Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Mar 1916, p. 4

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130111161! sgrogglyj oggecfs kBIGGS--DENNIS RED cnoss NOTES - - `,.._ 111 arxunu auu LUAID, VVAIDID auu -.Dl\1I\1- - ` "1 5``'``There . rnent Section featu s all the new styles and In wonderful varlety. is a touch of disti 1 tion about every garment shovcfn and you'll `be fle- lighted to spend considerable time hereduring display tzme vlewmg the new models. I In SPRING SUlT C()ATS, WAISTS and SKIRTS-This great Gar- % _-_. c--.:-_ r__-__ __ _n -1_- ,-__-_ _.;_1-_ -_..1:.. ...,....-1....F..I um-iprv There :4 _T Two dozen gure 511k Blouses, sizes 34 to_44. new styles, on sale at each1$1.25. Five dozej muslin and cambric Blouses, fill sizes; special, $1.00. Three illozen Men s Overalls, _full size ; special. $1.00; Five giieces sheeting, ne finish, good ;'weight, 81 inches wide; special at 35c. T LAD1E$ sTYLB MODELS (Corrected by Jos. Marrin, market! square.) . 12:...-3 `El -?.3l.m twunlsvs '1Rn OUR BARGAIN LIST V moss 01.1325, and I was \\'o1ide1'i11g' if`; `O11 could _sv.pply 30 dozen weekly] or the sOldici's in th Co11\'ale; 'Hospital. 11.` so, williyou kindly let me kizow what the chargxe would `be, land it`, the-psa_1ne includc-;~; exp1'ess- iage. KY0 are desirous of }_"iVill{_," the` iifo,t111'11od isolidiers as st1'eng'theni11_:'| land w110lcs(_)n1o diet as we can, ini ;o1'dc1' to _bu1ld up their st1'0ng'th for. itheir own fut111'eibonofit, as well as _tl1-"at; of Canada. Yours faithf1111_\',i .<;. 1-). \\'arrv11 (Mrs. H- D. A\\7a1'1'c1*.)i 1 Ba1'1'ic`is able to supply tliosc} cg-9'5, this.wccl:l;' sale will mid weat- ly to'the- Rod Cross Shop sales. 3Coul1 -the people not make `an of-I Q I i I i I 3 Q gfort to donate eggs for this p111`]')0S(.` 1i'I\'(-11 t\\'o'01' tlirce will help to {H the crate. V n11 1 i V r. .v I11 I`! u,. i .A branchi of the Canadian Pat- riotic Fund has been organized at Victoria Harbor. gnu. \.;1uI4v- The ladies of.` the Shop Committee `F01 tlris week are 'M_1's. Barber a11`dA '1[1's. Jackson, next week Mrs. Mac- Laren and M15. Little. Orders for] `cakes, bread, and home-made daint- ies may be left with these ladies, on` Tuesday and `Thursday 1nor11ing's. I All... .1._`l- _L_,,,,1,-, 1 1 1 .LL|Lu\ku_V uuu .LAl|.l.lD\l(l`V 1uUL1llU;D. Allandales churches had cl1a1'f_"e of the Red Cross Shop ox1.Sat., Mar. 18th. Proceeds $95.32. Soldiers Aid Lunch $6.40. Candy Table $7.40. f\__ C1,). 1| , .`\-':1 Y\ 1+/I .'.xu. On Sat. Mar. 25th, Baptist c11111'g11 will have,cha1'g'c and the follovting; Saturday Trinity Church. The Stewart Ball -Bearing Horse \Clipping Machine PRICE $8.50 L oT'roN SON 1=1 v41=: pqmrs HAni>wA12E LUCIE I o I o n | o o o - o I o u Oats. Buckwheat. . Rye.. Hay, .Flbur, Western ._ . _'Past1'y Flour, per b};l.. Potatoes, per bag ,Eggs, per doz.. Butter, per .lb. . . . . .. Chickens, dresed . `Dvicks . Turkeys ...".'.'...'.'.'.' 5 Beef, hindquarter '. C` `pI\VI(\l`l11 l'I`I"l\\I CARPETS & LINOLEUMS AT ow PRICES We have just placed in stock a large shipment of these` oor :ov- erings much below present day values, includinlg Oil Cloth and Linoleurns, Tapestry Brussels and Wilton Squares, and shall. be pleased to `take measures. and quote prices, -vv y-- `L Mthat " % `Never % Fails A M_ahine THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1916 :: Watch the Windows They`re an -index of the magnicent showing that awaits you within. 