J. Dumond, of Brentwood, has awarded the contract for bu ding a new b1'idg:e over the Not- tsiw saga river between Essa and Sn" nidale townline. The V bridge will cqst $12,000.00. -. 11... J_, _ ,,1, n :1 from lwr ll v..<]z1o(- .t|x:1t toxic-atin: 1'il.<: he ln (-_\'(-5 L-lnsin, }n'(-part-ul In spell `ml he 0]; (`cl 1 was .st1ll' 2" and l'oa1'l(-.~ liullt nl' vi (`()lll]>('lllll'_" W4-ll.-" "`l' mu 1'1-ml llo l'~ll l }I()\\`('1' Ill- lillml with 1201509. 1.1? I vv Izux d(`n1z1l1tl1-cl She whi wan! him` behind 12(- H0 ` \'.':l~ Yvoxmv. ' ' S110 mm `could N-pl ' ` ` (<'rum-' . nm'in'." Hu- Ht`---la(~ Ho h;1< wont my 1': you. \'<-r_\' for luv to - has r.'nm- I with _\'m1. `.1 , _ f GIRL BDU you. IQl|lI `\\I\1. . _ "I1I1p().~`.~il)lvT" his tonu'ru- am! away from her. `T`A1'o \'()ll nu`. ' Taunton, Mass. - " sides and when my ; , 32` Q A mother bought it an 22 Russell Street, T Pinkham's Vegetabl` was so well that I my without staying at in good health now ' girls aboutvit. -Mi. .The' soldiers of the 157111 Batt., who 1mvo"-been in training` at C1-C0-. `more for the past two months havb 1'0tu1'ncd to C0lli.11}_>,'\\~()'o('l. I`! (`1 `:1 4 Jwux -3. i n -,- vvu--v-- .. _. Thousands of girl every month rather sician. If girls who painful or irregular headache, draggin fainting spells or ind Lydia E. Pinkham pound, 8 safe and from root: and hgr might be avoided. '--v -4, L- v'__.1:_ `D u-.___ _` Wm` *0 Lig E. W '~\\*oV1_i;` By George .I~` CD!right. 191:. ABlae::3 `v\\'22:t .V.,_.4._, 29th. E. u L People who can 5 Efasked to communicate at h Cans furnished and .expre Qmarket price paid for crea e cream to Barrie are e with the creamery. aid, also_ the highest awuuo The Alilerican Hotel, Midland has, been purchased by Mr. J .o Jackson. of Toronto. T nu , ri -11', `IL LULUIIUUI ' _ The customs receipts ' amounted to $487,600.77, of $351,144.73. ' 111' .....1 1r... nV':n:.. vL1\f1U::,1l1:lm1lJI.1's. William Bellamy` Sunnidale township, celebrated their fty }'CaljS of n1a1-riod life on .\Ia1'cl1 tinn. EThB'c"R`?`e*11b' `ed g e arne ream `y w: e em runmng or er gen the 10th April undl _e its new proprietor, Mr. A. Stevens. Wagoh` I will commence collect ging cream as soon as th, .roads permit. V ALI IIIIU. LUUDCIIIIGIII LVLUUIIUILLDU Ulllllbllu -W'm. Mitchell, .of_ "Huntsville, is the new night policeman at Mid- land. A I 11-. I -Ir-1I `I1 i A pipe `organ has been installed` in the. Totfsenham Methodist church.` `Irv I I II ' (1 1'1 1 `II 1 SIR EDMUND WALKER. JOHN AIRD. General Manager __ John '3 Brady, an inmate of the Beeton {House of Refuge died last week. He had been in the institu- tion for three or four years, com- ing fropx the township of Flos. He was 87 years of age. 0A0n`r0L. 015,000,000 05 005 FUNIJ, $13,500,000 FARMERS B s1NEss The Canadian Bank of Commerce e V nds to Farmers every` facility for the transaction of their banki _ business, including ttl3 discount and collection of sales notes. 