)R. W. A. ROSS. PrIY. Surgeon, etc., L.R.C..Q.. IZdin.. L.R.C.P., London. Office and residence, - Dunlop St.. Barrie. Telephone 165. j. j.j__.-.t.__j___ ER. H. T. ARNALL. OFFICE and residence corner of Tomnto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. 1):. J. ARTHUR ROSS AJAJVVLKJ, ;u..u.\,..\l., I and" Diseases of Women e Iy. Oice 58 Collier St. 61. TREES ! ! TREES ' 3 0 .Ir{onI.~. -4 !.`....;o nwct` 1'}-an-,nnt-\HN`l1 TIE ,vuuu4u .uuoD, J;1..J5., rister, Solicitor, etc. B: Toronto Building, Barrie. to loan. _ - -....v.u, J.` veal RS5 etc. V Money to loain. Vblock, Barrie. W. A. Vicsiss, D1 A -._J `nu.-.1 .:..:u.LvD, D0111 Public, and Cont to loan in any 8` c_ent. Oice, 13 1-!` T` 1' 0` ' .......c . God save our splendid ,men. . Send them `safe home again, - 7 God save our men - Keep them victorious, Patient and chivalrous, They are so dear to us, God save our men. As she sang, every man stood uncovered, and `with bowed head, and there were not. many dry eyes. I think it would be a good thing, says the writer, " ` if the women", of, Canada would learn this as `The British 'Women_ s. National Anthem, for surely it is a prayer of every loyal British woman. FOR 4... auvf Thompson ew, Contractor & Builder MONEY ro LbAN FE? T A1? l\1-I-I-I-was--.. 'iIA'\7v_ iflvsu .T....._ `13EY7I6iXi$; A gentlemen, who does not care to have his: name published, writing to a Montreal : . friend from_ London,- Eng., A Woman s states that he attended one Nationalf,_ day , `a recruiting meeting in Anthem front of the Mansion House, f ' " where at great crowd listened to _ the recruiting sergeants. Then a lady "with a magnicent voice, sang patriotic songs,_ which - perhaps were more effective than the, speeches of the recruiting ser-. geants; At the close of the meeting, it was announced that after singing The King, \ the lady would sing _The Woman s Nation- al Anthem.- Then in splendid voice she sang: - KllV-,'I ,, ` ""' Bosanko .wu, `If! RING 263 LEGAL A ITo_ [oney to 109m 8 s, Conveyancers, van. Oice, J. Bell, K.C. ` She is donning a ggarh of , quiet hue, A Like beechen trunks and` the maple limbs; >Hurry on, little leaves,_ and your` laughing V wares , W . r f May woo her yet from her drowsy whims. Go scatter your wares before her eyes, And may e` she. ll stir to see you there, And, holding you `close to her` heart , will dance _ In gold and crimson upon the air. By Arthur L. Phelphs, in The Canadian` Magazine for November. --, ~---av-J Vomen espec1aI- NA- CH `- uoy {JILIV Bank of -1e. Money Little red leaves with` your `baskets ` of igvind, T Huxryixgg down to your market town, _Go_ hurrymg on,,for. I fea_r me much . Old Mother Autumn is. dressing in brown.` She do'nnin as arb uiet hue . 7 rslrn I-nonninina J---o--`-1- --- 3` "' ` " ' vttvullil Phgno 5- withdraw from it when youlike, and it pays interest with unfailing regularity. - - V ' Such an investment is a Savings Account in The Bank of Toronto. A small or. large amount will open an account," and the pleasure of watching `your balance increase will stimulate further thrift and saving. ' _ _._.- .v-_--`auras -snv In Willi! Is one in which your principal sum nevef loses its secure your money the minute you need "it. _ You withdraw from interest 't . regulginl _ gnu` ` _ _ WITH THE 4:1. ` K M uuco \',. BANK` nnrosrrs . . . . . . . . .. $44,000,000 0 ASSETS ........... .. $01,000,000 BRANCHES AT BARR11-;' AND ALLANDALE` IIy;UI'l,C_u _,&'occ Aasnu I-lIII.l..ll_llu `***`* .0 xcppunus (0 us ren'_esn- ,. ` --it =.hIl&;n'asmg..`A'omhm.oaL -. ` Mqqel Invgstment nan 1.nAv1=.fs By Sergt. `S. Robb BAIT. FIRST CONTlNGEN"l .