Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Oct 1915, p. 4

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l|\l,lIh1\/IIVILKL 1.1:;-`bulb Vt ~`1`"" J V` *'. . . ..`.' '1i ; L Mr. J. R. Grey, lot..20;{"`o11}LI`11;' ;E8Sa.: will sell by pub1ick-!iuction%Von% L%'%0io;tobe;% 28th;; qll`,hi8.i stock Ima- ; '_4`fwithout=~.ix9serv?. _ W _ . fono` TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED , % ron PATRIOTIC PURPOSES l:uI:\AL\at.) U1. vuc v1u1u1_u'Ju ` An appeal has. been received froin Geo. A.ePutnam, Supt; W.I., askin;2;: for the hearty co-opexfation of the` i I members-Tin the Trafalgar Day col- lectjon. v` as -- "'2; i5iIiI2`7fE3 Q5311 iielggived in. ai.d.: of Red Cross-. A Vcordial invitation is extended not only to the mem- bers of the Institute `but also to the [ladies of the vicinity. - I A ......-.....I L-.. 1...--- --_--:A--J .0 The October meeting of the Churchill W. I. w_ill be, held at the I -`home of Mrs. H. Pratt. _An inter- esting program is being prepared by the committee in charge. A _A Dime Tea will be served A43 D1111 r`......,.. A ......,1:..I :----:L-L:--_ -..--u, _-yo-V- v_v,vvu.1 JLVJ ,:LU1JlL\/L lJll_ A remami was: made til the `of Nov., when sentence will be pro- nounced. CHURCHILL WdMEN S `INSTI- TUTE NOTES " "On the second day of Barrie Fair, Fred Mason of Ivy took on more whiskey than he could carry and at] the same time be aware of his ac- tions. `When he was ready to leave town he proceeded to the Simcoe House stables and hitched up two horses to a buggy and drove off. Arriving to his brothers at Ivy with` the strange outt, the brother tele- phoned to sFowler s `livery stable in Barrie. By `this time Messrs. D. lWilson of Egbert, and Jas. Feltis, `also of Egbert, had discovered that their horses were missing and from "the description given it was known that the missing horses and rigs hadl been `taken by Mason. A warrant] was sworn `out against Mason and] on Wednesday last Dep.,Sheri1I Smith and County Crown Attorneyl Cotter went" to Thornton, where` the: p_reliminary trial was -held.`-_ .;...f`I}l1e` magistrate committed -Maso'n?' to, stand his trial before_ the County} Judge; the prisoner was brought to} Barrie and the same afternoon ap-; peared`-before Judge Vance, pleading; guilty. His defence was that of being a drunk at the time `and knew, nothing I of having taken the horses and `rig. i Several letters were put into court; testifying that the prisoner was an` honest and hard 'working`1nan anu that there wasmo ,_former charggg A YDYHOYIVI1 than vnauan 4-ill J-Ln 1`)L`I- IN DRUNKEN ' STUPOR TOOK" EORSESAND. RIG; A i ~ _ Oct. 19th. - The weather being ideal the an- niversary servicesmon Sunday was a success. Rev. Jos. Young delivered "two `eloquent addresses. On Mon-` day evening a Red Cross concert was, given by the Holly Sewing` Circle, Those. who took partin the foreign "talent were his Honor Judge Vance. and Mr. Donald Ross, who gave` twojinteresting speeches. Misses Isabelle Allen and Lenore! Reynolds delighted their audience! as usual with theirvocal selections; The `church was suitably decorated! with Union Jacks. Red Cross pro-` lceeds amounted to over $23.00 . a.a. L\JLL\I LLILLJ L`./(06110 _ `/ifilroy ' spent `last week 1I`o`ronto- -with `&her--dafnghter, T Mrs. J. -who i`:-has:`l'I'een sick ` in `the `Western `ospiitalchere. Wheat, new, whole Wheat, new, spro1 Barley, Wholesale 4 Peas, wholesale. . . Oats, new Buckwheat . . . . Rye .. Hay, per ton` . Flour, per bbl. ;. Pastry Flour, per Potatoes, per bag Eggs, per dozen .. `D `L --LL .... -- _... 