Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Aug 1915, p. 5

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t was farm- 'aising est1'o`y- With every dollar purchasewe give you a 5c Coupon RURAL scnoox. mms RED (moss Haws FIELD COMFORTS I See the nice goods at small prices at our Premium Counter You can boy` one `of these choice bloses. White Lawn Lace and Embroidery trimmed, also Ladies Print Blouses, prices were 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 and 75c. Sale -~=-- - 42.- rice P Dun.- t"`\"' can-no. O O O O O O O C n O C o n O I I U I I O top I u o u I I I - w - u - u u u u - u - - - - . . . . . . . --- But you must come soon. . Ladies New Style Meiddy Blouses, these are extra" value 1.50 .......... ..for ..... ..l.....$l.19 You had I.25...l..... ....for .......... .. 99c better Loo .......... ..for .......... 79c_ _ _ eome and You had better have bne of these. White Duck and Blacic and White 7 stripe Shirts, made by Tooke Bros., Ltd., sizes 14 to 16% , extra value at 1.00, sale price ' QE- oo.,` - .Q.` {K 99 . . 0o;3 . new G-T.R.V tra. nscoutihe. _, ntal - ' The .15 fair to t ake ' the . 3 line bu do away from t e 0:9 RN - ' . s, . ,the tra .do-in by the large numbr ` "of 011 time, W E \ r\'osto1's t] on SM111'daV1atlPat1`0nized tli` Tllesday. n Sst and a 1,3 road that left VTo1-o11tat`1I`da_y thgalll goh _t}11'o11:'11 hero 1 at 4.15 e Speci.-,1~ 9 '" 31111 011 T ` bvel` 7(%m'Went three specials uesday tl ` pasgen. 700 po01,](,` each eai._1e1.`e ; War." coaches and it `W1 train fylng We on two (`11Q.in0N\vaS neeesslad eleve; . der to make ad: to. each taliy to put ' f1'(`Sti1];~ to C tllne. Itr.a 1n in Or` 11. . that '1:] 8 \\'ook, ha3V}l1(7]1 rulie `new. T01'011t:) arrived ast threei new mad $110111 s1,eak:u1d '~Winni1;)oth-J V IN 1 Well f egg 11a11&ge111en:f' the` tra times termmals, Mr and Mrs. Tan 1 `es Wells of! 5 Toronto Spent the 2 Week_end VVit11 I lib I-.\J\l, vials. tan-v ................ 652 They have revers- ible collars and one pocket. Boy s American Tapeless Sh i rt - waist, choice pat- terns, sizes 11 `to I3%, big value at 7 5c, saleiprice 57c ..Y i bette .oo .. 79c come am look them ove_r, they1wi1l not last long at this price. EDWARD CLARKE RELEASED Edward Clarke, the man arrested"! by the military authorities and[ `given trial` last week and who was` remanded till Monday of this week,` Idid not appear on the date set, the case being settled on Friday of lastl week. `When the case came. up on[ Friday, letters were produced from! prominent Omemee residents tol lshowthat `he is a loyal British sub~ ject, that he had enlisted with the irst contingent but had failed to pass the medical examination at Valcartier, and that two brothers,. one of whom was Wounded at Hill! B60 and at Langemarck, are now on! the ring _line in France, as well as! two cousins. Clarke was on his wayi from -Killaruey, where he had` been Working 011 construction Work, to, his home in Omemee, and he says` he did not know it was against` military regulations to loiter around ! soldiers quarters with a camera. {A cousin from Orillia spoke in be- half of _the_ prisoner and left the [court with him._ i 'BODY POUND OPPOSITE BELLE , E.WAR.'1" The body of Mr. V. E. Ashdown,l the Toronto wall paper merchant, drowned out of his 'rowboat last week, was. taken from the waters of Lake Simcoe Saturday afternoon by Henry Shepherd, who discover- ed the -remains toating near 'the Belle Ewart Company s ice plant. The body was just opposite where .the drowning took place. Coroner `Greenwood of Sutton was notied and permitted the removal` of the ` remains to the home of. the deceased at York` Mills. fbuiahce Fund. ~ The women and girls of Peel county in a three weeks active cam- paisrning brought in the handsome sum of $4,120.17 -for the Motor Am-1 `I II R C!