Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Nov 1915, p. 5

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w. c. THOMPSON; You shbuld see our new lines of Ladies Tea Aprons, they are special value at...... . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . ..50c,40c?25c use ' I I _- _ J. _g. __-_.._ __._H _._2--_ 'Eiderdb\jvri Comforters, ne Sateen and Satin trimmed, prices ............. .. - T n nn 7 nn '1 0: u-00000000 Q U o Q o O U o o o Q o o o o o o u u o o D I U Q o o I - I u o u o --.,.`,\, '.`,`, .,..,`, The colors are guaranteed fasf, only the best grade of dyes being used. This means much to the housewife who always wants her beds to look ' ` hegLand trim. ' Bed Comforters, white batting lled, Chintz and Sateen covering, choice "777.J Ann.-znno-):1nI:1l:n1')l: DCCI LOIIIIUYLCIS, WHILC UGLLIIIS uucu \;uuu(. uuu u.Jus\.\.u \.\JV\.|I--S, ....-v...-- coloring, prices... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..4;oo, -3,00, 2,25, 135, 1.50, 1.25 Now is your time to. buy -the above lines as they are a long way below the A prices if we have to buy them now. White W061 `Blvanke-ts, pn'ces:..' ..... ...... ..3.5o, `Grey Wool and Union Blankets, nrices ............ .. u: -1:: r: nn A ::n Urey VVUUI auu uluuu ulauacta, puuza .......................................... .. ............ 5.75, 05.00, 4.50, 4.25, 3.75. 2.50, 200 F lannelettf: Blankets, I2X_4, grey or` white, good value 2.00, price.. ....1.69_ After the heavy clurnsiness of the old bedding you will certainly appreciate the soft. light-,-yet warm feeling of our Blankets, closely" woven from the begtgof yarn. _._These blankets are strong and rm in texture and will give ` " " exceptional service. wm:.;_woa1 `Blanketsl _p1-ices.` .... .... 4.25, 4.50, 6.25, 6.75 This Winter and many Winters to * come under a pair of . our Blankets SLEEP IN COMFORT AND WARMTH Properties For; Sale In Barrie Our Visitors, response by Bro. VV. H. Martin, P.1\i.; Bro. \V. VVonch, P.D..\I.; Bro. N. Hurst, W.M., and Mr. McBride. The Ladies, response by Bro. A TIT 13l..L..L.... 1') If . I)..- (`1 TIT I The toast list was as"fol1ows: g Toastmaster--Bro. Jno. A. Cor- bett-, P.M. KATIVL- `I _'.'-___ 99 _4,_-.,_,1 1, A` vlulllnilstlb 4 The Day We Celebrate, re- Isponse by Capt- VV. Knowles, Bro. Jas. A. Jamieson and Mr. C. Tom- linson. ' V I ` I i i o-. o. no ' - _. `.9 II o .- n\rv\/AA\.L, a. GA`-LO I Blackstock, _P.M. and B17I"F.`"si}l3! I clair. u /\ri nu/II: u I 1: `v:l`}`1e'I.{ing, proposed by the Worshipful Master. um1_- `n..; 117; r1-1_L,_-;- 99 iw;.'i`he Ofcers of 16, response by] -Bro. J. D. Stewart, \V..\I., and Bro.` EF. 'To1nlinson, P.M. un_-__ TT_,_L 99 _______-_____- _1 1___ _,-1 . LJL .; xv:-. usnnxs. .5 o .n.AA\AAo This toast list was interspersed {With songs from Bro. C. Horseld, P.C.M.' Bro. F. Ayerst and Bro. J. [C1'eigl1o11, and {several selections {rendered j by the band._ - -. Aaviunwba, .nvul1vnau\, II`, az.Luo A. W.vFletcher, P.M.; Bro. C. W. 'l)l....'l.,.L....I- `D `II ......,I 1).. 1'3 ('12-- .5 Lvsnnnnnnuvnn L 05150 5 ' ia Our Host, accompanied by ad-I idresses from Bros. C. M. G. Smith, `Dr. I_-Iorton _a1_1_d._ F. A1191}. . . SCHOOL ATTENDANCE FOR! 1 . SEPTEMBER Hours. . . I } The following are the reports of` ithc principals of the public schools ifor September as presented to the[ .`Board of Education {at its monthlyl meeting: ; ' 1 V " '! C1 . . - 1 East `Ward J\IA E A.'E. Bell .. 1 Central School J. Marlin .. V R. W. Stewart. .. Miss Booth . . . McCall .. 9! Longman . . . I I O I I Cluttovn .. McRobie Rodgers E k Livingstone . I. wgstwgfi J. Morrison A. Miss Billingsley 3! Usher . .. )7 Henry Morrison . . . Private Sale `..21.