Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Oct 1915, p. 5

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nty ual. 4 can ed vvu A-Iuvuo vs... wvvu nnnvvvonzb van ` Air. and Mrs. J. E.\Varron have moved to Toronto, as Mr. \Va1'1'eu' is now running: on the-south end. Mr. Bert Curt_iss and Bert Walk 01', `who have been off for four |n1onths, resumed work again on ' Monday. I 1l'_. A__-'I-:_ '|r__,_1, _n 1 \J\IlIIIAQJO1rc-v- WUIA VVIJDII I11: UV us opuu The fire brigade Was~'ca,lledV out on Friday afternoon to a'vacant house ,ai``,_the end of Gowan street. The whdjre-,roQf-.` was burned off and othefW'rise`_]Badly damaged. It is -an I told,h _ouse and -has not been `inhabit-j.;; [ed for .a c9uple"of years. Inciz. Work. 9a Mr. Archie Marshall has pur- chased the house on_ William street, formerly_ used as the nurses home in connection with the Sanitarium. l Ash Kennedy of \Vinnipe_s:', a `Grand Lodge oicer of the 'Brother `hood of Locomotive Ene:ineers. was nrtown on_ Monday adjusting son 'local claims with the engineers. I Dr. A`. J. Hunter, of Toronto, has taken over Dr. Embree s practice and Will` occupy .the same residence on Burton Ave. VDr.' Embre ex- pects to leave for Toronto to-day (Thursday). to take up his medical `wo_1:l; with, the overseas contingent. , 'I___:.._'.`l- _.._.. 54.-..'I'I.u7l An! nos Mr. Robt. Darch, the Hamilton .ai1d Meaford passenger conductor, ?is on` the sick list, having met with ; an accident in Hamilton on Sunday. Vnl... IVYFD `[T__--L I`1l__L 1--.... ..-- Kn` Z\l\-IA\A\ILAU J. LJII-LUUIL \JlI. klislll The G.T.R. Hunt.Club leave on Thursday ffor their annual trip. `The party. consists of Athol Mar- shall, Arthur Patterson, \V. J. Gilks and Jno. Mason. Fall Underwear Yes Sir, Fall Underwear, just the kind you want un- der that new suitto make you feel as you look, well dressed. Whatever kind you want it s here and in the size that ts you correct- ly, shirt and drawers, prices 1.50, 1.25, 1.00, 75c, 50c binations, Pcnman s, sizes 36, 38, price .......... ..$2.50 " .1 Candles. Men s Natural Wool Com- Drawers, Penm__an s, sizes Men s Fleeccd Shirts and 32 to 44, pricc;..50c, 75 Men's. A Home-made VWool_ Mitts, price ............. . .50c RM. "Good Farm for Sale South half 1013.9, COn_.j 6, 1 acres, in fan` State Of ! tion, about 15 acres of fall Own Good cement-clad S ,1 +`a-mun nutbuildinas. 2 -3113: Bryson s Pure Homeniade /;We can shqgg you you*alI the latest styles 1in:Men&'sFal| and`\]_/V`intAer Ovecoats. Our.assorvtmpt%*%is l%a1;ge;jand Lpriceg range: from 9.00 to 25.00- % Clearing VVe are discontinuing our Fur Department and will offencommencing Saturday, all our stock Beautiful Furs, including Pillows, Muffs, Erna pire Muffs, Small Neckgfries, Large Stoles and Handsome New Sets, the entire lotover fifteen hundred dollarsjworth, to go at clearing prices- Come and get a bargain while the price of lovely Furs are within the reach of everybody, SALE COMMENCES SATURD@Y lVlORNlNCIg NEW ARRIVALS IN THE .READY-TO- WEAR DEPARTMENT " More Coats and Still More Coats." We reeived some very nobbyt ones thus week in Fancy `Diagonal Cloth, made. A with the new belted effet and Flare Skirt and with fur trimmtingsat sleeves and neck,J$I5.0O,a t$17.5o and$19.oo. CEETEE(% UNDERWEAR} I'!l\"u GONDENSI`-D _ ocToBER%A?iAu;%Aa1sm%r Sarjeant 57 King epc `L - 2nd; Elm-I Penetang, E Me[`11 s Overcoat`s I Guelph Mayor,` from .Big Bay] ioint, and a pupil at i the Barrie . .