% I 1 3 kilometres. It was a sore march, as a great number of the 1 men had their feet skinned with tl1c English 1 boots. VVe were the rst British . troops to strike this place. Our billets on the various farms were said by the men to be the best they had struck so far. The people were` a bit more obliging and the billets cleaner. Talking , about -clean bil-l . -lets, I may say that most of the . billets had live stock in them,`or in other words, were inhabited with the common or garden variety` of` lice. This was one of the great dis- comforts of active service, but like the poor, they` were always with us. Wetried. every means to get rid of them, but the. more we used insect powder, the more they seemed to! , th/rive. -I have heard some -, of the! . men say 1 that they * actually _ have corroborate that statement, but I` clothespat night and _in`the morning , less pleasant for us. `Whilst we. were at Steenworde ,we. heard the ,_ seen the straw moving about in the ' ` arns; Well, I can t say thatI can ` i do know that I have put, on clean I the pests were doing company `drill 7 , all over me. Well, I7 guess; it isn t `i a very pleasant subject and" it was ` terric bombardment whi<:11""1Jreceed- ' fi ed the taking of Hill :60.- - It rwas` ,' :1 `just one '.continua`1.- ash, and roar. ' -.; The Batt.jwa's' _'also:"inspeeted here 1 by `V j - 'M85r`G9n.r81si -" ;; Smit1i:120ri`eLn `T Wei had .3 lf8i1'1YfI,;g`oOd*7.if0Siii:815'~.thi8 `1'0I19c- W'?'?l180.: :daya,b9rei:;thaeksf* asamlto the.n er;=y, s ` ' Vy j On Be%lsinm'8il2" ` gefqre leavixfg' -' 5'j)1ac`e the N man &sonaeh r_ouna- that CW9 mes j * um vallue, ya can" needit. You can add t it or Fifi!` :6- on`-.- 3.-L--.--l- "' The report of the judges on their. awards in the lawns and boulevards `com- petition bears _out the point raised by this page, that the expense of the competition could well be used in another direction, that .of making beauty spots in various parts of the town. The lawns` and boulevards_ re- sectic "'..m..""'.:.:.t""* :;tz.a`i.r.:.f . iny nchrvgtcella whilg A" . Now, with the. organization of a County regiment, '-the young, man willwnot` he wanted anywhere but in -the khaki ranks. The or- ganization as a purely home: guard idea, could, embrace those who have not been able to measure up to the standards set by the militia regulations, `and between those who would ght and can t and those who have passed the age limit, ought to be able to aid recruiting for the County regt. The thought has been ~sugges_ted "that the interest in the Home Guard that has lagged, would be `stimulated if a military Military club he , instituted in connection Club with `the organization. Some weeks _ ago this page suggested that the H.G. take in every young man of military age. Whether the suggestion was acted upon or not, the "change was, made so that the young man became eligible for its ranks. Wnm u-r-In 4-`Inn ............: ..-J.: - L SIMS, Manager The `the min `in flan `nix?-run .-.....3 'L---|----- nuu. u; u.u.`. uuu Mrs. nzawm Train,` f the 8th line of '1`ecumseth,,Went to Toronto on Tuesday and `on {Wednesday .night - the parents ; re- gceived word: that he had been over- icome` by gas fumes and had been takenv. to `Sta : `Michael s e_ho.spit'al, in _ cf`i(-ers, were flying` all ove" the: place and between that and regi-l mental and divisional transports:' . going to and from Ypres, it made a J W very animated scene. `V3 were bil-_! loted in factories at the entrance ` `of the town. There were very few ` inhabitants left in thevpla 1'3, mostl lof them having obeyed the order to ,'. !move out given by the gnlilitary authorities. To` give you-`an idea what the part of the town in r which we were billeteds was likt: We will suppose we are stmdiv s, at the Mulcaster end of Dunlop St... i where we -stand were the t'actori(-s; in. which we were billeted on either A side of the road, past that, looking [towards the ve points, there were .elds on either` side of the road for about 500_ yards. On, the right of the road from the elds cominenced~ a row of houses and shops. ,On the left of the roadyfrom the endof the elds was a large farm house, .a convent and a. large house converted into a clearing hospital. From the hospital onwards more houses and shops. . -At -the.