`3`%`.l`I Of New and Modern Household furniture, sufcent. `to furnish six `rooms . Birgaip for cash., 2: .s:3`::E I1 DUIII abm."z`;.1_ P. 6. Bx;`5s5,_ e V or '1"he`Avd,va.hce. 'tures. ` 3.3 _Last .'\\'odnesda_\' a1`fterndOn"the' au.\'ilia1'_\` was called to Creemore owing" to five cars being derailed on a f1'ei2`ht train `bound from Beeton to Collimwood. _'The' cgxrs, ..WereA all- filled with grain and took ll and ni~_-'ht_to re-pl2_1.ce on the .t1_'ack1 asrain. traac was tled up for. some? .` _ ' , ..n..x*.nr.*'2| Registered .~\vom__:e| for month att d nce : 34 ` 33 35 30 42 47 38 36 40 50 36' 33 An- 35 ' 45-tr` 32.8 IThe Radiant Home -Men's Red Wool Shirts and Draw- ers, Penmarfs, sizes 34 to 44, good value 1.2 5, special price 1.00 each Men's Fleeced Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, special value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c and 50c is? 35 ! Corp. AWilfred `Johnston of C.E.F. returned home from England last week. His many friends were lpleased. to see him looking so hale Eand hearty. 1. uuuu xu, uu dult _ , _ V;, {P ; at Bar [0 Obr, :4:-u-An g Kearns .. .. 48 45 King .. 61 53 Burton Ave. _ ' ' E. Shear . . . . . .. '24 21.5- Miss Mingay . . 32 29.28 ' Marshall 39 36.'2T Kennedy .. . 39 35.55 Collins . .. . . 35 32.3 Meston . . '. '. 5'3 43.7 Penny Bank Deposits 5 East Ward . . . . . . . . . . '.`.$ 2.12 Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.66 West Ward 57.74 Burton .m-e. . . . . . . . . . . 13.21 I Fire Dril1--East ward school was eleared -in eight and "seven secs.,. `Vest ward in 49 secs., Burton Ave. (t\vo drills), Central in 56 secs., :in 48 secs. `Df'(al\` lu ; uLA\\. the station bloc`l~i11 -`V- "' . - . ` I U , - fI`1f.ThIS for some tile bleef0I(_mt.` 3-1113 ' nall_\' replaced on` the tr 15115 was On_F1'ida_v. night a nzgni) . vounu` folks cnlbrat ' er of ` ed Guv F . awkes Hax` at the holre of . . A `A _ _Mr. Brooks on Tiin etreet du1gr.d 111 b'.1l'Ilin0- th" atnd` 111-} straw man and Sthe cllsomary ' ~ r amusino fe ._ ` 8- % ' " ._`j; - `\',,, ~.,x 111 DDR1) 1' ti-P#,, V. ` `gt; "A"- ~`1-1.... 5 Miss Ethel Black in Barrie last week.__ .'u.---s. souv Iv\.\.an\o in-Misses S.adie and visited at the home Cald`r on Sunday. /N 11-voun -u v- . Members _of L.O.L. No. 605 cele- ibrated Guy Fawkes day on W'ed- ;nesday, Nov. 3, at their 1'eg'11lar imee'tin`g; A v- . - of Town 41-1:? V~{S9i9i*9r 5: Large vlces at `day. A f G dultli NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Percy Lyon Woodsof the Town- ship `of Vespra in the County of Simcoe, Province of Ontario, Farmer, .will apply to the Parlia~ ment of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Lucy Woods, formerly of said Township of Vespra, but` now `of the Village --of Burlington gin the. -Countyof Halton, Province n.1...u&.. `sf. Ontario, _on the ground off" Weavers, Knitters, Sewing Machine Hands; also Reelers, Winders, Spinners, Etc. Variety of work for families and for you? men and wo- men. Work quickly earned. R. Foggts co., .Il"l`RII IIESPBLER. 5' :\f1'._ Thos. Paton visited son, lmdl-e\\', last week forvn conplelgf ` .da.\'5- `on his run _aga1n after his .C0nducto1' Robert Darche back_ -K accident- ._ . - . _ Mr, Zeke F lrman, of Burton _Ave., rcturned t'1'on1_th_e north on with a ne blg buck. A .;_._,'-_.;~ 31,; A. .