Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Jul 1915, p. 4

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A Those assisting in the programme were Misses Clarke and Qrser. of J ar1`,_ eMisses Annie and Muriel Wilson "of Qqllingwood, Miss Egg?-_ ton of fCou lson, "Miss _,'Plewis.~ of =Markham,`~ -`Mi1's Mae Black of Mid- qrst. .Mis8,es[-Canolvl Stephensdu `and Q1136 ,. Sif :D81St9[!!i " e " ca '- ' `iv: and 7.? V vv.u 77; ADAALSTON4 PICNIC THE Noam: ABV=ANCE CRAIGHURS? ` DALSTON A 1 gu1y_ 26th. .......... ..-. J-Lnn spent and 5'St_ephens0I,1`, Pa.St0r = [Of - pftlpire Methodist. church. ' Reid rnade an excellent chairman. -The ,_f<)1;der was .e1icel1ent. The Craighurst "their numerous selections were I well` `rendered. Appreciative thanks are due the many friends who so ably assisted in making this picnic the "success it proved to be. Proceeds approximately $110.00. r -.77 """" --./7 '~~~ Do., new Straw, bundled .. Do., loose The Vancouver Daily Times, , of J uly_ account of the resident I 20th, contains the following death of a -former of Barrie: . 1 L__~-J-- ............n.1 Mhnrlavi _res1aenI: OI` Darrw: - A sad tragedy -occurred Monday! `afternoon (July 19th) at the Gorge, when `Mrs, "Frances. M. L. Andros succumbed suddenly from apoplexy. 1 1 `II . __ 3...... ...:J-`In `mar +1170 I S11(3(3llII.lUt5u` Buuucuiy J..I.u1.u. u1..vr--.._,- lg Mrs. Andros, with her two `children, had just_entered the Water, l` and ahnost immediately was heard calling for help. i A friend Went to lher rescue, and brought her to shore. She was removed to the bathing house, where she died two or `three minutes later. Up to the time `of the seizure she was appar- ently in her usual good health. rm... .2! nnnn cannq Lulu uylaneo lwnmn. itillbly 111 Inc; uauaas Suuu I uuuuuu .. l The deceased lady, Whose home! was at Selkirk. avenue, near. the "Gorge, was the Wife of Major R. C. Andros, who is second in command of the First . Canadian Mounted Ries, now stationed, at Shornclifeg _Before leaving for the old country, he was stationed for some time at Sewell, Manitoba. Just before the departure of the regiment for Eng`- land Mrs. Andros visited him, the family having come here three years ago to make their home in Victoria. 3 _ . 13...-.. n1-.-111-nnvu 01110171170 'F11nQn OYD I `G"U DU Luann ULAVLJ. uvnuv ;-.1. y Q\./II\l.Aovvul Four children survive. These are three daughters and a son, the eld- est 'of the family being twenty-one years of age. E. B. Andros, of 644 Linden avenue, is a brother-in-law. "`1,.- .3 . - A AI Lars `Anny: \-In-Inl'|1nrVII|(1i J.Jll}l.lU1l. (IVULLLAV, 10 (I4 `|JL\IlIll\a.L 1Il L(lr no The funeral has been arrangedl to take place at 2.30 to-morrow from? `the residence, T Selkirk avenue, and 1. half an hour later services will be held at St. Saviour s church, Vic- toria West.' No inquest is being; l hel_(`l`. V ` 'I'I -.~~-I . nru " `I'll [ The older residents, of Barrie will Lremember the late Mrs.