Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Apr 1916, p. 3

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'1ub1isher V lea1'n-that the trouble between the two ofcers bC`f.',`&11 on Salisbury OLIAII iFrom the commanding oicer of one of the Canadian reg1ments- We Plains; Colonel `Currie was order- ed to put his tents - where they would be in niceiline but the men would be inwater. ' Instead, he took upon himself the responsibility of placing them a few yards out of General Alderson _s staff officer re- monstrated and held up the regula- tions laid down for iencampments, Colonel Currie said: `Damn your drill book and red tape, thisis notsa show camp. I intend toeplaee my men where they can maintain their health with 100 per cent. always on- parade, t to ght, instead of in the hospital with colds and pneu- monia. ` 1 1 linesto avoid the swamp. . When` Jnxuuu JIJAIL uz AIILLLLA uL1\t 1|1AL|J.Ll:`_" ULU er, _'3lld when this business petered out he orgaiiized a .steel and wire company." He knew nothing about n1a11nfactu1'in:; or financing`. He had _to take ignorant men and train them and build up `an o1'ga'11ization and a system. He had his stren-I nous times but 'on the whole, con- sidering his. inexperience. he built .4. I.-.-um.` .u.,.n...... All LLi.. J...n.--..,.,.. , In this episode we have an exam- ple of the great` weakness of the British Army and the difference be- weene army and navy administration which resulted i11 Iiavy eiciency and army unpreparediiess. It is not the fault of our splendid oicers and men. Our system is wrong. The politicians punish any army oicer who dares to raise his voice against red tape and incompetence in su- perior organization. Lord .Beres- ford, perhaps because his love for _s;`alleryA applause made him callous to the threats of the politicians in the Admiralty; exposed weaknesses. The` nation backed him up. Ef- ciency became the watehword of the `Navy and the result is the or- ganization which has done _ such magnicent work since the War he- 1:`vIruv\1'+11l\ -:v\'Pr\1tr1'u)+1.t\v1 1171-ninl1 had IJSI/lll\\4LO VVULALKI SLY U llllllo Born our a farm, educated in a rural school and local collegiate in- stitute, he began life. as a reporter on a daily newspaper. The discov- ery of minerals in Northern Ontario made him` a miner and mining brok- nr - nn Inlnnvu 4-]n:n 1r\I1n1v:I\nrV v\I\`~nsnI\A Doctors Agree on Eczetpa Remedy Col. Currie, the` M.P. for `North Simcoe, in the course of an excel- lent and interesting speech of the Budget,1'efer1'ed'to the strained re- lations between him and the officer commanding the Canadian Army in! France, Gen. Alderson. Readers of. The Financial Post will reinember Colonel Currie from his speech on the banking question When the re- newal of charters was before the House of Commons.- It was gener- ally regarded as the finest presenta- tion of the situation." .He refrained from taking advantage of the tem- porary popularity that smiting the bankers would give him. n . 1 I Geo. T.7Ri my opinion, ardson, 'M. D.: In V .D. should be ap- plied in all ca of skin disease- an immediate lief to ' the itch, 9. calm, to excited erves, soft, sooth- ing, yet a. power agent, a strength to the general sy In. A. . n..