Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Apr 1916, p. 3

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AN, sfr5- and accounts were l mu -...':..n-_nf-| at Lf1'o_v 051 to adjournnlent. ' rm"` pnnvn in J u..u.|uu....--__, . The Reeve 1n Du.1'um. u. .-._._,- .D. J. I1'\'111_:. 0 then` respect- ___.__._____ OF SIMCOET SIMCOE, ONTARIO,` APRIL N} 111 | hogt . One was a'1wa_\'s (-ounte1'0d'h\' the P00 mmcawu .` `.` .'I J lcrk. 1.(,_P1.: But Admiral X, m_`Ca p_ 111. the st1'(,-ss_ot emotmn, iound hx_sI min Y, or L`m_d Z` or my Undo 1_u1mlT \\'a11(1ex'1x1i-__.,' biurk to -a. \'egcta1'- RS H. Hhn_`\_ (as W vase might Bo) Saw 12111 1'ostum'zmt 111 London .whc1'c_ the D,-OFF them with his own (*\'o:s" the best Rlates had on them a..f10$1y.u .01 St" Q 0!. the joke was mg the papers (>:oQru-`(ran:1th0_xh0tt0 zf.1.'$lt.;\11g'11 . - . - M banct11s (.z0o1'<"111.<. \\1th Involu- of the m-\or prnltod a \\`Ol'(l 01 1t. thou;-`h _; - _V A" t_ }._ ltmlion H, 3101,), was Hm S010 topic of my tau p1(-`t_\ he uttc-ted t.n: 1.n0tt0._.-\ e 76th 'nnssi0n for \\'00ks. The idea was to Sm-lder. passed t1n'0u`Qh mm; the .`u0.~;day keep the whole thing` :1 secret from, Home .01 battle was wothed to a mm.` A ` If the Germans! Ult-mm,m1`,_1Omr af_ mm" 111 hxs ea1':;;_1nstoad he hoard !cei\'i11`g_: tt`1' the _\'-.1r11 had boum` oxp16d0d-- _3'.m'Cat r0a.1' 01` thousands` of S01` } ..,0ibo1'|0\'c11 muo11}_" the s0n1i-bd11cz1t0d--th(* (119l'S'S1`0t11]g the ancmnt battle 1nd im- 1\'<`11in_L` N0\\';~:. hfc:`.t11'1'c it as a WW5. that mn';;9ut at , Cmcy and Sh'a11_;'o Rumor" and one that Povmers. a"d.A(=';mCrt'. H9 3!`-so saw betore 111111 a long: hue of sh1n- . pare to he best'1111g-lxt well be bolmvod. . W .11` ) d _i (T H .` So much for the l0 now for 1" 5 `ll 0 . rm` 11 1911 y.ew ` ` bows to then` ears, and strokmg stled to five the the p1'ophec_\'! The (-lai1'vo\'ants, as- .. A . . sc11oo1s\,t1'o1ogc1`s and psychics in En_v'1aml E.llC1_x11na1S1-,1,011~(*' Shams agalnb the 1 1I'n1-n ni-' mm-so bosiesred i'1'on'1v the 1 ' ` - 1+. was then observed by all th3.t_-' --_L or- 25 111S J. R. \ It was useless to ask wiiy, 1|u\'1I.i5 got all these troops on transports, the En_rlish did not sail them quiet- ly down `to -the placevwhere they were W11I1tC(l,.l)11l} went to the enor- mous and senseless trouble of dis- eiiibarking them in England and embarking them again. I _It was useless to make calcula- tions; to show _that as an English railway coach holds fifty men, and ten coaches make a pretty long train, it would have needed 3,000 trains to flash by, with drawn blinds for the men alone, and that the disg'uisiiif__.>` of horses, artillery, ehaiiipag'iie and other iiecessa1'y ap- purteiiaiiees of a Grand Ducal Rus- Wll si-an Ariiiy niiist have been a task it in in` l wortliy of Sherlock Holmes at hi` liosl. eoiiiitei'ed'by oi'_Loi'd or -ll:ii'r_\' the'ease iiiiu'ht be) theiii with his eyes ` ' ` -----. Ll..`4~ +1, 5 alry. nnnn1"< . upon CV11 Luiica, fortlie Evening News. course of this unhappy` he read the famous VVeekly _ patch account's_ of the retreat from Mons which account was true, and caused the prosecution of the pub- lisher. This was on Sunday morn- iii`: and he went to e_liurch later, and tliougflit of the battle instead of the sermoii. By and by he wrote a story on it called The Bowmen. In a few words this was his yarn: Five hundred British soldiers, the remnants of a 1'0. ,`l111C`.l1l, were cov- eriii the retreat from Mons. Disor- gaiiized and desperate, they'i- IIU Iltlu u ;n.