7`-.Blank sales notes -. are supplied free of charge on application. , S54 "THE CA ADIAN BANK OF C % MERCE CREAM WANTED THE BARQIE CREAMERY PHONE BARRIE B_RANCH `for Orillia-I all lIlCI'CaSC I ;, v.o.. LL.D., D.C.L.. President _ H. V. F. JON ES. Ass't General Manager __ .._-.._,-v. Orillliai Newys-Letter--Allan Jen- kins, who was second engineer on the f'rei_9:hter Empress of Fort Wil- liam,- which was sunk on February 26 in the English Channel by a Ger- man-torpedo or mine, arrived home last week. The Empress went to the assistance of the P. & O. liner Maloja, which went to the bottom after coniing incontaet with a mine. Mr. Jenkins thinks the Empress was Job Payne, an 01-illia man` was be~ fore. thomagistratc for_ selling liq- uor without a license Three fmonths in the county jail in` [lieu -of $300 and costs was the result. M4. Alliston Herald--The freshets last week cleaned out a couple of bridges over the Nottawasaga in Tecumseth. The Nicolston dam went out and` the volume. of water coming down the Boyne made 'the dam owner here nervous for a day or two, `but the `ow._s'ubsidedTwith- _out doing any damage. Fletcher s dam, 'a couple of miles above town, went out. In Tossorontio several bridges were threatened, but. were saved by the effortsoof the residents near them. Reeve Pulford is being given plentiful [credit for his work in looking after the safety of the township property. For a couple of days he seemed to have been ubiquitous, and-neglected to take no precaution which would ensure the safety of bridges. f\_.:Il2, vr, 1- .. in - Manager. Rm`. -172111105 H. }Ia1'1'is, who did 111ucl1 pioneer work for the Clmrclx of England i11 Hcdontc Vtow11s`l1ip, died in To1'o11to last week. While l:1bo1'i11_:; i11 ;\Ic('Io11to. he opened cl1u1'cl1os at Victoria "Harbor" and other points. Born in Cork, Ire- land, in 184V6,il1e came_ to Montreal with his pare11ts= i11 1850.. Educated at Trinity College, To1'o11to,'hc was` ordained in 1873 as a deacon by `Bishop Betl1u11e- and two years `later as priest. Eleven. years were 5 ent in the parish of Medontc. All- 1 `If i The _1':lt(`1Ii`:_\"(5]`:.~` of S. 54. No. :3. i.Fl0s, at :1 meeting` in I`}1m\'al(~ voted 'a_<."':1iii.st pi-o(~ocdinL1' \\'_ith_ the 01-01-- K ion of -:1 new school i)11i1(iil1j_'.' until_ [after the war. The ilowc.~:.ti tondmj ufas `for. $1!).(i!}U. 1'01` , at six-1'0om 'buildi3ij.", the c01iti':1cto1's to allow` $l.000_1'0r tho inaterizil in the old scho 0l.` _ An0t1_xm' nmotin_'.:'~\\'ill be h0`ld_ou Tl1111's this week to auth01'i:/,0 the t1'1istos to }_>1"ocood with the 1'1ow` building" 01' erect :1 two-room addition to-the prosoilt` school building; ' n.-_uv.,, Lu no pouu, -xu. .1.U.LU. 1 Chief of Poliee'Reid, of O1-illia is being` sued for $10,000. Some time ago an Austrian, Joe. Gag-e, was convicted in Belleville of sel- lling' liquor without a license. Oril- lia police were notied that Gage was in the 11ei}.:'l1bo1hood of Orillia. and one day when he came to O'ri1- lia .the chief made the arrest and handed the prisoner over to an ofc- er who came f1'01x1"lI-3e lle\'ille. The License de'p-.11'tn1ent 1.<. defending: the suit. ' rl\I . r. .-4 /4 . v .. Michael St. Germain, an Indian on the Rama Reserve` across "the lake from Orillia, died` at the ad- vanced age of 106 years. He was born at Ro'ach"'s `Point, Lake Sim- c_oe, it is said, in 1810. ("L-in-F` n-F T),.l1,..~."l').\.1 AL` (\..!llZ.-. 678 1 Ford Ford %FOPd Motor Company ofC`an%a\la., Limited, Farm] on; _ Ford` A143 Lllh ALIIILLLI an KLVJL `V0110 Three l`l11l1(ll'C`tl soldiers visitedl C0l(lWate1'-0110 day 1'oeCntly, the oc- casion being a military entertain- ment, including boxing and Wrest- ling. 0 .. 