......... ;-oavuxg UUVJUU. Oice-J. J. Marks store on Mul- caster St., or Phone 510; : B. PARKER T Coal and Wood, Barrie and Allan- T dale. 4243 '.4..;vuL U UU J.U. I`! Qihe 1st Wednesday. ..--vs 32 t\1\ o ~ beaty, an its Iltlrnlvrn 41--.. earl5y' fto' fb `:t'hii_1king" bf ? has Vewnlnr` .Wn In--- Erin wil r. B_UETE1i] 38 `46 -58 -vv. vans LUOBDCI ae Advance that is organizing a r was, inspector intimated that iy as one of `his to be regretted Ynnrnknu A1` L` ,_ ~..V....,.., uooxolzaula ah the Church of the Redeemer, Toron- to, will take the services in Trinity church next Sunday. 0.02 7 temper mean ; His 'face- `Red Cros his Monday evening the` people of St. Mary s' R.C. `church opened a new Parish Hall in the upper story of the We.lls -'block, co'rner of`Dun- lop and Owen streets. The `hall will ll along felt Want in taking care of the _social side of_ the church s Work. This` has been one of the rst matters taken up by .1 the new ' pastor, Dean O Malley._ The evening was pleasantly spent in a social way, and promises to be but thevrst of a series of pleasant church events in the near future. I !S_t} _Ma.1_'y s_' Church People Openi Handsome Recreation Rooms _ I _ ---oanvg VIIMIUJJ DUJ Rev. G. F. Say` of _s4 '~ INuNso;Nv;.% FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, Nov. Nov. 12. Nov. 13. Nov. 15. (__ __ _._._.-- aajbj There areanumber of reasons why ourMillinery Department has shown a substantial gain in `sales this Fall. Our trimming staff has been working at top speed requiring;-tj:ie engaginjg of extra help and customers have noted the variety and excellence of our display. First on the market for materials such as Velvets, Feathers, Mounts and Ribbons, enables us,to sell you these lines at the old prices and this with the achievements of Miss Coghlan as a buyer and manager and Mg, Dales` ability as a designer and trimmer insure you satisfaction in all your Millinery needs. ~(1n.___ 5- `L2- _LA,., I` Innu- NEW PARISH HALL Our `Annual Sale o_fRennnants will be held on tlielabove dates a sales offerings are short ends of : n _ Dressgoods, Flannelettes, Table Linens, Shin-tings, Curtain Muslins, " ' etc., and all odd lines of Hosiery and Curtains. `Each offering is marked in plain figures and the price spells S every article purchased. Come and Save---Choose at your leisure. . Barrie Victrola Hall 9 Undertgker and % 'Emba|m1'. Cor. Maryrand Elizabcih Sts; " Baryie ' Come to this store for Millinery. (`ring 4-` A--` CHOOSE YOUR NEW _ WINTER HAT HERE The following item, from The Lindsay Watchman-Warder,i may be ofinterest to the` fame , as a pre- ventative against potato rot. It `is a long time till potato season comes around, but the item is worth past- ing in you hat: A farmer in this vicinity was` told that by cutting with a scythe the potato vines close to the ground; potato rot would be averted asthe rot began at the top! Part of his crop he treated this way and this Week found in digging! up; his potatoes. that the section Where the tops were removed pro- . duced a ne crop without any rot`, while the section left with the tops on were badly affected by rot.` i c av: '51:. IIIIII\uI Q Come as early as you can. ' I.`-__l.--2-,_ T 9 .an dVBay.Calls promptly ; J`; tg, ' ` ., at Vickets PREVENT POTATO ROT IN Ina JV bllllg Exclusive Trims are soon picked up. tee price Savings ---Choose at nuasmw, wsnnnsmw, %;yov.1. NOV. 17. THURSDAY, NOV. 5, made $3f66 ` N emo and A La Grace Corsets and in Cretonnes .,--..., .u..,.u..5 auu unrlstmas Novel- t1es. {Evening Blouses , a spec1a1- tv ' ' ' ' ,4: .41- --Leave yor orders with Miss Lomas, 22 Wellington St. E., for Dress Making and Christmas No\_re_l-' f.iD.Q m\7nh;nm `DI .... -_ Wilfred McBride__ _-an vVDD I uuu. UIUSBQ. ' The lists for contributions to the British Red" Cross` `Fund has been nally closed. tThe total fund amounts to $5,250.08. - _. .__v v---soc XI! I am prepared to sell coal twenty cents a ton cheaper than the usual rates to any customers where I can use my new shoots. I am satised to give my customers the benet of this clabor-saving device. nm... T T `IF-~`--7' ` " ` .... oavasva UL I-IGIIIU Dlng 'Major Walter Scott had` the ag; ying over his book-store on Tues-' day `in honor of the birthday of the late King Edward. Red Cross Fund Glos_a_d I rm... 1:. Au - .