I gpent [ford I St. Vincent to Berczy-D. H. MacLaren, T. 9T. Young, Alf. ,Wilkes, Geo. Brown, _ George Mor- `ton, "F. R. Porritt.` m____ _ _ _l North of Essa) Road-J. D. Wis- dom, A. Marshall, Jas Clark. South of Essa R.oad-.'.-S. Hinds, ' Alex. Clark, Poucher, Ja.ck'Li'a1.|r:, 1A. F. Garrett. _ ` `uuzuvvcil. ` ' _`_ _ East of St. Vincent -to N91spn- ,Wm. `Justice, Geo. McLean, W. Rainsford, Wm. Lang, C. T. Thomp- Rnn . - S011 . | A meeting Washeld in the Police [Court chambers.Tuesday evening to {complete zirraiigements fordthef~c1a1I11- vasso te own in aio e British Red Cross fund on Thurs- `day. 7 Mayor Craig `presided, with Dep.-reeve -Robertson as secretary.l The town was divided into districts` and committees appointed to take. up the Work, The Red Cross roomsl .will be used as a headquarters dur-i ling tl1e day and it is likely the re- 'turns will be received in the Coun- cil Chamber in the evening. While lit is requested that the subscrip- tions be in cash, it was. considered better that the payments be extend- ed till the last- Saturday of the month. The districts and the col- lectors are as follows: 11-..; -1: 1-Ia! , f`. .. _ nvuv\IJ.\J .Luu.U w a . I A East ;;'uNuecison St.--Georg Coles, }Richard Stewart, Wm. Frek, Thos.` j%CaldW_el1._ ` Town` Divided Into District8 I % and Canvassers for same ! Selected. RED CROSS CANVASS I It i was Thursday of last Week that Mayor. Craig learned that the party of railway men _would pass through Barrie on Friday,- and he got in touch with Mr; Duff, of the Supt."s oice. Accordingly an in- vitation Was Wired` to `North Bay [and on `Friday morning a message lof acceptance was received. from .Muskoka VVharf, where the party was `being entertainedto a sail on `the Muskoka lakes. The Mayor and Mr. H. D. Jamieson got into touch with the owners of auto- mobiles and at 2.15 pm. Whenthe `train pulled in .there were eleveni (Continued on page 5) I In' additin, on ths train there were a large number of Supervisors` of Track and B. & B. Departments and` Asst. Engineers from all parts of `the Grand Trunk. _ ff ermission has Been obtained to` m_1 a county regiment of as ~many: battalions as. desired. As _ has a population .. of `.01! he 3 It is thought .th9,jtj;.there_`-= L n lyttle ditculty ' ` T Walton -- ' [, 191.5 FEELING FINE] l"'1\`i3n}"3%" the boys were present in their gymnasium suits--also the girIs-which gave an added sporty atmosphere. The events of real in- terest were the various competitions for the_ boys in which good `gym- nastic prowess was required, and (Continued `on page 8) Events Were Well Contested --Championships Won by ; G. Clark and C. Pae. ............. .vvvJ.\4 uu:n\.:l.L uvcj. 111 1uUl.vU1"o~ On `reaching the . grounds the pleasant afternoon was ' begun by singing the National Anthem, after which Mr. Otton, chairmanof the Board, shot the pistol. Hasty pre- parations were then made for the rst event and the. various competi- tions began. y The annual eld day of the Col-. ; legiate pupils` was pulled off with the usual fun and ourish,` despite the cloudy and chilly state of the weather.` The Agricultural park, where the sports were held .on Fri- day- of last Week, contained a fair- : lylarge and a thoroughly interested crowd. Practically the whole school, teachers and pupils alike, met on the park grounds, all evinc- ing a hearty and noisy interest in the sports. VIVL- _L__J-__L_ , , 11 1 1 .0 % vAA\/ tarry ; vuo The students assembled shortly after 1 pm.