(3qllegiate, `leftg Wednesday `for To-` ironto where `he `intends enlisting `for overseas service. -`His comrades` ij the cadet corps gave him a send loif, acting as escort to the after`- lnoon train_. "TI- _ L- ___,1_ J, _, , II 1 I :\ The brigade was called out at` 4.45 `Thursday afternoon to a small re in a shed" at the rear of the `Ross-. block, VDunlop and: Bay- leld -streets. `A' spark` from a pile of burning rubbish caught in [the corner of.- a: fence and shed. A. couple of pails of water quenched` lthe lllfzze. -\ . . -\ . . .4 `On page six.Will be found an` `advertisement of considerable . inter- {est to those who 1 are contemplating `buying property in Barrie with the view to erecting`-a home for them- `selves or" as a speculation. That desirable tract of land on Ross street to the West `of the hospital will be offered. by public auction on .Saturd_ay,_ I\I_ov..,,6tl1. _ The t_ przopertx "55? %3thinmg:7o 1% W your. .Chr_istmas- jewelry -`We ,-have a splendid . assortment. Twoj, stores +-O1;p._ old .Queen s Hotel and at Car; of Elizabeth and` Mary streets; "VI... .........-J .E........Il.. -3 112-1- `ll - !w'i`he many `friends of ick Me- .n_. gapausd \/VAL -IwA.b\b l L`lU.\l\JIIIJCl Co_nke_y, an old Barie boy, will be interested to learn that he has vol.-I unteered for service with the; 50th :Battaliony at Calgary. Thirty years ago Dick left Barrie as a._bugler in the 35th Batt., which took part in lthe` Northwest rebelgion- use Us ll- -l'7l7:)`ll s Patent Button, also Tan Metal Buttoned Boots, with lcloth tops, Worth, $3.00 to $3.25 a |pair. Carey s special sale price. l$2.29 a pair.- rm... .....-~......1._-_ :-_ LL- nn L-_2'lJ \AIllI VJ awn; VJ. nJpILa.`5v, Earrie Tanning Cd; and the ` N:3E-Ws3i*:s V industries of , Barrie; g n a,_mely5 thi `l)......1.. | I'V........Z...... I`- ......I 1.1.... `I'T...'I.._.. -.1:-ton-nu IA! rlINL& o - . The apparatus in the P.O.- build- lire; used for testing. the town gas Iis being transferred from the base- ment of the building to one of the vacant oices on the first `oor of the building. The transfer _of the| apparatus is under the supervision Eof Mr- -Shanacy, Inland ` Revenue I Oicver." ` ' T ` 9 an gun. . I ,. M1'.vW.. C. Thompson has` put i,th1'o'ugh the following sales this |'week:' house owned by Mr. G, H. {Esten on Elizabeth street, to Mr.l _.V'm. Smith, Dunlop street. House: owned by Mr. '1`. Thompson, Mc-I Donald street, to Mr. J. E.`,_ of town. T Q n` u n .- - `Va. vvvvun The third re alarm in three days was sent [in at 12.30 Saturday morning. The alarm came. from box 45, at Guest s store, Bradford street. When the hose wagon ar- rived ,it ' was found that the alarm was a false one, someone having pulled the box for the fun of having the brigade. turn out. ' - AT should appeal. ' to "those who wish. 9.! ` ? `3.`.i,f&, ``i f?& m_:;:a?-L ` `an `B9ys' _ , ' `alf _Butt6f1ieV_ JB; `ts , :4 31- 3.7 value," special *-Sale price` $1.99, at-L Carey Shoe 'Co., th old reliable place for good shoe ivalges; ` ' -no .q n `; The mystery surrounding the re that -occurred in the old Fletcher property on" Bradford street some time ago has been cleared up. ; In turning. on the electric current for the new` owner, . A; Taylor, it `was found that theylights in the up- per. part only would work. Mr. W. C. Thompson, the late owner, was notified, and. he "had Mr. Frank Carpenter, jr., investigate, and thus the secret of the late re came out. The electrician found that the cut- `out in the cellar had exploded and thus set re to the joists and from the cellar worked up into the par- titions u11der the stair-case. \ an . Work is steadily near'ng` the -n-I ishing point. on the new narmouries; and from `present "appearances, the building will be ready for the sol- diers" when they arrive in towng, The hardwood oor.