-,1 wvuuvl many "i`.}~1.e Sunday Schools of the town, Methodist church on Sunday next at four o c1ock. S In Honor of Late King Vlrfndnv `XTn`IJ-Au C'.._LL 1 1- .. a- Will hold -a joint meeting in Central, 7 -oov II annals LIUKUU Ticket N 0. 88, held by Mr. Bee- croft, was the lucky Winner of the painting rafed by_ the `Hospital Club. A . . V Sunday School Rally The .QI`IV\l]t\vv Ga-1--A`~ 9 " _.v-.v vIuw1u_ U1uU1',J.V0. Q6 The Company Will parade struction at the Town Hall < day, Nov. 12th, at 7.30 p.m. The Winning Ticket rp on 1 I ~ - <:nlynL `T A --.'.i"hi;'?s, the-465th day d(a year and 100 days. that the British Em- pire has been at war with Germany. -High cost of living reduced from 30 to 50 per cent. at Carey s, the people s shoe store, Barrie. Home Guard. Order No. 43 rm... n..._----- -" * " Division Court Dates - Alliston, Tuesday, Nov. 16;\ ton, 17th; Collingwood, 18th. .':UU.I. Good Farm for Sale South half lot 9, con. 6, `Innism, 100 acres, in fair state of cultiva- tion, about 15 acres of fall wheat sown. Good cement -clad _house, good frame outbuildings, 2_ good wells and a. never failing spring creek, fences are in good condition. Farm is near a school and only three and a half miles from Thorn.- ton._ For further information ap- ,ply to Mr. Geo. Cunningham, or at the Union Bank, Thornton. ' 43-45 V Bank of .B1lId%lnzs,Ban-H1 a\a\l\& A : 3 . ' "c "`O" """`*7 horns sligfhtly,-"turned` Anyone knowing whereabouts of ' animi kindly inform E. Fell, ' Allandale R.M.D. _ 43tf __j T ` " - .-.u4 uuuauy I IIULU LIIIUU . E slightly.A" turned l('nl\1!1'I.r\r\v `w cevlnpingn--"- ---1--- Heifer Strayfd I , From` "the p8}tuI.70f`;:'~'l`. Quantz, _ 1gt;;'11;-,; qgn. 1-1 `~ ,In`nisl, a light red:`?3?ar1i'g he_'i1"-,,.: .3 star on a~~ blaickpi. piuated ` leather i.._ i stiek'. ` Reward on` returning .same' - Barrie. - to -(Major J. Rogers, Registry Oice, . ' f 4 45-45 ` Purse round ' ` Containing a sum of money. Owner can have `same by proving property and paying expenses. Ap- ply Clarkson House, Barrie. 45-45 anbuv .n.\.a\.l` ca; foreheadghole V4119 .--Try Bryson s sample 1/; Vlb. box of Chocolates. 15c each. 7 New Doctor Dr. A. J. Hunter, of Toronto; has assumed the practice of Dr. Embree at Allandale, having arrived at the no raw` 1 AV? Saywell, assistant at +1.- D-J----~- m -GENTS CHEAPER Lost _ uc J.U.l. Ill." on Fri- f\ __ for in- vwvvw -Iv vnu JUL SWO ' I The old man arrested by P.C. `Sweeney on Bradford `street a couple of weeks ago and remanded in the hope that he could give `some account of Lhimself, came up in ,.the V -j.19`t21,ic&n.. t 1.Sta:;'a.l`,J,va_1rsda3". `After =9. . _w'ee`k;' in jail. is Jmmory showed: doe,`- ' riniprovenient, so he Awds`--"committed: `L "to {the ; county, jail for two` `months. A-to _wh ere'_-`he :mijght _.__---........ vvv; auulallls yuur S1111? ed in the time. promised "by the Maxwell Cleaning and Pressing company, as this week there has been installed a steam pressing ma- chine thatwill do the .work of four ' or ve men, and do it in amostl proper manner, The "new machine. became necessary owing to the'Max- well concern having been given _the laundry work in connection, with `the soldiers in training here. Con- siderable other new machinery is. being installed in connection with the soldiers work. V - -.vu.wu anznnvu WIIUB 10' There W111 be no 11 anxious over getting your time: promiset COAL '.rw1:N1'v_ Clothes Pressd While You Wgit Tharp mill lm -- -A I -v- .......-5 uuvvv .l.L1lp.l.'UV6InCn'5 Sergt. W. S. Robb writes, when forwarding _another instalment _ of , his story of the 4th Batt'., that hel is slowly improving each day inithe War hospital. "`NoW is the time for recruits to pour in, he writes, so that they -will be trained in time I for the spring campaign. It is about certain that we Won t get any de- cision this Winter., Recruits are coming` in fast, hesays. He also tells of h.ow Women are taking the place of men orderlies "in the hos- pitals, and also employed" as car con- i ductors, porters and ticketpcollectors I on the railroads. - i . . --Carey Vs is the recognized child-' ren s. shoe.store of Simcoe County. `Child s Dongola Boots, sizes 2 to 7, at 49c, 55c, 59c, 65c, 75c, `89c, 99c a pair up. All these lines are 25 per cent_. less than their values. Making Slow Improvement .Qm..