1 [ in I` Lydia Judi: .spt V` Siindayi i with friends . in Barrie. _ ,1 , . agdk. Kings Wllo.,,i.s..`Ci1L mg: with `age . soldiers, spent Sunday '5.` 11:5 1n n Inn-on " [ ; n&';`f;'1`:' js. Gilpin is visiting! friends in` the city for a'coup1e of lweeks-% V A ` ~ 1-` -at -p u . .' ... I I `'7 DIIIJ. M1 fnen "Ilia. - .' LLLVIJ ss E}?2 "vs?i1`.1`' ds in Killyleagh; `IA'."l...-n. is ...........J. 1-..; _--'1_ :, N153;-.. .,` vvsl his K -we---Vv-~.'7 , -'1-Wu"; NW"-4V.7 ;1gLhere.- ` spent` last Eridyi 11d1.:;y (Corrected by ' J6s._ Marrin, market square.) A ! 75 a 1-7-1 . Motions- " vRobertson-Fis__her -- That the Board of Works be oatithorizedv to have Mr. Ardagh give a report of 7 Enquiry Ald. Horseld brought to the at- tention of council a case that had` icome `to his_ notice of the;wife and family of a British army reservist who had not been helped by the Patriotic Fund. It Was 16 months since the soldier had gone away and in that time she had received no assistance except the salary of her husband which the G.T.R. paid; this has now expired and the fame .ily are inswant. He had order for groceries. Reeve Bennett asked if the Pat. Fund committee knew of the case, they were always willing to even strain. a. point to give help. The Mayor- said their attention had been called to the case and action was likely to fol- ilow. V ` ~ ' ~ `J: InU\CJ-\lJ. IA IJUL \J\JUI V I That `permission be granted Mrs.! ;Hawkes, Mrs. Livingston and Mrs. `J. K. Ross to trim trees, under sup- ervision of Board of Works; also that Mr. Thos. Fitzgerald be per-` mittedto remove dead tree. I _ ____.;__'-,, 11 .....uuuu vv -L\411l\.lVC ucau DIUU. V I On motion the report was adopt- ed, . Thalti ,no Tevercharge had` been made Miss Bowen for sewer on ;Bradford street: (Continued from page 1) Board of Works - Ald. Fisher, from the Board of Works, reported in favor of clean- ing the water tables on St." Vincent street, also sidewalk, of sand, cost not to exceed $5.00. _ Recently censtrtleted culvert 011' `Mary street and Sophia to `be ll- ed in, `cost not `to exceed $10. l'OWnr And all ` kinds of sun; for %FalIV' Planting. , PI'.3.1eS,`.' basket, cooking ; - yA_j1Jfples, basket, hand-"pick: '3,`-Appies, bag"; .-;_.; Butter, lb. . . . . . . ._ ; . . ;_=Be'ets, bunch . .. .-A . {%B`ets,_ basket . . .;' J ' `V `V RS3 ' ' ' =3:":1y;9.';2-_'3 --. .- .;Chickensf.T1b. . . I` . `I .. i. . Ghikens,1jfpair' A . . . . . . . . j ~_ Chickens; ' jpair'-,`; `Bantam . .1 Uumcumbers, basket . . , 1 -Cucumbers,` 3 for . . . . . .. V Carrots, basket . . . . Cabbage, head` _. _. . . . . . . `Carrots, bunch .. . . . . . . . ., Cream, coffee, pt. . . . . ' . . Cream, whipping, pt. . . `Crab Apples, basket . . _Citrons, each .' . . . . . . . . _ Cauliower,` head . ; . . . `Ducks, each . . . . . . . . g 75 - Ducks, pair . . . . 