` at the Market Square, from which they- marched to the grounds. The cadets led the pro- cession folloWed_ by the various, forms, the fth form leading. The `staff were taken "over in motors.~ t'\... ._.---`I_f-, _, A1 1 .- jANNUAL spams` I or COLLEGIATE v-vn-9 It was decided that there should be two meetings a month. The rst Monday in each month to be an executive meeting, the third Mou- lday to be an open meeting. 1 ` President s Address I Mrs. Ca1derWood s report refer- 'red to great increase in the _work [since the rst shipment was made, the approximate value being $123.; the shipment of Sept. 16th last was valued at $586. .52 budgets have been sent! to the frontby the So- ciety during the year, first to Major Raikes, and since he was transfer- [red to hospital duty, they have been sent to Bob. Smith. The Red Cross shop and tea room was opened at the end of April and has been a steady source of income to the branch. In addition to the financial k (Continued on page 5) coes, , . .T1_l9 ' . V . .ei munlcipallty 1" thes , pJ5` ' V0 ,/ vi. L. v \. _ ., G ,. mmittees 1 ev ry appolnt 00 4 ' . - 5. . coI11P5e -d??nn1ittees W111 be jclvilians lary Ities V ',1, and W1ll}1eaf:Eili1;:?: Yaut111;t. in the Tecru ~ "asked n.a11A\aLL\4A\.A vvvLl\ .l.\JJ. ULIU |3\}Ul`7U.Vo A new office Was created, that` of Chairman of Executive. The duties of this new office are to light- en the yvork of the president, Mr. !Porritt Was selected for this posi- tion. President : % Report Shows Satisfactory Year of Work--Balance Of Nearly $400. Theannual Ixieetinfi of the Barrie branch of the Red Cross Society was held in the Red Cross rooms on Monday afternoon. The meeting ;Was a thorougl1l_v representative lone, with lots of enthusiasm? and a determination to continue the Work till the end `of the War. A pleasing feature of the meet-. ing was the presentation to the 'president, Mrs. Calderwood, of A a. {magnificent "bouquet of chrysan- themums in recognition of, her splendid work for the society. A nnuv A132,. vvv A n . . ....4|...J L`L-L- ANNUAL MEETING RED CROSS H ' .*}1{3 Hgme-made % , Candies {suoo PER ANNUM IN Aowmclt SINGLE COPIES THREE OENTI BUY YOUR. Em ! D! TO-DAY AT 0 act.`-24th, 19150 0 V 21st SL'.\'DAY AFTER TRINITY" 8.30 `a.m.--Holy Communion. ' 0 11.0 a.m,->-I\Iatiins and Sermon. 3.0 p.m.--Sunday School. ' 5 7.00 p.m.-Evensong and Sermon. `gguwin-`itr:nrsriiinw' [ You. k110'w 110W eVe1 yt11i1V1g'? costs more Wh ~_\'ou have to buy on c1'(w11t.`g \\ 113' not practice self.de5. nial 1'01` :1 while if necessary, open` a .Qa\'inu;<-Acco1111t_ in the UNION BANK OF _ CANADA, and, with tho 1nm1(-_\' 111_han_d,. buy at Cash p1'ir?0.<? `T110 discounts will help td swell _\'0u1' bank balalle, and you will have :1 ;:'00d `start towards n- ancial i11 o11de11ce. With `Cash in the Bank You Can Buy to Advantage} ? Trinity (I-hutch J- _.-.. $6 "diapf)o'i`t'1tc'3'cl.. "" " We Pay: Fares For Our Out Of Town Customers. e W e can sell you Mink, Sable, Fox, Wolf, Persian Lamb, Bad- ger, Racoon, Seal, or any of the fashionable furs at. prices (qual- ity considered) as low as they can be bought anywhere. Let us attend to the fur question` for you, and you will not be This year you _c_n `pg:-A chase `good furs at 65(53)- tionally low prices. FUR PRICES 3, M . UPHAM 5 - Manage: J. FRANK, 1 JACKSON 5 --if _x.v. No. 42` ` `wH6L:-No. THOMPSON cnsw. Puausuen V 20 ) MAKER OF PORTRAITS ay_ m_xAqjn_A Emto Barrie Branch 1118 53505 `UL nuts I yvu-av`, -........-_._. . lors were .:lled,.. many having to` nd accommodation outside the rail- , ing, when Warden Potter arose to ljiopen.` - the .m!I_10ietinge.'