E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Leeuny. `~ . Steady gentlemen, said Jones, Lean on me, please. V (To' be Continued) ' ' 1 0 O `.~:::a:='..".:.'.' ` , ~ co-aql )JAs. ARNOLD |TheNewF9!n%1:vl A number at good` Faun: ind Town Pro- ` ponies for sale on easy Ierms. V (Successor to the late R. L. Barwick Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency n T A Money toLoa.n Bank or Torgnto Buildings, Ausxrooon TO THE 'rANNr:n'v| -1%. w- s.:..49HN A canvass of Midland will be vniade .to raise $15,000 for the Patriotic and Red Cross Funds. This follows a thorough j organiza- tion of a local brancli of the Can- adian Patriotic Society. Repairs of all kinds Residence. I64 Bayeld Street Phone 627. 16.1: A TRY Kennedy Special Rye Whisky $1.10 A QUART ~ H. Kelinedy PIIONI I33 BARIII (i.S.BANK|N Iso MI :1 for all orders in CASTINGS. REPAIRS, ac. -.--- ..-..__ i__._ .v_ Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on shot teat notice and moderate prices. a , ,, ,,L __ ,, -1. 1.. .-v-v-u-wv -_---., Al worl: done b expert machin- ist and guarantee first class. ' _ Think this over"---and phone our advertising dPa't' ment. Experienced advertising men `are ready to help and advise you. TheN0rthern Advance And iatdvertises more extensively. He knows that ad- goo'd,J andthat it surely will produceresults in dull times He believes if advertising is worth a shekel in good times it's worthseveral shekels in dull times. Chas. Picot, 3 Collitigwood butcher assigned with liabilities amounting to $2,700, and assets of $350. And that sam E Pessirni t ` . does not advertige. You Soul : Athe busmess man who ear the successful busi' nessman` the one . . ? that ad ` . gtard tumun and cBu`ines:::t`b5::P::ont1nually, crying Who Said So? Contractor & Builder Times the Hard, -Ixpevrt II-nchaalsj; It pays him, it will pay you- Business Is Bad. The Pessimisl He Advertises Mr. W . Grant, S'ec.~Treas. ofothe Orillia school board, recently enter_- tained the members of the board" to a social evening t at. s his summer home. ` ` s, Barrie Phone 53 1 ` Look Here F0, Genuine Snan. . THURSDAY, SEPT. '10 acres in the To Beautiful gardening frame house, bank land good water. b.arn, wnshi f land,p 0 - 15 acres adjoining the town now used as market garden` barn and good Water. P`. Part cash. ' ` ll Il\4l\r \II. Cally] '. I creek and beautiful brick hrlst sdsgrxng 8rn_ -Nice lawn and sh "d , pf. water, in To\a:'nesl;e(?fd`{gcd well otntxzg lthe Town of Barrie ad. A _eau 1 u propert (1 ` 8.13 nght. Y a" C be bough: Niceqbrick hose and lot, with water. Price $600. New bungalow, with good water ly fenced. Price 31550. This is 3, i House and lot on Cumbe'rland first class shape, town water. P, 31300. ` Memorial R. C. Church, Pene- tanguishene, is entirely free of` debt. New brick house with all conveniences on one of the best streets in Barrie, no; vacant. Pnce 82100. Possession at once. Cash payment. 8100. Apply- acres of nice land, inside C In Brick house and bank `Barrie. Price $1250. House and lot with 1.} acrcsof mg land, town water. Priceg:v:1d3:' Small payment down. - wutn 800d Wat` ngalows 1'45" Du ' r, nice- , Thxsis d. Pr1C 1 . fence a snap n John St., near House an Price 3900. d, mc ` \Bradf' 5 Office, 15 Owen St. V House) and lot.with lacre Penetang St. Price 81500. 354 5 acres'of sandy loam land rap]: and ha:-anh'F..l k..:..I. L _W. C. THOMPSON Transact a General Bazzkzbzg _Bu.9iness. l\'otcsDzL~3coz/med at reasonable rates. Collec- tion Q/' Notes and Accoz/221.22 yizvm special attention. . . .. T.Beecroft ,An acetylene gas lant has been installed in St. James church, Adjala. T._ FT J/(t.;1'1;/er Drafts Issued payable a72_I/u'}w`rf.. Clzeques on outside banks r:a.3}:erl at lowest rates of e.rcIa2_z;,'e=. . . .. Sale ZVotesT Cashzl or Colleczed `on most favorab. .z erms. BANKERS Oce H0urs-10tb 4 & CO. Barrie. A .Red Cross garden party at Beeton last Week was addressed by Col. Currie. A . I t, good :re of land 9500 down . Phoe; 288 Pr i3e Ori1lia s tax rate wil1'not be lessi than 35 `mills this year. - I -Alliston defeated Creemore at baseball last week 24 to_ 13. sm nniiiNn.wALx3R.c.v.o.LL.n;.n.c.L,_ President} .