J>l_V-- 5; 177. 178 )1 179 ` 180 181 H 183 Plan 184 . 185 ~ 186 187 188 2) 189 1! 190 2! "191 J 192 12 193 194 " 195 196 M 197 198 19.9. ~ 11 53 (Ill! 32:1 2.43 249 0 EA 270 271 272 273 274 ` ' 275 276 277 278 53$ IIEO 555' DQO "173 Plan 553 174 . ", 175 . . .' . 1:6. . `I HF! 9 BUG 253 (`IE1 No. nun llllb 1L'l;u,lllL1U.- :\_I0nu; look of wonder and pr-T` Dlvxlty passed between young Brood, and ms stepmother. ` ' Q1. l.....\.1.-_1 .,,,11,,,L_ ___J __;. ' i `.r-\A unav JlIn\L lluvlln I Usually at nine o clock they strol- vled into the study and smoked one of Brood S_ cigars with the gusto of real guests. It was their habit to saunter about .the ro`o'm.and' in- spect the treasuresa with critical ap- praising eyes, very much as if they had `never seen them before. They even` handled some of the familiar ob,/iect_s with" an -air of bewilderment that would done credit crelit . to a `Cook's tourist; b It was also a --habits of theirs to ..try the doors. ofa large te VILLAGE op "Pom: MmcHoL-(comi'nuea) Lot i~ 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-8 -l\4\4I.'l\.CL Al hIal&\./ IAlll\J|N\bI -- `1I;1`;E1'hla11di11g,she stopped. Hex: '_?`ad .L'raspod the railing with rigid n1tm1sit_V. ` pn..l-1_ 1 V n :1` ' 1 i3 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 i3 13 T3 1-8 -..;\.uo1 L) o _ A the sha- Ramab exne1`f-?J9d from. He dows at the end Of the hall bowed very deeply- ' i: 1s 1-8 . Arrars Costs T/otal T doors,- and then-- He had said this at least a hundred Joe, Mr. Dawes, after he had times during the past months.. tried the doors on this particula1 Sometimes he cried over it, but nev- `occasion, `?I made a terrible mis- er until he had found that the cab-. take in letting poor Jim get married inet doors were locked. again. I ll never forgive myself. (To be Continued) bYf1f1 _ ,aW :9 master s books and papers` / _00I_1 removed, sahlbah. The study 1s `m ordern: ' . - When you put a telephone in your home you enlistour staff of `skilled workers in the service of your wife andfamily. To lighten the labors of the household, to keep the family in touch with their -friends and to protect them in emergencies; the tele- phone is alert and ever ready, day and night. . A telephone in the home is a boon at any time, but during the inclement fall and winter weather it is invaluable. i Ask to-day for rates andfinformation. Enlist in the great army of enthusiastic ho;nc- .. `telephone users. ` / 285 ' 286 287 000 GUU 297 279[Pla.n 555 93 230.. . . . . . . . . . .. 108 231 " . . . . . ..11-1 . 00`) 22 1 no V 33? Ranjab the Hindu. ` The two old men. long since rele- z`a at_ed' to `a somewhat fself-imposed oblivion, on a certain night discuss-' ed: as usual, the affairs zof. `the household in the privacy of `_th_ei1f` T0m on the . third floor remote, not, however, without `first convincing thems ves that the shadowy, RaI1'."} Jab-_ Wab nowhere within _-;range,_ etzf their lchoaking _`underto n,eI_3.,=- the prosc`ribed regions me the faint as of.`:"--a .9115-thee " " : 513 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 vvg. `$9,? IJQU 327 IKIO No. V 341 GAG w 1ICf...... LRIULV 351E GEO `T No._ No. L ' Part 357 Pt E 1-2 I-.. .1--- '&JlL|I .l`J L (as described in registered 358VV1-2 .. 9 5 359 N 34 E 1-2 .' . . . . . . . .. 15 9 3608 24 E 1-2 . . . . . . . . .. 