~ .4.4Lieut.-Coii f & gizint oIhoveg1:x :BeevQg`Iakker vo 9 = t,%iMeaotntio eoiiod-V-_ti1`:;moti;ore.>6r,2t1:xI[e V -?W9fI`i99?l.e3%-`7.7T ti``i=1? *: `o'1`."'o-sot `idea 9 3 A` ! 7' L 're1l, F. A. Grant, aergt. DI'0WI1. Orillia, '1'own-Mayorr Curran, ~ M. B. Tudhope, J. C.~. Miller, C. H. Hale, Lieut. -Harvie, Lieut. Warner, G. H. Clark, J. P. Downey. ` Orillia Tp.-Jay , Walker. \ 0r'o--F. H. `Ball; ,' Penotanguishen--Mayor . Spohn, P. ,D. Spohn, Geo. Robinson, A.-`Mc- Gibbon, S. R. Gendron. . , . Martin. r 'I'a'.y--J~. O. Staiford; - , . V Tiny--V-A, Thompson, M.P.P..o Tossorontio--`Thos..1",1ilfofr.d.. , Vospra-r-C_. F. Watt-ie. f j a A i R._V"'Vgsf; _ \JUl\LlU- ` Barrie-Mayor Craig, Reeve Ben- nett, Dep.-Reeves Soules and Rob ertson, Capt. Moberly and J. G Guise-Bagley, of the Home `Guard; Major McLaren, Major"'Rodg ers. T. Dulf, S. McAdam, R. J. Fletcher, Dr. Lewis, F. McMu1kin,~ W. `A. J. Bell, K.C. - . Beetan--H. J. Law. . Brad.ford-A. S. canlon. Oollingwood--Mayor Barr, Capt. G. E.` McLean, `Rev. (Capt.)_ - R. Mac- namara, I-I. Duncan, J. M.` Smith. Creemore- --G. Campbell. Gookstown--A. Slight. _ ` I I'los-.-Amos Train. . T - G-willimbury} -W,.-W. Wood, J . *'I1{H1ii-E. Todd. MedOnte---R. A. Walker. Midland---J. McDowell, W. Hor- reg, _F. A. Grant, Sergt. Brown.` '~ "I----`l `If--o-.. l`V.....mn M The following gentlemen werel registered as being in attendance at the meeting: - Warden Potter, Tottenham; Regt.-e Col. Currie , |' `Major Williams. Hon.` J. S. Duff. V . i Adjala _.Tp.-Thos. Walsh. \ Alliston--J. J. Mitchell; `J . J. } Goldie. . ' Ir I1 ' `I\.-n.__ 1"}--- Lieut.-Col. Grant, of. the 35th L) uvvvuo E v\.a;. `A strong memorial was adopted and a deputation appointed to go to Ottawa and` lay the matter before the Minister of Militia. ` An execu- tive committee, "comprising three representatives from each riding, was appointed, this committee to have charge of the work of organi- zation and the `appointing of sub- committees. r L CW f the ' V- vcav .n.rva.na.nA.nn an. - There was but. one note struck ithroughout the discussion, that was the necessity of giving our men to the cause; the questionfof the`e.os`t of. raising such a regiment was brought up, but only in the spirit ` of wanting to know just how `mat- fters stood. AM I I ! That the meetings meant much to the military authorities was evi- denced by the presence of `Major lWilliams, the district recruiting oicer, sent by -Co1. Legie; and Col. Currie`, the general vrecruitingj oicer, 4of__the Dominion. - T V . _i _ } Probably V the it most important meeting that has ever been held ini fthe historic court -house of the `county the , representatives of the grand old "county of Simcoe Was` that of Thursday of last week, when at the call of Warden Potter there gathered from every section `of the,` v `various municipalities. to consider the national question of raising a regiment, `composed of men of the county, for service in ghting the battles; of the Empire. I GIFTS or MACHINE` GUNS AND FIELD KITCHENS PROMISBDI ; v . I Upon Consent of Militia. Dept., the. Work of Recruiting Win Begin fA REGIMENT or SIMCOE MEN 5 P4eedng Th simcoie county wi11Re%mi{ And Kee `A Up To Strength % ` %p run. you nth. yar- --v wu - "sezitsiof the 3` gbunty co1it'1(`:i.l,-V II ll-) ..._...o `gig THOSE PRESENT of Municipal Representatives soj Decided! e.La st% Vveek, ` BARRIE.` '%f`3:s5c?3%~7a3i{ % wrote asking ` 1 .'.; ~r\' cltxzens inEI=.1i9tibi3; j many I4] ' U Viv IIVBA wv J.\IL7\DJull.