0 . Plans are being prepared for an addition to the O1-illia hospital which will provide [for 15 additional beds. The cost will be between $7,000 and $8,000. 0 Tvn`pnn+:n11n AlZn..n.-..u. ...`......... "L1-.. Ford` nun: \-l>7\. \ l.A\I| IFIIII. That there should be socks `which come under the ban appears rather s rrang'e, for direotionsT:1s to tl1eTco1`- rect xvay to knit` soldiers soc -ks . cl '. |,Al\' I I |lll.l-t . The foot of `rho ln'a1`\`c mom who may` he -I:1_\'in5_:' down their [lives for 'tlw's:1f(.-t`_\f o[`.tho won1cnkim1 they leave behind are worth all tho r3z1r(- 'thz1`r can he tnkvn in . and it is 'oortain that `tlmCa11adian women have only to r0z1li'/.0 this to tako"e\'(}1`_\' `pains possible to make their lxjnittillp: beyond tho reach of .'1dvo1';:c c1'iti(-ism. nu `.1 .1. . ~--- Mr, J. G. Colmer, '4 0 Lo11doh Sec- reta1"y of the Canadian \Va1' Contin- . gent Associi1tio11, has eablcdthc hex- ocutive of the National `Service Cmmnittoo tohtho effect that tho's11p- ply of socks for eld .com`f'o1'ts is Liiminishod. and that further ship- n1e11t`s'f1'm_n Cana(1aA:_11'o desirable in the interests nf'.tho o01ni'o1'is 01? the 11101) at `tho `l'r0n.t. ` n11 P 1 r- 1 1 I - 1rice Before the War$65OMM Price After a Year of War $530 l.'l>C\\ `U-T'\(lllC\l, Ill DIIU UU(LUO- I I ' Alhston Herald--Sergt. Reid on 1'cturning_v. from- his last ` leave brought with him an'inter.esti'ng ex-` hibit, which has been placed` in a . Window in `Edmonds `book store and! is attracting much attention. It is a belt which Sergt. Fraser oi.` Bar- rie made and to which he attached a number of ; trophies picked ` up` while -at the front in France` with the -rst contingent. Among, ., the` troplhiesvisi a pair of leather pockets taken from a dead German, a but- ton worn by the Prussian guard, one worn by the Bel_;'ian artillery. There are French and German rie cartridges, a `Hun bomb throwers uniform button, French, German and _Bel_::ian coins, the Lincolnshire A regimental crest, Sergt. Fraser hav- ing belonged t_o this regiment in the old countrr, and a couple of High- land regimental .cap badges which -came from his two sons who belong to Highland regiments. A couple of rows of bullets extracted from shellsred over the graves of two British officers buried with military honors at the front complete the curios. ' iI'0LLOW(DIR}.`.GTIONS. IA Pew InstructiOnsV.That Patriotic! _Women Should Read Carefully I Dunkirk` loaded with` coal when she sa;sv the plight _Aof't.he Majola. Five minutes before the_explosion Mr. Jenkins- was on his way` V to his state1'oom, but was called to another p_a1'_t'o1' the ship. This saved his life, as his state1`oom, situated just 'ab0ve,'.'.'l1e1'_e the explosion occ-ur1'ed,] 5-wasislnattercd to pieces. The boat isank in a few 'n1inut0s,- but all the l('1'(*\\' escapede in the boats. All3_+.... LTn..nI,1 Q.-n-L Wniul A11! torpedoed. She. was on (her Waf to! Touring . 530 Ooupelet 730 sedan .... .. 890 17 us: Illl\.|lJ uuutuacuu The House of Refuge committee have come to an agreement with the toWn_ of Beeton, to" pay `a at rate of $445 per a_n11un1 for water sup- plied the institution. 