Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Sep 1915, p. 8

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ARNOLD , K2, - -: --- "-'""`.'J' Mrs. Alex. Rainnie and son of] Ashtabula, Ohio, are visiting at thei home of Mrs. Rainnie s uncle, Mr; W . C. Andrew, Worsley street.` Mr. Jan1es'G. Schiller has _seve'red [his connection with . Mr. Coffey, {whose ofce here he has had charge of for the past three months; and has .crn`nn' in '1`.-...m.+,. 4.. ....--L:A- ;uJ. uuc yam. ulrue IIIOIIUIS, 81 has gone` -to Toronto to practice. V `O 1 ; Collingwood fair is reported to have been the best held for years. At` Port McNicol 1200 care of -rrrnin n An" .-....-. L..:..~ L Miss E. V.t Moncreiff Gooda1I,i: Tomnto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. N. B, Johnston. ` Steve Vair spent the Week-end with Mrs. Vair, coming up from Niag;11'a camp on Saturday. 3 l "I11... Al-;_ `Ti ' -so - :11 socm. AND ransom Holeproof Silk Hose are absolutely the best in style and quality that $1.00 will buy. l-lundredsiof women have discovered this and buy them time and again in -preference to any other $1.00 Hose on the market. Grey, Green, Sky, Navy, Tan`, White and Black. V Sizes 8% to .10. Price $2.50 IO % $8.50 The NeW`Mi11iAn no)`: A: [.14-:4... Ll.-A. t... I. ..1.-. H91Pr9f Silk H056 i of 1031- Faint ind TVOWH` Pro- `I LA~"-r%x#'!!!V-'!:L-=-s!..'!'~!- Ne`w Arrivals In Shirts, Collars, Ties. See Them. "A special purchase in Raincoats for Men in- cludes a first quality guaranteed Waterproof , Coat, ne Whipcord Fin- ish, Military Sleeve, sizes 36 -to 46. face I ....... ..s1o.oo Big Value In Men7s Rain- coats ; _An exceedingly interesting num- ]ber, from a Canadian standpoint, is the October Canadian Magazine. There are a. number of unusually at- tractive contributions`. .` Western_ -Canada Going Dry, by A. Vernon Thomas; Fortune of Enderby, iby Mrs. Arthur Murphy; Christ and Socrates, by R. Goldwin Smith; The Ox, by Britton B. Cooke; Literature and Life, by Harold Garnet Black; The Curious Case of Benjamin Mott, by Irvin_.9: E. Struthers, a< well as a number of -good short .stories. I llr`.Bosanko Residence. 1 Phone 627. INTERESTING N UMBER FOR! ~(Buocessor to..the late R. Ia.~.Ba.rwiok ` and Life` Insurance k%ReaI% Estate ,Agen9:f% j Repairs of all k_in_d.. Contractor & Builder I64 Baycid Street /RING 263 llresses and Boats illlpw '. Dteparod. and additions and change ft: It aha. d be reported to our Local Manual! . ' Have you a telopo 1' Th who have --will tellyou that it is the`x'1'1`ost precfaaga of modern .:;.uuxu Tnlksllwrvyr 2. Q4-. :44:-.".I 16-tf 141;! 3 ~ . I SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned` and marked on"! the face of the envelope Tender; for Shawanaga Timber, will be re-I` ceived until noon on Wednesday,` the" 13th day of October next, for: about two million feet of timber killed and scorched by re compris- ing. Pine, Hemlock, Birch and` Cedar, and including 1,800 logs ly- ing in the bush, out last fall, and_ some 800 logs skidded by the In-I dians last winter, upon the .ShaW- anaga. Indian reserve, in the distrlct of ]- arr:,' Sound, Ont. Each tender-I as follows :- V er should state the amount of cash` bonus he is prepared to pay for this: timber, over and above the Cr5Wna' Acues payable under sworn returns, F3..!'}`.7ll"..`?`f"'. "~!+. 4'5"." W H 1 >...