1. . . . . Eggs,` doz. ,. , . . . . . . . , Ground plums, qt. . . . . . Hay, clover, gton . . . . . . . . Hay, mixed,: ton . . . . . . . Hay, timothy, ton . ._ . . . . Honey, clover, 5 lb. tin '. . Honey, clover, 10 lb. tin Horse Radish, prepared, b( Lamb, front qr. . . . . . J Onions, dried, "basket . . .. Onions, pickling, qt. . . . .. Onions, dried, bunch . Parsley, bunch . . . . . . . . . Pumpkins, each . . . . . . . Parsnips, bunch . . . . Potatoes, bag . . . . . . . . . Pigs, young, pair . . . . ."- `. Lamb, front qr. .. 1 Lamb, hind qr. . .. . . . 1 Radishes, bunch, . . . . . . . . Sage, bunch . . . . . . . . . . Squash, hubbard . . . . . . . Tomatoes, green, basket . Turnips Thyme, bunch . . . . . . . . .. Vegetable marrow, each . . Irf Council Has Short % Session HYAUINTHS IJEVLIN & MURBHISUN For Drssnsi .A S;lvk;-a19 the correct thing this seasqn.` Paillette Silks in White, Navy, `Grey, VV_`iI'1<-`L-f," Sky, .Bois-93-rose. and Russian. .15.` on ` " 13EE1{'s',si1'1' ix? 'I{or,' 'P1i1:,' "E:3;7xI'- __hagen, Amythyst, Royal, Maize, Rose, Lavender, Mahogany and Brown . . $1.25 I\ -I Satin de Chine, Beech Bark, Tan, Pea- cock, Grasshopper, Coral, Navy, at $125 ' Silk Poplins in Green, Royal, Cham- pagne and Copenhagen, . . . . . . . . . .` $1.25 Fancy Silks in Blue, Pink, and Laven- der ` $1.25 c o o o o o o I o o o o O v o o A o o o u o at T` O n I IV. 0 'I'I"I-I `I 1 - Regimental Stripes and Highland lI`;r:z;1 for blouses. in assorted colors; . e "Black Silks, per yd. .. .. 50c to $2.50 Perv "'..`:f.". . T'\. .. _L___ 1 :&co.: 11-KS 42-43 heavy Weight Buckskin Tweed Trousers. Sizes 34 to 42, at $2.25, $2.50 and 2.75 Men s and Boys heavy Win- ter Overcoats all in stock now. These were all purchased at last . season s prices, consequently there is no ad-. vapce in prices. e Boys Over- coats,a few only, with Velvet Col-A lar,_ sizes 29 to` 33; Reg. $6.50. raw 4-n`u1; Sale pri)ce n/-\Ql.lll\J-L u\l.Ilo"('\JGa1. JJCU. Lang-Horseld-That' the indi- Igent comn1itte consider the advis- lability of cutting the timbers on ,,__- -_ \JI~J~Ll\t\lI Chairman Robertson explained that there was an overdraft of $6000, money to cover same would have to be voted on in January. It would be Well to have the cost of ,completing this road included in, 'the by-law. l Fisher-Stapleton-That the Bd.' of Works consider repairing Mes] {Donald street -between Owen and`! IeClapperton.--- arried. 0 , ' 1-,__,__ 71', . ---t- --~--- vwuw-a Robertson-Soules -- That the Board of Works have an estimate prepared of the completion of Brad- ford street road across Bunker s creek and submit said estimate to the Finance committee for use at their next meeting.-V-Carried. IVLAEH, , 7` ` 13 14 15 16. 17 1.8 . .19 [proposed sewer on Toronto street.` !If same is endorsed by the Pro-I Nvincial Medical Ofcer of Health, the Board of Works be authorized to proceed with the Work.'-Carried. . '.--v- : ' % wz: nr.do1\hn:1n; ,Kennedy s Royal Port Wine, $1.09 per bot r~.` Men s extra G. & W. Drau G. & W. Draugh't`Rye . . . . . . . . Malt ,Dra_ughi`.-I --Whiskey . . . . . . . Howard Ext` 3 Quality. Rye n1-..n_.'