Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Sep 1915, p. 3

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vva.u5uLe U, .I.uUs. VVBDD I, _ Best plots of Man.gelsV-.-Douglas VVhite- side 2,.K'ath1een Baker 5, Clifford -Davis 7, James Dunn 3, Jean Higginson 9, Percy Thomas 7. I Road Q:v 1\,r........1.. 1'xr, .11-_-. n.-____--.1_- JJGVIB `n ' Best plots of T1m_1ips--Gladys Higgin- son 9, Al. Bassingthewaighte 5, Eva. Ir- win 2, Reta Clougliley 7, May E1phick 9, Thos. W'ebb 7. ' - - `D.-...L ...:.- rl1.._..:.... `n-L_ rm ,1: :- .ucuuU. L I . Best` Potato War P1ots-?LeiI;u. Davis 7, `Marian Arnold 7,` Everard Cunning- ham 15, `Harvey Spers 15, Chester Cor- bett'15, George Spott 3. '. RPRf V pnfnfndq {"rnm xrrarv .1-m1n(*_]4`,`:, ucuu .10, \J'UU1'gI': o}:Ubl.} O. . . est 10 Potatoes from at :p1ob--Es- tella Arnold 7, Lila McDo ald 15,` Geo. `Scott 3, Roy McDonald 1-5, Clifford Davis 7 'D....`.a. ...`I..J.__ .1: n1__.._:.__ n1 1 1-1- wuuu. ap1uuwe U. ` ' Best 10 Potatoes- Jim'Tay1or 5, Is- land Arnold 2, Frank Higginson 9, Edith Arnold 7, James VVilson 9 Innisfil, Amy Lennox 7. . `l)_..1_ 13-1, 1 11'? Tn . '-r -1 as uauuw u, uua. xvxcueuu .1. Best plots of - Po'tatoes-Jim Taylor 5, Edythe Arnold 7, Hilto_n,g `Le&*en 5, nenneth Kidd 5, "Harvey Spmdloe 5, E`- Wood Spindloe . b Rnaf 1 DA`-n4-non-__-":v~s ` "l`n"L\.. K Tn Bantig 5, Elwood ` Corbett 6, Floreno [Barlow 6, Ella McLean .7. Ram V\1n`-cs -4: 1),.-4...'4.,.m. 1:... m..--1A.. -MINESING FAIR ICOUNTY OF SIMCOE AN_D THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR` CRITERION. uuaypcu a_. _ ` Best collection of VVoods-Ina Elliott 15, Fern Wingrove 1, Frank Garvin 6, VVil1ie McKever 1, Murray Ronald 9, Elmer Johnston 15. ' ',Best collection of Weeds-_-Gertrude Priest 9, Elvia Chappell 9. `Roof nnnanl-`Ann at 7nnJnnnJe. f\`:.-A.. 1.115311 0, Juzvm. uuayp 3 C11 . Best collections of \Veedseeds-Oliver Wilson 11, \Vinnifred Young 9, Gordon Coutts 17, Hugh Plowman 1, Harry Wright 1, Murray ,R<:nald 9. ' Rae? nn1]nn+;Av\a n ' Tr-nanr-a 1/fuu-nan. ..sopp 9, uara McPha.den 9, Norman LV.lCl.V mu`: Vv dub: 1uu1'!:W Ul'Cll21. ru 3. Best Ca1-Jhn" Mc1>haqen 9, Wesley! Allsopp 9, Elvia. Chappell A9. .VVes All-` Uhappell 9. nnai- .,,.n....+:,... "A: nr.....:,. 1'..- `m11:-4.L`. lJ UA\.LlC \JlULU 37. .Best bouquet of Asters-W'innifred Young 9, Goldie Clute 9, Monica, Torpey 15, Mary. McLean*15, Emmett Coughlin 11. Vera Knapp 11. ` Rnruniinf A` Hnuycnsc: AF` nn;r 1-:nJ ` 1.1. V C171. 11.. V . ` Bouquet of owers of` -any kmd- Frank Garvin 6, Pearl Ronald 9.4 VVm. Young 9, VVinni~fred Young 9, Ina El-" liott 15, Melville VVattie 6. - I2...+ n...u`r1,.u r.r.......u.,... u.}..1:,.1- n `.L1Ul-lllilll Jyuzuw LU. ` Best six Mangels-Ruth Grant 9. ,Walter Cook 15, Lloyd Elrick 11, W; Lawlor 15, Norman Elliott 10, Grace . Beeton 10. Best plot of Asters-Me1`vi-Ile VVattie 6, Gordon Coutts 17, Vera Knapp U.l1, 'Ma.rgaret Copeland 5, Olive Johnston 9, Goldie Clute 9. D.`..; L...._.-_-z. -1: A ._A____ 1'1'.*:_. __ :x-,, . J l1Ul:l.4 LU, LVLCLVIIIC VVULLIC U. Best Draft "Colt-Hampton Fr Melville VVattie 6, 12...+ n..1c_'rn1... Andrew Orc 1\/f.~.`Dl~..-..L-.n 0 alik 9, hard 9. 117.`.-J ... um. uu'ctppt:11 :1. _ - _ I Best six Tut-nips-Vio1et Elliott 10,` Norma Chappell 9, Lena. Orchard 9, Alex; Elrick 11, Clarice Ferris 1,_ Vera. McLean 15. - ' .`D..-x. _I-;_ -1: 1;l -.___-1_, T1Y211,,,_, ix 1 J.V1.\JlJCi1ll. LU. ' "Best plot of Mange1s--Wilbur Dobson 5, Morris Rowell 10, Grace Beeton _10, Willie Lawlor 15. Lloyd Elrick U.11, Norman Elliott 10. - `D.-....J. ...l-- 1,I'.__..._I_ `l`!__LL l`1_,__.L A t }J1lLy U. ' Best Potato War Plots-Kath1een Or-` chard 15, 'Redvers Dobson 5, Walter \' Scott 15,. Edna Switzer 5, Florence Ayres 39, Andrew. Orchard 9. ' V nna4- 10 DA`-n`rnna cmvu-\ (Kn... .D1t\"\\Tr\Qu nto sits _ ..lLCVCL L, .u,uou 1Jl.V1l.15Gl.