Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Apr 1916, p. 2

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From The Advance of April 9, 1891 G. G. smut & 00., PHONE 32. Established 1869. Undertaken. Open day and night. Mo:-gut and chapel in connection. Bur- rie,_Ontario. ESTRATHY & E-STEN, BARRIS- `DR. MORTIMER LYOgT: 122 B_a1'rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyanccr, Patent Expert. Ofce-Ross Block, rst door west ofnScott s coal ofce. E I 1 3 . I I : A 11 1-~r 1'1 EDONALD ROSS, LL.B., BAR- rister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money i to loan. inn.` H. T. ARNALL, OFFICE EDR. A. J. HUNTER, LATE` OF f'I'\_____.;, 131 VJ. KJDUUU D UUGL U1l1UCo A Several years with A. E. H. Cres- Wicke.' fw. A. LEWIS, M.D.~O.M., Surgery ' and Diseases of Women especial- I 1y. Ofce 58 Collier St. Phone I. 61. , 35- O8. MGJARTHY. won Street Barrie. Prompt and dependable Banking Service provided for business men carrying theiraccounts at The Bank of Toronto. The reputation resources and facilities of this Bank are a guarantee of satisfactory service to `the business community. Dr. Bosanko Wehave a. V Ltlnwnst nnv-H ).LI.I`JVV'.1'1.U.L (IL `L).L.A'4vvL\_1.u.L, .nJu4.u` RISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Office, 13 `Gwen St., Bar- rie. D. M. Stewart. _ ` __. -oessox: to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Oioes: Hinds Block, No, 8 Dunlop St. Money to loan. Olntrio . Land ' xuuugnnn ..__., II DDLIJLV, Ontario. Surveyors, En- gineers, etc. Established 1868. Oioe, Medical Buil ' . S. E. corner Richmond and y Stt, Toronto. Telephone, Mnin, 1336. Instructions left with Strcthy I Eaten, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attendeti to. ;u EAL.A/.L1IL.A\./gvv-11, _.___-_-._.- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, 810. Oi_oe,_ 1st oor Bank of Toronto 1.- 1--.. -1. 1-_. \JJ..uL:U, Bulldmg. est ` rates. Bloor St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie,` every Saturday. 'Diseases-Eye, Ear, ANose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 Ap.m., and by appointment. . hers, Solicitors in High Court 61 Justice, Notaries Public, Con- `veyancers. Oices over the Bank of .Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Estaen; We invit your business and private accounts. __ _, . --\..... _......v .44a.4..a4 \/.5` Toroto. Physician and-Surgeon. Oice and residence 12 Burton Ave., Allandale. Telephone 661. ).R. W. A. R0-SS, P:HYSIyCIA_N, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.'S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Ofce and -residence, Dunlop St.. Barrio. Telephone 165. \r.A. .1. Av`. and residence corner of Toronto [and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. ' Dr. J. Anrnggnoss Thompson Crew, Publisher I-`ok_ J .' G. GUISE-BAGLEY MONEY TO LOAN HA In!-an nvnnu-ab as. _.-._- UNDERTAKERS BANK OFTQRONTO SURVEYOR8 PHYSICIANS LLUUJ. LJGLIIX UJ. .l.uL vuvv Money to loan at low- runs 23: JAG) u `nxu `skin. (-)ne remove the occasional u s'mo,ot1me.<.: . G'ly(ed01rI:1 i `may `be war `using it. 1 liaghtful aft our-ups Buggies, L1 Srmcr P!-2P.`~n.\ A'.'R'nZ`.\"I'm-.\ .l A Ho. 55 opp JOH\'I IJI U61 (11 yU1l IJLUIUJID. In appointing the Comllissmn, the JoH%N| Beaver-an Cedar Shln. VOL. TIA` Tclephon BARBIE. CERTA11 , ct-`ma .LICE{f~IS JVLUJL I \.'L-V\.r Sale It-`BR TH E_ Most rcasor `PIA Fire am" _ Real` BRANCHES "AT BARRIE AND ALLANDALE `F A number_ Bank of 'maa. Druggist. ITEM. _NEZXTDC< Makes Y Has ~11 ma 7 ' I \ ' BARRH EV; DJM] Succsm) iIL(:HllllRElll minim am!` 15 U N`! .31 1-11.). lleig4 ' penis B it 5: nm at fea.-ti special` lion Q/` Ca.pita,1. .................... ..;s5,ooo,ooo Reserved Punds.......... $6,439,382 Drafts Cheque at ldwe Sale A Tran ` ` London, March 30 -nu n"+nI1vn . -(INCORPORATED. I855) `Johnson, J. McPhe. . A n.A-I13u.. ---_L_L Death amiounced in Owen Soud of William Foster, V a pioneer of Barrie. uvuuuuu, u. mu; 1163:. : A spelling match for prizes do- nated by Mr, J. A. Strathy, of the -Bank of Toronto, conned to rural lschools,` the r'st prize for senior gpupils, gold medal or $25 in , cash was won by Minnie Ross, Painswick; 2nd prize, silved .medal or $10 in, cash, was. won by Lizzie Duggan, Creemore; ' For _junior pupils, `first prize, gold medal, or $20, was [won by Muir Jamieson, Crown Hill; 2nd prize silver medal or -$10, was won by Jennie McLeod, S.S. No. 8, Sun- nidale. The examiners were J. M. Hunter, Barrie Collegiate, G. `A. Radenhurst; J. M. Moran, principal BarrieACentral School; _A. Hay, `Bar- rie Collegiate; G. T. Evans, and Geo. Henderson, of Central School. `T10 1'- ,-___ _.. _-..