_u_ 1-). .. .- - ght Rye, very old -White Wheat Whiskey, qts. Royal Reserve, 8 yrs. old Corby s_ Pay Day, lmp. qts. . . Corby is Golden Glow . . . KI `V o o Q o O o o 9 . `I 'HW91`d s Extra Quality, qts. . .. Recreation Rye, asks, Imp. pts Rre9'tin Rye; Imp. qts. . . . 0 I 9 L Kennedv s Snmnl pun T...... _. `Kennedy s Dominion Label . . . . Po Kennedy s Invalid Rye (Imperial. Kennedy's Invalid Rye, screw top ask, 16 to case . . . . .. . .. Wa1ker s Imperial Rye, qts. .. .. Walker's a Canadian Club; qts. . . . . . . .. Seagram s 83, qts. .. G,&W`Special . .. G & W Rye, qts . KENNEDY _S_ _l_.]QUOR sroma BARRIE, `om. r. H. KENNEDY, TORONTO MARKETS CANADIAN mm wmsxms 3x3;, $9.00. 3x4, $10.56 Stair Carpetsin Greens and B1'0\\`n.~'. and Reds and Greens,` in Tapestry q11:1lit_\'. epereyd. 50c to 65:- Rugs, 27 inches by 54 i11c}1(_*s, in all shades, each . . . . . . . $1.25 to $2.90 Carpet Squares in extra Stout, dtlrablc Brussels aualit-y, Oriental and c011\'(-ntitmal designs. .3x3, $18.50. 3x4, $22.00 Tapestries--The best qualities in the newest designs,` 3x3i:, 13.50. 3x4, 15.00 ' Tapestry Squares, which we impm-ml direct ourselves. -are the best values in In-:1]. mgs_ A- A .u;;u--.a;-; , - -- Ladies Fancy Collars-Thc low -01- lar has come to stay. All styles and qua}- ities, 25c to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.75 n I a o I C I O o O o o OI ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE PRICE LIST SATURDAY MARKETS c_AR1jET _ SQUARES !-N21!-2%. Gwvas 2x3, $6.50. $9.00- PHONE 633. DRAUGHT R T"Oce-J. 1111 M11}- lcaster St, or P110116 510. D 1\A1\'l'7'l'I'l`I 3;. % 1 (Coal and YVood, Barrio and .-Wan: dale. 434" "I am prepared to sell 00:11 tm-nt_v cents a ton chea.po1' than `the u;~:1ml `rates to any customers whore I can use my new shoots. I am .<:1ti. to give my customers the bonvrit of this labor-saving dovico. I Soules--Bennctt-That. tho Mm`- ket and Parks connnittoo <-n11. the;,a.d.Visabilit_v ' of (-11l:1x':`in'.r and otherwise in1p1'o\'in_ tho p1'0I]11F` end ;of,. the market. b11iI:1in:.-(`m'- ried,.,,,_ r Atfc'rIoN SALE, LcoAL' TWENTY `the lot at the stone ('1'11.~`I1(-1"im0 [stove wood to the doliw-1-ml to the poor of the town this -mnin: win- te1:..--f-Ca1'1'ied. THURSPAY, (98.88. ?1')'()tt;le_, $4.20 per POI` Bottle P01` ('3: --$100 - $95 100 ' ]0 0 ca PROPRIETOR. 3X37 .-.... 1. 10 1 00 1 10 I10 1 00 56 50 1 00 1 25 1 10 .1 10 100 100 1.19. I'A1'\_`.MER S PRICES Roullion Glows in Blacks, Taxis and White, at $1.00, $1.-.5 and $1.50 per pair.` Are all :;uaran- teed. Frmlvll make. $7.75 $10.50 -CENTS CHEAPER Po` "V * ronr-I1 5350 12 no 7 11 00 .10 50 S 00' 950 . 11 U0 8 00 A11 00 8 50 11 (I0 11 00 8 00 3}} Viju - Barrie, Wholesale sprouted . . . .. L Mccimkey; ,selL on the Vmarket, `beginning ' at 10 a.m., L _}_a_ ' f 1:. rt). n;...... 1-x.5nn .. 215C 1'31: WEATHER cooking . . .`._ 20c basket, hand-picked . . 25c bag`..._. `.; . . . . ..50c lb. 28c to/30c` L_-_. -1- HIDE MARKET Jag .` . . . . . . . . . . . -. . c. b. . . . . . . 28c two-30c anch ~_ 50 mskct _ V . 100-Zgc %:1b.:...:: `,..'.-.166. ,';,fpair_' * ;pajr'-1 . .1.-'. v ,. Ac '1e1_'s,7b asket 1. . . . . . 