Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Aug 1915, p. 8

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L yrg nt ' = 3111811 vvu IJJ v J A V ; A A 15',` Sir Sam Hughes Was the recipient` `of many congratulations regarding; ,his new. honor-. Going down toi 5Buekingham, Palace at 3 o clock ac- lcompanied by the Colonial Secre- itary, the Minister of Militia re-A geeived the investiture of Knight 3Commander of the 1 Bath at the glxarurls of the King. x 1:1.-..1.1-.... L... ..`_-.I L`--- n_-,-_,1:--.~ A `special cable to the Mail and? ,Empire, dated London," Aug 24,1 |'states. that Major-General Hughes.I iCanadian Milnisterof Militia, was! lknighted by the King. e 1 0:. 0-... I]'.-...L..- .....,. 4.1.- ..,\,.:.,.:'.\..4-. l ! f F 1 ;AtIlA\LkJ U1. Furthe vnnu .a.;;nn?.,o hono'1'. for Canadians may be expected this week. T_T.... 0--.- `I'_T.- ,..'l. .. 4.-.`! BBV S.ll!`ej , g:e*tj:i.fhe next issue Of The Adv ihjeiiwith the first instal- How James Breod s early mistake affected his life,_iand the strange way in which he discovered ` his er'ror,af.orm exciting narrative 'w_h1cbno lover of fiction should a miss. is a st%ory-which strikes an origin- al note. Its plot isbold, striking A NEW sromr WILL BEGIN NEXT wmax BLACK WHITE I` III , IIKIIIIIUIIXI """"""""""" ' 'v'ivI!Iv\r F.O'.B.. Ford. Ont. . T W'e can make immediate delivex-ie.~'. H. R. Palmer. Well-l_ th_rou h Simcoe Count_y:1s:m cxpm aubomoblie mecbamc.w11l be m c _ at-ge _of t_he Repzur Depax-tm:_-nz. A1-lkinds ofcars 1-epaired._ Partxcs wxshmg to have thgip ,m-.- painted should leave them o_rdet-`s ear1y._ Geo. Malcolm.-m in charge. Ample qccommodatxon tor t0r1ngI_c:u'3,us' we haw,- doubled the capacxty of the Palmer Garage. '44:-IJ_ 1____`...-..4-._)I 1544.3 pu-n-clap; I`-.- J-44_n He also draws to your attention the Big Reduction in p1'icc< ; Ford Touring Car... ..... .... ..s53o.oo Ford,Runabout............ ..... .......$4go,oo IF {X-D IS`.-.'..rI l\n1> Dr. Godfrey, of `Toronto, is` tak- ing Dr. Lewis practice' while he is| at Niagara. camp taking an r ad- yanced military medical course.. 9 | lllilcu uuu uunyuuvnu; ux u..v - -....v. ...--..av. l"alr' Treatmgnt and Good Service Our Mono" F 0131 Touring Car AL ' Price $530 '- R-' HUXTA31-E% At fshe FIVE POINTS, and will handle exclusivc-ly rI&I\I'\ El I\IV Beg t-0 zgnounce that he has opened :1 rst-class A A :_ 4 L-1- By Geo. Barr MhCutcl1on GARAGE 66%x;sL -L\J\lYJ vv .L\lII I o o. Since he was fourtr-on yum-. (,; age he has been a foluntr-<-in ED. declined the position of ll:-`,:-`,T'.' z,vl\rIiI1iSteI` of Militia in 1301 ml (f l Adjutant-General for C':n;:i-la 11895`. Two years later he vim up- lpointed Lieutenant-Cnlom-l .-r.;,;- imandingt.-the 45th Battzilimx. mfi ii. ltook part in the (-(-lolmitim', 3:; I... A don, En_ of the Quf-('11 .'.~ l!i;n.u:. Jubilee in the sanio _v(-ma I :-i-'.`I.`.~~_ - to ibecominr: llinistor m` .\liliri;a 1 Was Presirlmit of tho D.z::i2.i~: _!R-ie Assor-iation. and lit-`lcl 1?: ~21- Eposition withytho Stnmliiu; >~-.7} {Arms Committooint" (`:iii;isl:.. kw`: [Was the _R3ll\V_V'Illl{`lll';('I;t'!' ft?--`~ {of -the Hear.lq11m'tr-1-.< . :`. l`f7~ iserved in the Fenimi. in-ii': ;;:.F: ;~the "South _Af1'ioan Wm. ll ' :`been in Enr_rlanl for .m:...- 12` K .. {has agso visited the ll{`lllll'-:7'l'f' 1'_. L1, _ TT-, /V TH-gg5gpAY, AUGUST 26th, Dr. H. Black, of the Toronto General, Hospital, who has been convalescing at his home in Stroud, after an V operation for appendicitis, returns this Week `to his duties at the hospital. was editor and pr0p1'i(-tm' of T3, -;V1ctor1a Warder, Lindsay. m.;;; 100K 1... 1 OH"! 