- 11...... um... . unnn :5 .,. CONFIRM HE STATEMENTS A -ABOUT. D. .D. PRESCRIPTION lm-:1) TAPE on From the Financial Post of Canada ILYPN 1.22 111. uuua .L.LUuu . Llullcllc 10 no "near a. specific fo eczema and the. d.re9.ded- psoriasis malaria. I constan D.D. also for salt rh is quinine for prescribe D. , tetter, har- .ber s itch, pimples, 9. forms of itch? ing eruptions,_ scales, ores. '` Dr. Ira T. -Gabbert I freely ad mit- that D.D.D. reac_ s most cases` of eczema and perm` ently cures` `II L-'lI _____ 1a;;.oi1;agas,nm`6{ sga. lvllCl.lLo Come to us and we Your money back unless - . tle relieves you.` D.D.D. ' _ oap keeps 3911;}; skin hei_1lthy.L.f_ sk-` bout` it.- mu`? nuns -'5-u-Inn-nu5uq' um CH. 1 - From `the information which has ll ' Uuvtub 53. au- UI)hr'.b nna Ho1m: D.D.D. is asl ,_!l!- A- _ _ _ _ _ -_ ___J LL- THE INTERESTS` OF BARRIE, THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND! THE! DOMINION OF'_ CANADA OUR CRITERION. common sans}: 2} BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, APRIL am, 1916 ronto, will bo varrie, every .14`..- `D .. .. TheiCanadian Magazine for April contains a most illuminating article entitled The German War Wo- man, by Eva Madden, a lady, who has had a wide experience as a teacher in, German girls schools. Her experience has taught her that the Women of Germany are trained almost unconsciously, to `act as see- ret agents of the Go'vernment. She reveals the methods used by Women to` keep the government informedy and she "leaves the impression that these same German women would do almost anything;, even to the sacri- ceof their honor, on order to serve their country. uxvgnq mu l.ll\.a L|\.\.L LILUDD Lvuuuln). All socks from Barrie Brzmch are being` forWa1'ded directly to the Rest Billets by the Red Cross. .Kn0Wing' where the socks go should V Red Cross knitters. prove an impetus to our e11e1'g;'etic .1" `I N-LII!/IA \.ILU>a>3 l`L.lll.l4lJ\.LD- In last Week s' notes the dona- tions fron1.tlxe rural auxiliaries were omitted. The following` donations are for the Saturdays of Maifc-.11 18th and 26tl1:Knoek 31/2 doz. eggs, Ivy 13 doz. eggs, Painswick 1 doz. eggs, 6th line Utopia 51/2 doz. eggs `1 lb butter, cash $1.25; Dalston $1.00. March 25th : Painswick 51/t doz. eggs, 1 lb. butter; Shanty Bay 2 doz. eggs, Ivy 6 doz. egg:s,i2 lbs but-' ter; 8th Line Stroud 11/2 doz. eggs, Utopia 1 doz. eggs, 4 lbs butter, Midhurst 41/2 doz. - eggs. 'T`Ln T\.-flat-I. 'I........'.}L -3 LL- 1`U`...... , (Held over from last week) [In the Spring" edition of Sug- gestions for Work, an appeal is made for T1'enc`;1 Caps. These are {used for wounded n1eu_an(1 stretch- `er bearers and are knitted goods. Anyone desiring` to knit these for [Barrie Branch, may obtain direc- |t_ions at the Red Cross Rooms. ' (1 T` ' `'3 All I I .LvJ.1u1luLDv `.272 \l\Jl1u Uq":;D- . The Dalston brzmoh of the VVom- en fs "Institute sent in-per Miss Keat, Sec y `th generous donation of $25, also a quilt was donated by Mrs. Charles Harris, Utopia, and a mat by Mrs. "Scott. D.....4.:;.z. ..1.....,.1. 1.-.`! -1.....-... -L- 1.1..