19 14 The adjourned Sale will take place on THURSDAY, the 16th day of DECEMBER, at two o clock p.m., in the Court House. - Barrie, Augusj: 31st, 1915. 5 [First publicatxon in Ontario Gazette, Sept. 4th, 1915. Enlisting I wssnmr, DECEMBER 7m,1915 [VILLAGE 01* PORT McNICHOL-(Continued) 1'5 17: 1T"7..'.'." 28 S 1-2 . . . . . . .. VV 15 Acres Every Bell Telephone is a Eong Distance Station Part Part O , DUIC o a n u c 0 LUQ OUS . I): U I)! N 1-2 7 15 10 18 75 S . . .. 18 20 28 7 27 . . . . M 20 15 11 22 TOWNSHIP OF Tossokoxno 7 Part ` Lot Con.Ac s Arrears Costs Total TOWNSHIP TOWNSHIP OF TINY Lot Acres b Lot Con;Ac s Arrears Costs Total 18 4 50 $31 67 $2 00 $33 67 20 6 28 6 W 4 122 '23 35 JOE `I:ot"C`}.on..-A.<;"s.Arrears Costs Total 10229: 634 200 834 10 '72 0 All on UK .19 7 313?? $ 3?? POF VESPRA. Lot Con.Ac s Arrears Costs Total 3 5 1-2 10 47 2 00 12.47 egistered -deed No. 491) . 12 l00.2559 2% 2759 01 11 An 1:: An DAN 15 19 1n -_-_..... `g---.---..`, Treasurer, County Simcoe. KNIEL QUI1\ LAN,_ 10 10 ll 13 i3 1-3 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 . 1-8 1-8 1 -8 1-8 1-8 at the hour of two 0.1 . COURT HOUSE in the T6:vr%_; an the aftem _ OF BARRIE I;3 at the . - ceed to sell by Public Auction so besuicient to discharge the tIh of the" said 13 ' V s and "all lawfulnca-8 may ' T898 in-' curred in and about the sale a ` Dd collection of th _ - 9. Same.` The fol] ' V wise stated)?wmg lots are Patented (except whre oth _ - er-. il 1-8 1-8 100 100 Arrars Costs Total way 328 328 000 `RU 47 Plan 10 9 U... .53 EA $3 F! I 20 .. evil this _ the By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the ty of Simcoe, beari `date the _l8'bh' day of August T 51015319 year of our Lordnghneteen Hundred and Fifteen, an ` to me d1rec_ted, commandmg me to_1e_vy_ upon the several lands merntloned and described, belng - m the County of sdmcoe, for arrears respqctlvely _ due the;-gon, together with my costs I hereby ztve.not1ce -pursuant to the As- sessmept Act and Amendments thereuntq, that unless said arrears and costs the sooner Vpald, .I_ 311311 on g Plan 533 22 Plan 540 couN'rv or smcoj:-: Treasurer s Sale of Lands IN ARREARS` FOR 'rAxE. By George Barr McCutcheon Black Is White C0D)`right,1914.byDodd Mead and Co. ' cI1\i>i`1:`1{`\-/-I.-'(E6E1;eE)` _`}\'m-ut out? exclaimed Yvonne,% [' Plan 529 V vuxvtsb. pumeoue La. Paloma. L hse new days` ones. __0n_` __, I l CH./&P'71z`E%R VII; A~Y, Nov. mu; 19133 VILLAGE _OF PORT. McNIOHOL COUNTY OF SIMOOE, T0 `WIT: Part Lot Acres 23 1-8 24 ;- AA 1-8 1-8 1-8 l~8 1-8 148 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 T 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 i3 1-8 1-3 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 - 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 ken; ! Arrears Costs Total even commanded, the full freedom of the.` house. It had been their `perogative, to enter into every soc-i `ial undertaking that was planned; l in fact, they had come to regard lthemselves as hosts, or, at the very: I least, guests of honor, at such oc- , casions. They had a joyousway of `lifting the responsibility of conver-- * sation from everyone else; and, be it said to their credit, there was no 5 subject on which they couldn t talk {with decision and uency, Wl1ethe1' E they knew anything about it or not; -- ..