Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Oct 1916, p. 8

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; An 110111` and a-half suiced to_de-. cid_e .upon the` advisability of adding -j the 135 names to the M.F._-eoli1/mu of Barri_e s voters list'. -At the close of- the ' court some ve names names. were left oif as bein g under a'ge._ Judge `Vance .pres.ided..{;Do1,1ald , _ ossv represented _V (the'.ipe`op`le ~xand ."Toi\y_ne.vClerl;` "S1;1iji5,_h'-_'the"'ji;pwn;V " Oct. 11 13 14 15 16 11- , ,.,_-._ .------ -V--vuuxuu ILLIILFV. ' - 4,Sho p conm1ittee ' this Week'M1's.' Little, Mrs. Ma_cLaren._ Next Week Miss Lawrence, Mrs. Moore.- ' Sa[t71;1'da:_\',' October ,28t1:1, Al `Chu-rches Twill[ T V have andv the followiiur week T] .C_hurcl1 and Salvation Army. Qlun`-n -....'..--:LL-- A1 ' V , ,__ _l__i.., >.;.4;uv\,\l.>q ;u palla aUL'h.3- The, Co11greg,ratiQ11a'l [and Reform Churches had eI_1argeA of the shop. Saturda_v, `October 2131:. Net 1`eccipAtsV $4200.. . ` ' Donation _of seWin'}_v`-I1111is`1 and Essa vSew1n;r Cxrcle, 12 palrs p_\_'jam- as, one` quilt knitted, 15 hairs socks. rm... n---;-.--.i.- 2 - ~ - uuuual. xuucuug, U(fEOD01' ith." ` Donations, Saturday October 21st --Minesin_9; Station 2 baskets apnles. 3 loaves bread, 1 jar jel.I_v._ 2 lbs. but- ter, 1 jar -f1'vuit,e1 basket beets. 1 basket carrots-, 1 (102. eggs, biscuits. cash `$1.00; Ktioek 1 lb butter, 2 has- kets erabeapples, cash $1.50; 9th I1`1- _ nisl, cash $1.50; 8th Innisfil, 1 pt". cream. [ T - viva. uuuuzabca EMU. 15 HUELUU. Wlllle burners age being used- for ` .Ll.Il.\'-.L. all: IIUVV (1118. "The thanks of, Barrie B1'a11c?'}1eare extended to `e`_The'Soldiers Aid for-tlle _1'0f1`:0S}1I]'1ClltS`SC`{'VC(1 after the annual n1eeting', October 18th. nnh0+;n11o Qn#..-.1.--- 1-` `V f\- nut J.|`C\l \J1'UD' v " Barrie B1'anc}1 wi.sl1es to thank the Banquet M Cormnittce for` the V ballqilct to `the 157th Batalion, for the gell- orous donatioll of cotton for sht-ts. I i\f(`h)]1n`l'Q]11'n ~Pn.-'m" J-`-~-- 44- - ' \.nuua uuui.tL1UIl 01 CO1'1`0n I01 sheets. " .\Ion1bo1'sl1ip fees for the year- 1916-17 are now due. "T`l.n +`l.....l-,. -4`: `n - Y` ' - Again Watching Gaieless; Drivers T............ The 1'eg'111a1' meeting Aof Baie Branch, -C.R.C.S. [will be held on Monday.` -Novcn1ber 6th_ at 4pp.m`., in the Red Cross Rooms. - p.,,...:,\ D-.-.4-1. _,,3, '18 19` .20" 21 22 - .23 24. i F I NOTES : 5: QEHE? RED GROSS Boys Qvercoat isTthe*be`st,'t';1e value 1 These Merifs (T);re1V`cAoats fancy Tweed. The black or sizes. - VVorLh much moteethe Lowest Highest`: Rain ' Sncv 25 an - V _---n -mug: yum; LUIS Monday the bakers ' faised . the price `of bread another two cents. makmg the large loaf 16. cents._ There is a'moven1ent among the vvmilkmento .ta_ck_ another two cents 1a quart to milk, but the increase. 7 not being Zunan_imous, `is still hang: ing re. THI} WEATHE; ` V . -- ___.- vo `F639. _ ' - Tweed and `Venetian Cloth Skirts. -in god a great saving. . . . . - (coon J n o o o o co} u n u o n o 0` 30 37 47 38 34 35 41 `. 5'i 35 49 29 '46 35 nA' Women's .52 53 0 67 0.06 . - 52 -0.18 0 -- 45 0.25 0.030 W. H. _BUTTERY V 49 . 1.02 - 56 ' 0.71 - 45 0.04: - AA 31F3R3AsEn Boots at Ca1'ey s for $2.59 air.