` I I`. JKII-I\J\l -K IILIIJ l WGeo:-.~ -Merkiey,'~-~~t -of Melancthon, `Dufferin *C6'unty', was killed by be- ing thrown" off a hay rack, alightingy on. `his ` head, breaking the neck. -]_):_(a( : _3_ev.1:_7vi{Va.s :67 years of agg. ~ Collingwood, Aug. `23.-Co1ling'- Wood has seldom seen as enthusias- tic a demonstration as marked the reception to Pte. Arthur Griesbach .of the 15th Battalion on his return lfrom, the ba-ttleeld, Hora than [$3,000 people were at the station to- inight to welcon1e the rst of the ICollingwvood boys to return. He `was carried shoulder-high to an awaiting auto. A precession was formed, headed by the Citizens band, the Town Council and Munici- pal Boards, 35th; Regiment, the Orange Lodge fe and drum bands, the Home. Guard and numerous lautos. At the Town Hall an ad- Idress ' of Welcome was read by iMayor D. C. Barr, to which Pte. Griesbach feelingly replied. Mr. and James Owens Of} A ' t . t t} _ .. 'r1`$3S .s11e11 18` Week end vW1th ` Mr. Cecil Jory of B `. _ : among" the latest t t .anleA ls` road as renlan. ' 0 S alt on the` Mrs. W. A111 , % , f01'mo1-1_\r of this 1)(132I,1ce (ifs 301051.): a_\\'(`(`k with M1's.`T]1;,`S Cgmnbmg Tiin street. " mp en: E Tenders will be received by the 'undersig'ned up to Saturda_v, Aug: 23th, 1915, till 1.00 p.m., for grad- ing at_the Barrie Collegiate Insti- tute. The 3 revised specications can ube seen at the office` of Mr. Fred Marr, secretary of the Board of Education, Owen street. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. .A (1 AD'nAt11:r `DDE`h]rADD `J lU\a\LI x.` G. ARDAG_H, FRED *MARR, {GA 0.4 171-- .__- C1...-7--'D -21`, Also \.I 0 .L.I.LIJ1J A.I.\l LA, 4. LULJJJ 4vL4..I.LvAv, ` 34-34 Engineer. . Sec y B. of E. I Sealed tenders will be received up to Saturday, September 4th-, for the purchase of the stock of grocer- ies and xtures belonging to the` estate of S. J. Vair of the Town of Barrie, Insolvent. Stock book and list of xtures may be seen at my office, and the stock of groceries may_ be inspected at the store in the Town `of_ Barrie. 1 ' I` DC amamc. .Lc11ua Uaau. l 1I I`urther particulars will be `mad;-. x'., `fgsignee, Barrie, Ont. - * ' '}`HpMAS DUFF, 'D......... l\..L `f('nQ_w_n upon application to Thomas- Ullu .LUvv LL \JJ- AJ|.nAALvo The stock, is new and in `excellent condition. Tenders should be. made out for the groceries and xtures |sepa.rate. Terms cash. g 'm.-...n...... .......;:....1..;.- ...:n 1... ` ...__'l- X.{;}i?, B'.I r`i,` Ont. McCarthy, Boys & Murchison,. f . ` `Solicitors. " V ' TENDERS WANTED ASSIGNEES SALE Childrt-:n s New Style Handsome Gingham Dresses, t ages 6 to 12, big value at 1.50, sale price .......... ..87c , . . _ -A4AA`4AA. Children : White Embroidery Dress- es, ribbon trimmed, t ages 6 to 10, big value 2.23, sale price ....... .. $l,69 Ladies` . House Dresses, Short sleeves, choice" pat- teius of Gingham and Prints, sizes 34 to 42, big value at 1.50, sale price 89c You should come ~ and see them. Boy s Fine Ameri-` can Shirt Waists, pure White, Blue and White Stripes, extra value at 39c, sale price .... ..29c Boy's Gingham Shirts, good quality, well made, sizes 12% to 14, big value at 50c, sale price .......... .. 