CANADIAN" PICTORIAL RED (moss NOTES FIELD GOMI_`0RTS mm mm A ?AnvA;Nc;=: ; A. -Oct, fam_ily 12th. `Eve I pT'he big` stdlfm that Vpassed to. the-_ amt f%A!3=r1:*e onM9ndaY-f`%1astV>. v... ..v-uma um I/uc 1.1'ULll_u " Kingston will not soon {noble words and the Wis ; of His Lordship, , Justice Jllrlll IJC Lamb, `L]'.-.,.... 1.`... IJGIUII. per lb. % .....1..-L S ' inner ' Cabinets were told it '_ offered to him. I r vv\JAAno ( His Lordship Justice Lennox - I IS, more than an able lawyer and a scholarly and di_9;n1ed justice. He is a great Canadian and Britisher- a patriot in the fullest and liigliest "sense of the word. When he was in ' Parliament he was regarded `as one _ of the very ablest men 011 the oor of the House and probably if the history. of the making of would be dis- closed that a seat on the bench was not the only or the highest honorl This, however, is quite apart from what we started out in this article to say, namely that Justice Lennox is not only a patriot but a practical patriot. Striking` evidence of this fact is presented in the pleasing a11d quite new departure which his Lordship| made at the opening ,3. of the High Court in this city yesterday_ when, forsaking the humdrum and beaten paths of so many of _ his predeces- sors, he gave an eloquent and pa- triotic address on the duties of- citi-` zenship in these troubled times. The lesson that he impressed was"; the lesson of "duty and service. ,We cannot all go to the front, but if we cannot we can at least do our bit _ in one form or another-by contributions to. help those who are at the front, by providing them with needed comforts; and ` by . loyal speech and example, refraining from undue or unjust criticism- and by "giving by" our: every word and `ac- tion whole-hearted support to the great, cause `of ` humanity for which i the Empire` "is new ghting. .. l : It ` is a lessonlat `once time1y'and' ` .necessary anclnit comes with all `the a greater` force,M'*from_ , the lips of Ca .distinguishcd'{-jmi~st- who in his `time served`-`his country. so [well in the arliaments fof-* Canada_. and "whose- ,ew'n_i son" is? now"; one ,-iofa the egallaant. r iaiheroes'1e nt. l v v i l - s ...II w`..;1_- ' - Mr. Justice Lennox has been col- Iecitng a fund from the jurymen and other court officials at the dif- ferent` High Courts he has attend- ed, to provide Christmas comforts; for the soldiers `at the front. Fol-; lowing his Lordship s visit to! Kingston last Week and the collect-! ing for his fund there, the Kings` ton Standard, i11 a leading editorial! 'of the issue of Oct. 6th, thus refers` to the judge and his work: , TT' JUSTICE LENNOX-PATRIOT SARJEANI & KING chases `nowat old prices" from our complete assortment of Brussels and Ta 'Carpets,Curtains-, Window Nets,iOilcloths and Linoleums. "Consult us It is rea-il `economy to anticipate your needs in floor coverings, parcu] g arl anything in which wool or colored` dyes are used. You can make your y Pur- pestry if you are refitting a room, we shall be pleased to take measures and submit price3_ Our stock` is most cotnpletc andqtheyare being picked up by the keen judges of geod values Balmacans "Slip-on" aqd the Tweed ChestereId s are the leadmg styles this season. ' Stanfield : Underwear. Fowne s GlovesT ror House Furnishings .