Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Sep 1915, p. 6

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OF COMMERCE _ Carriage horses, R,. D. `Coutts. year old lly or gelding, H. Black-. stock, Isaac Speers, Geo. Stewart.l ,Yearlingor`ge1ding, Isaac Spee_rs, 2 l _and 3 R. D. Coutts. Mare with foal by side or evidence, R. D." Coutts, T. W. Sharpe,` Thornton. Best foal of ,1915, R. D. Coutts, T. W. Sharpe.` Single horse, attached, 15% hands, Alex. Adams, Lefroy;- `Wallace Brown, Cundle s; R. King, Lefroy. 3` year old, attached, H. Cameron, Hawkestone; Robert Lead- `rane, Allandale. Three year old, at- rley, J. M. N ess, Barrie... Hackney mare, any age, H. Blackstock. Roadsters, pair of mare or geldings-,` J. Coffey, vTottenham.; W. Amos,; Vasey; Mrs. J. Campbell, Shanty] I Bay. Yearling lly or gelding, A.` W. Green, Craigvale; J os. Fralick, Minesing. Mare -with foal by side or evidence, John Gordon, W. J. Gilks, Barrie. Foal of 1915, John Gordon, VV. J. Gilks. Best two-yeart old on halter, R. Brooks, Ivy; Al-I fred Dyer, Allandale; W. D. Coch-5 tached, Roy Allen, Thornton; F. Longhurst, Barrie; A. B. Little, Allandale. Single horse, attached, style and action, VVm_.- Cowan, Al- landale; J. Bundy, Allandale; Roy: Allen, Thornton. i l'l'|1......-....1.`|`_..-.'I.. 1r- ,_ nu n I I . aa anauuu :4. JJ 1u.\;u.v- 1 .7 2 .7 1 Heavy Draught-Matched .mares, or geldings, attached, A. Dyer, Al-J landale; J. McArth1_1r, Or_o Station. Two year old lly or gelding, Isaac Speers, Cookstown, I. Speers, Holly; F. W'arnica, Allandale. `Yearling lly or ' gelding, W._ J. O Brien. Brood mare with foal by _side, W. _J.` O Brien, C. Gregg. Mare` or gelding, any age, W. J. O Brien,: D. Knapp, Anten Mills; Isaac' -Speers. Foal of 1915, sired by Up- perton Prince, `C. Gregg, R. E. Part-ridge, Barrie. m..-..~ --...... -'I.J 'I'I_'._ _-. -._1 `I I \ ` "13$3"`7ar"3l3`"ia11y or` gelding, . A.` Bell, Hawkestone; Alfred Dyer, Allandale; VV. A.` Luck, Shanty VBay. Yearling lly, or gelding, J. :1). Knapp, Minesing; D. Knapp, Anten `Mills. _ 4-. -- .n. nAv1.ALI;\JLAo m'..['Vl`1`;rough15reds-Mare With foal, .A. E. Dyment, S. Dyment. Yearling,` A. E. Dyment, S. Dyment. L = unnww T`-|onu1nI`\& 'Il'..L_1_._J 4.--"-.. Aqcounts may be opened at every `branch of The Canadian .Qnk `of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. . q 834 : sm nnuunn wamm. c.v.o..u;.b.. n.c... `mumps: uunn. emu-umgnua JOHN AIRD. umIAL. $15,000,000 RESERVE runn, $13,500,000 BANKING` BY MA;IL EATTLE Holsteinse--Cow giving milk or with calf, E. Dennis, C. M. Srigley, Allandale. Two year old heifer,. C." Srigley. Yearling, heifer, ,'Dennis, G.` Srigley. " Heifer calf," EC-` 9 .S,1'iS'l..5 t-`-. ~ 1' ' ` V U U 'I> ` *_ _. ,1. Q _-._L_'--- Aouv r-ucvnanna -vvlarlr his HORSES BARRIE B_R_ANCH e ecn1cKs.. .e ; `Andm1usjans_,_ cock, ;:C. Flet<;_her;j hen, C. Fletcher, C. H. By,a 1n.e.v,*`An- conas, cock,` Hulse, W. `eGi_;bii,ey; hen, W. Gibney, H. 'Hu1se.gBra;1ma;s, light, `cock, C._" E`_Jetcher; ` hhen, -3 CC. Fletcher. Camp'ines,i " cock, `T-Blvogg,` A1la'ndale;. F. Catlin; gljen,"':1. _and ;._2,` W. - Blogg; "Cochins, es id`ge.e:c9ck,e 0- 4 H- %eByam; M11931: Q '1 1 ..... -v, uusuuv o J.IIUuC1l, 1111116, . _, H. Hulse, W. Gibney; female, W. Gibney,_ H. Hulse. Pekin, male, H. -Hulse, ` F.` Longhurst; . femaI,/ H. 1 ;"H_ulse, F. Longhurst. Indian Run~ ner, male, _2n.d prize, W. , Gibney; |;F_male,' Hulse. . ` | -C;R_'O_S'S. Manlagel-;.. DUCKS N 'Alyesbury, male, .W. TM. Gribney; -female, VW. Gibney. Rouen, `male, `n-Tlln n_;LI\l\I9Ir -DA.