-\.. -- iiiliilatioii approaching them in the, shape of ten thousand pu1'sui1i___v; cay- ' One of the men, who had heeii educated in Latin and the like, in vegetar- - s - V. ' where the (l(`$l_'__{'l1 ot St. Adsit :\l1g'llS \\'-i`rh plates on 21 George and the motto I 77 Id` ,.,\....-:11: . . ` 3' t ' '0 il hi: , A\, or Cap_ , `the `sl1(,3s_O. ui< 5| iiiiiid \\ziii y A.t of nowadays 5` now the thing, eve1 he 'Canad- and Vortic he British a willing xe military Peladan. 1 is beipg --so he sa iament for old papers 11 the con- previously :no change phecy oi as an ex- (There '97 te. abbots 31 of work them we: 1. Cross has Peladan 1 1 shows con- did not, Red Cross iginal fo: 3 societv al- 1 ofcial sta- detaxls ( ;e. from the .tleA of ,t1 19:} on -public `._9.,ccu1'_;a'c3 . ' D\\ Everyone has_heard and read of 13; ` the myths which have cropped out of since the war started and despite su the handicap of ver-_\' great improb- Va l :1bilit3' in e\'e1'_\'Aease. have been al- vc most universally believed for 8- er _ time. Aleistcr Crowley contributes ta an _interestinr article on the subject ` '.to V'anit,\' Fair under the title of ; Three Great Hoaxes of the \Va1_'. He first deals with the Russian :3 ariny myth, as follows: ` . _" It was quite useless to point out is " to the English people that Archan- b gel is served by a single line of rail, 1 `.9 and that to ship even 10,000 troops } `1 would have strained the reseonrces (3 '51 of the line for an entire summer. 1, `n useless to ask why, having 1. i ( 1 1 p: T tl [9 t` 9' lle _ ` he j " It ed tions; '39- fty de 01" ash 1113 artillery,` T , _ ' ....1 r\d-`\n1- nnnnq:-:n-v an- k . , icurious Stories `That The Public Have Accepted ;oo1s',t1'ologo1's amt `pS_\'L'u1ca nu u.;;_1.,..... _out were of course bos1e_;'ed from town bo_u'i11ni11g'. E\'m'yone who was 1*L-` and putod -to be able to ``look into the 'ched Seeds of time and see which grain "` .3! -..1.:..1. 111: -nnf rag ;__________..____.___ ANDITHEE DOMINION MYTHS 01*" THE WAR {.__ 1' """`. {` WW If `no1sL whole Hnnui `OF ans! U1t11nat01}'-1011`_-3 `;`T' a gl- 'ar11 1)q(`_11 o_\'p1od0<-- .d-1m.__ 11: m,m_ 1t as` Poit Rumor ' anq 1121 Sm`. 11 be b.o11o\le(. 1. lug ~11 0_<.f`.11( 9 bow mc-_\'! (-1a11'vo_vants, thoi . - 1 _ In Ilxyglaxltl Ger _ _ L -~1 ...-..n}I -{'1-rnn `H10 1 . ___________ OF CANADA 13TH, 1916 Eh, 1916. .________> mes. .-U101` this point, how0'.`e1', he becomes :1 little indeiinite and loss careful over` detail. 'm - ~Lm..v c~...n+ mm- and wont careful (letau. The story grot e.'.'e1" and wentl t'l_1e 1'oun(l.~`. of "the press and Was` swallo\ve(l by eve1'ybo It-` (lid not last \'e1'_\' long, tlxougrh, for that part the prophecy (leali1ig* with events subsequent to ~tl:e Marne, tlxougxll \'a`:;11e,lwas. not \'a}.:ue enough to pre- vent.` even the most faitlxful belie\'- ers from pe1'eeivingTtl1:1t it was to- tally wrong`! l : u..+ ...n mic m.1'ls bef.ore the su-% tally Wrongrt But "all this pa1`1s the su-l perb story V of .The ~Bowmen.' There is nothing: to beat it in 3.1 `the annals of mythopeia. . ~' ' 7L--- i-~ C`nn-Inn xvhni `the annals UL .3 u..\,1.--... [There is a writer in `Enr.;l:1n(l who` is not very well known over here, but who is certainly among the first half dozen living English authors. He is saturated with the love of me- diaevalism and saeramentalism. His name is Arthur Machen. Falling evil times, he has had to write 4--.. H... 17.:-pn1n.'J` News. In the me Sar story. h some. The A that` the enemy was being swept away, not in single units but in battalions. In fact they were slain to a man; and the British rear guard strolled off quietly in the wake of `their army. . n :5 +.. no nnted that the author very artistically refrained from try- ing to lend- verisimilitude to an oth- er wise bald and unconvincing narra- tive by stating `that the burying M parties found arrows in the dead . Germans. He thought it too much ' mustard. . 