30d Cl0\'To1', ;Red Clover, N Red Clover, No Sweet Clover ( market had on a better-`ap- ,_pe'aran_ce on ;Saturday.. `The groups ofbotll buyers and sellers was much . 'liirger"than' for `the past few weeks, r in fact last Saturday had as big a- crowd as the two previous Sat1u'-- Klays put together. Butter. `and eggs .. were in abundance with prices slightly lower thank the previous] week. Prices ruled as follows: -.APP1.eS, basket. . . . . . . . . . . .25-30c `Butter, lb. . . . . . . . . ..37c -` Beets, small vbaske . . . . . . . . . .l5c I _Beets, large basket . . . . . . . . . .20c Chicken, lb. ...,..20-23c Carrots, small basket. . . . . . . . . .10c Carrots, large `basket . . . . . ...15c Cream, colfee, pt. 1.. . . .. . . . 15c Cream, whipping, pt. . . . . . . . . 25c Eggs, doz. . . . . . . . . . . ..'26, 28, 30c Honey, in, sections, per lb. . L . . . .18c Hay, clover, ton . . . . K . . . . . . .$15 Hay, mixed.... _....$16` Hay, timothy . . . '.i . . . . . . . '.$17-19 Lamb, front qr. . . . . . . . . . . . .18c . Lamb,` hind` qr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20c Onions, pickling, small basket ..25c _, Onions, pickling, large basket . .40c Pork, front qr.. ...`.14c Pork, hind qr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .16c Pork, carcass, lb. .. ...'.131[;c Straw, ton . . . . . . . . . ._. .$7`-$8.()0 Singing Seeds| 3r91~r2-& Co- We ' '\".'Ol1%:1 U531-:e,` - . Msike, .\ . k1.~:i1;e, A): No. 1, Gov No. '3, Gov` Minn. 1-Zed price . . . . SiI]_S_1_'10 bag COME SEEDSMEN, EXRRIIJV rou call V attention to the `0 owllng price list: Sheep Shear Attachment l as. and over, $2.20 per cwt. .. $2.25 per Bush . . . $14.00 . . . $12.00 . .s1o.oo V Blossom) Ann An` . $16.00 $17.00 $16.00 $14.00 .s17.5o $17.00 ] $15.00 1 z-.- ,-. \ .Ts13m3 % $625 1 $5.50 '1`HU_RSD.\.\', .\i 4. I; v.Tuesday evening a most successful ..'...nnul- -inns n-;1ynn 63+ KTnur'T.nu7n" in Ef L'.I . ~ A lme to-mil - of The C (G. W. the big in fine 3 suits, co peopi The M over Eh`; Great {ere are Ndthin W ` "A", fsiiblic .,.;we1cme.. `.Yv.asL given to 4. .>..'.l~ 1r;.nu..- :..=' "n'. .:.n:.=;` ;..'.. ` -CL` - VI l\_J\JLIl\.'I _ ' Anna nu SLVVI-I ` II`) ' . ~ '3 `?` V . m Onlha, . on SATURDAY MARKETS A 1Il1l\LLl|.A(-IaL IJ\a.L Vforequarter I`ARMER S rmcns sprou ;(;(i HIDE MARKET 10 00 10 25! 12_o0 13 00 7 50 ' 7 75 6 50 7 50' 11 00 9. 00 T9 00 7 00 18 10 f\!\ 15 00 18 55 7 50 6 50 1 30 1 50 25 . 28 730 32 17 20 15 16 25 30 12 00 10 .00 10- 00 7 50 20 1A nn an n.- 1-1 An '$'3;5d;$4T65 . . . 35c . 30c-32c `V . . 40c-42c -`JD i1VV . . 14c . . `.131/2c ' Iv vuno Mrs. D. Powell, - Barrie and Mrs. H. Metcalf of St. Thomas were the guests gof Mrs. T. Cloughley last week. T ' - -r-I- nu. 1 n /`I gooooooooooooo09000990609: I ,,___ . Mar`. 21, 1916 Mrs. Reeve visited her daughter, Mrs. Kendall, Hawkestone. Mrs. A. A. Flaharty spent the {week-end with friends, in Ia1'rie(2_. i 1| T1 `I1 I l_1u .|.Iu.1LL\/o The I1'ish'Social held at M1`. "F. !_Day".s was a decidedvsuccess. The Tevenin_9: was given up to games` and a lengthy pro;_n`an11ne. \ The Irish stew was delicious! . Proceeds am- ountcd to over nine Vd'olla[1's. ` A Ma1'<`3h' 21, 1916] M1 . Harry VVa1'snop was home_ from Hamilton for the` week-end. Miss A. Proctor spent Saturday: in Barrie. - ` ' ' -it 111- A -ur n -un '- I 1i}T&I the guest 2 week. 1\ Miss Lilian VSt1'anag_han of Crown Hill and Miss Jessie Howard, of Grenfel were guests of Miss Rowe last - Thursday. - ' ' 151.. 