__.`. 1] ? - vy use, vv. iv. umney; nen, 1 and Z, W. N. 7 Gibney. Wyandottes.,o buff,` cock, C. H. Byarn; hen, C. H. Byam; Wyandottes, any other color, cock, C. H. Byam, Geo. Whit- ing; hen, C. H. Byam, G. Whiting. \ `Bantams, B.B..Red, Game, cock`, G. Whiting, Fred Nixon, Thornton.- Bantams, hen, G. Whiting, F. ; Nixon. Bantams, any other color, - game, cock, G. Whiting, R. Leadley; ` hen, G. Whiting, R. Leadley. Ban- .' tams, Cochin, cock, C. Faux, A. `f MacRae; ' hen, 1 and 2, C. Faux. ;B9.ntams, African, cock, Whit-. ing; . hen, G. VVhiting.` Bantams, isebright, cock, G. Whiting; hen, C. lwhiting, C. Faux. -English` Red Caps, cock, G. `Whiting; hen, 1 and 2, A G. ' Whiting.` Orping- tons, White, cock, 1 and 2, A. "C. .Bricke'r; hen, A. _'C. _Bricker, C. iFaux. Orpingtons, any. other color, cock, J. A. MacLaren,_ C. `H. -Byam; hen, '1 and 2,,J. `A. Macyaren. Ilandale; hen, ,1 and 2, I, McLachlan. narrie. Legnorns, white, S.C., cock, H. Hulse; hen, Geo. Whiting. [Leg- horns, White, R.C., cock, Geo. Whit- ling; hen, Geo. Whiting. Leghorns,y IbroWn,.S.C., cock, 1 and 2, W. D. Minnikin, Barrie.` Leghorns, brown S.C_., hen, 1 and 2, `W. D. Minnikin. Leghorns, brown, R.C., hen, 1 and 2, W. Scott, _ Hawkestone. Leghorns, buff, cock, W. N. Gibney. Hougians, `cock, C. H. Byam; hen, C. H. Byam, _R. Leadley. Hamburgs, any other color, cock, G. Whiting; hen, G. Whiting. -Plymouth Rocks, barred, cock, 1 and 2, H. Hulse; hen, C. C. Hinds, W. L. ,Mitchell, Tollendale.l Plymouth R-ocks, white, hen, C. H. ]Byam, C. -_Faux. Plymouth Rocks,l 'bu, hen, C. H. Byam, Rhode Is- land Reds, cock, I. McLachlan, Al- Wyandottes, , white, cock, A. B.` Wice, W. N.` Gibney; hen, -1-and 2,` W xr i 11:1... `M. nr__--- J -1; - . ..v_,. Vu-.,ua.uA.:, pazuxzugc, UUUK, U. H. Byam; hen, C. H. Byam. Games, any other color, Henry .Hulse. Langshans, cock, Geo. vWhiting, Orillia; hen, l and 2, A. B, Wice, Barrie. Leghorns, white, S.C., T-T T.T..L~... 1---- (1-- 1171'-M 1- ;I:a1d:);"1:;::I;3arIing H` ram, A. A. Armstrong. Aged ewe, A. A. Armstrong; Gimmer. A. A. `Arm- 'strong. Ewe lamb, A. A. Arm- \JIIJ..I.o .I_ao -\J|Au.Lo `J. B. Fielding, Barrie. Yearling bull, E. DeI_1nis, Newmarket. T. Bull calf, 1 and 2, J. B. Fielding,,Bar- rie; E. _ Dennis. Cow giving: milk or with calf, 1 and 2, E. -Dennis. J. B. -Fielding. Two year. old. heifer,` Pollec1:A`1L1`11s:-`--;]Kv.oJ'year old bull, I Dennis} 2 and 3, J. B. BF-ielding.I Yearling heifer. 1 and .2, E. Den-' nis, J.. B. Felding. Heifer c_aLlf, J. _B. Fielding,` 2 and Denriis. 'E-1...I.-.'.-an Aye: nncvunnn V1-duo '5 Andalusians, cock,` 1 and 2, C. lFletcher, Allandale; hen, C. Fletch- `r, `C. H. Byam, Maple. Anconas, `cock, H. Hulse, W. N. Gibney, N ew- I Inmrket; hen, H. Hulse, VV; N. Gib- 'ney. Cochins,- partridge, cock, C.` H` Rvnm'I 1,, r1 1.1 12.,..... n.....-- .....,..g. . _ . `Shropshire Downs-Aged ram,] .Geo. Crawford, Minesing. Shearling ram, Geo. Plowright, Minesing; A. A~..Armstrong. Ram lamb, A. A. Armstrong, Geo. Crawford, Geo. ?P1owright. Aged ewe, 1 and 2, Geo. `Crawford, A. A. Armstrong. Gim- imer, A. A. Armstrong, Geo. Craw- ford, A. `A. Armstrong- Ewe lamb A. A. Armstrong, Geo. Crawford, A. ] A. Armstrong. Pen of long wool sheep, `J. Sanderson.` Pen `short. `wool sheep, Geo. Crawford. V Pat C_&tt10-COW or" ; heifer, E.