` end -of. the street, cor_respon`ding to , the ve-., points, _a church with a tall `spire `stood, as it were in the middle of the street and. at -this point the .. road; turned right left-,; so that the` 3-1.`_6ad_ seen"1ed;to_ ` -suddenly Ate1irn.inate- - a_eht'_l'1'ch.'. c -. - Beetbn VVorld---V`M 1'. Ernest Train, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Train,| n-P nu. Q4-'l.~.'I:....'. -12 m-----n- --- ~ - mu_uu5':u uuc uuu1'15u1Ilg' EOWD OI I p0pe1.mghe_ on arnving, at V1ame1,_:Fron1 The Advanceof Nov. 6, 18901 Itinghe, `it could egsily `be seen that A young-boy by the name of Neil there was sqn1et`h1ng' domg on this.Johnston had a part of his nose part" of the line. Autos, with staff, blown V off through playing With. (.. 3(`G1'S. were vinm all nxmt. Hm ' 0-nn nnurmv 35, WIDE `I In perfect hex`1l~ti'1.we hardiyrea1:ze' ` that we have 9. network of _nerves,_.bI:t when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervous `systemgives the in headaches, tiredness, dreamful I ll; ',- ix-r_itabr lity and unless corrected, 5 . tto H where l the ghting was severe and where: extra precautions had to be taken, etc. Little did we know how 'true this _was going to turn out. On Sunday, 18th April, at 9 a.m., the Batt. marched F off and arrived atvProven in Belgium at 12.30 p.m. This was the first time we set "-foot on Belgium soil; It was clearly Inoticeable that We were in a differ- ent country now. The places we passed through had a -more prosper- T ous _look; the land better cultivated, the farm houses more substantially built and`the people better educated than in the places we had visited in France. We all noticed it as soon. as we crossed the frontier. The Batt. halted for 10 minutes, stand easy, at a small village right on the !frontier, which was marked. by` a flisign post,` having French on one side and Belgian 'on"the other- It; ` so happened that I halted right op-.5 posite the `post and had one foot in. Proven was alively little town and So ("ifl*'erent from the -sleepy little towns of France. We onlv stayed two days in Proven, moving at 2 p.1n.' Tuesday, 2Otl1 April, to Vlamertinghe, 8 kilometres from Proven and 3 kilometres from AYpres. ' On the way we passed 1 France and the other in Belgium. i 4 I thr_oug'h the ou1ishing town of `B Pope1'i11ghe. Onlarriving Vlamer-' tinghe, it easily be that flqa-gun -urnn n:\w\ur.d-'1.:-_ A. There is considerable dis-satisfaction and not a_ little inconvenience caused by a rule of the cemetery authorities in that no vehicle except the hearse shall enter" the grounds for a funeral. It has been brought C..---c DIJ uuu uaxxxcv JJUa1u UL muucuuon OI `a school `nurse. True there are many fools things introduced into the schools, but the school nurse is beyond the `fad line. It is a `very necessary adjunct to the work of the school, and one that V will grow -in favor as the good points of the `inspection of the children `become apparent. One case has come to notice `in the Central school here, since the nurse started in: a youngster has put up the excuse that he could not get the dirt -off-this, excuse crops up, in every school, even in Oril1ia'we venture to say- but that story would not go with the nurse; result, next day the kid s neck was clean. But there are more serious diseases , in the schools that only a trained eye can de- tect, these should be attended to for the good of the rest of the school._ The Orillia Packet does ' not believe in the fads and fancies that have crept into the curriculum of the public schools, and so expresses itself in commenting on the en- gaging by the Barrie Board" of Education of `c anlnnnl -u-....... fI'V...