Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Feb 1916, p. 7

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the the heir ung d is are .L'UlJo .L`xZ, LI.I.I.\l Mr. Thos, Higgins has T received word that his son Thosy who is serving at the front has b@_en pro- moted -to thy rank of li'eute;:ant. Z 0 `I11. .'I'.V-A--..L \IV-_ {IHULUU LU DIIU l.'d.Lll\ UL l.l.U|.lI.vCh@-ILIJ. I The marriage of Mr. Ernest `Cas- ton, son `of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cas- ton to Miss Jennie Craig, daughter of the. late Abraham Cranggz, Esq.,' is? announced to takev place.` early if 7 March. _ . _ \ 'II ` I`! ,- _ , _1,. .1` 1.-- _I.\...'. .~...l..J- Declaratil luruu. Miss Currie, school - teaceir sp Stancfs For! C-RAIGHURS'lA.' HOLLY LWHAT THE of Ontario "i"b. 14, 1916 1.. .. .. ........\:unl 24 20 106 95 95 112 61 14 [m of Principles of cent _ ay. _ s of nity BELIEVING in the above principles, we declare our friendship and pledge our suppcrt to men and measures` that? stand for the self-evident justice of these principles, and we declare our opposition to men and measures that favor sump- A tuary or restrictive "legislation. ``-` ' ' V 3.- -11 LL:~n. the week-end at` her home at Craig-' ileith. I` Pte. J. Burns of the 76th Bait, Barrie, visited friends here during the week. A. sac pass 1 ......, \lJ --.__-_ U A ` VVE BELIEVE in temperance in all things; and in its promotion; [we favor the license system .under proper regulation and control, but we are opposed to prohibition or any legislation which. encroaches upon or icurtails the purely personal liberties of our people. Messrs C. Cvaig, John Richardson] and. VV. Burtch have gone to Parry `Sound to work in the shell factory. -.1 .- \I ___ Mr. Ro`t.)i:-.I\-T_ei1l;v 'g1;(1~'o;oi137 7mo':I- ed to West Toronto on Thursday. 11---; C11_._....- -1.` `D ..... -nu`:-\-u\ UL VVCDM .I.U1uuuu uu aLllLlL>J\.IA/J- I LU Mrs. Capt. Sharpe of Beaverton is the guest of Mrs. A.Ja1'y. `.|I":n.-u Tnunn `LI..+m- :3 u:b;+*:nn- 1-n_. JD U116 Suuou UL. ;u.;u. 4AIcl|AL`yo M1ss.Lena Hunter 1s vlsitmg re- latlves at Onllla. 1r ,"| n, ,._1 1r:-_ rV_._-- rV..,.L,... IHJJVUE ill: vxxgxxac l Mr. Cecil and Miss Grace Castong spent last week visiting relatives at Sunnidale Corners. 1-\. tr 1'7, L ,0 :1. 1:`P.'LL 11-1.1. L; |JLl1l1l1l.li1lC uuxucxn. Pte. H. Healy of the 157th Bath,` KENNED S LIQUOR 3101112 w. H. KENNEEDY, Gilbey's Invalid Port, Convido Port Tine, Im Commendador, Imported . Chinti Port, Imported . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . .. Royal Crown Port, Import Kennedy s Royal Port, Im V Kennedy s Royal Port, Impo ed, gallon . Canadian Port Wine in Drau t (Imperial Quart) 2:21" Krug, pt. . . . . . . . Mumms, pt. .A .. -Royal` _Vou.vray, pt. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, `1916 C Id-I-A-naovaug - v - ` Molino, Imported . . . . . .._. . * Pale Dry Sherry, Imported . . Fuerheerds, Imported . . . . . . . . . .. Royal Crown Sherry, a Fuerheerd s Manzamlla, II.npo.r1.:<;d . Cooking Sherry (Imperial Quart) 131) -A 1-rn1"l:!,Q A N JJJ.V`.I..|.\ -..~ Hine Three Grape Brandy . .. . Marillae Brandy . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Henry Brandy . . . . . . Hennessy Three Star . . . . . . . . . Hennessy One Star . . . . . . . . . Blackberry Brandy . . . . . . . . . . .. Cooking Brandy . . . . . . .`. 2`. . . . RumLondon`Dock Jamaica .. (- Rum Fine Old Jamaica {__A .___ The follow PRICE LIST `WIN: Port. ported nported PHONE 633. \prices iclude the war tax: `I3. IW-JJQ:!.I14_reW -MA`\Ii} AET;RTEwR A `Buggies, Carriages, Wagon I `r Srrmcr Parnsoxxu. A":Iil')i.'N'1'lox Pun TO Makes You.