` -`secured; .Fpr.Lth6spj_Awh_. 0 a. _Vo,d4e.,..n _ Intexests of Bame, -the county of.S1mcoe and the Dom1mon - V1 IUII IE BDIL UCIIIIG IIIBUI. llllllllhl My nishers." in Toronto have been _very_ busy with work that had `to be rushed and theordcr for the large photograph "has T been in their hands for; at least. two weeks. . With regard to the `smaller photos, which as _`you may know areto be sent out 7 to each man of the battalion, -may I-say that I am only waiting for the corrected nominal roll` _ to be sent from overseas. ' " xrr _-,__L _-_..._L __..' _.-L-._ LL- .L.....l- Llwi `,l]"1;:;_B:::1B1;1ot say" when the work wjl_1A be completed. ` r-nu-"nay-r -r1 1ur_1'\r\x1' A1 n LIIVIJI 7 III` I . Hamilton, Nov.i11,`1916 It is my intention- to .deliver free `of all charge one of these large photos to your County Council. The same will be_ framed `ready .to "hang with _a suitable inscription. . _. The Advance `liosibeexi correspond- mg with the photographer` who took the large picture `of the 157thbattal- ionrto learn if the picture would be ready for presentation to the County Council at the coming session next week. 4TheAfo1lowing`reply, has been received: " . 'r'f'- nu. `qr -1- ~-A-n ;. ..'.,$1.25 VI'.ROOAT`S-- ., $7., $5..