` Andros, who {left as a bride some twenty-three. years `ago, better known as Miss! Frances Hewett, step-daughter of the late Capt. Hewett, of the Royal Marines, and daughter of. the late [Mrs. Wish. The late Mrs. Andros !was a _n1ece of Mr. C. J. Forbes,. iot Collier street. Mr. Forbes was [informed by wire last" Week of the death of his niece. Major Ralnh Andros is a son of the late Capt. E. B. . Andros, Whose death by drowning was chronicled in `The Advance s 25 years ago .column .'three weeks ago.` V 1 The regular meeting of the execu-I tive of the Barrie bra11ch,'Red Cross` ` Society, will be held in the society s` brooms; Monday, Aug. . 2nd, 3.30 pm. All` those interested in the work are welcgme. _ '\.I".. Gall-nu L.-'."n ....nI.......,1' 1.2.. ..-L ..--.- ..-., ..-.u,<:..e. _ _ A_ Mr. Salter has 1'es_1gned 1118 post! as treasurer of the -Barme branch,` `since he is leaving town. H. E. Jory has consented to be treas-1 i urer. | 1 .' n .-. ux - In - ' IAALILO The date of the Red Cross garden party on the grounds of Mr. Rees `has been changed to Aug. 11th. It `is hoped that this will be well pat- ronized-since theproceeds are `to be divided- among three deserving _and- necessary societys: Blue Cross So-I !ciety, Field Comforts and Red Cross} Society. There "Will be [various at-` tractions, among them a children s patriotic chorus, to be trained by.` Miss Claxton. ` ' ' The Royal Canadian Regimenfhas `been ordered to the front immedi-. gntely. and will be relieved in. Ber.- - .ninda garrison by, the 38th Bat- ` -7 . . .5. tali`ox_1,H Ottawa,` under ALieut.-Coi.` `ix1I1 I;`;W%1in(1, collected by Mrs.| Murphy: St. George s \V.A.t, $6.00; Monthly envelopes, 25c contribu- tions, $7.50; total , $13.50. - rm... L-,.n.....:.... I..u..-. ....~ ._..1' L-. uAuLnu, Q/I cull, lJ\J|.`(AL, KVJ.LIolJU- The following letter was sent? to! the president of the Red Cross So- `_ciety: - ` 'n.--- 'rnJ:_- cn,-_-L-_ n-__'u V_v__, _ _ , ' b Dun-Edin, Shanty Bay. Dear Mrs. .Ca1derwood--Please [find enclosed post office order for five dollars and forty-one cents, the proceeds of` a little tea given by ,Jim, An, ;us and Howard Ross and `Jean, Shirley, Billy and Betty `Leishman. We ask you to use it for the Red Cross. Sincerely, Jean I Leishman. ` -u no-1 _ The Red Cross tea -roomA was, in charge of the Allandale churches on Saturday, 1 July 24th. Proceeds, |c$77.62`. u 1 . .... 1.1. rn.u.u xu ILULIJLLIS (HG LDUU \J1'Ub' 5- For. Comforts Sent '1'hem-Barrie Has Done More Than Other Towns .2E'or_ Her Soldiersu ` V Although -holidaying`, these child- ren have evidently not fo1',<.>:otten the tlioys Who are ghting for them, a11d are to be `commended for their ljpatriotism. Could not other child- lren "follow their example and do i their part in helping the Red Crogsg? `r nunnn o\(\ --An`--A ---- ' Ptet B. Grooderham, D. Co.. 20th Batt., writes from Sandng Camp No. -A 2, in acknowledgment of the work of the ladies in providing for` the boys at the f1T'ont: 'I \..