[:1 . Mul- ` Expenditures ` 1i;s;3i't3;i HALF PRICE mav-av T. `.;.`.$ 10 75 Saturg $17277 95! . .$157 '80 ..$553 12} ..$ 67 30; % 75 00 15 50! %:$395j32i .301 ! President, Mrs. Calderwood; lstl [Vice-Pres., Mrs. Shanacy; 2nd Vice-I `Pres, Mrs. Jackson; Secretary. Miss` 3-M Livingston; ,Sec y-Treas., H. A.| Jory; Chairman of Executive, F. R.l Porritt; Committee-one representa- tion from each church, to be named by the respective clergymen. I iwith the new office of chairman of I executlve: * V -g.- ;-u--. .. .4 _'rH1'. COMING or The Toronto papers of Saturday announced that the big trek of troops from` Niagara. to Toronto and other winter quarters will begin on October 25, when details consisting of cyclists, engineers, army -service land .medical units will set out. In- fantry battalions will follow at in-I tervals of a day. The journey to Toronto will take six days. There will be no ma1'cl1ing' on Sunday. The; 76th Batt. is slated to leave Niagara on Nov. 3rd and should reach To-_ rontopon the 9th. This date will make the time of arriving in Barrie at_ least two Weeks later than thel former announcement. If the date` as announced in this last order is correct, the troops will not reach Barrie before the 10th of November. I One well fed hen is bettei than` {two half starved ones. I 75 Iii! Vsuxvg ?I\rI'o You sltzould see our range of? men's and boy's Cape, Mocha, Buck and other makes of gloves, gauntlets, and mitts prices, , . . . . . . . $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 40c, 35c, 25c, V ; wearers. The quality is in them and they lead in new patterns. Get your Fall supply of several styles now, see our East win- dow, sizes I4 'to 18' price Q1 All u - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - -., ?-.v`, We have the arrow shirts at A - n-nu 44 our A` AA We believe that; these are the best shirts made in this country at these prices. We have judged by comparisons and .by the service they give to . their _-__.._-a. '1.o: `$1 .35. 3 17663" _L---|_I .._- _.-.. ..-,....... SHIRTS THE SOLDIERS` Direct fromthe mill at very small prices they run 3, 2%,` 2, 1%, I14, I yard lengths,you can- not afford to miss this money saving chance. Here is a greatbig bargain for you. \Vith all linens going up very fast, as-this is the last lot we can give you at this price, 2% yards long by 60 inches wide Table Cloths big value 55 I_ .35 sale price .. ..... ................ .`. ....... ..-...99c. MILL ENDS 01-` TABLE LINENS E At the last regular meeting of the `Board of Education, it was decided that aeonference be arranged be- ltween the Sarjeant Coal company and the. Board of Educ.tion; this meeting to be held on Friday, if {possible to arrange for that date. A-..-_-.].....'l__ _ ___-_:-'I _.A__1_3,,,, I lzvuununv uv l.|.L.Ls~AA`;.5\.4 .L\JL ulluuv \|(A4U\.u Accordingly a special meeting was icalled, to which the press were not invited. The only absent member being trustee King. YIVL- 'D..._..,J _._--A. :_.L_ --___,,,,~u,, uuvanlb UL uuuwu LLJAIEO The Board Went into committee- of-the-Whole, and after consider- able discussion, reported as follows: ((YT...-.. ......_..-:u...- -1: L1_- 1171, ,1, , way u uuuuuuuu Al L\4lI\ILL\/\.L (I.-D 1.UllUVVDo Your committee-of-the-\Vho1e re- port that the coal question has been amicably settled between the Board and the Sarjeant Co., Ltd., to the lsatisfaction of both parties, the `contractors having; acted in good faith, the Sarjeant Co. will com- pletethe coal contract as per agree- ;ment. V I Sunday, 24:1. Oct., 1915.--Mid- lhurst, 11_ a.m._; Vespra, 2.30 p.m.; Minesing, 7 pan. ' 7|... ..13....'4...-.-- L'I_-.-__-fL. ,1 :1 `I IMiflie`igigfeiztoizg;-Iizhroughout the day will be devoted to the British Red Cross Society and the Oifder of St. John.