` ma .G]-3R.MAN WAR WOMEN BaptiSt.cl111r(:h had clxarge of the shop Sat., Mar. 25. Proceeds $53.78. Soldiers Aid Lunch $`-LS5. Candy Table $5.55. A MADE A `SUCCESS OI` LAUREL CREAMERY . in the townof Barrie. The -following from the Orange- ville Banner refers to Mr. T.; A. Stevens,` who is now a resident of Barrie, and is engaged getting things in shape to begin operations in the Creamery at one time operated by M1`. R. A. Thoinasz As intimated in a previous issue of the Banner the Laurel Creamery has. changed hands`, Mr. T. A. Stevens having disposed of the" Creamery to Messrs ` Fife, Hepton and Hughes Bros. Mr. Stevens started the [Creamery and with his fair dealing, good business judgment and his interest. in the Welfare of his patrons, made a very successfulbusiness of it. VVe are sorry to lose Mr. Stevens from the community as he was a good bus- iness man and took an active part in anything that would benet the people of the neighborhood. He used "good judgment, was public spirited and was always willing to help along any good movement. We understand he has bought a creamcry What is our loss is .Barr1e s gain`, and we pre- dict a successful business future for r. Mr. Stevens in his new sphere of ' activity. Mrs. Stevens will also be . greatly missed as she took an act- - ive. part in church work, being Pres- - ident of the Ladies Aid and an earnest. worker in behalf of the Red - Cross and other good causes. Their gmany Laurel friends unite in sin- ` cerely wishing Mr. and-Mrs. Stevens success in` their new home. an & Brown, for i obtaining __.1:..._..L:_ ..._.`l come through to us from England, bothoarms of the service are great- ly`? handicapped by political inter- ference. We shall not get satisfac- tory results until the lawyers and philosopliers in the British Cabinet and administration ofces-the men responsible for our unpreparedness n--are replacecl by capable -business men, soldiers and sailors; Would any sane investor buy shares in even a candy shop managed by" the pres-_ lent British Cabjnet.`.? It is 11ot the .nation--it is the leaders who are at faul`, _A feeling of dissatisfaction is steadily groxvinu-'. In the inter- ests of Canada Sir Robert Borden should make, strong: representations on this point. .:\._ cliange will have to come if we are to bring` the war -of which We British areinnocent \'ictims--to the successful" conclus- ions our sacrices deserve. 198`?- The building used as a town hall at Stouville was saved from total `destruction by fire owing to `the ex- cVellent_waterworks-vsystem of the vil- .` _\ $s%?5? llama gwatmw. PUBLIC CELEBRATION BATTLE or muss ;\/uo\ALL|" ouu W ILL" 11.3 1|: U.UUb [4115 37 C` . splendid isolation of the camps of the coast. Partof the account of the trip is here produced: V One of thestrangestincidents of a tour of the coast towns by Major Hagar, of the 10`2nd Battalion, was to meet a man, known to` him Scotty, who had not heard of the war until a Week ago. It appears that he had been in the wilds of British Columbia engaged in trap- ping`. Having" gathered togetheia respectable lot of furs he came away s'hortly before the recruiting oieers arrived. To Captain Hagar and his associates headmitted that-he had not known that the greatest nations in" the world were at grips and that nothing` would please him more that to take a hand in the game for the cause of the Empire; He enlisted forthwith, passing -the medical ex~ aminationr readily.