\I\L Mr. W. H. Kennedy drew. atten- tion to an ; overcharge i_n his,tax bill on, general and _ business tax`, and asked for an adjustment.` . - -The Bell` Tel,` Co. T` drew attention to" the fact that `in _ future party telephone lines would be charged LL- -1...` .......2...IZ...I;...'I I1...-..-. C .'.MH o . BruunV;`n`;:`<;1`,f`;)?.thA;a`?5th Bat;t., ib{1'ote.3~epzsking that Pte. Farrow, who jied L5mad;.=:=Lwho had enlisted :at`:ia,n+ ' a1"1tL $10 `II -was Fa ,Ba`Jrrie tax-payer and 8. ?mar-. v9sh9rA%%i2oint:than<%Barri?:"bv%vaid the` V BARBIE, TI-IE r:-------- .],s7I;-`.1 "~.l:`1.1.1v;1;e?':?`f3?>lw1n:8;:'c->`1;f,"_Pre's. of the "10(_38.l W.G.T.U2fr `requested that ~th'_curfew-. hell he resumed TI? `P1 1'? `I `visf-' ayor ' vvlvyznuuv CILAIJIJ vv av: Il\l `the same _:`a.s.iv.i11`div_idt:a:i lines. .- '0 n 11 SP1` . Engineer Ardagh reported on thei `sewer levels for the new sewer eon] Bayeld street south of Dunlop; he found that when laid to a gradeof four inches to 100, feet the sewer would run out of the ground before reaching Simcoe `street, and that the electric light oice basement could not be conected. Theengineer sug- gested .afn' altemativea-onte. " um..." 'DI......luL?"'I'-.41..-uugl-N. -`D..`..:.. -c. Fcouucu. HAS % I snonr SESSION} No Important Busin'eas Be- fore The Board.` "1x1f `W7 "(:7 fE13} n;}n' `%7"fn-esent in support of a petition for a sewer on Toronto street. He wanted the work to proceed as quickly. as pos-_ sible, the i petition; being fully sign- \d;. ' t ' t A 1 1 . 1 The regular meeting of the coun- cil on Monday evening was through _by 8.30, there being no business of special importance `on the slate. The members were all present, mr.; TIT rt vrl\1'...............-.. .._.-- __.-..-_-L ` uxs 11]. auu 1161!}. There Were two matters to be dis- posed of at the meeting. The rst was ` the decision to raise acounty Batt.; the second was the .- plans for,the Major` Williams, A-recruiting oicer `for military district `No. 2. ,Majorl Williams was instructed by Col. Logie to organize the county into a County Recruiting" League, ' and to this end the meetingshould pass a resolution that if given fo`ur months we will raise a Regt., and a com- mittee be appointed to present the memorial to the Dept. at Ottawa. The County must be organized, the towns and villages will have to be work, these would be taken up by. visited and the enthusiasm. aroused. It is likely that the men enlisted in the various municipalities will be billeted where enlisted and there drilled for the Winter months; A In travelling over the county as re-| `cruiting oicer, the speaker found it hard to keep up the interest, if committees were formed at the dif- ferent centres the interest would be kept alive. ` T -_......-..a, uunu \J\IL nDa:l\.l- UVULJ Vxuage or town would befa recruiting point,` the men recruited in these places. will form. quotas and if a certain number is raised the locality will become a a recruiting centre. If the `county. Regt. is sanctioned byithe Militia Dept., the men enlisted will train in their home place, for the four months or till the Regt. is mobilized.` {By the 1st*of Marchl there should `be;1,'0O0. men enlisted, but this can not be accomplished [unless towns dig in and help. i Thorn nvnson I-nvn -M.-.4-Ln..- L- `L. .13- . _ . _ ___-c ..--v `anus/v;115 110:0 DU J.UI.Ill.| -a regiment of Simcoe county men, the said_ Regt. would be designated Eby a. number given by the Militia `Dept. He then gave in detail the .steps taken to form a Regt. Con- tinuing, the Col_. said. every Village 01' T011111 Imnvn 1onn1u11'4-:~nnh -v\A:..L~ military men present would explain- the details.