25c. rs, .. . . . . .. 5c . . .. 20c ._. . 5c aoifee c vhippgg, .. age ples _asket~ . . V c each . -..V5c 1er,5 head .; . . . . . . . 5c ach 75c and 80c air . .. $1.50 33c-35c. plums . . . . . . 15c` zer, gt(,)n .V '. . . . $12 :ed,: . $13-gig` othy . . . . lover , ' . . . . . .650 rlover, 10 . . .' $125 Ldish, prepared, bot. 12c-12c ont 15c to c ified, . . . 25c-43c pickling c lried, b1,1nch .. 5c bunch ...._..._.._5c` green, ` . . . . .` ` .. . . . . .. Zfor` 1ch .; . .. narrow, . . . ' 5131 . 5$b95$0m 094 0 85 0 70 0 so 0541. 0540 0 55 0 705 19 00 22 00 . 15 005 17 00 955 11 00 13 00 11 O0 9 O0 7 00 '.... .. 160` 17c-18c ....,6c-6% (111 nl\ mn En &KO$ 1 VS 1C5 IO ` &VQUI L V9! The suggestion has been made in Arnprior,` says. the Chronicle, that . some of the socks now being knitted for the soldiers at `the `front should be reserved for many young` men at .home who appear to` have, cold feet when the recruiting officer. puts in fan appearance. , Would '_be_aa good! `:`id,ca _to try the plan in- Simcoe_when regiment is beingV.rais'ed. - `6 00 Oct. iido -$5.55 _ 75c-$1.25 E `$3.00-$3.50 . 35c. ff. oc-32c . 40c-"4201 1 `. .W bot. 12c-15c 18c 25c-40c `to 18c 19c to 200 T75 % .30 28 24 14 13 66 u .n.\.I\I -~ $.25: '13th. `Gage For /'.l'he_ir 'f`do1d vTeet.f _ ,1? 99 _...., vvl 10 00 _7`50 20' Anna .'. 65c AL. ,A- ito`.L- 0--. '-Jongj-Sp nt ; ;.t`hejwe,'ek=exA1d tmi :;',l;oro117 Oct. `L I A-J\IIJlJKIlJ. _ Mrs. `of"\S.tone`vvall, Man, ]w}io h,s"bee11 Staying with _her mbther, .'r_etur ned' to her`jh9meAon` Saturday '.p , 'IA'.-. ___:| 1:, n - " - +w1;I1:.w:11.d Mrs. Geo; V Green and family" have,`_ n,1`ovedL to their new ? home" at L Paiiiwick; We wish therja prosperity-A * "1u'r.` and M1-sL M. Gibson o'f. Strqud . spent Sunday with :Mis_,s M. A. Leon}3i. .v -'.-.f: ` ' '- xx Mn; . . A -- ORAIGVALE Mr. Bert Green of Toronto motor- ~d4up to Mr. Fred Green s on Sun- __A_~_~]~ kjf. ,' -ur mu - sans uI.IU\JUDDa M1v\Er.uJos.- Edwards `has returned from the_ W(_:st._ , \Ja.L\AAt.Il. U10: 1'! , _We are pleased to state that |Harvey Baldwin has been so success- -ful in passing~his first examination in the Canadian Veterinary_V___ College `in; Toronto. He was the only one out of a large class -to pass. We wish him sueeess. I M j_ . is attending the ;Veterinary College in Toronto , ....._, 1..-.,...u...., ALL uua luauc. ` f We wish to thank Miss J. Wil- ,liams ef Barrie, who helped us in our anniversarye services on Sunday by singing` two beautiful solos.. TFL.-. nn..--.'...;... ___ (V nu. uanabalge. U V1 U ucaq.b1Lu1 50105-. I The servlces on Sunday we_re_ a. success in every Way. A large. crowd lled` the church both morning and evening`.. The proceeds amounted to $75.00. ' ' - 1' `I1 ? is - A cereal . . Do., milling . . D_o., smutty `. . Do., `goose . . . Oats, new . . . . `Barley, feed . . . _. . 'ILI_- -'. J. Brown has been i [Barrie waiting on her sister, Mrs. jJ. -Har;'i,_ who was operated on for [ apgeedxcltls. __A_ 1 ' V1 . - - - l...,., ....,..y. J.Au-y\ uu.-Luuuu. I Mr. S. Sinclair is Working for` ,Joe Nickolson.' Harold McGaughhan visited D.. Kenny s last Sunday. ` naval: III ..- If T\___, 7` n "" ...