39c P.(`. Hunt of Toronto `is visiting.:: h(o-1'0 for :1 few dayx ` T\\'(~ are glad to see Mr. `VH1. Tay-. lm" bark at Ins pos1AtA1o11 on the 1-and. :1t'to1'bo1ng' conned to the 11011.40. ` ' T ,,..ooooooooQ.;cw8!uIIs:a. . n n R `I Mr. J. Gd1'do11 A of New .V Yc.>1'_k4is I `Hamilmn with 1'0latiVes. : a `few weeks at Clonmore. .\Ir.<. Bert Parr 1s V1S1tll1g' 1n - .\l1-.<. Smith is \'isiti11 2'.I_{e1' par-` vnt<.. .\[1' .and Mrs, A1'c1}i`g Long`-1 }1111`.< {. on Bradford street. "' I ` l Mr. W. , Turnbul! of Han1ilf on! m1m- up to patrofllze the G.T. .` I ga1'd(-n part_v on \Vednesda.y. V ` 1 ' I oL:a~-1-I u nmv threshing outt cost-! in: ummt $`_ :'>()O.' It consists of a! t1'z1-tinn <-nr;-inc and- a se1)a1fafor' oqui;q<- with self-feeder and straw` .1'11d- ;` me by ,usto1n rst of- I I I hlm\`in- -_\h. I-`.!. .\IcKibbcn and his son,% Itnlwrt. m 01-zmgoville, have pur- Outt` cost- --. D NOTICE TO CREDITORSi 1 IN THE MATTER ef the Estate of: _ Stephen Vair of the Town. of Bar-] rie in the County of Simcoe, Mer-{ chant, Insolvent, VT NH'l`I(`IC is hereby given that -t(~}}u-n Vair of the Town of Bar- hio in Ihv (`nunty of Simcoe, carry- - 1f.......1,......J- ni- --~ --- mu xuuuuy UL |JA1|.n.\.I\.r\.t, v-----_; in: nu hus,i110sS"aS a Merch,ant, at the szlid Town of Barrie, has made` an 21.`-. under 'R.S.O. 1914, C. 134. of all his estate, credits and- m't`o-t.< tn Thomas Duff of _the Town 01' I-Eumo for the general" benet Qf hi.% m-<-ditors. \ 1. . -. 1-`. __ h__V:n'1_..I n\\Hl\H.V- A 1nvvti11y_:' of his. credltors W111 be! hold at the office of McCart1_1y;,B3. S & M1111-hisoll, McCarthy B!0ckr m the Town of Barrie, on Frlday, the 3t11`dn\' of August, 1915. at the. 110111` (>1-`Iv two o"c1-ock in`the af_te,1"` noon, to receive a statement Of 3f` fairs. to `appoint inspectors Bind" x their 1'mn_11ne1ation, and for the 01'- dorinu of "the affairs of the estate _E`(L-11(-1`;1ll`\'. (`..n.lI..-., _LA, L_ m- , , . ...I.` . - le (`rodxtors are requested to. _ their claims with the As1lne{ with the proofs and. P311210 Am; th(-root '1'oquired by the stud 0 :1 911 or before the day'0f.5uh.'mee3{v 1110', ` A I iI'1q_n LL _ the ....u` to, to the 1e and ed to ,;'11 the Vs-NI LHU lJa..l'L1US tuul,-u.:u .|al.LI.7L,U` t0 havmg re,<.r,ard only to the clalms` `svhich notice shall then have been - {}\`en, and ` that he A will not AbeV.'_ liable for the assets or any p:art,~ ereof, so distributed, to any per-.l 511 01` persons of - Whose. claim: 1,10,; shall not then have had9_.1_1()"l`ic'p.V"l f DATED at` Barrie this;_:.12ih;; Lfla` of` August, A.D., `$1915. #3 , _ . . e THOMAS DUFF, Ass; ;e' :11 t`z1chm(nt. ;ueusm;m it '.I`LO`S7GONGIL; s A, The 'Co1incil met at Phelpston on [Aug 21st,-pursuant to adjornment. |Al1 members present. ` Minutes _of ilast "meeting read `and. conrmed. ml... 4:..n.....:--.. um 1 --....w uu,uu_un5 Lcau. au_ul UU1lLl1'II1B(l. . ' _ The following accounts were pass- ed for payment :--R. Briggs, WOI`k with team on Con. line 4, opp. Lot |26, $40.50; Jas. ~Gribben, aging grader, $87.50; W. Grant,work with grader Townline Flos and Ves- pra, $4.50; S. T. Anderson, supplies, to ,R, Hadley, indigent, $3.63; Geo. ;Jo1ies,. for gravel, $18.00 ;' A. L. `Mora Jputting in culvert tile and ~lA1Io`;s1: '...e+:I.. cm;-mt. n-- mm,` 0 nun. V-I. W .,.;3~`t1tp,.uuLL;b' .I.u. Uul.VU1'b U116 H.Il`(.l . idrai .3-V.t1le, $6.65; Geo. Train, for 125 `loads. gra'vel,~`$2.50; Jas. Middle- Co1e,rep. ditch and culvert on Towne- [line Flos and Vespra (Flos share) `A {$2.75; Herbert Ritchie, for gravel, !