1xv_|I 1.. .\..:.\mA Hm gtnrv on Sen- It is to be noted that V- WVDUIU UC Inn, \.4bn\A ~ 110! A few days later t Review and Light wrote < his.authorities! He 1' the old musty English : 1:11 -LL..,'l hair, Sn RDIIV Sky Lcauuy .... -..., --__,, the Occult Review saying: Those!| who could see said that they saw `a` row of shining beings between the` two armies. , u... u....:..... ma env a lone: row: wf um-nu-I an I! I armies. ` Now Machan did say a long row of shining shapes. In this phase` one may nd the raison d etre of ` the last stage of the myth. Angels. are stillvpopular in England; fairies are dead, and saints are held a trie, Popish; St. George is only a name ; except to mediaevalists like Mn}. E Machan. So he drops out of the: r The Bowmen became} and the: s story fairly took the lbit between` ;- its teeth and bolted. It was quoted} , in truth, in The New Church Week-`~ ,e ly, in John Bull, in The Daily Chron-l )f ichle, in the Pall Mall Gazette, and; 1) in every case it was treated as a! ut serious story. . . p1'- ' Bishop Welldon, Bishop Tdfvlor; ts. Smith (the Chap1ain-(_}eneral),_ D . Horton, Sir J. C. R1 of them serious divines in England- `he preached about it.` Canon Hensley` blv Henson said he didn't believe it, but ` c has quite` ans leterodox opinions. V . 7 ' 0' News has been bom- on the `sub3ect;'V t1xat}T A-.. `l....2.uQ- cu'n1\f 2_\\Ya\:_' 1. lV.Li1UHUu- VIA----0 annv v {)1iea, We would (-21 nttentioll tovthe` followizi '1n'i<-e list: CLOVER SEE S - per Bush 1' dl ` _ Alsike, `N0. 3 No. 1. Gov't .'~\1s-i1:C:N0. 1 Alsike, N0. Lucernc (Alfa : N0. '2, Gov't . Mam. Red C1 Mam. Red` ied Clover, N Red Clover, N Red Clover, N Sweet Clover [Li:ir: - s - . u 0 lbs. and 99.9.0 ne a1 Roseamfh Society ` ' ` s usual mud- .dlos over it. In -.1 wow Chen's repeated explanations and nials, the silly fancy is taken every where fo1e5tab1ished- fact. ._________.. 1, despite 1\[a- L r, `April issue of Rod the inajority of the st( in this early spring nur. dealing with` a subject which this time of the year makes a E ial appeal to the out-of-door ' Besides the stories in which s plays a prominent part, and 1 ` stories in which shing does no _ cur, the department edited by l ert Page Lincoln under the he: Fishing Notes, contains ` - that is" of practical and _ $I.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCI sma|.z comes THREE GENTI . price Single bag spec- man. shing other not oc- cur, Rob- heading much that value to the ang- ler, among the articles being one on The Trail of the Angling Canoe- ist, Guns and Ammunition, edited by A. B. Geikie, is replete with in- formation for the gun crank or en- - thusiast. ' The Trap contains % the latest records of trap-shoot- ing events and some interesting rem-y, 1 inisccnces of a well-known Torontc}_." ; shooter, Johnny Togvnson, whil`;" - under the heading of the Kenn-1.}, 3 there is much to interest the dc" ` t lovers, the. Airedale being the st` 5 ject under discussion this mon; " _~- Rod and Gun is published at Woj fe stock by W. J. Taylor, Limited, ' A it - -:1: Fishing is given` " =~~... n+- it Malcolm Reid, Grey County, was from his horse. KT'I::; 7_ SEEDSMEN, BARBIE 116th battalion; 0 will likely make- a through the county. __._______+____ APRIL ROD AND GUN Galvanized Waua . 