Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Feb 1916, p. 8

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--Ymn( L "cases two wear :11 L'Sto_1'o on 1-` Wit?! d Bankiyq G. M. UPH4 gilf Yuu km-\.\v g "more wlu-1: `nun `credit. \\'l;_-. denial fen` :: \\ _a'S:1\'in;'~ .\~ Bank of Caxmd ey 311- lumrl. I T110 1H~'rm1:a? your bank rm; }13.\'(? '11 `mun? in(]('[>('llll4'!x<'t. 'a"iri;ia pa-I `VOL. Liv A 1.30 11.111.- ,1.0 a.m.~ 3.0 p.111.- .00 pm.- Rcv. II. 7' -J .. ` ',T(i)1'0_l`ltOx Telegram says it has .. transpired that the` author of the let- tar; .to*the Mayor signed Karl and- .0tto,'_ intimating that the City :H,'a1l~,would,-be "blown. up, was a_ a ac_t;ical.j ke.` He has been_ red." . Barrie has `no oice boy -around - . ,. "City: Hall, nor has. Mayor ii raig .a'_.'];oy_ around his store, the ionfof __the _ Barrie threat is as 1: n's oIved.i . y b _ A Du in Town ,._he _;.host; of -friends in town_ of e Hon, James yDu_i_f were delight- Having `the. opportunity of ' - him on Friday Week, for the rsft time since t.js.ver`.e i1l`1`1ess.j ,Whi1e the fi "A?grie1`1_ it.1_11:e _, "not; _by I Trinitj Simmael yen, will Dunlap St` `25 per_c; ' nff rc- J. F rani Till Home," Boys of` the You,` C:m.z1\ Let tht` OH Fog an ttxc THE WEEK IN BARRIET Iome . Rev. to PARIS}-I. Sum Herc arc F?-hr `ur' if av-4-.a -I In f.\.[1 ~_ Arboxing night is one of the _'events being prepared for at the_ military Y. The. soldiers are Tliard at training in the gymn and expect to put on a. progralnme `bf boxing. and other athletic stunts ' ..i_n`the `near future. - -Canteen for 157th F$f"The local company `of the 157th .}' have now their own canteen, .lgcated in the armouries building, IMulcaste1' street. The stock at first "'E6`n"sistedvprincipally of pies, but by degrees other edibles are being added, and before long the local boys will .be able .to buy their sup-e p1ii=_.~s- 3 it home. ~ nilerket Garden` Poi Sale .- .0 Th! "If so, list it with uu u ;...u. vv *-JJU J V - T(o_fc<, 15 Owen St., 288) who makes a speci ling farm lands\ `and Saturday, Feb .gMr. Harry Boa will be at th Harrie Hotel, on ' turday, Feb. 19 . 26, to buy_ `Horses from 5 to 10 years old. Horses must be soun and in good conQ1t1on. ' 7-8` 7Athltic Tournamerlxtv All "acres of cla ;ro'_o'm brick house, b chicken house and h fplums, pears and app ,ipru_ce hedge. Good water and fspriixg creek. This. pro ' " '7th_e3 towh of Barrie but 7fa.r'rr'1' Ilands. [Price $2650, oom land} 7 , dmve house, house, with C 1 V'.en'.`St`., Phone 288, Barrie. and nice` . ash. } Apply` W. C. Thompson, '15 -Do yo Wish well your iEarn1`3 I.` n`l.nna-n:n11 I `I ,L1 1 I A_ M. Will R. King, local secretary of -the Belgian Relief committee has been notied from headquarters at` Montreal - that another shipment of six car-loads of wheat is going to `Montreal by the end of the present month. This ' consignment will be for the sixth steamer sailing from Canada to Belgium. Mr. King for- warded. $175.00 ` to _- the Montreal oice at the close of the year. He has 'now some funds on hand and those who wish to contribute are asked to forward their contribu- tions before the end of Februaryil 17-. 1'J`____.__ 11-- II I j "chimney Fire %- T'hi7s is the` 563M day A(a.yeaVr and ,207.days) that the British Empire `has been at War with Germany. Invted for Fourth` Year At the Ofcial Board 1\Iecti11gvof Collier St. Methodist Church, held Feb y 10tl1, the pastor; Rev. G. `R. Turk was ~ unanimously invited` to remain the `fourth year, which was graciously` accepted, subject to the approval. of the stationing connnit- tee. '_ The War condition.