f .$3230 69`, $4177 34} 643 09 225 00 .76 75 20 00! 52 00 36 95 . 23 37 [ ,r,,,, ._I .._._.:-.--_5 v--uvv AAA Illl\.J \J:.IIIl` mg campalgn the arg'ument agamst _g1v111g might be used owmg to a Isurplus bemg on hand. The major-` I I I | iity of the meeting Were in favor of `retaining enough to make the tmonthly payments, and a` motion gcar1'ied' reserving` $500 and remit- ting` the balance to the head office in Ottawa. ' tdispesal of the $1,800.00 _in the} bank; Some of those present favor-' ed remitting; -the Whole amount to I Qttawa, believing that in the com-i . -Innv nnnnua.-nan... L]... ..._.A._.._, _.,1 V- v \I uux;Auu.1..-,uL\4. I The manner of raising the new Barrie funds was discussedx One` section of , the property-owners, those who live out of town and have big` holdings here, were 1'efe191'ed to` and the question of getting contri- butions from them considered. ~A motion was passed to memoralize: the Ontario Government` in respect` to a land tax. ` l .l`I II I -` | LsUuuv._r Vera. . uv vu -I.~nL\A Vlallllo The following gentlemen were elected to the executive: Messrs. T. |.Beecroft,*M. J. Frawley, B. King, C. Faux, J. A. Mt-,Laren, Mayor Craig, Dr. `Brereton. . The ladies commit- tee was dropped, it being consider- ed that the ladies had enough work in connection with ' their other war duties. tedothe constitution as prescribed in! 4-- \/vvuo VVIAI On motion the local branch adopt- the act incorporating the Fund. TI... ,.....,.1.:.... -3 - -----.J or v-Av uuuv a.;;uu1.1Jv1c-.oJ.u`:', LIIC .l.'uHll. The question of a- second canvass; was left 1n the hands of the execu- tlve` committee. 1. n . _' xaiava `After the. meeting the. committee met and re-elected the _ old oicers: President-`-T. Beecroft. . Vice-Pres.---M. J. Frawley. ' 1 So_3c.- TreasA.--`-C. F. Faux. inns Closed at Eight 'Il'.....'.Il..-. 11'--- 1 _ --u-w vovuvn wu `saggy Monday, Nov. 1st, brought into force probably the stiffest blow the hotel-keepers have yet- experienced. [011 the. above d9.t$2}:.7.v9f Lawagkqsing .t119z:hars at eight-in ..th.a: evening .,intor` force. And sha.1ip*on the houlythe doors _:of the bars in town -were locked, 1 No V doubt there were Jater.,t.he; h_our,_.wh d1 had" to V Ladies -Black `and Navy Blue Serge Skirts, made by one .of the best makefs," ' newest style, price us An Black silk Whaists, prices $1.95, 3.25, $4.50 VLaciies _ White Silk Waists, n e w e s t styles atsmallprices Q1 (`IE 9 [III 9 Ell I Ready To Serve You -is Best Learned by ` a Visit Here LL` E,"' 4`'c' Sizes 6 to 8 Buy Penman s Ladies Cashmere Hose while you can get them, as [they are very scarce, ` prices 60c, 50c, 40c, 25c Ladies Black Wool Hose, ne ribbed, sizes 8% to 10, prices 25c, 35c, 50c Childrcxfs, 25c, 30c, OE- Ah- AE- Children's Black Wor- srqd Hose, ne ribbed, seconds, but so good you can sc,-a-rcely notice defect,` sizes 4 to 6, ex- ` tr_a value .... ._. .... ..15co Smart styles in fall dresses for children, just received, prices $5.50, 4.00. 3.75, 3,29. `)l\l'I 10(| --'_.----, r so I ncvvu nudist, a,1v) . - 3.09, 1.89. Ladies" Colored Flannelette Night Gowns, Special 75c Ladies White Flannelette. Night Gowns, Special values at $1.00 and 1.25. 