$2.00.; Wm. Graham, timber for=..cu_1- lvert and puttingin same, $3.50; Jos. |Stone, for sheep killed by dogs, `$18.00; Otto Davis, for cleaning out `Leo McLaughlin, `cleaning out ditch l-(McLaughlin award) `$2.20; John lToner, lculvert on 3rd line, 3.00; J as. Middle- lton, for culvert nipes, $31.50; Jos. Adams, work` on Townline Flos and `Tiny, $3.50; D. Murray, work `on Townline F105 and Tiny, .$5.00; Thos. Martin, work on Townline [Flos and Tiny, 4.00; Geo. McGin'nis, work, on Townline Flos and Tiny, $3.85; Geo. McGinnis, for managing grader, $2.25. ' . D" ]___,___-,_,_,_,.:l L- 1..---- ___1.-7. -13 LL- ton, for culvert.-pipes, $9.00; G. ' lditch (McLaughlin award), $11.97 ;- for repairing roadway and" !O`E;-`lglggfl-"):1'SSed tb levy rates of `the Township of Flos for 1915.` 'I\.....~.J..'|.-. (`..-..-..LI:... l\..,].......'I J.1...J. -.,.........,_.. VL J-CV0 J-VJ W. | T Drysda1e-Coughlin+Ordered that |the Treasurer be instructedto pay monthly `until further notice the sum of $25.00 to the Treasurer of the VVoman s Patriotic League of Flos lthe same to be used for the purchas- .ing of material to be made into articles required by the Red Cross x [ 0 (Society. _ V 4 - I` A "1--. T\....n.J.-.1 . f\..,'!n..n,1 4-`In-.+ \uvvM-w,y.- I Ansley-Drysdale-Ordered that J .Thomas Simpson be appointed Col-l lector of Taxes for the year.19l5,_1 `and that the Clerk prepare a By-law conrming the appointment; ` I. A._,.1---. o...:n- n...:|--...,1 n...4. +1..` 1 \gl._ll.l1.|.l..l1l1115 Jib w1JlJUL1Lu11LvLLvo ` l` Ansley Smith-- Ordered that the :C1erk be instructed to notify partiesl "interested'tl1at the Council Will, at. next meeting, pass a By-law to open up Ind. Avenue in the Village of Phelpston, as laid out on the South half of Lot number 10 in the `Town- ship of 4Flo,s. . CV---:L1.. f`.\'.q4-..1x`:w\ nu-r1nmnt1 4410+ 311111 UL `.L'l.IJ>Do Snuth + Coughlm -- Ordered that the Councll do now adjourn, to meet lat E1mva1e_ on Oct.'16th,at 10 o clock l ' ' 1 | The Council met at the Town iHall, Oro; August. 12, a11.the -mem- i ;bC1'S present and the Reeve in the` i chair. . _ - , _ L. - ._ _ cCl\lI\ -nnn 11 13111:` Communications were read and l [disposed of as follows: A. D. Ca1'tw1'ight, Sec. oB.R.C.,v agi1'eei11g to make Counci1 s proposed improven_1e11ts at \Vatt s Crossing on condition that Oro pays 20 per cent. ;of total amount `expended, town- [ship s [share not tooexceed $200. iOnVmotion of McK.inlay and -Mc- Arthur this was accepted__as satis- ` fao;Eo1'y. T U` n4-/111A}: W1-ntek siastio v n Iaowry. R. J. Fletcher, Co. Clerk, wrote that the amounts levied on Oro for County `purposes for 1915 were: General Co. levy $7395.36, Provin- ,cial VVar tax $2465.12, Special }Schoo1 $185.12, total $100,416.25. 0 1 Trustee requisitions for school `money were: No. 1, $700 ; 2, $750; 4, $1100; 5, $1100; 6,.$7'25; 7, $600; $8, $750; 9, $850; 10, $600; 11, $750;' 13, $1300; 14, $600; 15,`$600; 16,, $550; 17, $700; '18, $700; 19, $6.50. F. Lidgold asked for assistance. On motion of Crawford and Mc- Kinlay the Clerk was instructed to [notify Mr. Lidgold that if he is un-' {able to earn his living that the {Council .will endeavor to have him committed to House of Refuge. Wm. Anderson wrote re cutting of weeds on private property in or-, der to prevent spreading. Laid over. , . . . Alex. Cowan on behalf of T. "Mc- Arthur complained of fence on road - between lots 3 and 4, Range 2. Clerk was instructed to notify James Coulson to remove fence forthwith. Ed. Thompson madean offer for lwork to be done on_ s.r. 15 and '16,, con. 3. On motion of Mahony and -McKin1av- this was laid over. ' A , 1-. -n- n....1..