\I I.l. U C . Best Plot of Turnips-Clarice Ferris 1, Alex. Elrick U.ll, Vera McLean 15, molet Elliott 10, Lena Orchard 9, Nor- ma Chap_pel1 9. Roof auv "Putt-n;`71'n1n+ 1711:.-.++ `in I U, LVCU. V C113 .lJUU$Ull- ' uxuy u. I Best _ 12 Potatoes4`-Bernard Doran 17, }Oliver Wilson 11, Harold Coutts 17, i Earl Thompson 9,` Velma Ney .9, VVi1lie TSmy 9. ' 11.m+ `D..4-.4-A 'UIT.... Dims fI'z'..+1n1..,.... nu` i7, 41uun:wv \Jl.'U.l.li1.l'U. E7. Best 12 Potatoes from War P1ot`-`Nor- man Elliott 10,, VValter Cook 15, Arvella Chappell 9, Ina Elliott 15, Willie l\Ic-I .VKver 1, Ruth Livingstone Rea} DIAL n? VP:-:7-n1ne:[`9ln1v1no Fnno 1 I .uu'cua VV EILSUU. 11. , Best plot of Potatoes--Ruth Orcharl jv 9, Stella McLaughlin U.11, _Ear1 Thomp- `son 9, Richard Armstrong 1, Willie VS-my 9, Redvers Dobson. 5. Roa4- 10 `Dnl-n`-non ;-[2137-nnvbzq nnnnn 1'7 ' ; L'.]3t'J?:l.llLl U. 1 Best quart of Peas-Il1a Culham 10,` 1Arvilla Chappell 9, Albert Graves 9,` VValter \Va1lwin 5, Lorne Barrett 6,! Luella VVatson 11. 'I)-...J. ..1-A_ -1! l')_J...L__.. 11__LfL {\..-L__1 g JJCEL1 HIA U513 U]. 53 W Cull \JUl>lI."" V". Cl. Carter 9, Annie Chappell 9, Mabel Luck a 9, Ray Thompson 9, Franli Armstrong 1, [Madeline Coughlin 11. T -Reef 1\]nl- A? 1)naa:A]1xa1-P rlrntrnu 0 `AYLGUCILIIU \/Uuguuu 1].. : Bat plot of Peas--Albert Graves 9, Dglsy Smy 9, I113. Culham 10, Luella atson'U.11, Lorne Barrett 6, John L'r,r.eland 5. ' ' `T - um+ ........ -1: 13...... In.` r1..n........ 1n McIjn1ey-9, Alvin Switzer` 5, ' Iderene Thompson 9. . om .r~4- 771' .A I v`'`*"" T" [- Best plot of Sweet C_ol`n--Katie `Arm- ;strong 1, Frank Armstrong 1, Hugh ?PloWman 1, Kathleen McL3:ugh1in U.11, *Ray Thompson 9, Verna Carter 9. 7 ..,,_ I 'v'1'1 b 1,, .Lu.u1'1'u_y ',[\.Ull.'r.l.l.u U. . Best collectlons of `Insects-Murray --J ....;vn.;;`.rvv-n v, v vacant: \./Una. vwl. can I Best Six ears of Sweet Corn'---Verna V..._L._._ n A___ {`1L-.._-l1 n `ll --L_`I T__'_`l_ Ladies Vests and Drawers, same style as above, 75 per cent. wool ....... ..75c garment Tweed Suifings in Checks and Fancy Weaves in all the new shades, at 50c yard, 65 yard and 75c yard. coon WEIGHTS; wo. MEN S AND CHlLDREN S UNDERWEAR Ladies Vests and Drawers, % high neck and long sleeves, all pure wool .... ..$l.00 garment Ladies Vests and Drawers," same style as above, in White or Natural shade .... ....... .. :.: :.:% DEVLIN & MURCHISON :.; =.: KimonaCloths, in ney designs. and best colorings 25c yd. Ladies ne white or natulral-_ shade Vests and Drawers, special at ....... ..39c garment Ladies extra heavy Cotton Vests and Drawers, long sleeves and Drawers -ankle; length, ..... ' 25c garment O O C Q I I J o o a 0 t Q o o o I O O o u o D o - o i o o I u on etaries goney Children": Vests and Drawers, long sleves, etc., a good wearing garment, good weight` .... .. OH. 1.. ')l\_ `Boys Swe'a'te'r_Cvcoa_xtVs: En" Pe;rIVC}'x:e;"\'ith Navy trimmings, sizes 24 to 34..`....l.25 to 1.35 Each Children s heavyweigth wool Vests and Draw- crs .... .;.. .... ., .... .; .................... ..35c to 60 Boys _. Sweater Cdats, in L dafk Brown with Qlive trimmings, sizes 24 to 34. at.:s$l.5O each .. ........ .......'T."I.".~2`:s".'b'. nun Juneau. . . ..... ..5oc 'g'$r}i}i S`w`_ea ter Cogits TWEED SUITINGS .u.u.a. .u.H.cw1.Lu ucga LU '1.Ul\uUW xcugc I e th with gratitu e receipt of $25.00 from the Crown Hill VVomen s Institute. It is _very welcome, as the Barrie Fieldl Comforts [workers are anxious to send! Christmas presents to the units mobil- \ I ronto low- S lJ.5\ .}l.`VV5i1v-l."+'|J-53- L`Uo .n . O. . , Relay Race-S.*S. No. |S.S. No. 11.} ' ' I C_L__`l A.-1_1_.._ LL, ' _, Girl taking the largest number of} prizes-Winnifrd Young, Lena Orchard,' Annie Webber. ' - `D-.