` The movement was in -the right_ direction; Canada was` do- ling her part in `sending men to ght the battles of the Empire, but more men will ' be needed if successful, results are to- be obtained. , In -closing he thanked the municipal represenatives for turning out inl "such large `numbers. ' V . ` Lieut.-Col. Grant Outlines Work Lieut.-Col. Grant said the object` `of calling the meeting was to for -5: mm-imm.+ -42 q:w...-- ------L-- -Vther i at- (Continued. o_ Page 3) LION S CALLi v-v-A. I - Que.; Mr. A. Neilson, -Sec y. of In- S Supt. of "Track, Toronto, `Ont.; Mr. The party comprised Mr. H. R.- Saord, Chief Engineer, Montreal, Que.; Mr. M. S. Blaiklock, Engr. Maintenance of Way, Montreal, spection Train, Montreal, Que.$ Mr. W. D. Robb, Supt.- of Motive Power, Montreal, Que.';, Mr. T.-=Mc- Hattie, Master Mechanic, Montreal, _Que.; V Mr. . H. E. Whittenberger, Genera-l_ Supt., Toronto, Ont.; Mr. G. A. Mitchell, Supt. .. of B. & B., Toronto, Ont.; Mr. H. -Ferguson, 1).. McCooe, Supt. of Track, Toronto, S Ont.; Mr. E. G. Hewson, Division Engineer, Toronto, Ont.; Mr. W. H. Patton, `Supervisor of Signals, To- ronto, Ont.; Mr. P. J. Lynch, Supt. Barrie Div., yBarrie, Ont.; Mr. J. H. Gordon, Supt. Hamilton Div.,- Hamilton, Ont.;, Mr- J. C. Crombie, Supjt.:St.~ Thomas Div., St. Thomas, .0nt.{; _ Mr. W: Davidson, Supt. V London 4Division,:'3..London.~. , Ont.; Mr. C; _F_`orrestai';>l. Supt. Stratford, ;Div'., ;stra_tord, .QIi_t_`. , "A. Grills, General ; Roadmaster,_l* St. ` Thomas, .. Ont-.; `H. ._C.jSyvartz,. Master. of` `B-T53 uB'..<...St;/ :T!iomas, Ont.;, Mri-S J - tH~7B"383l1i?S`I5t:';`_0f:Trad .;Chiag, -J Qmfltss f ~ Aoeuevme, unm; Mr. 11. poleman,` Supt,` Ottawgv LDiv.,V 03tt(a,yvg,-: ;(;)nt.`_ RAILWAYOFFICIALS 3 ; VISIT BARRIE} On Visit of Inspection `Oven-' System Entertained Here En-Route. ' -On Friday afternoon of last Week`; aspecial train of. out of the ordin-y ary appearance drew into Barrie`, station -from the-north. What made; the appearance of the train -more; signicant e was the` line of waiting automobiles at the station entrance. The special train and the waiting autos were for the accommodation` of the big wigs of the road, who were on their second annual tour of inspection of the entire system from. Chicago to Montreal and as far north as North _Bay. 1 Toronto, going direct to Chicago. Returning, Detroit was visited, then Niagara Falls," Kingston and Ottawa. From - Ottawa the ' par- ty journeyed to North 1 Bay, and it was on the `last lap ,of the trip that Barrie was Visited. In all. i The special train started from eight days were taken in the inspec- tion. ' - ` e ` Board 731-? _Works `Sewer connections `Charlotte St. sewer .. .. ..$116 86% 63 86 'T: 177 30 iSewer maintenance .. . . .. . 5 15' `R0. square imp. . 199 54. Selection of jurors 8 00 Street 'oiling,.... 13 65 Fire and Police . ._ . . . . . . . . 46 22 Indigent . . . . . . . . 69 86_ `Miscellaneous 4 30! Main sewer workv . . . . .. . . 7 90 ' Library grant . . . . . . . . . 700 00 `Markets and Parks . 2 `A second report recommended the payment` of $10 each to the twelve recently went `Barrie soldiers who | to the Niagara camp.- I . nu L1,... . AL. ..... _...... __.L.. 510` y..-Iv , 15, vv uanv AV LlaIIF,IltLIJ \/Iklllkln On mofion the . reports werel 9 adopted. V _ _ j-f-`finance. Reports ` ` A ll Chairman Robertson of . the" Fin- ance committee, presented the re- port recommending payment of ac-I counts amounting to $1437.74 under] the dierent heads: " I Board of Works .. . .