Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Oct 1915, p. 1

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1'Ia \IlA nnupsoxn va. syvu um,-0 I I The old board: of directors were re-eIected with Dean O Malley in` place of Dean :Moyna and J. R.! Hambly in place of `the late Mr. Perkins. .The. old officers were re- ` The eighteenth annual" meeting of. the Royal Victoria Hospital was] held in the police court chambersi on" Tuesday afternoon. The presid dent, Mr. R. F. Porritt, presided. { I 'i'l"L.. A..........-;......9._...L..A._.__---_L -4 : ____- : |elected as follows: . . I - Hon. Pres.-G. B. Strathy; V _ '. *`Pres.-F. R. Porritt. Vice-Pres.--Donald Ross. `T1'eas.--J. H. Bennett. - 1 _Sec.--H. A. Sims. Supt.---_-Miss McLennan. . ` ` ,- Asst.-Supt.-Miss Dorcas Mc- |Le_od. vc-v u A 01- ' II! {MOTOR AMBULANCE GIVEN BYIVBMPLOYEES BARRIE DIVISION i . ' GRAND [TRUNK RAILWAY I - . DEATH or`wGIDnoN SHORT- -REED, nIL1.snA1.1:. A man prominently identiedl with the pioneer life of Simcoei County, and widely known and high- ly esteemed in `business and other circles, passed away when Gideon Shortreed died at A his" residence ` ` Orchardbrae, . near Hillsdale, Ont., on Sunday, `Oct. 24th. Mr. Shortreed had been seriously ill with double pneumonia -to. which his `strong :constituti9i1, at last suc- cuxfnbed. , v e , .-4.2 <`:3s1::' , | ('1! u . -` 1 ,,__'_ |_____ AL cumbed. Gideon Shortreed was born at `Guelph, 0nt., on-- Set; 7th, 1845, the. fourth son" of the late John Shortreed, who came from Hhwick, Scotland, in 1832, and settled in Guelph (at that ., time a village) joining his brothers, Thomas, John and` George, .in -large "lumbering en- terprises .in Simcoe County -in` the early, seventies.:, He ' nally'ved to Hillsdale in ,Q,otg._f9gr, ~ `where r~he . erected 9; `large;., ` ll,}s1r<`i. proivedi -himlfg` a useful`, gitizei); pg` 7 .-to`- his, "death; He had `G eritohsiv L ` f-A`?L`?,`5.,i"":f~??`*" ' i.II.`.=}" .".G"`?*'*`:.9e~?te`. null (5.0? Claresholm " `5 to t -A1t8- |aI1u. 111 JJJJ. H ` ' He was a _ consistent Liberal of ?th<? .0 %s9h91;;%i9A A-~Pi*i99:}; I.1-% Tr n ICULIQ The Woman s . Auxiliary oicrs A Hon. Pres.-Mrs. Strathy. Pres.-Mrs. Gallie. 1st Vice-Pres.-Mrs. W. V. Brown 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Shanacy. '_1`reasurer--Mrs. Bosanko. - Secretary--Mrs. Malloy-Brown. __ `land ith he ght V 01:7 [staut supporter of the cause; of tem- {peranec}. He _ was ,a Presbyterian. being for many years a member of St. Andrew '5 church, Hillsdale. and -being ordained to the eldership twenty years ago. He is survived by his` Widow (whom he married in 31881)" and by four da11f.`.'i1tP1'S and [ve sons: Mrs. J. D. 1\Iae.\'ei1l of iVKearne_v, Mrs.` (Rem) Frank Harp-' er of;Clintox1, Effie and `.\Iarjor_\" at {homer Robert and Harold `at Coul- `son. Ont; Lionel vof Claresholm. lAlta.;r_ George at Hillsdale, and iJo'hn at home. He isalso survived I by two brothers, George and Rob- _ert, of Guelph, and four: sisters. .