|JbsLLuU,~ `PU; DU. 1 0 I Hogs, live, select ll J.............'l . ".L1:1;I.,: , >41! nrggmmumq .` '.". ` xuxtumfvi soon forget the Le wnse example. lstlce Lennox. Overcots for F Boys, Youths and Men. _.--_. _--- - mow... `I--cu.` -$t_ep' Vin. and havcla look. l l Canned grapes may be used in a number of ways. Grape pies are very good. Grapes and `pears may be combined to;::ethe1' as well as? grapes and apples. Grape juice! makes delicious corn- tarch, gelatin or tapioca pudding. 11 is especially I .. week brought `sore loss to Mr. Hugh Freel, of Apto. The lightning struck the barn, killing seven cat-U tle that were standing at the barn ; door as Well as a horse that died `from the effects of the shock. `The; {lightning shattered the ooring` on] [each side of the horse, stunning the ianiinal, then passing out of the' [door killed the cattle standing `there. The `loss of the animals gvamounted to between $600 and `$700, insurance $200. ' 9 1 .. I .V.;. <| - (Correted by Jos.` `Main-in, market! square.) 'I\ n-I-ru-u Penman s'_O.S. Plain Seamless Cashmere Little Daisy Hose, all sizes, at old prices. P( Kennedy s ~D6minion Label . . . . Kennedy s Invalid Rye (Imperial Qts.) . .. ~Kennedy s Invalid Rye, screw top ask, 16 , tocase.... .. .. Walker s Imperial Rye, qts. . . . . . . . . .. . . Walker s Canadian Club, qts. . . . . . . . . . . Seagram s 83, qts. . . . . . . . . . . .. _G..& W. Special G. & W. Rye, qts, .. .. .. Howard s Extra Quality, qts. . . [Recreation Rye, Imp. qts. Reereation Rye, asks," Imp.` `ease: Kennedy's Special Rye, Imp. qts. . . . . . . :White'.Wheat"'Whiskey, qts. . . . . . . . . . . . . Royal Reserve, 8 yrs._old .. .. `,C)jrby _s Pay Day-, Imp, qts. . . OOOIO on at Co_rby- s : Golden Glow . 'for.there are no niore to follow at same price, 25. I20 pairs of ne Cashmere Hose, part of a special purchase much below value, are on sale this week, in sizes 8% to 10, black only. As this lot fan last only a few days act prompt] Penman s Plain Seamless Cashmere Hose KENNEDY _S__L_lQUOR STORE GRAPE CON COGTION S BARRIE, `ONT; w. KENNEDY; Ladies Cashmere Hose 25c LIMITED ._-J, 55111.). tilab . . PRICE LIST CANADIAN RYE wmsmns IOU -an" - o o n o o o lo Prices to suit everyone. `PHONE 633. New Idea Patterns 10c. . DRAUGHT REVQRTQ For inice in combination with I'M; White grapes and l`In2`li; wailir-its - when used as 21 :1-lntin il:1\`m`. .s_ Grape She1'bo1't. is 'lll2Hl(' ah all in other slic1'bc1'ts, by nu.-21.~`1n'in:' IlI'l"`- -;fourths of a pound or` .~n::n' In ;1 ,|pir_lt of water. This. win-n it lid` cooled, is llllXC(l with :1}i:itni' _ grape juice and 1'1'o7.(-n. Ul':1Il:t`0l' : lemon `juice iinp1'o\'v tho ilamw 0: the ice. The white of :1 i)(`:1i('ll t~.'_: may be added when the >lI('l'i)(`l'I Is partially frozen. V The white `_'I`:l]*\` can be used in a nninlwr m w;w.<. It makes'a delicious 4':1nI_\' lillin. when rolled in fomlnnt. `_It iiiawbe? combined with all kinl.< oi" frultv` in delicious and amvvtizinu .~`:1l:1'l-`- A whole bunch of tlw.<<- '_'1`n]I('.~' n:a,'~' be washed `and oloanml, ill(>l'1lll`_"iil."j dipped in 'pa1'tiall_v In-;m~n \\'l1lIl` M leg; and then tlippml` in }m\\'lt'1'ml wslli`-."ar. They should lw si1s1"l`;'l' IV! H... --- L- - A" ' '--any.-. 4.nA\`v nuuunu III in the ice box untH.1h hard. .4-THURSDAY, '16 5 ........ ..`..25c and 35c Hose... Per Bottle ..; $1 00 1 00 - `A [S -00: coho 00-1: on . hind= quartlei" `fore quarter. .. . ; 3, . , . . . . lressed . live . . . . . . . . . her. Cattle . . . PROPRIETOR. 50 1 10 1 00 l 10 1 10 100% I Per promPt]Ys Pm` Case 9 50 ' 10 U0 TORONTO MARKETS .40c .50c at gA'rUR nA:? J MARKETS I`ARM}.`.R S PRICES` wholesale . . . . 'holesale . . Bli`l?s: Where -was agerm- `tion of H ` independence 1- :ijsig._r`1ed? j(1-e`cently._ 1 `[a.._"g'ras_s widower) : s ;; 'af.<'A%'-:%cI11fI.w*-%?1Juver` Replib-_~ HIDE MARKET asxet ..- . . . . 20c `ar-rel f. . . . $1.50 to $2.00? . . . . . . 28cto 30c uch .; . . . . .. .. 5c sket 20c rant b1_1shes,- each. . .. . `5c -doz. .. '...60c I, qt. ..- . . . . . ..- 5c alk .. . . . . V . . .. .. 5c lb.- . . . . . . . 16c pair . $1.00 ~rs, basket . . . . . . . . . . 25c 5 3 for .; . . . . . . . . .. 5c rasket.. 20c . . . . . . . . .. 5c-10c head . . . . . 5c ioz. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50c punch 5c. ffee, pt. .. 15c nipping, pt. 25c les, basket 25c sch , . . . . . . . . .. 5'c' r, head . . . . . . .. .5c sce.... 75c r lb. . . . . . . . . 18c . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c to 32c V '. 17c. ums, qt. . . . . .. 15c . . . . ......$14g . . . . . . .. 25c all pail . . . . . . .. 65c ge pail . . . . .. $1.25 v. 14c-15c vied, basket . . . . 25c-30c ied, bunch . . . . . . . . .. 5c 1nch . . . . . . 5c a serving, basket . .. .. 50c ; .1 ..-.$ 0 94 $000 ; .... .. 085 093 7.. 067 075 .... 080 .0 00 .. .. 041 043 045 000 Lg .;. ... 0 55 `O 00` ` 0 . . . .. 0701 080 ' .7. ..~...19 00 2200 ...*15 00 0170 00 aa 12 00 -10000 . .; .- 0.0.0.,:;0s_,50y ;_g_0 -Barrie; Oct. ' ' ' ' ".%o'$,} ir $8 nches VI . . . . .. 170 to .. 1_9c to 1 Dll'.:.0.0 I O I O O I I IO bs'1t ' . . . . . .. E , basket uw, each . . . . . . V to $2.00 .. 280 to 30 9` 55 11 00 -13 00 11 O0 1 25 50 32 55 60 12 00 `:3 66 7 99 5th The Thanksgiving` market did" not. out the 1- quantity` of "turkeys at would . have been expected. .It _-,,i_is "-to ._be` hoped; that ; the shortage at ,_ . stage will not be continued for. " ,_;, the Christmas smarket. {ion sale`_'i.ebr -the. rst time this sea- ' *'7;son' in _qu`an,tit-y Geese were and. ducks `were plantif_"f"`Eggs-'~-.took another ;up- : f"Ward-igh_t, from "two to ourcents " '7:f/Ti. `doz. .-%iv.asasked, and got, for fresh 1 . eggs. ,'1`_he hen fruit snow` `ingthe jluxury class. `Prices were as fol-- 4 I 1 o l i I. 'lows:- . 1 Apples, basket . .- . ._ . . . . "Apples, 7 barrel to `Butter, lb. . ._. . . . to g Beets,'bunch . . #~Beets, basket . . . . ` . . . . . . . _Black currant . . 5c _.I 'Do., per doz. 60c gButtermilk, '. .- . .- . 5c . Celery, stalk . . . . - . . . 5c _ ' `Chickens, lb. - . . . .-Chickens, . . " ',Cumcumbers, .1 5c I-Cucumbers, 3 . . . . _Carrots, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . Corn, doz. . . . . . . . ` Cabbage, head .- 1 Cabbage, doz. .' . . ;., Carrots, bunch . . . . ..` . . . . . . . . V Cream, coffee, . . . . . . . . . . , Cream, Whipping, . . . ._ . . . . 25c Crab Apples, . . . . . . . . `Citrons, each . . . 5c ;Cauliower,, . . . . . . . Ducks. piece.... 75c, Ducks, per . . . . ' . `Eggs, doz. . Geese,lb. 17cc Ground plums, . . . . I . . 'rHay, ton $14. Honey, lb. .. Honey, small . . . 