'i5"{J 189%? h, 1915. Mr. and` Mrs._V Alfred `E . Hook, Allandale, announce the Te11gaogement. of their eldest daughtr, `Gladys Vida, to Mr. Viv. B. Simmons, Bar- rie, the marriage to take` place `quietly in September. Mr. `and Mrs. M. Dumond, Brent-I Wood, announce the engagement `Of { their _daughter, Rosana Dorothy! Marie, to` _Mr. Ernest Sylvesterl .Desjardine of Brentwood. The mar- riage will take place -in Septembe1'.i ;CLERK WANTED--With s6me ex ;1' T perience in grocery business. Ap- % ply Box 712, Barrie. ' 34-34 HOUSE WA'NTED-_-Tov rent, by _the . 2...]. -..-` l\..L..L..-. -13 .~....I|.-.....J.. 1...... Mrs. Bach1an of Hamilton is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Oliver at Big` Bay Point. T Miss Jessie Ormiston, Toronto, "was the guest of Miss Winnifred Marr last Week. Mr. C.JH. Hale, of the Orillia Packet, was a Welcome visitor at The Advance last Friday. ' Miss Ida Lewis, who` has been` visiting here for some time, has re-, turned to Wolseley, Sask.` _ I Mr. Laurie returned to! Los Angeles on Tuesday, afte1' .` spending` the summer at Big Bay Point. . ' ' o,- >_BORN . _ ,fI.a ,YONe-I11 (Toronto, '. on Thursday,- A_ugust 19, 1915, to,`Mr...,-aI1d Lyon, 22' `oStar;;`-_Agnue, _ %a_ .:.9n._. . .. ,, .. V ' Rev. VV111. Bradfordhof Orillia Will preach in Collier` St._ Methodist church on Sunday next, Aug. 29th, morning and evening. I CLER_K W_ANTED-VTit}} sime -I-L-\I\JKJ-I-J Iv v 4.44;: . \I LVALU, LIJ vnnv rst `of dgtober, of`moderate size. 9 Convniences. Apply this of- ce. - ' 34tf \VAN'}`Ep`-'.1`o. vlook" aftexj '+Mc;}ii`1Jdreii`:1i(iu(iJc>ilig"ht `lJ1`oi-1s'ev;loi`$1J<`' . Apply to V Mrs. Chas. Devlin, 53' -' Maple Ave. ` - . c c 33- - S.TRAYED=.eOnto,,`the I premises of 7 George Qgnting, Ivy, ,_a. red calf. Owner have -same on proving 2 property _ "and paying expenses. ` `FARM FOR"SALE---Situated in the . township of Innisl, N13" lot 6, S. Q ' east lot 6, con. 5, 3,miles from 1 Thornton, containing 150 acres. 2 Farm contains large brick house, I barn 36x100, hay barn with pig- : gery and henry beneath. drive- , house 20x60 feet. Soil aclay loam, . orchard of three acres, two good Wells and cistern.- School house` . on opposite corner. R.M.D. Ap- ` ply on premises. . 25tf.`l Mr. W; R. Fraser, 'B1'antfo1'f1,' spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marr. Mr. \V. J. Shean of Barrie is an- nounced to preach in BurtonVAv'e. Methodist church on Sunday next at 11 a.m. - SOCIAL AND PERSONAL connnnsnn Anws; A CARD OI` THANKS Mr. Frank P. Grant, organist "of I the First Baptist Church, Hinton, U.S.A., is Visiting.-_r in Barrie this week, and will give a recital onthe "organ at Christ Church," Collier street, onYMonday `next, Aug. 30th, at 8 p.111. The recital will be in- terspersed with clarinet solos by* Neil McVicar, the chlnrch or- ganist, and by choir anthems. This .s'e1"viceUwil1 doubtless. be much ap- _p1'eciated `an opportunity A of. {spending `an enjqvable" _'and. profit-` jable hour, and -the `Christ Church '>fE'riends;a1 expecting_ a .large_ con-` .:Vigreg_"ation. 1 V Ly U111.) Will UU o `i ;1tere;s,t _,ceri1;1on -ofvc 's% I Uth ` Z o `of- gzm *4 h Mt- _ A Wg1je-_ ..;!',tJ....1`JJ2.wW955': ` In response to the "request. for our readers to furnish the authorities as to the birthplace of members of the rst contingent who left Barrie, one return has been made that of Sergt. G. Richardson. This is a be- t ginning, more Will likely follow now that a start has been made. The `new boat that is to take the place of the Otonabee on the Bar- rie -Big Bay route --was put into com- 1nission.t11is week. On Sunday she` made her trial. trips, *to'Big Bay, the 1)urs'errep'orting that-the trips- Were made in a.A1_nostA satisfactory man'ner.' The new - boat has been named Mqdello and` isnow mak- ing regular trips betWe`enV here and the Point. Three` trips Vwiyll be made "each way daily except Sunday when but one trip "will behcmade each way.