Tlio1;11toi1, Sept. 25, 1916 -The council met as per adjdu1`n- ment. All. the members `V present. `The follow111;_: busmess was transact- fed: `_ ' ` ' 11h-L1 - 1-:2. All ' 1.15. . lll. /J. liq lVlJ\ \}\}n .Move1' by Banting, S_ccox1ded 'by` Adams. That the Co11nci1Tdo now ad- journ to meet, at Th(_)rnton, Mon., October 23rd a/c,1%(_).30 a.m. ` `Mrs. (G. Hunter and Miss Meta` who have been visiting friends in Hamilton returned home last Satur- day. M... m D......:;`-...1 `n.r..,. A TJ'-_._L V` de1ivred:- `a~ 'mbs% appropriate `and -Iie_1.pfulA sermon, at the close of which Mr. Martin s.-. rendered the solo Come Unto M0, ; very beaiitifully. 1 . v_ U1. uuu .nLki\zgll`(1_\', I 1.. AVe1'ag`c ateuvdance in September, 1 ' '. '| RURAL -scaoor. REPORTS Painswick i>ub1ic School I:ssA_ SCHOOL PAIR s. s. No. 3, W. M. DINWOODY,V cm-1;. I'ARMER S PRICES ESSA COUNCIL , Isabella Spence; Tevacvhm-. GRAIGVALB I Teach'c-'1.` Essa we will `tell you markable remedy. unless -the first` - . D.D.D." Sean- healthy. Aski " . -! l1lUc1&1_v uciu LHU Come to us. a more about this Your money bac bottle relieves yo keeps your ski about if. T - __ _. - --1cu--~55: %Physician s \ ! Egema Remedy |uuv-.q ~ ` Rsmxrso .1 Dmggist, Bane" I am e winced that the D.D.D. P1'cseription is as nnich a. specic. for Eczenia .s quinine. for malaria. I llave been n'ese1'ibing' the D.D.D. ren1el_\f for _V rs. ' ` 'This soothi` V of W'inte1'g:"ree , Thymol. and other CIR /\ Julbau, V Al`\-J- ` [healing ingrednts called` D.D.D. Prescription is K A ow a. `favorite rem(e-I dy of skin sp ialists for all skin diseases. It netrates the pores, gzives. instant 1' ief from the most distressing` itch.` Its sootliing oils `quickly heal the named tissues. (`nmn +n nu 9 wp will fall vm1 r` combination of oil \--J (1.1 .I..l\JD`Jl Lal- Int_o1'mont took place at Stroud on Thursday, under Masonic auspices, and" with Rev.A\V. Clc-n1en't as the o3eiat.ingj-c1org'y1nan. The. pall- bearers were six nephews: James, Robert. VVilson and Oswald Black, Wm. J. and John Leonard. HIDE - The late David.Pug'sley of Hawke- stone, who died on Sept. 29th, 1916, was-alnative of De\ o11shi1'e, E11;:`., and cameio Canada when quite _Voun2', spen(li11g3l1is early days at Riolmlond Hill. T (I 1 ' I` I `I Al/l\ lllIl.'Ull\l .I.J.lll He was very fond of sports and was a member of the Youn_<._,-' Canad-. ia'n_ Lacrosse team of Richmond Hill, when they won the \Vestern District Championship from the famous Ex-' celsiors of B1'a1npton in 1884. . T1,. .~.~..m.-....}.,1 in 44"` n.-.++`|n +1Inr1n nu}! UITADLUXD UL J.J1(l/Hllllull 111 J.UU`.I. He e115:ag'(1 in the cattle trade and was. well and fav_`orably known to `Hm fa.rn1e1`s of 0m toW11ship with [whom he had been doing business! H011 es, the W011-k110'\\fn skin specialist, \ 'ites: ' "`T n\\\ n 1xv;nnnI1 4-11.04` +1111 T\T\T\ llvll AIUAXUL (LA 3 Alll AIIIJK A BUIIIC `\ UGL D (I-:_'U- Mrs. Black died in 1906. A_ Three sons survive, viz., V111,. J. of To1'on-_ to _An.<.on.of \Vi1111ipe:;'. M and Dr. Howard, Asst. Supt. of Toronto Gen-. eral Hospital. ' T ' T..+m........+ +,.,.1- .,.1'-,,.. ... ..,..1 I\\\ A str0n_-4' Conso1'\'ativo. ho was nov- or V:1('fTivovi11 p01itics,Tn_01' did he par- ti(-ipafc in mlmicipal matters beyond'~_"i11f_~' the duties of school h'u. . Of th Stroud Mr'tl10dist$ Chm'oh he was an a(-.tivc- member and] \\jas,c'}a:~:s leader for ;fully f.'n't_\'i _\'om's.' .M1'. Black was a man of nc-I 'C}11'itia11 c11a1T'ac.t<-1' and o11'joyod the} edndollco and ,(>stoon1 of his f(~lIo\v| .citizons to a. Vhigrh (lofhoo. He was 0ne 0f the oldest members of L.0.L. N 0. 605 and Stroud Lodfre A.O.U.\V.; also 3, c]1a1't01'-n10n1be1' of I\Iino1`va Lod_s_:(=, A..F. & A.M., whi_(3h made him| an h_ono1-ary member some year's a._>'o'. `Ill.-. Til- ,1, `I , 1 -Innn rru `l:1i1i.l. and hero fi1(`iS11hj0Ct of this, |.g\Lll:'.'