-_ . Bread Large` Loaf` 16c 'I,f....:l, " M`en sHeav$r Tan or BlFWork 0.63 0.5 Ii, Allaxldale 9 charge eel: T Baptisf '1\n117 _; la uCd.uLll Overcoats, in : unsurpassed, and prices vercoats are. an-over purchgse from last season, in black and ones are fast dye, tri __med with -velvet collar, and in all m()rP'Tl'1IA liver \. I \9-In rs-:r-A l"~ ' --_` - -.--- up; R_ev. Herman Moore, Pastor` . Sunday, October 29th 11 a.m.-Mornin9: service.. '7 _p.m.-:-Melglorial V .sTer.vice Pt_es. Morley Thozr;as,and Chas. R inson, "Who were.k1lle_d in: action. ` S_undayy ;Shioo1,at_g_3' p.m._ ;; foi ob- 1} _ _-._-7 -v-vullililllil - `II. 1 Pastor Rev. G. R'.`Turk, : I ` Sund,3Y, October 29th . H Morning Service 11 o clock; Evening Service 7'o clock. T Sunday School _will be held at 3 pm J - ` I T ' Good Music. All welcome, Come and bring ar/friend; ' v I \. Skirts E (Regularly $3.50 arid $4.00) ,, - ....-/way mun - IJUCUUJU .The foundation is in for 2; new brick-building at the rear of H. H! Otton s hardware store; [The build-` ing which will be 52 feet long by. 16 :feet in width will be used as a store house, ,stable and garage. It will be ~ :1. separate` bu__ilding from the lstore. ..uu.uuLc_uu U1. Ull: Wednesday, 8 Service. '[)___ 1'! -l\ an . Sunday, Oct oberA29th ~ NINETEENTH SUNDAY AI'TER' - " TRINITY 8.30 a.m.-`-Ho1yi Communion. 11.00 a.m.--Mo'1'ningi prayer` and 'sermon. Beginning a series on the epistle to the Romans;-.-`I`The Writ-T : er and'the , People to Whom He Writes/ _ - V . 3 p.m.--Sunday School-. .. ` ' :- `7.00 Vp.m.-Evening prayer and?` sermon.-Jesus the Prophet of `Nazareth of Galilee. ' ' I `xrl\A'I'|l\r\1JA\Cv 0 `v I V V -.._ ' CULHAM-`-.-In Ba1'1'ie, M on `Tuesday, October 24th, 1916, Addie, widow: of the late Charles E, iCu,lham.l Funeral` on Friday, at 2 p.m., from ! `the residence of- Mr. Chas. A. M Shepard, Mary `street ,to the Un_- ion cemetery. MUU.ttJ.+J--1n Barrie, one Sunday. October, 22nd, .1916, Michael 9 `Moore, in the 75th year of his age. ,1 HUGrGARD-.-At ' '79 -VIVZIXL. _ ,,,, _ BORN . V HUNTER--On August 31st at VVin- nipeg, to Mr. and Mrs. `Ray Hun- ter, a=daugl1ter. ' u ' .,_..uuu up ua L Lt:1'_'y' . Prisone1's_are pouring in. So far, 3,500, including" about one hun- drea oicers, jhave been counted. The quantlty of materlal captured cannot yet be estimated. Our 1055- es were small. On the right of the fort our "line! runs to the _north .ot"La Caillette 'W'ood, along` the Western outskirts of: the village of Vaux and the eastern; border of.Fumin Wood, and. contin-, ues north of Chenois wood and the Damloup battery. -` . , up,.;,,..m., ...... .__.__.:- - `~ New Garag ai1d.stabl A .m1__ 1I_,,,, _,___H mm. . 1 "On the Ve1'(hm front, dfter .in-' ` tense 1 arf.'ilIc-1'y-preparation," an `at- tack on the right bank ofvthe Meusehi was launched at 11.40 o clock in thel =n1ormng. The enemy hne,` att_acked-3 on a front of seven kilometers: (4: 1-3 1m_-les)`, was broken` tIx1'ou_g'l1l _ eve1'ywh91'e to a depth which at the centxtattained a di:~:ta-nee of three ' Kllomcters (nearly two 1111193). The \iI1ag'e and fort of Dbuau- I ]l101lt. 31'!) ill 0111` hands. I To the left. our troops, advanc- mr_:hbeyond the Thiaumont Work and farm, 1'ushed the 1:3.ud1'0m0nt quar-' > `A rles, ' and establlshed. ,t}.le1I1SlV6S-lg- a1011g"theh.1'oAad fr<')n1 Bras to Douau- ti mont. ` I I l`\ I i This isheadquarixrs for Boys ? Wear, OvPrrhafe in ITleq-..... .....4 U..