\Irs. Peter Bathgate of Guelph. and Mrs. Henry Dance and Mrs. J. J. `Sanderson, of Fergus. icosrs 10 2.3 CENTS DAILY FOR PRISONER I GOVERNOR STODDART S AN- . NUAL REPORT OI` COUN- .The {high cost of living has af- fected the county jail to_ the extent of one and one-sixthof a cent per inmate during the past year. Ac- cording to the returns compiled by Governor Stoddart for the year end- ing Sept. 30th_, the average daily cost per inmate of the county jail was the. princely sum of 10 2-3 cents `per day. Last year it was 9 cents. I N11... _._._.|..... .n ___.:_...i_. -______,:i Y \Juna\L-Lwvnag \IL A \A :LItJI I The funeral on T11esda_V after- 'noon. Oct. `26th, was larfrely attend- ed by a wide circle of friends from |Fliut, -Mie11.,T St. Thomas. Toronto. i`Guelph_. Clinton, Barrie, Feryrus and |Nort.h Bay. In conducting the ser- -vice. Rev. E. H. Lockhart of St. Andrew s church. Hillsdale. refer- red to the unselsh service given by thelate Mr. Shortreed~ to his ehnrehjand con1n11u1ity_. and to the universal feelin: _ of regret at,his 'sndden _removal.' The p'allbe2are1's were; four sons, Robert, -_ Harold, L1one1 and George, and two sons-in- law, Rev. F. C; Harper and J D. MacNeill. Interment took place` in !St. AndreW s Cem'eter_v, Hillsdale, :n..4 - run vu\~.y u aauvuu J wso-A. JV 1' urn II `J \/\4lL|.Jv I The number of prisoners commit- ted during the year was 243, which together with the 27 in jail at. the end of the year b_rou_9:ht the, total xfor the year up to 270, males `.260 and of. females 10. uannu \.rA.- Lvununvu .l.Vu Canadians were in the majority among -the prisoners. numbering 96; English were. second, 29; Scotch, 10; Irish, 7; United States, 4; other nationalities, 10. There were 93 married and 165 single prisoners. l'\1.` LL- J.-J....I 190 _. _ _ . . . . _ ..._..J.-J lIIIA&l\i\.A L\I'J val: Of thewtgtal 132 vs`*:3r<:,ms~ii'1.)l{:(`>i:i:ed by the municipalities, and _by the [Go:_ernmeni_: 163. \. I ' saw v vggnnnnvnnv .n.vvo The number of illiterate prisoners does not. decrease, there were 45 who could not read and 67' could not write.` A rs7 fee- of 1.13 _ and one athiest. In religion the prisoners were: Roman `Catholic 76, Presbyterian 58, Methodiist 56, Church of England 56, Baptist 9, Congregational 3, Lntherin 3. There were three jews I T - . Oct. 26th. Miss M. Long of Toronto is visit- -ing her brother, Mr. B. Long. `I ' - I `II . ......'.I `II ..- - Qt`- ..... LL- Inga: Java 9.: nnvn, LI-I-59 AJA JAVA: Mr. an;1wMrs.` Sinclair, bcf the Scotch Settlement, visited Mrs. Jolly Tcgid last vieek. _ U Vila; A \I\A\J. sauv Mrs. Crow of "'1`:)ronto spent the` Vweek-end with her parents, Mr. and `If... A A J`..- 30 `IQ- us ops Aasnunaannal Mrs.. John King of Bradford visited friends here recently, TL` ninavrinun an-B nnm42A-L~ LJJ. V.&\)lII\I\A J-A-I\ILl u lL\4L\l LVVULLUAJ u The shower of eld comforts held- by the Red Cross Society here last Thursday was a. great success. ~ The following articles were sent to the boys in` the` tre1Iches:. 24 pairs of socks, 1. `parcel of imderwear, 1 par- cel? of sheets, 5: parcels of towels, 4 pareeI1s.of`.5i`_1)'i;,ndkerchiefs, -4 pkgis7. {E9 so ~.* g,eiapg;p'er tiueaai: 3... 