~..4- ur cv 1'- v u... - vvv ul-GQJIV3 A` number of residents of the east end, `Who liveup on the hill and love -fine old trees, are '-up in arms at the cutting down of two ne maples on Duckworth strieet. Fisher.` The neighbors are inclined to-doubt that such an .order was given. and think proceedingsshould be taken against the offender. The two trees- cut down were large maples and the only ones of their kind on the street. in their neighbor-_ ihobd. V ' ~ [Cut Down Two- Map1_es A `I'!I`IVv'|l\t\~ A-L` ..... uuu u; any ull:lDeI'S OI ti iliy, The Advance will see th lare forwarded to the young % France. ....-v...uwu;uu. vv auwu _ - Pte. J. H. Judd,- Who is with the Canadian Army in France, has writ- ;ten enquiring about his relatives, `who he says resided in this vicinity.; His letter states that he had an uncle `named Walter Judd. If any lof our readers can supply the ad- dresses of any members of the fam- llV_ Th Al11?nhnn .-"III .__- :1 . .. _.., ggv Lu 1161110 _ One of Toronto s best known cleaners and dyers was in Barrie the end of ` last -Week in search of dye for his establishment. This article has become very scarce since the war broke out, so scarce has be-, come the article "that manyldyeing establishments have ceased opera-l tions except on a small scale. [Information Wanted 'I31..T'rT'r-:1 - .--Wise people know they can save`, at least 25 per cent. on their Rub-i bers at Carey s. Men s Heavy Gum Rubbers from $1.30 a pair up. Overt shoes from .99c a pair up. I rBuy Dye in Barrie r\_`_ _. "1 . . - X number ol (ml farm and Town Pn- % mum M an on my man. ` -.....-...v \IJ. vvzxa I work ceased till rives. vv vans GU h7U3IIuyuul [For a week back work on the walls of the new library building have been. at -a stand-still-. The trouble is the terra cotta trimmings have not arrived, and the walls be- ing up to the point where the rst course "of terra cotta_ is lai_d, the` wnrlr nnon HI! 4.]... -..--LA - -Bryson s pure homemade cans dies, fresh daily. See windows for -daily specials. Work at Stanqstil_l ,1:_ _ _ A 1 _..uv.vu.uvusn 11] LU. acnools I Monday, Nov. 15,~ has been ap-' proved of by the Minister of Educa- tion as tuberculosis day in `the- schools, when attention will be can] ed to the necessity of putting forth all possible efforts to prevent the spread of this terrible disease. 5 Tuberculosis D.y LI.-ma-.. xv--- wuss; av; vau.ua~DU0O1 _ .,The`c`ontract for coal for the en- suing year for Orillia Collegiate Institute was let to the S. E. Carss Co;, `of that town, at $5 per, ton for the best. smokeless coal de- livered at the school. Coal for Bar- rie` Collegiate cost $5.24 a ton. .-For -tired and weary feet try a pair of Foot Arches, regular $1.50l `value, but Carey s sell them `for 99, a pair. A Goal fororillie-I choor --.......-um uu uwuawee p ' , The Str. Otonabee ran bow rst into the C.P-.R. bridge at the nar- rows at Orillia, . on her trip from Barrie on -Oct; 30, breaking her nose and aparrt ,o,f__th_e upper deck about ve feet} baekf nu... .:-..L----L 0 ;s:l;ivlefmplya::ing here- The `leg was _ had not regained its p Accident to Otonabee In... cu- ru- ' _ym-5 uuu ms leg broken ' on Saturday. broken last winter and roper strength. - ne of"th..C(.>1lVing ers had his leg b vw-vs IS if per ne .` nan]. dt CIA (Successor to the` lateji. } Fire and Life Insurance 7 Real Estate Agency e Money to Loan _-._- vtllll I 11.0 [ need to be] a 3 'Pp\un-- ---- ~ ` coma, 1s lald, the` the ; material ar- in schools vnnv .I.(u|vlll' use; that the i7nI1hm Tang; 3.. -AVVIA vv UV! suit press-` "1 . 1... LI, _ `_/j"::*`r'?' `the Collingwood I mg. L... t...-1--J man in I . 