- '._- :- Paris , October 24.?-T<')V-nig'ht s cial reports says : Ami`; `V [UGGARD-.-At his late residence,| 73 `Tiin street, on Monday, Oct- .ober 23rd, 19l6,.Jos,- Huggard, in his 88th year. ` rvu--r-.-_ IFRENGE VICTORY ...-.... aux. nu..JI. uyb, Ll than` lxst year's price `his fdr Boys ?! and the big demand is here for wercoats, Ulsters and RCCEIS in very nobby styles. The make :1, and to suit all, from - - - : - - - - - '- -' - - - -$5 [00 to $15 00 ).v Raymohd, Vicar. DIED -E1ectric starter put or`1.FoI"dM'carsV `by T- R. Huxtable for $100 extra and guaranteed to give better satis- faction than any- make of starter` used on other cars thatcomein com- petition with the Ford. A. p.m.-Intercessjon _cha that h AT T VERDUN style and weight,jfor winter wear, at 11515 urns %S2arjant King. I `Page A6`-County Ltiogl of Robb .let' [at the; front--_--Ba -- vuvoxall. uu1c1al--Ueath of Brad- ford lady-.-Memorial service at St. Paul s Inn.isl--Satu.rday markets-.-- Barrie '25 years ago--Weekly "cal- endar. - .` - ' . Page 2-`-The editoriel view-p ---Sergt..Robb s letter. `ior Rugby teams play,_ Saturday, October 28th, 'team'will play with Barrie V _ __---vuv wyvivu DJGII `Conllingwood C... I. s, uay ' V . ior and _jun- seniors and juniors, in Collingwood C. I. Gir1?s at school same day. ' WHERE TO I V A . iPhone 653 ' 14 Mulcter St. Real Estate is Eooming in Bar- irie. -Now is ffahe time to dis- ;pose of propertj-.v~ I1have a list of splendid proggrties for sale,\ also alist of cliiefgts looking for locations. I -d'fli in REAL Have farms `for ;-Houses to fent. 80 Dunlop St. ram ESTATE Saturday Candy Speciflr-g.` `H The OLYMPIA. Candy Works l\._ -1 ' Wehave always tried: , praise. We have always t `tile best ice cream. [richest ingredients, we Carefully, the result is fcrearh. T _ Saturday Candy 'S1$.'_cia [Keep your eye onkour Wi:i1;r*hu _ _.._, vu-- --_y wfylali Keep your eye on our win 0ws for` Saturday Specia g v.zuAAu(lr_,' cvcuu1_.\.',' .u, memorlal `S01 - vlce w1ll beheld 111 Central `Metho- d1_st Church 121 memory of -two mem- 'bers of the congregatioli whd have `fallen in battle: Morley Thomas,and Charles Robinson. The pastor, Rev. Moore will conducttlle service. collegiate Sports Satwday .1 l"'.n'I'Hn.-..........J n" T -in-7 ["Appears every time V` tomer. People that that they never had ' '9-well made ice cream be >.c.HowRD Contengzs of Pages 2, 3, 6, 7 ;AY, 6Ci'oB?:R 26th, 1916- 6-County news-Continua-; . letter-DisinIectan'ts frOY'If'::.Rn1v1r--:n LA-* " V" -Ivy fair. prize list_--S`eriai `he_ Lapse 91: 3 Enoch ` Went- 'empti% Dish Au u no; --u1a1u1.8(3E8!1lS -Barr1e honor. roll -I5ict{'_ e f.1_'am`in\`-H .W. A. Lo 0 & Son. ' R. V. Animal Mgting VH1... _------ ` Limited Fair prize list-Vi- -Death of Brad- 9] Ql)`lvt7:nn A-1 9'1 nu: Nnwg E serve aV cus- mg here say h pure and Phone 305 > earn that yd to serve `a nun 1-Inn yu. uv 061 V6 Q use the gaze them Earfect; Ice. v; sell '-poi`1'1t . Thiv is Afhe 815th day- cWo' ya1's band 85 da-_vs-since the British VEm_- pire. dcclarc -d war `wit11 Gc1'many. Shipped _to_ Montreal ;Vote1fs L it (`putt BARRIE PLAN mos. RO< :ATUI.{`DA_Y, Nm `rie boxs and tllow we "diets killed 01` \\'mml _ The Advance \\ mll:l -mg advised of all vat! ing neighborlmoll. -l.`.~ communi.e:1te \\'ill\.