Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Oct 1915, p. 8

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9 Men s `Extra Fine, \\':1t<`-rm-not" "Coats, all Wool co\'o1'im. plaid lin- ing, motor collars, Ra`_"1:1n .~'1(`0\'(`.` Wear` guarantee-d.; Size: 3!} to 44. Regular $15.00. Special for the Sale $11.90 VGR.EAT- TIE SALE IN ;MI`.N S STORE-You 1l x GREATEST OPPOR- TUNITY TO BUY A RAINCOAT- -1- , __. _-__--uvv4.aa` 12 'Men s Cashmere F inith Watt-mu proof Coats, _S0t-in . motor collars, full sizes, 36, 33. 40.342 and .-.. . 44. C0l0rs medililm {y1I1(_1'D;`1I":{ Fawn. Regular $10.00. For the ;~':1l(- 7.90 _ - .. -. n uuucj,` ..w.ha.t S Wrong when you soc--s11(-h a {lot of beautiful Tics on salt: at a "quarter dol_lar-11othi1_N.? xv}-nn':--it':~: .ou1`.,_Celeb1'ation and thisj is the way We do it. 450 Men s Low-l_\' D(`1'})_'.' Ties. of Silk, in many f:111('_\' and stylish' patterns, all 11ow Fall and VVinte.1f sty1,eS,_ worth 5(|(-. Your choiceifor 25 % EVERY MAN S SUIT REDUCED THURSDAY, Come and See the Skirts ` Each a Bargain A WOMEN'S VOILE AND VEST- ING WAISTS-SiZes 34, 36 vand 38. \Vorth up to $2.00. '78c onn sxzns BLACK CASH-' MERE AND WOOLLEN HOSE:-' ---$1.60 to $2.50. TBl'ac`k a;i:3;s"; 98c '20c, 25c and 3.0c. .T.; . . . . . . .. 15c Bargain Tree --% % Being odds and ends L assembled from 4 an A *corn"ers of the store . M for easy choosi ng'.% Look for the sign card PLUMS Some PLUMS Plucked From he] LADIES. sA'rIN UNDERSKIRTS; A-1 A,` In these strenuous owhen there are of all descriptions is soaring, ntl_1_e _savin ERIDAY. 0C'r.29th. The same discount applies `to boys `suits as the n_1en s, 15 per cent. off eveything ini boys "suits." -, s `>B;Pitig T the1boy . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Make a note of and come lshday, OCT. 29: Size Size Size A Size Size- A Good Time To Buy Boys L Suits. N 0 store hereabouts shbws the irai-nge of `styles and grades of boys clothing that. are contained in our stock ' "at_ th"e'*present t__im%e'.n n Size - Size Size Size 2 "Size A` If You Delay in Buying Blankets Your Opportunity to Save is Lost. % You ll Pay a Higher Price Later. Store Will Not Open Until am; First Day of Sale Tllat All My Sharla Alike In. The Rush Sale of Ems. _/ v.-- __...____y-- -- -`nu-n--l\IOI 16 pieces,-Best English Stripe Flannelett-e in Pink, Blue, Fawn and White combinations, light colors, `fast dye, full 32 inches Wide, good Weight, lofty nish. . Special for the Sale, per yard.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...._....T..111/2c __)____ ___....._ . v -v-rylava vssvo. A119 Jiulo - 300 Mill Ends of Wrapperettes for "House Dresses and Waists. A great variety of colors and patterns. Regular 15c and 18c per_ yard. Special for the Sale only .. 12c Mill Ends ofKim;ma Crepes 10 yd. EI1dS Of Winn Tzimnnn (`.1-onnc 1 .d.....-. .. ,,,, __- ._ ___._-v.