--Rev. .'~h'thu1' Strother, Rec- ltor. ' market at the price. kemton Belmont, Devon, . Chadley. 5th Avenue, Marley, Radnor, Max-gate, and Dover. See our men s grey wool socks at 25: they are big value 33c. they are the best collar omthe Arrow collars 15 2 for25c WILL COMPLETE CONTRACT PARISH ' OI` VESPRA "All of -dresses and coats. uunuu l \\\\\ A o .011. T11esday morning: two of our prominent jvotlllg ladies quite a". bath at tlleji . from the smoke stack of tlfe _f _ ta1121pa:~:. train. They ` `hA agree that wot soot is hard 011-,s7h'ite_ Mr. J. Clark, -who has been en-E ,r:ino_o1- on the Hamilton vpsenger for the past._\oa1'- is` r'e`tu1'ning"-tof. live iv11TA1la11 The G.T.R. havei discontinued tho third engineer on this run. Mr. Clark will now 1i1n f1'om11m'0 to Toronto. T ' jr 11v 1- run 1-: . q .., ux-x LIV LIILKJIILIIO .\Ii'. Wm. .Ta1'(linC-, G.T.R. conue- t01."`ll0 has boon ill for two 'yeii'1"S at his home in Han1ilton, Was in Allanclalo 011 Monday and expects; to 1'0s11I11c his old passenger `r1i1 1"`i`p' tho co111'.<<- of two or three weeks. M1`. and M1'.~t. E. \"ice, of Norh Bay, who have been visiting with U1`. and Mrs. Rusk, left 011` their home on Satn1'day. Ah` 1 h u \r|.||-`\ I homo E: r'(uHlua\'. 5 v Al-ed Dart. of the 76th Batt., Niaum-a, was home over Sunday. .- Mr. J. D. Wisdom was in Toron- to last wot-k on a b11si11es trip. M1`. Jno. Webb Was. in Toronto. fora ('m1}Iv at? days the latter part 0f`tho week. ' Mar- onsider ng and vroduce .---Car-' nun H121 Ill] *[ Mr. av1'1r`l .\I1'.<. A. 011 -qat11rIa\`. a:I'to1' 111 Hi(:hInr)n_J. 40 p.m., when M jumped oif-7 `tlie 5' fa farmer s Wagon one` wh_i(_-,_h' . ~ 11 L ewabf Alex. McEachern s auto; d was imme_diately' knok; V nscious and did not regain .10. . iii? Mr. McEachern -stoppehfso is W119 and Mr. Peter, Clark _,picked. [ the P03 1a. fhosp knocked out,_ but .no bones_ were broken and n his condition is 1 critical: ,, . _ rout hopes tor his recovery. He is -; 3 5-on of conducter Wm._ Hunt `and .resides on Bradford St. _The _a,c(-,i.` dent happened Just opposite. his {Ethel- s residence. ` .. Last week the G.T.R.'had the new ambulance here one VIGW for the railwaymen to see before forward- ine it on to the tron_t. The _machine ' was made by the Fisher Motor `Co, eorillia, and cost $1800, and it cer. tai11l;\' _ credit on the railwaymen for donate mg such a handsome car to such a m~t1i_\'- cause. The railwaynien .haVg placed a second order foran, . other ambulance to be delivered sh01'tl_\'. new m0\'il1*.L'i picture show, is appal--1 ently :1'oin.: to give his patrons ex-.' cepti011a1l_\' good music at his `shows by the e1i:1`a2'ei11e11t of Miss Harbor ` as pianist. Miss Harbor ,is among thc leading" pianists to-day playing_ in the inovies and is -very highly; Claude Hunt was s"eriiouMsliy {in-.;;_ R i d on Saturday even1ng'a'abm1t;1 e W` ` and stepped iright in it 'usncss till Monday; aten.oon',. up and rushed him to}:-the" It was found he had `four; although the doctors hold` 1-eeets a great deal? iofu Mr. A. Paton, who is starting the}. spoken of in many of the theatrest of Ontario 111 the la1`ger centres . where she has been engaged. F01. the last few weeks she has been playing` in the Barrie Opei-a.HguSe comin}_-' there _from Sudbury. , Mr. A..lfred Lang`, for1nerIy.con- ductor r1n1ni11;r out of here up till afcn: years ago, is renewing old acquanitanees. Mr. Lang is on a two weeks vacation and leaVes':here"! Th1n'sda_\' night for OttaWa".5 He is now connected with the C.P.P. at Saskatooii. ` ..i.-..-...-., 1 . I A -- \u\ \\ l'('f\o ! .\I1';~'. IC1z1h1'<~(" of` Toronto came _u_P:'o fmln Tm-onto on Monday to Vlslt hm: son. Dr. Ifmhroe. Ur. Wm. 'I';1'_\']o1' left on ASat111' 1'm- \|',..`1.. 