` Dennis. Herd of any beef breed, E. Dennis. ~ Female," any beef breed, E. Dennis. Female, any age, milk- ing breed, E. Dennis. ? > cotswo1d-A;1J_}am, "John 'Sande3's(1>1n, Shagtyd Bay." Shearling ram 0 11 `an erson Shanty B Fred Sanderson, Shanty Bay- Raa)1rI; lamb, Fred Sanderson,` 2 and 3 John Sanderson. Aged ewe, John San- derson, Fred Sanderson. Grimmer, John Sanderson. Ewe lamb I id 2 John Sanderson. , 31' $.__;1, ,l___, 1- Berkshire-.-Boai',m Wm. A Pearce, Angus. ,Boar, born after` Jan. 1st, 1915, W. Pearce. I v1'amworth.s-A. A. Armstrong. I POULTRY ` ` [ . _ _ SHEEP . PIGS . Battenburg, `Mrs. J. Campbel1,j r'Mrs. A. Gilchrist. `Bed room furn-1 - ishings, `Mrs. W. R. Neilly, Mrs. R. . Butcher. `Baby s `bonnet, Mrs. N. . McEac11erf1 Miss M. H. Richardson,! ,.Baby s coat, Mrs. McEache_rn.' _ Boudoir cap---.Mrs. McEachern,} Miss Eva Strangway, Beeton. 3 Child s ,dress-Mrs.. McEac-hern. f Crochet-~"w0.rk, cotton---Miss M. .H. Ricliardson, Miss .Anah V.. ' Bailey. Crochet `work, "woo1-! ' Mrs. Butcher, Miss M. E. Gamp."| ' Ibeki. . Crochet collar--Miss' y Richards0n,.Miss Jean Marshall. - Couch cover, fancy-Miss. S.~ l Sharp, Thornton, Mrs. B. Smith. . Centre . `piece, - cfolored-.-Miss . Strangway, `Miss B. Mcuaig. _. Calendar, Afancy--Miss May] Shaw. Darning on stocking- Miss Ri.chardson, Miss E. Campbell. `Dining table centre, M AIace--Miss Richardson, Miss M. Campbell. Dining table cen- tre. ., colored `embroidery-Miss Jean"Marshall`, Mrs. R. Bothwell. . Dining table centre, white em- - "broide`_red-_-Miss M. .H, `Richard- M: gson,_ Miss Jean Marshall. Brawn . work. _' on ` linen-Miss _. M. E. I! Camphelrl, `Miss ` M. H. Richard- T . son. " .:..Embro`id*ery , on bolting 1 =c1oth--i-Mrs.I1Wm-.' _-Moore. Em- 4 g b_I:oi_ on_.sil1_;{-_--Mrs. ,AButcti_{.' EIn;"_y . on. linen, silk-`V-- _ rMi"s s'- Je ati`?=. Ma_rsha.11, `Mrs. A-Win. Mo:or_e.i ;?Em;b_roic_1e'ry,r on f\iinen,.- A` I n~-'-_-`M15-s~; - J.eafn_-: ,- --Marshjall, ` M-1;` 3. (.H._, '_31`c_har_ds.on.- 1. Pair ~. red -p1l`IoAw`cases--_-Miss ` ls . DAIRY PRODUCE . 10 lbs. butter in 1 lb. rolls, A.l D. Campbell Shanty Bay," Mrs. T. McCulloch, Guthrie; Mrs. D. Mc-l Cuaig, Shanty Bay. 20 lbs. butterl in crock, Mrs. A. Gilchrist, Shanty! Bay; Mrs. `D. McCuaig; Mrs.` T.l McCulloch. 10 lbs. 'of.butter in I crock, A. D. Campbell, Mrs. D. Mc-l Cuaig, Mrs. VT. McCulloch. 10 lbs.`; oi: butter in 2 lb. rolls, Miss Bella? Mccuaig, Mrs. D. MeCuaig, M_rs. McCu1loch.- Farmers cheese, Mrs. T. McCulloch, Mrs. 1).. Mccuaig.| Loaf of hon1e-ma`de bread, A. D. Campbell, Mrs. D. McCuaig, Miss B. McCuaig. Imperial qt. of maple .molasses, Mrs. A. Gilchrist, Mrs. \V. C. Hewitt. 10 lbs. honey in` comb, Mrs. VV. C. Hewitt. 10 lbs. honey, extracted clover, A. E. Bell,_ Mrs W. C. iHeWitt. 10 lbs. basswood, honey, A. E . Bell, - Mrs. . W. C.I Hewitt. 10 lbs. buckwheat heney, A." E. Bell, Mrs. \V. C. Hewit-t.I_ Named. collection of,honc'y, A. E.` Bell, Mrs._ Hewitt.` Home made pickles in bottles, D. C.` Campbell. Collection of canned fruit, Mrs. T., McCulloch, Mrs; S. Thorne. One` dozen eggs, Fred Nixon, A. B. `Vice. Assortment of cakes, Mrs. T. McCulloch. Dressed Goose, Mrs. `V. C. `H'eWitt._-Pair dressed ducks,,- E. A.- Harris, F. Chappel. Pair` dressed` fowl, `Mrs. Jos'.`1C_h_appel, [Mrs._ T.` McCulloch. ` ;"U. Lug D_.1'15:.._y.. . `_ i _-.; 'Ayrsh1res-Cow g1_vmg m1lk_ or ffwith calf, C. `M. Sngley. -- I`I..-J-- (`Aha A11 uottes, nun,` cock, .U. L1. Byam; hen,"] C. H- Byam. - Wyandottes, any `other. color-, , `cock, -1`. Longhurst';`l hen, G. Whiting, F._ Longhurst. Bantams, B. B. Red,_'game, hen, R. Leadley. jBantams, any other color, game, cock, R. Leadley; hen, R. Lead- ley. Bantam, Cochin, cock, C.C.Hinds; hen, A. MacRae, C. C. Hinds. Ban- tams, African," cock, G. Whit- ing; pullet, .1 and 2, G. Whiting.