Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Oct 1916, p. 5

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n_ back, .1!` l\l\ Washing Machines % Landwringers Save Labor Mi 5 Ciridefella, Gun` Mefal. Button Boots, sizes II tov 1%. Big val ; ........... ............................ .._. ................ ..$2 25 % toe: V P V _ Ms;Havy Split C ................ ah... Yo_ Big Ya.` i ;>_:.:=J~::'::<::a::~:2.~"-~.*:;'>7~v :53? $21. ;; Ayxr Old pr_i i ' Meq__ .s jTan, Bluchef cut,"\7\-7_or'kTing Boots. Big value...$3 5_0 Md "5 Black Grain..,`B1uchr._c'ut, Wbrking Boots; Spcial value..." ........... ..v ..... ., ..... .... .......... ..$3 50 Yo Io, ma rinnn GOMPORTS $0 each button. 10 each Mel ihs Dong`olVa,[ Blucher cut, Boots, sizes is Box Calf,` Bluchr cut, hs - andABo.ys"'Cvlf, Bliicher 'cuf.` solid leather. sizes 8 to by Dayfoot Shoe Company. Big value ...... ..L....$l 75 Es ne Dongbla, Eahoe Company, : A--$3 oo I$.3\ th 15th that the for 200 nt_ to the )1}, to the` .Y__ -- , Cushion Sole, Blucher ct, fnade by the} , s`_izes 7 %, 8, 8% only, worth $6.oo to-day. ....... .._ .................. ..'. ...... .._..$4 25 an AW orki[ng Bobts, Blixcher cut, The steamer Merida owned by James Playfair of Midland and sev- leral other boatsrwere lost in the big storm on Lake Erie on Friday of last week. As far as can be learned "there were no_ Midland men among: the crew. Captain J. F. Massey of the steamer Briton arrived "at Buf- alo on Sundayafter a most thrilling experience inAFriday s. gale o1rLake Erie, said that he saW'the Merida. rolling heavily and shippingibig seas _over her "stern, about twenty-ve miles east of Southeast Shoal at: 12.30 o clock' Friday afternoon. Af- ter leaving Port Huron together the Merida and `her partner ran into a storm on Lake Erie. Both boats souglit protection along the South shore and later proceeded to Buffalo. theMerida s partner being the first to reach port. - UpI1olste1'in;,r a Lfurniture repair- lng do11e by comp nt workmen at Dougall Bros, Furn1 Use a WATER POWER wAsHER `-THE IDEAL J 5-Year Guaranteed WRINGER Ask us for references toV whomv `wt have soldand who are well satised. ' gait Rubber Rolls. = off the butt_ons. -sfaction. ._A.' PLAYPAIR. BOAT LOST sizes: 6 to -8.. S1:JAci-aAl valule Q4`! F!!! ..----- you. uslu yllllll ....... ..... .,....;$275 T Pricg $6.00 .-. _ Dc each _sizcs, . 5c each 75 c_ach _ _ Garnteed ' Price $17.00 A Q/E POINTS` * HARD WARE_ 13 t, arid plain `en -7: 13% only, ..... ..$1 75 '...'T's.-W5 Won t Gives IONS, 0 ` I cl -IV'ldH.\l' `. . . .$4-$5 . . . .38-400 .32-34c ._ ..42-440, $1.00`-$1.50` . .-...18e` '. '..19c .'.*..'....7-8c T `$1.00-$3.50 .. .75-$.135 , .A.20-22 thl mp? an wuvu, C19 00. T600 .10 00 Foront :'()v_I5-:7-3 oats ... _l8 oo hC_)N : 3rd early Coats F 00 3 00 '18 > 40. ~00 50, `T 7 00 10 35 `>0 1080` 9 00' 6 50! 55. T` 90 L1 20 12 00 10 '00", 922 1 Q16 .40 . T20 18 23. All LocALREn%cRbss woathcr just it co11_tinues_ 'k. I see by ng after the- da pretty- roung'- follow are ghting would feel} ' the war if part. ` in Vancouv.-a - anadian En- {K ".1141. thematter of ' the`. estate of Lockman S. \Vil1so;1, late of 'the Township of O1"`rlia`.in. the County . of Simoe, Com 1'cia'1,'1`1'avc1ler, de_- ceased. ' \.'