-;. uL.-,, _ _Thefi manufacturer. that `got i in on. the l shell-making game at the beginning of the manufacturing in Canada was the lucky one. When The Advance saw Mr. Graves, of the Canada Producer 'Co., in ` regard to the making. of shells, he` said that his com- pany could not see their way to undertake the work owing to the 1 price now -paid had been cut from what {it was, coupled with the fact that tenders were to be invited for the `work. Word from Ottawa last week was to the eifect that the British shell experts had introduced `the system oficompetitive bids. Which means that no new concerns will go to the enormous expense of installing the necessary machinery. "ceiving the prizes will `still be maintained if no `prizes are awarded, and if the sug- gestion of the judges " is taken that entries be made, the chances are that the gentle- men who win prizes will not make `entries for the simple reason that they are not maintaining their grounds for the prize money; ` ~ ` V - Nonrngnn ADVANCE novinq wn t 1. ' . Z a W33 appelung I in Barrie 25 years ago 1et1'es - tlus week. ztres passe T] 4>.\u.... -3 ...v uuuu .:. am vuuu uuem 1188113 all soul, the motor ca; magnate told the Canadian manage " shortly be- fore . he sailed on his trip to the coast " . _' ~Yon.may_sayB'tt1hat Ford has`. the '.9.._. . S'1oo1'ts' w`ere greatly encouraged in the spare time, especially_ football. Major Belson in command of C com- pany took a great interest in this game, being himself a keen foot- baller. `He even went the length `of warning. part of his company to parade for football. It `is a topsy- iturvy war this; it is quite a com- . played. - . .was the rst man to be killed -infthe 4th Batt. On Saturday, /3rd` April; the Batt. fell in at 8.30 and march-_ quoits, etc., to be played whilst a. few kilometres away the heavy guns were roaring out their message of death,` and in cases throwing shell close to where the games were mon thing for football, baseball, First Casualty in the .4th . Whilst `at N ieuf Borquin the Batt. went out to dig some reserve trench- es. .Unfortunately one man was killed ` in D Co. whilst on this fatigue, f m a rie` shot. This ed oif. at 9 a.1n., arriving at-LgS_teen-g. worde at 3 p.1n.,- having` covered` 18 . I _ In an interview with Gordon M.` McGregor,. -` head of the Canadian- Foid Motor Co., as publihed in the Toronto News. - ' Tell the people of Canada for `me that I am, with them heart -AA----1` ` II-om) co. WILLNGIVE MILLION l ,Walkerton Times and Herald- The declining birthrate of the town was given_son1eth_ing of a `boost on .Sunday last, when Charles Huck of the American Rattan` staff was pre- sented by the stark with twin girlsu As people with only one cherub` know what it is to keep the` chadle quiet, Charlie s joys can be better` imaginedwthan described when he hears duets instead of solos coming from the vicinity of the nursery` plant. The bachelor who loses his temper over the cat on the back fence will realize what 9. small, potato he is, when he recalls how- some of his married. - brethren can still smile at sounds that are just as weird and twice as close. - _ asunn Irv vv \nwJ.o l_ Eggs per~ doz. on the market 18 :to 20 cents.< Butter, roll, per pound, 15 to` 17 cents. I D--- T n rn, 1 - n J- R. Black, pastor of P the! 'Congregational church, received a Icall to Liverpool, Nova Scotia. :1 vv 4.! UUILUDQ I "Inn JOYS or MARRIED LIFE! \r .