0101 Phone 180 iTatt.entic_)n to ~ the ' Lx. I-I. Cres- :1) C1o\'e1`-*- and. $1 and. $1 or, No. 1, G 01 $0 1'7 &`_Co.` b3. over, $2.20 per cwt. . . . . .. $2.25 `rst plac in `the 7` --1 nn f:-nn_ ...$16.00 S; $17.00 S. $16.00 S. $14.00 Blossom) .$13.00 5- . .. $6,25 $5.75 of St. V incent, killed by `a fall `$:`1i56 .s11.oo . .$9.5o Ontario ` ounty, route march rf f'i`<)_r:>I'11;; ts. (Opposit odist Chumh.) $17.00 $15.00 .sI7.56 \ and S1;1`geon. e 12 Burton elephone 661. |f.'T'`!-%. Irv, p in. mama. P. 0._Box, 90. Dunlop Streej; toe. thePro- . every L.- hblisher IIJ. LILA-LU'_ 9 s, Notanea cers. Money` at 5 par n St., Bar- .vC.M., Surgery omen especial- ier St. Phone 35-.- R8 , PHONE 89. vllllndeakox-I. i t. organ gction. Bar- ? ADVANOQ fin: Suin-emu of Ontario,_ Oonveyanoarl, f\&-- 'D..4 my B.-{KRIS- I)..l-lJ.. '4`, JJALAUI '-LKJ* rotz11;\j Public, \T,\..,.. L . [13 Ross ed to the sub paid. ` three month: 8!` annum. _ pdvnute E, LATE OF PHYSIICIAN, x.C.-S., _Edin., Office and V St.. Barrio. LEP. & alucow ronto, will "ho Barrie, every --\Eye, Ear, Consultation p.m., and by ' LYON, 122 :55. B;......,' ' or obtaining dianship and neral S61i- . yancer, sin, 1:, No. I to loan. T &.LL, `OFFICE VOL. LX\i. THC guaranwcu v.'Lu, .. , -..-_. Beaver and Blshopbrlc Wall Board} cedar Shingles, . Nletnlllc ceiling Anything in the Lumber Line GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY -~- ---. ...O.un:n ulll. nn -CERTAINTEED noomnc .....nnma-.d 5.10. 15 years. We "s"n"FiA"rfI}4E"Mi|{gmu. Illnlanhn III!) L "WEE I In: . Telephone too BARBIE. iWNew*F0unr!l SCRI/MRS NCE NEXT noon fro 1':-u-: 'rAm_u Ea'v Is 0 en for all orders in CASTINGS. MI L REPAIRS, &c. v Boilers. E nee and all kinds of tarmand eta nary machinerym . : ~ and repaired on shortest notice and Makes Your Skin Like Vlvet Has a marvellous eeet on rough `skin. One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by, in occasionml use the skin acquires the % Fire and Life Insurance V Real Estate Agency Money to Loan 1 A number n Bank of Toronto. numungs, name mouerate prwcu. Al work done. b expert mwhin-' Sat and guarantee first class. _____?...___....____._.__.__.> XV. NO. `:5 WHOLE NO. 4234} THOMPSON CREW. PUBLISHER . - ' " '7' " ~ . V _ . (Successor to the late 1 . J."`1'3`Z{ 1', Iigh Court 01 , BARRI-S- * Pufblic, Con- T ver the Bank xe. Money to rent `rates. (3. I VIII` I 54-`: -VV . guaranteed 5.10. years. - ..n_n__..|.-In Ilg|| amber of good Farms and Town Pro- pediestor sale on easy terms. - MA VUFACTURER OT xpert Mac h|n|sT_ , , A _ 4 I I _ A L I n I Q0 Vonkman I - 3 lycedonia 0 0,, 721.- Tfliuvn . Q R. L. Btu-wick Iilllnln U1 Llmlted AAIIIIAIIV I-llllll IUII ONTARIO ` LL.B., BAR- tc; Bank of Barrie. Money \rns1>RA -rownsmdr -At the reg'ular meeting of Ves- pra Council, heldon ;\[onday,` April 3rd, it was decided to levy two mills for Patriotic Fund and Canadian Red Cross. Two -of the council fav- V ddred half-a-mi1l_less. All the mem-_ Communications were _ ` J. J`. Brown, Chairman -Water` and 5 Light Commission, Barrie, asking ` permission` to. play water . main on i Bayeld street from corporate lim- ` its of the town to Cundles School. 1 Five ratepayers of Vespra in Union 7 School-Section` No. 16,` Vespra and , c19iOro..petitioned the Council to take the necessary steps to have certain properties added to their section. . The following accounts were pas- sed:-A. Cochrane, bal. salary, as Assessor, $60.00; J. M. Sneath, sup- plies for indigent, 7.00; 'W. J. Wal- ton, wire fence bonus, 8.00; Chas. Wattie, expenses to Toronto re` Col-- onization `Roads, 5.00; Thos, Daw- son, `wire fence bonus, $4.