4 I of Town of C3nt-arig, `41-1 Solicitor for the Applicant. jThis is`the 458t_i1' day (a year and 93 days) that the British Em- l'_pire has been at war with Germany. i that Percy Lyon foods of the Town- Iship of Vespra in the County of `Simcoe, Province of Ontario, Farmer, will apply to the Parlia- !ment of Canada at the next session thereof for a Billof Divorce from his wife, vLucy ` \Voods, formerly of said Township of Vespra, but `now of the Village of Burlington iin the County of Halton, Province of Ontario, on I the ground of adultery. ! 'nAmnn -1 -n - ---- an s The at Barrie this 9th day of October, 1915. :4_-_. - ___.___ -.____-___4 % G. scorrs Office V A Weavers, Knitters, Sewing Machine } Hs._nds; also Reelers, Winders, Spinners, Etc. Variety of work for famrhes and for younf. men and wo- men. Work quickly earned. u:ssL:n. Deer Licenses R. FORBES co., .III THE ` ....L 'I'W-_,___ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN` TIT 1 WANTED! (Continued from page 1) ` _` Finance. Report Chairman Robertson, from i the Finan(-e committee reported in favorl of pa_\'m(!11t of accounts amounting to $7,400.00, under the following headsr V ,_v;r-`*""_?`%~. . Public School Board :';e;;=.f$500(l.`%;i00i Separate School Boardifi, 1000500; P_(). Square I111p1'oveni11b: __20_0 "O0i Illiscollaiieoiis . . . . _. . . . 6 00; Salaitios .... . . . . . . . 483 68i I}`rzn1t.<, Red Cross" . . . . . . 300 001 '(}r:n1t.<, Band . . . . . . . 10000 ' Board of Wo1'ks .. 223 83 Charlotte St. sewer . . I3 75 Repair of Bradford street` 40 73 Maintenance of Sevyers ,, c 314 Sewer connection . . . .. .' r 36 03 ? Illzirlu-ts and Parks . . . . 2 76 Grants "to Barrie soldiers. 150 00] That havinar considered _- the com-[ I -munication of Mrs. Blanche John- `ston, i-vqiiestiiie; the putting into f on~<~_ot` the Provincial curfew. act, are or` the opinion that with the (`O-0}v(`l'lilm1 of the police, .the: sub- jot-I aimed at can be attained With- out the 1'in:'in<.;' `of the curfew bell. Your <-mninitte would recommend that the police be instructed to see thattlw by-law on that behalf be 0l).~'o1'\'(-d'._ V Bbvs & MURGHISON, FOR SALE AT Eligyrsnf 4445 ONT. '\\lo *r`1};u nu 1'eq11est of W. H. Ken- eno1_\' 1'm- 1'<'1"1111d on account of over- ohau-_~-o in taxes on business assess- znom he !_"1_'21l1 [('(], ainouting`. to $17.50. Report adopted. Enlarge Produce Market . - -(`h:1'ir_m:m Snules presented the re- port or the lfarket and Parks com-_ ?!`,i-'.Y_w..\\`]1ir'}I 1'eeom1ne11ded that for Hm -mz\."oni(-1we and comfort of? I>=11'Ti<-.< doing` business in the market] h111I;Iu..- \----A V - L . I` `win: nusmoss 111 the market e `M =`- m01'0. space is. required. T110 lm1.1-nx~m.mn'4- ......\.m,.,.L..,'l :~ J.'l__L Isadore Sn_iderman While` playing ball at the Burton Ave. school last xxcek fell and broke his leg in two places. He was at once taken to} the hospital in the ambulance and at In-oso11t is doing "nicely. He is :1 son of P. Sniderman,`who recent,-' I_v pm'c}1a.s`Cd the old Dyment farm. THE UNIVERSAL% Mm CHOPPER g Is th best cuts 5 Fine ethodis month- Shelter 15 th best money. can bu}? It. d?m. Medium and Coars,e;{ or Bread, Meat andgVegg-- tables, '1` . , .. . . $1 2: 'l ."..?.`Z5-' .~P`.._a4 uau Luuu Mr. and Mys: . 'Jo_s. Trask and children are .v1s1t1ng 1n Meaford and Owen Sound.` A ` ` - 1 ,_1__,_,,-,, `I i u 0 mg. mrce sizes, Prices afe 1.35, $1.75 and $2.75..~ 501 back if: not satised. L. d with a[ guarantee; V" Money; 1"` _ _ ' 1 Qmto a number of . young; boys '- covom] a merchants Wlndow with mud b`ocau.e he would not shellxj out on Saturday. They are} now ;:Oi11; to have a shell out [1n `-the ] police c=0u1't. . . T _] Mr. .