\Q`1>`:`7 _;;g.',_y.;,gy._,,, Style 597 for stout and well developed gures, made of Cou- -tille, medium -bust, long over hip, tritmed with lace. S No. 322, a self reducing model, for average gures, made of ne Coutille. A feature is the in- cutving waist and Military back. Price $3.50 x.ept'slT."$"'T . . 396--I`rom Meaford and M1d- I d, via short lmv \\llLll.V .. 7.50 pm. ` ( aily except Sun.) 12.40 P-"`' 395-'I'o Meaford and Mid- land, via short 11110 (daily except Sun.) 3335 P-`' Telehone Dectory I I 9-Toronto to Winnipeg, The National ( \`.'ol.. Fri., Sun.) 46--North Bay to (Cobalt Exp.) Toronto D:1il_\' except Monday 5.10 am. 42-v-Mid1and to Toronto (daily except $1111.. 7.45 3.111. .10` Toronto, .The National, Tue. Thurs., Sat.) 9.5: ) 3.111. `41'-Toronto to North Bay 40-North Bay to Toronto (daily exeept Sun.) 12.30 p_m. 43-Toronto to Huntsville (daily except Sun.) 3.4: ) pm. 44--Huntsvi11e to Toronto (daily except Sun.) 5.1:") pm- Midland 45-Toronto to (daily except Sun.) 8.3; ) p.m. 47-Toronto to North Bay (Cobalt Exp.) ((lail_\' ' . except Sat.) .. . 60--Meaford and Penetang to Hamilton (daily ox . cept Sun.) .. 7.50 3.111- 61-Hamilton to Meaford ' and Penetang (d:1il_\'ex- cept Sun.) . . . . .. 10.15 :1.m. 62--Meaford and Pentang to `Hamilton (daily e.\`*epf A Sum) ;. .. 63..-Ea.mi.lto_n and_ Penetang nv}:Aw\L 6-- -_ \ to. i I lvleaford (daily " {H n n1 ..- 1.10 am. " (daily except Sun.) 10.55 a.m- . ll .00 p.n1. , 5.36 pm. Train N O. H Nana Corsets ichange/`i;"'1:i-1z;e Effective Sept. 12, % ` 1915 A La Grace Corsets TENDERS ;_ 1.`_J.?.i :T'HUR'S'DAAY, SEPT. RAILWAY TIME TABLE Victor supplies. Choose records from stock Barrie agency for Victor Victrola_1and of the Price $2.00 1915. The Dominion .Government Hop- per Barge, No. 2, which left the nCo1lingwood Shipbuilding yards a few days /ago for Quebec, is one of the rst of-the kind to have been, built in Ontario. L While the remen of Huntsville : were throwing Water on a re re- -cently, the remen were compelled several times to turn oif the water to remove "small stones from the nozzle. It is thought children had unscrewed the cap off the hydrant and dropped the stones into it. _F Huntsville - will. Tnot nlget Hydr connection till the spring, owing to delay in the hydraulic` deparmzet and supplies coming slowly, owing to `the War. ` X Township of Irmisl, 200 acres,f timbered With tamarack, cedar, pine `_ and _spruce._ Eight miles from Bar- rie. Apply' The `Toronto General Tru_sts Corporation, Toronto. 39-40 "-At Ivy Sch:>cv)i Fair,` 9. hand toWel. Finder kindly ` forward to Dept. of Ag":-iculture,A Colling,- yvood. V 39-39 ; FARM 1-`on SALE , For : 12' 1H-.P. ,steam ,- -threslii'n_g engine _111 - good_ conditibn, cheap, `suitable ..f9._I`_ Silage cutting, etc. V,-;. Applyi-1J. \._MQuarry, 115 . -=`3.9e40p. -I V " ' Ineijbator e. " `it less than half -"price if you buy novir. `Hamilton 120, $6.00; C_yphers' '.120, $6.00; Peerless Hot Water 200, _$12.50; or will exchange for early pullets _or yearling hens; Claud Faux, Suncrest Poultry Yards, Bar- -rie, Ont. 39tf. l T -._L 1., .\ `i'}]5;BIa1'ried couipie, if `ig';"1.;to do general housework and $1511; eooking- Apply -150 G..' Raikes. '_;~r1eP,.-O. . Ar ASTRAY HEIFER--Strayed to the '75: premises of the. undersigned about. Gthe First .of July, 9. year-old ;- fheifer; Owner can have animal. {on proving property __ and paying expenses. Alfred Dyer, W2} lot 1` : . "`t}h.bii'tf Qrqmily. Man to .do outdoor work, wo- 38-39 2, 12th Con., Innisl. -_37-39p.` coND:~:Ns}in Anvm;s,; uuuu. LL y lJ\/ aU\J\.IG!