- L.-.1-.'....._ LL... 1-........L ___...L__ -2 :1u1uc VVt:|J.UCl.. I Boy takmg the largest number of` 7'prize-Andrew Orchard, Frank Garvin, [Norman Coutts. } Tug-of-war-S.S. No; 15, S.S. No. 9, 1 Q Q Nrn K ' v iv.'Bes't Pair~+Lgei1a Orhard 9,` Ina ` E1- llott 10, XVinn1fred Young 9, Kenneth .1C_;1meron,. Vera VVa1t, Norman Coutts I 'n __A_ (`I_-1_____1.. T..- 11113,`: 1n 1' - 'LV.li1l'_Y .lXil.Vill..l.E1gll 11'}, JJUU JJUFHJI 0. I -Best_ Coop-Ina Elliott 15, VVilsonl Knapp 9, Mason VVr1ght 17, Vera \Va1t' E17, Mary Kavanagh 15, Norman Coutts ; 17. ` IV 1,,` 1,13 :1 1 , ,A 1 n1 "c_h3$i' {Jung the No. 9, S.S_'. No. 1. .L'u. vcu'cI. \./uu.ppc.u U. _ ' ' Best `Lace eor Insertion--Ann,ie E. Webber 10, Viola. Murphy 5, Pearl Ron-. ald 9, Viola Murphy 5, Edna Carson 5. .. Best V_Vat er Color--Hugh Plowman 1, Herbert Plowman 1, Ruth Horton 6, Artnur Park 10, Belinda Murphy 5, \Vi1- ibert Maguire 10. . Dani `Dun:-1;] l\I0 nnnvvnn nn1v:hn__Ann;n' 1" 1Kl11)1;`>leuai'\1"(a11l1l11i;.g Competition-Andfe\v `Orchard 9, VVinnifred Young 9, Elvia Uhappell 9. ' . I xxr..-.: '1\r......:..... r*~,;....\..;:+:,\.. r<,.......,1,\} ! I 3uel;!ts i] .ul1ett"--Norman Coutt 17, Lena Orchard 9, Herb_ert.'P1oWman- 1, Ver I\Valt, Millie [Hilts 10, Winnifred Young 0 . Best Cockerels-Ina Elliott 10, >Orchard 9, Winnifred Young 9, lneth Cameron, Elmer Johnston, ; VV1lt. _,L 111-4, 1'1-,_,'_ 11--r1; 1:411- "s't Fiock-Vem Walt, Millie Hilts! 10, Alvin Switzer 6,* James Handy 6, Mary Kavanagh 15, Leo Doran 6. A55 nAnvg_Tnn 1Pl"n4-4- `IR `IT-:L~Aq\ UCI Ia J.VJ.llSl.Ill. C .lUo ' I Best" Pencil or Crayon Drawing--Anniel E. VVeDDer 10, Elvia Chapp&l 9, Mary Gostic 15, Mary Gostic 15, VVi1bert Ma- guire 10, VVilfred. Murphy 5. Roof gnu A nnl oa__Warn "":nrrn,~u 1 lnompson 9. T V - `Best Golden/Russet App1es-Katie ,Armstrong 1, .Clarice Ferns 1, Ewart [Carson, VVi1bert Davis 9, Frank Gar- ivin 6, James Handy 6. 123:4 .q"Ir\II'? A nnloajp ntr ncnn 0 uua-yycu. .7. . . _ Weed Nammg Compet1t1on-GeI'trude] Priest 9, Ruth Forbes 1, VVinnifred] Young 9. . nan` 1)11`1o4-I-'T\Tp\nvv\nv-. nn1IL`-n 1 '7 T ,I\U\l\ I BULIIC LU, VVl.l].l.'CU.. .LV.I.l.ll1J1ly U- . best Spy A-pples-Fern \Ving'rove A1, iA_ndreW' Orchard 9, Roy_ Thompson 9, Lorne Smith 17, Reta. \V1ngrove 1, Roy '.l'hompsonT ` 9. .1:e.m+ r1,.1,:..-/1:>..=a..+ 'AnnLm#1z.,+.'., V LIL U, U GLIJCD ll. uuy Us ` Best Snow App1es-Roy Thompson 9, Ruth Orchard 9,` Andrew Orchard 9, wubert Davis 9, Earlv Thompson .9, Frank Garvin 6. A....1.. \T.._...._._ I"1__......LJL. -_ A_.J_____ k Iuaucu :7, v tum. u.|.uzyuy '-Best Hand ToWe1-Elsi_e uMcPhaden 9,. 'Clara McPhaden 9, Annie \Veb>ber`10, Annie Anderson 15, Evelyn Graves 9, ?VArvella Chappell 9. ` Ran} 'T.I)nn l\ Tr\cov\+;r\v\__Arn11;n L\.Ul.lU.lU. U, .I.JClI?la`\}.l'Ulli.`Ll\.l Us -`Best half dozen Biscuits.--Lue11a Wu-I son 11, Annie` Anderson _15, Laura Forbes 1, Elsie McPhaden 9, Clara Mc- ; Phaden 9, *Viola TMurphy 5. ` I . unn Ilonil -`nDknI`nn 0 I {Ronaldf 9, Lena. Orchard 9. Inna? H913 1-`n'rn:`sn R{enI1;f:_ Mrs. `Stews-art begs to acknowledge} KY`;-fh rrr-4:14-1'4-n 13 film FC|A:1\+ Ag 0:-`)Knn vvr\vv\| FIELD COMFORTS mo'st M prizes-S.S. White WoolBier1i pair Larger size and heavier weight .... ..3._90 pair Larger size and all pure wool ....... ..4.90 pair Largest size, all pure wool ..... ..V.....6.5O pair TL--- `DI'_..l__;._ -,,, ,1! 1 1- - 0 - _-- 1....` --V . Theze Blah/l;;e_ts are all madve` ....a.....v.Il\I tlllll fromnice ne wool Men s and Ladies Sweater Coats Men's Sweter Coats, with high collars, in all shades.-......u...v ............ ..