` ` All he wanted was to get through his training as a soldier at the earliest possible moment and get to the front to take an active part in the fighting. H\m.n.. ` +1. l'\:|\l\ *n.vn11)~. I\t\ H. mm ual u,l4Ir1V\ llbblb 1-11 DIIL7 lsllblllsu W'I_1 il there were no others quite so far behind in their news of the situation as Scotty, Major Hagar found that the handloggers, who were found a1o11g'.Serg'e Bay ._and in other nooks and crannies of ed. They knew that. there was some kind of a squabble_ but that it was rea'll_v serious and thattheir co1.1ntr_\' was striiggling through the crisis of its history had not occur- red to theni. The niajority, when in- formed of the facts, were much sur- prised and it is to their credit that most of these strong andhusky Brit- ish Cohmibians, on learning that their help Was needed, dropped their axes, saws, etc., and followed the officers. V 1 r . u the coast, were not much better post` I I \lLAl\/\lAJI Dr. Montgo1nery s services were of much value on this trip as _the following paragraph `shows : Incidentally the military expe-' dition was able to, do good service in the case of a Woman who was ser- iously ill. The patient was tMrs. MacDonald, wife of Peter Macdone ald, the hotel proprietor at Shoal Bay. The district s resident doctor with the assistance of D1`. Montgom- ery, performed an operation Which, it is believed, saved her life, and which would not have been possible but for the latter s providential ar-V rival. PRIVATE CITIZENS ASKED TO` ' . FLY FLAGS. ON ANNIVER- I .SA.RY OF GREAT STRUGGLE l The anniversary of the Battle of Ypres, t_he famous st1'11:g'1ee of Ajiril 223, 1915, when the Canadians fou.:l1t a great and g'a1l:mt and successful g'l1t ag'ai;1st`tl1e Huns, will be cele- l)1`at(?d ofcially in Canada by the hoisting` of .ags 011 all public build- ings. The Government in a notice issued expressed the hope that pri- vate citizens will also y flags on that day in connne111o1'ation of_l,the .splen(lid.stand of the Canadians and as a mark of "Canadian determina- tion to carry on the work of the. men who died at Ypres for freedom. . 0Vfz;1;Z3I 7 Public, It Expert. _ xrst door west Mr. F. M. Montgomery has just} received a copy of the Vancouver Province, of Feb. 9th, from his son, Dr. John Montgomery, which gives an account ofatrip of military oicers amongst the coast camps of British Columbia. Part -of the newspaper report will be interesting reading, showing as _it does the ~s\`n\\.1:,] ::< -2 n._ _____ -_ Vfe offer One '_Hundred Dollars! Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ha1l s Ca- tarrh "Cure ` ` u . 77119 ["1 n 1 IV 1 1 l.u.LJ.AI \./l.Ll.\;u AHall s Catarrh Cure has been taken by Ca-tarrh sufferers for M" the past thirty-ve. years, and has be- come known as the most reliable 'remedy for Catarrh. 'Hall s Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mu- cous surfaces, expelling the Poison -from the Blood and healing: the dis- eased portions. A-'4..... ...... 1.....- L..I-._.. 1"r_-nah- fa- `HEARD or WAR. uuuu LL IJUA vL\lL1>.)o .After you have taken Hall s Ca- tarrh_Cure for a short time you will see a great improvement in your lgeneral health. Start" taking Hall s Catarrh Cure `at once and get rid of catarrh. Send `for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, nhin J.` . u . \J.lJ.J.`JJ.V .u 1. W UU., 1!. Ohio. . ` Sold by ' all 'Druggists, 75c. The Oakville Re/d Cross recently put on a play, The Spider sTWeb which brought in $150. ` 'llm TT...:+...: OL..L.... .._LL - V..