-vo \In\Ir\_.II) &\I\v JSIQ 480., Mill Ends of Fine Kimona Crepes, 36 inches Wide, in Sky, elgian "Blue, Mauve, Champagne, Cardinal, Navy, _Black, Tan ld'Rose, Shell Pink and Coral. This Crepe is a regular 209 cloth, has been selling at 15_cyspecial and now you can `i_buy_ it for, per yard . A Only During Sale-,-Iti"s. la i 109 I .1 is soaring, the saving opportunitiessafforded you by this sale will he eagerly awaited. Our goods are well chosen and well bought and your money is worth the saving. timeswhen thereare somany demands for ready money and when the price of merchandise ...,--, W9, ALULU Jvu. tut: .I.U1' .a'pecwu: 30 Beautiful Hats of `Velvet in Black, Black " and White, Brown, Blue, etc. Prettily trimmed in Fashion s \most favored styles. Really they are lovely-A--Wbrth $4.00 up to $6.50. On Sale at, each $2.95 . V . :7 ""f ` The moderate charges and the superfb quality and large range of Millinery are factors `that have made our'Mi1linery Salon so -popu- lar. Eaehsuceeeding week has been busier? than the preceding one, from the very beginning of the sea- son, and here you are for special: .Rno11l'-i-Pu] T-Tn4-n l\ TT..I__-L 3,, WOMEN'S BLACK 1=.ARAso1.s` -Assorted handles, of ne Gloria cloth, regular $1.00, for . . 75 Extra heavy Pure Bleached English `Cotton. Be sure and get a lot of it. It is 35 inch- es wide,` a splendid cloth, sel- ling i regularly at 12c. Spec- ial during sale . . . . . . . .A 100 A Snapln Bleach-% ed Cotton V 10 dozen ' WoI(nen;evTi?l'ain Cashmere Hose, spliced Toes and Heels, full size, 9, 9% and 10. Regular 35c. During Sale, pair . . . . 250 Thse are all -of A Reduction in gaghmere Hose Mill Ends Wrapperettes 12c yd. Wrapperettes Hous a1ld llSf.R_ `A (rroaf vnrlohr ml? nnlnssn ......;l ....J.L--.-A~ 66x80; 66x80, 66x80, 68x86, , 68x86, 60x80, 60x80, 60x80,_ RA --OA mm: GAUZEA Moron VI'._ILS- Used also for scarfs, 2:} yards long, all colors and White. Regular 50c, 164x84, RRA --O A TAKE QUICK ADVANTAGE. Every Article QuotecAl4 Backs U The Statements Best Es'ihJ-E'aIme1et*9 f\L '[F......l.. - weight weight V weight weight 7 . weight Savings In Millinery; 4-4` .-.1;....-.. Hi: Sterling 'Worth and Uinbeatable Values Made i Canada bs. Pair as. Pair` for 300 pairs, being a special purchase of ready to `use Sheets, "well nished, of good quality bleached Cotton, sizes -66x90. Selling special at 90c. During the Sale each 700 Flannelette Blankets Good quality Canadian-made Cotton` Blankets, _Pink and Blue bordgrs, 60x60. Regular A Chance to Buy Sheets IIAA KJCUIC 11/20, iomf'izN . .$6.25 . 7.50 . f. 7.50 . 8.00 T. 3.50 ..$4.00 .. 4.50 V. 4.75 .% 5.50 . 5.50 And will last until victrolas, `instruments that haveino equal in bringing you a perfect rendition of al- most anyvmusic you may want to hear. .Ifi3vAou_ha,ven t,a Victrola in your home, it is `because you do not _know howperfectly it will bring to you all the music you like best, . So simple a child can operate. No home com- pfete with'out~ -We will on -request send complete catalogue, _ . describing each instrument. FIRST `QUALITY T COTTON- FILLED GHINTZ OOMI`ORTERS- -- wv-- v-z- xxu 6 dozen only, Tan Silk_ Hose with Lisle foot, sizes 8%, 9, 9% and` 10. These are all that are left of our spec- ial 590 line, Black and `White being sold out. We oifer the balance in, Tan shade at, per `pair 15C, 2 pairs . .,. . . 25c -Ct 26 pieces Canadian-made Stripe Flannelette, 27 inches -Wide. Our regular 7%c cloth, goes on- sale rst day at, per yard ...{5c Real French Kid Gloves in `Black, Self and White backs, White, Self and Black backs, Brown and Tan. `Sizes 5% to 7%. AOur best `$1.25 Glove, offered in the face of an advance in price by the makers. At pair . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. $1.12 -w jau- Standard quality, full Weight, the yarn that is used so much in the making of Sox, Mitts and Stockings, in. Cardinal, White, Grey, Khaki and Black. Skein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61/20 Per lb. .. $1.00 Buy All You `Want NoW---The Price .will be higher later. And Plain '1'.1vfeta `Ribbons That i A_re_ Really Worth Your While 70 pieces of plain colored` and fancy Ribbons, all. pure silk. varying in. width from 4 inches to 73: inches, -including some beautiful effects. These ribbons are regular 35c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 75c and 80c per yard. We offer your choice of any at, per yard '.... `.. .0.` . . . . .. I ....i26C vv nutty; luxuc yuan. _1.U1 V L116 UCXIQ `:E _)'B21,1'S 35 least. V ' 15 cents -'o every dollar you spend and your choice of the best array of.Dressgoods'in Barrie. This includes both Black and Navy Serges, as Well as the finest BI`_OadClOthS, etc., etc. Buy Your Dressgcods Here--And NOW Al!_D1fesgQods Included in This Sale _ Right _in the midst of the season and when all VVoo1 Dress- goods are Worth 40 to 60 per cent. higher, We offer you a straight discount. of 15 per cent. off your.choice of our "entire stock-- such a chance you should not m1ss. You ll get the best goods at a lower price than _for the next 4 years at least. 15 non!-u.'n4 n xxxx n .J..lI.... `.--._ ..........:l ....:I ______- -1;-:,_ :11 11 Striped Flannel- _ette~5c__ % t'\ti `Tgam Si1_k I-_I_osef_ A GREY co'1".roN--Good weight Unbleached Twill Cotton, full 36 inches wide, regular .8c_ . . . . I 7 c Eny Ril_3bof_1s9f Many Kinds 4 Ply ScontE:h iggering Wbol Statements In The t Headline. .VVop1S1_1 s_;4Kid% Gloves $1.12 Have You A Viptrola ? SAT. NOV. 6th __._w- QAQINIQ T3`? This is last season s 50c 1x1 ribbed Cashmere. Stock- ing, good Wearing, present -value is 65c. We have but 9 dozens to sell at the price; foot is seamless. Sizes are 9 and 9%. Sale, pair . .. . 40_c _-c-w vvur A88 30 inch pure bleached Flan- nelette, A best. English make,` good weight, velvet ~nish,. a splendid cloth. Regular 14c- ..Qn]o `nu-:nn' 66x68,` regular $2.50 for . .A $1.69 ul1:.vLa.\LL\.L LLU Sale price j . 14 White Flan- { :!!et`2<? 1.09 __ on %Women s Casi: mere1Hqse 43Oc_ A 'l`1..`.. :. --L This is "His Master s Voice Limited" head-_ quarters for Barrie dis- trict for Victor Victro- las and all accessories. A- complete stock of records to choose from. We keep on hand all l the different types of Victrolas, `instruments \-g` \.,,` 113;" `Our entire stock of Men S suits is offered during the Esuale at a reduction of 15 P9 `cent. The new fall suits are `all in, and you have an excel` .lent choice of` man-tailord gobd fitting suifs of thorough` -ly dependable quality, `rang .ing_ -in priee from $8.50 UP to $22,oo. Buy "here and save %y_oVu]r 15-perd cent. I CHILDREN'S PLAIN. CASH- MERE HOSE-Fi1'st }_:'rado extra ne Czishmere Hose for u'irl.<. They run in sizes 51:, 6, 6%. T and 75:. We will clear themall out. not hav- ing the larger-sizes. At pair 2501 BIG _S;B_LLING OI` WOMEN S SEPA-'R`.'A'I'E 'SKIRTS--Thc-ro'1lV be 1 a big selling? in the Ready-to-wear` Departn1ent., Our eomplete stock of .Women s Skirts` offered at a re- duction of 20 per cent. You may take your choice and save 1-5 the regular price. WOMEN S BLACK _ SATEEN J UNDERSKIR'1'S-'Si_zeTs 36, 38, 40 and 42. Regular $1.00, f_or.. 67c

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