\1-thur Conlan is on the sick` list \\ith a bad attack of grippe, Mr. John Fleetham was in To-H route for a couple of days last week. A IL __.L `DH. -LL M.]\([ ;-'. Albex-t Elliott Vis [nursing 9', bad cold. `ll -_-.1 1| -.- '1'-.. fl` , `I Q V. Mr. Hellmuth was up 'from_ -T(_>1".on.~. Toronto. V V _ .- Mr. Alex. Clark was in Toronto last week for a few days. . A ~ I to mar Sunday. _ ' H 111-. Harry Gartner isrunning out of Toronto for the Ca:nadian-. Ex,- pm-._~5 Co. for a short tlme. 1 - - .. -. , _.._-`.`l._-..- -2 _____-__, 1 run 11 u_v - H I > _ V M1's.-"Geo. Sfeymour has returned, after visiting 1n_ Tprontio. ` T . - ' -3" Miss Ahce D1x_on and -Mrs..J;1o Elliott are spendmg the %v_vfeel: iiri m .... nl ' ' V ` A 2 lvebul lluu, nnsvvg o.Irq\Jq4_gp;:`.-`._.V.':~'L. , ves 111 weeks holidays Pittsburg. _ E _ -2; Mr, Geo. Pringle. lgfj: on ` ht to accept a posltlon w1th tlfg N, Ry. at Co_c_hrane. . 1 Mr, Alex. McEachern }ias'Asoldb_ii `his jitnoy and is g..ing'; P i101'th Working at his old position` on. the; railW3.V- T A I an Qn~rrn~[n11vI Mace uni.-nuu..`,1"`A eir new We are ur com- -0 T" ' c0111 . 0 ,,.ooooo-oo6o6`o;o 6Z$ ; ` . M1-, and Mrs. `Robert Jbjjnst; We returned, aftqr, spe1:_,d1;1g_f,:,f`..._} 10 of weeks hohdays -wxth-'_1"e1a-_u` ' i tives . . _. (`inn p1`10]0 `off An .Tl`v-{ax-r . .:...oooo __. . n n 2 1u.I:~`Iir'n ~ 7ood Choppers and Bread Makers? vvvawmuigpyv V. .-;a-,~;r'z`e.`>.;:,.awa..j'.:;. ' ' Q . 5 `l""' ` \.na.L\/ I' `A .' u .. ~.-v"1 `Jul .ng 1U\(m(.11t -stxggested Is that] UNIVERSAL DOG NUISANCE Ety at- Lthering . Hat- Eennox, ry of y ad- so dis- which relief 0 have PTO`. N3 50'; v I 6 I 10oLo0' 83, '3 E7 Economy in the Home. Mixes. brqad in :thtee_ minutes.` Anybody can fnake~:' good `bnfead I with a Universal Bread AMake,r.} 2 to 6105f Asize, A-px"ice';..A.. '.$2.25 , 2-to Io loafsize, price.-.'._.v.,$3.00 ..v'_:v;u vuuu uu _ U C ptpaacu. I lwjkld. Horseld ub1'o:1g,:l1t up the question of better police protection for HalloWe en night. The Ald. told of the tearing _down of the` fence around the McCarthy proper-: ty on Bayeld street, he wanted to] know if the town could not be held. liable for such damage. The so-, called fun should be quelled.At his own place a stable had been] broken open and rigs taken `out. The Mayor thought it was up to the parties suffering to prosecute. Ald. Clarke said the ower "vases at Bur- ton Ave. school had been smashed,', and a milk-vendor [Was minus his delivery Wagon next morning. 'r\ 'l'\ ~15 -. -.-| Dep.-Reeve `Robertson asked if the light at Sophia and Maple Ave. ihad been put up. The Mayor said it was on the list, but it was the {same old story -` too busy. Ald. lSoules enquired. if any` new lights Tm: UNIVERSAL BREAD $355 83' 'i`hat the treasurer be instructed V t_o forward the balance to the Hon. ' the subscription ' list given `to the Treas., .Mr. H. A. Abbott, Toronto. On motion this was conrmed, and newspapers for publication. `Use of Fair Buildings An agreement as entered into be-I tween the owners of the fair build-I ings and the tow11 for their use by `the soldiers was presented. The agreement gives the town the free use of the buildings not -used for! .skating rink purposes rent free.. Town to have privilege to add to: or extend said buildings, and re,- move