\Iar shall, Pattr-; .51,` and W. J. Gil1_;s have returned form their hunt mth a deer each. M,-_ Patterson baggeda ne wolf. I on Thursday morning. an engine became derailed at the ducket near` ....n'ma hlnr-L'inu' Hui nl-_a-nnn-. WANTED! uuuun.u, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [J] I\o\.pJ .00, 7.00, 3.9? _,_j- -1 _I__-... L_Z _ _ . . .... `rowds attended the ser- St. VPzul s church last Sun- Bbvs Barrie this 9th day 'llI1E : ORAIGVAL]-I ilmrmn 44-1'5 ' '55 Lgmomgox. ww --w--v---.-___-, Della Leoi1a1'd of Mrs. Thos. visited friends ONT. 4. room now `brick \'(-xv r-on1ent}..~b`1'iek house, Dufferiri st1'(*(-t, Price $1250. ' - b ! f , ,lI ' D 11 I` V vv--"'* 9 -A V --9 . . ` ' -` ' O , :,..oooooooQooooooo Mn A1-chie Wright Spnt T over Sunday in Toronto. _ " Am. ~J_ D, Wisdom Lwas in the - ` '. n;+\- nn hnsiness- ` I WOOD AND COAl. YARD Wood `and coal That satises (`arting done on short notice. Largest Flue Construc- Double Heater W._Gl_2ACE_Y_'_ _SON Mulcaster Street." Bjrrle Essa Street, Allandale -./..\\.uy ; ..\_\. "+aJ.jlI$. V ' Can sell -any of the above proper- tk-: on 0-a.s_\j terms. , '0mn house with and1i<.rht, F1'ede1"ick stfet. $1:3;'m. T ' ` up.` -- .;1.1\.1 -. - --a-' "'r-' "'- ,\- T . J. in the` I city on business. % _ ;_ p, O'Donnell of Toronto the week-end fi'iends.:. vlslted son, _ _g -yuan`. 19451: (I gauges`- ALE PHONE 404 street.` Price I street, street. E street, } B_ui1 and Real Estate Agxlt l Office 15 Owen St. L Phone 288 ".45 ...w ,_-.-.. ,_. ............ . W , ...... -. I `On motion of Trustees Andrew gand McAdam "Mr. Fred` Marr was [appointed to the Public Library ' oard. ' v ' a_ ` Collegiate Will Lose Good Teacher A Principal Merritt, `of the C_Ol- legiate, came before. the Board in reference to the coming resignation of Mr. F. N. G_randy from the staff ,to take a commission with the 'connty regt. in course of formation. The principal stated that Mr. !G1-andyh could be retained ~ till the !Easter holidays if given leave of 'absence for two weeks, beginning `next Monday, in which to take a military course. It would suit the work of the school better to allow .\Ir. Grandy to have` leave of ab- sence now rather than .have him re- sign to take his military course. After considerable discussion re- Igarding the selection of a successor l u-_v ;.vvau. tllO\lL\lJ.luI.l I Your committee considers that it`! would be _l'ather.late to have cement walks to building constructed this season and are having temporary board walks built to front and east side entrances.; , ` A Report adopted. - School Children Get Half Holiday It ._-_l.:'-_. .2 m____.;_ . ._ -u-..-A 1---- up V-v V` `I nnoo\n.. van 0 V QLIIAQ QL\lbO\-Ow , On motion of Trustees McAdam `and King the school _children will be dismissed _at 11.30 am. _Wednes- day_ to assist in welcoming the 76th` Ba'ff. The C'(`>llei{ife" eadts we1'*e_ also given permission to parade. ' I\-- .....-LI..... -2 7l`...-..L.....;.. A...J....... ' Finance Report p . Truste_efKing. presented the report of the Finance committee, which. `showed `receipts for the month of I $5,723; payment of salaries, $2,925.- .81; payment of accounts, $469.69. ls Collegiate Institute Report I Chairman Frawley, from the Col- legiate' Ins. committee, reported that {the committee had - authorized the `issue of a. cheque I for $200 to D. O Rourke on account, and_ in addi-_ ;tion would recommend payment of [ t balance of " the $300 contract on west [side of building. ` . Q--L_-:L .9; _ . _ . _ _ . _ _.1 .._H 2 - in- ` -7-. --nnrvnip`, 4-J.-~\Io4;.I.o_. - '~ I I I ! Entered into V contract with Mr. 3 O R-ourke for sum of $350 for walk' gon east -side of building. For in- Fcreased work your committee have E agreed to add the sum` of $15.00; T)-________-___`I , I.-u.-..\.