- in the big drill .hall will be completed before the. `week is out, the oors in the other` portions of `the building 4 having been laid. `_The plumbers and elec- tricians are at `Work. A Mr. P. -Love and his staff ofgpainterv will soon be through with " the rst coat of painting, the nishing coats will be. left till spring; the ceiling has been given a coat of lime. Thebunks are being made_ by the Ball" Planing Mill and are being laid down as fast as made. Each. bunk will hold four men and are the same a pattern. as used in Toronto last" winter for the 19th and 20th Batts. Farm Lands__.`I'or Sale` i-Mrs, C':`r_.ho1"i:'1-'ee(-1-a1-1;1'Va.mily of Hillsdale, O11t., take `this opportun-. ity of" expressing their sincere ap- preciation of the heartfelt sympathy` and many` vkindnesses -of their friends on the occasion of their re-. cent_ `_b,ereavement.` A `_ nwr 9 nun-9 jvuoovuw V - V- not-av W. C. Thompson, 1' al estate agrent, Barrie, "has {farms or sale in all parts of the` county. Oices 15 Owen street, phone 288, ,B_ar- urie. ' A \42-44p ! Ru l3be_rs_! _Rubbers !` Rubbers! 'Carey s have. made a recent pur- chase of over $12.000.00 worth of Rubbers. Their` Barrie store re- ceives about $5,000.00 Worth of this big` buy. These are the best rub- bers obtainable,_ such brands as Maltese Cross, ~G_ranby, Maple Leaf, Dominion, Miner.` etc. Carey s of- fer these fresh'R1'1bbers,.to the pub- lic at prices other stores have to] .pay themselves for the. same quality! gof Rubbers. ' l OARD` or THANKS "IDEA PATTERNS l Oc. 1. A I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith` of Mil-' ion were visiting old friends in tovzp t_hni_s Week. ' * " -I 11- -u---- n -u` uuviiegiig ayxflmlilrs. Harvey arrived` home from the West Monday, 1ook-| ing much the better for their trip. `ML. 1:! r `r,.1.. .....: 1.-.....:I... 1.2:. ....i ` can an; on up u 4.\::. Illl\/I-J. Ian. A l `W,egdnesdayA for ' Niagara Falls, 'wh Mr. 3}`. W. .`I:)1;v2 1;1d family lefttuonl re they Willreside in the future.` `1r_.'- 1)._;;.. 'n___u. --._ -12` 1:... ___J' I Iv nn\4a.v IIll\lJ VVLAA Auusuu ALL Univ LIAUIALVO ~ Mr. Bert" Pratt, son of Mr. and ;Mrs. H. Pratt,` Stroud,' has been ap- pointed on` the staif of the Toronto General Post Office; r ` ` -up u . n `"6{f `Juli "1iE.' Johnston of Smith s Falls are_ spending; a couple of weeks` holidays` with the latter s parents, T Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leece. ' 'u'.. _...1 1u'_'._ `ll'__.I___ --n__m .-_-.1 r 7 -- . `-5 *9 W HVVVV` Mr. and Mrs. Morley Du and family, of ; Belleville, have . been spending -their vacation in Barrie, visiting `with V relatives, Their friends, which are legion, have been delighted to welcom `!them back. II.` ...J `ll ..- ' 51'.` 1 III. vs: vs.) I.|..|. n urll. .Lvl. 9 \J .,\\. unuxu, ;,u; yup V1-`Jun ` ' Ov`t[obo1j issue of the S110 and Leather Journal il- l11strato gf _th [ Mr. and _Mrs. `J-.` Ti` _Emms an- nounce the marriage of their `second daughter, 'Mae, to Mr. Joseph. J .V Clarke, formerly of England; The marriage . will take place A the,_ .1 first ._ week `in }Iovemb__er. . V ucxgguusu Lu WULUUILIB `uncut Dawn. ! ,n- -u Lieut. Mofgan- s _ many friends in town were pleased "to see _him once more. The Lieut. spent` the week- end in.Barrie. He expected to have been in England. before thih; but the ' jwhys of the wer oice are`~p`9._{ s_tv' ing out. v- 0" . . gr. ' Friday, Nov. 5th, is the 316th gm} 'niversar_y - of the disc6_vgary' _;of that L G111 Fawkes PM SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Of course our Sweater Coats are go- ing fast, so if you want the best selection come now, prices, men s... n! an an: nn Q4 nn Q9 0: 95vI\p\p|nl\lll \n\JlIlb Ii II\a\as! I $5.50, s5.oo,""k'i.oo, % `:'s':i'.'7, $3.00, 75c. * - - T Boys Sweater Coats; pfices . . . . '...'