-__- ...u-.vv-- boxes removed from the` bay, preparatory to break up of ice. ' 'I2'.mm.+ +1...+ n 1:: D-.. ....... ..l-..-...J- \J\l&ILL, 1&1-FL Ll UIIIII . A pneumatic coal hoist was being placed in position in the V G.T.R. .yards Allandale. This was to away with the loading of the loco`-e motives by wa.gon.. < DJ-..i>An Ryan - Lnnnnln loan; 1 l)_L'll`LUn l)1u_i3., .uusuun1~c,,v uuu .1: clefi,ring' sale -of farmstock im-VJ plfgents, they having .9- , . ' `\, `Hug. tlsctluxaltvly UV uxcan up U1. LDC. & Report that C. H. Ross was about to te'ar down the ramshackle buildings opposite the Bank of |Commerce and erect a new block. g P. T._ (V '1;};ef;;1;16u;_'S}1ow- I man, died at.his home in Bridgeport, Conn., April 6th. ' ' - ' A `Assn-nI`\n`:on nn\'n` '\o\:n` '--an LA:-gnu IUD! VCD U] W G5`-H1- Biirton Bro,s.,- 'Allandale, ._ hail .0, |-;_-....' ..-I.. -3 19.... .';.-.;.'|. L`-a..'I gun; H. A.SIMS, Manager pressed for aniexcuse, cannot object to,-as i Prime Minister has made a wise choice and 1 `one that political sopponents, unless hard { one member, Mr. Justice Du, was placed up- on -the Bench of the Supreme Sir = Wilfred.l The_ personnel of tl1e Commission i stands for all that is upright and honorable; A `the mere mention of the name of Sir W il-- riam Meredith,.the senior member of the Commission, is enough to satisfy all but .the rabid oice-seeker. ' One thing the public may be sure, the Commission and the Prem- ier will see to it that the whole mess will be cleaned up, "even if it proves to be a dirty one-nothing affecting the conduct of Ministers will be covered up. Sir Robert Borden can be depended upon in all cases to keep the `honor of his Cabinet bright. He will inch from nothinghis duty` in that be-. half requires him to do. The British Gov- ernment can be left toattend to its duty in the premises. If it sees t to take cogniz- lance of the statements made by Mr. Kyte and other members `of the Opposition as to C01. Allison s course in connection with the late Shell Committee, or as to anyother mat- ter covered by the speeches of those members- Sir Robert Borden s Government can be relied upon to give all the facilities and all the as- sistance in its `power for bringing out the facts. - ' i 1' I o n I ,` ,,, \1' {V 'l`his is not a party business. No Can- adian who is patriotic -enough to put country "before party and the public interest before any politicia.n s selsh ainis, canidesire to see anybody s_hielded who has proved _un- faithful to. the public trust `at a time like this. '-"Sir Wilfrid Laurier asks when the debate on his resolution is to befcontinued. Nobody can desireto have it cut short or side-trackcd. If there are other charges to be made let them be b1'o11'g`l1t forward, and let them -be investigatecl by the same trusted con1n1issionrs. The truth must be brou;:l1t tout thou_9:h the heavens fall. Sir Sam Hughes has always borne himself as to be able to ' face fearlessly ' and triumphantly every -challenger of his public record and .public character, and -from his-friends he can have no better wish that that he may -- always be able to do so. There is but one thing` that doesnot look quite ri3.:ht-and it 1.0 4-n kn 11t\11nr-I J-`Ln f:n:nJ- A . A . . . ,...L ._-..LL.._._ Fire company was composed of the following: chief, G. G. Smith; W. Sutherland, W. Holmes, W. Jones. F. Kester, W. St.