-.m rnnnrted that 3. be prevemeu,~. Uu ....,...,.. -_ __ Kinlay and Mahony the Reeve . was asked to ascertain the name of the party and notify him not? to build at this point. V a yr - Grand, Trunk Ry Co. s deed and plan of lands at Overhead bridge, I ]Raikes Crossing, wasypresented and -' read. On motion "of Crawford." and -M`cArthur this" was acceptedgand .7 the Clerk requested to report "same to Company and asked that deed be `executed when money .will be paid. ' C mplaint was read that `board fene"- of Joseph Reynolds `was on. road line, ec(_m_.. 4 _and 45, `causing - ".1. 4.1.1.` Inna |-Mc1s .inlav tnls was mm UV . R. H. Graham reported `that a boat house was about to be erected on road adjoining wharf at Shanty (I asked that this obstruction Bay an D V ,be prevented,~. On motion of -Mc- *1-7.-_.1.... Am: Mnhnnv the'Reeve.was Uxtiliubuu Complairxtm-w-9:3 read `board fence? Joseph on con.. and `.5, -. the snow to drift badly at this place ;; On motion of Crawford " and Mc- Kinlay, the ._Cler_k was` instructed to notify Reynoldsv to remove said fence forthwith. . ` '|in winter and asking its removal. Eh Q;erk_ mire "'n.1s Iencc uu ....,.... - - ,_,_ Vandw16, con. 3,- accordmg to 5;. r<'n"r'1-` ise, s_o that cdntractor may completg ork...there-2 A. W _L , - ORO. COUNCIL France. Mtirmcsi asvun ..n.4ua.u \IVCLn " I Striking the: rates for raising the`. taxes of 1915 "was taken_up..- 6 3-_10 `mills on, the dollar is the County rate in Oro; 3 3:10 mills, General School rate; 1 mill, Township Pro-. vincial War tax,: $1596.82, ' 2 mr,......: L---'u ..A..u..... ..._.1 \r-1---L__ `and `_ _KinTay, $1_6*`Was' grante . - *_ The Deputy-Reeve reported that Arthur Bell, Overseer Div. 81, ask- ed _that` a portion of H. G. Hamil- ,ton s,.l_abor be applied on his divis- i013`. ..`L_aid over. -_ . ~_` A `.iri1i1est ii` of i:'or~ '2:1u<>"o_l_"._ j: .so_ appeared on behalf of the Prei- 13 .";.". u..`;-v.-'-..*..~.'.`I-: _- .. _ _ _ I ChildrnV sV Fair, Ora,` for 9. mony grant to said fair. A. A. Rouse a`l- and McKinley that it be 2 mills. fried; andby-law 429 was passed `in-. via-gsvsuua v,v (Au. away \y.I.uuu.Ua_. ' ` Moved by;.McArth11_r and Mahony that the local , Township rate be 1 2-10 mills, ` same as . in 1914. Moved in amendment by Crawfordl The Reeve declared the motion car- cluding the rates as above Itogetlfer with rates required for special school levy and school debentures where they" exist. ` l f\... .......L3..... ...` 'Il'-1_-_-__ ...II 11". _Kinlay, accdunts to the amount of 11 nay; v IJIJUJ uzxamwvu l -_ On motion of Mahony. and Mc- $571.05 ordered paid. 9 A..........J- ..... .....-...J f\..2`l'I.. `l')...L.... ya u .a.ovu Va. \.|.\4L vu IllL\AU Account re refund Orillia Patrio- tic Fund was laid over. , ' . Pugsley road matter laid over un- til next meeting. ' - l"..........:l ....1.'....'....,...,'! ,. .........4. -1, L1... ufC;;1u1`r`1`<,3ilLu;3E;,i;)`1:11:ned to meet at` call of the.Reeve.'