the additions upon vacating premises, and pay any damage that may be occasioned -by the addition nor the removal. Contents of poultry :building to be removed by town and store_ same till rst of May, when ithe coops, etc., must be replaced. iWater and -light supplies to be {separate from, the skating _rink., On -motion the Mayor and clerk were authorized to sign the agreement. . Enquiry _ _ The Mayor stated that Mrs . John- , ston had come_.to him to see if Coun-'! cil would not re-consider their ac- ition in committee of deciding nottol [have the curfew bell rang. Council {did not see its "way clear to change! ithe report that had_ been passed. | I Am 1:,.....n..m 1.-.-.-..u n-.- ac -..~>" ' ll 'oorWays,;, =94 s . 3| ranged,- and if] found 'neces_sary- .1 1e`_\y.- - -' ones be added} ,We` would 1 also` re? commend thatgjany` ,. glazing thatis V. B .1 minor repairs made .. that are found _|_necessary. Report adopted. _ _ bi ` Solicitor. to Report on Sewers` 1 Chairman Fisher from the Works- Bi and Sewers. committee , recommend- a T_oronto street and Bayeld street, south` of Elizab__eth,. be referred to ,4,` the town solicitor before,,heing act- L"|'e_d upon. .Repair,s'to be made to fthat tablelscfi re-ar-2 - necessary be f"done,`_, also?" any `-other - ed that the petitions for sewers on . 3 McDonald street at a cost not to ex-` ` ,' ceed $25.00. Report adopted. T V `Trafalgar Day _Ooll_ec_tio1is Dep.-Reeve Robertson'"read the re- 'port of the standing of the collec- . tions for the British Red Cross : `fund as follows: . 8; {Received from town col- '_ `nnLA..'.. I Balance . . . . . . . . . From Mayor s oice ' .. VV Va. ..- 'liary after- con- crate A A ozen, cakes I _--....- . `J J.; V1.11 $VLll1Ub{l1g school .. Received -from Midhurst . . 'Received from -Craighurst. . I . , `P ECheque sent to H. A. Ab-' bott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ins. ;Receivef1 -.~uu;vvu .u.Uu.l UUWU. . G01- lectors .\... .Rceived from Dalston W. i 1.... from Minesing $5013 35 }$4628T87 4675 00 338 33 %17 50 aldwell '0 will ies and r made E11 meet 35 85' 61 61 -250 00 27 0o_ Since last issue the following re- turns have been made: Ladies In- stitute, Dalston, additional, $1.06; `No. 5 Vespra, $2.00; Mrs. A. Jary, Craighurst, $260.00; Railwaymen s Pat. 'Ass., $200; Painswick school,. $1.05; 12th line school, $1.50; Boys show,. $2.00. Inf connection `with the boys show,the letter that ac.- companied. the-s"-donation, from the treasurer, Master Percy Vivian, -shows that the boys are fully alive to; the`. needs, of the hour. "Then ,let-.; .terj_read as follows: ;De:'1rA .Si1`.--We_` .a're.v Apresenting this money to the `Red Cross. 1. We have jben having a .l?t:ele:i:show now--and-f .aga.in and. so" lnised -* the money; I `will' give ' you; x f Gerald; f Bnxrrsnnnn .cnoss jouno; n- 4 1 Before the motion passed Reeve Bennett asked that the deputation be given instructions as to what line {of action to take at the conference. ` This opened up considerable discus- sion on electric railway matters, especially in connection with the franchise that has expired with the Toronto and Barrie road. ' Stray and Tagless Dogs Allowed to - Roam ` . Ald. Fisher introduced a motion [to have-' all dogs running at large in 'vvA11.\4J.