. mu" uuclzv taunt` U1 uL`d.lll. For nea1'l_v 70 _voa1's this.pi0noo1' 1'c;sjidod in Innisl, c0min;=' with -his hai'0i1ts from CQunt_\i T_\'1'm1o. Irc--1 lanri,- when "but oi;-`1it._\'oa;'s of 513-0.] The family . the 9th lino. 5.-:(-tr-h liv_od`m1 ril after his ma1'1'ia2'(` id ?\Ii.<: C).;~'lor of rhosmno town- ship. Fm't_\`-two _\'ears agro tlioy mov- ed to the 10th line and contiimod to reside on tho` sa1n({1"ai'1n until he rt-tii-(-d.; F-or thoi last five years he had li\'(- i11St1'o1id. ' I A I`! I ' I ` Last week the brief death notice in The Advance noted the death of` Jamc-s B1-ack,'Sro., one of the most 1'osne(~,ted citi7.c-nsoof Innisl town- ship, whose death b occ111`1'ed I` at St1`oudon T11esday, Sept.'26 after: anwillnoss of two weeks, pneunmnia boii1\:`t}1o direct cause of death. y ,,_A_ . _ P'.'I\ 1 David 'Pi1gsley,_ Hawkestone: Childfen s Hdsiery and: Under*ear James Black, Sr., Stroud Satin tie chines, Popiins and Duchesse, in Navy. Reseda, R05-ea Myftk, C` Lavender, Gray. Tan and Amethyst._ V ' - Taffetas, iri Saxe. Navy, Ma'1ize,VRose, Peach and Black. Checks and Plaids, in Browhs, Saxc, Navy, Amethyst, White and Black. ' A full range of `co1ors'in piain nd corded Velveteens. E V - A complete stock of Navy an Black Serges for Suitings; ' With the cool weether here, the k dies will need heavier and warmer hosiery and` underwear. CHILDRBN S FINE RIBBED GAS HOSE 01...... A1 1, n1 ' h All sizes. CHILDREN S HEAV Sizes 7 to 10 _CHILDREN S HEAVY A Sizes 6 to 10 . . . . CHILDREN S VESTS _CHILDRI:N S T T:1AiiY' "w)s'r ' ds . . . . . . . . . ..35c eaei CHILDREN AND DRAWERS Vestswvith long sleeves and drawers ankle lc-nj_.'-th, i11g'-ood heavy weight, all sizes. 0: : #n Qzn CHILDREN S I'INE(VES"I'Sz In sizes 2-} to 32A . . . . . MEN S AND BOYS WINTER VERCOATS AND UNDER- % WEAR ALL IN S OCK Now. LLUL Sizes 4% to 8-1;, in Black, Jiovctobin-'Z,:' 1916 . 130 -1- CHILDREN S WOOL]-IN VEE'i'S ANfDZ DRAWERST V 11 -:__., an OBITUARY New(%%%siiigs for Fa11Jin an the. Leading Shades DRESSMAKING "`-{DEPARTMENT _ IN FULL SWlNG Cream or Cardl al .250 up to 4 c WORISTED H0 LVN} ' .35c to .600 each ..-_...g_-_: ' HAMILTON SCOTTISH RITIERS * tvxsrr VBARRIE J l About fty Hamilton Masons vis- lited Barrie on- Wednesday of last week, paying .a fraternal visit to the two lodges of Seottis}1 Rite Masons: Lodge"of Perfectio11 in the afternoon and Spry Rose Crolx chap- ter 1n the gvepgng. Before the work of began the. visitors zvere e2"`mo,t(i1' ktri{3 airoundi e own; V . sxx o coc uncx was {served `in St. Andrew s. Sunday K `School room. The followmg oicers _ -7. ..,.}?.,`..vvA1 UK were a2'" mot( toWn. At c `111 St. Am `School room. The ` ...u.\. V . I `Am, Davis Remains Ald. Davis` addressed Council in eonneetion"with his resignation as Chairman of the Indigent Commit- tee. `He. said he would not put in 'another winter season as he did last. 'wi11te1' using` the pl1one oft theneigh- lbors, someone with a.- phone should have the position. It was decided to give the chairman a phone and the resignation was witl1d1'awn;. n Clean Out Gutters , . On motion of Dep.-Reeve Soules and Ald. Stapleton the Cllairman of the Boards of Works will instruct `the engineer to have all approaches `and culverts at the principal streets. cleaned out_and put i11 first-class shape before the winter sets `in. Sympathy to Colleague Before Couneil adjourlled, .\Ia_\fori Craig` in a feeling;'1x1a1111e1' tendered _to Ald. Horseld -the sympath_\'- of A the Council in theiloss sustained in the death of his son, Russell, who .Was killed in aetinn, iuu Axxu. .L.I.U1bllUlU. the] sc |~was.ki1lcd action. .. T15, 20, 25c .v.-..$1.50 . . . . . . . .38c ..'._...5c .,.....\...._:, ..m..`-_;, umuc, u, nut uu ,UllL sto1'ey_,35 by 120 feet. Se._we1' con- -nection with -t`heAbuilding's will be needed also coal furnaces in town _ hall building`; The committee I313- proved -of the plans and appointed a commitfcc-e of Reeve Bennett, Dep.