_ Henry Maxwell, of Brentwood, who ' This isthe enviable record of Mr. on Saturday made his annual `visit to The Advance oice to renew his subscription. and give inforniation as to the birthplace of a member of the rst contingent to leave Barrie. The soldier in question, who worked for Mr. Thos. Bates, had been to the P.O. for the mail, and reading in The Advance that recruits were being called for, he had a settle- ment with Mr. `Bates and came-" to `Barrie and enlisted. Several post- ` cards have been received from the , soldier, and from the date of the ` last one it would seem that Sergt. 1 -Richardson is one of the very few of the old guard who survive. ` Af- ter giving information, Mr. Maxwell tur_ned to tell of his remarkable health and of his walking a distance of a mile and a-quarter on a chilly (lay in June last `in the remarkable` time of 20 minutes. The o1dg'entle- man was very proud of` his health, and when asked for thesecret, hel stated that he had no stated rule,i ate and drank just what he wished`; [taking no. special care of himself.` lHc came of a long'-lived family.i l.H_is eye`sig`vl1tVis perfectly good, as: Liwhile in the oice he picked up the} i I . mo_1'11i11;;;_ paper Hand read the Warl news only at nigrht do I use ,<.1'lass- es for readin2" was the remark [a when asked if he could read with-I out glasses. ' I ; Sergt. VV. S. Robb, who '-was 1'e-l cently reported suffering from a complaint resembling gas poisoninggl writes from an English hospital.ji I am getting along fairly well, '` writes the Sergt., though I undeiul estimated my stay here. I have had two relapses since coming here, ' Wl1ich has thrown.n1e back a bit. I an1 still conned to bed, it being now eight weeks since I" took sick. We get lots of ._reading matter. and cigarettes here and everything is done to help us to `pass. the time: away Of course time does drag a nbit especially when one is confined to bed and when there is only ten` Canadians in the. whole hospital. We had a bit of a` sing-song last _ night betweeneourselves. There isl a piano in the next ward. Four or ve` Canadiansrfound their way .up_ to the. ward, and for a time the songs ca1fri__ed `one back to the land of the Maple Leaf. Undoubtedly the song of the evening was a very, old one. The moment the singer ' commenced a -hush fell `on the two wards. The song. was Home, Sweet Home." If the thoughts of the fty odd" patients. in these two wards could have been converted into writ- made. Scenes from: England, Scot- land, Ireland and Wales, and from lands. far over the seas could easily be" imagined. That: song. will cer- tainly never die. Well I must n- . ish. The doctor will -soon be here. By the way, the Dr. sayshe expects to have me ready. for plum pudding ing, What reading it. would have` by _ Xmas..;. is -g l `YOUNG MEN I'0R. All young men above the age of 16 are invited to join the Home Guards and take advantage of the elementary military instruction of- fered,. not only those who purpose joining the active forces `but those who for some good reason cannot do so. There is an ever present men- ace to to your homes and how soon that may become acute: it ~ is hard to say, - but it behooves all those who are not shirkers or poltroons to prepare themselves to meet the emergency when it arises.` `_Barrie, of all places` fin the County, seems - the most indierent, ` but those that an "tact- a do their duty ` wi1lg_find- :-gi-`_-%;z,gef>`.war`.that they will he at ' "Z - &;2ln`A1;..;aa. `|Iu`>1\. an `;n[g 811>As'r AND NEVER SICK `C1089, '0I.Wl11' Iallllrh laucy W111 :16 '9} d_i_adv[tage both `in `business ' ".. ......_'r4`PAT0 I( L and Rol1s_`,. for , signature `at m ` : MnnF.R..- Socially. ._[\:U1I5 LU1 Dlsuauuxu um Gazette oice,--FR K MOBERJ .AL;Y, ;"'1Cg:pt.