~l|IC\lI NISUNCAN C. scorn: r QI11nnvv:n nn An-w\# [Inn At` ron SI-IIAWANAGA TIMBER ; Lost 3840 we W . V ' .1'?:=,-!'*r8I1F.'-W9fa:7.3I'i th clustf laxY1$[s.y By . Saturday ~ seye { ,of the eight` cluster A light standards . `jvthe remaining jpno, when bigl fn ;fo1 e duster 1gmp:%` % 14-` On TT'VVVe'dnesday oify lsf _ k the sta of .the` eleetric light T ~dep'a`rt- -mentbegan` the work of putting the ~Wires;.in the -. .l1`l1ni-an-nnn, ' .`.-.. :_:5te' On `Saturday J pdge Vance Hand- ed out his decision in the appeal `of. Mr. J. R. Cotter against this lsewe'r-- assessment. Mr. Cotter ap- Ipealed to the County Judge against- the decision of the Court of Revi- sion; The "case came -before the J ud9:e some weeks ago, `when A `judg- ment was preserved; the decision now given is in favor of the` town and against Cotter.` Another, Step} P.0d. Square 1' Im- jgrovement; - g 3 -' n Appeal Dis_1issecl_ mun .uuxu uu: guruen OI lV1I`. '.I.'llOK, -in the east end, which measured 12 feet. On the market last Saturday Mr. Richard Johnston, of Oakland lHi11, told The `Advance he had `found one in his corn eld that measured 13; feet__- in height. `-`Not much good for V-`;feed, remarked Mr` _Tn11hal-nu ans Ulllll EUULI 11 I Mr; J ohnston; { Tall Stalk or com The Ze-t-h1: . Week The I Advance made mention of a tall stalk - of {corn from the garden of Mr. Tuck, jl Ann` A...J _`L2_`I " "` --Open -for. `the seasen. Little Lake Summer Resort. Boats for `Hire. Board by dayeor week, and! lunches and soft` drinks at all hours. Miss Lawrence. - V A 20tf I . ;`.':..~ . .`...S i`.".`iT.% 110993509508; opposurz Ross: s1 Hg- 55 ammo ST. > , VJOHN BABES OLD STAND All interested, in` the children s welfare are `invited to `be present .at the annual meeting of the W0- !men s -Auxiliary of the Children s 'A_id Society to be held on Tuesday, ,Oct. 5th," `at four o clock, at the Children s Shelter, Worsley street. Reports given, Election of oicers. Annua1 Meeting Children -s Aid A % 'K"u{iE"r" } On Tuesday" Major Cowan re- aceived notication of his appoint- Iment as junior,-hmajor of the new battalion being formed under Lieut.- Col. `Belson, to be known as the 81st Batt. Major Cowan Went to iNia9:ara to-day (Thursday) to com- for taking up his work. plete the necessary arrangements i On Oct. 4th at 3 p.m. in the par- '1ors on Owen street, the W.C.T.U'. menthly meeting will beof a spec- ial charactr. 3 p.m., business; 4 Ip.m_., prograln; 4.30 p.m..' Mrs. N. B. Johnston, the president, Will` entertain the members to tea. All members are requested to be pres- A f I. . `.~-.: ..z....._ ., Ar No sooner does a quota of men leave for Niagara than Sergt. Reid is `busy again with another bunch of irecruits. -The other quota left on 'Wednesday of last Week and by Friday the. drum was again sound- Ting onthe streets. At :present the |strength _of the company in train- ;ing is eleven. ' j W.C.T.U. I -For th_e engagement ring, high- grade, jewelry_ or jewelry` repairs consult E, H. Williams, the` jeweler. Two _ stores-;-Opp. old .Queen s Hotel and at `Cor. of Elizabeth and Mary Sts. Marriage licenses issued. Recruiting Again _-_, -_- ..-.. v..