-- \.rA.n. j gun 1)oWde1'. SCOTT S BOOKSTORE Iheattlqlilqry of Banada ./ By A} B. Tucher. Beinlgthe story of the Canadian Volunteers from Valcagier to Salisbury. - From Salisbury through the trenches to the Battle . at Ypres. xervous is the 1 `V 1n Vcnnplnn Iunallvk -.. I......I1..;.--I:_- LI._L JUST PUBLISHED Price 25 -Let us hope that the young.` men who are ' not look good at this time nor were they at urlvslv vsauu The young man in Canada to-` day who is not preparing him- .self to take 'his place for the defence of his country and Empire ought to be ashamed of himself ` ' ' I hanging back will now come to the fore and! join the County regiment being organized.` This page has been told of a conversation in. a place of business where a group.o'f young men were discussing the enlisting matter. Some of the reasons given would` all complimentary. Such were the reasons given for not `taking service. But--and thank goodness the but is pardonable in` this instance-when the -County regiment is formed these young men expressed their in- tention of enlisting. The plan adopted by the Dept. of housing the men in their homes` or boarding V houses looks better the more you look at it. The young man who! has put off for various reasons will now; have no excuse at all for staying away from I the recruiting station. the other week, `Sir Sam. Hughes, the Minis- At the big recruiting meeting in Toronto ter of Militia, in the course. of his speech, man not vspoke thus: ` H I fself talfe _for the the notice of this`: page that on several occasions elderly _mourners have ' to be car- ried from the cemetery gates to the grave- side; and when the grave is at the upper end of the grounds this is something of a charge on `the friends. As far as we can learn from the rules of the cemetery com- pany `there is nothing therein to prevent every vehicle in_ the funeral procession en- '. tering the cemetery; therefore the rule in force is one made to suit "the convenience of -possibly the caretaker. While it would not be wise to allow all vehicles /in a procession into the cemetery, the moumer s and minis- ter s rigs should accompany the hearse,; as a matter of fact the funeral car is much heavier than any of the other rigs. ' . One other matter: why should the gate on the north side of the cemeteryynot be used, when the interment is made at the upper end? aThus would be avoided the necessity of cutting up the road-ways. This page knows of cemeteries where ministers and mourners rigs follow the hearse, and these cemeteries are much more beautifully kept than Barrie s. Rev. Father Kelly, curate of the church of. _ the_ Guardian Angels,- :0rilli& has- been transferred to stj sh as.-.. 2 \y V -lg--`J DI Mr. acGregor took the reporter to a w' dow in his oice and point- ed to neighboring buildings. The Dominion. Stamping plant made axles and heavy parts for the: Can- adian Ford company; the Canadian Lamp and Stamping company made the lighter stamped E parts and `lamps; the Fisher Body company made the bodies for the cars; other "companies there "are dependent on the `Ford compan . ` 4 Mr. Ford has a dream, it is said I--and Mr. Ford s dreams have a way of coming true-that his com-A ,pany will erect a huge plant in England, -where Ford cars may be made from t -ore. up,_ that the money. neede A-in England may re- " main in England `W:-`iile frankly admitted to me that] `Prussian `militarism was the worst |form of militarism, that Prussian; 'militarism Was chiey to blame for this War, and that Germany had to to _be licked, said one of these men `who had taken Mr. Ford to task ' when he returned from- his -eastern trip.