` . . . .$116 86% s. . . . ERG. .. . . . . . .. Fire .. Indigent .. 6986_ Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . 90' . "Markets and . . . _ _5 10' uva. vuvuo On motion the various documents were referred t_o their respective ,committee, , A l '>\.cvL.I\/ uvLv1.v uuc. auuvv Uulucb. | Col. Newburn, of the , headquar- ters staff, 2nd Div., wrote suggesting] that the municipality secure the- najmes of all the local men - who- have enlisted. for overseas service. `This list -to be published in the local press and also `placed in the town hall; a . ` Mrs. Graham, Worsley street, asked that a street light be placed` near her residence. _Mr. T. F. Cald- Well asked for alight on the com- er of Vancouver and Codringtom streets. _ _ I I -...._,,_A_1 . . lhaving "asked what Wasvgoinggto be done" to..the place; If. anything was done he suggested action being taken so that_ the work could `be `done before the/snow` comes. (`-1 x1--__1.,, , n -I (vCont_in_ued on page 4) rks ...g ....$ ions .... ..u ewer..T.... anc .... ;.. 1p.'. ..1. 1rors- ;... -... pooo oust vote I ./oo_lI an 000: no u-on ork_.... .... ?arks .... .. ..v v unvu vavu W llduli 'l.l1H`IaflUE. All the boys are. well A and happy i and in ne ghting T spirit. They often talk of the time they had in Barrie and cannot praise the people ;enough. Hoping the time is not distant whezL.:vze.:-gwill be. able .130 5 havq ead:%,1ipp5z+ne-niongpszv ako3'1thd`b . .th`iE ddaatyuuggg all` `w_dlI;-zuasg. its euivebf` Fawcett has i been A -.._.\..-... \Jn*I.a\Q um; VV'01l".'a&. LIL Burly leaves`- us. Sergt. Fawcett has been made `(during the stay in England) ._Co._ y Srgt; Major,` and? wishes to :;hg,l1:ememb9red . all;-g+Y,purs -`very Frank K. Knight, Sergt. in Nogl 14 platoon, writes as follows to The Advance, under date of Sept. 30. The letter passed the censor in its entirety, except for the location of the company, which was defaced beyond any possible attempt at making it out. . I wish to express on. behalf of Major Preece and the boys of the- 35th ' Regt. their ' best thanks andl gratitude to the ladies and friends of Barrie and district, `for -the` lsocks received from, time to time. You will be wondering where we fhn ifrnnnlmna A-9 I *1-* are. At the present time we are in _ ,.,,.,v..u LOUVLVCU u.'un1. 611118 50 tlme. You will be where are, 'At the present time are the trenches of the front, line, somewhere in Belgigm, but can- _not mention what -district. All `#1.... 1.....- --_ -1 gsovs or 35TH [Frank Knight Writes From Somewh_en_'e in Belgium IuI.IsIul.\A | "'MIiicaster' `Ed. Byrne, j _Payne, Dr. Z `Dr. Brothg_r_. ..v.., .. . a.u1.;..Luu. I Bercnyu to Mulcaster-D. Quin-| lan,tJudge Vance, A. S. Burton, W. A. Sibbald, Albert Sarjeant. Mulcaster to OWen--Alex, Milne, Ed. 1 Judge Wismer, Robt., Payne, Lewis, Wm. Crossland, 'Dr. Brother. Owen St. to ,Bay`e1d--J. J. Marks, L. F. Cross, R. A. Stephens, Ic. Faux, J. F. Jackson,tH. G, Rob- | ert_on._ V- uuvuo Bayeld .to To_ronto-J H. Ben- nett, J. F.- Craig, F. Otton,- Dr. Sprott, Robt. Guthrie.__` _ j_ _| l'l'I-..-._L- 1.`- A | I\JIlL\IUU, Avllllllo \JuUll11C I Toronto, to town limit north` of! I:`.liza.beth--W. P. Soules, A; Stapleton, Wm. Minnikin, W. C. Thompson, H. E. Jory, Byron King, T-. C. Fisher. V Elizabeth to Victoria.-W. J. `Gray, W. J. Gordon. 11:- -..-- - - -- " * I I Victoria to Tii,n-_-H. V. ~Ardag J. E. Mbrrison, S. N. I-I1_1rst, W. C. ~Feri'ier,_A. E. Lennox. Essa gas-_ Cl3.rk.__ G-'..L1_ -1` `FLU PERMISSION W TO FORM REGIMENT