-....1-~ vvvvvv u ux.uu5uu Lu q)J.UU- The United States with a popu1~a4 tion of 100,000,000 has only 31,`000 members of the Red Cross. `A national Red Cross _' movement is now under way j - to lin`crease- this membership `to 1,000,000; = ',' -= v - HOW S THIS? ONLY MONTH AGO r 6: 'io}3t3 ts. (Opposite ,1 Inc. l`1L......1.. \ I ;;;;;; 11:. uzuxauxau UJ.uU1 DV.LUl.' HL'llb'Z A Mr. W. A. Boys, oflSouth Simcoe, referred to Hr. F. B. Carvcl1 s as- sertion that the Canadian General] Electric Company had been ill-treat- ed, and that the Dominion Iron and Steel Co. had had difficulty in se- curing orders because it competed with the Nova Scotia Steel Co., with which Col. Cantley, one of the mem- bcrs of the committee, was connect-' ed. Mr. Boys pointed out that the Dominion Iron and Steel Co.-had re- ceived an order for high explosive shell blanks as long ago as February 1915. The Canadian General Elec- tric Co. and its subsidiary company the Canadian Allis-Chalmers Com- pany, had received 'an.order on Oct- ober 6, 1914, about two months after the declaration of the war, and had since been awarded contracts for groods to the value of $10,749,544. T1, ,,~,n,,n'k,-n. -Pp... Q.-u-.4-L Qn..u..\ .'..,. .:.uL_l:\,;1uL ;u.u.u1b1U1lD LJUGJU. A ' Mr. Boys went on to state that Mr. F. B. Carvell had sou_;'ht to prove that Col. Allison had been eng'ag'e(l in crooked work and that Col. David Carnegie had beeneonneeted with it. In this connection he read a letter from Col. Carnegie to Sir Robert Borden in which the former gave the lie to the Carleton member s state- ments, and asked him to repeat. them Where he would be amenable to the civil law. Col. Carnegie as- serted that every transaction had been honest and above board. Mr. Boys stated that if Mr. Carvell was tliirsting` for an investi_5:ation here was his chance." l\I_r._Bo_vs, a propos of opposition eulogies of Australia s work in shell niaking, read. a quota- tion from the Australian Eng'ineer 1`(3f(31`l'lIlf_1' to departmental blunders on the` part of the commonwealth ` authorities in directi11g_r shell manu- facture and stating: that whereas, in Canada, many thousands 0l:`_ shells had been delivered to Great Britain up to March 16 of this year, not a sin9;le shell `had been delivered by Australia. 1 - :.,uu\|u LU mu; vauu; Ul. q)L\l,l'ta`J,v)`t`t. The member for South Snneoe jus- tied `his course in ;r1'o11pi11;z' orders givenito the Canadian General Elec- -tric Company by a letter` in which the former corporation stated that the Canadian General Electric Co. owned all the stock in tlie Canadian `Allis-Chalmers Co., and that there fore all orders to the latter inured solely to the interest of the Canadian General Electric Co. HT 1'5 xatnlwlctx J._Jl\Z\.|/1 LU \./U. Mr. Boys pointed out that the` companies in the United States which had been accused of deliver- ing no fuses under their contracts had in fact delivered 400,000 ;`1'a7.e fuses. He also indicated that 0 the ten companies which had been de- scribed as mushroom companies, and alleged to have made no deliver- ies under orders received long ago ~from the Shell Committee, had with few exceptions` really entered into contracts, not with the Shell Com- mittee, but with its successors, the Imperial Munitions Board. 'l\f.. D- . . _ . . .-..L ..-. 1.- ._L_L- L1 ,1 `If -...l.w..u.1 ouuu l:u1u1xuaca 111 uu1121uu.,` W. A. Boys, M. P. for South Sim- me, is 1'0/ported in the Mail and Em- pire as follows, in his speech in de- fense of the govemments action ini placing" Canadian o1'dc1'sVfo1' shells: 11-. Iv A 1)---- r- n .. .4.