- Reeves Soules and` Robertson, Aldi Stanleton and Ald, W'arnica to ca1f1'y out the Work. ~ ` -u .. - V I uuu uuc \VU1l\. . Council resumed and adopted the" report of the committee-of-th'o-H whole. "T ~ Aid f or` 157th Reception Ma_\'o1' Craig`. explained to council the stepstakeii at the eitize11 s meet-. iii}: iii the afternoon. The commit tee willi11_~;1y accepted the request made to g:iua1'ai1fee deficit of the conimittee up to $'2 i0.00. I Preparation for 177th } An` estimate from "the" en_:'ineer as`, i I I i to the cost of a new building: on the fair ;'1'Ol11l(iS, `placed the cost of inateriale from $530 [to $730, an "es-E timate of $1,000efo1' the -completed` building; being` made; it will be honei Qfnrnxr QR luv 1011 -l-`nnJ- 0..-"-.. 4-.. I (Contintiedddfrom page done.) I (-\'(-1'_\"1na11 should `be taxed on \\'11-at `ho own(-d and not 01l'hiS_i11_(`0m(`; there was too nluch dependan0(r- zpladccd upon p;'i\`at0isubsc1'i1_)tio11s.._It was decided that the .\IayorTappoi11t2 :1. (-itizon s committee to co-opc1'at(- with the council, as _\\`as done last :}`ca1'. ' 1 A3,! 1- --.--..u C` {COUNCILPROVIDES ! I % FOR SIMCOE BATT. ; ivvur `uuuu-|._y UL J.u1n. _ J I H13 wldow was forn1c-rl_v H155 `Florence May Ni_ of Davis- ivvillo, Out. The funeral was 011 Mon- day. Oct, '2, to East 01-0 Cmnotei'_\' and. was well attended by a lame, ici~1'(.-Io ofvfriends. - . . V i .|.\u. ulrvv axya `UL `(KILL u_y . Uvuutu. I He is survlved by Ins w1dow and se\'e11 children, six sisters and two b1'0thors, who are \Vn1. H. Pugsley, ;Reeve of Richmond Hill -and an ex- \Va1'dc_n of the County of York and Art11ur Ed. P11j9;s>1ey, ex-Reeve of! Sutton west a11d also ex-\V'a1`den of `Vtho County of York. ' ` T7` ' "I I` for upwaljds of f11i1't' years. T_Tn .n mu.`-n-.~..J'lnv LL. uurln .`?:5c each kiss Hunt in Charge .. . -. . .6c-7c . . $1.00-$3.50 . . .75-$1.25 .. . . .20 -22c ....$_4-$5 .J.4o . . . .32-34c I :7 u N avy. Rsgda, Myrtle, Coral, Saxe, Brown, Ladies sizes at . . .. Ladies VWhite_ Wa.s_h Kid c-1oves_gm-.: 7, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.50 yr. Ladies Walking Kid G1oves--a1l sizes. in Tan shades only,. .. $1 and $1.25 ])1'.A FANCY STRIPE COLLARS AND CUITS Kid Gloves, 1-11 am. but: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.25, 1.65, $2., 250, 2.90 per suit` L ADI1:sf WINTER WEIGHT UNDER- 'II'7'[' A "D In all sizes I`? -` I'D? I Were 500 set, now Vests and Drawers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....,25c, 50,0 750, $1, $1.25 (`:14-h , . . .10, 15c M.10-and 15c ... .;..25c .1O,V20, 25c Kn LADIES COMBINATIONS made in France are very scarce Kid Gloves-in all colors and (9-1 Q1 `TE Q1 Kl} . .. KID GLOVES ,Dist1"ict ofcers for `next 3'93" `.'f:: P.i`side11t, David VVi11aII1S, . C11"\1: wood; ` Vice-President, F. ;" |Ch'u1-chill, ' Collimawvoocl; Scc1`CtaI1,V: Dr. .McClinton, Elmvale: Tho 11` stitute will meet in Barrie next 303`- ! vnu: W 111` The annual nieetin_2' of the in Collingwood last week,` was well attended, seventeen of the nineteen libraries of thedistriet bein}: re]>1'e- sented. A. F. Hunter, M. A... pre- senting: .t.he annual Presidential ad- odress, criticized the Dewey deeiimil `system `of classification so _ _-'ener:1ll_\' used 111 libraries. which brought` A forth a stron_9: defence thou_:h with `admissions that it had \\'0z1k11(-.<. `. `Georgian Bay Librar_v Institute held from \V. 0.`Ca.rson, Sl1p(`1'l]1l(`ll(i(`Ill of Public `Libraries, and I)r. (`worm- ILoeke, President of the Ontario Li- |b]'{11'_\' Association. Two hour.< were })rotab.l_\f spent by (lele-sates on the subjeet of book seleetion. At the public meeting: the sneak- ers were Mr. G. J. McKay. B. S.<.. Provincial A`SSiSta11t Director of In- dustrial Education, who \\`.1..~` here 'addressin_e; the einployees of the in- dustries in the interest of the even- infl classes; Mr. Carson, who spoke on the general relation of the 1ibr;n',\' to -the people: and Dr. George Loeke who presented the Iibrarv as a` fa:-hr in +111) onlnl-3...