` ;`. :*:.,`%*:r31St}_*?5rhe5:?91a.rz1oz2 ;r9.f.mnasa: 3.! unlulh ' tun made. in Barrie bowlers Went ' to New- `market on Wednesday of last Week and met With" their rst defeat of the season. The score was 72 to 45. Barrie skips were Payne 13, Brown.- lee.17,' Merrill 15. _Ne'wmarket-.- Brunton 23, Choppin 34, Hutt 15. ' -Barrie Bus. College reopens Sept._1. The following graduates recently accepted o`ice positions: L. Clifton,-Coffey & Schiller s land oice, Barrie; V. Harkin, Gazette, Barrie; J. Heppleston; A. S. Fuller & Co., Timmins; C.` Minnikin, Simpson s, Toronto: S. King, Scan; `lon s law oice, Bradford. 34-34 l~ There is a datxgerous [hole at the approach to the Bayeld street dock `Which should receive the attention [of the town authorities. During -the big storm of `a couple of Weeks ago, when the G.T.R. embankment wad urnqknil m.+ 4.1.- ._----. no- ..... as IIIAIJ \J.J..l.|Io UIIIUHHKIIIBHE was washed out, the Waves made in- roads onathe lling of the approach to the dock, Washing `out quite a good sized hole. As the summer tra`ic by boat is not yet over, the repairs `should be made as soon as Ipossible. e ' |New Red Cross Store 7 ,,,', V..- \JALI\l.I- 1:3 uuu um: 111'SE step 111 [his Work of delivering these slips of pink `paper which area. yearly but not too welcom visitor _to_ the - ratepayers. . - V ` '0w e1V1 . nd[QJmT'&c11antsVT ~.{zi1 1. ma 11 "6 "sale ~ thisTiv;ek~`-*~ ~ _- E; New Boat in Commission. Auction Sale 4 Posters are out- announcing a sale of `the household -goods -of Miss Sneath, at the family residence, Owen `street, on Thursdayoof this week. i ' i * Bqwlers First Defeht W.C.T.U. Meeting The president of theAVV.C.T.U., Mrs. B. Johnston, `requests all members of the society to be pres- ent at a special meeting to be held in the parlors on Owen street on Friday, 27th, at 3 p.m. Important business is to be `arranged. This meeting takes the place of the usual Sept. meeting. .Every -member should be present. ' iAway to Enlist A On (Friday of last _w eek Mr. G. A. .Warrick, district manager` of the Bell Telephone Co., left"-for To- ronto,` where he will enlist With the 48th Highlanders for active service. 4 Early next Week Mr-. Lawrence Reeve, son of Mr. W . L.eRe'eve,`w_ill fol-' low to Toronto, Wherehe will take aservice with a machine gun section. There are several other young men who intend going` to the city to en- list. ' ' -.-Open for jtvhe -season. 7 Little Lake SummerQResort. Boatsf for Hire. _Board by day or Week, and lunches and soft drinks at all hours. "Miss Lawrence. ` * . , 20tf of _-'- vvwonna $1 . Nextmonth is the month of pay- ing taxes, and the` authorities up` at ,the_ Mullicipal Building are get- -ting ready for the important event. Town Clerk Smith and Miss Hors- eld are busy as nailers making` [out the schedules and between police business and the a1'1_`angin'g of the ltax bills Chief King has no` breath- iing spell, the ar1'anging of the bills Ihv :0. 1111* `Jan 2----L A1 ' The Beaver Camp Club takes this opportunity to ' thank Mr. Roy An- drew who worked so diligently in tracing and recovering` the goods stolen from their camp on Aug. 14,` and succeeded in accomplishing the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties;-Signed, The Beaver Camp Club. ' Hqme Guard Orde_1i 1`To._ 32 ' "Thih the 388th ' day` (a `year and 23 days) that the tB1:itish Em- -pire has been at War with Germany. day, Aug, 27th, at 7.30. -'-, --Parson _s `Fair `for, School Sup; p'lies., ` ' 34-35 0 one Soldier Located f & Repair . the Wash-out r.._-Iva. vvuxuu. W11]. EUUU 1003.126 Mr. S. Caldwell` came to the aid of` his. store at their disposal to the in- ltconvemence of ms own buslness. the ladies and `generously placed [Tax Nbtices Going Out \T. L - Th `Company 'will pafadq for in- struction at :the Town. Hall on Fri- 9-5 .1 by thre A his \_vo_Vrkj off deliverin lull, vuc, a4.lLdll1I1_.