1 ' Roong ! Roofing ! Rng! Get your new} roof on or fpaired before winter sets % _We have Quality andQuanti ty. V Our` Sentiel Asphalt` 1- Ply for " ' ' Our vMoha.wl< Asphalj. 1 P1Y_ f.r-'4 Our Certain-teed [Asphalt 1' Ply.:l"".` OUF Certain teed _A5Phak 2_ Our Certain teed: ASp`h3IF3 I?].Y f .L \./lllu atised et qf__ REL % L n ron REDi,"01wS,,:' V1}:W--I'ORMER. MEN IN '1'0W,N.~ a PERSONALS . on Saturday! -:11. {whm-o he is to under-% z':nirm on his leg`. Walker returned; ,l.V.l..LlJ.\ can - . PERSONALS V . vvp--\/J. ..\,u\g;.;.vv. T a short vacatio figure on 'yourf VRoofing% Requiremelits % X T er `into. . to t_he wuu vA_A\. uvutluo UL Au.Uh1Vt3, l.'UWU.l'. The observation car Was the.busi- ness end of `the. train, here expert judges of track ' conditions were on lduty constantly, noting the condi- tion of -track and roadbed and giv- ing percentage.marks at end of each mile of track by means bf an elec- "trical apparatus, which registered `the ma_rk_s on. a dial, , from_ which _'they were recorded by engineers to "be afterwards. `averaged -for each` gsection and to form the basis upon . Which the section to` be awarded` merit marks for. best general con- ;ditions, _would be selected. As an `-incentive, the section. foremen of various Idistricts-~v~ securing best; `marks on last year s inspection were taken on the special to see the {condition `of other portions of the 'divisi_on. This was the second oc-l casion of annual "inspection con- ducted, in this manner on the Grand Trunk, and the educational and practical results of these trips, we are told, are far` reaching in maintaining standard track Work. The Christmas Box Committee of` the ' Railwaymen s Patriotic Com- mittee, of which Mr. Jas. Clarke, of the .Y.M.C.A.i_s, secretary, has com- |p_leted' the Christmas boxes, 25 in all to be sent to the railwaymen `now lvsrving in- the trenches. They will 3- be shipped across the water the end of; next week. Each boxcontains all Christmas cake, half pound" of to- ,bacco, 100 cigarettes, suit under- .wear, pair sox, pipe, candies, nuts, raisins, leather shoe laces, I tooth -brush, four .-packages gun, note paper and ' `envelopes, Christmas cards -anda personal letter. v . .*% autos. awaiting "the party. ` A re.-_ gzeption committee composed _ of Mayor` Craig, Reeve Bennett ` and -Dep.-reeves Soulesk and Robertson I `(Continu"ed: 1)_TV ' .eseoi`ted the visitors to the `waiting when all the 'beauties of the "mun- icipality! were . pointed . . out. . The members of the party expressed astonishment_ at the beautiful situa- tion of Barrie, stating that from the train no proper idea could be had of the beauties of the town.` That the Barrie reception was ap- eautos. A tour of the `town was made, lpreciated was evidenced by the fol- lowing letter of appreciation re- ceived by the` Mayor: Allow me to thank yourself and repre- sentatives of the Council for the officers of this company who passed `through Barrie on the annual in- spection trip yesterday The kind- eness of the citizens and beauties of `the town will long` be remembered by your visitors.--Yours truly, P. J. Lynch. ' A1. LL- All `I `I I " courtesy and attention shown the. IWA`? Allandale headquar- t'ers~ the `shops and yards .were in- _spe_cted. ~ rm_- ;___':_- - ml 1 n .--'1'v_VVV _ . E The train` was composed of seven {coaches and the baggage car, at the .rear Was the observation car, then came the sleeper and `the `official ears of the Gen. Supt., Toronto; Gen. Su'pt., Chicago; Supt. Lynch`, of the Barrie Div.; Chief Engineer `and the Supt. of Motive Poweiu "Il..-.'.-.'l.......-.-...4.:.... ..-_- _-_ n 7 I icHRIs'1-MAS BOXES ron % G. '1'. R. MEN IN FRANCE The ever -wecome ' pay _ car made` its` monthly` -`debut on_Monday. Mr. Thos. Paton , of .;Toronto visit- ed his son, Andrew, over Sunday.