}- .2 L1 | 1' 1` ~* --uu lucaulltcu. we um-a1-_v a nu-I'M` 111 the solution of the questions that he" believes will arise in Canada aftol" the War. T\_1" A no A 01" ()won '5 would sta1't a 00k it I VVith all CO11VCl1iOl1(`(`S,'CO A and Collier streets. T make a sp1endid`corncr t store b11Si11ess'ix1. Call am lover. T 117 A ru- l\JV\.Ln T. C. TI1o1111)so1i, Barrie. L1 All: Good M_usic1 All. wVeA1come.ACo1Vno ;and bring a friend. T GEORGIAN` BAY- I"f..hl5c . . . . ..20c ...`;...40c ..37-38cT .......15c .45 and 600 . . . . . . .$11 .` ..20c ...25c ..5c '..,5d '::.:..10c ' . . . . ..70c P i p m. co1ngrAst.Me:13oqis; Churcli i8.3() a.n1.-_--Holy CZ(>11-1r1;;11A11io11. ' Harvest Thanksgiving Service | 11 a.m. and 7 pm. ` Rev. C.. J. James, M. A, of Hm Clmrcll. of the Redeem'c1',- T01`011t0,, will preach a1t,bot]1 services. 3.00 p.m.-_-Sunday School. `Wed11esda_\f, 8 p.111. Intercession Sc1'~ ' vice. ` I Rev. H. D_. Raymond, Vicar. STORE AND RESIDENdE FOR SALE '` Rv. Hernla Moore, Pastor V Sunday, October 8th 11 a.n1.-.\Iorni11g: sveAm'_icc.. 7 p.m.-Evemng Servlce. Sunday School at 3 pm. Pastor `Rev. G. R. Turk. A` ASu11da_\', Otobor St]: _ Mo1'11i115_:` Se1'\'}cc 11 o o1ock. E\'(`11il1f_:` Service 7 o ;-lock. Sullday School will be Iloldfat I\-I ..., V.,..v.- v SIXTIEIYIVTIH` SUNDXYXPTER TRINITY . Central Methodist Church Trinity Church xi?i:A'i . ..5c| .. . 3400 ..;..$2 . ;.75c .50-55c ....$12 -.5-10c ...;5c ;...5c ....35c -20-30c ..;.5c for 5c ....10c '1UVUa-'Ju an 'u:u1n uuu 1, $1.25, $1.50 1..-. Suxiday, October 8th I-I-1-I-I-:1-rl-I-I-r. nu-iv-nv-is A can A -u LIBRARY INSTITUTE" etin_:: rv :1 ', Ow`: .250 >11-t 11;: of thi- sck,` was the ni110to(-An St.,. The Beii I Toronto Te1eg1'a1i1+Tl1oug'l1 set for a later date, owing to the g'roon1 s sudden orders for overseas the mar-' riage was solemnized very quietly on _ Saturday "afternoon, at iSt..Helen s _Reetory, of Bertha Anne, daughter of" Sir Wlllialllr and Lady l\Iacken:z.,i_e to Major J. F. H. McCarthy, l70'th`_ .Battalion, _voung'estvson of the late Dr. J. L. G. McCarthy, "Barrie, and of `_Mrs. McCarthy, Prince Arthur avenue. Only the immediate. fam- ilies witnessed the ceremony, at which Rev. Father Walsh officiated. . The bride wore, her travelling dress `of White cloth, adorned Withsable, and small chapeau to match. Ma,jor and Mrs.`_ McCarthy left iinniediateljr after for a few days honeymoon,` and upon their return_ will be at `.`Benvenut'o .until the~g1'oom.;leaves` for. .ove1'seas. . 4 pyjama .~niz~ Station, 3 pm. shirts. 1 hn.~}:i.: hospital . Sing`. 6 11o.~}it: `shi1't;<. 1 ]>i1In'-. 13- ]i1i1'.s' .~'m~-L~. Shantv Buy. hospital .~'hiI'I~: nol shi1't.<. IS in age cotton. C0n t1'ibu1Eu.. Church. 13 in-~ socks: St .*.V\:.- 29 nyiznnu .~e:. AIlan 2 p_\'ja1:m .~`11iI~. 51111200-11".< 2 t w V so<-ks; 'Ia`:q-I \ g'1`0_\' u_m1m~l `, pairs sm-k.~: .` pairs .~'n(rL.~: Tsoeksz I):1l.~12 hospital .~I:i:~: (31 hospital ~ mouth \\'i]><-~L Donation (:3 in 1 ])1'0]r('1'f.\` hr (*hi(*1'.s', 5 l':n-(A socks; P:1n.~\\ -3 vain .~'m-k~: Lino. donutiu-~. ~mo11th wi} ws. out cotton) I? hospital . A ~.n-2...-.. . l3!!liilWl?i%Ad% f M) It-:11` _\ I 1'etm'm-' I very kind In telling` us (:3 that _\".m hzf Sc-If uI'1'i\`m'! tell you t!:::1 Satist':1('tm';. are 'p1m'1i4-ul will 01' -mz;~~ -ship :m_\" .16. the I'((.-t`w.'-cw` A1lan1u1<- .\'2 .115 and 4-`,\'1;`4-~ tory Ih(-~- Thankinu' _\-A1 Ethel -.\`m:1H. ecutiw-. 4 quilts rj-3:. -$114.01; :: slips $2.40: 1; `clotlns, 1 ]\'Ir cover 50w : 1` chio1'.s $2.4 :_ linen um! mm 6 cotton hm: donated. ' 3 101: (102. Jule! Total .$:;.%.0.;. . I40 ('IliM1'( Allamlalo lm: pad to lhv > following` In: nowlcdgnu-m : tornbr-r 21 ~'. : $78.00; (3 _~:: }10:<]`vitul -4:51 suits .$`:')4.m; Socours .\':.~ II` \ru' Advanmg = in. Pa('kin~.:' 20 16 j 28 19 oo _7 oo 25 11 15 9 oo. 7 00+ THURSDQW, ad of the New ISSI : 2 SO('k.