-.00; Geo. Frankland, repairing snow plow.~ 50c; Harvey Spence, repairs to hall, I nh1P_'{\ UUU .: $1.50. `i , 1VLUh1Uua Wilson-Knupp-That Ed. A11- sopp and others" be 'g'ra11ted permis- sion to erect a telephone line on side road 5 and 6, con. 10, subject to in- spor-.`ri0n.b_\'7tho Council. A \Vi1:-son -- Harris -- That _Wm. -J n..1..m.+ Nfnh-I _Wm.|, Grant, Jas. C1'ai_s:. and Robert 1\Ii1i1' be appointed to operate s:1'a(1o1' at 5 $2.00 per day, and that the follow-" im: sum)1_\' foams fol" f_1'{i(i0]'._ Bert. Koast and Ed. McLean, R. Schan-d- - loniand `Art \Va1t,,A1ibe1't Ford and ' ' \\'m. \Valt0n at per day. Mid- hm-st Division b0i1lf._1` 6th con. line and east of sani; i\Iinc-sin_2' Div.. west of 6th con. line and-north of sideroad 15 and 16;. G1'onf(1 Div.. sidorond .15 and 16 and south 7 OH - same, west 0f,6t`n con. lino. T7----`H (`.nn`H`Q -- That .A. west 01' otn con. um-. V Knupp _- Coutts. B. Coutts act `as ai'bit1'a.to1"1'c Union School Section No. 16. Vcspra, and C 19, Oro, and that the Vespra Council 11 have no objection tooffcr to the laying` of a water main as silgzsrested f by the \Vatc1' and Lisrht` Commission- ms of the Town of Barrie, on tho _ ' Mill Road but cannot ,<:rant consent, owing to said road being` out of our jurisdiction, the same being` a County Road. ' T ' , Harris--Knupp--That the Coun- cil are willing to pay one fth of the Uounty uuuu. E are of the ` cost of surveying: the concession line 1 opposite lots 9, 10 and 11, con. 14, T `and put ' in corner stakes for said lots, providing interested parties pay ` the balance. Coutts--Km1pp-T-That this Council grant 2 mills on the `dollar to the Canadian Patriotic Fund and Red Cross Society. _ 11751--.. 1:I`...m:a__'|"lrm+.. in amend- ._.____._.__..__ THE INTERESTS Money to 5 of interest. . in the prom- Cd by thp Bank 11 Office, Elm- .-\. Boys, K.C., son. Motios read 1-`om . ` ' ' T`n\| 071 I1 BARRIE, COUNTY ___.__.____ OF BARBIE, "The Council met 2 April 3rd, according t All members` present. the chair. ' ` -\.r:,.__;..\,. ..L` loaf `mm |4u\.a VA.-- . ' Minutes of and adopted._ a _...-.-.m1 nn auu aVuu1;u\,u.. , ` Communicatxons accounts were! received from the fo11o\v'ing`--Ont-` ario ` Department of Agriculture,` Corporal G. H. Ma_\'o1', `Private Georgze A1`111St1'Ol1f..", Sarnia Bridge n 11? 1:` Rf.-+nn` ,T)_ ,`[_ I1.vinL,:. \ICU.l',`.LU ILL uuw. ...-?., Co.. W. E. Mo1'ton.. }1: which were `1'efe1'red to ive committees. , 73---; D...~.<|-+ n{-' H19 comnuttees. _ , Lieut. Pratt of the 177th Simcoe Battalion appeared before council . asking` a grant in aid of recruiting` for the 177th -Battalion. And on motioii a grant of-$50.00 was made ` in aid of `recruiting the 177th Bat- , talion. ` T _ \V. H. Martin was appointed re- _ prescntative `for. Innisl on the __ Board of Agriculture. Board of Ag'1`1c11l1',11I'e. $10.00 was granted to `each of the several institutions doing work for Red Cross Association, to be used for the purchase of cloth, yarn, etc. Application "for the sameito be made to the ownship Treasurer. 'L- nI1nuv1nri` `l"|Q\V`-nplnts 0r_I y'pZ13c",'3L k of Toronto loan at low- H20 the ' Owllmup J'.;-,uo.....-. . I vvvv __ __ _V_W The ollowing` payments were or- aS] dei-edA--Thon1as Foster, work on blinds" sideline $20.00; D. J. Irvine. bonus "On I'OdS ire ence, D. V I1'ving', 046 yds; gravel, $4.60; H. Nesbit, rent of room for conned H15 1noetin_sr,n$`2.00. 0 S110` Council -adjourned to moot Strotld, May 1st. 1916-` alw: . R. M. `McCONKEY, Clerk. . +-n V m- T.m BRADFORD GAVE SOLDIERS . M I 1 HEARTY SEI`_TD,-O]:`I' '\\`itn(\;g;\___ 1`he g0l(liQ]'5 1(\lll('\'(`l' oi it. thou-.