- During the debate of Tuesday of] last week for an invest1g'atio11 of Imperlal shell purchases in Canada, Vi? A 12,... nr. 1) 2--. o---u, cw: l\Iovi11;r on to reply cliargres ol partizanship, in shell committee ad- ministration, Mr. Boys stated that Whereas, despite many attempts, he himself had been unable to obtain a shell order fora rm in Simcoe in the neighboiing town of Orillia, the Liberal member in the .Provincial House and; the defeated Liberal can- didate .in the last election had both obtained them for rms in which they were interested. Mr. Boys said that he had a list of one hundred contracts given to Liberalss Mr. -Boys vconclnded by deprecating par- tisan attacks on' the Government which had kept Parliament sitting uselessly for two months. It was time someone asked the hon. gentle- men opposite Whether there was to be even the semblance of a party truce. ` ` Depreciates Partisan Attacks, Which Was Keeping Parliament Sit- ting Uselessly for Two A Months IMR. BOYS DEFEND; Thej Lucknow Red Cross secured the sum of $50.00 by the auction of a pig. - . ` m raduate w 1 e das r T roan nd'on Ophtlu rm as Red $31 or $32 per H. P. A representative of the "Ontario hydro commission has been in Mea- ford urging the adoption of hydro power. The cost to the town will be Judge Denton in the York county court, awarded Nathaniel Baker $200 and his Wife $300 in their joint suit against S. Solidinsky, an East Gwi1- limbury farmer, for $1,500 damages for injuries received by the defend- ent s'"autom_obile last fall, on Yonge S reet. Solodinsky was ned some "t me ago in Police Magistrate _Brun- Vlton"sAf_Court for criminal negligence. icovmmnnri J.JlU .LUL1U_, u1:._.',. -Horses - 1 Te. bay mares, matched, rising 3 a'x-"_? 4 yr. old, by Nobleman; 1 team ey. geldings, rising 3 and 44-yr. o 1, general pur- pose; 1 grey mare, 1 ing 6 yr. old; 1 sorrel mare, rising, 12 yr. old, Ganymede ;1 horse 8 "r. old; 1 horse 12 yr. old, l\IeArlie 1 sorrel mare rising 4 yr. old, l\Arlie; 1 aged mare in foal; 1 ha eolt, rising 2 yr. old ;,1 spring aj . 1 Gattle--1 cow ris'g _9 yr. old, milker; 1 cow rising yr. old, milk- er; 1 cow rising 4 . .old, fresh; I cow rising 5 yr. 01 fresh; `3 cows rising 7 yr. old, due `V April; 2 cows rising 4 .yr. old, I in April; 1 eow .rising' 4 ;y . old, fresh; 3 cows, rising f 4 yr. old, due in April; 1 of rising 3 yr. old, due in May; 1 ow rising 7 yr. 7' cow rising 9 yr. old, due in May 1 bull rising 4: yr. old; 2 steers ing 4 -yr. old; 2 steers rising 3 . old; 3 steers rising 2 yr. old; 4` eifers rising 2 yr. old; 1 Holstein heifer rising 2' yr. old; 14 spring e Ives. Pigs-'--l sow in p , 1 white sow in pig, 7 store pigs._ 1-.....1..........a... T n..`.:..'... 1.:..,1.... a Farm Stock and Im- plements The undersig_,>'ned has received in- structions from Jasz A. Miller, at Lot 25, Con. 5, Essagto sell by Pub- lic Auction, on ~ g WEDNESDAY, A1> `tivator; 1 Frost & row; 1 McCormick c :1; 11:5, I uuyau `Inga. Imp1ements-I Doing` binder, 6 Et., near new; 1 Deer gr mower,5 ft.; 1 Dooring cultivator :1 Deering cul- ood disc har- ._ binder new ;'_; 1 Massey Harris sul rake, 8 f _ 1 Massey Harris sulk rake, 10 1 land roller; 1 set '1 ft. Bull :11- rows; 1 set 12 it. B _l barrow ; ' set 18 ft. Bull harrow ; 1 land row, new; 1 Frost & food 141 dis drill; 2 Cockslmtt plvs; 1 sing a plow, Flucry, No. 13;1rButtcrel d 1 Adams wagfon ccm11 _ctc;r 1 V, trucks;' 1 cutter new;2 cutte1;"" McLaughlin cart; ' bug, , new; 1 buggy 1 set double light has ber