~2 SOL1k.~`; 3 Dillt Rank nd NI ?.\11 3 o ovuv M.1O-13c` . .10c . 90c :1` "ms . . .l5c f 25 36 60 :--r 37 \l\Ir 75 Ar . .,:.Lau. vcao.',' y \_vu. (Sl__3'; bi-ated at St. Thomas Chur.c,h.0n` th. `last Sunday ' in September; the church was very nicely decorated, some ,said it Had never looked pret- i`t-ife`r . The Rev; Mr. Taylor of Allanf &,uL_uI.;ua. ` - '- . Pte. Thacker is }1omeAou a. 'wek s leave having had _ten teeth extracted })etsige: 1_)eing` vaccinated and inocu-' a e wlce. ' - - A n___, 1, nu: -um-.. " . Luruuu `U IV 1LCn Our `boys of the l57Ath'AWere' home for the` Week end. .\Ve must expect to have to say goodbye soon. ' I-Tram-t7na+ I`1nnnlro'.-u:u.'u.-u ' vuvnus 2...]- '(CIorrected T by_Jos. Marrin, market _ V ; square.) _ _ Beef Hides, green _. . . .e . . 17-18c . Beef .Hides, cured . . ; . . . . . 18-20c Tallow -...6c-7c Sheep Skins. . . . . . . . . .$1.00-$3.50 Lamb Skins . . . . . . . . . . Calf Skins . . . . . . . . . . . Horse Hides 40 _HorseHair . . . Wool, unwashed .. . Q . T . . '. `Wool, Washed .., .e.42-44c LULAJF` LILLDIU UCIIIICD J.J.(1J|Io Glad to See Mrs. Archie jCa,n1pb'ell_ back in the villagre agaill. ' T..,.I. .1n..,...a. --..:.1 1-:._ --.--__'_1 -.-._1 |J(L\.l\ Ill IIIIC \1u'.a._.`.',U gulll. _ > Jack, -Frost paid his second and third visit this week to our elds and gardens. ` ' run 1 0 u - '-`-- I uv.nAaa.a\ an L 1.05:. L ' . October 2, 1916 All good wishes from the village go with Miss Lottie Hart who went to t11c`G1'ace `Hospital at Orillia on Mollday to train for a nurse. A 1\.r: ,.- T_T.....:u. .3 n.'.__..'_. 11:11 :_ __:- .LI.L\l.ll}IK&"y vu I/1(lll.1 LU1. Cl: 11Ll1DUo Miss Hewitt of C1"ow'n.Hil_lAis_V,isv- iting M135 James Hart. ' f`ll..,J .1... 2...- 1r-.- A__.1,!, n, ,,_,1_;n \)lILI\W`V (LU ..CLlL1Ull. LVUVVIIIUJI Do Nurse_ Annie Train `of Bali is visiting relatives here." ` Ptc.' Fred. Taylor of the .1'.77th Biz. is visiting T. E. `Smith on his week- end leave. A . ,. I Av 11. uuu uauvu. - V I Quite" "a; number around here at- tended. the Elmvale fair and concert at night all enjoyed the performance and Col. `Currie made an efficient cllairnlan. ` " `u-.. 7.1,. in I. VI `I.'1 1.-, is. W'f1.m:'lt;;1111 Biaili iiiitd Mf; Pat. McGinni's of Ferg'u;sonvale lastweek. vvvv-..`, _,. ...v..u The Methodist Church hali 21 vl-\' successful anniversary service on October` 1st.` Rev. Mr. Leish spoke .very acceptably in the morr:in_q, aixd Rev. Capt. McLean, Camp` -`uorfien, grave avstirring* pat1'iotic adxhoss at the evening` service. The C-lmyc-`h was bcautifull_v decorated. ` 11'; A n rn 111" -m Lanu aa1lll(LlllbU\l l.'U qJU'.l'.U\I. Arthur ;C1'1r`1'1e -and Harvlc Bald- wm have gone to Toronto" to at te.nd college a.g'ain, we wish them success. 1\,r.. ....',1 1\,r..r. :1-.. 1i1..-.-.-n 2-.-... Auvou n\.\;n, uuu cu.U Uu mu: uuzuu IIUW. Rev. J. Stevenson p1-cached on the H-awkestone c1rcu1t on Sunday. VVheat . . . .. 130 Barley . . . . .' . . . . . 75 Peas` . . . . . . . . 125 Oats, new . . . . . . ` 50 Buckwheat . .' . . . . ` 85 Rye . . . . . . .....`....,.1l0 Hay, per ton, new .. 10 O0 Flour, VVC-stern .. . . B900 Family Flour, per bbl. 8 50 Potatoes, per bag`, 11ew 1 50 Egg's,_ pe1'.- doz. . . 33 Butter, "per lb._ . . . . 35 Chickens, d_1'essed _ A18 _Ducks . . . . . . . 15 Turkeys .. 25 Mutton 900 Lambs, each . . .V . . . . 6 00 Lamb, per lb. -. . ; . . . 20 Hogs, live selects 11 00' Sows, live .. .. "8 00 "Butcher Cattle . .A L . . . 6 00 v-uvlv October 2, 1916 _Mr._a11d`M1:s.-Jo11n Blain` spent Sunday at .Al_f1'ed Npxvxnan s. II V _IJ\.`(l\|blLl|Ll_V \lCUUlaUC'.lo w1{I_r. G. P. Tracy and 1\Iis_~;' Trauv spent?Sunday in Grewnfel.` j IICAII .3 vvuun. v _ Mr. \V. J. Alldiimvs and son, How- ard of Stroud vlsltod in`tl1is burgh. on Sunday. ' ' xu;.; Au_ pnuo A1u:1`.`_'.uU'UL-llU,UU. _ . A Rev. Irwln of Haw-kc-stone preach- ed two very lmprosslve se1'n1_ons hero o11 Sunday. M T 7111... 9...... '...:n .;m....:...;. A.