2:21 ~ 1 j LEPROY iA HUNTING Many Hunters `Away, Others Preparing For Annual Hunt _ W'ith the coming of the deer sea-' L son,` frozen ground` and light falls of snow are in order. And the hunting season is with us, but not the frozen ground or the snow. Some of the more enthusiastic hunters are already out of town and by the end of the Week the remainder of the sports will have gone to the hunting ground. It is not likely as many will take to the W0O(lS as Vformerl,\'., owing to changed condi- tions this year; this is particularly so of the _, Spruce Hunt Club, which has disbanded for this season as many of `the membersi cannot get away, although others of the club will make the outing in other loom- pany. ` The Barrie Hunt` Club. will again visit their old haunts at ARutter, north of the French River, they leave on -Saturda_\' and will com- lprise Messrs. J. G. Scott. Jas. Pat- 'terson, Alex. Habbick. J. Barr. \Vm. Robinson. West l\Iooro, J. Curtis, Ed. Todd, G..Malcon1so11, R. Mal- comson, `Barrie: ' R. Scott, Alliston; G. Patterson. T. E. Muxlnw, Mea- ford: G. ;\Ior1'isou, I. Fleming, W. Lackie. O1'angreville. j The Tomiko Club meet in Bar- rie and leave on. the Cobalt Friday night for their camp at Tomiko; the party will comprise P. H. Love, Capt. F. McKay, H. Sheppard, Belle Ewart; C. E. Love and W. Dalton. Toronto: E. J. and R. Buk- nam, Dra_\_'ton: JG. Shrubsole and H. Brennan, Lakeview; A N. Shaw, | Tonuko. The G.T.R.' Club leaves to-day (_Thursda_\') for their _camp at Bol- ger, the party is: A. E. Patterson, A. Crumb. \V. J. Gilks. F. Dowling, J. Mason. R. F. Garrett. VV. Rusk, town: D. Murra_\'. M1`. Goodwin, To- ronto: L. B. Courtier, Hamilton; R. Pulford. ` \rL \.lo The Hart club leave to-day (Thursday) for their camping grounds at Rutter on the C.P.R. The party compose D. C. Murchison`, Isaac Broley, O. G. Hart, Barrie; Chas. Hart. Craighu'rst;r Jack Hart, Toronto: Hector Hart, Weston; C. W..Brad1ey, Creemore; Jas`. and Thos.'Hart. Shanty Bay. Dr. V. Hart expects to go up later on. ""1-.. -------L.._.._ -2 tCV._Z--_ T?___9! ....... --.,.-e..., W __., ..,. ....-. V... The members of _Spion Kop club make the trek in two sections. Monday night Dr. Wallwin, J. F. Gilmore. R. Gibson and A. B. Briggs started for camp. And Friday night the rest of the party will follow: F. Wiseman and W. Tribble, Bar- rie; Col. Currie, Collingwood; F. Elliott and T. Jennett, Ivy; Dr. Crawford, Haileybury; and P. `Car- son. _ As usual the party go by rail to Burk s Falls and thence by the water route to Amie Harbor. PROV. LICENSE COM- Q-Ioaunncanoc The Provincial License Commis- sioners for Ontario will hold a sit- ting of the Board in Barrie on Tuesday, Nov. 16th. The Commis- sion will consider the licenses for the district of Centre .Simcoe and will meet in the Court House. There are 15 applications to he heard, 13 tavern and two shop. Keegss Swet and Moist L BRYSON S Bro Bad) SPECIAL Hunters {$1.00 PER ANNUM In Abvnlcl: SINGLE COPIES THREE GENTS Phone 26 ` ORDER WE WILL GO `Isl-n-I \l\rJ-IA 'm1ssIoNI:Rs mm}: at. the. some. "ya that %. tgsted `Ail, nt in an. from ched at e after- of Mrs. `vb sllsld Freek "Sf pf DEATH hr smcor: co; ' CHECKBR CHAMPION Oct.` 31st, 1915. L 1 ?`2`. nd SFNDAY AFTER TRINITY% .-\ftm' an illness of threemonths, `With th<~`o.\'c-(-pti011 of a couple of we-(-k.~'. Willialn B. Aiken died at*his 're.