\.z1.l\JG Lu. .LUJ.ULll.aU U11 lV.l..lI:y O1'U.. 4 the town without. a tag destroyed; The motion brought some discussion. Ald._Horseld led the attack on the 1` motion, declaring that in his opin- ion the motion was out of order. He would favor giving notice5~that;; dogs without a tag be destroyed af - ter the proper notice had been given to this effect. To` go ahead as the lmotion proposed would get the coun- .cil into trouble. Ald. _Fisher said the by-law had been advertised. Reeve -Bennett saw no use for the `motion if there was a by-law; and" if there wasfno by-law, one would `have to be passed to make the de- gstroying of the animals legal. The [clerk looked u_p the by-law, when lit was found that dogs rupnibrig at [large _without a tag were Via e to .be captured, killed or otherwise dis- Ipoised of ; alpenalty not exceeding $10.00 and costs for each offence could be imposed In `reply to a question, the clerk said there were between 80 and. 90 licenses issued, .400 tags were on hand. The Reeve declared the by-law was obsolete. and the sooner putright the better. If it was the desire of council to abate the nuisance the better" plan would be to ..enforce the by-law.- Ald.iHorseld said the dog was a domestic animal, many took. pride in -their dog and would not wish to a see an indiscriminate slaughter, Which led the Reeve to observe that` if he was fond of a dog he would ' keep it at _home. The Mayor saidl I he had always been fond of a dog but the nuisance had become so greatihe had quit keeping one. Ald. _Horseld said there were enough dogs in town to bring in a revenue of $400.00. Ald. Fisher withdrew his motion and Dep.-reeve Robertson moved that Inspector Hagart be ap- -pointed to: enforce the dog by-law. The Inspector asked to be `excused from the duties 7 as he had all he could attend to at present. In the end the second motion was with- drawn, leaving the` dog nuisance as` - } It was. ' .I.A.vaAJ eJIJ.I. UUIIDU 1. The several" requests for tree trimming or removal `were passed to be done under the supervision of the I Works chairman. - Attend Hydro Meeting . On motion of Aid. Grey and Dep. _Robertson, the Mayor and, Reeve [Were appointed a deputation` to at- tend the Hydro,- Electric Railway , ` conference in Toronto on . May 3rd. ` w'\n\t'-I-All D-'---* w. u. vuuuu. uuJ.GUI:D ,uc uu:u.1u:u U11. - On motion `of, Aid. Minnikin and Grey consider putting 15 loads of gravel on corner of Frances "and Henry streets. T mL` ____A___'| u n '5;'ivazif$d' `i y . Ith9$*3;.L;1i3li325t.i"~i`W91`ebeingliilli? '.' j1p._,_`: The M".-ayor;`Vreplied ,that;"'a.A.1'i)llii1;'1 is ;'was_ beingflworked `from .whi'ch ` sho`w-' ; :3 ed the points. _ _T_he 'I3$eeve said-_,from ' his experience the electricf `7p`o'ple`7 . put` them where it `pleased themf and instanced a. case that came under, his 'not_i`ce. The point the _ Reeves wished "to bring`-out `was, ' are .. the lights being `i placed to _ the "best _interests' of _the public.- on The Reeve also` .enquired " Sophia-Maple `Ave. drain had been_ attended to. Chairman .Fi_she_r said -the men: ha.d .1 -. .2, been taken oif, mode the repairing` of the Bradford. street road~wa`y-,~ the Work __,would be attended _to im- ._`mediately.'* V ' - -` Home Guard Gets Use of Hall On vmotion of Reeves Soules: and Bennett. the request of the Home ' Guard" for use of the town hall on Friday evenings for gallery rie practice be granted. They to as- sume all responsibility of damage to building.