__ `II . J_-._. - va-u uv. Ia wv vaau .l.l.\ILLIl - Dear Madam :-I am writing to thank you both personally and .on behalf of -all the Barrie `and Orillia boys in camp `at Sandling, for the ivery` welcome present of socks and handkerchiefs you sent` us. _No `resent..fco`uld possibly be more use- gul or more. appreciated :by- We `consider. _``ourselves _ .,.e;:_trgz11ely lly, . RED (moss WORK SOLDIERS THANKS . Sir J ames: M1iniay, editor of the _p Oxford English Dictionary, is dead. a.- I-I ldbbaa-n 7 ` DIES IN WEST | *1-`mu CONTINGENT LEAVES T0-DAY` `More Then Necessary Num-` ` her Recruited This (Thursday) morning, at 7.45 [the fth? contingent left Barrie for John A. Torey A. M. Battison Arch. Purvis. . . . . . S. K. Lount G. A. Baker ;. . Jas. Shorrock T 1XT..lJ.. iF. Hoy :;;.n;;;;`.t':: viv- 4;; U A. V\L7i.l`l~i.eo11' . E; Brown . . . . 1Wn1. VVinegard C. Adams McMillan N. Paul . . . . H J. A. Scott Sid Griin . . . . J. Lang V `J. Cook .. !A1. Smith I John- Irish . . . . `J. Ruston . ' W. Hebner G. E. Lambert . G. J. Sergeant . J. W. Flack A. Davis . i I F. S. Paterson S. Gibson Jos. Cohen R. McIntyre . . . . u u u o u 0 on u 0 _o no 0 o o o T. Davenport . . . . J os. LeGal1y . . . . E. S. Robinson . .. . New Sandford Baker . . . . Thos. Wyley ;. . . towns of Collingwoo and Barrie. Of the five honor pu})il.~`.._in IH\\' three were from St. Mary ?s School. - ' From the results of the recent Entrance e.\'aminatiou.<. l11>`!'`l`` Garvin has compiled the efollowiilgl list of honor pupils t-;uh- ers who were-instrumental in the su ccess of--the pupils. 1t Will he xwml that the small school at Penetangui shene has put it over the l;n"_'t`I` Grade Candidate School Place T"'l_`.": 1 (VV111. Thompson .. Protestant Sep. Sch. l:e110ta11_r_~' A\``lf Ill..- `l)..--.....I,2l,. ` Z<';'e}3'.' 1i{{$ 1'i7' . I I 3 Cecil Weatherall . . 4 Herbert Forsythe. . ` 5 Teddy McGowan .. 6 Ethel Crossland . . A 7 Marcelle Schmidt . 8 Golding` Thompson r 9 Prima `Maurice . . . 10 (Cla1'enceHickey .. IKT.-n-Ln-..L `R I'....... .- \/Ann; uu.uuLJ.1\;;\\; W ENo1'be1't Moran 12 Fredena Martin ._ George Schmicit, son of Mr. and Mrs- B. Schmidt, Berlin, Ont., and native of Baden, was one of the victims of the Eastland disaster in Chicago on Saturday. , . r I Grade Tedcher 1 1). IX. blorris . .A. 2 Sr. M. Basilla . H. S. McNa1;};ton. Dea Benn .;.... .3 3 1 \ ltalion. VVe are all very Twell and enjoying ourselves either because 01" in spite of the hard work we are getting here; The latest I rumor round the Battalion is: that we are going to the Dardanelles, but of course no one knows anything de- nite1y._ Thanking` you once again, I remain, yours respectfully, , . '12`la`.D\TA`D`n tlnnnmnt-r A`-`Ir James Montgomery is in a; serious condition at the General Hospitall as a result of burns received at the Ontario Power plant at 8_ 'o clock yesterday morning. His clothing was set on; . re by an arc lamp. . I T. aorta IIIIQA Al`) nun. --9 13-`- . 