134-. I.-.....~m -11 ""` " ' -600 .-.uv .-.\au .. . . . 6&0 $1.00-$2.50. . 75c-$1.10 $3.00-$3.50" 35c : 30c-32c . 40c-42c 65 30 28 24 14 13 75 60 523' --u vv 17 00 -16 '00 92.? 13th, $0 -00 0 93 0 75 ' 6 36?: .. $8.00 10c f}6V18c 2:: 200 20c ...15c ... 25c! -.::V5c .. 15c: ..,5c At the St. Lawrence Market, To- ronto, on Tuesday the receipts` of grain continue small. Wheat is un- changed," with a few loads offering. Hay is steady, ` with sales of 18 0 loads at $19.00'to $21.00 a ton for No. 1, and at $15.00 to $17.00` for mixed. Bundled straw quoted at $14 to $16 a ton. Wheat, cereal . .. . .- .$ $0 A ,Do., milling 0 85 , Do., smutty .. 0 67 ' Do., goose . .. . .. J 0 80 Oats, new` 0 41 0 43 `Barley, feed . . 0 45 _0 00 Do., malting _0 55 V0 00 Rye, bush. . .... 0 70. . 80 `=Hay, timothy :1. I ..`~.`..19 00 _ ,n_ , _ . A - ..._...-J nuns av 9 755 12 O0` 7 50` 7 00 60` 65 ` 00 00 00 75_ 32 30 27 15 15 18 14 00` 12 10 00 7 50 -70 48 1 45 ' 55 J `av 20] A _ 1 Oct. 11th. H Miss Allie New of _ Toronto has retugjned to Sroud, after a ple.sant' =visit~Tat .Miss Floris e:`D3*ei- W " 2 - 2 -'=!`M'w.'r- -afnmil ~'n'.".'.- at-':'i`:L-;.-.';u~ A. -. -EILL--'.;__-I J-lJ.JDD -If (V11 f`:m1\Ivr=.?":aLnd Mrs- -mnrfvl and family of Painswick spent Sun.- day at the former s home he&_.:_'._:\. 'I}I _ .-...'.'l `I-"Al`..`... 11*? .1-5` A -..,., .u.;uu a.|.a.u.IU .uuLuu._ > I Miss Irene Irving, Barrie; ing her -grandmother, Mrs. pin. V V` 7 1 ..yuuu, u;u 1101.0 .|.U1 a UILUL VISIL. Mr, Herb. King and wife. and daughter, -Elenor`, Mrs. Joseph King and son, Frank, Toronto, are visit-, ing AMiss .Mable Nixon._ ' ' 'Il'2____ 7,, 1" uv vn~_y .L - All _,., 1 Pleased, to say our esteemed friend, Mr. Richard Power. has so far recovered as to be at his home again in our village. " - Mr. 'Wess. Corbett, Toronto, L is here. . ', ' ' ' . Mrs. Milligan, Miss Phoebe Cross- ley, `Mrs. Carruthers, Miss . Brown, `Mr. `Hayden and Mrs. Wesley Dun- lop, all of Toronto, were ,here for the holiday. ` Mr. and Mrs.` J. .Pa.tterso1i attend ed the`-fair at Elmvale U , - 111311, '1 1-7 - -\ "- -- ---- A % 136., .'}1'{i"2i ASt.raw,v" bundled %D_oj.-," l`qose . ._g \4\O vnsv Lusa. uau .LJ|lllVa:.lCa Mr. Willard, Union Bank, Orillia, and James .SmaIl, Union Bank, To- rpnto, are here for a brief `visit. `M - tr.._.1. 172---. - ,1 V `n -I | I I I l I I I 9' Mrs. McNaull was I D I The last link joining the past with the .present in -a certain sec- tion of the township of Essa was severed last Monday morning, when called home to meet her husband, who `predeceased - her two weeks? and one day. The deceased . was born in the County, Tyrone, Ireland (as. was also her ` husband) eighty-four years ago, and came to. Canada and was married ! ; I examplary life 1 to the late` John ` McNaull. nearly sixty years ago. After their mar- riage they settled, ' on the farm on which they both died. -The farm was situated one concession east of Ivy and on the fth lot nort l_1.. `A- familynof two daughters survive, viz. : Mrs. E.