` _Mr. A. F. Garrett, Bradford St., preachedthe mm-nino .=m.m.... :.. n... lpr:he1i'.t x;;;;i=; K Methodist ` church,` I E Sunday` last, A ` " ` + ' i=;ha.V:1ng, an weeks hohday and 15 bemg relieved on the .Hm]]fnn run "kn ....._:l___; twenty usual .1. 9113 > " v"."""'. -'a-. W..:-' 4?: -991.08 1161.1! = bxieond 4 v.1: . ' . 2*!` . Tudaiy nigh for.` a. - I? `ipgi him in 'the;\_West_. rAticm..%i .$l.00 per I . $1.75` per -$2.25 per f . peg- ..._---...\v.n.\A IJUI, ; sermon in the `Penetang, ~ V on` (I013 116 z 5 5nd ~_.1 eft po_sit_ion. wait; square square?` Square _ square sq-are , Painswick, ,.Stroud, V Shanty . Dalston, have been very `generous -.--as-w u.uu._- (lL5I.ll.l4I.DU" uavc uucu; "own, branchi , C `Craighurst :particu-_ larly doing splendid. work; one member supplied the yarn for the . branch entirely ._from the. prdceeds of her baking, ,,another_ member pre- sented ai bale of imilitary _ annel from the _pr_oceeds- of her cooking. `Such enthusiasm_'- for the work should beta "very inspiring example to, all of .us. '-The auxiliaries are Guthrie, `Ivy, ` Minesing, Midhurst, Bay, Crown Hill, Holly. All are doing good _work , Minesing has turned in some particularly good sewing, also 120 pounds of V honey for the `hospitals ; their weekly sew- ing .meetings average an attendance of 30. Painswick, Stroud and Ivy ' in their contributions to the store. hurst possesses `the distinction of being the only _ auxiliary with life members, two having," registered from there. The work of the young girls at Guthrie is most encouraging. In many places -we'nd it difficult to interest. the young people in the work. , In this connection it is. in-' teresting to note thevexcellent work which some of t_he young. people in Barrie have done , the name of the Soldier s Aid. The Saturday luncheon and candy` table are in- their car; under the able leadership. of Mesdames Wilk# inson, Bob. Paine-and Moore their fund is growing `to very handsome proportions. This fund" is quite apart ' from the gciieral Red -Cross Fund and is to be applied for the assistance of disabled soldiers `at the end of the war. , $75 has al- ready been given from this fund for the endowment and. maintenance for one year, of a cot in the Duchess of Connaught s -hosp_vital,. Clivenden, on the Thames. _This hospital has, however, been so_ well subscribed ito, the girls decided to `apply their "money from now on themother __m'ost deserving funds. In closing I would like to thank the other oi-A m cers of, the execut5_ive~ for the `very loyal support they" have given both ,to me and \to thevwork during the past; year, and feel sure -that in-5.theA eomingvmonths the work of the.Ba1'- rie branch `will continue` to grow in the same proportion which it has done in the year which is over. "VI... .I.`-II-_Z_- ______ 1, 1 I I I r 1 I Mid- | working A ' under I I I I I I 5 I I `V Allan.- -12 -43 \I ....... ..., ........ .._, W..- tributions . . . . .'.~ . . . . . . Churches, etc . . . . . . . . . . .' Societies . . . . .. County Grant . . . . .- . . Town Grant (acct. _$2400) . Concerts, etc, . . .' .. . . ;. . . Red Cross rooms, sales etc. Badgessold . . . . Mite Boxes _. . . _. . ., Bandage fund, Mrs. Murphy Goods sold . .`.` . .d I1 . . `Branches outside .' . _.`f . . auoo. uaol 5_I_V" ,,Membei*s,,.`associal_t >. . Members, regular _. ._.' . _.f Remitted to general fu1id.$11445 41 Purchases, local . . . . . . 3317 '30 Purchases, A outside . . . . . . 1819 11 ADonat.i91` o Fielgi Comforts - 50. 00 court a 0. -` _v~ . an art; i;;t%M;*;*:*<:* { { Efipting, 'exp19;es;;, _.