$l.00 to $4.75 each Ladies Sveter Coats, with high collars, in all colors; .................... to $4.75 each NY) __At_L;l: S_;asoi1 s Prices Le'na 1 Ken- U Vera 1 BLANKET5 ll.lUllUy WU]. IIHVC LU Ue zbpcuu. l Grateful thanks are due to Mr. Chas. Beattie for the generous manner in which he placed Dreamland at the dis-. posal of th`e`Fie1dr Comforts. It is re- ggretted that the weather conditions were such that many people were precluded from taking advantage of this pleasant way of helping the fund. Issued by the Agricultural So- cieties Branch of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, Toronto. J. .Lockie Wilson, Supt. - ,Newmarket . , .. . . Sept. 29, Oct. 1 Orillia . . . .` . . . . . . Sept. 30. Oct. 1 Alliston Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Meaford '. . . . . . . . Sept. 30, Oct.. 1 Galt .. .. .. Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Elmvale . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Oct.`4-6 Cookstown Oct. 5-6 Owen Sound . . . . . . . . . .. Oct. 5-7 Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct.. 6-8 Beaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Oct. 7-8 . Markdale . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 12-13 I Schombrg . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 141. ) H The barn of J. O. R tledge, at 'C'ookstoWn, -Was destroyed by fire learly Thursday morning of last Iweek. The contents included farm E implements and grain. ' There is more Catarrh in this sec- tion of the country than all other diseases -put together, and until" the last ,few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local dis- .ease and prescribed local `_ remedies, and by, constantly failing tocure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.` Science has proven Ca- tarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitution- al treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J`. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con- stitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally. It acts direct- ly on the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. I 1~-r-r-rwnvvwrv n rnrx 'ro`12?13:?5 }1io." "' Wm " W" Sold by Druggists, 75c. - . Take Hall s Family Pills for con- I stipation. ized in Barrie now at the Further this object more money will have to be spent. art: (`no gm (11-Q 4-npnl fkn nlra front; time Mr To and (mail Staneld Underwear in all sizes in Red Label, Blue Label and Black Label at Standard prices. Men s extra heavy ribbed all wool Shirts and Drawers, sizes -36 to 44 ....... ..v...$I.O0 each `1 U0. 5 Men's Cotton and`Woo1 mixed Shirts - and Drawers, good weight. .50c to 75 garment MEN S UNDERWEAR DATES OI` FALL FAIRS, 1915 L1\L UUUUUUU L\Il..lLI.lal.LJo Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., `..`I...'l.. f\`L1- fsI.oo PER AFJNUM IN ADvANc L SINGLE comes `n-mag cents ggery r-1 al- (En. oQ.`a (110. G-`G. SMITH_&`CO., PHONE 82.` Established 1869. - Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. _Bar- rie, Ontario. V I ` [own YOUR own noma - % - ne Cease wa9tmg _Y_m_ mo Y rent. I have $2oo,oQo.oo worth 9` houses and property in Barr? and Allandale. - Q Smallcash payments. Balance as rent. Farms for Sale. Real Estate aiad Insurance Phone536. Bosanko Block . Barrie L ?{""""f T - Lxw, No. as WHOLE No. 4203.} VOL -n.qoMPsON cnzw. PuausVI-uzn . V - .. .... ~ I --- --., V V- --...1-l;v-- Lav . V A-,_, .... my \.l&\.4 fin: fiozlts. There was grave dan,e:er last year. The World awoke one mm-um-_ to nd Germany established at Agadil ; a. portoin .\Iomm-n. She meant to establish a naval base there, {but B_1'it:zin told her to get out. For two days war Was very near. (om-nnany has to be taiiglit a lesson, _ and.the lessons to be 121112111 her is that Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zoulziml are behindthe mother country. We know: that Ger- 1n:1n_\ was behind K1-ug`er, and that there -was a denite scheme to mist Great Britain from South Africa, but the fact that the mlonie.