- I Dr. A;h:;ll -has given up the use _of the bicycle for `the faster and more modem means of `locomotion, the automobile. Last Week the doc- tor appeared. on the streets in a he new Ford 1_'unabout. _ - Pine $1.87 % per M. ft., B.M. - - _ Hemlock .75 per M. ft., B.M. Birch 1.12% per M. ft.,- B.M. ' Cedar posts .02 each. An accepted cheque onany Can- - .. --v-ovvvvo a ` adian chartered" bank for ten per! -cent. of the bonus tendered, -made payable to the order of the under- signed, should. accompany each ten- der, the` balance of bonus -to be paid Within" 30 days from, notica-i "tion of acceptance of tender. Indiansj wof Shawanaga Band, tobe given] preference in employment taking` out. the timber."_ _ __ v_ ,_ I Vicar-General Moyna, late Dean of Barrie, Was: elected by iacclan1a- tion to the. Toionto Roman Catho-V lie school board "a in succession to the late Vicar-General McCann. New Steps at Church `The Wooden. steps leading into the Reformed Episcopal church, with cement` ones. The `former Wooden steps being badly out of re- rmir Collier street have been replaced. vv vvui T pair. ;Given Up. Bicycle for Car , . . , ` ' / A Mr. W. D. Minnikin has {com- inenced the e1-ecti`on'of thee rst of three houses on the: Bayeld street front of the old Lount property. ` 'Dean` Moyna on Toronto R.G. School Board . Houses on Lount Pfoperty.' ..... ;.uu,unaS1.v1u5 \JULlUC1'Ub' and 1'33 Meeting will `be held in_ the Essa street; Presbyterian ' church on` the [evening of October .11th. ` This is the .`423rdV."day ' ('aV year and 58 days) that the` British _`Em- pire has) been at"-wa_r with _German'y.L Division Court i I Barrie iDi'visi"on ;Coui't -e will "be held on -Tuesday 7of `next week. [There are 18 :cases on the docket [for hearing. `V ` A . Thanksgiving Concert _ '1`he Cdmpany ihavill `parade for :in-I` struction at the Town Hall on Fri - day, Oct._1st, at 7.30 p.m, ' The `-War ' . * _MA VUFACTURER OI` ' ' Buggies, Carriages. Wagons` " I_!-,I__ _,_,I 3,14, _ Hgme Guard " Orqer N o.` 37- ; ,;4,. _. .. . <,v;.,f; THE *WEEK*:lN-iBARRlE as; ..e L. :3 .z'1c.,. , _i {yr `A Thanksgiing "Concert l'.m+:.-m. u-will `L- `l_-l:I ' All .L..:.-~.4. ... . 5'1 and Tea 1 `I '11 * . ` \ Creemore Star--V-Th`e; case of Wm. 1 Day vs. A.`W. Tipping tried at the division court. before Judge Wis- met` in N ew Lowell last week,` was "tine A of 4. much .__.interest to `- farmers`: ': A . ` 4 bugin` 's ffmen -g'e`n`era1ly`. Mr; t, Vusauxulu UUWICICS Have Oeell ing_ Scotch doubles for a prize stick pins. " Sept. .. - _ .v v-v-ova ll ' aAiCl1ristni1as box will be sent to the Field Comforts Commissioners on Saturday, Oct. 2nd. Contribu-I tions of socks, cigarettes or tobacco, pipes, handkerchiefs, small books`, note `paper, playing cards, mouth or- gans and other luxuries Will gladly be received by Mrs. Stewart or Miss Spry; What a Wroiig Letter Can `Do VTW9 years will be allowed for `the removal of the t1_mber from the `reserve. ' Xmas Box for Soldiers t -_-- ....'. aJUIt&LL\J vvuL1I/ GUULUJ auuurulgl la quota of troops for W1nter tram- mg, here. ' - ` ` I The "Preside: `of the St. Cath-. arines Board 0 Trade has written Mayor -Craig for information as_ to the Way Barrie Went about securing 3. llnti OF frnnna 'pn1- IIY':Y\+l'r|I J-uni... I _ . ' ` ` ` The weekly letter from Sergt. 1 `Robb _is . unavoidably held over till` next_ week. ' I ,_ ;,__' 3., `. How W6 Got the Soldiers "V [ Held Over Bradford bovflgrs .. C4__.L'-1. 