- _ _. ._.. ---_ -- --..-....-_,. Mr. Harry ag will be, at the Barrie Hotel, _ Satu1"day, Feb. 19 and Saturday, ' ,_ 26, to buy [horses from 5 _, V 10 years old. Horses must be: son` and in good = I 743' Soldier Girls. _vs. -Oicers for .Be1giari Relief W llkvlloclilegrntrlsltcl:-;v`lll~be played on Monday of next week that will be of interest to the hockey fans. The girls of the Soldiers Club will play- the officers of the 76th. The young ladies have been practising` for some time and are condent of `winning out. . The line-up _will be. girls-goa1 E." Hayward, defence G. Reeve and B. Scott, rover I. Parrish} [centre Grace Walls (Capt), wings W. Monkman and Bessie Ness. T . eWed1_1esday evening of last week the remen had a. run to 126 Collier `street; ;A -blazing chimney was the `cause. The same ehimney gave the remen /5. run a little over 9. year ago. _ - ` ' ` V A ]i)`.'y of Intercession and Prayer" u'~.!-.._~<'.iI-`?'Il ; - '3` '.:<'V,_*_';"('f_.gL_k:;I_Vg_-'5:;Y_)`:_v ..-*9-.__. . -L Reports\of Red Cross nan Ves from Lefroy; and 01-0 are held over `till next wek; \a1so' Vesp1`a,`.townl ship co ux1'cil,}._ copy for whih` was n'ot7 , % Lreeived _S?V'ednes`dp,y jixorning. . . ' A day of inte1'cesSio11 and `prayer. for the war and other objects will be held 'hin`Trinity church on Tues- day of next` week. A continuous chain ,of prayer is being arranged "for from 8 ';.m.` to 6 pm. Those Who` desire may enter the church at any hour of the day and .participate in" this` - united. interce's[sion-; V am}- lprayer. _ lmisn REGT. POE. EV-IEBRSEAS j A fr. H. Lennox, M',r.1>., to Lead % Authbrity has ben received from . Ottawa 2 x D n the 110th Irish Regimnt __iz.eT an overseas QL;;,Herbert` -Lennp_g, "M,1P.P., ' y-i1 1 Vwjtn commai1ding'._6icr,-?'and- : ,-it is hoped-: to begin reqrniting in a` :,fV?7%?ff`?- % % % V 1211;?` -r"ru A` a battalion socm. AND PERSONAL] .na.n.aLavwL_.y Jlvullnl VHLVU ' A\ military dental oice `for the men of the 76th, and any emergency cases in the 157th Batt. is being opened in Barrie, ioices have been secured in the` Ross Block, up-stairs. Capt. VW. G. Trelford was in town the latter part o last Week complet- ing arangemen.ts.- Similar offices will be opened in Collingwood and Orillia. Dr. Crease will assist the dentist in charge. . dentist in charge in Barrie. '1 Miss Wilkinson, "of .Orillia, iias been visting her sister Mrs. J. T. Dougall. KL. .....a nil...` unn n tit..- _.., 2,, Residents on Elizabeth streetl were thrown into almost V a panic' Sunday evenings at the` passing tl1ro}}gl1 `the heavens of the planets Venus and -Jupiter. That an aero-l plane was passing over t_he'toWn was the rm conviction of many, this was made real owing to the 'noise produced ' from the telegraph andl telephone Wires, owing to the ex- treme frost. One lady even tele- phoned Col. Ballantinc of the oc- currence. " Z ,Milita1jy Dental Oicev T Ax .....:lIJ......-- ,]......L..l ..l12....' .0--. 4.1.- - uwnnunb n n V n a I 9 u Q A A III 610 [lo I I IIIIKIGGIIU Mr. and Nlr. Will R. King are in Caledonia, visliting Mr. King's mother. I]... A t`.......L.... `I\__-._ lI__L _ ,_ _ . -.. ------ Inn . nnnn suns I'll` lluls Q lll\lI.llSplo Mrs. A Croghan, Depot Harbor, was a week-end visitor atZM_r. W. A. Lowe's Il"-_ I`. I - .. .. --.. `rl|\n vlalbvl uu..nLLo `lo 41- IJUVVD 0 Miss Edna Lowe is Visiting _with_hef aunt. _Mrs. Geo. Scace, Montexth, New Ontario. T ...._.. Flight Sub-Lt. Charles V.VHewsonl who graduated from .the Curtiissj Aviation `School, has joined the. Av-. iatioil Corps. He is a son of Judge Hewson, of Gore Bay, 1\Ianitoulin Island, and formerly of the law rm