<.idnr-r-, 102 Baveld street, on 'I'11e.s:d'a_\' `n10rni11,c_>`.. The late Mr. Aiken was born in `Aberdeen, Scot- land. in 1969. coming to this 'coun-~ trrin 1ss7. Hecane to Barriein 1895 and has followed his trade as` Eustsriistiirtsn I 8.30 a.m.---Holy` Comhiunion; 11.0 a.m.-.\Iatins and Sermon. >- 3.0 p.m.--Sunda_v School; , 7.00 p.n1.nEvens0x1g and TSe1'm011~- eivc on {ctober Wednes~ having` worked on many of the lalfuer buildings in- town, among the L later one.~.{ the C011. Ins. and the a1`1n0111'iei~:. Last year he had the` 'S11l)~cont1'act for the mason and b1_'1ck-work of the new armouries atl L1Sl0W0l and Hagersville. His ` a 1na: bricklayer and plasterer,` 4 }!f3a1t_h was not the best at the be- glnmlli" of the building season this Suninier, but he went to work for a Wh11?a_Vbut was compelled to lay off, 797331111112` strength he again went to Work, but after two weeks was com: Pelled to give up. ` T1_9d to Miss Hannah Armstrong, T 0f Sutton, who with, six "children.-- T boys and two-g'iirls--s_urvive,~ . l'h.V" are Douglas, Y.viarrd, ._In 1893 the `deceased, Wes; mar-i a1lg`hR0hert, Elsie and Gertrude. 5 AL. `IL, ' ' II A?-`pices, takes` .to`the Unior `from a dit Deposit the extra, you haw; on hand 110\\'-_\`o11 can open an a.ceox1-t with any s_um. down t(_> _one-dollar - and drmv mterest on '1t. _ ` Barrie Branch `5;1`,h`31`ta l!JlS_le find Gertrude. - the be late Mr. A1ken `was one -91"? town Catl amateur checker players _1n for * 3513 Yeax: at _ yhe totirnamenltz Q the champmnslup - of Simcoe . Ountyy he Wgn the jlv.` `i .The funeral, under Mas6nic__` 4'~l')l( .(1. +l)'l*1\u-. -.__I- _ , n In`: . expe11so.=.-- 'i{ese1'\:e TFund-`-and the Xsavings T` T]1ou;h _\'o'111i' salary. or "income will no (`xoubf Vmcrease, so`w1ll your Now is the time to stairtai ])epm'Imc-nt of the UNION "BANK- QF` CA.\'ADA. is the place to keep and many nd that `fthe- elatu-1' more than keep pmzefwith the . auD'- ULLLIJ ~ - . cL `-`pices, takes Slime to-daY (Thurs .ito the U ' f are: Mr. John nd Mrs. `J.- WHEN WILL YOU my 1.: YOU DON T szwn Now? NO. 43 5---"' ? _ WHOLE NO. 42 V"' L :-wompsou cnsw, PUBLISI-IEIIA b -W} 'eswi.3kc` ye stay I) T fttinity C-hqr ch We offer you dvalues furs unsurpassed any; `where. \=Ve have prepared this season a very -iarge stock of furs (both `domes- tic and foreign.) and we have priced them to com- spete successfully with any of the city d e pa 1' t- ment store prices,--and_ at the same time you can be assured you will be buy- 1'11 ,1- Simmons & CO. FUR S ing reliable goods. b Write for catalogue or m- formation. M. UPHAM - - Manager J. FRANK JACKSON MAKER or PORTRAITS Q3 CANADA "FURRIBRS" ' `7*6t'1; icke is, .n. Avwnn \/ and Stewart . . . . . . . . . .$ '19 55l Messrs. Langeand Justice.. 86 16' `Messrs; McLaren and Brown ' ` (including W.&L. Cont.) _175 45 Messrs. Young and Morton 282 75 Messrs. Porritt and Higgs. 