..A.:._;. :`._ 1___;-L_ `,,_:__,'_,' L` A II sons having anyv . agamst the late L enth -day of Novcxn to send by,post Vp1_' liver to the undersi j fownship of Orillia,_. ALock`man S. Willson, t ,. `addresses and full part v\4u;_D\. ll.a N otice is hereb `given that all pc_1- ainis or demands 1 kman S. Willson, who died on or V Seventh day of Ju e, 1916, are; re- quired on or bcfor `thc\twenty-s,ev- r, A. D. 1916, T _ ed, `solicitors for Harry D.pJamien of the said Town of Banfic, . _ ' gent; and Joseph James Teske of the said - ardener,_ the _of the `said executors of the cwil A . lars in Writ- mg of them claims '__a statements of then` accounts and r the secu1'ities; if any, .`-' d- by `them. A11!-"r>f]?D' `nnfinn +110 .n`p`-nun `-1\n =:._ out the twenty- a'7'~ T or to de.-_ `nature of -Said twenty-seventh da _ -ber, the said` Executors : vuc acUu.1`1b1cb', 11. uuy, u- Dy mom. And take` notice tha after -the Novem- '11 T` proceed T to [distribute the assets `- the said deceased among the perss entitled thereto, having regard" J y to the .: the said -asets `or: any part _there_o" to` anv t.pe1'son< of whose claim ; t` y shall not: -`then have 1*_ecei_vedno"ee . I , '.ntD(`.{ Bi" nuuv:A - `Ln L.'.. w J.1-7A1`|:I V 1 Edxecu-- uum uxuu uuve rccelvecl no. , .'.Dated_i at Barrie` the tw of .`.October, 1916.: T . 4s'.1`.E.1WA`R*A .& STEW . .` .Qn'1..n':+nmn 4')...` `-1. . -..1J 1'AV`Aw- V D;,'. 1916. or such 7 distrib11_tio11. A . .Dated~ the 18th day CRESWICK % \ BELL, oi` the said_,Town of Barrie, solicitors I91` the said `admi1`1istr`ator. 42-45 -1 Pursuant to the provisions of `the l - trator will proceed to distribute the- -Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, 1 vCl1a.nter'121,' section 56, notice is ( . hereby given that all creditors and i persons having any claims against! the estate of John Michael Newton. 1 of the Town of-Barrie, in the County t of Simcoe, whoi\died_ on or about the ,1 26th day of Se ember,- 1916, are re- .1 .quired.'on or -be. re the 18th dayfoi it N ovember, 1916 `.0 send by post p'1;e- 'i paid, or otherw e `deliver to Cres- 1 wicke & Bell,`of -. he Town of Barrie, \ in the -County` of Simcoe, _s91iit6rs_ ,1 for William Rah` rt King, "the" ad'- ministrator of "aid estate,. their Christians and sullnames, addresses and descriptions, nd the full par-. ticulars of their caims respectively `properly veried," a"_$d of the securi- ties. if any, held by them and that. after the said date the .said adminis- 8SSe.ts of the said deceased amon` -the parties entitled -`gthereto, having` regard only to those '_aims of which he shall then, have 11 "tice, and that he, tl1`e,said`- administ tor, will not 1 `then be liable. for the ssets or any part. thereof, so. distributed- to any persons of whose claims-notice shall not have been rcceivedvat the time of such '7dis`tribution. ' T'\-L_J~ 11 -Innf 1 i\/\ 1'! President s Report A - . Mr. R. Porritt -read the_ r'epo`1-t of the President, Mrs. Calderwood.= The opening portion of x the -report referred to the fact .-that the needs _ are ten times greater than they were a year ago; -Apart from the de-I mands of our own hospitals there are theneeds of the allieseto` be_pro- ' `vided for. ..France alone .rece1vi_n,r: 5,000 cases fror_n_ the Canadian Red Cross. ` After eitmg many instances` of letters being received from rest billets and hospitals," acknowledging receipt of socks__and ,other_' necessi- `ties. showing that-;Red Cross "boxes reach the boys, report continuesz V There are n_ow*.