- ' -% ERI.AlRD.GenenlManaet _:onNTAmn.Au'c.g:-nu-nuance Interest at the current rate is alloured on all deposits of $1 and upwards. ` Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts maybe opened andoperated by mail. -. Orillia i Times-The architects have forwarded to the Town Coun- c_il new draft plans for reconstruc- tion of Municipal building, and * these plans have been tentatively adopted. Messrs. Burke, Horwood and White are now at work. on the details, and as soon as specications are completed, tenders for the work will `be invited. The plans provide ` for a building somewhat` larger" `than the one destroyed by` re. An addition of 36..feet will be, made `to- e the front, bringing the main" en-.- trance out to within 15 feet` of the "sidewalk. on West street-. There . will also -be a small section added] gto ] the}; rear, . affording room for. . 5 ;,stage{; `elevator outside _ walls of Lthe ' Accounts may be opened` in, the nguns of two.or morevpersohs, vith- drawals to bg made by any one of them or by the survivor` S21 000001. 010000.000 000000: 0000, 013,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS BARRlEB_RANCH 1 .:j:: 1: 12-: 'c'n'o's's.. Manager. uualbu Lu av uauutal, ycxxuaucuv way. If you are r_`un down, tired, nervous, V overworked`or.Iac_kVstreng1:h, get Scot_t a Egnnlsionf t` any drugstore`. { . ---- ognu-n-wu "vac: In, IJ|4l\.LlpLlo . 'ITo.restorethat strengthandstaxninathat is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott s Emulsion, be- cause its strength-sustaining nourish- ment invigorates thesblood to distribute energy throughout the body while its tonic value sharpens the appetite and restores. healthliqn a natural, permanent way,` a ' E f` f`i`I$'IA " fifla . The Northern Bolt and Screen Co., of Owen Sound, has purchase& the Dominion Bolt Works of To- ronto. The plant will be removed `to Owen Sound. It will likely _be the-New Year be- fere Owen Sound will` be supplied Rev. Dr. Somerville celebrated the 31st year T of his induction _to the ministry of Division street Presby- terian church, " Owen Sound. .5 \l lL&\ `retored. _'Then you realize itlietxqtter ;ve:;k;,1es-sI1 that robsambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a. b1}'d'eu_. _ . _ Ol\-_.,_n'_ - I Eighteen young men of Huntsville have enlisted for active service as a. result of the. patriotic meeting in that town on Aug. 19. gave You BEEN sum; NEWSA mom sumounnm cotmfrmsj % . Owen Sound couneil will investi- gate the nancial side of _ separation from the county. News-Letter--The great ` hockey team that has kept Orillia on the map during the Winters of the past few years, Winning junior and in- termediate championships, is now disbanded, to the disappointment of many local hockey fans, ~Who have been thrilled on many occasions by. the speed and ability of the boys as theyfoughth their Way to the pennant, defeating the best .'n the land. Lovering Jupp, Gordon ac- donald, Morley` Carter, Norman Cooke and Pete Thornton have all enlisted, as hasalsto Will McBrien, of last ye9:r s juniors. . A fatalaccident occurred atthe Breithaupt Leather Company s tan- nery, Penetanfzuishene, on Thursday last, when Charles Honsinger, a native of Dunnville, but who has of late made his home in Brantford, lost his hold on a ladder nlaced against the side of the new` tank being installed as a part ofthe sprinkler system, andn crashing through the bracing and telephone Wires, landed head first on the ground. _` ~ . - Alliston Hefa1d-There is a big 'steer on theeway from the West to Toronto Exhibition. The animal is the property of Mr. W. Fawcett, 'formerly of Alliston. One day `last Week, hewired Mr. Baycroft that the steer had been shipped from Medicine Hat on the 17th. The big. brute stands 16:1: hands high and` weighs 3860 -pounds. Mr. Fawcett is of the opinion, that. nothing in. the stock` line at the exhibition _will attract more; attention `than his. There is a bad -actor. around l\Iountstephen, near Coldwater. The Planet says some people are looking for trouble and they will get into it if they donot. stop their depre- dations on Mr, Finlay -McQuaig. Through petty spite they have taken the bell off his