-_sk'in Like vlyen V Has a m-arvellous eeet on rough "skin. "One or two applications will remove the roughness, ' am} by in -occasion-al use the skin aaequnires the smoothness and sofrtness of -`a ba1by s. G'ly'oedonIi`a is not -sa aiok:y, and gloves may `be wom a few moments after! using it. Price 15c and 25c. De-A 1i=gh'bfu1'l afteir shaving. than-an ntvnv - No. 55" AYFIELD ST. OPPOSITE ROSS S1 JOHN nums en) STAND I lBa1-rie, spent the week-end at his E home here. __._ A as -1 - ,g Miss M. Wilson of _Eady is thy guest of Miss Mary Craig. . o o o o o o n o ca s o o o no ted ' . . . . . . . . . . .. per . . . . . . . ` . gieilghs andvC\itte'rs.- PROPRIETOR. V WH*0l'88h0OiI|f -fer Bottl . .` . .$ 1 1:i E6 _/(onRman s 9lyeedonia Six-roomed cottage on Bay, onel mile east of Allandale station, suitable summer or winter, Apply to._ The Advance. . . 6-9 ' Bank of Toronto Buitdmgs, Barrio 1 JAS. ARNOLD Ti` Druggist. Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate -Agency .` Money to Loan s vicin- roads Stroud lly 1008 I`......... ' A numbei of good Farms and Town Pvo- ` pea-Hes hr sale on easyjerms. _2; (Sccessor to the late, R. L. Barwick %T.Beecroft I Transact a General Banking Business. . . . . Notes Discamdsd `at reasonable rates. Colloc- tion of Notes and Accounts given special attention. - Drafts Issued payable angfuzhere, ` Cheques on outside banks cadmi at lowest rates of eacehange. . . _ Sate Notes Cached or Collected on mpstfavorabla erms. . . . . Ego. MONKMAINL T. ae:r:cnor'r,. BANKERS FOR SALE OR RENT CHEWH0lET Crown et, Mid-. 5 feet, 33. ' V Oc_e Hours-e-110:0 4 With the A Electric` St`. rter, L_i'ght,e &c.A No` Extras Needed t run this Car. II I. I IIUL. Wills yug...\,-_, V,_ V____ _ v_ putation,_but on ltSV me ts. I want you to look this Car over; ask que'st1o s; Investigate and you must come to the cox_'1c1u_sion t at for Quality, Comfort and Durability there 13 no ai atfpresent on the market` "that is` nearly its equal in value. me have k with you before you on a Car." A Phone T2987 6:. CO; u CHEVROLET i not. doing business on its re; * c` , 9-- __-- A... I 1-unt srnn fn fk;C v. B7. McLean A Reratkable Price} 1' in- hagf _V Manager Re`narkable Car F Oshawa DEALER _ goooooqqoopoooobboboooooo: !% cum) ABOUT BARRIE VVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V ` ` ` Wofth Record1n' g " Qooooooooooooooooooboooo9 GRAIGVALE O O . O O . VIQIDLLI-5 LLL1\L\21 l.IlI\J tl(-|IL\4ll|/IE5 L\l\lJ-I `-`Miss Carrie Black" is visiting at Mr. Alex Culbert s, Thornton. T .'u:....- \`r..n:.. t1....-+ -4` Q+m.m.;..1l _V\7e are "t.<;1"e}')o1't. that Mrs. Frank C. Rich is able to be around again after an vattackof la grippe. . . 1\r.. 1rr:14.'.....:I 'r..,,1... -4-` ("nIml+ H: |5ii\'i {-7' Wilfred Jacks of Cobalt i `visiting under the parental roof. "`.":nn (`nun-in Dian`!-:11 ~n:a~H--is-arr of u.u_ All: In J-AUOIILUINL, :.Iu4LLAvs Quite` a number from here h at-| tended the social `at St. Pau1 s?1fcc- tory, Painswick, last Monday night. V o ILLCJX \Jl.|lUU1.I) D, ..I.1ll[4LL1lIU1.lo I~LMiss' Nellie Guest of Stonewall, Manitoba, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Fred Smith is seriously ill at R. `V. Hospital, Barrie. nuu:I-A * n muumnknu -I-`ma-ma Iunun -14', I VLUV 7' al`- .lLJ.J.lJJ Feb. 14,` 1916` Mrs. McGill of Loftus_ is the guest of Mr. and `Mrs. Geo. Luck fo1" _a short time. V rn-,.,_,L_ !-'J.1-.. LU1 U4 lIU1l1 Izlllllio Miss Arnes of Toronto is` the guest of Miss Clara Partridge. . I .04. T...,....-! rn.......1. 1 ,..A:M-,! Am LSLKUDII UL_ J.V.I.l.Bb uu:ua .1 I1/.|.lI11\4l5Uo -St. James Church Ladies Aid held a successful social at the home of .Mr. John Kenny on Thursday eve'1'1ing. A `good programme was `given -and pleasant evening spept, proceeds amounted to $23.00. Don- ations raised 'the amount to nearly` $27.00. ` VIVL- ..._..._L ____ ._.L -1.