~Onge, W. Ijnbbert, E. Williams, * F. Warren, A. McIntosh,` R. M. McMillan, uuugb unuu u.ump.uuu urun Lluxuz 1.1`:.',llL--illlu IL is to be hoped the Minister can set matters rig'ht--.that isithe `sudden departure of Sir Sam. for England, when it was supposed that he had yrone to the" Southern States for a rest. Sir Sam. was not so dense that he could not see trouble ahead. True his cable to "Ottawa looks as if a full ill\'CSti_l'{L-. tion is courted and demanded. Tl1e investigation at Ottawa in commo- tion with Itllc shell contracts will be watched by many Barrie people .at home and abroad who at one time attended Barrie Collegiate I11stitute owing; to the fact that one of the judges to sit on the case was at one time a" teacher on the staif, in the person of Mr. Justice Duff. The Canadian ji1diciary' of Canada is composed of of the very highest type, against whose lives the nger of `scandal has seldom if ever [been raised. And from `this class of men Canadians have been giv- en justice and the law courts honored and The sexton of a suburban church has many stories to tell of the coun- ments made by visitors. On the oc- casion of a. festival, when the church was beautifully decorated with ever- greens and owers , and old lady `walked up the _isle to the chancel and stood sniing the air after every N Don t it _sme1l ` solemn? she said at last to the sexton," as she turned away with ,,evid_ent reluctance. I ;don t` know .eyer; realized just`. what`, the i Q 7.`. r` `f-' sg.ncti_ty - ~ 1__"ni.eantI before to- -M12 Robert Simpson, one of tthcl -oldest citizens of Barrie `died on! Thursday, April 9th. He cstabljsh-l ed the Simpson brewery A (foot of I Mary street.) iHc took an active part in municipal afi airs, from 1854 to 1878 being a member of council either as mayor, ree.\*e or councillir. He -was the first Mayor in Barrie, I in" 1871, holding the position in 1872 ..-. J 10".'R . I . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX LIL .L\.lI .1. u- and 1876. `L _ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1'espected._f But one judge has fallen, Clar- ence Russell Fitch, county court judge at Fort Frances , Ont. Those -who knew Mr. `Fitch will not be surprised at the verdict of the judges who conducted the investigation. It was a. surprise to men of both shades of politics when in 1909 Sir" Allan Aylesworth made the appointment, and by the way, is there not anoth_er of Sir A11en s similar ap- pointments upon whom the shadow of \v1-o11g'- doing has descended~`.? V the parks. At a meeting of the Parks Commission, a report of which was by some manner or means left out of lastAweek s issue, the work to Be undertaken this season was left over for a future meeting to decide, the feeling of theAmen.1bers being that as little work be done this year as possible. This will eon1~ mend itself to the ratepayers who have. not -yet reached the limit of giving for War pur- poses. While we wish to see our town beau- tiful, this year we can go without any extra expenditure outside of the .bare .up-keep of us ".I.10I1(lOI1, Maren 5U "7To the Prime Minister, Ottawa: A I Please state to the House that I have no improper connection xvitheontracts refer- red` to or any other contracts. If any sug- 'gestion to the contrary -is made, I respect- ully demand full investigation by the judi- cial tribunal presided over by Sir Charles V Davidson. I shall sail by the first available boat. (Signed) SAM. HUGHES. ` 'l`1.'.. 01"...- ,..-.1..l..........-- .-. --- L-- 1r:.-_'-L--- \Vith each succeeding spring `the awful. condition of the sidewalks of the town stand as an object lesson of the need of a new system of keeping the walks clean in the winter. This year the puddles of water were as bad as when the winter s `snows M were twice as deep, the only relief being the water did not lie on the walks as long`. The trouble could be avoided to a great ex- tent if proper snow plows were used. The _plows now owned by the to\vn have been inp use since the days of board" walks that were three feet wide. Up-to-date plows are now needed, as described by Ald. Horsfield [at the n1eetin5_1' `of _the council `on March 6th. Now is the.tin1e to takothe `matter up.b_v the Board of \Vorks and instruct the engzineer to Ainvestieate and report so that the cost of new equipment can be included in the year s estimates. Anotlier reason for water lying` on the walks is the fact that the walks in almost every in'stu nce are too low, and boule- vards are constructed on a level with the walk instead ot` being: built to a 5:1`ale that will allow the water to run to the gutter. The plows in use at present are not only too narrow but `are not of the construction to clean the snow off the walk`. A, pro_g'ressi\'e council may some day (`.:U`t a by-law re,qui1-inp: the walks to be kept -"lean. this would be a proposition that would need very careful l1an(llin_(_r owing.