` English Red Caps, cock, G. Whit- ling; hen, G. .VVhiting. Orpingtons, u White, cock, 1 and 2, A. C.jBr`lck- er;-f hen, C. Faux, A. C. Bricker. Orping-'t_ons, any other color, cock, land 2, J. A. MacLaren;'hen, G., Whiting, J. A. `MacLaren. Leg-' horns, brown, S.C., cockerel, 1 and] 2;" W. `D. Minnikin. Leghorns,I brown, S.C.,~pullet, 1 and 2, W. D. Minnikin. Hamburgs, A.O.C., cock- erel, land 2, C. Faux; pullet, 1 and 2, C. Faux. - " - `Turkeys--Bronz'e, male, .1915 bird, Mrs. J. Campbell, Shanty Bay, fe- male, Mrs. J. Campbell. White Holland, male, 1915 bird, W. Scott,-l Hawkestone; female, W. Scott. Bronze, male, J- Penton,. Mrs_. J. Campbell; female, Mrs. J.. Camp- bell, J. Penton. White, Holland, male, `Wm. Scott; female, Wm. .S,cott." . w-. VJ, ...... ...;x.uau Unxu, uxaxu, ..l.UJ.iJ, Hulse, W..GiJlL)ney.; female, H.` Hulse, W. Gibney. Indian Runner, female, 1915, Gibney.- Pigeons-A pair of carriers; A. M comson. Jacobins, 1 and 2, A.: Ma comson.` Ponters, 1 and 2, A. Maloomson. Homers, W. F. Catlin, A.` Malc_omson. Any other variety, 1 and '2, F. Parr. ' Rabbits_--Miss_ Ida Creswieke.' Guinea. Pigs-G. Whiting. 1\ `L TTI1 1'11` 4\1\-oAnc- Wi )v1;;:ks--4Rouen, male, ' 1915, , H. Hulse, VV. Gibney; female, W. Gib- ney, H. Hulse. Pekin, male, 1915 7 ' T-Tnlan `KT `1:1\Inl\vv . -C`.-.~--|-- T7 u1,?`sW;%~:Gibney,5H, Hu1's`;` `h, W. _:Qi;biiey,. H.\ Hulse.` Houdans, cock, 0." H, Byam, C.` Fletcher; hen, `C. H. Byam, C.` Fletcher. Minorcas, cock,` G. .,VVhiti;1g, C. H, Byam; hen, 1 on:-1 9 A D 117.`..- `l)I--...---LL .. vyau, nu-guyggs, V. .11.-._`;)_ya1u, 111711, I and 2 A.` `B. VWice, Plymouth Rocks, barred, s cock,` `1 and 2 C. C.` Hinds; hen, C.,C. Hinds, H. Hulse. Plymouth Rocks, white, hen, F.- Parr. Plymo th Rocks, buff, cock, C, H. Byam. Rhode Island Reds, cock, [I McLachlan, W; C . Lundy,_ Newmarket; hen, C. Faux, W. C.l Lundy. Wyandottes, white, cock,i c.A. F. A. Malcomson, A. B. Wice; hen, W, Gibn ey, F. Parr.- Wyan-. dottes, buff, cock, .C. H. Byam; hen,", n n ntvovn ' TNT-nu .1 ALL-.. A LADIES WORK *'rrm NORTHERN ADVANCE t._, ....,...,.. .2" C.f I.` if, ad :, 0.1 e, 3. * w-nun. 111;, U. `J. uuLab'-_J3a-g1ey- `low. Bells % Flowers--Gre%o. Aotta, ' Grades--,-Cowl? giving _mil1i or w'ith'~ no .first_ given; 2 and-,3, F% -';;i;`: ;T%w,o` :yea.r .old heifer, `V 1-HeA ,.l':Y-'eai*1,ing`.' .hqier_,;` 1 's_.Vn`g1 ;; S5519? ' __Wlbll pau., \.J LIL: LIL 161.143 0 _ A U --iu1ss_ou'aI1gWay, Miss J:iucnan-` an. Water color--Mary Gostick,l Anten Mills; Eliner B1ack,,` Stroud; Pencil or crayon draw- ing--Oliver Wilson, Mary Gos- tick. sheaf of oats---Meta Hunt- er, Frank `Garvin. ~ T Fruits. Duchess. of, Oldenburg--C. T. Thompson, J.`.T,. Quinlan. St. -Lawrence--G. T. A Thompson, Joh`n;Hunter.. Alexander's-Geo. `Coles, J. T. Quinlan.` McIn~tosh s Red--+-Harry Wortley. Sno_ws- ~.-Geo. Ottaway,` J; T. Quinlan. American` Golden Russetts--A. A. Garvin,-` Geo. Ottaway. Red Poun_d--A'. A. Garvin_.. Geo. Ot- ta_wa-y. Pewaukee-a-Geo. Otta- Way, T. ; Quinlan.` Northern- Spy.-4,-5-GeQ.i , ..'Ottavyay;` lGampbe1:1.r *Ba.1dw1ns--Geo. . ta 't&W.aY-- G0.lvert-.-J-I. T. , Quin1an:,; < Geo-ittawa :-..._u:\.M3. ;1e1`:$+Geo;Z 1. .0ttaw'a`%r; ;\2va lace eBne;vm;.`i Bi :0` yarn, white,` home/1 . spun, Mrs. A. G'l h ' t; M .. J.