-.... ,1--.... I .`.v...-. .3:J......4- UIIUJ nxluvv uaA1J nnnn Alb suuuuv J-U V; ;L\Jvn And nowadays it was dilferent. They "Were not permitted to appear when guests were in the "house. The sumptuous dinners--of which they heard something from the "ser- vants-were no longer graced. by their presence. They were amazed and not a little irritated tojobserve, | by `listening atthe head of the stairs that the unfortunate guests, who- lever they were, always seemed to be {enjoying themselves.` They couldn t gfor the life "of them, understand 'how such a condition was possible. 1 1 ,1 Lg-.. _--...`I-!..... ....LL.... HUW Dunn u \1\lL1\.|l.vAvsa. vvgwy I, ...... V, } Brood .had been working rather isteadily at his journal during the ;past two or three weeks. V He had] { reached a "point in the history where his own memory, was somewhat- nvague, and had been obliged to call upon his old comrades to supply the facts. For several nights they hadl sat with -him, going over thelscenes connected .with their earliest ac- \quaintance--those black ` days_ of 3Calcutta. Lydia had brought over.- ` her father s notes and certain tran-I scripts of letters he had written to` her mother before `their marriage.I The four of them .were putting? those notes and narratives -into chronological`. order`. Brood, aft three months ` of married` `life -and frivolity, suddenly had decided to devote himself entirely to the com- pletion of hisfjoumal. . __ _. I 1:- .:....:...1 i.:.....I Hm +_1mn+.m_ `the PIBEIOII UL 1115- Juuzuaz. He denied himself the theatre, the iopera and kindred features of the ;passing show, and he preferred. to {entertain rather than to - be enter- }tained, seldom found it necessary * to go into the homes of _ other pea.- Lple`. Yvonne made no protest. *She-. merely pressed Frederic `into service -- -- ----.-.5 cuot-nnv\`n1\-n- t1A;1'bl` in on `IuC.l'U1y prtsaacu L'1UuI2L1u Luuv .....-.-....! ; as an escort when she desired to go about, and thought nothing of it.` i Whether this arangement pleased; [James Brood time will show. _ He, 1* `too, appeared V to thinks nothing of ;_it. w IIIL- -1:.- .`g.. .`l..*..l ....'6u`nml" 4~:i.5'5l-'|1n"nli1N'.- 153' 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Plan 109 110 111 ' 112 H. 3) 9) H 113 Plan 114 115: 116 117 118 ' 119 120 121 122 15!!) J! 9 1) 9 3 3! 9! ,3 9! 3! i `lfl 33 128 'IlN'\ $547 135 136 . 137 138 - 1l\ LUV 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 `I48 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 `I58 159 160 161 162 163` 164 165 166 167 168} 169 170 171 172 9. Plan 544 E71 132 I00 "22 75 76 .HF! VILLA` GE OF I>oR'.r bMcNIC`HOL-d-(contiziued) rm % Lot Acrgs Arrears Costs. 1fotal` . lan 544 . . . . . 3; ;. 1 g $200 $600 \l\l\ I)I\I\ 'there were times when he spdke [harshly to his son, times when he purposely. humbled him in the pres- ence of others` without apparent reason. _ _ _ ~ | l .n. vnwuvnao I On this particular night, Yvonne_ had asked a few people in for din-j ner.. They were people whom Brood liked especially _well, but who did | not appeal to her at` all. `As a mat- THE BHABM % 0F MIJTHEBHIIOD `Enhanced B Perfect Physi- g cal ealth; A Quvsv onnvnv vnliullll` `Cjl - " """""6 ehappy and healthy mother of children. ' and indeed child-birth