<:a.1'.ta,`g.g*.a ,1ig1s*>. te1ePh9n ;e> etc _ments as ` `regular not been, conductive _the :most complete details,-in some '_ If 311 who have been credited withl $25 `payments. are to be taken as life `members, those with $2.00 pay- , members and those Who" have paid` $1.00 to the funds of the Society, Associ_ate members, we have a total number enrolled of 33, 129 -and _ 112 Are- speetively. It is true there " should] be no indeniteness, V this `character, but _ the changing of officers, during the year, and my own short tenure, as secretary, has to arranging particulars. I desire to thank. offi- cers and members alike for uniform `kindnessand courtesy. Signed, M. Liyingston, Secretary. as to data of` Thebfirst meeting` of the Biarrie branch of the Canadian Red Cross` Society,_ re-organized to meet the -necessities of the terrible conflict in Which"We` are now engaged, was held at the home of the president, Mrs Calderwood, Sept. 9th, 1914, and down to the end of Sept.', 1915, tWenty-nine meetings have been convened, and the attendance has- averaged 15.41. A ' ` To Abal. on hand from Soc..$ 66 04 g ` V o_ . Receipts`- To donations; personal, etc. 1660 91 Donations, monthly con-V J....1l..--J.2-.. .. ' znn nn \.q.\.IAn\J nu. I/)|u Jvou. vvuxuu ID UVU1. I -The following reports were read ;and adptedz - ` [ANNUAL ~mI1iE . r f; pate` 1) `a 1 -`gain which has been `to us -it has been `the means of "interesting many more people in the Awork, particular- -ly those in -the country districts, many of _ whom contribute most lib; erally and patronize the lunch room on Saturdays. It has brought them more or less in touch with the Bar- rie members and :ha_s._;been in sever- al cases the direct means of"estab- lishing auxiliaries. There are two branches and 1 auxiliary in. the im- mediate , neighborhood of Barrie, all of which . I have_ visited personally; Angus and Craighurst - have their htrrn Inna... AL . (V.--- 3 --1 -- ---L 8, expenseg. EIAPER Secrefary*s Repdrt '.r':xit' III? IICCII ant (acct. _$24_00). Annual Report Disburseingnfs oIuI- on`: \a\ronua.\l_& v-4 - 4i%56 expenses ; *">138.T;e16` 1369o rmmrnnnNjr4nvA2Ien c$1es89:4s1- $17277 95 503 00 767 92 503 15 8000 00 1200 00 2182 12 1737 89 17 70 17 30 91 95 126'30 298 41 729 26 16 00 60.00 g3 80] Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 388 47` Treasurer's Report Soldiers Aid E The Soldiers Aid was organized, on the fourth of May, 1915. Since that date receipts and expendiutres have been as follows: ` Receipts Fees . . . . . . . . . . V Saiturday _lu11ches . . . . . 12th J ulyv lunches . . . . Pictures Mrs. Drury (re decoration) . Proceeds` of rose days . . Candy table (3 Saturda.ys)..A: I Groceries` . . . . . Cot in Cliveden Roses |Tot_al Expeflditurq . . .. 4.; v \4A-Inr,\J `day .. . Average - day .. V Cash on Average - . .1--- Average p1-ott -pe`r Saturday 83 7 95 Stella H. Clutton, Treasure Oicers j Elected ` ` e The election of voicers resulted `in the re-election of the old oicers! % Total Receipts Navy blue flannel shirtsbig value _ $1.25 price .... ........... .._.$l.00g Light grey. `flannel shirts made by the Regal Shirt co; with reverse- able and soft. collars. Plain light and grey stripes sizes 14 to 17 these are large body shirts `and they are big value , ........ ..$l.50 With a $75.00 purchase we give you a Ladies or Gents Gold Watch. You do not have to make your purchases all at once, you save your coupops. Get It. Included are short lengths ancl odd pieces left . from our busy Fall selling. To clear them out we are willing to sell them at . You want to get her: early on Friday morning as they will not last longjat fhcse small prices. `There are in the`lotASh'irting, Flannelettes. Cot- tons, Wrapperettes. Dress Good, Linings, `Table Oil Clgths, Etc. hand. .. .. . . . . . . . . .$ receipt per Satur- - ' m expense per REMNANT SALE