~`; s1n'an_s_: to arms andssailed from `all quarters .of the Ulotw 1'!) the assistance of `Great Britain`. caused the scheme to be i'i'11.~t1'ated, ' ~ ` ~' in; ~` and rue.` They pooh-pooh the idea that this country will everlbe in- \'{t(l(`ll. Gentlemen, never underestimate your fee. More un- likely things have happened. Remember that the -British Em- hire is the mot"her of civil and religious liberty the world over It sta11 for law and order and decent living, it is- as trite say ins` that the British bayonet and the British missionary have reformed the world, but our great curse at` present is apathy and la7.i_ness. Look at our crowded jails! And We callourselves ei\`ili'/.e Gentlemen, We are no more than half civilized to-day and war is closer than you dream; the great peril is from Ger m{ .ll_\'. Wliy? Because Germany must" have colonies Within a _-ehm-ation or she will begin to go down. She is building ships on hm-rowed money andgmust seek new territory. She has large ll11l!ll)(-}`>' of. citizens in the South American countries,` and there . are m1l_\' two elds where she can nd the needed outlet. for her surplus population. One is along the South American -.<<~al)n-an- the other is in British co`i_lonies._ a It is well known that Germany made a tentative offer to . the shipbuilding race in 1'etur'n for concessions `of Bri- ti.-h r-nlnnies. Butthis will never happen so long as the -old There ll10l'lllll`.{` at a ..-{`,t.......-v L- 4... Ln A-....,..1`L 1` 1......-... .....,J 1.1.... I . . . . __ L- L- "Nn\V. 2`ent1e1_nen, the time has come -When a denite planof E1npi1'(- defe11ce must be adopted. `Let it take the form of a full 1>a1-t:: with the mother country.. . - Latw ho declzired /chat t11ei'e_ WOu_1d'be'noTliquor sold in (-amt;-4-ns in the Dominion. "Sn Ionsr as -our men arewearing His Majesty s uniforms 2m- 11<>t-f_"0i11g`, to act as bartenders, declared the Minister", I-Earlier in the evening Colonel Hughes had met the Fenian Raid veterans, and numbers. of the old, soldiers Were; I present as well as members of the various militia corps of the city; It was tmvanls the conclusion of his address that the Colonel touch- ed on the German peril. He had been dealing with the militia t1'ai11in;'.V and had commented -upon the untrained n loyalist who pi-ofo1-red to show hlS patriotismoby merely shouting for. the ag. ..Fl , _,1 ,,-_1, 1,1 _ '1, A1 I 11 ;X_l l'lL'it auu .4.xu..: nu IA/cxvv L51. \J\II.LLIJLL.lLLL" I i ` - . vv.I.l.:.ll. D116 111Ul;HUf ($01111 ' a~ scheme of defence, and` that. G W) In A ermany, from wh om `(lan2-o1- is to be expected, must` be taught that the do . . _ minions were as one with Great Britain in def ` ` 91109 were sentiments e ex p1'esse(l by the Colonel, who declared emphatically that it was the duty of every Canadian to1 _. , fence of his native land and of"`tf1:rIIl11xf;jrl;ead`HarmS In the _de 1'en1a1'l~:s to make of the loyalist who refus den had scalhlng and he declared that untrained loyalists wer e` to` be tramed oountry. Volleys of cheering greeted the ~ecoanclI11'11:n3e E0 3116 . W 0 e ..\Iini. speech. T.BeecroIt M B Transact a General Banking usmess. Notes Diacownted at reasonable rates. ..;. Collec- ." Qf Notes and Accounts given Epecial attention. '. C000 00!! Drafts Issued payable anywhere. ,c"9ues on outside banks cashed ` ' (gt lowest rates Of enlltangie. .`..V. ,, "Le Notes Cashecl or C o'lte':ted-.` l)(`a1'cu w vv *- ins LLADIL vvsv \lJ- .w..y..u5A "um um: ueuu OI pun11c,Iee1- in the matter of the armament _of Canada against an.ima- Sing}--\' foo. Ever since` S11` Sam. Hughes became Minister of Militia for Canada he has preached preparing. for` the `Wan. Away back in 1912,. at a pubhc meeting held in Vancouver, B.C.,' f un- dcy the auspmes of the Conservatlveaclub of that city the de- .