of Hewsou and Creswicke. - Aeroplane Scare I. van... a Mr. John McCosh, local Registrar of. the Supreme, Court. . has been granted leave oiabsehce and has left for Tor-. onto,_fora visit with his daughter Mrs. P. D. _Fin1ayson. The~eheeke1' toui'ney at the Y announced for last Friday was post- poned owing` to counter attractions. A date will'likely be xed for next week; V T . " Barrie Boy a Birdman ~,_, _,,, I Trickr and baby. /VVVITO has` been v,isiting"with her sister Mrs. W. A.'Lowe, left for her home near Calgary on Monday; ' A ll-_ l_1_..` II-r1_,u_ I 1 rs - . - Tournamgnt Postponed "WT? Iii L`:&;nox, M.p.p., K,C;,, who `gas , be jauthorized- to rai_sAe,f apt; `-um .3031-M 'A}nvA1icn I _That Whereas it would appear that a strong prejudice has been `created throughout the British Em- pire against the name Berlin, and fall that the name implies; and whereas the citizens of this city ful- ly appreciate that this prejudice is but natural, it being impossible for any loyal citizen to consider it com- plimentary to be longer called after the capital of- Prussia ;' be it there- fore re_solved_ that the City Council be petitioned to take the necessary steps to have the name of Berlin changed to some o`her name more .in keeping with our national senti- yment. ` ' ` n`.u q .- Marion was shying her p1.'ayerVs.A vA1}d please, God, s}_xe petitioned, .make` Boston` the oapltal of Ver-' mont._, _ . T .. 1111-rs '-up . L- ._ _ _ -~_ The mover of the resolution is a great grandson of the late Benja- min Eby, who nanied theplace Ber- lin at a meeting . held in a black- smith shop in 1826, having found- ed the place in 1806. It was known as.Eby Town for twenty years nrnlxr 4-In-r-on nJ:1v-na'ana nu... 2-13.. urn-Jun. LUWLI .l.UJ. uwcuuy _yUu.l.'b'. Only three addresses were V deliv- ; ered in opposition to the resolution, Messrs, L. J. Breithaupti and Rev. } J. E. Lynn urging that there was no necessity for haste, while C. Asmussen did not consider that dis- hbnor had been brought upon the name Berlin. ' " 4' l At a meeting of representative citizens held in Berlin, Ont., on Fri- day of, last week, the reso~ lutiongiven below was passed by la standing vote-,'afte1' which the National Anthem was. sung. -The meeting lasted from 2 till 4.45, and [was most enthusiastic- throughout. The resolution was moved by Allan A. Eby and seconded by George Debus. ~ ltl'I'|1 1 `I '- I`! 'o\'ers'eas regiment to be known as.` the Canadian Irish Fusiliers, was 12_ years with the 12th York Rangers, as a lieutenant and six} years with the. Governor-General s9 Body Guards, in which he attained! the rank of major. He will start: recruiting a week from Monday and `starts with a nucleus of 100 men and Ieight ofI'ice1's,owhom he takes from- lthe 1l0tl1 Regiment. _ V H 1 I ` ` H Why; Marion, said her shock- ed mother, 7 what' made you say that_`! - , V 2 A - `Marion settled herself in bed. (l f`........ 77 _`L_ -..__,,_ ,,'I- 117 1 . Vfarion settled in bed.` . C_ause,_ she answered; f`I made _=it' that way in my. zamination'__ Vpa- ' :pe,1f' t6-fday [and e I 'waL1i't~"-`. ii'r` to be ~ righ ; Representative Citizens Decide to! Petition City Council Nw YC1` k State has`,24,139 me; "whcf ha, ve had` `mg-i1itary,`t!raining.` E CHANEE NAME or BERLIN REPAIRING smog ,-u`S`3 `.*.B.9:t9X,32 Ch111"0hi11_. 10_a,m.