\- av I.n\I\: uunv uuau V1. I I | Recommend _ purchase of four ,dozen additional seats for use in [the assembly hall, also-a number` of iindividual chairs for use one assem- 1 b1_\*, room -platform. ` x V... ..-.._.__:LA.-- --___!.`!__.- LLAL IL`- an... \IL. vuAuLu'o , I 1 Submit for aiuproval payment of I $1200 to architects Stewart & Whit-T `ton. . - L V ` gm i`i1`1`:;lVi:vW;t`J1:vas deided fhe chair-'1 Iman should .-have a conference -with `l\_L 1 ILL`. 11- l\ -r-r considered a. by- law necess ry. - T ` I 1:1:....n.. IL _-_ 3-;-1,.-n 2. 1 - wz`-`.to1' 1"1i(`o, '-a"o"`-' V s 1 :-, .,MqAdam athought the `trouble iyzould overeoiixe "if. -the I-nurse engaged all the `time. I Then she would be able to visit the Iparents, in "such cases, and explain matters. _ If this was done the people would see the good points in the system and fall in line. I 5 m__.--:.__ 17.2, -_-11, _,, ' '"7ri s`e"`1i'i}7% i1`IB`u1t_"oxi;e ,ment should be made wlth the medl- ical he_alth oicer. T Trustee King said, conditions werei different` in Toronto, ` there the `Board had their. own health oicers who enforced the school law in this respect. He thought some `of the ltowns should be writt_en`- to,__ Trustee Andrew thought that if the Education Dept. `made the `regu-' .lation they also should have some }regulation which would compel the `parent to keep the children clean. ' ! 3.01. X-mAcnIm_AI_'on (Continud from page 1) ` smcon nA1'm1.1'o * F N nvz iromis A Economical 5 Neat brick house, A.\IcDona1dT . ~.l.1'(`(-t.- Price $750. ` T `I1 -~nn-" win Hold] Re gable "1 Price The Most Powerful : Heater FIFE 48 Hours Operation l The return senior and junior games" of rugby were played on Sat- `urday under idea football conditions by Collingwood and'Barie Collegiate Institutes. V A fair crowd was pres-_\ cut. The local boys ._had prepare some school yells during the `week and under .Choirmaster Orok did some lively rooting for the home team. The Collingxwood lads (and: masters) not topbe outdone, furnish-- ed theirquota of songs andyells. I The Senior Game The senior contest was far super- ior to that of a week earlier and the excellence of the game proved a. surprise to those present who know some of the. points of the sport. The local boys uncovered" some speed that was a delight to their supporters on the lines. Immediate-s' ly after the kick-off play was`forc'ed towards the Collingwood line. With- in `five minutes Boag and Scott com- bined for a well executed criss-cross run and the latter evading all; tackles for- 15 yards,'speeded. across` the Collingwood line for_ a. touch-I down; The first quarter ended with the score Barrie 5, Collingwood O. I 1305-117 :11 `Ian nnnnmll ...---_.J.--- Early in the second quarter a good punt by _-Esten was followed up by the wings and Collingwood forced to `rouge. Score B.C.I. 6, (`INT H 0.... -L-,, :1 .10 I -M. | V-nv uuugv JJIl(LJ.l\4 U, \JUlllllE',WUUl.l U1 5 dUI'(5C(l to rouge. bcore b.U.l. 6,} C.C.I. 0. Soon after the "kick-off` Dyment made a long pass to Meek-. ingr, who made a splendid run over` the opposing line but his foot was. thrown out of bounds in the taeklel and the ball was taken back a yard` from "the line. Collingwood then! forced the ball back. But soon the Barrie `lads regained possession. Amidst some fast play Meeking and Barwick combined for a beautiful leriss-cross run and the latter car-l ried the ball over for the second. touch. Dyment kicked carefully and -placed the ball easily between the -posts for another count. Half- time score B.C.I. 12, C.C.I. O. i T 1.1.... ..........J 'I_..I.D Ll- ' "I Mclnnis vs. -S;S. No. 