` LL; . A A n A l The great event of the season, Crown Hill sA first carnival was held on Saturday night. About _ 80 per- sons were present.- The costumes ranging. from the poor, VVeary Wil- `lie, the knight of the patches,-to the, swell frock coat and dress of centuries ago. Ab`out 10 prizes were given. Messrs Baldwin," of Dalston . and Gray of Clowes acting as jud- ges. Merriment ran high and every one seemed well satised with their were many and varied exceedingly,` `first carnival. i -1 Q 1,__1_ 111. mu, Lu; LIL " Thoboys have ey team a11d_are business. Milton tain. H1 1 TH Uillllo l On Tuesday, Feb. 8th, 23 `ladies! lmet. at the, home of Mrs. Thos. Rix_ `for the sewing` for Red Cross.'; `About 10 ladies met in the morning` and were present at the` dinner pre- pared by the hostess. During the afte1'n0o11 the regular meeting of the Won1an s_`I11stit11te- iva`s held. -Mrs, D1'u1'y. ga`ve an excellent dad- ldress` .on `The Rural Problem. 1 The next meeting; will be held at; the_ home of Mrs. John Jamieson, Feb. '32. Everyone Welcome. Come and bring: your-knitting. ` 'I'\.~.n4-1.- :rv 1vn1I\Y ]r\11o'(7 +l\;a ur;n`l*n1' and` 'ice, lblllll lJ11l1:_ , tVUl.u. xxunuuxuan Death'_ is. very busy this winter and ou1"conm'1unity was shocked on" Satu1-day to hear of` . the. sudden vWha.t Our Gorrespondnts -Find `1 ,_J.'L "I-__`._.I:__. `GROWN HIEI`: 113 ;:1_3a%ye1_dL _ St. . - I org'an1zed a hock- qmte ready for Peacock is cap- ideath of a Mr. J as. Ingram, at Bar- `rie, a former resident here. For Mrs. Ingram, who is a sister of Mrs. W. E. Pa1'tridg'e of this place and her family of two sons and one | daughter , `the deepest sympathy is felt. The two younger children are at home but the eldest is with the Canadian contingent at Shorncliife, England. A number from here at- tended the funeral in Barrie on `Monday afternoon. ICU: ..I_'.I:, .LIJ.l.\l Sorry to report the -death of Mrs. Archie Lamont. She passed away. on Sunday, Feb. 6th. . - 5 "Miss Isabella Jordian has been 6n the sick_ list but is able to be U11 LJblll\.ll.Q.y , J. \.IlJ0 Miss I abella sick around again. /\-.-u:Ln n s\11v{11 ene ilies ons.- rely a1'ounu_ ugzuu. , Quite ,a nun`1ber from around here attended the Ball in Elmvalc ` on Friday last. 1\.r..... .~ A..;l...-my Dni-Ira x.-iei+m1 M3-.::.l 011 .l.`1'1uu_y Luau. } M1's.-`Andrew Potts visited Mrs. |MawA one day last week. ' `l:f_. T2` f\ Tlf.-..J-`An l'\" Dav-14:1: 1114:!-(I l\ 1a.W` one uuv luau wuun. s Mr. E. O. Maybee of Barrie made a business trip to these parts last i Week. 11 1 'I'I;LL_ ..-- .1 1-3.. n:n`-nan 1 ween. , , } Mlf. Ed. Potts and his sister, [Irene spent Sunday `at the Battcau. I | MINESING _ Mr; Brown, Wycliffe College, To- ronto, - took the services in St. Peter s,. in the absence of the in- cunxbent, Rev. A. Strother. We understand that Mr. Strother is in - Omemee, spending a Week or two `with the Rev.'- Mr. James. C. M. -`Hickling, Esq., Vespra. `took the service in the Presbyterian Church, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Thom, who was attending the fun- i eral of his mother-in-law, in Toron- imvt veg mu SIQK 31 * that robs ambiti : destroys appetite; ` or compared with 'C_8S8".it3 strength`-s taining nourish- -energy throughout the y while its tonic health in anatural. the utter {weakness and makes work burden. - andstaminathat has ever equaled s Emulsion, be- is so essential, nothi ment invigorates the 00d to distribute value sharpens the app 'te and restores _ ent-way. ' . TC and 0-PA 9-un t`n'u711 `Emulsion to-day. T ; sgqtt B9w_n. -'1`oxon_to, neaxtn In 8. naturax. 