` - Campbell. \Vhite cCoPtltson Ullider H wear, hand made---Miss Strang_ Way, Miss M. E. Campbell. Col- ; lection of children's work-Ma- :l bel McEach'ern,_ Ida` Cameron- Li _ ` Fine Arts. 3} Flgurea 'painting-Miss E. .,Waddell, Orono; Alfred Mick. ,'landscape-M1ss Waddell, Miss M. Cook, Woodstock. Marine, oils-'--Miss Cook, Mrs. O Keefe, Guelph. Animals-Miss Cook. -V.Miss Waddell.. Inanimate ob- 3'jects-Mrs. O Keefe,, Miss Ger- trude .Wallac_e. Landscape twat- `er colors-Miss Fraser, King- ,`ston_,~ Miss Stra'ngv_way. yl\/Iarine as- . , P " -,Miss Cook, Miss Fraser. Fig? ure paintin"--M F `,s M O Keefe. AoIliII13.i:E--Mri:;:e`I F. _Bailey, Toronto; Miss Fraser. ;Dra_w1ngs, pen and ink sketch- 'IM1s.s M. Cook Miss Fraser Pen- "ion drawing-:Miss E. swaddell, '[Mrs O Keefe.. Charcoal drawing -,-Mis's .E_. VVaddell,. Mrs. O Keefe. * ~ .- 0` n ma- . A R. `Butcher, {Miss A Buchanafg. (}rayon--.-Miss E. Waddell, Mrs. Otililgefe. Pencil drawing by.` c i ren-R. McQu , J. Ch _ .pel. Collection gfrryphotosalgy` _.`am ateur-.-Mrs. 0. Keefe,. Fred lBrooks. Collection "of paintings by i_tself-Miss .E-lsie Ferris, ` Barrie. Figure painting in oil for` Co, of Simcoe only-Miss Ida Creswicke, Miss. Gertrude Wa1.. lace . Landscape in oil-`-Miss Strangway, Miss Mabel Stone Barr_ie_. - Marine, in` oil--Miss Ida $.;%::V`k:~...f;g.:e in . "" I . - 11 . LaI.1dS'Ca'De water colors-RITses StI`an`sway. .'Marine/Water col- ors-. Miss Mae Shaw. ~ Collection of pastels-e-lMissq Elsie. Ferris.` Hand paintedfsatin sofa cushion -M1ss Strangway, Miss Buchan- -an . fnfnh -nn'L-~An `ll.-....-- I`1..'.4.A.'-1_ - 1 .4 u:.Lcv. .IJ LVLUUUGI5. \V00_llen, mitts, Mrs. D. Mc-f 1C.uaig; l\Irs'. T. McCull0ch-; wool.-` llen, yarn, g_rey,. 2 lbs., home spun,'Mrs. D, Mccuaig; Mrs. J.` Campbell. = ` ( ``7r\nl`nus ` ;--_.. ___*._-1 _. ._ A . " Ry,Laye-msr,:;.A::S.ii:`st.A Jo fn. : vnadyfsi aDr.on;. 7DIai'n*FM~iST~ M-Ex,.Q? ?131I2 J : ell", ::"M-I-'s_.'-" ;ME..Qu.l.lol31_l-. .a;pr.on, fancy-i- -iM1ss1 ..R1ch-.aI-'dson.- ` Miss V Jean ~ r .Mar`sh'all."*< Lady =S" wrapper -l-T'Mr_s. *McEache`I"I.1. Lady's wool" wrapper '10! Jacket -e-"Miss A-Marshall, , Mrs. Butche- Lunch clo th---;Miss , strarrgway. Miss Campbell`. .. Luncheon set_-Miss Anah V. Bailey. Lace centre piece,- white"-.-Miss Gladys Ricketts. ;Le_.undry bag, Worked 1--Miss Eva W Strangways, Mrs. Butcher. Macrame ,Work-Miss :M. E. Campbell. . Netting-M1ss Richardson, Mrs`. N. .McEachern. Outline work---Mrs. Wm.. Moore,- Mrs. G. W. Raymes. Two p11- low shams, h.and made-Miss M. E.- Campbell, Miss Bella G11- christ. Point lace-'-rMrs. R. Butcher.. Patchwork, Japan or crazy-Mrs. R. Butcher, Mrs. N. McEachern.- ,Poker work on wood--Miss Mae Shaw, Miss Eva Strangways. Poker `WOI`k- o'n leather'--Mrs." R. Bothwell-, Miss Mae` Shaw. Pin cushion-Miss .Marshall, Miss Richardson. Quilt for cradle-Mrs. Butcher. Quilt- down-Mrs. W. C. Hewitt. ` Quilt. white-_`-Miss B. McCuaig, Miss M. E. Johnston, Anten mills. Quilt, outline-_-A. D. Campbell. Quilt, patched silk-Miss Marshall, Mrs. Butcher. Quilt, patched, other than silk-Mrs. J. Camp- bell, Miss B. McCuaig. Rag `mat, worsted-Mrs, Che`-sney, Guthrie; IMTS. T. McCulloc`;1. Rag mat, hooked-Mrs. T. McCul-loch, Mrs. D. McCuaig. Rag mat, sew- ed-Mrs. T. McCul1och. Rag. carpet `- Mrs. Montgomery, Craigvale. Ribbon Work--Geo. W'hiting`, Orillia; .Mrs. G. W. Raymes, Orillia. One pair slip- pers, embroidered or knit-Miss Richardson, Miss M. E. Camp- bell. Sideboard scarf-Miss M. E. Campbell, Miss Margaret Lough. _.Sofa cushion s-i1k-Miss Jean Marshall`, Miss J-. Graham. Sofa cushion, any other kind- Miss"M. E. Campbell, Miss Mill- er. Tea cosey, embroidery- |Miss Richardson, Miss Strand- lway. Tea cosey, lace--Mrs. Butcher, Miss Jean Bailey,' Toil- et and stand covers-Miss G. Gordon, Barrie. Table runner, ;in colors--_Miss Jean Marshall, Miss Strari'g`way.