`: ,' OI Chief is` but th 8` mus e rst step in slins "!":U1,'a-.`~"|'.1 E;-,st; Two autoists were violators of Vt,ra,ic`r_egu1ati,ons on Wednesday of "1 s_.t_;_..;2v_.4=,: ek.' About noon `a stranger ` j gave. the, name` of TWm; Cock-` ii,j"Bfefe'ton, `had--~his.' _c tanding "ar s eet,-* L oppositg _ Mrs. VVm. Pellow of Toronto, who! has been visiting relatives in Bar-l rie and Allandale` for the past Week, has returned home. T---Al1 persons desiring boarders from the pupils attending the Col- legiate Institute would confer a favor by giving notice to the Secre- tary of the Board of Education to that eect.-Fred Marr, eSec y Bar- rie Board of Education. 34-34 I I Laying Brick on `Library . The annual" Flower Show of the Barrie Horticultural and Town `Im- provement Society will be held in the Agricultural Building on Tues- day, September 7th, and from pres- ent indications this year s show will be a record-breaker in many ways. Hundreds of exhibits are now being prepared for the show, and the lovers of beautiful owers will be well repaid if they visit the` exhibi- tion building on S'ept._7t`h. Besides assisting` the society,_ which `is do- ing a splendid work in beautifying our town, you will be assisting two most worthy object_s---for half the "proceeds are to be devoted to the Red Cross and Patriotic Funds. The doorswill belopened from '4 to 6 _}).m., and in the evening, from 8 to 9.30, a choice prograinnie of` music will be -_g'i\5'e11. by A the Keenan Or- chestra and -announcement will be madeof the winners "in. the Law-ns and Boulevards `Competi- .jtions. " Don t forget the` date--Tues- -.`_a_,ye,`_ Sept; 7th,'_-both __a,fft.e1`noon. and e_ven1'ng.. V . -- r- 9` -Tvb:{:Auti vasteiswn sa~:Da:r B I ! M17. T. R. Huxtable, "the newi proprietor of the Elizabeth T street! garage is niaking extensive .imp1'ove-'; ments to thesprelnises. .The ;.j'round oor capacity of the bui1dinf__r has been ine1'eased_ by extendiiig the} building` to the rear. The llppcl-`: story is being xed up to be usedi as aisto1'a._:_re for V cars and repairs , a hoist to connect this oor having! been put in. Mr. Huxtable is a, -in renovating the` g`a1'ag'e can be taken. as an indication of his busi- ness push, the agency for the Ford car is. in good hands. foij the Ford car,` and if his effoitsi A For a-.couple of days last week Work on` the Walls of the Library building .was at a stand-still await- ingbrick. The brick consigned for the Work was refused by the archi- tect thus Work `Was delayed till the proper brick arrived, a mistake having been made in shipping soft brick from Huntsville. So far there is no sign of the facing brick,` Which comes ~from Toronto. The steel windoW,sash'has not yet been decided upon, the architect recom- ,mended `a certain, brand which is only made, in England, and if this is selected it is likely the walls will be erected and the frames "put in later; There is no steel window sash made in Canada. ' Mary Street Sewer work started on. Wednesday of last Week to build the iMary street sewer from Sophia street north so _as to? accommodate the new resi- dences recently`, erected on the old Ross property. _ The Work `is being done ' by day labor under the super- vision of Supt. Tymon. ` As The. Advance goes to press the garden ` fete on the `Lount grounds is in, progress. ` Owing to` the threatening Weather, the attend- ance is not up to the expected mark. A procession of gaily decor- ated automobiles passed along the streetsfrom Allandale, along Brad- ford, Dunlop, Charlotte, Collier and Clapperton streets, to the grounds. Q Harvest Trains To Be ` a. Record-Breaker .._.Barrie Public Schools will rreeopen for the Fall" term on Wednesdsiy-`of next week, Sept. 1st. The Collegiate Institute will not resume business until Tuesday, Sept. 7th. Ontario, the marriage to -take place Mrs. R. J. Black of Stroud an- nounces the. engagement of her youngestdaughter, Milly M., to Mr. George VV. Ackerman, of Wiarton, early in September. I Band This Week *'1he'Citizens" Band plays on the Allandale Gore to-morrow (Thurs- day) evening. This is the last scheduled concert in the _Sixth Ward for the season. T I--Pa,r s_on s LFair for Schoo1_Sup-I plies. . ' 34-35 Railway `Garden _I'ete Since Saturday the T Gr.TIR.' hasu run every day harvest trains through Barrie to "the N orthwest; Some days. there have been `two sections to the trains. The trains are all crowded with a jolly party,` a number of women and children {are on each train. The Advance has heard that an excursionist cfell o one of `the Saturday evening trains a few" miles from North Bay. Sfaeckled Beauties `The Advaueehas to thank Mr. Grant VI-Ianmer for two of the n- est speckled trout, probably the _nest. ever caught in these parts. The largest measured 13 inches in length and Weighed a .pound, the- other was buta couple of "inches shorter. , They were `caught by Mr. Hammer on Tuesday in Hi1l s creek, some six miles out of town. This spot is. noted for speckled trout but this catchcaps everything to date.` Garage Improvements $chbols- Re-Ope'n.'ing THI.?`.* NORTHERN ADVANCE xneumsmvslc sroms Miss Bssie Findlay of Philadel- `phia, Pa., `spent the Week end with ' Dr. McLeod. ! the inuence, into` qustody,'Land had. the car taken Ito `a, garage. An. evening session of the _`1'f5(3`1 i'e. court; was held when the man pleaded guilty and was ned $15 and ` costs,` which was paid after ` friends in .Beeton u had been-` communicated with. No damage ,Was done to Mr. Garrett s car. The same day_ a car going at a lively clip along Dunlop street refused to obey Chief .King s request to stop. The number show ed the car was owned by Prof. Hume, of Toronto. In communi- catlon `with the Toronto authorities it was learned that it was the Prof. s chauifer who was the guilty party. 'In the police court Monday a ne of $2.00 and costs - was. im- n posed. Paid. 11.t11.v11_.11_111;t11: gsxsxxxsuszssaxxzsll ! ' NEILMcVICA_R Owen Sound Sui1-A small staff is busy this week in cleaning up and overhauling the bones of a great pre-historic mastodon, Which has been the property of Mr. H. B.. Harrison, - of this. town for years.l The mastodon is being put in shape for the Toronto'Exhibition Where it will be sent next week to be placed on exhibition. Theemost interesting fact about it is that the bones were found in this district--in the town- ship of Amaranth, near Shelburne. It is said that remains. of only three of these massive beasts -were `ever found` in Canada. -The bones are said to be Worth $3000, and it is claimed` they are one of `the most complete ' sets" ever reco've'red. Autliorities Who have viewed the bones claim. that the animal was about 11 feet high and perhaps 25 _or 30 ft. long and Weighed several! tons; The bones. have been stored "by Mr. Harrison -in a -barn at the `rear of his. a-r'esidenc.e on Second Avenue West; since they Were: last" placed on. exhibition, _ perhaps 20 years` ago e l After an illness of many months,- Meaford Webb. died at his residence on Elizabeth street Monday` after-. noon. The late Mr. VVebb, who was 46 years of age, was born at Stroud.