-v...; u &lA4|JU uulluajn V4 and. Mrs. M. Dunavan of To-' _ronto visited friend here. , . . Oct, 18th. ' I Threshing is the order of the day -at present in this place. ` I vial. I-A LL--_`I_ `Il" , 1' 1 I` Mr John Kenney has moved his ,mixer to M. Kenn'ey sjand Ed. Potts {has moved to Joe Jacks to `put in iooing. A T I V i ' - !W1`\ iiss A. Johnson has, been Visit- ing Mrs. Kate Grjbbon. ' 111. C1 00;, ,1, - Q 5 n ' n `vs/and T Mr`. James Kelley has `sold his farm to Mr. Michael `vKenney and intends moving to Parry Sound in the spring. ' ' M.__..rJ___ T_,_____W ,` . - . ' . . I l-...,.... _... uuv uq-,_y aunt: vvccn. ' tMrs. A. Potts, Mrs. H. Smith and Irene Pbtfs 1tte11ded7 tI>1erthank-ofr- fering of the Auxiliary at `Sunnidale Presbyterian church. T -R,-__~ 1-_______ 1-` ' I DO -1 4.. ;.vuuJ uu.|.Luu. ullullillo Mrs; James Doran' visifed her mother, Mrs. ; John V Ov Neil, last {week_._ - - x . James `Smith. of! `Elmvale visited the former s father, '1_`hosf Smith,- S12, on Sunday last. Elf.-Q Tnl... Qw.:n. -12 n_`._. -_:-:L-:I ..;-vua AJIILLIIIL |J.La, U11 KJIALILIGJ larbu I ' Mrs. John Smith of O1`o` visited her brother, Mr; Patrick Doran, a! week ago Sunday; - . ` ` `` ulracn ]f...... --:...:L_.'I -1, A T Q\./11 III Mrs. '.f:;`1nesy`Gribbon and daughter Mary `visited Mr. John Gribbon `of F, unvuv: 1.r_'---_ -r1'-,,-1 ,'1 -r 1 u 1- - Hazel axidj Isabella Jordan, teachers of school sectio'ns No. _9 and 11 attended the School Conven- tion in Barrie._ . - -- A- - uvbv uug.pz.1xu.:nJ u V`V1\vII.1's. John Marr visited. at A.`La-I n1ont _s*on'e day last week. ` '1\,l`...~. A T)..LL... Ir--- 1'1 '1 '21 `I -v - ._I.c zu. \/.n.|.u.1a: uu. vvcuucauay Lllslllu i The fowl supper of the W. I. held ,at C. Sages was a success. Eighty |<,tuests were present. V 1.r-.- T..---.._ r1_.:1_1_-__ _,,1 1 '1. we spent%& noun; ;vA. uvuvusu, JJALGD .LVKu .2. J3]. W111. Mrs. McDonald andvniece of ,Mid-Vl land. are visitig the former s daugh-, ter, Mrs. M.p enney..- "I/T...-. T..1,..,. `D'l..:._ _J_1.---_'I-:I L1, . uv- `.va.IJI `spy .aJ\4n.AAL 1 M15. John Blainvgended the pre-I sentation of the ambulance of the W. I. in Orillia on Wednesday night. , T 1...I.1 Tho 1111 nan A-9 J-Inn T I '1>.nr.L1?s'roN. - ' r . _Phelpston, Oct. 18'--Miss LaVear Reynolds has returned home to the Battean, after spending a week` with friends here. _,,__ _ T e_l Ll. a.uLL\.u_u JAVJ. \./0 ' Miss. Lizzie McCabo has returned to Toronto after spending} a mo11th with her cousin, Miss M: A. Erwin. 'I.I'...... 'Il'-'l\___-1.`l ,,, TI 1" 11" 1 Straw, bundled . .. Do., loose _ . . . . . . , %. '* *Qct.}' 'ithT. Congxatnlgtions `tog , and I.-.-g..'I=. `I1;-.*:.1.__-:-r_:_ n'%`.}'~.4_;e .:'.`~x.~..A:r;a-": - % vnnsnl gyvspvxuna. v\I VIJIJ UL VJ UIL LILULILLGIJ 0 Mr. Wm. Higgins received a let- ter from his. son, Pte; F." Higgins, who is in France with the Canad- lian Expeditionary "Force. -- ._. ...-..-_, .....,... T Mrs. `J. . Osler is V visitingv relatives on the 3rdaline Oro.r A r Mr. Geo. Raikes of Barrie and _Mr. Wm. Keil attended the eourt of revision at T O_ro town hall on Saturday. Mr. M. B. Tndhope of sOri1lia represented the Liberals. His `Honor Judge Vance presided.. `Arum T A-0 `-KT--.