- c.___:__- uu.u.\.,-_',u agsaun, wt: wxau vucul bluJUCb. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Farrell from Carstairs, Alta., are here again after a trip to St. Thomas. ' ` `' La... n1-11] r.....:n mum-.- ---A-.-L-J tut.) IA.) LJI/a .LllU1uG.Da John and Lewis \VilAsd11_-\ve1'ebad- V_1y hurt i11'a, runaway on their farm last week, but are on the mend now. 1),... `I Q;..........,... -`.._--1.-:I -.. L1 . uAUuIlUL, J.l.o AIL. JJULIEQIICUII 1UUL'.ll|.vl`y. I The Anniversary .serv~icesT of the Methodist .-Chu1'cl1 will be held_ on Sund_a_v, October 15th, afternoon. and e\'_e11113g',.RcV'. J. J.:\Veatley of Elm- xiale 1s the visitin_:; past-or for. the < a_v. A `nr_.; .1'*r,_;__1,3.,_ _, n m . `miI.1"S..Hutchi-115011 df To1'oi1to vis- itcdfher aunt, Mrs. Wm. Blo.\/ham `last week. " 1 r 117 1- A 1- - -v I _V J V V ""'_""5Etobe1- 2,1916 . The fa1'111o1'S are busy` fall ploug_:h- in5_1' in this A11eig'hb-orhood. '1)--." `r..-..:._ -1: 1"r____L__L, 1 \lll k.}lIll\l(l"/"0 I . The free 'wi1l,o e1'111g'_o11 Sunday last amounted to $64.00. A J-I... IV.;. .3. -__ .1 T1'`.,,_,' T1 , I 1 Dealers were paying` to the farm- ers at St. Lawrence market the fol- lowing gures for their ofEerin_9;s.- Butter, choice dairy ..31-35c Butter, creamery prints .. 32-34c" Eggs, new-laid, doz... M . . . . . .35-40c Fall Went, newe . . . . . . . . . . . . .._$1.48 Fall Wheat, old .- . . . . . ;T. . . . . $1.45 "Goose Wheat ..$1.48 Oats,.old ..62c. Oats.'now .. ..56-V6,0c Bailey, malting'..; , . . . . .. ._ ..._90-92c Rye '..'.. $1.15 Timothy, new No. l_ ton ..$11-$12 `Mixed and clover $9.-$10_ Straw, bundled . . . . T. .- . . .`.$12-$14 Straw, loose.. ..; . . . . . . ..A.$8-$10 _ Straw, Rye . . . . .' . . , . . ._.$l8-$19 u\.'_A5;uUUJ.1LUUu. uncut: uay;._ The heavy frosts have da1ng'e(1 th_e.g'a.rden stu and" frozen the po- tato tops. Potatoes are a. fair size_ but with few in a `hilljn ou.1"co1`11- munlty. ` - IUJIVIUIT aL1)1.d LO11g'11ecd bf Allandale visited the formers brother, H; M. Lotlglieed recently. T110 A 1II1:\,'o1Ico1vtr cn'|\I7.;nnn A-3 J-Ln } -I-\IllJll|J\J VVLLL 'llL\a(lv\4ll (kl! IJUIIII DDLVLUCDO Little Cecil Chappell met with a - serious accident on Saturday after- noon. T \Vhen b1'111g'111g' the -cowsn _home he had puta 1'op_e on at calf and. the animal ijan away with him d1-a.g_:',rzi11.2'-]1i111 some distance and b1`eaki1ig hisleg` at the hip. 7 Dr. Lewis was sumniolied and the injur- 'ed [limb attended to. On" S_un_day _1no1'111n,9,' he was removed. t0.Ba1'rie ;where he will receive treatment and itvis hoped will soon be able to be around agalill. Mrs. Chappell is staying in town for a few days with him. P1`! ~!`|II I . 1- .u I Silo lling` is taking` the attention of the men and feedlng the men the attentlon of the women around our 11e_igrI1bo1'l1oo(l thcse`days._' _ . 'l"Ln 11001??? `p-nrxc`-a lanvyn .3 .-`nan.-.u.~.,1 ucfgy l..l.'\l1ll uuu .IJo\J.1.. ' Thej-Rally day -servlces Iast_ Sun- dav were a declded success. [The church was `very suitably d`eco1_'atc-d `by the`S. S. children. ` . 1\..r.. ....,1 M"..- rn -1) r`.--..'.1-M.1 --.n I :o.`oooo_uouooo9 o.oo;: \J LICLIJII \Jo&'.Lo\.Jn ` .:A number from here attended -an`? niversary servics at Dalston on Sun- A day and were guests of friends there during. the'day._ ' _ - AI-`\l`I'l17l\'ID`fI`IVI7 an-n\71.nnc kn `1]A euX;;:i;;:sa:;`r'servic'es will be held in the C111`1rch'onSu11day._ October 15. Rev. G. M. Brown` of Toronto will -preach at both services. `r.'u.I... rv..,.:1 l1..w..u.1I ..... ...:+l. .. . _ "","""` -) Mrs. _E. Carr of _ Painsw1c`k home -for Sunday. ' ' ` . '1\.I'u'aono 7 lllnzltnw Q-..!mI..+.. ..-- .1 ILUAAIU LUL |Jull\laJo -Misses Gladys Srigxlcy` and metta S1'ig'ley were home over day from the B.C.I. - `- ""I11...'D..n-. J-.. .~..-..-:A..; 1..