` McDonald and Mrs. William Carruthersy The deceased| lady`a31d-:ahe:r_.late -husband lived, an and `Were, _ during their _ long life onihthe old l1on1e- stead, consistent members of the, Presbyterian church, and their home] was always a model home in all that pertains to true" Christianity. The deceased had been a cripple for many years, but the needy were never turned away without a help-' ing hand. `They lived together` for many years and were only a brief time separated, andvto-day they are amongst that great throng who have , washed their robes and made. them ` _ white in theblood of the lamb.' The I tion_ of knowing funeral was held on .Wednesday from. the house at 2 o clock to the , Ivy Presbyterian church, where the services` were conducted by their ; pastor, the Rev. .R._ H. Somerville, - who took as his text the last three `_ verses of the xci Psalm. The pall ; bearers were Messrs. Adam Robert-l . son, Andrew Corbett,- Isaac Speers, W111. Dawson, R. H. Jennett, Jos. the sorrowing relatives who mourn the loss of `a. loving and affectionate mother, but they have the consola- - the deceased was as one of the. sacred Virgins who was ready when the call the bridegroom cometh to enter the T` streets.of the new, Jerusalem. T1.` '13..-- 1\_--~'l~-- I A` " V McClean. Our sympathy goes,out_ to 1 1 1 1 ` `Behold . 1 AV} uu va. uuu 1AUvV_UU1lABi1zlU1I1. The `Rev. Dunlop exchanged pul- pits with the Rev. Clement ` of Stroud last Week, the latter being the `preacher at the Sabbath School anniversary of` the. Methodist Sab- bath School of this place. `N1.-nan-uca TIA`-In A J IVY- A H` ' V `V n pguuuun.` UL uua 1)1nUU- F ilfessrs. Herb. and Charlie Nixon" of Cookstown. were here for a brief stay recently._ I 'n1..-..-.1 L- - - .n..\u.uLv.I. D HUN? HUIU. filrjvqrillj J, 1'? .W-B-. *T,3Y1_rT ."f ,v-- .uua.u U11 ua.uu1ua.y., ' 1\zfrs. j`.u_Hart of Midland spen Sunday with .Mrs. A." Richardson. -. Miss Edna Oades, `who has been at Huttonville for the past three- months, returned home on Tuesday. 11` well: . Hiwlllfr. `Lance lRumble_ [of Orillia, agent for the Overland car; called on friends .here on Saturday. Mug T `l'.'l'....+ Ac 1|.r::n-...-I __----Ll 1`):n(iL3u u}'1y(.)ld their box social and dance `on'the 22nd, in- Istead of -the 15th. " I 1l'_--_ T1" 1r_,,: n H- vHenry Wis shipped several cars_of Wood and lumber during` the `past week.. | -Ir__ -r__AA_ >1-3 y-I V A r\ osuo w1v\i;. ":l`'ai:g`W1l1`a.a.S got his new residence about completed and will move into it 'shortly. I Tl`1,.`.. `l..~......J' ...:n 1__1:| u, ,2 1 Beef Hides, green Beef Hides, cured Tallow . . . . . . . . Sheep Skins . . . . . Lamb Skins . . . . . Horse Hides . . . . Horse Hair . . . . Wool, unwashed . Wool, washed . . W 1\`I`;'s: &H:uf1\IJ<;`r 1;::,;,'.c>mery of `Toronto! is visiting `her mother, ' Mrs. J as.` Qsler. . ` ' T - ` | V, ovo. _. _ vv LOLA a.v.LJ. 0 .1. HUD. 1.1111. ` ` I Willrs. Wallace Shaw of-' Viscount,`| Sask., was renewing old` acquaint - ances here last yveek. _ _ _ _ { VIII`! T_ ` Oqt. 11th. Mr. Wm. ~Cook of Toronto 'spent a few da'ys'last Week with his sis- ter, Mrs._ G_eo.o Healy; I I 1\l.Iis_s Cslbfsck amdlv Miss Currie. attended the teachers -convention at Barrie on Thursday. . M`.. I" 'I'.....n.,....1..1.. -2 n-1J#AL-~ vvv a..rI.~A.1.L\; .Luu1.oua:.y. Mr. C. Ijgatherdale of Coldwter and his two daughters, spent Thurs- [day with Mr. Thos. Hill;;'__._ ' TI? 11. _. -_ ._ -. . ~-- ---_--. --v---.-IJ- Mrs. George Campbell, Toronto, is spending a fewidays in Minesing. Rev. A. "Strothe'rT has returned` `from attending the Wyclie `College Alummi annual meting, and spend-Ti ing a few days; with. Rev. Mr.