` in case of death :1 5k give What partiul:u-< of the deceased will The Advance is :11\'.':1._\'l `7iish letters from l'f::; Wm??- igxckl COLLI [G `TO THE RBLAEIVEE ~~ SOLDIERS IN E on AT 4.Served in Red ( `ro.-s` m Come in and help <>u1`d_ '0ce Phone 153. A11--kinds of .1,-M-1 -`in, ceiling, oak llinul" and trim, B. C. shin: ber and joisting .m; 4 sing and all (m,l(-1j.~ \ attention. ` Return Rugby ur st_($cl.: of liq`11o1'sTloc1'&:'ed in p lice .head.quarters was shipped Montreal on Friday of last week. I Tra.i1Llea.\'os l .:u;ri}.- I .ia.ltrz1in lean`-s ('l>I1iHg` Return Fare. $1.40, S0.LD1ERi Evr_b0d_v }_5() 1v (1 the Oollegiutc .\'[)()1'I.\. ';"FIF``5iFi`?-7.! 5~ A. LESLIE, -giinnguusua Lunch for S1l[ll:'tI:\_\`. `L '. Deposit tln 441.. band now---_\'mz L;; -count with :m_\" 4:; _d_olIar---and I {'11 . . I fbrmer. Though y will no douh expenses-an Xatter more th .\'0\x :a'Reserve I-`um Department ox` :1 Ar! !'H\'l\TA'nA it. ,,,,U _- _-~ The annual 111eeti11;r[ of the Barrio` Curling: Club will bie-held at th_e.'1'ink_ on Friday evening of this, _v.'cek. [ The War` V 5;-"e;4ma);;` L3 When '| Yo? i Do t 58% VOL. LXV. THO Auspices B. `(A`. I`\\{ Barrie `the better class . Sole Agent {Ar t Special \'a1uc~1 Sable} I Crsia:: Special ' ordr?r_< nu: WEEK IN} BARRIE | 1' _.___-_-k-._-._-_-._______. Fur Repaifirtg ml` SIMMONS J. FRANK 3| V. nu. THOMPSON C Bors'ali:'m MAKEX1 PORTR u1ar.att~ B11r`,1'i(5 1 Fprriarl -`THE J Pidures Lxmed Ha _Ba1`-rie.Gurlin Club J swrrcgms Save your combings a have a Switch made "out of your `wri hair [by Mrs. D. C. Howard. 1" V Blake A T" ` _6_-tf_ Street. } 'The,annua1 meeting of the_ Child- ren s Aid Society will` be held iyl the Police Court -Chambers on Tuesday evening, " November - 14th, .at 8 `o clo_ck. [A- good attendance is re- 7 quested. "SHERIFF" HARVEY,` ' President` 4 '1` VI` jvnrmra -u v-avg-I The annual "meeting oof Barrie "Horticultural and Town `Improve- ment Society-will be held in the "Pe- .lice "Court Chambers on Tuesday evening, . November 7th, at 8 p.m..7 [to receive reports `and elect oieersr for the coming year.` All members are asked to-attend," ' Brik residende on Bayeld _St., 9 rooms23z}nd_ bath; V eyztry co,n4venience',-oglg cm `with oreliardi G.o.3* I . ge'~ges ` VWI+.J.'F6'wler,45 Bur1'ie -`- 1 ` STRAYED---From' lot :39, con. 1,; Vannrn -an A.-;... 011.1. _ `-'_1_:4_ .,, p` R,ENT,; rodmg ~ Rana'e.- for m'1lA:" `glen 1LT..+;~......1 -.....-., .,., ua1'1'1e Lrom Quebec` "city. Mr. Upham left on Monday for-To- `ronto-.. It will `be some t_ime' yet be- fore" Mrs." Unham lemma +mm~ CHILDREN'S "AID Av ` >nu1xJ1J1_)--`1"rom' lolte .'j9,_ 1,_` Vespra, on Aug.` 2 a `white sow, 13 months old.,. ' _ A'V [ same A will be thank ty received . by Geo.`Binnie,. Craig st. 42-44p` KIIIA A ' Ave. ..u yum 4. u LQIJJLV 1, I'0Q_ln_5;_ " -ltoyal R3389.` 91`; A As9.le,'_':a18.0\ -`.f,Natibnal 4 -03.1: H.et_tte1_'.* 1` Apply" ' -138, Maple `Ave. ' T '21.q;4.~'; W1. `UV SUHIC Upham leaves town. ~ NOTIG; one by experienc- Kwe 6:` Sons. `at Dougill Bios. M xuuoU'.- 1E `fore Mrs. specialty by >c14:'e_d in po- to n 2-` xuvn.-J- u ,' Secretary :...-.__-_--.