cow, let the fence doivn and driven his cow `in his` grain, and about three weeks i ago they tied a string around vt11e-to11g`11e and mouth of `Mr. SWeet s horse. that Mr. iVIeQuaig had. W Beeton'fWorld-That tobacco may be grown successfully here has been demonstrated by Mr. W. R. Hill, who is growing some on a plot on his farm on the 7th line of Tecum- seth as an experiment. A `- leaf which he sas sent to this oice is thirty inches in length and ten inches` broad. \ Alliston Herald---The new _ Knox church building is now complete in outline. The glazers have s inserted ` all the windows in the auditorium which gives the building `the rich and sombre effect` essential to a church. The nishing of the inter- ior T is proceeding rapidly and in the course of a few weeks it will be` possible to denitely announce the date of opening. , -Upon his leaving All Saints church, `Collingwood, the ~organist, Mr. Vincent, was" "presented with a silver salver.` ' Jvuu _LAl`l-V.` vuu vvuvuucil. Ll: 13 yULl1'a 1 No huslness` ns_e_s_abovet 1ts source V_you* ar e =t,he source. Thlnk tlus over"~=*~ ~ % V .7 V : .. cacxumu Lu, uvcrcommg obstacles.` Small. wages and long days are the `reward "of the ; "unorganized worker; " |wunw1'.L ! A. A I D011 -'t Sgrasp 311, Oppprtpnity ` until [you nd, out Whether 1t 15` yo1`1rs._ "N'h`.':`}'II1inn'ua' '|v;nnu `EL.-`kn-gnu IL.-.5 ;..---_--' 4 J _-ing Miss Tillinton; The ladies Shelburne Free Press-On Friday, Aug 20th, a woman, calling hers_elt' Miss Lottie Tillinton, representing herself as a public entertainer and elocutionist, called on Mrs. Sidney Banks, president of the Women s Institute, `and endeavored to per- suade her to enter into . a contract to~give a concert under the auspices of the Won1en s Institute on Octo- ber 20th. 1916, -fourteen months dis- tant. Mrs. Banks explained that it was impossible for her to enter into any contract for the -Women s In- stitute after May, 1916,: and abso- lutely refused to have anything to do with the proposition. Miss Til- linton then proceeded to the home of Mrs. lHarold Lindsey, I vice-pres. of the Institute, and -told her that she had called on Mrs. Banks and represented her as being in favor of the proposition but that she would not sign the contract with- out Mrs. Dindsey s approval, and that the matter rested with Mrs. Lindsey. Mrs. Lindsey considered that if the _matter had the approval of the president that she would not oppose it and forthwith signed the contract. Later. in the day the ladies discovered the fraud and" al- so that by signing the contract Mrs. Lindsey had made herself liable for $100 damages in case the Women s Institute failed A to carry out to the contract. ' The `contract - contained no address or information concern- termined [to make. Miss 1 l I -y V... vtlyvtuulllvx D UUub|:.1l.S. e Mos tstrong..me2; are theresult of exercise in overcoming obstacles.` grndn nron-nu 15.1.1 -'I.-........ 3---- VLIIUULLUJ auu. ulluh 15 V ` I ' _ Bulldog `tenacity gets the rmest grip on `opportunity s coattails. nn" `.4..- ...._ L`L- " -GXDGIISBS. V 5.:-I uuvn. uuc UUl.1|:.l'lM3E ' WHICH had been. obtained by misrepresentation. The woman was nally` traced and arrested. In the Shelburne police court she settled the matter by `re-4 turning the contract and paying all, '9Xpens7as.J M17. 0. G. Barnhardt, manager of the Bank` of Toronto, Bradford, some Weeks ago decided to give up the banking business for another line of work, and, accordingly, made arrangements for leaving here at the end of the month, but he has now been induced to reconsider the matter and has decided to remain, with the `bank and will not now `leave town. - .. Th_91 e s `Vonly xotie dnition far` efcency`and that'iS.WO1` . D`I1 lll1t\t` In-u~u.s..:J.-- .._.L_ 11 A I l x The Bleriot nlonoplane which `Mr. Robert McDoWa1l. of Owen Sound, is having constructed" is nearing` completion.