`-4- branches and 16 .auxiliariesWin- the "in1mediate neigh-3' , borhood. of Barrie, six the'1ast _vear. T-he- branches. are an increase of . Cra.i,g3hurst, Angus, ePhelpston` ,an'd" Hillsdale; the 'a'uxiliaries `Guthrie, Ivy, Minesin,r:, Midhurst, 'P_ainswiek.e Stroud, Shanty Bay, Dalston. Holly.` :Crown Hill, C-Iowes, Knock, Hawke- stone, Oro, Utopia, S Essa and Innisfil. VVe' are very ewingi Circle of a grateful for the hearty co-operation S f of the Women s Institutes in inzmv of these places`. I am informed that of all the sewing and knitting eon-xi `tributed to the Canadian Red Cross` - since the comn1e11cen1ent of the "war 1 `fully 60 per cent. has been the `gifts o_f the [Women- s Institutes of the Dominion." The _:ove1'n1nent is now reco2'nizin' this fact and g'i`vi11.rr`thr= women full recognition. for their : 1 1 ..i '~*3..1.1"V . N 5 ` .S<..>1.i_)ci.>1_'s.4 ft}; ._t.h9-. 15 nu W-AJ} aid" Ea}: at AnhI:1al 5 Me e'tin.g 4 Last week g we-a- '5m;;;;"iz;:_;=1;ea e V 1 Oicers for/the ensuing year Were` re-elected, as fellows; T . * ' T President-Mrs. H. Calderwood.-` I , lsf Vice-P_res.'--~Mrs. M. Shanacyu. la staxmding; vote. 2nd < Vice-Pres. --Mrs.V JV. Jack--. son. ` ` I a Secreta1'y--1\Iisse.M. -E-., Living- stone`. _ V _ `I T1'casure1'-A. F. A. 1\Ia1cQn1So'n, | `Mr. Porritt was 1'e-elected chair-I man of the executive 'comm_it-tee by_ _ L I 1 3.73 0 00 9 50 860 150 38 . '39 18 16 - The Red Cross rooms were"c1<')wd-T ed on Wednesdfzy afternoon of last week on the occasion of the; second. annual meeting of Barrie -branch of` the Canadian Red Cross Society. The audienc_e was principal1_y com-_ posed_ of;.lad1es, only a fewnlell put- ting m an -appearance._ , -A _ V _ I ' - " n.ox:..-...` 1-)- u1-.1_,-u ` u NOTICE `TO GREDITORS` NOTICE TO` GREDITQRS F,3:;i_t1x'_ ! .~`9hthk?*he;?i`Sai.e `to: 46 .1. and M on `_ _1tj(l=;.to.vthe"xr1:-;aso tlii1t`it~may.:bQ;:sen;; ::?iA` E ~ - . elrsasoun " at)... is;iti'm9 jet.'ng`,: e'y__a11_d {s11 p11'llies.";j T-he _,week'ly_-c`on+ . ytributions to. our.`-sh'o pnb.`V` thf coun _. `try members have been -much appre- -cmwd, - c_1ated, V The produce of "the farm ' last tmds a--ready sale particularly __ the second home-made bread and~freshe*eggs; of . gnch of ~ these two'thingsiwe_never get e1rough. * ;0ciety_ ~I,.`WO11ld like to speak` of th-e,una,_.'- V co`m_V glngenergy of some ofMthe;Barr1_e I m inembers in baki-1_1g for our shop.` one ' I111 1 carticular - has i only missed. 3 [three _Sa;tu:rda.ys in 17' months, sure-I J` ' .137` .a `record to be proud lof-" In ` -| ful appreciation of the grant made Wk"; to us by the town council; had it not , f ibeen for this Wccould not show you ..1v1ng- 1'. Were" thanking `those who have ` __a.s'sisted?l 005-" 5 uld1'k` t . 2 t- 1 macyr. W0 1 e o express our very gra e i ] t0-day the splendid record of sun-. _ lplies shipped T to headquarters to mS'01}.- Iwhich I will `shortly draw your at- 1_1":te11tio11. We are. also very grateful tee Vb) _ to the press for the space so.willin5r- ilyaccorded u_s Week by Week. I - 'l -_ , us in the work of `the.past`year, we 1 l t I t. I vui: `.l.'JAUUul:lVeov _ 4 ' `V _ .'The'. increase` in _'-Lifq IMe'mb'e1'shin.