87 95 Messrs. Thompson _ and T Rainsford V 24 75' T I 3 -v~-- v-vw 4--nu _v-A +4-suns-L U: has brought so far . the generous [sum of $4675.00. "The town was divided into twelve districts for the purpose of- the canvass. With but one or two exceptions the gentlemen vnientioned in last week s Advance pushed the work with the result lthat, very few homes, business places. or factories were __ not visited. `In only a few places, we are told. were the canvassers met with a blunt If)usal.l Slome `interesting tales could . e to d _v the collectors. _In some instances the giving, while willing, iwas accepted with reluctance, as the `giver was not in a. position to con- tribute the sums given. It is only in this way that the true love of` country comes to the surface. One !instance of this kind of giving..will ~be noted...-X widow who has a strug-' lgle to make ends 'meet had an iron_ bank into ewhich she put her odd coppers, when the collectors came! around, the bank was opened and this truly` widow s mite was givenl ito the Red Cross. On the other hand, one cynical giver made a con- tribution of one cent with -25 cents withiwhich to. forward it to Eng- land. The largest subscription was 'fl'O1ll the Tanning` Co., `which gave I `$1000-.00. Other large amounts were ;S._ D_vinent_ $250.00 and the Water land Light Com. $100.00, and the] }Porr_itt family $115.25. I ! _There was no meeting, of the col-l ilectors in the evening as had been` lsttggested at the organization meet-I ling. The collectors brought `their; [subscriptions to the Union Bank,-. iwhere manager Upliam, `who is streasurer of the fund, received the lmoney. [There was $3,991 handed lin that night .a'ccor_ding to the sub- scription blanks; and next niorningi when the bank clerks counted the ;cash it was found to be correct to Ethe cent. Besides the sum turned gin. there were some who did not pay '-cash and also there had-beensome lwho were 11ot seen that day, an- `other classincluded those who have: seen their way clear to give a fur-' !ther sum. So that all told "the fund ;amounts to the sum as given iabove. For the convenience ofthose who are anxious to contribute, lists it will be open at the Mavor s place- lof business, the Union Bank, Reeve Bennett s office and Mr. H, G. .Robertson s drug store. The fol- lowing are the amounts collected in! the various districts: | By Messrs. Freek, - Coles It ..... J QL.........L BARRlE S GIVING TORED CROSS Exceeds Expectations `of j the ' Committee-Ovei' $4,6000 , Subscribed , ~ ~ :'With the lisfs o1en ; td Noixnber Irs , t11e canvass for the B_r'i_ti_shV . 13-1 11,, innsvw vwuvuca Llll. IILIC 1Jl.1l.z1Il.V E Red d on Trafalgar"Day `man as can LL. ....-.... -..---.. Ward 2 Messrs. Sarjeant and Bur- ton ..-,. .;..$ Messrs. Brother and ' Max- well Messrs. T Fisher and A. F. Malcomson j. . . . . . . . . . . Messrs. Lewis. Wismer and E. Byrne (Dyment cheque I included)... I A\ 1:xnuzss1-:s more 1 , m 20*" BATTALION; [Captain Hedgs Tells Of 7 Words of Praise From . Lord Brooke . !' Capt. W. Hedges, who was al member of the 36th Peel Regiment at the time war was declared, has written to Mrs. Hedges, 76 Con- stance street, Toronto, to say that General `Lord Brooke, commanding the ` 4th_ Brigade, .2nd Canadian Division, at a recent inspection` of the 20th Battalion, was highly com- plimentary -in his remarks as to, its equipment _t and department. Capt; He ,ges' _q`u_otesf General - Lord." Brooke" as saying; ` ' `I M .;...n `Q5110; `l\m_ aaOai7Ii`<::1`.s, nohcommisioned o`1- (31_'_S gnd men _.o1`: j the 20th Battalion`:- iimr. iP12!1S1....`, f; ;X9_<.;-`~I;.