. .............. ..-. .... ..$l.45, $1.25 Boys` Fine Wool and heavy pull- over Sweaters, button at shoulder. prices .... $1.25, $1.15, $1.10, Q1 All QE- Ell- I name, . A 1.oo,' no V501` c, 50c. I THE want In BARRIE Men's Grey Wool Sox, spccia|...... ................... ..35c, 3 prs. $1.00 Mg;-.n s Grey Wool Sox ....... ..25c 2500000009000000000090900: I I On VVednesday afternoon the` lmarriage took place of Miss Olivel Jack, only daughter of ,Mr. and: Mrs. Robt. Jack, to Mr. George `Andrews, of Regina, son of Mrs. M. Andrews, Brock St. The core- mony _was performed by the Rev.` I A. V. Brown at ve o e1ock at the home of the bride s\ parents, Bur- ton Ave, in the presence` of only the` immediate relatives. The groom s gift to the bride was a handsome gold wrist watch. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews left on Thursday: at noon__' for Regina, where Mr. An- drews is employed as engineer on L1... {30000090000eooooooooooooo:i u; \.a vv_ u an u: the C.P;R. VMrs. W. J. on Tuesday. I-n- woo In Mrs. - G. Tooke returned on! Monday after visiting in Toronto. I Miss Shear, Burton Ave., is visit-I |ing relatives in Toronto this week] hr. Barber returniedi 1 oV1(1 after having a, couple of weeks va-I cation.` - - | u' , \rLL. uugu, nu u.vv 1:01:53 I A year ago .Wedne'sday the Work` of ixmn-o\'i11 9; the grounds surround-_ ing the post oice We1'e begun. 1.1.`... ~ AK`! ,4. .1--. I- '--....-.. Miss Kate Long-of Chicago is visiting with her mother for a eouple of weeks. A ' . - I'- If. -...1.. II ..- 13....-- -1! TI'l.........J..-. l. vvvul.-Av v. VI vvnauo ;Mr. VaI\d: _Mrs. ~Fryer . of :]?orox}t_o. ;.,8P%t.St r.vv,ee1~z=emk Lwth {Mn Mrs , cM9rran. `- if` ` TR .. ...,A,,l i|"`Ja:1t1?(;;' came from |.Niagarp.-V on Saturday q gpepd the I-`ijweeki-end _vzith.`l1i, famlly. .A.~?:u-:_:~ : ~-.n. n...`..n.-._T 1-..". H With a $75.00 "purchase we give you a Ladies; Gent s Gold Watch; You do not have to make your pur- cases all at once, you save your coupons. A Get it. % VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ' WARD 6 NEws.| UVB U.llI.aI VVLUII I115 LGIILILJJI | 'Th%eI I_4adies of Burton Ave. v ? I` . . . .2 9 1:;:: :f. :3`;ze:,.z2a`4-3511: .- _ '::-r;_--4 STORE` FALL WEAR FOR MEN Lalllxlcm V` . Barrio. T11esday, Nov. vale, \\'(.-ghosday, 3rd; T}1u1-. -ltbh. nu /V- - \\~:Y1 -uv:1` '|\nmu .And you ll like thenew clothes.. You surely can t help it. They have a style that's irresistible, a quality that insures satisfaction and they are priced so very reasonable you can easily afford whatever you need or want. . We make our suits rather than build them. Every stitch is taken with a regard for detail and nish that makes certain your satisfac-' tion. The new stvles for Fall exhibit a variety of new ideas in style, weaves and colorings that makes it ex- ceptionally easy to find just the clothes you want, prices $20, $18, $17, $15, $12-50. $11, $10, $9, $8. $7.50. { Yes Sir, and they are beauties too, loungey, easy yet swagger and full of style. Our Balmacaans are taking the young fellows by storm, price ..... ..-....$l8.00 AND YOUNG MEN AI_1drews---J ack Balmacaans Littl % was . in oriniai ';\b[ethodist church will hold an old- | ime tea meeting` on Nov. 25th. '\l'.. A [I \l`-..1 T T.` `\\`V-,___-_, 1, -_,_ m'l`uII1:*m6`(>,111`1L2`1-1.1y will parade for Vin-I struction at the Town` Hall on Fri-i day, Oct. 29th, at 7.30 p.m. n nvn `KTAJ11 Ana 0 1'7 +11 11 1:-rn-.117

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