= -Iva crcditableaonev; At?"-Wrvresent j thre are 61' life nwnibers, \'vhi`l``lsf= .Vtear_29 Aware" credited to`. _Ba.rrie - .Bra1`1ch._... V. 1`.h. .i_nc_rease in. Life ` wsmp jis `.p8;f1_y.'..d,u,e .to Mthe`%fprivi1:l _ -v----v--J -I` l-"V1"-"" ` Miss a May Livingzstone presented the _f`ollow'in;: report as secretary of the Branch: _a 5 o I am pleased to report that in the past. year twenty-four meetingsof Barrie `Branch 'C`.R.C.S. have been` convened, one of these being: a spec- A ia.l.-nleetiug called. to _consider the advisability of moving` to present _ quarters. A . . _The President, Mrs. H. Calder- wood took. the chair at all meetings` except three, "when the Chairmanof - Executive,-,M1'.j F." R. Porritt `was _in the_ '_chair,- The average attendance of the Ex__e_cutive was 10.62. Meet- `In; were open to all members but ' although notices of all meetings` ap- peared in the press, for somereason. perhaps lackvof interest in Executive a work, the , meetings were rarely at- tended by any members outside of the Executive.-7 - ' ' om1.i..-...-..___.--, - ---'-- ~- . Lu uccu UL uluac UUllL1U1'l:b'. ;I `In closing I Would. like to thank . the other officers and executive for - the splendid support they have given Lvbothto me and to thejwork. during . the past year. =: 7 Had it not been for 'ithisA the _1'epo_rt which it is mypriv- - ~ileg'e to-present to you to-day would . have been agvery dierent one;- I , will. now read the list of the ship-* ._ ments -made during `the past year and V ' feel, sure that in the months that are to come there will be'no falling oif in _the work so that 4 the Barrie _ Branch` may be able, if the necessity M is still as-9.'reat. tolreport a still bet- a ter year in -1917-18. - ml... ..'..4.:..1..-` -L- .n 1.22.1 (Es ber -25, 1916. l55 160 90 , 95. 1 !:'l\ n nrk uucrn 1: $7,000. ..... .. -4- 7 `pillows, ` "quilts, 73 paifs bedsocks, 26st-tench caps, 38'scarves.' 73 covers for H, W. bottles. 122 pil- low cases, 59 towels, 774 *annel shirts,` 3657 -pairs" socks, 2503 hos-_ pital shirts,_1515 sets p_vjamas,A2.1'2 hospital suits, .276, pairs slippers, 573 property baigs, 19. pairs wristlets, 6 pa-i.rsmitts. 257 sheets, 308 surgeon s coats, 896 hospital , h'an,dkerchiefs. 150 bed cushions, 6 hospital kits ` complete, 355 jars jam, 430 wash cloths, 10.060 pads 6x7, 6382 pads 9x12, 10,180 pa.ds`.12x16, ` 89,201 ` ,9:a'uze0wipes. 29,976 compresses,. 3455 jcotton `bandages, 7348 A gauze ban- dages, 108 Bellevue .ba11da;:es, 1 35 mitre boxes, 255 safety pins. 54 tape sponges", 9 packages old. linen. 32 packages .absorbent cotton, 2500, ya1'(ls g.a11ze, 20,721 mouth wipes, 60 1_11auvta1led bandages, 4'pneun 1o11ia ,1ackets_...1` kmtted bandage, 3 house- wives completely filled; -"F1111" +..+..1, ...'.I.... -2 4.1-- r.u.s vvnvv \.;\lllllIlt.'la _Cl`V llllC(l'. I ~The to_talT value of the above art- iclesis in ['ighbo1'hood of $7.000, ' V `MTi:ga_:1'1"1;`ilclLc:L1)-05.11 e11u1e1'- ated by `Mrs. Calderwood amounted to 196,304 as c'oin.pa1'.ed Twith"'-47,175` the'previous year. ' The_ total was made", up a_s Afollows: '.`nn ,_u gun as. _A -I In the list of the year s work you will notice two, items, .nameIy 140' childrens garments and 12 pairs of socks` sent to the Secours Nationa1 or French Relief. ' These. garments were. made by the. Allandale. ladies outeof pieces too small.for ourown . hospi-ta.