11:; If you are run. down, overworked or lackstren T At any 3012 UUJJ VV JLILLI-I ` . , Feb. 14, 1916 Miss Meta Wheatley of Elmvale GOLWELL VIGO t Constant inroads are being made upon people of Ontario, indeed, are threaten , regarding the aims and objects of The Personal Liberty League of Ontario, we appe , below a Declaration of Principles, which is self- explanatory. It will be seen from reading of theDeclaration that the League stands for the widest individual liberty compati e with eective government. uch a stand just now in Ontario cannot be denied. rsonal liberty, and it seems to be the belief of many which the majority are bound to respect, and that ught about by the mere passing of a law. The with a real curtailment of their freedom, all, sup- ` -That there is pressing need fo that the individual has no inherent rig everything, however illusory, can be posedly, in_the interest of morality. We are in favor of the proper observa the Sabbath, but not-of laws that restrict the. of the individual citizen to indulge in inn amusements and harmless recreation on that We believe in the subordination of the intere individual citizens to the interests of the comm as a whole, but not in the curtailment of th sonal rights and liberties of one class or pa citizens to satisfy the demands of another c1_ party who may desire to waive such personal and liberties for themselves. -my momma `Anv.-ANc1: _ Application "for `membership cards should be sent to The Peer: `sonal Liberty League of Ontario,- gead Office,_ I 5 \Vi1ton Avenue, No fees are required for n1em- bership in the League. Fill out the application for membership and forward to the Secretary of The Personal Liberty League. Feb. 14, 1916 .'!....4.`l. A-C '!|.f~..o 17,% 1916 Mrs. J. J. `Black is visiting her sister in Cookstown. -n `rT-1___,_ -..J 1|/r:,... As~n:n was a visitor here on Tuesday. 1 I sxster 111 UOOKSLUWII. Mrs. R. Hobson and Miss Anme` Proctor spent _ Saturday in the County town. 1\,r..` .....1 'I\,`l'1.q IT Pnnrn n`F gun- bouluy wwu. . M1`. and Mrs. H. Rowe of Sun-- nidale spent the week-end at Pop- 'lar Farm. . `Ir _,,J 1.1 -.- 7' A E1 Ixnxvn 1341' .["d].`l.ll o ' .1 Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hill have re- turned from a pleasant vacation spent in Nova Scotia- and New Brunswick. 1:" 1r 11----.. L-.. ....L..nn.'vI fun, Il'l1Il5WlUK. I Miss M. Rowe has returned from the Western Hospital, Toronto very much improved in health. nuuu; ~, Feb. 14, 1916 Last Wednesday afternoon the Ladies Aid held their monthly meeting; at Mrs. H. M. Loug'heed s._ This department of the church pro- vides the supplies for the Red Cross, Sewing Circle. One of the items of interest was to purchase `T24.-lbs. of yarn. The Ladies Aid are not the only workers in this place. The little girls of Mrs. Wm. Blox-' ha1n s _Class presented to the Aid .'the sum ofA$10.75 for -Red a Cross gpurposes, the result of making candy and selling it. These young business ladies ra11g'e- in age .from 8 to 11 years. The address was - read by the president of theiclass, : Miss Lottie Coehrane andethe pres- . entation was made by Miss Monetta J ago, treasurer. e . -A..-n.m. mt` n111- km.-Q mmr lm sonn- d ago, u't:'aalu 1:1. . 5 `Another of our boys may be seen in the King s uniform "now. Mr. ;Chas..B1oxham . His brother Percy intends leaving for Toronto soon to enlist. This will make three "sons of Mr. L. Bloxham intrainino`; A1,: L. _.... 1.1---- :...,'!2....,...n.-`I I-nvl Jul . 14. 1J1U.\uau1 .111 uxuuuu-O. I Glad-to _see those indisposed by la grippe able to. be out again.` "l|,f..,. -T A-nnlan-so sonfn-v-nnr` knrnn FA Ii). ;. ,111JlJU auxo vu- uu uuv ubuuu. ! Mrs. : J. Archer returned home to 'Hi11sdale today after a pleasant vis- i? at" her sister s, Miss Lizze Pal- llfun 7|` nnsnnknll lane 1-oh-urn DR ub1\'{.rs; T. Campbell has returned` home from her daughter s, Mrs. J S. Fe1'gusqn, Nantyr. T E On

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