1' 1 is l\ o... ' - ljown var . . to 1;. ram, Ontario Grarage E11z;tl;e1:1-1, -trfe-e_"E IN KNi'i*'iING SOCKS Why Are We Proud to Advertise This? I THE ORTE_BB.N ADVANCE `A` If this company is able to manufacture and sell 40,000 cars between August 1, 1915 and Aug- ust 1, 1916, we know that our buying capacity, the` production efficiency, of our manufacturing plant, and the distribution of overhead expense -L uuuuuu II J V. > Protably to manufacture the Ford Canadian car at this lowered price requires a production of 40,000 cars during `the year ending August 1, 1916., ` . II`- .......a... L'{......,- r1..-.......I 1r ____ ._ 1r.n,,..,.,L L, -LII&\IO To quote fi-om: Geeral Manager McGregor s own statement; - . tn Alg 77 dA__7_ 0, 1| . n - V 1 uuuav us ucoul. Isu- This was emphasized a second time last Aug- ust when the prices of Ford cars were again reduced by $60. 'D....l.`.L;..1.l.. J... ........--.t.`....L--__.. `LL; `m__.,1 n 1- _Yet the Ferd Canadian executives did not allow the war to interfere with their plans in the slightest degree. ' They considered the `pros- perity of Canada and the victory of the Allied cause as assured. . 1 -u . . A portion of the village of Cree- more was ooded Wednesday of last Week. The millvstreet bridge was swept away and the grist mill dam was badlydamaged. ` mhn n11n np pnuitmn A.\......:J.J..\.\ xyuu 1uDD_LUJ. one uuuu.ug _yt:a.1'. , _It must be admitted that this was a remar - ably) sincere and substantial expression of fait in the. prosperity of Canada and the Empire ,tha ` prompted. this Canadian rm tovstake their en tire business on `the continued prosperity of`? their country. ' 17,: I` 1 ti 1- -- --- So_nan announcement was made to the pu at large that the `prices of Ford cars would a $60 less_for the coming year. T1 nnnaf Rn nu?-J4-I-n.J L1-..L LL2._ _-.._ - -r~ _ I. -__- . Thee prices are based on the estimate? pro- duction for the coming year-newr on the infots earned the preceedingyear. y `EV--. .'_, _L- " ` ` ` ...,..........b ,J.,..... 1 iiistarice, some time before August 1,x1914_ the FordsCanadian executives decided that` the demand for Ford Cars for the fiscal year stating Aug`. 1st, would be about 30,000 cars. ith this production it would be possible to re co- the price $60. A On _the very day that war was declared the price of the Canadian Ford car. was r ' uced $60. Q But - don t mistake the reason for t is reduc- `tion.' It was made in spite of the war-;--not be- cause of it. To understand this reason properly` grequires a knowledge of how prices of Ford ars are decided upon. - ` I A T.An.&Huxtab1e - I_5a`:Xr`i_gJ1\_g_5,;'\t I{l:f1l \\`(*d(Ii11';'s oi" 110i1-r=(1m mull privates are hoo0n1i1ns_v'.t`(>n.11umm-mlsl for the militia dc-p:1rhnon`1'. and 1 lullotin a_;'ni11.~:f: them Inns jlxst. `own issuvd by tho_{op:n"nn(-nt 0); mi1i1_i21.l Copies have been i'ec0i\'o.d b_V tho; (omn1:1mlin 2` 0m(`(`1'S of 'I`m'0nto h:11`-l ialions. ?Tho .sa_\'s Hmt` many `1'cr*1n'ils lmvo 1nz1r1'iod . onlist111o11 without ponn-issioll and` are olain1in separation alll0wa11o(-., - 9 ` 'I`lm nnnl:.,..L.,\..~ ..-.- I-AP\4~- _.-n,-'I V I TOO MANY KHAKI WEDDINGS SAYS OTTAWA ` . - T I su.I.I.v 9 n UUL 1.3 r1I'ill|'\'. ` The proper dinmxsions of socks are: L(?ll9,"t}l, from heo1Tto -too, -10 f0 1?. 1nohos;` lm1_2;th of log 'f1`O1]1 top, to 11001, 13 inches. uu Jxuul uuuu 11m.'u1(.'S tOf_','0Lll(?1'. Don t fail to wash socks before -gi\'i11_s1' them in. Don t use more "wool than neces- sary: wool is sr-arm nun` _,__._-_-,. 