-, Sun- da._v`School. `Lesson: St. Stephen, the. 1 first Christian Martyr. `11 a.m., Holy Communion and Sermon. . ;. Sb,Ps.ul s--6 p.m-, Sundayschool. .7 , p.m.,, Evening-Prayer` andnsermon. `A social evening was spent at the Rectory of St. Paul s Church, Innisl, I on Monday` evening. Dr. N. Rogers I l acted as chairman in a most accept- able manner, introducing the follow- in programme :--Piano selections by Mfsses Elsie and Joyce Carr ;A `Mr. E. Carr, clarinet . selections; two vocal solos by Mr. Grant Mayor, the accom- Rirniment being played by his sister; r. Bert Allan, of the Simcoe Forest- ers, ave two selections: Mr. Geo. Arno d, popular songs; Mr. Purvis, violin solos; and Miss Monkman, two splendid readings. Rev. Mr. Perry, in a few well chosen words, welcomed those present. A most successful ev- ening was brought to a close with the I singing or the National Anthem. socmi. AT INNISPIL REGTORYI v10 85c--'-On the Road to Happiness--SamS S A. l472-Litt1e Grey Home in the West-Mag n. nuu.-:-u.ct.p Luc noun; ru'<:s ourmng ll _ V tnc boys Uome Home-Duet wxth Orchestra h, Tenor, with Orchestra ' A. 1835-Call to Arms-Peerless Quartette - ' 10 85c-American Patrol-Howard Kopp, X ophonist R. 2958-Cohen is Arrested for Exceeding th Speed Limit--Humorous Sketch, by Joe Hayman. ' 10" 85c--Cohen at the Call OFcc-l-Iumorous etch by Joe Hayman ` gie eyte, Soprano 10 31, rireviously $2-\Vhen Love is Kinda-Maggie Teyte, Soprano Pn'nIwnL:a M--L:_-- I.'.'..-...: QIE nn ;- aha!-A AA Phone 259a GARRETTS MUSIC STORE no. 173 `Columbia Records | :4 Made in Canada" R. 2300-We'll Never Letbthe Old "Fla 10" 85_c--Good Luck to the Boys of th R. 212- 1--Tangled Tunes-Orchestra 10" 85c---Tangled Tunes-Orchestra P. l2-God Save the King-Military Ban 10" 85c-BoieT..m-in |{hra'ni._.(. \Iq+:mmI A 44...... l\` n..._:__ u-.-. lV'<'aII--Herbcrt Stuart and Chorus. l1ics--Herb. Stuart and Chorus n . :1.--uuu oavc LHC xung-LVllllI8l'y Dal ! 10" 85c-BojeTsaria Khraniu--(National them of Russian Mili1 P. l5-Th Trumpet Voice of Motherland Ca-l1ing-Harrison 10" 85c-Hcr_e s to the Day--Stanley Kirk ' A. 1869--Keep the Home Fires Burning Ti the Boys Come Ho ll!I.""\V (\bvn`\an6-an A No Record Cdllcction cap be cons ered complete without the followmg ns se ctions._ . They t any Machine and _re 5 Just Received ` New Model Columbia Maebine`at a S cial Price of . , . . at ouf Store ed that Hear these Recor and be Convi Ga?!` e;tt s l\/191:9 St0_1'e muus or, mmsrn. ..,_...-_, ,. . .. uu \. Ia nuuu-"Luu5gIC Lcytc, oopram Eiumbia MQEi.ines' Fm} $15.00 to $550.00. ARE THE Bush oys :hestra `hestra lilitary -(National Stanley :s >piness--Sam [ css ........-I II. _,, V H} nnun a-E1-rning 'l:i.`thc Hon1e-Duet 'THiIRsDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1915 Mrsi. Wlngramx thank their m2_my ` and sympathy m th uay " W11-Why, W ..Qu,.Wished the'b ,p "ir_etu1fns "of the `b eni=m:;r1ji_edthree . V`.`WeH Jh11,`.I was 8m`d'--Q1? you at -the |'da3 - W11-Why, iv}; You wiclm 4.1.`... 1...: good general. High- ely to Mrs. N. Dy- 6-tf W --T'o the premises of a, .a sow. Parties have s:_a.me_ by provmg property a paymg ex- penses. George Davis, ed, VV. half of lot. Elr TH2_;N1?:"" them Military Band) (`,0-lnrrgl-In.-min ... I ..4.:..-__` . Music on Both Sides. T`,'f? $15 ICONDENSBD ADVTS. ,i ;SWITCHE ,......L2, 11` Family desire to ngmy ds for kindness v theirsad bereavement. - combingsv and ,have a. 2 out of your own hair C. Howard, 190 Blake ____...__------j_____---_._'-_-, Lwgs heartlly ash- tha um.1A:..... a- ....... .u.cuu.1y 21511- the wedding to- what did I d9?V `bride many hap- e' .day`--and .she s e times` lready. .4uuu Latimer` V 8.30 11.0 7.00 1\Ii(I1ll'>f. p.m. .\Iim-> P1'oa<'hm'. War1`o11, A 1' ough. 1).... Ll\ Other on pz1*.'.`4` A m1(`|n'(` 1`-:1 dancing is he-it. Aday) C\`011`iz1Q' `n l members or M of C01um1m<. is lop street.

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