\~m-(- a speech in Which. he set forth ghis views on the de-` 1-elm of Canada and the Empire._Hovy true was his vision of tho (e1`n1a11 menace W111 be apparent after reading the follow- `inn I'0P01`t Of his 31300011" aS_'-taken from The Toronto Globe of Atlgmst 8th, 1912: g b , That Canada must get in line With ,NeW_-Zea1and, South Africa and Australia in combining with the mother country in AI'f`|`\('nl Qilln (VF (:lP.`FP'H(`(3._ QT1l1"+.]"|I+' E`.-nrvnnntr a`....... ...1.__._ SIR SAM. HUG-was GERMAN % PERIL WAS WELL FOUNDED The present Mi_nister `of Militia, `si_n_c 1 t,fs.sumingV.b.'e, has been the ta1'Q50t agaflnst Whlch m11(_3htcr1t1_c1sm has, been hurled` for 1115 speeches and for the Wgrk of Alvus department, whigh ap- poarod to be much out of keepmgiwlth the trend `of public feel- ;n Hm matter of armament of nannn ..-....:...+ .... ...._ Tgom;'w;b `one! ' BANKERS UNDERTAKERS Olce HomA's-V-10 to .4,-. 6:. CO. .--\.. un;u -I4-5111.111 U. 115- .-uau DUuLIlLUg t.heW`l`o3:a`z1ist who refused to be trained, were a menace to the greeted the -conclusion of th_e PRIZE WINNERS AT SCHOOL IAIRS }remo IHUULI. LJUIIC U, LCU11 .I.`Cl.l.lCl., ,0 1111113111- Best half gallon of Oats--VVillie Mbr- `ris 7, Ellwood Bone 6-, Hubert Cunning- ham 15, Lila Mcponald, 15, Clarence iSmith 9, `Geo. Scott 6. . 'Da=4- '11(\Oc A? l'\n4-a__..T\nI1rr1nu `K/ 11*H'o'ir1b The humber appearing V after fhe names of the prize winners denotes the school section. In` the majority of cases it is Ess township in, which the winner` lives, Where otherwise the township is Dan; 1>1-+;.A -4: ` n`..+..AT..'1;. 7.]/fn1`n~nn1`(` bnutn :5, 'ueo. econ. 0. . Best sheaf of Oats--Doug1as7Whiteide 2, John Coburn 2, Geo. Scott 3, Jas.. Blanchard 2, Lila McDonald 15, Elwood M%Dona1d- 15. ' __1_L 4: T).._`l'..-.. 'I3"1-.....-J T.\......l-4- xucuou-a.u.1' 15). V ` Best plot of Bar1ey--ElWood Jennett 7, Everard Cunningham 15, Howard Mc- Lean 15, Ch._ Bassingt'hewq.ighte _5, Ches- |terTCorbett 15, Jig) 1:_Iorr1's 7. -D..-L 14-18 nu-.I'|nn 'Rn1~1ntr_'mx1n1-arr` tel` UOTDEEE 10, d 11 .LuU1'r1s I. ` Best half tgallorix of Barley--Everard Cunningham 15, Ellwood Jennett 7, Jas. Morris 7, Chas. Bassingt-hewaighte 5, Cy- _rus Upton 2, Harold Broley 8. ` Qvk...-..l-' ' n-P 12:-'Invr_..f`.hna 12m:ai'hrH19- _rus Upton Z, rIa.1`U1u Druwy o. _ Shewf of Barley---Ghas.[ , Bas,smgth~3:- wa,ijg3}l1te gha.s.t4e_;1nox 6, Jae, Morrls ", < oo enne, ~ . ' I Bee? plot of Peas--Reta McDonald 15, Treva Sli ht 5, _' Lloyd McDonald 15, Reggie ' }lK_enz(13e 915'Inn1s1, ` Agnes } 1%o]F- Ilnfrtsf `.Ppa`--Ref.a' `Mc- Small 1. ), 131159 uurr 10. " Best half ~ gallon of VPeas--Rebta Mc- |Dona1d 15; Chas. Spencer 9 Innisl, [Lloyd McDonald 15, Reg. MvKenzie 9 Innisl, Estella Arnold 7, Joe Milligan 15. " . . Last Year s-Mabe1 T1_'uax. T ' Best Fall \Vheat -+-'C11"ord Davis 7, Douglas Whiteside 2, Geo. Agar 3, Chas. Arnold 3, Harvey E Spears 15, Jas. Stone 15. . L 73.. .: 1.. ...'.. n.`-n n`ln{;.n--.` Tamas l.VCl.l. \ x Best Plots of Oats-~Lila vMcDonald, S.S. No. 15, Chas. Arnold 2, Harvey Speers 15, Arthur Woodland 15, E11- wood Bone 6, Cecil Ferrier, ,9 Innisfil. 1 D...4. 1...u- ,...11-.. -4: n..+;.__1x7:n:.. 1u'.;.._ Stone 15. `V Ensilage Corn, best p1ots-Ja.mes.' Stone 15, Hazel Higgineon 9, - Hefty Adams 9 Inmsl, Roy McDonald_ 15, Ruth. D111? '5, Gordon Henry 9, Innisl- .Best ye_ stalks of__-`Ezk1silage Corn.~4_`- Hazel H1gg1nson 9, Jas. Stone 15, Gene- -vieve J-am1eson_9 Inni.`sl,V Harry Adams 9 Innisfil. "Geo, Spencer. 9 Innisl, -Roy McDonald 15.. 4 ` . . {- Best ve [ears of ' Ensilage Corn-`-James .Sj:one, e;ewWill'tpr'dMcDona1d, ._ O "Ha_.zeIl `A `gmson, [Genevieve Jamieson; ., ..:~.n1n1:n of Sw eet.