~"`T. '1` `` -3 an; ken. an ,ta-75z9`1r * 8 l? l<.1i wzork nude; %:es:in%i`%4t1; .ftegf I fae_t',. -I :1.1l.11:3t t.9._u_..}' l,1..- thgt I;G;ei,ie1". ` f(f(c;n.tivn-u_e`d ZonT Tpayge 4) THE INTERESTS OI-' BARBIE, THE "Rial;-If '1 v tangy: QIILL 12520 and'Max- 59.4 95 BARRIE. COUNTY OF%SLIMCOE;VONTARJIO, OCTOBER ;s,L19;5 55 75 {PRIZE WINNERS %; ; rown IMPROVEMENT; ' Lieut.-Col. I Grant was in ` town `on oicers` of the 35th in regard to the Tuesday confen-ing with the local. ment. From what The Advance can ' learn. there is. nothing `new trans spired, nor will anything be done till Lieut.-Col.- Grant sees Co1.uLogie at Niagara . this ' week. Organiza- tion has been completed _in the southern end `of the county." iformation of the new Simcoe regi- ll-.. ...........a........ ..a...L:.... ._ 1.-_._.. W ..- .. -...... V-IL _...- ........._,. The V recruitingr station in town! has now 40 recruits, Sergt. Part- ridge is recruiting sergt. and sergt. Pitt drill sergt. It is likely that the men in training from dierent [centres in the county will be trans-' fer'e_d to their home towns after the _workrof recruiting for the new regie` lmeilt has st.rted.'. ` ...l SW63" Oct. 23rd a. box of bodksi weig11i1ig_ 250 lbs. and 3 boxes of . bottled -fruit were` sent to the-Field ! Co_n_1fOrt; Colllmissipners. A A 3 - \J\Jl`llJ-\}L U \..'\Ia.1nAAAn\.nJA\Ingw.guo -A Mrs.` Stewart will be very much: obliged if the Christmas cakes for! the's'oldie_rs can be in not later} rthan Thursday or Friday.- T. I EJUDGES RECOMMEND CHANGE! } IN GLASSIFIGATION . El I Mrs.e Stewart; gratefully acknowl-i edges $11, collected by Mrs. J, 'A.i Lennox, Ivy, and $10.65, collected} by Miss. Mary Payne. - J l\_- l'\_`J. "\")_,J _ L--- __- _--_A. L- The judges, in the Town Improve-1 ment competition have concluded' their work and made report. Their! awards are as `follows: To the President of the Barrie Horticultural. and Town Improve- | ment Society; 1 I 3 Attached hereto `is I our report: awarding prizes` for lawns, etc., in `the town. a i 1 . I `II mc'i`l1:e uI:1:3nM:;(:u11;aing given physical drill in addition to the usual drill.` Tyman} ` On Oct. 231_'d a- box was sent to Secour Nationale; containing 3200 ;articles, 2200 of which were sent by St. Andrew s Military Hospital! [-Club`, and the rest by the Hospital * Club. T I an 1 :7 ll 1 lull`; DU 7' II I The task proved to be an endless} .. one and it may be that there will: `be a great deal of dissatisfaction in our awards` and probably to a cer- tain `extent justly so. Our excuse for this is that no entries were re- quiredand we were obliged to mum` der all over the town without any idea as, to whose `lawns, etc.-, were to be inspected and in this way many may have been missed. If the .practice of giving prizes is to be continued we would. strongly re- commend that some form of entry` be required. There should also be `some change in classication. ' `IT. .1. AL ..-...~..1A-g `Inn cvnurr In-unnn I DUIIIU bllullsv ALL vnuuuansvu-unvnno ' We do not consider the very large properties as under the existing classication. It did not appear to us to be fair to have them com- pete. 1:1 A nmrqxmn . 