-' to the. vast ex- panse of many property frontages. In the meantime let us have new snow plows. Tl1e Bell Telephone Company tells us that their business is now controlled by the Ontario Railway Commission in re2;ardV "to- rates, operations etc., and therefore the re- newing` of ag'1'een1ents would not be consider- ed. \Vhich means that Barrie and the other towns that got certain "free `phonesand a few hundred dollars a year for the ri_:ht to run wires along the streets of the town is a thing of the past. And right here is where the said Railway Board` `should stepein and Vicompell all companies using public streets to pay for the same. Does it not seem out `of place that a rich and growing corporation as `THE NORTHERN ADVANCE . A. April .2 ..April 10 . April 18 April 24 |I|l\Jl.lDLl\L ll|L|J\-tLIJluIl\IIaI I Do you know that the Germans hold, either'by actual occupation or by reason` of theirheing in the war zoi1e:-68.8 per cent, of the coal deposits of France,` 85.7 per jc_ent._ of tye pig A_iron_ of V France, 90 per; ywoullvnx U 5 Do you know that oicial infor- mation has just been received of the expected repatriation of over twenty thousand children, women and old men (civilian prisoners from Germany); of this number ve `thousand are insane and several thousand tuberculous 1 _ ,_ `L___4_ L`L_L 11;, IV, vyoniknow that the Germans have been sending civilian prison- ers back to France at the rate of] ve hundred per day since the` be- ginning of `the war. They are in the clothing they were at the time of their capture, and the conditions of lth and squalor in which they have been kept make their clothing pestilent? ` ` T\,. '7l\I1 `I,-yuuw J-'l.nJ- .-.l2....'l -2...L'.... IIV I `II II TIIU1:IIZI' I . U . ever recewe th to Iuciently Main during the nature's demands mature life. This i j pale (aces, lean bodi J pad la_ck_ot ambition. The Ontario branch of the Se- cours National has sent out an ap- peal - to the _people of Ontario for support of the organization that is looking after -the refugees of the war. The Patrioitc Circle, which has rooms in the Wells block, will work every Thursday evening for a while for this society and anyone who wishes to help may get `sewing to take home. ~ In a circular recently issued, at-. tention is directed_ to the state of affairs in the devastated country. Among other the following questions are asked: ` I 755353 o-o4 Scott's Bookstore, Barrie In These Times shcouns NATIONAL \ uxggucu} Dtxlu. 11 UU'.!.`11`4D. ' ' The 7 above cablegram from the Minister of Militia was his answer in reply to a cable from Premier Borden after the charge had been made in the House of Commons by Mr. Kyte, a Liberal member, on Tuesday of last week. A Royal Commission has been ap- pointed to enquire into the contracts let .to the International and the American Fuse Com- panics, and into the cartridge case contracts let to the Edwards Valve Company, and in- to contracts let to the P1'ovidence Chemical Company. The commissioners are Sir Wil-. liam Meredith, Chief Justice of Ontario, and Mr. Justice -Duff, of the Supreme Court of Canada. Thus, the accusations touching the Minister of Militia will be made the subject of a searching enquiry,` and the Minister will be on hand-to undergo examination. It is not a question of vindicating` anybody, but of getting at the truth. Two counsel are to be appointed, one by the Leader of the" Op- position. -The full light will be let in on the. transactions, whatever reputations or careers may shrivel under it. " rm... ..L....,_._ ..