16, `Tay--D.! , H. McInnis,i theplainti, is a con-. tractor living in Tay township. In May of .this year he entered into a contract with the trustees of the section for the building of aischool-I `house. Plaintiff proceeded to the` I work of construction, doing four months Work, when stopped by the defendants; `The defendants ' claing` that the instructions ofthe archi- 5tect were not carried out. Plaintiff claims $15,000 daniages. The school in question is at Victoria Harbor. -1 Cement brick house, John'- stret! south. Price $1400. _ i Fralno house andnice lot, _Joh11T| stm-t. near Bradford. Price $1050.` _.\'oa_t house and lot, .Cm1berla.11d m-m. Price $1300. ~- V Q o Av ;Ju\.zo;. 4.4-1, \J.\_J..].. U. In the second half the visitors played with courage and determina- tion and had. rather the better of` the argument. Theyeforced the ball: to the Barie line and with a big push went over for a try. Score Barrie 12, Collingwood 5. Our boys had still la good margin and played on the defensive. Esten repeatedly kicked to keep the ball in the centre of the field." With but one minute to play and Collingwood pressing, Dyment, who had been steady and effective all day, ;saved a dangerous situation by some; quickwitted hand. batting of the ball. Play ended with the ball in mid-eld. Score Barrie 12, Collingwood 5. `Outside from those mentioned, Simon used his weight to advantagerand the men on the line played 3 uniformly W911-...'` t?m2.'.V9l??_; I i " ii `Il'-,,,,,' Morson jvs. Wright , &Barr---The plaintis, `Jas. Morson, Harry Pegg, Jos. H. Smithurst, laborers of the ,township of Tossorontio, purchased from -the defendants, who are styled as the promoters. of Simcoe Gar-` dens, in `Tossorontio, certain landsl of the company on the strength of glowing accounts of a pamphlet ad- vertising the property, paying ' a fancy I price. The defendants agreed -to have certain improvements. done in a stated time. -Plaintis ask to have the agreement set aside, be `allowed -$112 and interest and a further sum of `$1,000 in respect of nioneyl expended, and $2,000. damages and icosts of actio_n.~ , ! ' Gunn vs, Gashman-`-The parties to this case are laweyrs. Plaintiff is R. D. Gunn, racticing in Orillia, the defendant, . F. J, Cashman, is from Gore Bay. Plaintiff alleges that in 1902 the defendant, who at the time was Crown Attorney, be.- came indolent and dessolute and em- Ipbezzled public funds in his keeping; 7 that the plainti became guarantee, to the trust company for the amount J Einvolved. Plaintiff _ claims _damages l of $928. `._'g_,o ' an no -- ._ A -- `- J "c(`3l(;lli1:"v`s;o:)`< i:-_".i`h'('>;I`1`lJ(;y, Morrison, % Eachnie, Dawson, J ackman, Gilpin, ..33 'flg_e1`,` '3 Barick, Esten, r-~/ T V _ ,; Mdntyr : ahertm (Simon, %L0ng,` }__tr}a`n; Stt`.i"353g4;. - u in, Coey; MacN amara,' 011$, e, Glen, Malr. _ % `T ent, Clhaf, Pae, Hall; ' ~ (Continued from 1) ' E. Ardagh, also of Orillia. Plain- ti claims ithitl jn _April, 1914, he broke his arm `g _ fendant _doctor,- A e gharge is that; the limb was__Vinip1'-doperly `and care.- ; called in the de- dlessly set, same hdving to be, ex- amined under `the X-rays andfe`-seti Claim `is made `_fo_1-__$5,00_0;00 and Ar};-dun for two swks,` the ~ of: fsee'nr-. ing the substitute was left with principal L yMerritt, and when the selection. is made a special meeting of `the Board will be called to `make ' the appointment. _ {man comm` EAS__ INTI:RcdI.i.I:GIA'rr: RUGBY "i'tn.L noon:-1} rm: uonrnnu mvucn $95k", --\.\ ,-~J\.-vu .