3'52. wan can uu ll.I.U uy an 11.115 18,1111). | Wm. L. Guns, aged 42, one of the most `prominent attorneys of Union- town, Pa.., and at 33rd -Degree Mason, `and ,his` son ' William,-T aged 12, were kille"when a. -street `c'a_1"{.`-`struclt -an iatblndbile -which-5-ethgey-L were `trid- A i Name lugs _ ' M . ' V -Preston'bus;mesVs men got together`! Vi?*?*3FLf:Aaff#6ni_ and inside J.A.\rJ --~. ---.- n--no VVebb A, Macriner . . . V _K_." Kitchener _. . On_e<%>%f`-tl1.eLthings that givfes comfort to the home is a L `H. H. OTTON & SON Battalion, ' which is in training at of G. Kirkpatriok, a Presby- terian clergyman of Toronto, has been appointed chaplain of the 34th I 4 London for overseas service." A ; INSPECTORS HONOR ROLL ; VIJIIDU 01. [Ally , "13ia"R3?f'ARD GOODERHAM. [`orey . . . . l ttison . .1 int . . . . . . I (er . . . . . S1 rock . . . .'. 4 . . . . . . . . . , . M . . . .. . . . . . . . Scho =11ner . . . .` M chenei \Vauba1 Collin m Collin Collin egai (1 ; Collin s Collin . . . . . Collin . . . . . . `Collin tt . . . . . . . Collir. 1 . . . . Collir . . M 11 . . . . . . . . . . M h .' '1 . . . . . . . . . . . M yre . . . . . . E er . . . . . . . .. 11 . . . . .' `LN nbert . . . . . . . qeant . . . . . . L ack . . . Colln . ; . . . . . . . . . E venport . . 1\ Ci: .'.'..6}'i"1i`. . .. Midland .. Collingwood Elmvale Midland Newcastle, N.B. . . O1-illia . . . Collixlgwvood . . . . Orillia. . . . . Alliston . Coldwater Schomberg % Midland Waubaushene . Collingwood .. Collingwood . Collingwood 4. Collingwood v . Collingwood . Collingwood `Collingwood . Collingwood Collingwood Midl_an Residence T". .{fZesZ . Central . Ste. Croix St. Mary s St. Mary s . Protestant I l\Jll\I\ ' Protestant Protestant Protestant . . Victoria St. Mary s TIT- -1. 4v;.; \AA\.unA . Orilli; Midland Toronto Midland Stayner Midland oM:d122d % Orders - ` have been. received -_a,t a'w_,ard% ;8tfa.t(frd-_ to `discontinue .t_aking_.- Ere-' H'e1_-'o*-.5: I 37`?i..f1*$"?``t3.57?`?`.?.*11 ;M rmURs:>Af; ' JULY 29th, 1915. Niagara camp, i11ac}1a1'}.;'e mi (`:11-,t._ rBiggs. _The quota lmmbcrs 35' men. [The Barrie boys were f_"iVM1 the civic0fareWe1_1 on` Wed1xc.~:da_v, when `Mayor Craig presented each with a $10.00 note. A farewell r:once1t was [held in Trinity Parish Hall on Wednesday evening. The men `com. prising the quota are: CANADIAN BEAUTY I ELECTRIC IRON Onceused always used. A ` 1.1. A_. _----.- `Y , `a ;)v1<:a:1su`r; to use. [Only $3.50. .23 35 29 21 '28 35 . 218 43 . 18 . 29 . 18 19 18 18 19 39 18 24 `.20 21 33 37 19 - 2:) 21- .20 23 35 `21 28 28 `24 27 School Sep. School . . . . St. Mary s _ . . . . Central . . . . . . . . . ` Victoria . . . . . . . West Ward . . . . St. 'Mary s . . . . King George . . . . Public School . . . . 8A'J.'U.R 'DAY: MAR.' k Km J. l(l\4\J ` Pen01 Sep. Sch. Penm Sep. Sch. Penm Se'p. Sch. Penm Collingwvood Barrie Barrie . _ Barrie . . . . Lafontainc. St. Ba.r1'ie . . . . . Barrie . . . . . . Sep. ScI1., Pc111 31 91 ,s FOR PUPILS AND TEACHERS i two hours raised $1,"W 1 b machine gun for the 101'v.v.