` James, Omemee. _ 7 ' , I shortly to Sunnidale, having pur- chased` a property` in that _ vicinity. mr..- n-_..--. nw ` ` -- - ` 11 ,land Sariett re 'mving '73 pl" : ._` IQINESING V cRAIGHURs'g _.-v5-.1, a.A V \t, uulvuu Sows, T. .. Bufcher Ca1;t1e dressed . THORNTON norm -is visit? . 1'` Inc: as) R. fiiiiil . .. vv vnvu _ uxuulaub 101` Only 00 GCHFSQ ' '["'1 h(_=S Canadian Pictorial is pub-' %lish'd-I By The` Pictorial .Pi1blishi`r 1" .Co., Witness Blo(;k_, Montrea, ,'$znada." (Try 'it__ for a year ot__1 s,bo_v'e ` -..n. wauxllso It is the most popular ``Pick-me- ` up on the waiting room tables of the leading doctors throughout the Dominion, " and in the big public libraries it is literally used up? by the many who are attracted _by its entertaiilingand beautiful pages. It 7s a love at"ight" publication .1 and it has departmental features of ; great interest 't (i the young Woman and the` hoie-iniikerz . -(IE 'L- :__ `,i:`}i'e `Canadian Pictarial is ._a publication. which, if I may be per- mitted to. say so, is a credit a.t'o` Canada. " (Signed) Strat11'cona.v Q Oh. trial A to A New Subscriberi-4 `['weIve`1hbtiths for only,65 cei1ts.i_1 , . `-;:~r!J!I..s`.`-=5( !.....1:-..:n:......:gn. 3-: . UIIIIC Univ 1lUlllU"llla;lXU`.l'- 3. -`it-`--just to quote `one man s pralse from among t_hou`sands--the Jlate, Rt. Hon, Lord Strathcona," wrbte: . .((!lIu' 11.. ' -- ' - ' AAAUILUJ 0 , "ilach issue` is literally ' a1'owdd with the` highest quality of photo- gravures, ' many of them Worth frammg. ` ' 4 T; :. LL ---~-' ' ""` ` AAAA AIJJ, OLIICIILL IJGILL I I I Do., _large . . . . Mutton, lb. . . . . '. . . . Onions, dried, : Onions, dried, bunch .. -`Parsley, bunch . . .- Pears, preserving, V Pumpkins, each . .. . .Parsnips, bunch . . . . `Potatoes, 2 pks. . Potatoes, bag . . . . . . . . 5 Pigs, young, pair . . . . . Radishes, 3.bunches . Lamb, front qr. Lamb, hind qr. .. Sage, bunch . . . '_Squash, hubbard . . . . . . . Turkeys, lb. . . . . Tomatoes, ripe, basket _ Tomatoes, green, . Turnips, each . Thyme, bunch Vegetable marrow, each __ I This elegant magazine delights the eye while it instructs the mind concerning the picturesque e doings of a.n interesting and highly enter- taining World. _ I . V ' Its War pictures are alone worth the money. . . ' ` wank '-:-~--- 3* i.` `` `w( )`rU1.9)attt;r'(1ay, Oct. 16th, St. An- d1'eW s church will` have charge of the Red Cross shop, and on Satur- day, Oct. 23rd, Collier stfeet Meth- odist church; . I ' C'ana.da s Most Artistic and Popular _ Malzgazine T ,c....... we apncu 101' nus Work. St. Mary s church had charge of the Red Cross shop Saturday, Oct. 9th, .1915. Proceeds $67.58. Sol- diers Aid lunch $8.50. Candy table ` _ ........,,.,.u,;a; uua1ucb'.S. . .. Every Thursday at 7.30 pm. the Red Cross rooms. are open -to all those i11'fereste(l lin tl1e1nakin,r_,>' of hospital supplies. ` As tl1e`demand for such supplies is very great,'i'e- 'cruits are asked for this Work. 1 E 1/rn1~11 n n'L.-----'L 1 - " " ` ' The_ annual meeting` of vBa1-fie ;branch` of the Canadian Red Creiss` Society will be held in the Red` Cross rooms Monday, Oct. 18th, 1915, at 4 `pm. Election of ofcers anfdx ;:e11e1'al business. a TI` --'..-.