\"(-w bu1`12'al'ow, John iisieen that Collingwood had_ the lheavier-team, and when play began it Was evident that they had 8. mar- gin of speed and steadiness over our lads. Earl yin the game they scored two touchdown, _making the score 10 to 0. But the Barie youngstersl had plenty of grit and by some good running scored a touch against they heavier opponents, The game ended with the score 10 to5. To an Ionlooker it appeared that Colling- Iwood could e_ha,ve strengthened their seniors by taking two or three of their speediest juniors. I)....._Z.. 1--.`- -..--. 7)---- l-___L-!_-\ E Barrne team was: Boys` (captain), Bogardis, Rogers, Vine, Lally," iambly, Gallagher, Guest, Living-` lstone, Keenan, Creswicke, McLaren, iIng'ram.. ` E T`? fl` T--L- -10 l`l-1I`,,,_,,,. `I `I v-av-.. Lrt.I\a\q\l\4I~J|I Juu4nv;uo I o ` .. ..F,- unu- W. T. Foote of Collingwood and F. N. Grandy made every eicient and acceptable officials. ' Banquet at the Close , After the games the visitors were: entertained at a lunch furnished andl `neatly `served by the girls. `Afterl the sumptuous rcpastp ahalf hour` `of impromptu speech-making was spent, , with Mr. Grandy as chair- .man. `Prevading all remarks was an admirable spirit of good fellow- ship and it was felt that a founda- tion for future__ friendly contests |l1ad been Well laid. | {THORNTON L.o.I.. CELEBRATES; L.O.L. No. 16 celebrated the 5th! of Nov. by a well attended nieetiiigi followed by a lunch provided` through the generosity of Bro. A. Stewart. During` the evening Bro. A. E. Ayerst, P.'M., treasurer of the lodge, and Bro. A. Stewart, P.M.,} Director of Ceremonies, Were. made` honorary members as a token of ap- preciation for a half century of de- voted service to the order. Bro. Alex. Stewart was also made the re- cipient of a past master s ' jewel` from- the brethren, n this being the 5th anniversary of his initiation. The address was readby Bro. A.. W. .F1etcher, whose father `initiated Bro. Stewart, and the presentation made by Bro. "E. Ayerst, the `old-` est Orangeman "present. ` " e .A i `T... _....I..{.... 1.- 'A.l;-...`I1_ 1.1.- L----LI__,`__, vwv a uunnavnausunn I1: 1453931 III .In replying to thank -the brethren! Bro. Stewart gave many interesting reminiscences of the lodge in its earlier days, having - followed its fortunes through three lodge rooms. Bro. Ayerst alsondded to this early` AIIIJIIIIAJ 0 - Among the visitors present from ertson, C.` 4Horse1d,` Hurst `Cg M.:;;' (~};,e)jxi.{Smith from Barrie, Martin ` and W. W0. . 4. frm ffStjr6ud.g_v." The fldresses `vajliieli `followe fthe "lunch rjwere all;,9f_`I.. most ' interesting natplr . pxessede true apatriotisme am! ..,sister lodges were Bros. H. "G. Ro_b- , 9: Bed Pilloiis, lled with 3 feathers .... .;l.00 pair Eldorado Toilet Soap, special ....,....5c each ' Nice [B1111s_~'alow, ' I John s0uth.. Price $1550. Neat brit-k 110_use, Innisl Price $1500. I. 1 TI With every dollar purchase v_ve give` you a 5 c Coupon, See the nice o ' goods at small pnces at our Premxum Counter. Pillow Slips, hemf stitched, size, 40, 42, 44, price ...... ..`..,.25c 50c pair Buy _Sutliff'e s Laun- dry Soap`, 8 bars for GE- .Pillow` Slips, good white cotton _hemmed,. `siz 40, 42 and 44, special..'.... ........ ..l5c u-J uivvurr, v u .. .u. Make your money save Y 01:` money 50c dozen You should buy Ladxes and Child- ren s Underwear {low as the assort- ment is best. Ladies prices. . 1.50, 1.25, 1.00, 1 - 75c, 50c, 35c, 29c, 25c* Either Vests or Drawers Children s pnces . . . . . . . . . . 75c, 65c, 50c, 45c, 40c, 35c, 25c, 19c 1JA\\ '~,J~\l\.\-I 6 room brick house, John `south. Price [$675,

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