~l work and the socks "were the. gift of two members of the so- ciety' to -the French soldiers` who at in need of those comforts. I I `Tim .I......'...'... T ..___._I_`l 1214, L, :1 `I V --..-........ .. sax uv vvuyn. In reading-I the list of s11n151ies ` = shipped during theyear,` you will no- j ticethe item 355 jars of jam.. ;-In i this connection I would like partic- ularly to thank Mr. E. L. Higgs, and H..Hook fortheir `services, in packs ingi-the same. Thanks are also in order to Messrs Johnston & Warren ~ for the many, kindnesses shown to: the society when we were near neigh- ` bors for some months. I would also like to thank. very. heartily Messrs. .M_ilne. Leigh, Merrick, TWISS, `Lower. and O Neill .for` the tremendous ser- vice the,v`h_a_ve given the society` in the -cutting out of the various gar- " the Barrie branch. is e_ntirely done ments. I do. not knowwl1ether,it is generally known that the cutting for -by the men and is an assistance in _j . the .women s Work whlch none..of us ` .diers? Aid. for the help` whi_ch.thev can be suiciently grateful for. Ii Would` also like (to. -thank the Sol-I have given to the Red Cross; _the : luncheons .which they serve are par-` 4 4 iticularly attractive and reasonable. and add small measure to the i usefulness of our '-rooms. As '- a ] society or `as individuals they are al- 1 ways Wi_llin'g- a11d eager "to help in 1 the _patriotic "life of_the town and j have certainly earned the 1'i5.-~l1t to ] bear-'with honor .the name twluch they have chosen_. a ` _ V e Secretaryfs . Report 1|-,___ 1' 9', - vvsnuu will .L uuxugt Another solo was given by Miss Reeve. This was followed by a per- 1od in which every. body` was invit- ` ed to -ask question `concerning the -R edCross Work. In"`thi~s `respect the audience .'showed great interest and many" queries were made. Mrs. Cal-r derwood, -President of T Barrie Red "Cross answered in. aeourteous -and cheerful manner. . None of the Red` Cross" officials receive any salary and they; do not sell socks to any one. - Socks are sent to the rest -7 billets. that is,- all-the hand. made ones and the factory ones are use _.!n,i`nV- the :l1.tispi ta,ls. l..,Aft,er much (IISCIISSIQD-o V` ,..!*~..-1 v)`.vIt.l-|l`3.` ` ' `w -V t,1e 1neet111g=.\v_idrawnito a close b,V 4 :a_;_v;te"af_.t1iin s tea 1_ ethos"e' 'whn~_ ..took_ part -in ` the program -and -th`e- I 'jsine;ii1_g` of the-'.Nat_iona1 `Anthem. . f "1 -v!1n`-`-?`.u.a>1n"y . Tnnhhni ' `-11:14? 4-Mn .' _ the opening address, V Miss Reeve of Bari-ie,v accompanied by V " Miss Richardson, also of , mougn the crowd was not so_1a1-ge " as should have been, the enthusiasm f was none the less _ Miller very ably lled the chair and great. Mr. W. A. after singing the -Maple Leaf gave after which dered a pleasing solo. _This "was ' followed by the secretary- s report of the work; done since the auxiliary was organized._ Then a splendid ad- . dress was given by Judge Vance, Bar- rie. In the beginning he pra_1S0d the - report,- then he went on. . briey to give the causes of the.'pres- ent war. Our position of security was. compared with that of Belgium. France, etc., andit was pointed `out our duty to assi's't. i The benet of the rural auxiliaries was dwelt upon showing how" our little-`may. help the boys to` win the war. would mean more to the. Germans that the taking of England , as Ger- many, with her wonderful system of n1anu r`acturinu' 87 would find complete- ness in"the vast unlin1i_ted resources _. it Uanada sfcll aprey to the, enemy,~those hold- ing land _in all probability _ would of our fair `Dominion. -have to -give` up their deeds and if not, _the .