__. , _ fwere used at one time as. a market . . fashioned -wood stove; `it has an im- uuc :._u.u.1a|:U was not a success. - Here is what the-reporter saw; Landingin _the cellar aeorridor runs through the centre. of the;-,.b_uilding with walls of brick containing doors at[interva'ls;'tl;ese room_s we are told stalls._ At` the-, end of the corridor is an aair of brick, at the bottom . is an iron door like unto the `old ` me1ise'handle`a,t-tached, this doo'ris- "probably 14x16 inches. a Open this door and` the interior discloses a fur- _ nace which burns- wood, V-removing the ashes. lying at the. door an open-l 5 ing is- `discovered which is used for giving draft to the _re, said draft "is on a level with the bottom "of the ] furnace, therefore -_'it_ will ' be seen 1 that after a few hours burning` the .4 draftwill be nretfv lmlv nlnanjl ..m .. Auuluw V . ,, ` . 43'-45. --j.-- The prolonged `discussion at the _ town council over the installation of a new furnace in the town hall,.led The Advance maneto make_ a visit to the lower_-regions of the building in order .to see at rst hand" the condi- tion of the famous furnace. It,was .some inspection and some sight in comparison-~with heating plants a of these. days; And some members of v Council will say the furnaces of 30. years ago is still capable of `-heating ` the building. -From good authority we learn that even thirty yearsago the furnace was not Here 1': uy1m+ +1..-s---L-~ - (`KIWI escaped _ hein Kenneth LLUIILLUIIII W0_ _ _ 4 John enlisted `with the 4 at Edmonton. in _ _ A was wounded last, so thls makes the sec 'h1s name nnnpn-re H... .,.... 1111080 9th Batt. May, 1915, and had g on` the casualty list. in April 0nd- time` VA dbublesorrow Vame to `Mrs, A. Warner, Penetang Street, when `tele-- grams were rece1v-ed \announc'1ng that her eldest" son `John had beenkilled and Kenneth wounded.` - ` ; "_Tn1\n ns.I..I....Il.'__2L1 .1 ....- --" -.. _.._......,y. vauvn D6115 - 1 Th `new maager `of the Barrie bran_ch of the Union Bank, Mr". A. Leshe,` arrived in town on Monday and`is now:in charge. Leslie" comes to Barrie from Quebec` "city.- Upham left on Mnnuxy 43... . fl`- JOHN WARNER "T? T his \Jll1C.I.. .u..;.r 101' me enorts put t'or'th. to restore the lost fob. At the time the. fob was lost the -young man was returning "friom a trip to Penetang. [Chief Kin1_v"l1ad.a khaki visitor on Sunda_\j last which reca,1led`a matter that came to him` in the usual round` of police work t'e'o`.\'ea1's.a;:o.- At the time-en_t:'inee1' R.eF.i1'man report-1 ed to the Chief -the` Il(iil_1_ ,' in A-.lla1_1- dale of a Watch fob bearing` the in- scription that-the fob had -been `pre- sented to a- b11_2'le(`1'Aof' the Queen s O\\`n Ries. The matter Was` taken . I , ___-- _v -aA|ArL|L\ VJIIVJ. up with,` the commander",of the To- ronto 1'ey._;in1ent and _turned over to the re,r_,rimenta1 'se1'_g`t.-niajor, who in- fo1'med_Chiet' Kin__v: that the soldier was located in: iE to -which city the fob was sent. The soldier- r I I who` lost the fob 2 years ago is now 7 at Camp Borden with his-Bn., and ' before leaving_.' camp called to thank - Chief Kin$.r for the efforts put forth. restore Hm In:+ Pal. A4 41.- A.:..-.- c'a1`1ec11 To "Thank "Chief '- (- -rv- ,, _._..-- _ vo ovvvbhdv JJLJVLSLS The adjourned case b1'ou_1'ht by the Maxwell- brothers against Pte. D. f Kinnie, a1'iSi11;: out of the acei_denf. `on the town line on the 15th of Oct- . ober, was Asettled on F1-ida.y`o{jlast week wh,en;rthe`P. M. ned the sol- dier $2.00 and costs. The `result of the COUISIOII _ between: the pr1vate s. ante and [the 1i\'ery rig driven by the Ma.