117:1;-....,1 D..;... 1...`. '..,..... 4,. IKLQIJ -LlI\Ll\I(lJ 0 Mr. VVilfred- Parr has "gone ,to Sask. . - `I `If A 1'.` 1 A,,_. yuan. Mr. and 1VIrs._ A. Ferguson hayel also taken their departure `fo'r the West.. We wish them every success in their new venture. 1 1r H , , T,__'. [C V OQVOCQUOCCCU 9 UCOOQUUUC U ROUND ABOUT BARRIE 9 What Ourcorrespondexits Find 3 C O E g T Worth Recording 9, O ` 009900000900600900000000: i SHANTY BAY. vvwwxx \,_L c - 7;:/11 .L1A\.IL\.l04 111. .JJu.J..LLbu ,Mr. Hubbertllas returned after` '1s1t1ng' 111s (1a11g'11te1's 111 X/TlCf01`18.v Harbor. I no 1' - '--.- no 1 ~I.J(-14L lJ\JLu ' V I . I . 1 7. Mrs. H. Graham 15 \'1s1t,1ng irlcnds _1n Ba1'1'1e.` ` n11 T1'n~v11-I .-mi"-1-1 l..|.l DIICJJ. 115 W, V CLLII |.lJ.Uo _Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Speers, Ivy,.| were [in this burg on Tuesday. T Dan T` A T.nnnn .-nail n.. Q TKTna+. IV CL C 111 IIIILQ llllls U11 .I. uDuJ I Rev. J." A. Leece and Dr. S. West! of Angus were recent Vvisitors here. 'L\\I ` T March 21,1916 Mr. LeC1ares and` family `have moved to Barrie. Our loss is some- one- s gain. . ' `In. F 13':-:4-1-\ Lncs 1n{1nJ l\V\+l'\ IU1lU' sans. _ I "T Mr; F. Huth has moved onto h1s~ new farm. ' ' 1' n \Y_ 'r,., 1 -1] L'L__'_. {LU W 1.011.111- The W. I. of New Flos held their monthly `meeting at .Mrs. John lB1ain s on Tuesdey `last. Two good papers were given on Strangers Within `our gates, l by Mrs. Wm.` Carruthers and" Mrs. l Wm. Train. The meeting`-closed by singing God save our men after which lunch was served. ' , fI'I-__I__ -13 1.1.- 1EULL 'WUa' U1'V'Ul.l- Pte. Verner Train of the 157th battalion spent Sunday with his `parents here. TKTL:-nu `Ln -nv1`1:1vl1I'r':v1A rnh1n1;f;nO' frl PHI Ullbb LIUL U9 '. When the 'whi1'lwi11d reeruiting campaign at Elmvale was held the `boys of o1'1r-neighborhood certainly anewered the call. , 'r|_LL.. .._.J.. L. `I......3..4-.4-ma .Se6'Page 3 for other 0ou'nt'1`yALoca% W, . . . ; [1113 W UL CU IILIU uuxx. Andrew Potts made trip to _Tiny last week, `Ffd. Bailey; an" 'Ori1lia, -V soldie 'jiiedi'_I%tJ . 3..-:4-:4-u` . . r` V V Shr*91iff`if?nPz:4Ei13!nd Rich shimmering weaves `from France and Switzerland and far Japan. . Silks at all prices, From the serviceable raw silk at 50c to the fine Chiffon Taffeta at $2.00, and such a variety of colors. ' Who couldnot be suited here? But we . strongly advise buyers to make an early selection and purchase as present prices cannot be continued on repeat. orders. ' - _The new ~Hats will beythe centre of attraction next week. . Original Paris models and chic creations of our. own artists under the direction of .`Mrs. Houston. L French untrimmed Ha_ts are in great variety. `F lowers and ribbons `predominate in a great array of new shadiugs. ` ABUNDANCE OF BEAUTI- - FUL SILKS j A In `gala attire. tells of Spring and its coming` glories and courts "your attentxon. COME . SUG\ESSI'UL CONCERT --s \_ AT NI`.W LOWELL Every Department G. Moran aof Barrie was of Mr.` R. Hobsou last OOLWELL vmo ` Surely our display was never so complete as the one we present this season. THE MILLINERY 9. business - ..Lucsua.y cvvuxug a. zuunu Duuauv-3):-us -eoncert was given at New 'LoWell,.in igaid of the Red Cross Society. {Thanks to the energetic work. of 7Mr. J .* A. Bell` and Corp.~Ridgeway, the Society will be the -richer by `$50.00, which wasthe net proceeds r.