5| Pictorial Patterns and Magazines, sent by Mail. Patterns Positively not Exchanged. See special announcement on page 1 eason of Velve s, ism s For Suns, Dres - --`r C 1% IV" `LVIIIIII\lI Will a little hint that an array of Hatsthat for beauty, style and . becomingness has no equal i_n Barrie, awaits you, induce. you tovvisit our showrooms? It should. To-day we show the new a_rrivals in rather close tting turbans, tailored sailors and handsome hats with the droop, which willbe eagerly picked up. The prices are moderate, made possible by aquick trimmer and increasing Millinery sales. See what others show--then visit this store. THE WEATHER I Q ' I- Velvet Cord, 27 inches wide, Cardinai, Saxe Blue, Navy and -Black,peryd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Velvet Cord,` 23 inches wide, in Cream and White.`. . . . . COCO` T116 gr e%atVdiffici_1lty is A to obttindelivery this much sought after and%fi1;t1'lre shipments--deliveries of which we have no definite knowledge. / . m*ucl1, higher prices. Buy them here---BULY NOW. /.:eI\r ,e:.tCe1r.l, .ieehes Widen, Li W eB18in%_:lLnd S%axe: Blue rninnf I".-....J an 3.\-L#- -_-2.J- (V ,, 1 ght Green, and Black, per yd 1 Te? -1: - :-- ------ ----:- `y j 3 : - T " r _ _ ` _ _ ' Tan, `Golden Brown, Mid and Dark Brown, Cardinal, 55 ,k-- : BUTTERY 4` 4`1..J.._` . av _ have been. play- I `Phi! n 'I\\I an A-0 Plain Velvets in all shades, 50c, 60c; and 75c perayard. V Parry Sound. , Any further information desired can? be. obtained by applying to the undersigned or to the Indian Super- intendent, Mr. Alexander Logan, of` ' The unauthorized publication off` . this, advertisement will not be paid ..for and the highest or`any tender wili not. necessarily be accepted. . L T|1'TxTt`V A \T n annmm 7iid_ th}? 5:'c61,tra3ctor taker1"3L'-9*`~o1 fA the ._job;:. a, night `_and `day gmgrd being 5711 dy ` `.5W0- .3193! ---- v-I adlihill V1 VGA but? was notled to proceed Wlth the\ work by` a certain hour`, also to pull down that part of the walls not ac- cording to the architects. plans. The. contractor started the work refgsed ; to pull down the wall .i11"'t1i spute. `Finally a ohnty con? ` ` 'n"-r\nn':'-'n I . -s -13 A A - stable; was _brought `over from; Mifl-; - . cure for Collingwood a .Batt. of: ygvnx `JAIJAJU an Daulh Collmgwood oicials were in To- ronto last week endeavoring to se-' soldiers to winter there. When Sir] -i Sam. Hughes was in Barrie a de- putation interviewed the Minister in regard_ ,:to the matter, but were given 'to'1'mderstand that only "those towns. having . suitable , armouries "would -be considered if the troops were __quartered_t1}rq_nghout ` the pro- vince. _ " f v. _ The . sqhool buildingv tangle at Port `McNico1 is fast coming to a head. Last. 7-week the. contractor` was: n'n4-{Rm} 4... ......;.--'.".1 -49 _ Nehemiah Thompson, formerly of. Orillia, was found not guilty of the. charge of shooting Jos. King, a com- panion; inthe woods back of Blind River on June,7th last. "The trial Itook place at Sault Ste. Marie.__ nnlliixmnrnn .o'.4E.._'_I- W `VJ. `I II V... ua. U1. uub` -WEEK. - w I Chas. Teskey, a fo_rme1_' `resident of Orillia,. was drowned in the Fraser river on Sept. 11th. I At a "recruiting meeting in Ori1- lia last week, eleven recruits were secured,for the various branches of lthe servlce ' - `V I o 1 run. , -__ ...-.,-.A-uv. -uvv Ualb U1. `grain a day are being transhipped from-boat to train. Orillia citizens tendened a. `faire- well luncheon nto ex-Mayor Goifatt on Monday of this Week. I rm..- m .... __ l from - boat train -.....u uvwll uuc U631: lib` lu grain t1 f\..Ill1.. _.'L_,, - 1 4 . 1_JuJ.V\.fu.V U. DUU.l..l', _ I Deputy Supermtendent General. Department of Indian Affairs, 5 ' I -_--210277 Ottawa, Sept. 8, _1915. ' 00 'Al\

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