\'We]l- s was the `fatal iI1jli1`_V' ' to a horse fr_on1 Irwin s livery. A A settlement [for the'loss of the horse is .being" a1'1'anu'ed-between the par- ties. ties; 3 _ Carey s_ 'ha.\ chaise of over Rubbers. j store. re- ceives about '$5,0 00 Worth ofthis big` b_uy.f. -These a1 the bestrubbers obtainable, such b1 Cross, ;Maple Leaf, etc. _ Carey o`c-r: th be1's to the public at `ices otlxer stores have -to pay the; `elves for the same quality. of"1'ubb `._ Rub- bers from 35093.` pair up at arey. s. iinion, Miner _f1'e.h rub- ds asl Maltese , i_ `Quiet -l.iv `Friday, i" evening 7 Linden` , Horne returned to his home on ;fur-' ' lough from the front- About a year ~ Hill 60 engagment. .In this glif Linden was caught in` the concussion, _.__.._._ :v--v 1`:-any _ ' ago he left `Kingston With=ani artil- lery corps. In _June- last-his battal-, ion Was oneof those eeilgaged in the following the explosion of a big shell ~ a `broken `slioulder being the resiilti While in an English'hospital`pl_eurisy.A developed._ Now he is home "for six months "to ifecuperate. - i ' _R1_1bbers.!V Rub`pe;'S ! Rubber! New `Manager Bank TL; `c----- ---`L " ----... .-nwnuo VH5 UUUJ ingiine appears this year. T1tyito}*a{n n-ppe`r_-_roon1 '-`of -a"-b`_u_1ldmg up clueswhich look good fore) pok- their visit. Tuesday morninginhthe police court the tenant of the rooms may emnange.e1s:eo`:1i;e[mg and P.,C;. La,x1;_hiej:pa_it1 i13_`oicial vis- -`oh Owen ` Strf " `and " thefe "71`iic 1(e'd. _7er outt." _ Four or `ve _v1s1tors . were present when the police `made Ipleaded guilty [to conducting Va. com- M mon. gambling house and was ned 1` $20.00, andeosts. ' _ ` . . N , lb` JJJ-V KILLED IN Ac,TioN L nair nn 5:} : It is. with regret the people of Bar- -riej lealtggd of the severe illness of REY. M D12: McLeod upon his .arrival_ from /Toronto last Friday, from `at-_. tendance at the Presbyjcerian Convo- cation. .While. the Dr.` Is," being kept_ `absolutely `quiet there is*n_o uneasi-. Vness 'as*to* his ultxmate restoxfation . IJVULL Mr. the g man.- Mr. Bert M.cLeo'd has arrived .inV town on~the close 0f'his duties on the great `lakes. _ Miss Flo New and Miss*Iris Ed- giy, _of. .NorthjBay`, havetbeen visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. TW. E. Scott, Collier street. ' ` v Mr. and Mrs. Morley .h Dun" have been vi`sitors,.ii1 town` the past week. ' Duff has returned to his duties ;att-lieuevlue but Mrs. Unit is stun 1 guest. of her `sister, Mrs _LaidT-{A msm . 5 " Police Court on T ",o_b_31'st, 1916, at 4;p.m`: .H , . - ------>-no avnvnolfllls ` ' The annual nlee -11,_9,{I of the Royal n Victoria Hospital V `be. held in the (lay, October .\ Memorial Service at -.Central Church - 7 Sunday evenin`,r:' ` .a memorial s'er-- Vin}! will ]'\n'1\n`r1 in f`,...J._._1.-Ar,-`n SOCIAL -AND PERSONALI ,..w....~...cuuu w.1u1 me erectxon of a.modern bulldmg wlth an up-to- datebplant but the fact remams this new bgildipg should. have been` burs a vear ago- [ J. ll\I.l' at -the rebate period been -ir ,_____. ......,...... vu uc uuo uuu 1'U(lI'(.`S5 at-(the present time-the giving of a to ,Ba_rri`e',s1;bscribers for the -period that the pobr service has -in- -force. `True the company are now on the way tortavoid future mconvenience "with the erection bf. Q `n1nt1nvn' 1\i1:l;1:-~--- _-31` ` ...u.u..