-- ma - 1'*.7- ; A As a number of people did It know of the Christmas box tlfat lwas being sent away last Week; ain- ! other one. Will be sent to the C0311- missioners "on Saturday, Oct. 16th. Contributions of socks, handkere chiefs, cocoa, note paper, etc., will gladly be received.` ' ` [Spr_y:. ` i _ _n _ _A gf. On Nov. 1st 3. box of Cl1rist1nf{1si cakes will be sent to Miss Pl1111111i_1'l for distribution ` to ngen in the trenches. Contributions will gla y be received by Mrs. Stewart or M AUCTION SALES V -v `Credit sale of farm stock argd impIements,. on the farm of J. . Carruthers, `lot 20, con. 5, Essa, on Wednesday, October 20th. All sold without,` reserve. Sale at one o clock. A. McConkey, auction- : eer. ' The Canada Producer & Gas En- gine Co. have decided that there would be nothing in the taking of a contract for shell making. An initial cost `of _$40,000 would be necessary and Mr. Graves told The Advance that the price paid now was not as--favourable .to the makers as it was in the earlier stages of the War. Formerly the war oice set theprice, now the work is let by tender. - ~ _..-....v Wheat, new, wholesale Wheat, new, sprouted Barley, wholesale Peas, Wholesale .. .. Oats, old . . . . . . . . . . ~Oats, new .. Buckwheat . . . . . . Rye` . . I Hay, .pe1:'t`(;11.::H....: Flour, per -bbl. ,. . . "Pastry Flour, per bbl. Potatoes, per bag .. . `Eggs, per dozen . . . . Butter, per lb. . .; . "`Butte1", by the basket`. Ohicken, dressed, 1!b.... Ducks` Turkeys . . Beef, ' Ann anal-A.- N0 SHELL onman ron BARBIE Th%*ai1nnal; [Vat g o ; 2;? ` ',.A. %;Methoi_ $??i!i=li5` ,H`.1,`.`-4e..`r:.`e on sunday;:::f0cft.o:17th; at 7-:2." U'anEf.;;7;,p.m. - Re_V;'Jos. `Young of Toronto; assisted~.=by".ithe1= pastor, will I dhave charge `the sefvices;~ Special `music is, *b_ei1'1g, U prepared by -the choir. `On: the following Monday {evening the young people are hav- ing a patriotic, concert. Light re- freshments will. be served. Proceeds to be devoted- for Red Cross pur- I.,. , .9 poses, A m:,._,[, . vnv_yc The Red Cross Society shipped the following for T. the month of September: 2000 mouth wipes, 400 face _cloths, 1 box oldglinen,` 492' bandages. ' ,, - .svA..I.Io9 _5.r. .Lu.U\_Ju11Uu5ll. ` I Weare glad to see Mr. Ross Sheldon around. again. . - Mrs.e Ross Ardill spent ` the holi- day in the city. Mrs. J; Willson and daughter, Marjorie, are visiting friends in the lcity. " r'I'\'l;'l11na A- church last 5S1inda;jr`. ' nnAvvv\L.u\I` vsluaq. uuvv_ uu.g1c Lu narue. Rev. Dnnlop of Thornton occu- pied the] the Methodist 1 .'If:n.~ T.-...... Il7-'l'I--_ ._,`l 11" 1-us an; vs; osuuv kJl.lLl\.I(I0`y V Miss Jean Wanacle and Miss `Bali-I nerman [visited Mrs. Wallace f over" the holiday._ . A 'II'.'..... A 11 - --' mi\Ii;r:;N`7.innie AlIenT spent the` holiday at her home hege. 'II:_'. A...___, 11' A n .... .u.wJ um nu; LIUIIIU HUIU. Miss Agnes McCullough spent the `holiday with her parents, -Mi. and Mrs, D. McCullough. nr.,'..... .. "13: 4... ..-- `Ire 1"- `V5.43 .-.s. vAgA3.`.;;;';1Hh!~U- ' J-aIl~u`,~1.y , liuvc movedtogthir new home in Barrie. `D.-...- n`.....1._.. -1: ?m1---.-7- Mrs. C; fM. `Srigley, "1iecntly. r ' J Una:-~nauun1 nu-nu.-.-oA..~-.._., . ..-_....2 _ L __ ft1`1eir._ Lhtzxer," .nvA\} \1\.ll-HA U\JL a Mutton Lambs, each . .. .. T.._.L _.-__ 11.