- Allxtlle frame work is complete and the 35 horse power engine installed. The aeroplane is small and Will only carry one per- son. Its Wing spreadwill be about thirty feet and it will have three small horizontal planes at the back for "guiding the machine in risip;_: and descending, while one small per- pedicular plane acts as a rudder. Mr. Arthur Harper, of the Nova Scotia Bank sta, Markham, had a very narrow escape from death last week. He was bathing in Milne s pond and swam so close` to the dam that he was unable to overcome the suction and was drawn head rst .0ver'the stop logs, over which the Water .Was running two` feet deep. A rather peculiar `case was up in the Owen Sound police court last Week when a man living on the East Hill had a young Woman neighbor up for` stealing. The crime, for _Whichj he Wished to have her sent to jail, appears to have been the act. of taking about ve 'apples from a_n orchard of which he was taking care. The case was dismissed. ` `Markham Cou_ncil has `decided to -install. new Water mains in the vil- lage, also a new tank and collecting 'basin. The tank is to be 150 feet high and. the capacity will be 60,-_ 000 gallons. This new scheme, it is estimated `will cost slightly under $15,000. 0 .Tl1e`Mea_for.d Woollen Mills are` Working: on another `order of `army blankets to be completed by October` 1st. The blankets are for the Can-i adian Government and are a lighterl "g1'aclve than those made" for the! French Governlnent last fall and 4' I Winter. The order calls for son1e `.2000 and it is expected by the time [they are `completed another _order I will be` received for` a larger amount, _ V` ' j Mr. W. Glassford; of Beaverton, has `commenced the erection of a new store on his vacant _lot, the old town hall site, and which he will use as, a hardware store. The building" will be of two storeys. V" frhi the "new : Hydro plant at -V Eugenia, according to the latest ' estimate. `' The Kimberley "corresnondent of the Thornbury' eview.-Herald re- ports that 9. farm A in that district has wheat this year running 50 bushels to the acre. ' V A. Whife,` of` Ma.gnetaWa1'1,V brought asstalk of oats into the of- .ce of the_'Burk s Fzills Arrow `that measured_ 6 ft. 8 inches. It `was taken at random out of a eld of uniform "height. ' The public school inspector. de-he manded that all public school class- es should be placed tinder "one roof, but the Elmvale trustees will .im- prove upon the Inspector s plans by placing the public school classes under three roofs. `Although the tourist season has been a little below the average this year, never , in the history of Muskoka has there been as many touring parties. Auto parties froml almost every state in the U.S. have `toured Muskoka this year. Wm. McNea l, living near, New- market,` while driving a. spirited colt, was "thro15vn' from his r rig, through the colt running away, _ re- sulting in a fractured heel, which will lay him up for a Week. ma 363%-menu ADVANCE [JOHN JENNETT . CRAIGHURST. ONT. LICENSED AIJCTIONEER 4 ran THE COUN'l;Y`O-l-'w`.3vll`U|'(;-O_E:` `Most reasonable `terms given on ha] Stock Sales . L\A AVJ..Lt L|v'lE?bkJO ' 4 The young man ran his ng`e1' 1111-! ider the ap and ileiberately. drew] !out the message; There ensued an- ,other picture. As he read his eyes widened and then contracted: his rm _voung_ jaw became set and rigid. Suddenly a short, bitter exe-` cration fell from his lips and the paper crumpled in his hand. -\Vith- out another Word, he strode to the `replace and tossed it upon the coals. It ared for a second and] was Wafted up the chimney, a chap` red, feathery thing. n7:n..... ..J.\:.....,:.... J... ;.._1..`.._ LL. L\/IA l.\4IaltIJlL\1J..y Illllllsn Without _-deigning to notice the two old men who had sat up half the night to learn the contents of ?that Wonderful `thing from the sea, `he Whirled on his heel and `left _the J-A Aunsuo `Frederic Brood appeared in the door, stopping short just inside the heavy. curtains. There was a mo- mentary picture, such as astage director would have arranged. He was still wearing his silk hat and top-coat, and one glove had been halted in the process of removal. Young Brood stared at the group of three, a franck stare of amazement. A crooked smile came to his lips. .qt\rnnvrr1nn4- `cal-nu `LICIA ------I T A sharp th,understorm_ which pas- _sed over Collingwood last Week, struck the tower of the Collegiate Institute. At the hydro` sub sta- tion the oil switch was damaged, necessitating the shutting o power for some hours. i , . ReVal,Estate ad Inax;o:;1;:; _ `i 1 Phqueasm. Boganko Bl`>_ck*-. `.1. u1.v\.Il\\1\L 0111111.; uuxuc DU 1116 l.l.1JDo Somewhat later than usual, I see, he said, and the glove came oif with a jerk. What s the mat-' ter, Jones? Rebellion? No, sir. It s the Wireless, sir, Wireless? ' _ A Briny deep, said `Mr. Dawes,-| vaguely pointino`. (`CL 77 ,....2.'J --..