ofhorse collars; I sleighs; 1 set sloop ' bench sleighs; 1 set <: lbs; 1 Chatham fan ng mill and 1 bagger, complete; 1 `I-H cutting ~ box; 1 Wheel scraper 1 Melotte cream separator, nea `y new; 1 - lers; 7 water barrels; tongs; 4 kant National cream sepa `tor; 2 _scI_1- ~pr. slnddmg hooks. _,'~;" r,mun.Jnnn coat trv hardwood. tongs; 4 Kant n00KS._)'~; Lumber-4000 feet gry hardwood, 1 in.; 5000 feet hemiiick scantling, 3 x 4 x 12; 10,000; ft. hemlock plank; 2,000 ft. hemlock scantling, 2 x 4; 3,000 ft. hemlock plank, 2 x 6 x 12; 10,000 ft. -hemlock 1 in.; 1,000 ft. dry pine ooring ; 100 cords dry soft wood {:5 50 cords green `soft wood; 10 cords {love wood. mix- ed 22 in.; A quaijtity of double trees, neck yokes, chgzins, forks, etc., `and other articles gm numerous to mention. Everythijxg will be sold without reserve. Terms of 8a.le--11 sums of $111 and under, cash, over that amount 10 months credit ill. be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per ce . per annum of for cash on credit sums. . ' W" A 1u'..r1nN'-I(1i`.V_ the Supreme of Ontario,` Conveyancera, Oice,- Ross `I l')..`l'l 17f`! | 13-14` BP9}!_!!__ &._C0- {ed Clo\;c`1';T-i\" Red Clover, N Red Clover, No` "Sweet Clover (A Mam. `led Chgor, No. 2, CLOVER BEDS -- per Bush Alsikc, I\ 1, G. S. . .. .$12.50 Alsike, N ' 2. G. S. ....$11.00 Alsike, N 3, G. S. . .$9.50 Luccrne (Al lfa) Clover-- A No. 1, Gov t Qtand. $17.00 No. 2, Gov't ftand. $15.00 Mam. Red C '01`. No. 1, G. S. man -A ?Spring Seeds` CREDIE SALE We would callattention to the following price list: 1 price . . . .' Single bag` SEEDSMEN, EXRRIE ' ublic, Gon- ver the Bank e. Money ta ent rates. `G. .-r':iv'1b'r'1IY' '1':}:'n'L' 1 I`1-__!L (`$1 `I {shoe PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE smou: comes `runs: ozwro LL U111 U Di 3.: tn. St n, DAY; AP1L The follo ii11g: TC()_{ b rising 3}] ; ; ey nd g: mare, "r. 01 I, s yr. 1\A1'1i Foal; _ colt 1 1'is' yr. : 5 04' fres '. ` Ap yr. (1 nw 01 -` pril; 9'1 ri: 1 1' me 3 rising old '1'. 4 eifei store p1gs._ V :nts-I De `inf: Harris . 1101'; 1 1 Vv'nc+ X euu. auum. _ n cr W." A. MCCONKEY, Auctioneer K/\I " LlL7lll.5 . I JLI E1 rlsmg `E sing in Eheifers rlsmg 5. and over; 2.20 per cwt. .. $2.25 '(lt;uuuun ;. Illa, `:5 {tove itity n:\na -gnu-Ira nfn, 12t=h, 1916, . .7.s{iis.oMd S. $17.00 S. $16.00 S. $14.00 Blossom) ~ . . . .$13.oo j )$i%7.5Ei $6.25 $5.75 A EAN, SIE- 16th, 1916 auu LJ U1 SCULM 12 Burton lephone _661. .M., Surgery men especial- er St. Phone 35- and Surgeon. `I 0 `Dnml-nu `RP. lasgow L , PHONE 82. Undertaken. ht. Morgue tion. Bar- FTBARRIs- PIHYISIJCIAN, L~C.'SV., Eclin., nm .. .-.....l \4vL1.u uu-uuuu . p.m., ' and T); IPTION \.I.u.L\4U, .Lv\-rwu J.` Bell, K.C. HRS .n`i:'3'5}" TZ rio, will 50 AGLBY '4 \/o'LJ,og .l.'J\.|ILLl.-, Ofce and St.. Barrio. \'uyy\JoAvv gist Church.) -J3y, Cons_ul.tat ion mko LATE oi` JJ..Lv J. , 4.1.5140` rs, Notaries ncers. Money 3 at 5 per ven St., Bar- uivztutz `Th:-on.`_ E. H. Cres- -3935 L, OFFICE ,..- 3 Duplop Street mcoe.thePro- da. every 3. by JOHN Japmy-;TT cw ` Makes Your Skin Like Vlvet Has a m-arvellours eeet on r-osugzh skin. One or -two- `applicati-ons win remove the roughness, and by in occasional use the skin wquzisres (iho smoothness and softness of a bg3Jby s. Glyoedonrisa `is not shicky, and gloves -may `be wome a few moments after using it. Priee_15'c anldl 25c. De- lightful after shaving. an-n.p\ inluvitn A Q! Monkman s 9'.wed0nia _ _ ._:._-_7._:.v (MA `IUFACTURER 01' "Buggies, Carriages, Wagpna Sleighs and Cutters. -' 3--.