~L Thewtbpi notch: price was "surely , reached on Saturday for butter and" sbe worth while noting that butter P on, Saturday, October 2nd. `Beets, basket ..65c_ eggs, the former selling at 38 cents, the latter at 40 cents. . `Incompar- `ison withthis time la'st' year it may sold at" 28 cents a pound and eggs at 25 cents a dozen on Barrie market Apples, basket . . '20, P Apples, barrel -. . . . ; . .- . .$1.50 Butter,rlb. ....38c Buttermilk, qt. . ._. . . . . .5c Beets ,bun_eh . . . . . . Butter beans, ,qt.. . . . .10-13c V Beans, white, lb. . . . . . . . . . 10c _ Bouquets . . . . . . . .. ..5e' Chickens, spring, lb. . . . . . . . -. . . .20c ' Chickens, pair . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 . Corn, doz. . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . P Cream, coffee, pt. . . . . . . . . '. . 15c ` Cream, whipping, pt. . . . . . . . . 25c Carrots, bunch. . . . . ;. . . . . . .5c _ Cucumbers, basket . . . . . . . . . . . .50c Cucumbers, ripe . . , . ._ . . . . .5c - Cabbasre, head ... . . ... . . . . .5c Cabbage, large . . . . . . .. .. Citron . . . . . . . . .. . . A. . .10'and Citron, two for . .' . . . . . . . ; . .250 [Cauliower . . . . . . . . . .10, , 20, Celery, stalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5c Crab apples, basket : . . V . . . . ~20-35c Duck, lb. ..20c Thyme, bunch ._. ..,..e..5c Turn1_ps_.... .. .. ...2 Vegetable marrow ....10c Egras, doz. . . . . _ . . .. V.-...-10c V E;:*,r.s, by basket, doz... .. Fowl, lb. .. ..15e Gherkins, per 100 . . . A Hay, ton . . .A .. i. . . . . A Lamb, front, lb. .. . . ., . . . . . . .20c Lamb, hind . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . .25c Lettuce, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . .5c Onions, green, bunch ,-. ...,5c' Onions, pie'klin_:', qt. .- . . . . . . . .10e Onions,.basket . . . . Parsley, bunch .. . . . . _. . . . .5c c Potatoes, peck Potatoes, bag . . . . .;..$2 Plums, basket .- . . . . . . . . . Pears, basket .~ . . . . . . . Pigs, young`, pair . . .. .". . . . . .$1`2 Radishes, bunch. . . . . . . .; . . . . .5c Squash ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sage, bunch ....5c Summer savory, bunch. . . . . . .5c Tomatoes, ripe, basket .. . . Tomatoes, g'reen.. VVQVUVVCOCQOCPQCQCUUU? IV , RouNn ABOUT mun: . Tlnmvl-. I`!-Iv:-l'!nI-vncnn-nnnl-a `Find, 0 . wnat 0urCorresponde_ntsV 1'14-311:1 ; Worth Recording : Bdpoooooboooooooooo099639 ' CROWN HILL ` . ` f\_L-L,,_ `\ "Il'\'II,` LL16 LCLGUAVUD Lu .lJ(b1+LCa > Mabel Partridge has return- ed to Toronto after a holiday at her home; ~ ` A "117 1-.` {-1 3 ,LJ;,_.,'lf__-_ Parti' is attjending Guelph O.A.C. " * A A nuvnlnnu -psonni 1-an-un >0`)l"1(1n(-`.nY`|_V Viv`! II_L` dd.`-land u ' . October 2, 1916 Miss Elizabeth Drury has been [visiting relatives in Barrie. ' lfioo I/fnlnnl `Du-..+~nAmn 1-nnn `9n+I11vI1 IIKIIVC I-IU aa._y. sUULlU`Yt3 aw. _H~arvest. Tha,nk.$g'iving was ; `celg; r9.i:nH SH`. 'F}\n1-ne`, rn'1-|1~n`In nrr .Wha.t Ouvrcorrespondentsv 1'1-1111' A El 'IIP__LL 1! - -__..1:_`.. SHANTY BAY MINESING DALSTON. `M A R K fREPOR@ (HOLLY ` VIGO `<`)I:`tob`ef 2, 1916 "October 2','1916 Cm- WRS W111 UU uu Juapa av ucuc J..JvvaJ.u uI:Au Sunday, `Oct. 8. After that date there will `be Mass at Belle Ewart, every Sunday_ at 9.30 am. ' BELLE. EWART R. c. smwxcr: M A _Owing_ td `the ,Re}1wa1 of Missidh, St, Mry s Church, Barrie, there W1ll'"be no Mass at Belle Ewart "next A.`L-__ 11-; ,'I,L- De not fo1*s:e ; the Essa: toW11s]1i1 :School Fair to be held in Victoria _Park, Ivy, on Saturda.y, October 7. Theeladies will serve lunch and af-` ternoon tea, in- the house recently vacated by. Mr. and Mrs. Asanh. who have kindly Qiven the use of it for thaethda.v.e Tickets for lunch 25c and 15c: Afte1'11oon_tea 10c; ~.Proceeds' in aidof the Red Cross. McGARTHY-fMAGKENZIE 1.1. uuuucouu. U. Uublzuu, IV. .I. acniuu. `II..--L; Thomas, H." .A_dams. M. Lawson. E. Rands. A. Rands, L. Besse, C. Wiggins, _I. Wilso11. I.-J. Lawson, R; Bands, A. Peter- son, R,.Wigg-ixas. . Q1! D..:`u`n.. 1]` 13.11 `I! (`...v..,.'I....11 xvunly .I.