-..J- ___ LL- 1.1--.. -3 u__ on may not want to spend much money `for presents, but you do want to send something worth while to your friends. Why not send a book, one of the most attractive and satisfactory of presents, yet costing very little? Call and see the New Holiday -Books at i the Bell Telephone Co. should be allowed the free use of the stretts of any munici- paiity. In tl1e`last.edition of the Sunday VVorld there appeared a number of engravings of the 76th Bn. at Barrie. The thought came to this page that our municipal authorities should secure a large photograph of the por- tion of the battalion that has wintered in` Barrie. A group picture with the armouries as a background would make a ne setting and be` of historical interest for future gen- erations. The same should be secured of the Simcoe battalions at a later date. Such pictures along with the portraits of the Mayors of Barrie should nd a place on the walls of the_ council` chamber. ' . t 1 V The Creemore Star makes the an11ounce- ment that'Isaac Scott, reeve of Nottaxvasaga, is an applicant for the clerkship of that township in succession to Laughlin McAl- lister, deceased. If the appointment goes to Mr. Scott the County" Council will loose a valuable inember and one who has given much time `to County work in eonnection with the ehairinanshipiof the roads and brid-` ges connnittee. The worthy reeve has not only proven to be a good legislator but al eornpanionable fellow. \Vith his face set towards the W arden s chair for next year,l other aspirants for the position will be ready` to cast their inuence in his favor with the Nottawasag'a councillors. -county will l1ave to C01)Sl(l(`,1` well tlxelr pos- Plans are under way to o1'g'a11ize a campavign `so that the 177th Battalion will he ` 1'ec1'11it.ed up to stre119;tl1 by the end of the present montl1. ,To do this the men of the ition"in this f_r1'c-at st1'ug:2'le. Not only the! men but the women have a place i11 tl1o~ ,.+..........`|n Il..-n. ...... .-.33 1.. .... ..,. l....~l .:1llow the 1nen t0 e11list a11d they can }.:ive- Allkll. Ilttu Ulll. .......-.. .....e .. ,....e., 1.. LAAL st1'11g'g'1e. They can aid i11 more ways t11a11 by thei-1' efforts i11 Red Cross and lcindredl aids. There are positions they can fill to - . . , 1 the word 01. e11cou1'a;:e111e11t t11at n1a_\' 11102111 111111011. T11e need for 111011 is as sxreat asi -ever." Lient.-Col. McP11ee, back 1'1-0111 thei battle, front and who has see11.conditio11s: and k11ows tl1e state 01.` a1'1'ai1's, speaks of the; Gr-rn1a11 peril as an ever present 111enaee.to1 our peace. G.e1i111a11_\;' has had her 1.L'1'ee(1_\'1 eyes on Canada. since the war he}.v`:111; littlev We know 01 her plans i11 conqueri11g' this fair. land but we do know what would lxave hap-' pened to our homes if the Hun had come. Therefore it behooves us to be up a11d doin'_:: the l110l1't0 defend t11eir 11o111es, the women to aid the men, 11avin;_1' in 111i11d what would liaye befell t11e1n had they fallen i11to the enemy s hands; Col. McP11ee says i11 E11g1and, in Scotland, in Fra11ce the wo1nen of these countries are tilling the soil-wo1nen just as rened as our Canadian ladies; they are tak-` ing `the 1nen s places in various Walks of life so that the men may be released. I11 Simcoe it. ]1as not come to the pass where women have to take the men s jobs, the fact of what the, women in the war-stricken countries are do-| ing is here mentioned as an incentive to the woinen to take up the question as one that may have to be faced, and be ready if the call comes. V parkm levy.` , _,_:,__ ...... uwuauou. upUll. A communication` was read from the [Berlin commission `asking co- operation in securing legislation making it compulsory for town coun- cils to assume the debentures issued [by the" Parks commissions instead of ' as at presentbeing paid out of A ...., q---av J var; c No plans were decided upon for park improvements this summer. Owing .to the many calls upon the corporation for assistance, the amount of money to be asked for this year was not decided upon. cnimmnninaf-inn mm. .....