%; E<>m:e Guards; THE N-OfiR'I'HERN; -` ADVANCE SERGT. ROBB WRITES H. J. TUDHQPE, Clem} Tnom: "GUARD A the On Aug. 20th a box containing `the following articles - Was. sent to the Field Comfort Commissioners: 330 "pairs socks, $15 worth of tobacca, writing" pads, note paper,| candles, soap `squares, chocolate, I-towels, 5 annel shirts (made in .Edenvale) 1 6 doz. handkerchiefs. _ '\l'-_4__ _....1_.... l\ out-\tx17:V nnrna -F1-nm lal}5'U IIUJIIUUJ. LLU111. AL nnnnnnnn v. To Mr. and Mrs. D. T`. Rees are due the grateful thanks of the `Field Comforts Commissioner for` -their services and grounds` so gen- erously given for the garden fete at Glen Ormond. The Field Com- forts Secretary gratefully acknowl- edges a cheque for a. third of the net proceeds, $3.45, from Mr. Beecroft. n A: An ___;~ ____;_ _g______ .rJ(1eI1VH;lC} J. U llU'IA. Ila/ll\;lI\4.CLk;llL\.z.|.>Ju Many palrs of socks- came from` Shanty Bay, Craighurst, and a. very] large number from Allandale. I Tl`- II}; 5.5,] `I1-1-D n Rppq Q-rp_ lJUUULULD- V A cheque for $390 was sent from Allandale to Mrs. Stewart, the re- sult of the Field. Comfdrts shower held at Mrs. Cannon s. It was 9.1 `splendid sum to realize and will pay for the wool for the good Allandale |knitters for some time to come`, " I I - , _ I The executive meeting of Barrle branch will T be held Monday,` Aug. 30th, at 3.30 pm. `All interested are` welcome. 1 T 1,,_ ..A___. n,u.1.. J.'I.'...' I11`!-.'. WUlUUll1Uo After Tuesday, "Aug. 24th, the Red Cross Society will be in their new rooms in. Mr.'S. fCa1dw'ell s store, 139 Dunlop. street. mL A tun-A l\Ial\I`I an an` V51 trp `Y\`l'(\_. BMUIU, .l.uU 1JullLUP.DvLvuuo ` The generousgialnl of $74.72, pro- ceeds of a picni, was received-`vfrom. i Minesing Station. . . i Q1. A ullmnuw (1 n1nu-nnnln L011 RBQYKYB J.V1.11l.t:b1u" U uamuru. D St. Andrew s church had charge of the tea-room on Saturday, Aug. 21st. Proceeds $10430. Soldier s Aid $9.25. A ` T ` _ . and Aunt Rural School Fairs, under the] direction of the - Ontarior Depart- ment of- Agriculture will be held: as follows: i ' . N Stroud, Sefitember 14th} _Ivy,~;% ,Septe1_nber_t 15th.: . < 3.r.;1 9:; for wash goods, Crepesand R ipp1et- tes, choice `Colors, big value 15c, sale price ...... ..,.;_....9c Inns}: AREEWES YOU CANNOT moan T0 muss N~%BARGA`lNS THAT American Galatea, I yd. wide, blue and white, black and white, brown and white stripes, big `value at I 5c, sale price .....'.llc You should see our table of -Ladies Pumps and Oxfords Misses Boots and Shoes, Mcn s Can- "vas Oxfords-, prices were 3.25, 2.50, 2.00, 1.50, 1.25,sale price , ..... 99 Boy s* Cottonade Pants, sizes 26 to 33, well made, extra value at 50c, sale price .... .... ..39c .B0y s Khaki ` Bloomers, sizes 26 to 32, extra. value `at 75c, sale price... ............ 59 Ladies Black Rib- ` bed Cotton Hose, .sizes 8% to 10, big value at 15c, sale _- ,,f - _ I" _- This sale starts on Friday,August 27, ends on Sat., Sept. 1 l . You had better come soon if you want to save money. Mr. (`oho1_-. ,-who is sunnneriug" near Love_r s Creek, ereceived C a b(':1111if1l1 pony by express on Wed-` nosday from Nelles Corners. Itl just woizhs 350 lbs. and is the size of a bi:~Ne_\vfou11dla11d do0'.' V Mr. Snidb1'111a11 Wash i11Toronto for a couple of days, ' 7 M1: D. \Visdo'm mode 8. busi. noss mp to Toronto this Week._ V1 Mr. W. G. Tooke spent jthe be- r:inni11 of the week in the Queen City.

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