-.1. fl1-_.-__ .n..n.\rAA ; u |&\.Q8\J v cnxsuv FLUDLUUUO ` luifr. J .`(O; Donel of West Toron- lto shipped a carload of cattle_from this` station to `th_e city on Monday. TUT`-u TIT--in 'D'-Inm. . n A . A . ..J.... .1 .. `l..L Word was 1%ceived- here on Fri- day evening of the death of . Miss Greta Wise at ,St_. Catharines. The deceased was the second daughter of 1Mr-.- Henry Wise. ` 5 `M ..- .1 n-1,... _- _-:_:4:--- s.-I-u--7 um: `1`:"()e1"xg'u:;`1;" ;3;:P'fscia1' I in thef interest [ of H 'the-.-% band iAon.Aii}F1fiday night- \ -_ ' `Mrs. Thds. `Pratt `A spent a few days with friends in, Barrie last week. ` . _ . ` i . 2 .. 1' - iWi[[.1Ts:. Shales -and `two 'daghters of Toronto w`re `guests of Mrs. -Wm. White during . the week.V; 11.. ....-.L` .2...-.,....x.;:.1...s'--_-:-.1V:_- 11-- '_Oc.t'.f 19th. Several; of {the ; farmers, aroundl -`here viewed 1 the Optario ".3 Govern_-} ment stock and grain cars` on Wed-. nesday. - A ` ' -I I `ll --- cu--1__ -_.,-:1 ,4` '1 ' 1'. n Beef Hides, green Beef Hides, cured Tallow . . .. .. Sheep Skins . .' . Lamb Skins . . . . . . Horse nHides . . . . Horse Hair` . . . . Wool, unwashed Wool, Washed . DALSTON {tmfweek . I.-'n:vr{;v' : ` -A , ' ., _.'3'.` ;';;;V:%w. ALatimer.,::?of the 130'. `. ri1 ii;fiL<`_>1"1`__j;`A_lji,a,nc,. - 3111 have chhrge 2:%.:the1.`s%`1-vies at st: Pau1"sw;hurc1i, 7 l -i_*ovn' 2-S11`nt;1ayjfr1;1efi`It`~ at 11 a.m., `.1111 ` ` The pedple of PainsWick' were "g1'eatly` s1_1rp1'iS_ed this Week when ~ they were inf0rmedi_-that Mr`. Calvin . ingvisit to ~ .Hurst, "a: 1gp$bWi`1' Painswic-k boy , fourth" on "bf and Mrs. `Johxifl-Iu1'st,A ` s %; 10,.` e ;payi11gj a y- j1ts a1iVd:b4f1'iends in Pai1'1s wi"cIi=l ':'3`.nf"" t a;rri; before go- in'g' with .}iis' corrip8if1Y` the" I.NT.'F. 46 - ."S}v_ell ,"_ "."M9Jr_1_`. ,\ i.3_orf.5_AI1c_1e_1's`h(JV't.- " En`g. fHe flivedi for_ six yars i1_1-'jWeyburn, _` Sask.,- .but:~;,_,ti1iii_d'v,`ufoi~A overseas seg- i7'ice?5t '_a1_$' z=,$eVell,__f'?:Man. His many 'f'i"~5n.d3." :`5 i?.}.*.f~"v"t1."L`?V1`.31. 1"f-`~I'.1V1.1?"T`~ kh ki` b` 5Y -i.i38$?`>! 9t*31?`1 ;tO9?L7!i$*Vi5tiV9`A andg E FORMER PAINSWIGK "BOY % % LEAVES ron ALDERSHOT An. O1ga11iZation meeting in\ the interests of the Patriotic Fund and the Red Cross and kindred societies _Was held at Shanty Bay on Monday evening; .Mr. Geo1'g'e Raikes. was Jeveni-ng` were Mr. T. Beeei/`oft and Mr.'"Ja_s. Clark `of the Y.M.C.A., Barrie, and Mr.- E. Drury. `The township was orgal-iized for the pur- pose - of collecting "fulmds. The amount aimed at is placed at $3,000, but. it is expected. ' `-that. the rich chai1fn1an and the speakers of the` township Will] double the amount! at. V . . n\I\J vnunso `Mrs. R. Boyes, Dist; Secretary, attended the patriotic gathering at Orillia on ` Wednesday, 13th, at which the motor ambulance ' given by the Simcoe VVomen s Institutes to the Canadian Red Cross, repres- ented by Surgeon-General Ryerson, of Toronto. - The presentation Was, made by the Hon. Jas. Duff. E3 6..., IIVJL. uvuvxx ter, per lb. /Butter, by the basket . Chicken, dressed, - . II. lint!`

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