- Toilet set-- Miss Jean Bailey, Miss C. Gor__ don. Table mats, crochet, one set--Mrs. Butcher, Miss Strang- lway. T.atting-Miss Richardson, gMiss Gladys Ricketts. Whisk ',holder, Miss J. Graham; `Miss Strangway. \Vork bag, `fancy, Miss Richardson; Mrs. ;Bo'thwell. White shirt, hand! lmade, `Mrs. J.-Campbell; 2 pairs] gwoollen socks. Mrs. T. McCul_l llloch; Mrs. D. McCuaig. I `xfvnnnon rnitfo 1`/frurv `l\ 1\l',. l ...uuu. guauuyLu1L---1 . ` LOVE, A. S._ St. -John. , Cockscomb---P. Love,... S . _ >_J9hn_.V Magnon- ,:u1e_u1ones--1t. Bidwell, B. E. Challis`. Verbena--P. Love, D. G. _(_3axI_1pbell. 'Ca.1li0psis--R. J. Fletoher, Mrs. Cavena. Ga_i1Iar- dine--,-Hg. Wortley, B. E. C a1lis.| ;Li1_ijes-`-Mrs. Gavena. H lian_-' th.u s_;-.-H.. B. Tate, Miss Gres- gwj-cke. _\CaT1dYtt1ft--P`. `Love, A, 8`: .;mm. . .. nan:-Va----L v~ , -_---.....,, H. u. xu:u2u-% er. Marigo1ds-Mrs. Cavena, P. Love." Dahlias--.A. S. St. John, D.` C. Campbell. Nasturtiums-- A. S. _St. John, P; Love. Dian- thus- --R. J. Fletcher. Hydrangea --R. J. Fletcher, R. Bidwell. Sal- peg1ossis-+A. S. St. John. . Sca- biosa---P_.vLove, A. Sv.'St. John. Ane;m0Ine`s-`--R. [ B .v_vell, . B. -E. :[".I-nn`1.i.:'.r `V--"- A . Grain. - Half,cental- winter_ wheat- s Robt. Leadley, Barrie; Frank - Chappel. Six rowed barley-- I. Lloyd Livingston, Mineslng. 12 t ears yellow corn-Mrs._ W. C. s Hewitt, Wm- Scott. .Wh1te corn ~.. -C. M, Hickling, W. Scott. Red - clover seed-,--A. `D. Campbell. Silage corn-L. Kennedy, Jas. Coutts, Avening. ` School Fair Section. One gallon of oats-Ruth Liv- ingston,_Meta Hunter, Nantyr. Six ears Golden Bantam corn_-- Annie Chappel, Victoria Hewitt. _ _ One quart of eld peas-Miss Annie Chappel. One dozen p_o_ `tatoes, ordinary plot-Reta Liv- ingston, Oliver \Vilson, Anten Mills. One dozen potatoes, war plot--John A. Campbell, Shanty Bay; -Ruth Livingston. Six ,turnips--Lena Graham, Norma zChappel. Six mangolds-F. I j[Sutherland,. Stroud; Ivan Chap- 3`]pel. Collection of woods--C. _|McLean, Thornton; Frank Gar- -vin, Midhurst. Collection of _ weeds--K. Stephenson, Dalston;l _ Margaret Sutherland, Stroud. . Collection of weed .seeds--K. V Stephenson, Oliver Wilson. Col- ' lection of insects--M. R_onald,. 3, Minesing; Lena Graham. Handi _ towel---Lena_ Graham, Dorothy] Harper, Stroud. One half yard` _ lace or insertion-Irene Patte- _ son, Stroud; Olena Patterson, _ Stroud. Crab apples, Hyslop- W. M. Campbell, Wm. Scott. Crab. apples,'a.o.\'.-J. Hunter.` - in I H u 9.` 7 _ Bar_tlett"pears-W.' M. Campbell, _ C. W. Nash. Clapp s Favorit.e- ; C. T. Thompson. , Flemish Beau- ,. ty-`--C, \V. Nash, C. T. Thomp- , son, Collection of Autumn and _ Winter pears---C. `W. Nash. Col- . lection of plums-C. T. Thomp- . son. . Plants and Flowers." - Two liangingbaskets--P.Love,I =Ric._hard Bidwell. Fuc11ias--R. . Bidwell. Single Geraniums--R. lBidwell. Double Geraniums-- R. Bidwell. Coleus-'-R_ Bidwell. well. Plants grown In pots - ama_teur-D. C. Campbell. Col- `lection of Begonias, amatei/1r- R._ Bidwell. Rubber plant--R. Bidwell, Mrs. Wm. Moore. Kochia * -H. _B. Tate, D. C. Campbell. lmpat1ens--R. Bidwell. 