`taxation would be so great that they would not reap much bene- t` from their work. It Was. also shown l1ow`England had, to the neg- lect of her industries, eoi1cent1'ated her powers on- winning the war. Al- so how the Red Cross ofcials. gavie _ The"Judge' A also saidthat the taking-of Canada their time and energy Witholit 1'0` J muneratioii for this purpose`. : Then : can. we n_ot.._afI"ord to make our little ` sacrices for so great a cause. lF1n- . J ally he said, each one of uspshould 1 What am I doing A 'l1Vl\+l'| nu ' , . ....1.. v....... ...:...... 1.... 1r... cask himself or herself this-question: I on Tuesday evening, last, a iiery -interesting Red Cross meeting was held in the" school" house here. - Al-< though "the `crowd not soelarge no olni-u1]:l 14...... 'L...'.... 1.1.. __,L1,,,_' , .L Ill} 90 1 50 RED cnoss .MBI`.'1`ING_r_ Reniitted to. $2000 00 Purchases,` local .; _.. '... .=6 205 680 Purchases, outside . . . . . . 756 .18 Red Cross Rooms, `expenses 98 -18 Re1_1t..'.. .. `....'29166 Printing, ex4pi'css, ca1'tag'; . 163 8-,? Hospital `suits . . . . . . . . . . A10 00 4Hugl1es'baLnqu et . . . . V. . . . . A25 00` Jaulullyc Ul1- uauu 11; statement, Sept. 3O,V-19111513 388 47 Town grant .. 1 .. .. ...".`c310O 00` "Monthly contrib.utions..' 7. .2452 00 Red Cross Rooms, sales, etc 2525 72 `Societies,vetc., aux, . . 756 03 `Personal donations . . - . . 365 18 Members, regular` . . . . . . 328 00 Members, associate . . . . . . . 56 00 Sundries . .: . . . . "179 67 Goods sold 160.56`. Concerts, etc. 5. . . . . . . . 142 43 Fair` booth . 5 ._ . . . . . . 216 36 Branches outside. . . . '. . . . 62 ` 50 Cl1'1u'cl1es_. . . . . . . . . . . . 81 40 Collections . . . . . . . . 42 00 Mite Boxes ~ 17 41 Bad,Q;es...." . . . . 00 . .uuI:aU scbbclb WU_1'U ul_l5\VtS1'(1. ,- . ; e In conclusion I wish to thank the . President, Miss ,Booth, who kindly took my place in. July; Chairman of Executive, members of Executive` for their generous. aid in the fulfil- ling" of my :duties,.a1so the. Press. - which I` have always` found _ most V courteous in mydealings with them. Although my services` have - been ` slightfwere my days free, I should .be glad toe do more in that I believe` 1 .Britain expects not only every man \ to do" his duty but -every woman to do her. duty to the Empire. ' _ Treasurer s` Report ' V e ' 1 The treasurer, VMr. A. F. A. MaI-- comson,4 read the following report: ` Receipts Balance on hand as per- e+oI-nnmnd Q.m+ Qn 1.01:` ch 900 4-7 IUP-u; UL one uauuuxu Lluuucaua I Qn;:`l.`jiesday, '-fQctobeLr 31st, Vthel 'I \J'\llLllJl.lI.I|4cCn ' :] Notes were `sent to the;':P1'ese each `Week, and acknoWledg'mei1t_s of con4 tributions 1-eceivAedf'-from rural aux- Ailiaries_ `Were made - througly the Press. . (1 11.. V-4 L A van). V Several letters were receivedfrom these letters We_reea.1_1swe'red. f. France acknowledging socks -sent. by Barrxe Branch. _-Where necessary; Tn ;..u....'I.