-u. A nu uluxue can be attached to the` local `management, Mr. Prlce and his staff having been sorel_v pressed this summer. -The trouble mustbe laid at` the door of the gen- eral managenient. ' ' 7' Thereseeins to be but one redress at-the nrpennf +;v\nn J-L- ._:-.1.A - f` -....,... up; .1111. uuu JIUUK. u-{Vie understand that the Eiell com- panv have a rule that when a local service. has 500 subscribers Cen- tral energy is invariably installed. Barrie had this number . of subs`- cribers long before Camp Borden came our way. In all fairness to lo- .cal subscribers this central energy ' should have been installed when the -500 mark was in sight. Had central energy.been+in use in town when the camp service -was coupled up a great - deal of our troubles would have been avoided. ~No blame can be attached to tho" lnnnl '1ndnAnm..'......4. `Ira 1'! ' u\.\u vvuuxu 1`1ll_`,f,' 3`:, alI'l'-U]C C`-OHHCC` tion' was `still on. Members of the Board of Trade Monday eveni11,q' stat- ed that -they have had the Aringin_z continued for as long as 20 minutes and to abate the trouble have taken the receiver off the. hook. `IT. .__-'|- ` " " ` U] .u- ms,-;usn;,_ a.n1omentjlatcr the hell would ring aga1n--the t1V0>n' \V2.Q 'Q+l" nn R/rnvv-`~'~-~ `P " ~ of the BOIl_1_'(l of Trade nieet_in{: in -b`L\1si_11ess_of town and camp with the ' facilities at the disposal of the local h :e.\'change._ Barrie subscribers enter- `phone 'serV~ie_e; they have paid their while the company has not been able AHence those subse1'ibe1's who {now re- " -As: may be seen from the. i'epo.rt .an`othe1'.eolumn, the Board has not lost'si_g'ht of the faet that some re-V compense is idue telephone subscrib- ers i11 Barrie. lVitl_1 all "due 1'e2'ai`.(l to tlie-abnorlnal conditions b1'o11gfl1t about by Camp Borden i})ei11:.7; locat- ed a few miles from town and the business of the eamp .1mv111;' to pass tliirougfli the, local exelnaiige, still the fact re1_na1n's lthe'Be1l people have not been able to "take care of the ed into `a cont1'ac't \vith the Bell to pay a ce1'tain rental for a.t',le-i bi1ls-- their` part of` the 'eon'traet.s to fulll tlieirpart of*th_e a_sr1'eem'ent. fuseto pay theicurrent bills seem justie'din their action. Inconven- ience is as poor word to describe" the con'ditions_existing the past sunimer. How often have subscribers answer-* ed the phone to find` a wrong . call had been given ; and 11ponA'1'i11g*i11g : off in (lisgust,j a. momentj later the bell \VnlI:l `rinrr `L- " o nrrnuvu yearr.` -_--U'pAholste11'in,.g` -)ne ed. men. -W; A. we THE. 'I*.1=:Ln15HoNI:' 1sI'rUATIVdN" Curling `club-`Was held on Monday .The annuel meeting of the Thistle evening when, the _f0ll0\V`ing ofce1' were. elected: Hon. P1'esA.-\V;' A. Boys, K.C.. ` T Hon; VVice-Pres.--D. M. Stewart, President-J. \V. Bell. . A ' ` Vice.-Pres.--L. F. Cross. Sec.-lTreas--'R. A; Stephens. _ Rep'1'esentative [to O.C.A.-W. A. Boys. `V . - , .J'oi11t E.\'e"cutive--W.' Duff, H. Webb, D.R. M111'ehis0n.' . .- e Ge.ne1'a1 E-.\:ee1_1tive--R. VV. `Payne. .R."F. G`a1'1'ett, -_J. `D. Milnej D.R. `Murchison, O. G". Hart, S. W. Moore. ' J. Sarj_ea'nt. . ` - - '11 D- r`l\1"\]I "I n `*7 1-` V - _ Vt`1J1:euV:;1U(;1e:st inhazb-' 1tant-c'an gure out 1 the year the furnace was ingfallo V K uauu-can ugure 01113 furnace Was mstalled. 