-of. ,the evening. Major? Smith,` of} githe 157th Batt. made a capable *.*\`chairman, while. Major Knowles gave an interesting address on the .5f`f'vvar. The men in training contrib- A uted the programme, and too much praise cannot be given the men for he `excellence of their efforts. An exhibition of: physical drill, rie ciiercise and a camp -re sing-song -* gave an insight `into what a soldier -*T_,_fc_an, do and also. what a jolly time ;;`he ..can have. -~ As -a humorist Pte. `-,Gibson is hard to heat, while `Corp. Ridgeway as_.a. vocalist that an aud- Mig =She'p'pard,: -Presbyterian 1ninis- `-`e'n'ce neve_ r:..ti1'es listening" to._ Rev, [DEATH 61' MISS EMILY DOANEE [death of` Miss Emily Doanc, a life- 'away on Monday`, the `6th in'st., at. I \Ve 1'e_sz'1'et to annotillce the sudden` long resident of Ivy, who passed; the`Roya1`Victoria Hospital, Ba1-ri_o. rplmn Annnnonxl-I uvnn is z]nun.]u4-nu AL UAA\z LIIUJ {A41 1 ADI/UL ALI; LLUDIILUGL lJ(1lvl.].'L_\7- _Tl1e deceased was a daughter of the late .H2i1'1`ison Doane and for yearswvas a highly respected resi- dent of the eolnmunity, and her do- mise will be deeply 1'eg'retted by her .n1anyAf1'i`ends. - `V I O1... :,. .;...;..:.-,..1 '1-.. 11.... L-..\u...-... |u1au_y _ Lxuzuua. ' She is survived by ve b1'o cl1e1's and two sisters: Norman, at` home; James, \Veybu1fn, Sask.; Harr , Vic? toria_, B.C.; George and Ira, Mis- sion City.-B.C.; .VI1's.~ Har1'y Brown, _F01ft \Vi11ian1; and Mrs. James Du11_- das, Alliston; to all of whom is ex - tended our si11ce1'c `sympathy in their be1'eavcment._ _ ' ' VIII J, ,'I I The funeral of the late VVi1liam `A. Sncath took place on Saturday ' from his late. residence, . VElmvale, and was under masonic _auspic'cs. -'rn1_._ `l..L.. 1\,r_. o.....;LL .'...... .. `1\\r\1\\ (ALl\l Huo Llll\l\4L lllLlIJ\J1lL\./ uuul nnnnn n `The late Mr. Sneath was ameni- ber of a well-known Vespra family, his fatherthe late Geo. Sneath was a -Vespra pioneer school teacher and for upwards of 60 years was clerk and treasurer of the towns_l1ip. The deceased was born near Edgar in 1849. \Vhen a boy of 13 years he came to Barrie,_ where he was em- ployed, later going to Toronto and then to VVoodstock. Before moving` to Elmvale he conducted stores in Dalston and Fergusonvale. In 1913 he was appointed Superintendent of -Audits for Alberta, a_ position he held at the time. of his death. I,L_ 1l`__ C-_ .....L1- `I........w... nnn up; Lzw V uxxnbxxuu The 1'emain's were Wednesday last, in I chu1'c1_1 cemetery, \Vest SEVBIL 4 I I , JUDGE MQCARTHY *-?BZE:REAVED DJLILLCI/.I. U0] < Beef Hides, green . . . . . . . . . . 16c Beef Hides, cured . . . . . . . . 17-18c` Tallow 6c-6% Sheep Skins . . . . . . . . . $1.00-$2.50 Lamb Skins ; . . . . . . . . . . . 15-35c" Calf Skins. . . V. . . . . . . . . . . .170. Horse Hides . . . . . . . . $3;50'-$4.00 Horseair -Wool, unwashed . . . . . . . . Wool, Washed . . . . . . V . THE LATE _W. A. SPRING DLESPLAY ;-- speeiel showing all xt week offering all the most advanced models and In t wanted ma;te rials at prices always moderate e--- som times ex-`- tremely low. You are invited to view the dew goods i to-day for time next week. Sarieant sz Kiqgs VWe,ar Tooke Shirts and Collars, they t well and give the high- est satisfaction. -All the latest collar styles at 2` for 25. ' u-uyv- -.v vv...-. 