1 o n - Vt.yv,uv\I untu lPLl,UUUI Infectious diseases 3111011}: "the men of the 7_'6th Bn. at Orillia have cost the town $400. ' The Militia Dept. will be asked to pay a por-. tion of this outlay. A ___`__L:-__ _.a it- `II n A ,sxAA\.\ \lL\u3o Don't; finish a too by placing stitches on two needles and casting_ off from both noodles to9;0f11e1 'nm.n 4'..:1 J... -----L , ! n o s n uu\1 .L\."Ik(lb All mu u:t1lUb1L(.' (ll1'C(.`.El0ll.' An easy and correct way to {in- ish off a toe: Narrow until there' are 12 stitches on the front needlel and 6 on each of the back needles. Knit the back stitches `onto one needle. Break off the wool, leavin_e,' about 12 inches. Thread this into a darning' needle. Put it t1n'ou5_~'l1 the; rst stitch 011 the front -needle as if for knitting` and slip it oil ; then through the next stitch on the same` needle as for purlingr, and leave the stitch on the needle. Now pass the" darning-needle to your right under the needles" and through the first stitch on the back needle-as if for purling: andslip it off, and then through the next stitch on the back needle as if for knitting: and leave the stitch on. Now come back.`to the front needle, being sure your thread passes under the knitting. needles and proceed as before. Dont s For Knitters a Don t makeea rid-.~:e under the heel nor at the end of the toe. Don t knit coarse yarn, on fine kneedles. n - - I`. J\l11Ln 1 4 - Instructions ` ' J_ A11 easy and correct way to joinl `the yarn is:_ Th1'e_r1d a wool needle with-o1`1e of the p1eces' to be joined imd run into the other piece, com-i n1encin_9,' almost an inch above the. end. Run this up about one inc-11' ,'l`hen thxi-ead_ the other piece of yarn; and repeat 1n the opposite di1'ection.i A31 A001 nn:1 fXl'\'IIIIt\r\L ...A__ 1 1` are plentiful, and besides there is al-' Ways a kindly -disposed Woman among onefs friends who will shawl 'the beginner the right Way to turn. the heel or nish off the toe, and who, will warn the tyro ag`ai11st 11131;- i11g'_a11 ei;;'ht-inch foot for a six-foot 'man, or knotting, the yfarn to make} la jbin ' g I o T91 oi-an-. nl-1 A-n .- AK \1LllIllllll_', nuliillublull {ll11U\\'illl('('. Tho applicatlons are being: refused ImmediaE13F V7V'e_st-o-f` I "It \\':1.~; not t'~h(~ s_:'o\'v1'nn1m1t s in- gtontion to o 11e0111`a5;"c men to n1m'1'_\': I:-ft(-1' enlistment, as that \\'0u1dT in-; .!<-2'021.s'(- the :>.1'2'om1_\' ho21\'_\' oxponso.< {Inn}:-1' .s'(`1_)VP.,]'11f.i0ll a110\\':121c(`. and in "(*;1.so of the soldic-1"s (loath wouldi inocossitato ]>l:1ci11 his widow on` fthc pension list. , . a1I0w:111ob '\\'z1si11t011dd to )ro-.' . , I Vida T01" 1110 fzunilios 01. 1mn'1'i0'd Inf-11% who .}1:1d onlistod {1.s"h`11(`1l and \\'}m.~:(>j 'i'mnili<*.s' \\'m11(l 0thex'\\'i.~'o hmjonw :1` ho:1\'_\` burden on the p:1t.1'i<>ti<- fuml. [on 1110 2`1`onnd that thh st-p;11'nt`20i1[ I I uu\_n 0. VA. HUI. IJCUIILU. ` An tlus Company is willing to back its to the ast cent. T ' UVVIAL Vllblllbbl \lL .L.l`(lllI M1`. Jolx Bctz, a rosidontwof A1- liston since 1875, died`. 1astA\.veek. He o1'x'0(1 in the Federal ranks dur-` ing the American civil war. ' I rni. I uLxu.\.