1 Cut Flowers. * Collection of` Asters--P. Love D. C. Campbell, Mrs. Cavena. ' Collection of `Gladioli--P. Love. D. C. Campbell, Mrs. W. ' _.H. Myers. Pansies, with foli-, Love, A. S. St. John. `Sweet peas-A. E. Bell, D. C. 1 Campbell, P. Love. Gladioli, 10 spikes, 10 varieties-P. Love, Walter Patterson. Gladioli, 10 spikes`, 1 var1ety-P. Love, W. Patterson. u Asters, pink--W. Patterson, `Harry Hook. Asters, _white-P. Love, W . Patterson. ' Asters, purple---V_\[,; Patterson-, P. Love. Asters, cri_mson-P. Love, A S. St. 50hn- -Actmie man..- . rway; " ;J.. "I v'I`.:.; 11'.-'Q'uifri,lan, = Kings of V.- I;'otmpk_in;s "Cou'nty.-.-Geo. .Otta- way. _.,Rhode Island Greenings-'- Geo. ,(`%Lta,wgy. Man+Gec]>). Outta- way, `as. outtiu-.Ben av1s- J. T. Quinlan, J.vG. Guise-Bag- ley; Ontario-J. T. Quinlan, C. T. Thompson Wolf River--J. Hunter, J`. T. Quinlan. Seek-no_ further--Chas. - Robertson, J. Hunter, C1-aigvale. - Grimes Golden--Geo. , Ottaway. Five varieties for dessert--Geo. Ot- taway, C. T. Thompson. Five varieties for cooking--Geo. Ot- taway, C. T.. Thompson Five varieties for export-Geo Otta- way,. C. `T. Thompson. Box packed for dessert--Wm. Scott, Jas. Coutts. Half peck crab apples, Transcendent -- J. T. Quinlan. A I')A.-`tn " calf, C. M. `Hick- eling, Barrie. Cow giving milk oi`; with calf, S. E. Carr, Allandalen `Two year old heifer, `S. E. Carr,` _Yearling heifer, S. E. Carr. '-..-J'.`.....I.. `I')--Il ._..IJ.` `C1 `[3 l`1-_... - `12 Tubers, roundiqh or.ob'- long, white, late_-Jas. Coutts, Avening; W.~M. Campbell, Shanty Bay. 12 Tubers, long, red, or pink, .late-o-Geo. _ Lees, Barrie. 12 Tubers,'roundish or oblong, red or pink, late-Jas. _Coutts,. Av- ening; W, M. Campbell, Collec- tion of '~pota_toes_,. named-H. Maybee, Barrie; W. M. Camp- bell.- 3 Swede turnips---Jas. Coutts, Avening; W. M. Camp-` hell; 3 Aberdeen -turnips--Jas. Coutts, Wm. Scott, Hawkestone. 3 White Globe -turnips-Wm. Scott, W. M. Campbell. 3 Grey Stone turnips--Jas Coutts, Geo. Plowright, Mirresing. -3 .White Field carrots--W. M. Campbell, Wm. Scott. 3 sugar beets-p--Geo. Coles, Bafrie; Jas. Coutts, Av-` ening. 2 pumpkins--A. A. Gar-` vm, L. Kennedy & Son. 3 red eld caI`rots-W. M. Campbell, Wm, Scott. 3 long red man- golds-Wm. _ Campbell,. Jos. .Chappel. -3 yellow mangolds- Geo. Coles,. Jno. Hunter, Craig- vale. .~.,. I Boots. 4 FOR z'l"I-iE-'(-3(-JU;`J-TY or sIMc0E- Most reasonable terms given on a! [Stock Sales IJOHN JENNETT _ CRAIGHURST, on-r. LIQENSED AUCTIONEAPER Dr. B. (F. \\'ismnnnT ..3 Best time`, 2.4911. Farmer's _C%1'em1 TI`'>t-- Belle of .~\1'__r_vle (Ma- honey. Om .. ...I .2 Dick Alcyonium (Hughes, B{`L1dfHI`r`i '4 3 Maud L. '(MCCL`|I1k+`}'j Stroudf) .. .._.- 1 Gamey C. (Orton, `Elm- valeT\ 3 3 1 Easy~ /F61'tu1.1;9 .('DIf.'1.1-'. _ nelly, 'A1listm1 i- 5 a `Best time, 2.55 L , .1, [The New Foundry] _.1 A NEXT noon TO THE TANNERV Elmvale) .. . . . Albert T. (Gilks` Arlene (Switzer luuuuuu: 1.). l `John Hall (Hall. Elm- LEta'1r111eI",s Open T1-i-t- -Edgar`. Belle (.1. W. Thompson, E;1,r:a1~ ..1 vale} .. .. .. .. ..5 Teddy Prince ,{Re,\\'v-. Bond HeariW L. Arlene (Switzer, Sta}: ner) .. .. ...3 Maud L. (F. RObeI'ts-`tn Stroud` . . . . .o . . . Best time 2.4931. 2.30 Class--B ' Paddy Todd (I.earll:1}'. Cookstown`; .,. .. . . .1 Johnnie B. (Rmmt. 'I".V`l_--_-- I - \ - I . -1 L \z(.IaL l..I..|J. LLLLL U1, k.lg 4.] \./(1.10 5 . Herefords---Bull calf, `S. E. Carr. Cow giving milk or with calf, S. E, Carr. Two year old heifer,` S. E. Carr.` Heifer calf, S. `E. Carr. - \ 15-11-}! A........ TH...` --..-.. -I.'I 1...