1 ANNUAL The annual meeting of the Barrie brunch ofthe Canadian Patriotic Association - will -`be held in the Police Court Chaiilbers on .Tu'esda__v evening, Nov. V 2nd, at eight o c-lock. All {citizens interested in this great movement are urgently requested to attend, as `very important business! will come up - at this meeting. . I .L3c1u.y, J.V- \Ju.Uv(2 was `V Kest Kept Premises, $1,000 to] $2,500-1st, W. J. Partridge, Cha.r- 4 lotte St.; 2nd R. G. Manuel, North % gt; 3rd, Archie Wilkinson, William ` t. ' 4 Best Kept P1_'emises,`over $2,500-'- : 1st." J. H. Bennett,` -Bayeld St`.; * 2i1d, H. `T. A1-null`, Elizabeth St.;\1 3rd, Geo'1_'geBall, Maple Ave. 3 " 1 Boulevards-1st__, Af?~(L`a.rson, Small 0 St}; 2nd, Jas- MeMarti`ri', `Small Sm` ;_Boul'e,va'.rds,'~jmade this. you;--Dan. Boultonnpvfvenl-St._ 0 0 I * La,wns_ ,a,nd_ T Grass; Plots. `public ' buildingl-;-l1st",: `Hospital, 7 St.; ` Pres_by`t'eriane- Chureh,"`v 0 `Owen ` . '__1_n_a'n; _(3ath9_1i q_ jQ11;1:GH, 3rd, P.'_ J . Lyneh, Peel St_. 0' 2nd,"-` "_."-3rd" 0 [JD |4\.II LE. A.WIsMER ` G. M. VANCE J. R. COTTER Best Kept Premises, $1,000 assess- ment or unde1`-1st, Fred_ Norman, Burton ` Ave.; 2nd, Charles E. Partridge, Owen St.;" 3rd, W. `R. Neilly, N. Grove St. 3-..]. 74-.` nunun:nna Q1 M `A I 1 1 t. K. I I THE COUNTY REGIMENT * FIELD COMPORTS A711. 00 W links, 5 being T COUNTY OF $IMCOE;AND THE -DOMlNION OF C`ANADA-OUR CRITERION. [E Bxumcn ' 1'>A'rmoT1c ASS N President Porritt s report noted? `that 530 patients had been admitted` [to the institution during the year,' or 86 more than the "previous year, _and thedays of _ treatment 12.9-19. an increase of. 2197, an average of` somewhat over_2-1 days per patient. The treas. report shows a deicit of; $107.34, as agrainst $148.26 last year, at which time there was a !liability of $650 onithe elevator` ac- cQnnt. The V\'omen s Auxiliary con- tributed $-100 towardsithis fund." 3 ROYAL VICTORIA ANNUAL MEETlNG ilncreased Service Reiideredi 1 I 3 t by Institution--.-Women s ` Auxiliary Mel; Cost of New Elevator ` " 1 I I IodQIJ\aI\-\-`\.I x. A. xv vvuna.\.n snanu All The medial report showed that [the number of patients 11i1de1- treat-' lmeht as 530. 95 births, 18 deaths. ope1'ations of all kinds and surgical; cases `.219. medical cases 142. f'I'V`I.- ._-I._- ~ _.O LI.-_' ___._,'L-_I `l_-__'I] The value `of the" hospital build- Aim: and lot to the rear is placed at ;$`-25,300.00. VThe furniture and t-I ltinczs at `$4,000.00 - . _ 1-rv______9- A'--__:1:-_--_ __-_-__.L_J u ,5. J.una v ;nan_u `pi. \-.J.Q\'vvovv- I ; The Wome11 s Auxiliary reported lhaving paid t_he total cost of the mew electric elevator. $100 hadl [been contributed to the hospital ',ship and assistance`. given to the [Red Cross in the way of made-up |snpplies,i this was over and above `the re2'ular sewing for the hospital. `The Aux. `nancial report showed receipts of $593.74; expenditures of $526.42, leaving a bank balance and cash on hand of $63.32. ' I1 I 1 gnvnau. I.LAo awn 4 o n.` \JAAIIr\/, R-'A\\1l\Vl\.-KID "The treasu rer s='stat.ement of cur-i [rent account Wshfowed receipts of. '$117-15.46, with- ezqmnditures of $118533-1._ leaving: a balance decit of $113.38. 3 1'\ .`A. I. u 1

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