>J aux-u an oucnc. It is another signicant fact that while prices on -other products have so generally been increas- v_ ed, the prices of Ford cars have been decreased. So the Ford Company of Canada, is proud to "advertise this reductionin `Ford cars .because it _'s a substantial, material proof of its faith in anada. \ The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd'., ' `a Canadian Company owned in great part 'b_ Canadians, and as such believes in Canada. elieves in A her prosperity. It believes in f her triumph and the triumph of the Empire in, this- tremendous struggle that is now demanding ' 1ch -from her manhood and from the faith pport of her people. `hie nnmnnnvy -in u.II'l...... L- `L- I '- - -- - Auuxluucl luuvc uiuu Lucy 21.138 (JU1'I`CE III E11011` Dcllet. -Moreover, this action becomes increasingly sig- nicant when the advance i11 price of raw mater- ials is taken into consideration. At least one automobile manufacturer has been obliged to in- crease the price of his car on this accou11t.,And the Ford Company again have an added burden in the increased duty on the few" raw materials that they are obliged to buy in-the United States. But. all of these increases have been absorbed into manufacturing costs` ' by the Ford Com? pany as part of its obligations and its duty in times such as these. n . . n . r\ . ._ 7, .I.\.uul:bLUl1 U1. cpuu pubblultf." Although to build 40,000 carsimeans doubling last year s business, the Ford executives rmly believe that prosperity in Canada will be of such proportions this year as to create a demand for fully this much increased V business And the sales to date and the prospects for the next few months prove that they are correct in their belief. .-R/rnrnnxrnv +I::~ An`-`A-w 'v'-I\A'-*'`'` `" `-` *" If We are only able `to `manufacture and sell 20,000 cars, the redution of $60 per car would not be warranted and this company would be operating at a loss. It is the -prot on the additional 20,000 cars which makes the price reduction of $60 possible. Alfknnn-L LA land`)! An nnn _-.__ `_,, _ _ 1 1 I` over a volume of this Size will enable us to re- duce our prices $60 per car and still make a reasonable prot for the company on this volume. . - Name. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Getitlemen : Please see me abnut Resiclence Telephone Service. ; THNRSDAY, APRIL 13th, 1916. re1nng ton Hotel v\.ls.LAx\.\| Ll)` \.1UA1l;ll_',\\llUl|. I Geo. Snuth, -town` on of` Lindsay, who died suddenly in T0-` ronto recontl_\", was at one time town engineer of Midland. T K II T 1 ` T`: 1 ' 1 . n A I _Address_. All cars completely eq- uipped, including electric headlights. Equip- .does not include speed~ emeter. belief 5,, -g-_ / {How She Was I ` git." Pain by Lydia} : ' vegetablec TI-INRSDAY. .\ m :4 1 _......._4 H0 .\lm\'I_\` `(hon allmu-:1 edly into` hi~ . bows on |1i~ L: rm0V('Ill(`l1t.~` in :1 interest and. '1. turned :1h1'u}1l; 'wl1oso plzu-id. ~ soexnml to hr ;, in all of it.~ 01050, hm hzmui her ._.,'111~(- w-1;. she p1'ot-(-(it-.1 : in a \'0i('(~ ml: have pi(-N-ml He will (-I'(-(*} his \vond(-riiul to do about i . taxxglod. `I h And wht-"n M friend," and w! into .\`(Iu'l' (xv-4 car, 110 m(- lie secret I ~h:1H f0)` 1 U'll>I _\n; S_tm1liw_- lips to Hu- Frctlcric. : from his I: Words and t0" his H1"? toward hm know rm-r_\ than -l:m.- know \\"I,;a=. .akout in L am! \`<-'_":Hi hill!"-('1<.~-vi. he will I-;: Im1*_'f." 4.091;. Th0s,; 1\[11lcal1_\-', Orillia, has. been in biisiucss for `r`t_\' yez11's, doing` business...-in the same stand all the years. , . FF}...-..-1T1:.\..~ -1? L1. 1::-3'41. `D_.LL