`! I l I guns: V VI T V Garden Produce, Henderson s early M. Moore, H, Hoo1;_ stadt _ cabbage--M. Mm Challls. Savoy Stapleton, M. , _ Kale--D. C. Campbell. bage-M.. Moore, 1\11-_._ vena. ' Red cabbarre, am? um variety--H.- Hook? M_ MUD? anlpblfll, Ci. `Pu Cauliflowers--D. C. C Moore. 1 . -V M. Campb_ell, H. B. T tenay carrots--E. A. W. Nash. Long reel r:1l~l-..l.; M. Campbell, \\'m. Sc.t[_' snips--B. E. Challis, .111, Paris Golden Cf.`lvl`_\'---]_5_1{.j E. A. Harris. Pink C, Campbell. \\ l1il. ery-B. E. Challis, F. Winter celery-l). 41. , Capsicums--D. C. (1amp1,.-i1_ Hines. Table Col'n--lI, a;_ Mrs. \V. C. Hewitt. 'l':1ll. . -_-'--B. E. Challis, l\Il'.~`. .l. '1 bell. Long Bed . Campbell, A. S. St. Jullll, ip beets--H. `l\Ia_vl)-.-, \\'_ Campbell. Sal.~iil'y--\\'. Campbell, Wm: i~`r,~.:1,_ radishes-M. 1v1o.m-. 1.). (2. (1 bell._ Turnip. I'&lll.s'll'_~`---l_) Campbell, M. l\'Imm-_ tuI`nips--\V. M. Cllll[)l)o-ll. Campbell. Jerusalem .-\1'l.i:-l1..l,..;.~ -R. Bidwell, 1m-.< A. 1. mm...` bell. \Vhite seed onl>n.<---l';. \\`, Nash. l Yellow seed onl--n.~`-~.\lr.s. A. Cavena, M. lVI;u;m_-_ ll.-.1 ,....,d E. C.lli1lll.~'. l['m j Parr. Potato oniun.---.\I. .\I.m1~.-- Mrs. A. Gilchrist. Pit-lillnz on. ions--M, Moore, ;\Ir.<. .\.;1l- christ. , Pickling om-n.<--\\ a|_ lace Brown, C. W. .\'a.~h. lm- perial tomatoes-.--1\I. \I....;-.l_ 1_;_ C. Campbell. Stalls` lUlllillHo-.-'-- H.- HOOk, C. `V. Nasjll. THll12,1l,m`.~;, any other variety---B. lll1ulli.~, Mrs, J. Campbell. Curllo-rlinn or tomatoes-D. C. Campbv-ll. Squash, Hubba`r-,l--J. .~'l-.1pl.t..n, E. .A. Harris. Squash. .\luxnlm.} -J. Stapleton. \'e_'14-l.:1bl.- um:-' row--E. A. Harris, B. E. l 1lmlll.~. Citrons-W. Scott. Ct-llertion ..r_ garden vegetables--l"] >`<-lnni.u, E. A. Harris. w Par. 31fn[[_ llilllls C's`-In;-y_`D' l.2unpl;ell. zllllp. . lj_ Tflllle l). C_ P. - -Iy.ove. T 131. - Hook, P." L0ve.a I11/angit ),1(ll11lt\lI P.,'LOve, H. Hook. 17.,,1al t __ d` ggfnent 1`3- 0- Calnpm-11, I3 /*4 'THURSDAY, _SEPT. Three year Olds- Millie T. (Edwards. Elm- vale) .. .. .. .. Gingerbread (Jcb1).C.A..-k.`~- town; Manor B`:-'in0 ('13._l\\"r':1-.'l..~.. AElmva1e`; .. .. .. I Half-1ni1e.heats; bust F 1'13: t'\ rt` TRY Kennedy Special Rye Whisky $1.10 A QUART Inoug.-Jaw puces. /"AI work dneh expert machin- and gust-ant first class. Iafgn for all orders in CASTING3 REPAIRS, 8:2. : x Boilers. Engines and all kind`!-3: tarmhnd statlonary.machiner)" 1 `hunt! repaired on ahoxtest notice and ;;,lII`od_eraw prices.` Mn ' W. q . . . ' ,, ___....6 vnnt! ' .Pil0!\IE_ 3-53 . 3Xpft_MlChlnls; .\/vvanu vv 1 A1. Singles turnout, horse, ,bug, , -harness, Wm.'- Cowan, Allandale; Alex. Adams, Lefroy; J. `Coffee, Tottenham. Farmer s open trot, Walter Thompson, Edgar; Joseph Hall, Fergusonvale; E. R. Rowe,` .Newton Robinson. Pony under 14' hands, to`~saddle, D. Wice, Allan`-. dale. Lady driver,` TR. McConkey,! Stroud; D. Barclay, Bayclay; Adams, Lefroy. ' ' V ' 1 THE RACES [: Ke9.`.].y _(Rm\':1f. DQQ: -,` BARBIE NMV. 'dr. `;.a.4vwAL .uJ.Ll.JJo Matched pair of mares or geld- ings, Wm- Copeland, Thornton; Wm. Cooper, Cookstown; I. Mc- old lly or gelding," Howard Mc- "Lean, Thornton; Gabe, McConky, Mahon, Hawkestone. Two yeari Allandale; T. VV. `Sharpe, Thornton. Yearling lly or gelding, M. Ma- honey, Hawkestone, Thos. Kell, Holly. Foal of _1915, 1' and 2, Frank Robertson, Stroud. Brood rmare with "foal by side, Frank Rob- -ertson, Thos. Kell, Wm. Cooper, Cookstown, . ' V 1915. 3 3 3 time, 1d\r..| dr. 3'4 `.3 1M ~PRlZE WINNERS - Bmmna FAIR;

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