-....'.'. T _-I_`L 1.. 1.1,, I :1 ` y 9's i1;bisfcribe14s; 1 %ubs-mu: % 1 ow-; % monx T V . '_1'ng'$5.00. or` o'ver,~ `when $25.00 the ~ `Life. 'Membefr'shi_p'- ee is s1ib`sc rib ed._A - ;hto' become.,;Li;Ee` Members. V. I pnuilnu llnrnlsnun IJ>'L---- IJVJb- . 5 The tre4ce`imptso~ of the shop the past year have A beentreceived by me. `A voucher was" g'n_z_en'[*t'o the .re'pre-'_ vsentative. ofveach Church for the` net amouI'it_.reoeived/ and a voticher was received_ from the Treasurer When. the 'rec.eiptsv.Were handed `to him`. A M record of ,- Sa'tu' 1i`ense;~; was kept for thet`VConVener'; the Shop Committee. T \T'_J__,` , .1 -.--. \ I411`- 53. . [in, T markt `pull ~ UGUUl_l.l_U.J_.4l .Q$ J!.l.U;11U!:1`S _O_Aff_[ ,1;gq1'gr;Members '(ih;5' `pair-% " `ing.5annually* $2.00. fee) I. have "to 'r'-A. ' port 73,] and fAssociate .Members _ (those paying -i-g,nni1ally z $1.00 ~fee) Balance . . D'isb'ursem'cn t`s -oo soon |:.rib[utions. .` . . `moms, ., . . ations ;'ular' .. .. .. ociate 00:0 oo,on no-u ulo sou -1.0: `:7v1'! 'D"_l.'OPIA - $9550 84 . .; . 1325 89 $10s76"73 uuuw. ,Wa1. UU1lll1`h1_\J1lD- V . Ah'eady considerable mail. has beeh sent forward to the soldiers. b Mr. Paton advises that these,,parceL9=4 ble. at_tende'd_;Tto as soon as ,-p0._,Ssib1'I and; not`Ief~t till the 1,.-last. nlinxzog "rush, Christmas parcels out -of 5 -may; be included in `this: warn- fing. km: . I l':tU. U 1ua.,_Us.-U, 'u' nun. uuu-, 1 Juan 98c; The limit of weight in.this case is seven pounds. V '_ For prisoners.of War in Germany lette1's,_post cards or postal parcels` not exceeding eleven pdunds, may be A ,sentfrom Canadafrqe of charge, ac- -cording to the international custom under .wa1" condi-tions. ' n_.___1.. _-....:.1....;.1.1.. _._-:1. `1,_, I0 each 5c each \VL'l`4Hla 111 mu: Uaat: La ccvcu. yuuuuam Parcels for the Egyptian and Sal- oniki Expediti'o11a1'yV`Forces are sub-_ jcct to the fo1lo\viu_g rates: 1 1b._. 32c; .2 lbs.,` 40c; 31;bs.,' 480; 4 lbs-..l -I 74c:' 5 lbs., 820; 6- lbs., 90c; 7 lbs. ` :limit `of in. this" case-1s seven V - TH , ,, ___ ' ' ._-___-_._ -2 _-..-- :_- n-.__..'-_-_'_ --"'o""." -" "'- ' " A " ` Parcels for the Expeditionary Foljces in France and F_landers are subject to the following; rates: For pa1'cels'\vcig'l1in_g' up to three. po1mds.| `.24 cents; for parcels -`weighing over] three pounds and not more than sev- en pounds, 32`c_ents. - The limit of weight in this case is seven pouilds. T)..-.....l,. .0}... 4-1..` T3.-nv'\4-:n-n A1111]. Qn] Uau uc acuv. | The Advance obtained from Post-` maste1' Paton the following` list of rates: Parcels for troops. known tol be in the U11ited.Kin5_j,`don1 are sub-cl ject `to the parcels post rate for the United Kingdom, which is twelve cents per pound or fractionthereof. The limit of weight for the United Kingdom is eleven pounds. V 'r\ 1 n :1 . 1 ,1'A'_ ,,,_',i The _\\*eig;l1_t "of parcels for Ellglaxid and to France are eleven and scvc-1_1 pounds respectlvely; 111 case parcels ?vei;.v;l1 more, two 01' t1'x1'ee parcels `can be sent. ' V mL_ `A J______- -`LL._:--..J 1-_.--.- n_-;. `I \.\2.l`l|I IJJ >l-Ill`? 