- M97; {Ti Con- U aglz - Genevieve Jamxeson. _ ~Best plots of. Sweet. C_'om-C1au'. Me-V, ` E1p`luck 9, Rhoda V Baker 5,7. Ronald. Dun- IVY FAIR BAEIIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 30, 1915 J.V1.l.'lJUl1 d.`1l.l LU, Vvuluru iV1L'.lJOIl'rl1u 10. Collection of Insects---Jim Henry 6, ! Morewood Burling 5, Geo. Scott 3. Robt. Spencer 9 Innisl, Hubert Cunningham 15, Li1a*McDonald 15. l`L_`l1.._L:-_. -1: t1'T,_J_ r\1,:,, 1r,r~n n .Lu.u I. 5 ucx we \1 L'UDC LU. Collection of 'W,eedseeds--E1wood Mc- Donald 15, "Everard Cunningham 15, Reta McDonald 15. Chas. Carr 15, Lila McDonald 15, VVil1ard McDonald 15. (~`n`]nn-`nu Ac T'\n(\n4-Q T: . Unn.- I! pout. xu, .Luu`L5uc.uw.-: ULUBU LU. _ _ Best half dozen biscuits by pupils over 12---Sarah Ann Grieve)` 6, Laurina Ald- `erson 2, Lavina Hopkins 9, .. Douglas HVhitesid 2. Lillitn McC1e-an 15, Lila MgD0nald 15. .._1. T)_.-__`l `I--- ___._,_'1 1n 1 1 ui;3`eJ2s`.jcm]`3u1`ead. by punils 12 and u`nder-- \Irene Barlow` 6, Florence Barlow 6, I Bessie Lennox 6. - ' 'D._..A. T)..____`l `I.-- ___....'l, _,,_., 1n 1: T |.IJC5B1U JJCHJIIJL U. } Best Bread by pupils over 12-Eva Ir- }_win 2, Lorna Jennett 7, Estella, Arnold 7, Alice Smith 9, Lillian McC1ean, Vio- leg) McDonald. . .-,..A. L,....,J '___...], 7'l"__-__`| _._.__:1, 1n 1' LC .LV.I.UJJUll(1.ll.Io undeVr-Irene- ' Barlow 6, Florence Bar- :-LBest handmade Towel, Dupils 12 rtnd low 6. Bessie Lennox 6, Edith Arnold 7,.- Reta McDonald 15, Marguerite" Grose 15. Tnxtrnl kw n11.n.": ruravu `I`)_AJrl{n Xfn 6 b`a'\set_ IJIKDUXX UHIIIICBUIL _ U. Llllllnltj .lJLllI ll U: I Five Crab Apples--Robt. Sense 15',- `Ella McLean .7, Jim Henry 6, Irene Bar- low 6, Chas. Apnold 2, Amy Lennox 7. Id`1'yn n1nn4`a .'annnn]1_.(1nnnv1nvo ,Tnm{n.1 Kllllll. 1117 'k)UCl.l.UCl.' U. Best Calf-E1-nest` Goodwin 6. - Robert Scase 15, Gordon Henry 9 Innisl, [Mer- vin Lennox 7, Matthew Lowery 7, E1- mer Hunter 9 Innisl. M Collection of VVeeds-Li1a VMcDo-nald` 15. .E1wood McDonald 15, Reta McDon- ald 15, Harvey Speers 15, Chas. Carr 15, iMarguerite Grose 15. ("n1'l,m+.`.\n -1: T(T....,:I.......:I.. 1n1.....,.,J 11.. Llflva LVJUJJUIIGLU 10}, LVLGLVBUCIIL-U `JLUSB LO. Towel by pupils over 12-Addie Mc- Cullough 7, Violet .McMaster 5, Lillian Mc(`lean 15, Verona Elliott 8, Douglas VVl1iteside 9,` Lavina Hopkins 9. -{'Ul\l`I1\'l)"l\l'u T ,n An Tvu-nnl-:5.` A .J,Jq'.. \'V'll1l.C-`SILLU 37, .IJ'd.V1lJ.i1 IIULJKIIIS U. Crocheted Lace` or Ins'ertion-eAddie McCullouirh 7, Addie McCu_l1ough 7, Lil- Iian McClean' 15, Marguerite Grose 15, Lavina Hopkins 9. Violet McMaster 5. r`1I.a11';r\n rl`nn.:`7;n1n4- 1\Ifn\fna4-an K ul;el;; c`;1 :3`:-V crayon drawing-~Hi1ton sen 5, Elwood Bone 6, Reg'ina'Mi11igan T15, Lavina Hopkins 9, Irene "trlow 6, Brock Jamieson I6 . TM... .0... A......1.... (11.41- 1r,1'\..: 1, n , - Five Sny Apples-Ste1Ia McBride 3, ;Neil McBride _3, \Vilma Thompson 9 Innisl, Douglas VVhiteside 2, Hilton `Lgggen 5.. Robt. Sense .15. - .. 0..---- A.....1..-... 'l\-_...1-... 1tr1,_';,, \.IJU53Cll 0.. l.\al)'UlJ -DUCLX ..I.iJ- E Five Snow ,A.pp1e's-DougIa.s` VVhite- ? side 2, Wilma Thompson 9 Innisl',' Wil- 3 lard McDonald 15, `Jean McLean: 7, i'`rank Lennox 6,` Beverly Burns, 9 Innisrl _m.Five. Peafs--Rg` M_cK_enzi'e 9 Innisl,` }TBr`ock Jamleson A6. Llzzxe Dunn 6. `I32--- rI`(_..`l.- A ._...`|..- 'l')_LL C1..-.'... 12' 31uw U, `uuua. rxyuulu .9, ruuy 1JcuuUA I. ` Five .min-ute !speech-Genevieve Jamie- son 9 Innisl, Earl Grose, Douglas W:hiteside 2, ~Matt Lowery. ` T Qn`1AA_` ma`-`-`nu 4-has Iornnaf I'\IIvv\1-\1\vu ntl \'VIllI.lIC$I.U.C 6, 'J.VJ.U.l.|/ .I..lUVVCLy ` ,Schoo1 getting the laI*ges't number of prizes--S.S. `No. 15, S.-S. No._ 7. M V Girl getting the largest number` of 'riz,es--Lila `McDonaa1_d, Ada McCul- - ough, Genevleve Jamxeson. V Tin" nni-Hna 4-ho llaro-mat nuvnknr nf 1011 ?