-_ He was a son of the late Wm. Webb, who for many yearsl `Was proprietor of the American hotel. After severing his connec- tion. With the American, the -' late` Mr. Webb Went into the undertak- ing` business, which he conducted. till ill health prevented his active Work. He was a member of Trin- ity church, a Past Master of Kerr Masonic lodge, and for years ' a member of the re brigade. The late Mr. Webb represented Ward four in the town council, but for the past" few months has "been unable to attend to his duties. The fun- teral takes place on, Thursday, under Masonic auspices,` _to St. Paul s cemetery, Innisl. A 1 I ; A quiet wedding took. place `the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ]Jones, 42 Dalston street, on Tues-= day of this Week, when their only; !daug`hte1', Annie Marie, was united? lin inarriage to Mr. \Va1tc-1` Rayneiyg Rev. Dr. -Booth, of Stouff'Vil1e,V{ formerly of - Central" Methodist.i church, ofciating. The e'e1'e1nony,! which was a" very private aifair, was; `witnessed only by the immediate; relatives of the contracting pa1'ties.i ! i Mr. and Mrs. Rayner. Ieft on the 3.50" _train- to spend the honeymoon. in Muskoka; - One evening the young `minister who had seemed rather attracted by Big Sister Grace, was dining with the family. Little Sister was talking, rapidly when the visitor was about to ask the blessing. Turning-to the child he said to the child in a tone of mild reproof: Laura, I am -going to . ask grace. 4 l H1IT..1l :4. 7,. ..L....:. 11...-.. H __ ' bxsaauvo i - Well 1t s _about tune an- , 7 swered Little Sister in anvequala ly reproving tone. We ve been- expecting. you to do it for a year,` and she has.too. T . T V I `in Toronto, Mrs. Mary Carson, mother of Mr.- Andrew Carson, Small street, died. suddenly on Fri- dayof last Week. She had been unwell for some time and it was hoped a visit with her daughter; Would prove benecial, and she Went! to. the city sixvweeks ago. The re-| mains were brought to .Ba_rrie, the `funeral taking place on Monday to the Union cemet_ery. Mrs. vCarso'n',] who was 73 years of age, was born} in the township of .I11nisl. She] leaves a family of two sons and? .one daughter: Henry, Edmontom! lAndrew of Barrie, and Mrs. Me-3 !_~Intosh, Toronto. ' a ~ ` 5 | I While on a visit to her daughter DEATH OI` MEAFORD WEBB, Mayor and `Mrs. Craig Will attend the opening_ce1`e1noni`es in connec- tion With Toronto exhibition `on Monday of next Week. l BREHISTORIC MASTODON DEATH or MRS`. CARSON Music Furnished For. AIIT V V =-Occasions ` " IT WAS `ABOUT TIME- PIANO TUNER . ` mass 243 .r. ` ` .RAYN EIL-J ONES 1 AlAI.\'y -;\.r \/5\lI\.\1v\.\.l NAIL!) \/\4A\I I - l Hon. Sam Hughes was appointed :- .\li`nister of Militia `on October 10, " `1911, after a 1011;; connection With; =militia matters in the Dominion. He j was born in Darlinzton, Durhamt ;county, .in 1853, and received his: iedueation at the Model and Normal` fSchools, Toronto,Aand the University if iof Toronto. . I He-taught in public schools for "a numberof years before joining. gthe staff of Toronto` Collegiate In-1 Istituter (now. Jarvis. Street Col-i legiate I-nstitute), which position he: held for ten years retiring in 1885? ito devote himself to journalism. He tl1e'So11tl1iAfrir-an ll-. been Enqlancl xiv K . has the In the House of ("on.::.m.~ ~. presents Victoria. In r'.i_-Z:. is a :\letl\.oA Lieut.-Col. Garnet P. lT"_'w~ the Canadian F..\'}>(*4l`iIl(`1i.;l`. _' is` a `son and Dr. .Tamr-< 1.. ll :; of Toronto, is a ln'oti1r-:`. ` H11_9:hes. a brother is ("::.:...u:. at Valcartier C`amp.. Pi'n-`.i- ~ her niarriaze Lady ll:-;l.<'~ Miss .\'Iar)' E. Burk. whow 5:1? represented West D111'l`.:1m m time in the `House of Commmia gnuvu !IwHe`-I-tiiuglit piiblie for number of Co l1eg;iate In- (now Col- Institute), he [held ten 1885 journalism. MINISTER OF MILITIA I I ;. KNIGHTED BY KING} Miss Sneath and Mrs. Stewart leave this week for Killam, Alta. `Miss Sneath expects to_ remain in the West for a few months. "

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