111011 111 IIIIUI U1ClI\JIICDu Owing t_0"theI1` being scattered 11) unknown parts of thebattle f1font. the Ba1'rie. Division ' RailWa_vme11 s Patriotic `Association have decided not to make a Clnristmas shipment from Canada -but to vfo1'wa1'dVi the monev. and.inst1'uctions to the B1`-it-. .is`h `Field Comforts for the purchase.` in England-of.. a Cln-istmas box for each employee of the rallway now overseas. T -_L_` 1'I_L'. .. Uwmmpo Postai Rates < The only satisfactory way iuwhich parcels _may be sent to the soldiers` is througll the Ixlajls. `If our'Si1ncoe county` men are to be remembered with Christmas gifts it is time that these parcels were well fon the" way to eonlpletimi, In` 'o1'de1' to reach the Simeoc s- of whom no permanent address has as yet beenesecured, the middle of Novem- -ber will be the latest it will be safe to delay" mailing. For those at the front, the earlier the parcels ; are mailed the surer willbe their re- ceipt by the men ill the trenches. nII7;I\rm +n.'+11n;u kn:11:s- onn4-4|-4- nnnJ :n _I/Anus; annual. uxccuua 111 but: z1ugucau_ Church 111 the -`afternoon, we hope to have .a good turn out. A` ` . .,_J.,. V. . I ' j . . ,the1r annual meetmg 1n the Anghcan_ (n1'r'n1\ 1'51 +1io nP4>na-nnnn nu`. 1...... 4-,. OUR SOLDIERS CHRISTMAS style "as 10l| MRed ;_$7c_;;e`-and Red Buttons, t ages ,3, . .. ....v , aanuu -unis-` Aulyaaua, I-ll Ill pqricelofltoonooflnulolrl 0009!! O O I I I I o o O ID` on Childrerfs jN:v_y Blue Srge Dfesss, tn :1 Red` and White Braid,-well "made, t ages 3, 4. pricgg... . . . . ` o_'ChAildr_en s Winter Cloth Coa'ts,. colors. D1..- ...'-....._ L-v.-_ TT-I___L r~,u ` own and eel But - o ChAildr_en Coa ts,. Blue. some ha'_ve_ Velvet Collars,` Brass and tons, newst,stylc_s, t ages 3, 4, 5, 6.,.- . . . . . . . V `Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$6_00, $5.0 ,.`f$i4 25 ' Bny Men s 'an'dvWomAen s Carpt- Slippers, with carpet: soles, at the small price of 40c.. T . Wo1;1ens Box Kip4English Boots: :B1ucher cut,,4 to '7. These are bigA_va1ue,$2.25.. ` - " ` :Woinen s Dongola. Blucher `cut, Boob. Prices, $2.00 and $2.50. ' rt vi -1 cs . . . . J . . . . ..J.'$_00, ,7 $i4 You $hould see` the hbove lines as t ey aye big v_alues.v 4).. uxuu, rxuauualti. ' Socks will be shipped .011 the 1 of November. It is hoped ,knitting- will bekept up, ` pairs a month are `to be sent 157th if possible in addition: soc_ks ' usually sent_ overseas. u nu vv_1LA LCUULVU oucu. ucau-uulc ;,'lLI.b`. $70.00 was sent to Miss Plummer for the general Xmas Gift Fund., The following donations to_ this fund are gratefully acknowledged: $10.00 from the ladies of Ivy,` $10.00 from St. Al1d1'eW S_ Military Hospital Club, $5.00 from the Holly -Camp Fire-Girls and $5.00 from the .L.A. A. Club, Allandale. T ' 0..-}... -...:I1 `I... ,.L.'........J ___ LL". -1r:u, On Wed., October 18th two boxes of cakes were sent to the Field Com- forts Commission. The. Guthrie] Girls ,S_ewing Circle, the ladies of Ivy, Shanty Bay and Oro Station sent splendid boxes. .Many individ- uals in the county sent cakes. In all 175 were sent away. Mrs. Stewart regrets that she is unable to. give a list of names. : The donors will be repaid by the pleasure of the men who will receive their desirable gifts. Q70 nn urea conf 4-n l,T1'm:~ 'Dl.1....nn.. H.H.0tton &sonJ )0 gach

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