4 \ I 4 ; ~ `Now, I like to`: read the "dailies an ; I V `the-Jstory -papers, too, V An at` `times the" yaller novels 2;. some other t_ras_h --don _t you'_('.; But when" I want some readin that I willb`n_1shaway. a frown ' hat%-ttle, % #1 1m.,?,.t Ailv-aW.f?1m5Vf girl an How _it keep how the crop ll, gr6w,7-" s -a fell 0 is down, _ _ er posted b6utl _ whp s up -and wh gt` httle gountry pgper_ from 'hi's: . ft ellg, 6f 2 J,:`-_ ARNOLD l_._~ vnav ILUIILC uuullbfy 01 home town. It ain t a thing. ~beauty, ' print ain't always clean, But it sraightens out his temj . , when a fe1Ier s feelin It takes the wrinkles off f; ! an brushes off the frown, ' That little cquntry `paper from ol"; home town. A i]S;1:1-i ----u-1--- When the evenin shade is fallin _at" the endin o the day, ` An " a feller rests from labor smok- _ in at his pipe 0 'clay, ' . There s nothin does him so much `good, be fortune up or down, . A ;As the little country paper from his, 01 hnmp fnurn _---_:-- THE PAPER Nov. . ' , MARRIED . ARMSTRONG -- CORN ISH - At Inglewood, Ont., November 3, 1915,` Alice Amnstrong to William H. Cornish of Barrie, Ont. V uuagxuru rauway Sl10pS. V Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Rees left on, Monday 4 to spend _the, winter` in Florida. V` ' Mrs. W. A. J`. Bell will receive at her home, 13 Charlotte Street, on Saturday, Nov. 20th. 1\,l'.. TIT I1 1'5 Mr. Chas. Packard left on Monday , of this Week for Brooksville,F1orida`,:l Where he Will reside for the winter at least, and probably `Will make it l his `future home. In Mr. Packard s removal the town loses an old and highly respectedgcitizen. I.t was in the troublous times of _1866, as` a young man ,he came -to Barrie, and has resided here continuously ever since. Mr. Packard intends taking up an industrial line of work, also `doing missionary work amongst the negroes of the south. V Mr. A. Taylor, late clerk in the . G.T.R. storehouse, Allandale, is noW_ lling a similar position at the,` `Strabford railway shops. ' Mr, gn J-105 TX FD 11., n n. . VIVID \I|LU wld Comforts and `RI [notes held over this week. ......,-... "mm in IS to be that such a valuable member of the C011. staff is leaving for the war; still when the call comes for the Empire, it must `be obeyed. Gran- dy s example may inuence others. Crowded Out 131-13 / " Child Welfare V011 Nov. 16th /Of the W.C.T.U. 2'... LL- ' 1 Grandy, the physical instructor at the Collegiate, has been oered and has accepted a commission in the, nojw-being-organized Simcoe regiment. Mr; Grandy will not sever his con- nection with the school till Easter. It has been told The Advance + Major Barker, {who Batt., and who is, or was,` of Cadet corps, had he ,\.,wanted Mr. Grandy `his ofcers. While it is n...+ mun - ---' The auto driver who ran (down- L Mr. `J, R. `Rodgers on -Bradford street a couple fofmeeks ago, driving 4 an auto stolengf om..Woodstock, was- , __-.nu. Us nuuvu. 10.60 Arrested . arested in _Coll1ngwood last" Week. The-ma,n,. `W110 gave. his name as Glover," had - `been having "a" good -time with ' the `car, and - upon lea,rn- `ingthat the -police were watching hini, got out of town. He returned a to Collingwood, on Saturday of last i week and shortly "after was in the i hands of the police, Chief Johnston larresting `him upon "a. request from Woodstock. Glover spent Sunday in the lock-up, and on Monday morning was remanded until Tues- day, when Chief Killing of Wood-' ystock arrived and took `the sport to his home town._ [Answering the call 'I`.-. 4-L---- ---` ` socm AND PERSONAL V-.,-. .LuJ.1aaUI.`l.al1' uuu 1! .l.aI`y E. H:uWil1iamsJ _ W { Driver of `Stolen Auto Arrested Tho nnfn r'|m'u'-cu... --`L- " ;` [4 ti ) H. t:1 1[iS S`v`veen`y' I says-.the:-3 man is mistaken `as, he _fever`-was in Shelburhe. ' "your Chfifmas ` , , - _nl-L-ll-I6 U1._ Sewelry` ., -We, have a splendid _assortmen_t. Two -Stores` ---Opp. old Queen ?s `Hotel and at Car; bf Elizabeth- and Mary streets. H- W1.";nnn:5 a~ : ` . ".'.".'" .`T`...".'. IT :-`--Not t_o.q_ear1iyVto.be 1 your Chnstmas ,`jewelry` snlenid aaen-nfvnn.-.4-~ r PER PROM ms om) HOME TOWN THE WEATHER at 3 p.m. the ladies W.C.T.U. will hold a meeting in the interests of child `Welfare at the home of Mr. Grafton, Maple Ave. a