under the right I agiominadbemhuudohedthe ' ty. . unexplsinsb thing Ithet, with all of shattered H'|erveIandE'enhedt_.lIresnI1:|ng1:um ; no condition, and withsta- pletimeinwhichhpmapu-e,woInen ` The experlenceofmotherhoodissu-r lng one to most _women snd msrks dis- tinctly an epochin their lives, Not one woman in s hundred is prepared or un- derstands how to properly care for her- self. Of course nearly ex. .y woman nowsdsyshss medical treatment at such times, but many spprosch the experi- ence with sn orgenlsmuntted for the trial ofstz-engt`h,sndwhen ltls over her system has receivedsshock from which it is hard to recover. Following ` right upon this comes the nervous st:-sin ofcsring for the child,sndA is distinct chsngelnthsmotherresults. ` c ,.'1`herelsnoth_lngmore' "- inutw-"uv-In-b7o at the funk organism. WI can Ih intny homoqq mnowehmnnb.-1 LydhE.Pink`- hm : Vegetable` I_ ;_ILL__ _-g` L1: scum: Anvzmcn .% N... u._.,'.1,___,, V . "I unk not, S11`. V They Wenta a'=1.\` -tout-t}1c1' in the automobile.. H0 h:1s"1mt 1'etu1'ned. K 1 1 -u -I - I = _ter of fact, they bored her. She : izlppearied to be `lg.-}}l)py Iin pl1as}ing - 1m, owever. , en s1e 0 1m ; that they were coming, he favored herb-wit}l:_ a dry slmile, -andh askel, =_w1_ w imsica umor -W y s e chose to punish herse1f .for the sins l of his youth. She laid her cheek l against his andApurred!' For a mo- - ment_ he held his breath. Then the . re in his blood leaped into ame. He clasped the slim adorable body `in his strong arms and crushed her ,against his breast. 1 She kissedl ;him and he was again- the erce, Eager, unsalted lover. It_- lvlvalsl one of : 1e1r won er u 1mper1s a e mo- .I_nents, moments that" brought ob- vlivion.- Then as he frequently did of latehe held her off at arm s .~ length and searchedher velvety eyes : with a gaze that -seemed to drag the " very secrets out of her soul.` She! went deathly White and` shivered. He took his hands from her should-l .;ers and smiled. She came back in- !to his arms like a dumb thing seek- img protect1on,\ and continued to `tremble as if . frightened 1171.-.. ......... .... - ....... L..:..... ---1..... ;<">Y `202 203 204 205 206 HAW Uu.-.va-nunv uvu ;;. .a.;..bnnvvn:\a,u ` When company ..was being ente_r- .tained downstairs Mr. Dawes andl `Mr. Riggs`, with the delity to con- lvention that was almost pitiful, in- ivariably donned their evening cloth- es. They considered themselves re- imotely connected with the festivi- ties, and, that being the case, the 4 least they could. do was to dress sup. Morever, they dressed with `great care and deliberation. There ;was always a chance that they might be asked to `come down, or, _what was more important, a Mrs. `;Brood might happen to encounter- `them in the upper hall, and in that ,event it was `imperative that _. she should be made to realize how stu- ipid she had been. . I "I T..-_-I`I_ -1. __3,, , O I` `I :1` ` n I- 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 ' 225- 226 227 ` 228 Plan, 7! 7} cap: _224 ;' EZE ll! 551' 262 263 :26; fl!!! w nLL'1)1llUl1lU.l'u ` I Shv 1z1ughe_d suddenly and -un-- nattlrally. \Vith0ut` a Word she` St3.1"f0 up the stairs. `He followed`: 111011 `slowly, his puzzled eyes xed D011 the graceful gure ahead.` At Hm um... 1-.-,1:--~ 4-- -4.-....,..:| T'r_1'....M