--...... `l')____2l `:.Lc.t s hear "the W o1'sf, said Mr. Riggs. TF1. P -.....-.- ,.,. ---..-,. _.-__ 1,__ I Freddy, | .2 , I upllyu A LalGII\JKll\o. _ Small cash payments. Balance _as rent. _ Farms for 531:3. i V Take him- to bed, Jones, said M1j.*Riggs rmly.` He s drunk and ----and utterly useless at a time like this. Take him along. _I' KKTTYL- LL- .1--- `L2- - un - -on-q uvvnuavu AA]. Aldo Jones cast a furtive, nervous glance over his shoulder. " -111 )..- ___,,,_ 1:1 1 ',l m:7ft" s\;v`(;;'th waiting up for,l said Mr. Riggs. f` Abs lutely,` "said his staunch fxflend. V . . '"*"`oi1, "'i}i3}1ng Brood, crossing slowly to the table. _He picked up} the envelope and looked at the in- scription; Oh; said he again, in quite a different tone on seeing that it was addressed to .him. From father, I dare say, he. Went on, a ne lineappearing between his eye- jbrows. e T IJ4\.r n 1.}! . . V I I I The old men leaned forward, x-1` mar thexr blear eyes upon the mis-| | sive. _ I- u I ... T- -.1 ...._... ......., ...... ....,... Who the dev-hic-il are you, sir? demanded ~Mr. Dawes, regard- ing Mr. Riggs as if he had `never sees him before T - (IT? I n`! 1 `I CC ``I Midland town councii will `renew the policies on the lives of the men Who `enlisted With the rst contin- gent. b.l\4\JLJ Lllflll lJ\JL\Il.\Jo You are 'bo` Jones, succinctly. VFLA `Ii. ....-..- ..C`_.._.._` U VALVJL), IJLI-\JIJLlL\J UIJ 0 The `heavy front door closed with a` bang at that instant and the sound of footsteps `came from` the hall--a - quick, -rm tread that had decision in it. T n n B.-mvv uvua. Luna Du.UuLu.GJ.o ` ' 1I_ m sorry to have Mr. -Frederic see you like this, he said, biting his lip. He hates it so. f'lV`l.... L..- -13 g JILL) 1.1.11: ALE uabco III DUO The two old men made;ad com- mendable eort to stand erect, but no effort to stand alone. CT_hey link- ed arms and stood shoulder to` shoulder. _ U N _ | ya-v usuug o ShoW him in,- said Mr. Riggs, magnicently. - CIKTA... ...-7`ll !_-J -,,L ,,__-,-, L. LA`- Annuvb I-_AI-l.L\.l\JLJIJL. o Now we ll nd out Wass in tele- gram off briny ldeep,- said Mr. [Dawes, spraddling his legs a little farther apart in order to declare a` stanch front. I['I'|l -1 ' ---' ` 4%%owN YOUR own Homzl Peaches and Plums are both so good this year that there is every inducement for the housewife to put down a liberal supply. The Canadian Clubs and Red Cross Societies are asking for contributions of canned or preserved-not jammed fruit, for our soldiers in France. People who Wish to do their bit should com- municate with the nearest Canadian Club or Red` Cross branch. Much fruit is being put down _ without sugar, .by_ sterelizing process. The" best plums` for the purpose are .Bradshaws, Gages and Lom- bards, and for peaches the St. Johns, Crawfords .,and E1- bertas. Orders placed in ad-i `Vance with your grocer means better fruit` for you. I`ruit'Bra.nd--Dept of_ Agcul- OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLE- Orillia VVate1',_ Light and Power Commission gave $1,000 to the ma- chine gun fund recently raised in that town. 1jHQMAs ii?Kiii'> (Continued from page .7) BLACK 1s_ warm 'v1')oth drunk, . said rooni. One" miglit hizve noticed that! his lips were drawn in a mirthless, sardonic smile, and that his eyes were angry. - (4 n1. `r ....AnH7 gin-lm nanhnrv Were angry. .Oh, Lordyl ? sighed Danbury Dawes, blinking, and was on the point of sitting down abruptly. The arm of Jones ._prevented. Kl`I' .._....... uwvnn on `:hdI1`+Da :71 arm 01. dU1.l|`J,pJ.UVcuu:u.v 1 never. was so msulted 1n! my life- began `Joseph Riggs,: feebly-. lQL.....Juv nnnnl-`nrnnn , Q01-A Jnnpq \0` OI Out of 30 applicants, Miss Evelyn Caverley, of Stirling`, was selected as principal of the Creemore con- tinuation school.