9.... sun `is very nobby and attractive. Popular priced at 50c,and 75. Shirts at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Speial disp1ay;~nxt week of Easter Neckwear for Men. _ It EASTER NECKWEAR Wlhu nu; uuwyuuul late" M 5~`..1199 `Tm: NORTHERN % ADVANCE `niIN1:sING RED gcnoss NOTES} Tooke %Shirwts% intcr1'ed on St. Peter s 5 Essa. 3 SNEAT-I-I ithy was fornlerly Mis Stewart, al sister of the late Faulkner C. Stew-l art, the first 111cmbe1' for Dufterinl ,in_ the Ontario Leg'is_lature. She is _is'11rvi\'e<'l by her lmsband and two; `sons, Judg'e McCa1'tl)_v, E(lmonton,| amlg L. M. McCarthy, I11specto1'-0l'i the ,_No1'tl1e1'11 Crown Bank, \V'im1i-i pegu` The eldest son, Dr. D Alton' Mc{a1't.l1y,' died :1 few years ago, D.` L. .\IcCa1'th_V, ,l_{.C., of Toronto, isg :1 l1C`])llCW. J11(l`g'e McCarthy was al brotller ol.' the late D Alto11 M03; lCa1j;tl1_\'. i lMiss Mona Thorne (Montreal), iC.E.F., at St. John s Cl1u1'cl1,. Nor- ;way; 011 Thursday, ;\Iarch 16th. `Capt. E.R.J. Bigs, Chaplain ofgthe 76th Regiment, C.E.F., father of the g1'oo111, performed the ceremony, as- sisted by Major VV. Baynes-Reed. chaplain of the 75th Battalion, C.E. F., rector ofthe church. The bride wore a graceful gown of white satin and`Lin1erick lace, with tulle veil and orange blossoms. Her two icousins were the attendants, Miss Doreen Moon as maid of honor, and as bridesmaid, both wearing spring frocks and garden hats, and carry- ing sheaves of pink flowers. The best man was Mr. G. E.-LaVenture, and the ushers, Mr. J.- Eede, Mr. M. Folinsbee, M. C. A. LaVenture and Mr. C. Lloyd- Miss Kathleen How- J.l1K'."`;.,nJ, I ueu ;JuI.kua1LuA1, ard sang during the signing of the Mr. W. Frost presided at A reception was held at register. the organ. g the home` of the bride s parents and later the H bride slipped `awayand donned her travelling suit of navy blue b_roadc1oth, - a smart tailor l1at to nlatch and brown furs. 909 Oq b 5 -E1 ' , A S 'l}o1'011to I\oW$;--A11othc-1' war wed-3 diiiig wasj co1eb1'21to('I M1011 Mi1111iel `Eilb5e11, daug'11te1' of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dc1111is,.\\'_;1s 111a1'1'icd to 111'. Rolzind A. E; Big.'z'g"A 76th Battalio'11,` r117'1n t\" Q4. 1-1...7.. n1..;..,,1. \1.... Ellupti il.u.\1uu.1.u:u. I The followmg letter from Toronto was received by the `President ' .,-e Dear Mrs. Calderwood.---M1:s,. W. K.3 ' 0' 11a'told meeof our Pod` , The regular monthly packing of `Barrie Branch was completed on March 16th,'and was .as follows :- 93 grey annel shirts, 15 hospital suits , 201 hospital shirts, 40 sur geon~ s coats, 465 pairs socks, 6 dressing gowns, 110 suits pyjamas, 11 pillows, 1'2 quilts, 28 property bags, 8 pillow slips, 2 scarves, `20_ hot Water bottle covers," 32 pairs of- lslippers, 2 prs bed socks,_ 101.do7.. lpads 12 x 16 ins. 6 doz, pads 6x 7 `ms, 70 doz. compresses, 8181/2 doz. gauze. Wipes, 250 ,_mouth wipes, 13 bed cushions, 58 _ doz. gauze band- ages, 13 doz. cotton bandages. FF}... um.-Lv Anna hv Hus rural` mix - 13 doz. cotton` bandages. The work done by the rural aux- iliaries` deserves great praise, also they are most liberal in donations of. money, During the week Utopi_a, sent'in $35.00 and Guthrie $20.00`, proceeds of entertainments} got up by energetic Red Cross Workers in" these (auxiliaries. 1 'N...- -Pnllnmuna Iaffnr :Frnm' Tdrntn T Mutton *77`T"`T."Tf. '. . Lambs, each . . . . . . Lamb, per lnb. . . . . .. Hogs,Alivc selects `Hogs dressed Sows, live Butcher Cattle ..

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