-h` Bradford Platoon. 11-`)7lll` Battalion ti, have been transferred to the `<`.11>`si011 51 `Battalion, and all left on Tl1(`>'(l{l_\' thing: from no W a{ tcrnoon's train `for Barrie. ' oys 1-coe1vin5_-te1' been explodcd-- ,. was unexpected, the b _ not oven a hint or it till ;m__o{}icm-le\'e11 came off the l1101`11lI1f.;'-i1`llll and i niediatcly gave orders to prepare -_9l1'=1I1,:e _ leave. The citizens made the best `n11`."l1t -. '1 of the brief notice, and hustled l0.: 0l1(l; 1}: _ fret arran5._:`e1ntns made to grive the t7 5 _ti'ol05_;'e1`s boys a hearty send-off. The schools were closed, and thetown turned out en-masse. Headed by the town t council, e.\'-warden \\ xn. \V'ood p11t0(l't0 look c, (1 a the brass band, the S0l(llC1`S'11l3.1'Cl1e(l time an s to thedepot, followed by Public will grow and which will not was 1' School children, High School pupils, immediately paid to do so. - But the - clairvoyants were : and a throng of men_, women an ` children, who went by automobile, confronted with this difficulty: d in horse vehicles, and on foot. ThelCurrent prophec_v must always be ` Ly mill and factory whistles blew conceded as rather a matter of _ while the crowd passedby. At the faith. But if there could be found station the soldiers lined up on the a prophecy, niaiiy years old, which he platform, where they were addressed had foretold them accurately, then ed by Reeve Scanlon,~_Rev. W.,J. Creitxh-` it would be safe to assume that the ton and Rev. L. MacLean. . The prophe la train "arrived all too soon, and as it ginning m ,, - pulled out and until it rounded the demand soon created the supply; the several `were discovered - Madame 1, curve and passed out of view, * -- ~ - r- ----_- .......:..a an 'l`heb'es and others-but they E ( 1 INNISFIL 'If0.WNSHIPV I011 uuu umv. 14 -.-..-_,_ train giiining might Ioreteu um cuu. r..... supply;l te H `hats and handkerchiefs were waving de Thebes the boys good-bye, but not Ca nal were all lacking in satisfactory de- farewell, as they will all be given tails and antiquity, until the great three or four days before going over- and glorious find-the find of the seas to return to Bradford for a Abbot Johannes. . ' visit. ' The Sar Peladan," a moderately good litterateur and a really fine critic (you can read all about him in Nordau s Degeneration), has I in his time, contributed much to the E gaiety of the French people. Years 1 aszo. ` H , CANADIAN RED CROSS ' - TWENTY YEARS OLD The Canadian Red Cros,s'Society was not prominently in_ the public eye before the outbreak of the pres- ent war, but none the less it has been in existence for 20 years, a per- someone remarked to him in a eafethat his name was rather 3 like that of the Assyrian, Beladan. Peladan jumped at the idea that a iod *which covers almost half the '_'8S Beladalh in the new_ Incarna- life of the International Red Cross, U011; after that he SW9 hlmself the which was founded in 186.; _ title of Sar, He e\_*en conferred The. Canadian Red-Cross was or- Sinlililr g101`19S 011 1115 -.3S3013t9S;. t- ggmized in 1896 bv D1-_, new Sm-- hence his friends, who became Me- " i ' , rodach-Jauueau, Belshazzar-Dupont, ~-1 ---I` mm H... amt bl-anc estab11s1,eJ and so on! As he announced himself - t- .. n..;sm~m.ian---anything ro-A Canadian Red`.Cros.s'Society 5 been iod _ founded " - F` ' `Ra-(`.1'-nss .......,'Ln' Red` last meeting were read ` | rotary Public, nt Expert. first" door west

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