` " V 1 Further, if the Canadian gov- iernment makesa. otation, the Can-` adian Ford company will take a] million dollars ` worth of the` bonds, . said Mr. McGregor to the Daily News - C `II . 'II`- /` ' man. lvvw mcnvousi !and to hundreds of his friends. `There is absolutely no doubt as to the sentiments of his heart. His father was born in Ireland and all his ancesters came `from the British \Isles. It is bred in the bone `of the 1' man E 18% l Srrmcw Pmesoxsu. A'f`ll','A`PI`Ine\V DAII-\ no l";';T?~?:.$T. Hormhoeins |No. 55 BAYFIELD ST. OPPOSITE` R055 51 JOHN BABRS OLD STAND , MA VUFACZTERER ur Buggies, Carriages. Wagons] Sleigh: and Cuttegs. _ }j :9-I-nln-r Pumam... -6 The residence. of Geo. A n.E.V't1ie `Barrie road, near tally` destroyed by fire started in 1 III\II`EI UNI L.\IF\I` Wehave a.-large amount of money to loan ntlowest current rates.cither in smuI1m`in W80 amount on the sccu1'it_v of good farm n18L" zazea; o1'!AR'I`nv Rhvc x- \n'n."mS N uuluvvcala UUl'I'UHl. I'ulc8.ClIne!' In Snlllll UI'1 "6" "1 Y!` 8863`. GCARTHY. BUYS &'. M1'I{C'}HS Wen Street Barrie. `QQEII ]` . W ` 3!-Hh...1_jVisner, 1a,"T' nv 1:... ..._- Newman. Port Elgin. * ~10-14 AT THEIR:-SPORTS. T AND. GUNS % V `ROARING " `4 Miturs.` w 1 I I1" 1Ir;_,, , uuu 8'1: rs. etc. ogue Free. ` berruns, lisvergrecns. n . In line. Bend list if your wants for cam ANTED Everything in th Apply For T EVERY _ _ nn..r Plain. . _ Hqspitals an ha.vingse1'vodas( 1i Rial 39i8tant1n Golden quare Ear. Th mat K . oge 03Pt&l. London: Royal London 0pht}1:;lnnc l H08D1tal (Moorclds): for a term as Rcsxdenf eon in Rm-n1 J ,m..1.... n.n.n...Im:,. I1r\enim)' iggvig spent! fears Post Graduate work in Burg. ` 1 Bria N1) I332; I522 P*E`. fI'n}\ I JJUBPIIBI (A14 . IKLL3 1 I I K55! - All-kinda of Fruit and Ormunc-ntul_ mall Fruits, Evergrecns. B090-"3 `. nmbeletc. Everything!" th'"\' =Il.... u-.__1 I!-L _. ____-_ .......m fnr I L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh: M.F.I . 8.: S. Gla=!%0W --SL'RGEO.\'--- Eye. Eat, Nose 8 Throat, 3DR. MORTIMER Lm.\'. 122 `Bloom St. West, Torenltn. will he at 91 Owen St. Barrie. every Saturday. Disea. Ear. Nose and Throat. (*'m1.~u1r;1Ii-m hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., :111db_v appointment. ' S an. n V: .1: xuzm !Money to Loan. Phone No. 14 Over New Bank of Toronto. (En; ` trance on Owen St.) ?j:HURsDAY, NOV. ' 3 D0NA:LD- Rossm rister. Snlioirm .,+,. Repairs of all kinds Rc3idc`nce, I64 Bayeld Stfcct Phone 627. wt _j FROM smssunv PLAINS T0 LA BASEIEEI Proctors, Notaries, come 44.. 'If__._ . "7 | _..j -.__V_.._.__ ;sTRA'rHY & E.sTE:?,7iT;Rf, ) hers, -Solicitors, in High Court of 3 Justice, Notaries Public, Con. veyancers. Offices over the Bank. of Toronto, Barrie. loan. at lowest current rates, G. H. Esten. `VI-"-'~l-l.\1UUI'llUlO3P 2 I01` [CNN I uf.`Sl(U.`U' e?%1u Royal `London 0 hthulnm Hospitt: 8 ye. Hospital. Bristo : and Birmingham ;lB_ os ital, Birmingham ; former Member 0! tlsh phthalmologlcal Society. (\`l2`u!1rIn- I10 1'\..-.- __ .u.__, ""4 vs I 1'1f)`l I7 __--.... vynnunnunxllululunl CU\.J|L`l_\ . OFFICE--78 DU.\'LoP STRI-`.l`T. BARBIE. `Phone 51. P. O. Box. 96. , , -____._ IG. A. RADENHURsf` ; ter, Solicitor, Notary Pubnc ` Oce, 1-st oor Bank of Toc Building. Money to loan at ] est rates. &EXmDER oessor to Lennox, CoWa;1 & Barrister; Solicitor for probate of wills, g-uardiaf administration, and Gen: citor n4x:... ... .N"'.`:`..'Zr. .C iYe5 anc vince of Ontario. Canad Thund the omoe. 123 ounty of Sim Hun} b V 0D cue. the my Morning? we 8: Prore 1'! ' dd scripuon List until the mane; - ed ' `he lab bu:-bers now In arrears 1 th :11! over will be charged 81.5O0prer 531 "nth. ~ ..8.BANK|N %%Ti5lJ;i1c@nrtI12 ".bul:il.1.9.-`:.'P `E9 Office. m n, _ Did you help to keep the Red Cross ag ying? There is no time limit to your- giving. .