'I:vgI_L' pg. `quuon lcuuv :"_.lnbD from, `the. jast; . and .wst "sides ofjthe -`building, when a- wester-. ly gale. is blowing it can be imagin- -ed `what proportion` the mixture. of hot and cold air will ' be [with no provision` for ca 'ng' of the cold, V air in"-the. hal1.- ut the crowning _ glory of the furnace is the smoke I ue, of brick construction and of in- side dimensions to allow a` good siz- _ ed chimney sweep to` navigate its length- I Peradyenture `the amount of hot air `.thajt' `must ~ ascend the chimney stack rivals in yolume that arising to comfort poor ="mortals as- ,seml_1Ii_n'g- in _.-the town hall` auditor- ium. I_n expectancy we went down .. into the depths of Barrie sl town hall Jbuilding. Wonderingly we re- turned with a thirst for knowledge: AHow many of Barrie `aldermen who _ voted to delay work on"a` new fur-J nace have `ever seen` the pile, of ' brick whi_ch was the cause of so_ much discussion in Council. V 1"_3_ 1, IA!!! - U. |3ill Chap1`ain--Rev. C 1_czu1I.~. t `112; . f`e'itr;m1iS `direct `to .th oor '- .o3-V the` building hallk;fi:_?rom the `top `of"the_ fnirnacej , e niilier . ; Two; ;wooden;. #1938 gold "xii" ducts lad _int6 this".-. ....'.:I "`I.`. top `of"tIie_ 0-I `the fe2'1st'er mm direefn um ..'...;.,.. __;--.- T111sTLi: GLUBfOR(}AN'IZB., -VVV, Rey/no'l`(isL V G5 _ re_ad. .. . vnu A.uUul K The top. of a nev ghs range is equipped with pipes -through which water circulates and is `heated while 4-`Inn 1..............v.....' L._:_._ __..n 1--" -I ~ vvvv _ I .... u uuuu xuquc UHU L11!) \`.LU} IIUJBS on two and a `half gallons of gaso- line. Calder McGi'1l$aryT accompan- ied D_,rew- and measurevdithe gasoline. . k `I ,-.;wau1.uu: III: was 8.018 U0 go "i:U Inlles; On the first of September he n`1otor-/ ed to `Toro`nto_via Gue_lph and Ham- ilt-onand made the trip (102) miles on` two sm n'11oH5` n-..II....;. Ac ,....-.. Jnnunllls 611.571,. _.._Lu'.'l..y_ 21 utllllp (lay S,0 Iar asthe moj7q__s.Was concerned. `Steam from `the '1 "L iitor was admitted to the ~g9,soline`een`te1'ingA the mot-or and the vaporizing `process gave amazing- results. Where he had been` run- n_ing,22 to 23 miles on a gallon of gasoline he was able to go 40 miles; On tlm fh-at n{-` Q;m+.....1..... 1... .~..,.i.... I I-uxgvvo a. 2.-uxu auu uau IIOEICCG U131? -m` damp weather the engine ran moregfreely and used less gasoline than on dry days. About. 9. month ago be conceived the bright idea of making eVf1a _.._da.y a damp day so far ` as the mnn - \V nnrlnnrnn;-1 ` Q`n--A iMo'unt Forest Confederate+-Cliff- ord Drew, the enterprising south. end barber, has invented an ap-. pliance for motor ears whereby the mileage of a gallon of gasoline is about dou"bled. AHe has` applied for patents in Canada and the United "States and in the meantime is sell- ing the applianee and having `it manufactured in Mt. Forest. `A`C1iff, drives a Fordvand had noticedvthat {iii Hhmn nrnni-Ln`. L1..- ....... GASOLINE 'MIL];]AGE TITIII ,,..-.. - v vvvvanlla \IlUlV3_' III -V513 Inspector Hagart will` again en- deavor to have.` auto _ drivers who V break the laws, `of "the road ptlilislyegl. A summons` has been taken -- put agalnst a Jltney driver for having the tail light of his auto-so arrang-`I ed asvto prevent the" number `being read, V ' ` r ' '

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