-p-Carried. Work for Works Committee 1 I On motion of Ald. Stapleton and` Fisher, the Board of Works were in- structed to have High street, from Elizabeth street north, repaired and gravelled at a cost not to- exceed $25.00 n A u - _._.-- - *.-E)'1:vmotion' of - Ald. Wilkes and ;Lang the sand on crossing at Berczy' and Collier streets ,be cleaned. off. l'\... ._...L:-_. v_p A11 1:" -1 ~ "fti"1'bw 35,233.33 um ADVAEGF -vu..uu\; AJIHAKIIIIIVIII vain), \I.llL" ' lia . . . . . _ . . .. 2000 `Refund `National Pat. Fund 450 35 Interest on batik deposit . . 42 Z3 A ~ $4177 84' Audited and found "correct to Oct. 30, 1915. Balance on hand that day being six hundred and forty-three dollars and nine cents, with the Union _Bank of Canada, Barrie. Outstanding cheques. fty- eight dollars. Bank balance seven hundred and one dollars and nine cents.. Fred-.' *Mnrr, _. auditor, Barrie, Nov. 2, 1915., `a ' In explaining the report, Mr. Faux said the $1,800.00 which was on deposit when the fund started Aworkflast year was intact in the bank. Most municipalities had sent their entire contribution to the ' cen-; tral fund; this plan did. not -work as well as the Barrie plan, as there often was delay in getting the .,monthly cheque from__.Ottawa. Here -.J;ph_e cheques are issued to,;,th,e.swives `of: soldiers -and the .order;.vsent{to., ,0'ttaw.a,.. -..'.l`he< :_oth er; -_wo n`ld-- jn"ece8si.t_ate.A " preparing ` thee` mqnthly :s1istha:vweka.-saheesidpof time The :re-1 ~ 1.; gd,`,sP~tea.e .. _ .. I Lvvvvayvw I Subscriptions previously acknowledged .. ..$ Additional subscriptions-- - S. Dyment $200 F. R. Porritt $25 . .. . `.. Proceeds Dance, town hall. Proceeds Allamdale S.O.E. |-------- ---- --."...y.-v .~,.\, concert Proceeds ` "60 _ Years 00 III .g. ; uuvvuu uu .I. 826010 G4 Queen lm .. Proceeds Patriotic concert.. Refund Balclava caps, , Mid- lf\I` -.v\4.n..u.n.A\A aauuuncnvlaa IJWIJD, land [Refund Balclava caps, l.'.. V 1 {worm To, ba1z1\1;<;e_3_i;1"`iJr-1_i;>.r: L1' to Oct. 30th . . . . . . . . .. ua. v I) . Iw\Avr!vv\Lu A l'g');g_ di/scussiovn igupwed oh the: .A.oJ'With1keovery dollar `purchase we} give you**a*5c Coupon, See the nice o. ; goods at small pnces at our Prefmum Counter, .Sweater. .... .V ..................... ..'$l 00,b$l.15 Overalls ............................... ....$l.00,$l 15 Toques 35c, co1ofs,`Scarlet, Sky, Cardinal, Gfey and White.` We have Mitts to match at 25c pair Toques, prices .... . ................ ..35c, 45c, 50c Ladies Mitts and Glqves, prices,-..25'c, 35c, 50c `Children's and Misses Mitts anti Gloves. prices .- ...... ................ ........... .'. ...... .. 25c, 35c You should see our new Toques, Mitts, Wool Gloves. They are choice goods,_ I made to our or- der by one of the best makers, the prices are right and they cannot be replaced at the prices. You had better come and look them over. V Ladies Wrapperette House Dresses, good style, special value $1.25; But you should come and look the above lines over. Ladie Serge Dresses in Nalvy Blue and`.Copen, handsome goods, prices were 12.50, 8.00, 6.co, 4 only left. ` Clearing price $3.95. ` TLadi.c Wrag Ladies Sateen and Morrien Underskirts in Black and colored, prices $4.50, 3.00, 2.25, 1.50, 1.00, .75c.. These are all extra value. ' some: 3555 SKIRT Vasse PATRIOTIC FUND STANDARD (Continued from page 1) I 'I'T u Boys ahd Girls Knitted Suits `P Receipts n J ' m $3.50, $4.50, $'.B'b"' ' oiill