|.'g VV 15.'.1uo. S1`. Prim a.1'-E. Ball, M. Campbiell, `L, Jo`hnston.TM. Besse, J. Martin `J. \Vi2',Q"ins, E. Roberts, C. Cameron. T -D..:....... T `r........--- n 11--.; 11' u. vvL;,`.-Jun, L1. 1.vUIJ\7Ll.-a, U. LIGIIIUIUII.` J. `Primer--J. Lawson, P. Hart, H. R0bson,_ L. ,Joh11ston, L. \Vigg1ns, G. Carey. ` M A T 1 I DA an Figwu-es denote` perco11ta.g`e Sr. 'IV.-Vionna. .Elliott, 74. Sr. III.eIrene M(=Quay, 69. Jr. III.-l-l-K'eitl1 Elliott. .81, Eliza- beth Dunn. 79; Gareld M<=Qua.v. 78. T Sr. II.-Ha1'old_B1'0ley, .59; Thelma Broley. 58 :` Robert On-oc_.k. 49. - u uu. ;1..--\vu.3Uu' L`JlllUlLq_ UU.'_- , Prim..A Leone `- Macdonald, 81: Bruce Macdonald. 79; [John Dunn, 76: Vernon 1\IcQuay, 71. A15n1Innin n4`I\I1VI1n\\n4\ ---. O.._..L.....L~-. l 16:` "S. S.TNTo. '1, Oro, for September_ S1`. IV.-M1'. Packard. 0. Packard. Jr. IV,--G. Ball, R. Robertson, M. Adams. C. P11,r:h, A. Caninboll, `V; Hart. F. Peterson, W. Rands; III.-T.V Wilson, R. Van No1'man.T -T." T.-.1.`-'..~J-.-u,` I` Q.-LJ.--. TIT 11.'.._1-.._.J 1.1.1111/, .1 . LCL/CIDUII, VV. .lL'i1-Ulla. N.orman.T -L". Jo}mston; C. Sutton, VV. Packarc. -'`[T T - 7l"1,....,...... IT A _'I__...._ `If ; Ntimbor `present 40, average 36, present every day 15. ottio *Dunn,'. 51 ; Beatrice ]Mc.Quav_V, 50. Sen. I.-.-Norm~a Orrock, 61. ' Jun. II.--WiIso11- Elliott, 60. . 'D..!. ' T ....-.,. . '\r-,.1__._1,1' TORONTO MARKETS V Jr, IH.-.Tc-nnie V \Va1'11i(=a. TFIos; _Ma1'Iin_t.:', Llylo Loml-ox, ;\'o1_so11-.\I \_Vato1`s.. Me1'lin Mode, Ha'2'o1iH Vaug'I1a11. " T Sr. I.T.--\Va1'd Goodfc-llow- _ J1`. II.-Nm'1n-ml Mm'IiAn<.:', V:1h(-.1 D1ixbu1'y, Bernice Green, Ethel Tuck.. T ' 'r 1 r o - vrv ~.Tunio1"I.-Ma1'jo1'io \Va1'ni0a. _ P1'imor-Ha1'o1d S\\'a1'tman, Jack .\Ic\Va.tors, Hector .L\Ia1`1i-11__~', Teddy Green. M V ' . Primer A.'-1\Ia1'ijo11V Carr. Class. w(n`k So1"ten1bo1`. V Senior IV.-Russ,ol Mode. ' v A Jr. _IV.-L11r.=_V Mc\Vat'o1's, Viola _Cmvoll, Lloyd Blackmoro. Mabel Hi(-klinuj. \Vill_ Taylor, AVi01aV .\[m'- ling". ` 1"I"I'-`l"`I 731- ~r IAI/I.-'-Lila. Robinson, La,\'mA1a" v.\I(*\Va ro1's,` Ai'th111' Howell. . ' T.. TTT T,.....I,\'1I7.__....'._,_ T3]- ,.,2._ (A4lI.\L JELLO. `*0 J.` C01-`ya Mr. and-M-rs.` W. Co'ren of the county town spent a` few days at the latter _s _home recently. ~ 'l`1.n m~.'lA.:m. `rut-\17Ev '#`...n..,. u.:.; ....:._.1_- A. Moved by R. Adams,` seconded by Lo\vr_v'--Repo1't of standing` commit- tee No. 1,- and Tecommendod pa,\'mont of the following` accounts. William Adams,`1`1o1'tl1 div. $2422.10; Jolm Haug'l1, claying 20 s.1'., con. 4, ' ro- pai_ri-ng 5,line bridg,-`e $26.10: H11_u`l1 Dciniy/, cla_vin_s:' '5tl1 line and 20th s.r.', con 4, $20.25.; David` Dunn. ro- pairs to culvert, 6 con. $2.00; \Vm'. Mayborry. repai1'i11g' hill. and ap- `p1'oacl1,'3rd line, $7.00: \Vm.' Ad:1ms,. ditching` 3005.12. $32.50; James lio- Do11ald.* lling washout con. 10. $2.00; Howard Banting` for cedar and culvert, con. 10. $7.00; Jim Dutton, repairs `to _;`r_ader, iron for bridgro. $8.00; ,D.`.A. Ross, b11il(lin'9;.c11lvo1*t and cleaning ditch, con. 10, $20.00; \V.,. slush sc.1'apor. $6.00; Maurice Gaviller, re wato1`.co1u'isc; $15.80; H.- Sleiqlit, cement culvert in E,<;'bert. $90.00. 1\.r,....... 1... D....:..,.. ;...-,....1-.1. v1.-.-' nay . . _ Mrs. T. Purvis and Mrs. A. Hunt of Toronto ,visited at Mr. A. Pur- 'vis recently. 1`/"::va ].l n..4~1..~. 1-.I\`|r\InrI\v` A-9 T-.-- I .. 1 CUCLI I/LUV '.wMiss Martina, Lennox` of Ivy is_ holidaying at__Mr._ Jas. B1vack s. lzfum 12..-.'l.1~u-.`..'n 75-.-L` 7l`,....-...J... .._--__L l1\.IlnI\Al.It. I116 Ilrll` _AVLLc UWO lJL'a4UK\ Du Mrs, Robinon,:bf Toronto spent "the week-end with her parents, `Mr. and Mrs. `A. Neely. 1\,r.. .....1T.M....v TIT r~..a:;.,\..v ,;c u-- Luuuu; _u _ll\Jlll(J J.\;L.\/uv1_y. The-soldier boys "from this nei;:h`- borhood are home on their last leave before they go east. `"sK1'Un.D' AY MAR" ` Ems