--- `IS__... A 4 ` 'mm `'nPm$2,$,." Horscahooing OPPOSITE R055 $1 an. 55 anmun sag JOHN Bum s 0119 scum) i CRAIGHURST, om". :-LICENSED AUCTIONEER _ _ _ _...- ggnn-A-II`: A2 lllf -15%.-rut:-- --- - uron THE COUNTY 0-:-'-IIin`c: Most reasonable terms given on al I 5.1.. N LDVANGB BEHIIWIRS ANCE jicicinlv Qjif Q\&&- -.`$ guaranteed 5. 10. 15 years. Benven-and Blshopbrlc Wall Bohrdl cedar Shlles. Metallic cemng ' Anything in the Lumber Line HDDIIO 'IE Z3Il\3 EXBIIEZ `FRI! XII`! cm o3 3i2E"E:?3{ `Wu suv -l_-_ _, v-- w--- - --c--r ---- f-I72 -`cur :v 3 mi _ am `PMNING rqu_L___g:u.| IDA an-5...... All Telephone 109 BARBIE. VCSL. LXV. T ERTP_'II:`3."~`.! .!S9PF'NG IJAS. ARNOLD Fire and Life Insuranbe ' Real Estate Agency ~ Money to Loan A number 4of_ good` Farms and Town Pro- peme_s for sale oh easy terms. Bank or mmnto Buitdtngs, aamei dded to the mi) in paid. or three month; per annum. -.....- w----.. ___. . __,c,- 7 GEO. -MON-KMAN. V Drnggmi. Ba: lI_h9. N39 E 9 E'F_'.F_`_'_1!.| NEXTDOOR TO THE 1'ANm:a'v| , THE . - BARRIE HR TAKING i ;_?ABL9_R5_ .. - ---wiw -_- W. D. MINNIKIN, Proprietor Successor to the late Meaford ` Webb. successor to lne late wlealoru `Webb. Night andibau calls Phone 43! W.R. NEILLY, Funeral Director Has had 15 years experiencewvith W. A. Miles and other leading U ndertakers and Embnlmers in Toronto and Orillia. -..-4_.-. A -_ ~'- V!;_I;-.-J9 N (Successor to the late R: L. Barwick farm and stationary machinery made and repairegi on shogtest, notice and motlerute pnces. Al _.-_I_ .1-___ 1... -, ., a I - J.U1' . Uubalutu. rdianship and General Soli- eyancer, etc. ock, No. 8 to loan. -..-. _~- r--u..... Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class. Is 0 en for all orders ii CASTINGS. MI L REPAIRS, sac. -.n___ 1-n._.,-, q .. . . . - T.Beet`-raft at re4;onable ram.` couu. sion q/`Notes and Aecounughgn Drafts Iimell payable mycnhcn. Olwquu on outside bank; add aloaaectrate94Qf-en*.daan9c., Sale Nam Cached or Oolloaod ootmostfauorable inns. . . . . `BANKERS I \o'JhI\I Sales Truman a General Banking Au l'\.'-......A..l xv. ` No. u wt-sol} No; 4233} THOMPSON OREW. PUBLISHER }, Pliifiah. k of Toronto loan at low- I -Exvpert l|.aa(';hlnlst Oc Ho'u;ra-10 to 4 PHONE F a. co. Limited ONTARIO Banris. I uLL|\.LA1L&, 1110 1ll\.1.\llI.41L\.IL1\.\./Q JIU IJHLLIJ a large concern. All this- trainin5__r makes a man resourceful; He has to nd the simplest,ethe easiest, the most effective way of doing thiners and getting` things done. It is the story of vnearly all successful men. 0 LL.` ALI...-.. 'l.'...,'l T7` .... -1 AI..1..-.-. uouxy LIL '1LbLbL1) u.LL A3|||.`\.\4s3Dl.LlL 1lLLLJ- On the other lian(l "General Alder-' son has been all his life part of a maclline. Eve1'_vtl1ing* 110 has done or has had to do is carefully laid` lclown in printed text `books. He `must follow them `to the letter. VVhen anytliingr not p1'ovide.d in the `text book happens, men educated in this way are usually at sea. \Vl1en two men trained in such exactly .01)- posite schools are brou<.:ht tog'ethe1', a vconict. i'socertain,A and this is exfidently what happened between` Colonel Currie and General Alder-l son. ` I :1 1* no ' n T',I_,.B., BAR?- tc. ,Bank of an-ie. Money

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