-A -C'--W There was a full atfendanc of members of the -commission on Sat- urday evening, March 25th. "|]' 1' -rd -2` ;uuJ. auxavvn uuucj. lla- The charge made 011 the floor of the House has produced a sensation throughout Canada. Members of the government and their supporters immediately united in the re- .quest for an investigation, and when Sir Sam. returns to Ottawa it is to be hoped he Will be able to overwhelm with confusion the,` members of the House who have been linking his name with certain transactions that Honorary-Colonel J. Wesley Allison`is alleged to have entered into withparties in the United States. ' For some time in the Parliament, opposition members have been talking of shell scandal and asking for an investigation. In reply the Premier` said that until concrete charges were made the government could not see the way clear to open up the matter, especially when the Im- perial government, to whose ordertl1e,con- -tracts were let, was not looking into any alleged irregularities. Finally the cliargc has been laid against the Minister of Mil- itia and just as promptly Sir Robert. Bor- den has takengthe opposition at their request - and appointed a Royal Commission to thor- oughly investigate the cllarges. .And here is where the truly loyal opposition shows their hand-they are incapable of being sat- ised. When a commission is appointed, `ob- jection is raised because a parliamentary in- vestigation was not. ordered The highest court in Canada Sir Wilfred says. And why areour `Liberal friends opposed to a judicial enquiry? For the very good reason -that political capital can be exploited- out of the free and easy proceedure of a parliamentary committee." The judicial en- quiry will be along lines of dignity and jus- tice--every man, be he Minister of Militia or the alleged Hon. Colonel Allison, will get a squarer deal and not bethe foot-ball ' of Liberal politicians. T-n I`\'I'\V\l\:If|"I.I\1-In LL- l`---_'.2_I.._f-_.- Al . ` M1". J. E. ;;as-vre-appointed superintendent of the parks at same salary as last year. `-|_ __1A_V_ 1 an - cent. of the iron ore of France, `and -13 per cent. of the total industries of France? -rx , I- .1 . .1 q .. i PARKS T COMMISSION MEETS uD*e;:;)`t: :reslize that three dollars ($3.00) will buy a. complete kit for a little boy or Qrl, and that a suit of clothes may be the means of sav- ing a life? '0-.. ...\.. -..'...-,.1:_._ _.L_L :_ _,,__ I uvuu;u;ac:vv1u.uuu'I.: yaxcxua. Contributions of money, clothing or materials of all descriptions, boots, shoes, blankets, sweaters, etc. `are earnestly solicited. 11-16 at LALLI [Can you visualize What is meant by `the Word 1fefugee`! In one devasted district there were `collect- ed, Aim one day, eight hundred hildren, playing in the ruins- .homeless-without parents. r`.nnfr:1\114`:nna A4-',u. ..'l..-L`l...'..... 0:0 %5 cl! NOT_ 5I6 1: 0 o Iol ll - Published from tho ofoe. 123 Dunlop Street Barrio. intho County of Simcoe. thePro- vinoe of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning, by THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1916 G'Ne nevrnune will be added to the tub scriptiol List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months i and over will bu charged $1.50 per annum. I` U QIIIIIIIIUKI, unu HCCU. L llUWo .`L|. `C _ in ooncentrntgd fo the very _' elexnents to.enrich their lood. It ` weakness to stren `; 't zlnl ninrui and nfvnna nn AM-I TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 rm ANNUM IN ADVANGB UNITED STATES SUBEHIIWIRS $1.50 IN ADVANCE -- , , 3.5 4- 41.- __,u, mhfgurtherngdvnutc =TEWA-RT & SEEWART, BAR; 1 11'rnrn'r\T)C1 C1..1.',.:4.-_- T\T..L-..:..- {ALEXANDER OOWAN. s iv ., -__._, gating s ent 4 ya ri iah Qgpitals KL 8 1n Gold- pap_ London` E03 1ta.l (M rc` e in ye 8 its g); 3? Cyphtlfxalg lhflliirvtwuu-I .... _ w--- I`: 5\lrII` e mounc of mo ey to loss utlow curren temqitlrerln am or Ina nmoun on sec sages. S - treat ' ,_ i_._, _---w c u-quart-Iv. gavings ent4 years Post Graduate work ip an havin ser dga 3; 8m Golden uare 8)` T roam xi. London- Royal London 0pm 38 1ta.l(M rcilg-: );tor a m as B e yal ndon h a cHosp1tal 3;? oPita.l,Bristo 'and rminzam 8Dhtla1IlI.l1(1)11i(:1](:: inS(:)(}3?6rtlI;.erlieInber " OFFICE-78 Dunno? S'rm:r'r. BARBIE. I `Phone 54. P. 0. Box. 96. IG. A. RAD-ENHUEST, BARRIS- ORESWI-OKE & BELL, BAR Court of Judicature of Ontario,` Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancera, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, K.C. ___T.._ .?._- i risters, Solicitors of the Supremu ___--` -->-- L.R.C.P. &iS. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8c s. Giasgow ' --SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose Throat._ wnvnn ow-snub l --.A...... ~n-- 1~___;.,,_-, .`::a'fm;`a:3':&::;::3`:a\; " Q9o_tBoyn_c.3f9x9nto.QnL

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