` Bal; getting thg largest number of` iprizes~-Douglas VVh1teside, Elwood Bone, ,` Elwood iMc'DonaV1d. ` ' ' , \J'UllUVJ.CVC UGIIIIICSUII. i Best plot bf` .Oats--Norman Coutts, SS. '.No. 17; vAIinie`Webber ll), Rutgh Livingstone 9, `Wesley Allsop 9, Herbxe Elgott 10, Reta Wmgrove 1. . - ....L 'Ln`I `nmnnn nf rk|`fu__p11C',`1 T.1'1r`;n}rr. uavxua. 11uy1uu:5 :7; VIUICI; 1/Lcxuussez` D.` Cushion Top--Vio1et Mc1\Iaster 5- {Wnma Lessen 5, Lila McDonald 15: }Eva `Irwin 2,. Verna Rowe 5. "T . \ {hon l'L(\1 DI\f\ P` C D An-:-..-\ uva .u.vvu1 'a,- vcxuu. Lwuwc U. , ' }l Water coIor--Elwood Bone 6, Regina. \Milli!gan 15, Douglas \Vhiteside 2, Reg. ;Miligan-,e Reggie McKenzie 9, Bessie * Lennox 6 ` `I'D-.. .11 _L_ _..___-.. J_.___,2,_ _. `I731: 1- l"l.IJ l. Elliott 10, Beta wmgrove 1. _ _- Best half ` allon of Oats--Ruth L1vm%- \ stone 9, Wi li_e< McKever 1, Wesley A -1 vsop 9, Elmer _ Johnston 15, Norman i _Coutt.s 17, Anme ,'WEbber 10. I 12..-; chum? nf .{Tn+s-_`.'Rn+n '\Vino'rnvn 1, U U3 ll, Auule yvcuuur .I.v. out ' Best sheaf of -Oats"--Reta T'Wingrove 1, -Frank Garvin 6, Hilda Grav-es 9, Evelyn Graves 9, Andrew` Owhard 9, Lloyd El- ..:..1- .11 `- n?3;es:1A.plot _of Baa-ley-Rgeta Livingstone 9, `Mary Dxxon '10, Agnes l\Iuruny_ 5, Mervin Fralick_ 10,. Sam Blackshaw 9, `Herbie Elliott 10; c - 1).....:. 1... n-nnnn n9 `|P.a,rInv--o'Rnf-.51. T.1'v. \/Cl. 1111. Best F1ock--Lila McDonald '15, El- wood jBone 6. Edw. Flynn 2, Chester Corbett 15, Willie Agar 5, Genevieve` Jamieson 9` Innisl. T Best` Coop--Annie VVard 2, May -Dawes 2, Lila McDonald 15, Geo. A; ;Mason 5, Violet -McDonald, Addie` Mc- `Cnllnnaln '7 ucab` \,oup-:uuue vvara 2, May 1 Mason Violet Mc- ` Cullough 7. 1 ' Best" Draft 'Co1t-Robt. Orrock 8. V Best. Light `Co1t-VernozL Speers _7, Charlie Snencer ~9. ' ` ` 1)....'. 11:1: *m.____L- n-,J,,;., n hr! W: ` \I.l.'d,VI:D 0 ; nck 11. . IJ..n.L v\ .Ly.I.1.ltLlCl.l. J.1t:ll.l.`_y U. - Best Cockere1--Elwood Bone 6, Gene- vieve Jamieson 9 Innisl, Ernest Good- win, \VilIie Elphick 9, [Lila McDonald .15, Edw. Flynn 2. I l1n.4. `D..11..4. '1':1.. 7u ..~n-_-1_1 13 1111 uu W . .I.` 1_\( 1111 6 iwiiest Pu11et--Lila`. McDonald 15', E1- wood Bone 6, Chester Corbett 15, Wil- lie Morris .7, Ernest Goodwin, Roy Mc- `Cann. ' . `l3-_L 171,1 `r01 -nr-1\ 11 --1 1`- 11-Lerme 114110121; LU. 4 _ Best half gallon of Ba.r1ey.--Reta Liv- ningstone 9, Wallace Luck 9, Mervin Fralick .10, A.gnes Murphy 5, Sam Blac shaw 9, Alvin` Gravfes .9. -'n.._; -1-` at vmnmlnnn nn1~n_..Tr1ar'~nnn tshaw 9, `Alvm Urrawfes .3. ='Best plot of Ensllage Corn--Iderene Thompson 9, _Wilbert Maguire 10, Alvin` - Sw i`tzer 5, Many McLea'n_<-15, . ugene I: McDonald '5, `lyorxga McKinley 9. ` n " Wm ails: on (`nrn--Tqn1'. `I)..'..-L .-`us in`-n I .IJl.U'U1\_ Ui1.ll..l1C5Ull. E1 1IlIll'5Ill. 4' ` Best Plots of Asters--Mabe1 Gallop 5, `Safm Dunn 2, Lizzie "Gallop 5, Aileen `D1nw9ody 5, Joe Dunning 5, Marjorie Dunnmg 5. ` ' 1 Kna`*- lm\..n.n.L ..c .\.a..._,. 1r_L-1 n-11-_. iu`1`51;:slff:%bo`1 1.quet of Asters--Ma`bel Gallop 5, Margaret Glass 5, Lizzie Gallop 5, Ai1eeQ\ Dinwoody `5, Laura Asaph 7, Nldrpd T-Ton!-v Q . ` MC.U0na/141`-'.), l.VOI'I u. ;v.u:1u1u::_y :1 .' Davxs 9; _ {33 4 % ` Best six stalks o Ensilage Corr;-Not ma 1VI-cKm1ey bdeg_e__g_1_e Thompson 9, L1;_._a1x are of? 11 B. VVCUU lo `Best six Turnips-Reta_ Cloughley -7, Joel` Thompson 9 Innisl, Eva Irwin 2, 'VVilbert McCann 9, A1. Bassingthe- waivghte 5, Thos. Webb 7. 12.334 .-.1.-.4-1. AL` 7\.l'..........l... T\____`I__ 2111..-L, .LuULud3 I. -. . Best Six Mangels-Wal1ace, Dinwoodyl 15. Douglas Whiteside 2, Raymond Mor- ris 7, Thelma Grose 15,.Beth Watson 7, Brock Jamieson 9 Inni-sl. ` `D....L `D1-4.... -1: A_A_-___ 'Ir.1 ,1 PL`! - 122 .

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