~`.. :local business men a_n2 bow: mended by the citlzcns 011 `latest move. Friends who heard an 0.\`1'1~"i"_`{ at.`Kon'1oko, Ind., and found 1101-` VAerne covered with gore tlno11,Iht he %-t`1je- h ad exp1oded. Flying .::'1i155 0" h`ad`-been murdered. A catsul hm; ldn on-I-kn." - IN I. i ` . A Ra ' P9-rt) ofmgshlndlan was one of a White, `who man, the others being 'e_T1_;_e.iIndian were dlscussingz; the war. mwleage `;S boastful of his (19. Germans and their 1.11 `.`guiding`,p2'rtIY 011 his experience John I: for" .them`. Yes; Y9 , ; .8a1d_ _one of the 3:! Well read said John- ` and vvusucno ' LUU ma1i. v"'.. -}*`f No, _ 4}, o fig-all red, `shaky: The GRILL STOVE AND TOASTER canvbe used for quick lunch, you can Fry, Boil or Broil and do it quick- er than with any other. or l\l\ MERCHANTS rmcns Guaranteed Forever coco. Gletj o;1c `on trial. . . . . Allandalo A. . . . .. . Collingzwood . . . C0lli11}_"W00d . . . . CVolli11;:v:oo . . . Collingrwood .. . . . . . E11_s:land . . .. .. . . Coulson ` . . . . . Eng_v'la11d . . . Manvcrs. Durhaln v(`n. . . . . . Enyxland . . V . . . . Forndalo .. Barrio . . . . Enf:land_.... . . . . . . 01-illia . . . . England . . . . . . Ireland . . . . .. .. -. . . . F.Im\'al(-V Place l1. E1. I]. I1. Penota.n_2' Penctan_~_- Penetangx j Peneta11g' 11.1: nasal \I An\ P';'ice $5.06. .. England United States `. . England . .. Pc11(%ta11s_,F Place of Birtli" TORONTO MARKETS ;e 001 . P011 En__2`1and ' Engrland . England .. Tottenham .v England . . . Engrland .. England . . Collin;1'w0od Co11111g'wood COl1111}_"W00(1 . . Booton .. . Nm\'('astloT Twood .o1lix1_-'w00<.I. Orillia England .. .. . Coldwator . .Tzmn-.< 7 Helen 0|` tin- 5 POINTS HARDWARE .1 III\ \ PCl1Ctz111:`ni.~`Im10 . . . . . . %;11*1'1e._ . . . . . .. ]%;11'1'io - . . . Cnllix.-_-\\'mul B;u'rio I Ponvt 1111211 I). I). D. 14 15 16 17. 18 19' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 v'lc %1>.".7\'. `.\im-is . C01li_1r.:'\\ o0d C'0llin:'\\'00d ' . 1 .. - I\l` V .\Iar1-i((1 or 11 Slngle . Norris I\'_m'ris .\'n1'1;is \' N01'1'is 4 {slim I_~`r_v, .\I.' I~!a '1. .\[m'1'i. 1 l:u-v u-.,.. , ,"|1i. ~i11u' 60111- \I\ 1:1si] IE2! ~'i 1111 milling, bush. . wheat . . . timothy, old . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. .; V .\1m31`ii{- Cross -11. M it M {xi} Barr gard $500 :v}'1olesaleT . . . . vholesale . . . . nolesale . . . . . . L` ton .. 1:14 .3? it`-Itrtl vnnv - Iuuv-.:A.s\ v e quarter. . li II er Lb. . . . . . . ve, select '. . . . ed . . . . . . . . . ve Cattle . . . o o n u Q o o 0 0 Barrie, July -1; -'l.......`I..' THE WIEATEER `Lowest Higlxcst Rain` .. 58 87 1- .. 62 7-2 0.01 .. 65 86 0.16 .. 60 71 - .. 56 79 5 0.06- .. 58 0 68 0.37 .. 517 9 73 9-. .. 50 6 76 0.11; .. 49 76 0.01 .. 49 78 - 55 9 82 0.09 .. .60 6 55 72 0.11- .. 59 5 74 0.30 . 55 5 79 :- WQ H. BUTTER _been. 1 [received ;_ at; A: _ 1...`... ._.- 28th, 1 1915. 100 1 0 60 6 1 10 1 2 50 5 _'JI`he farmer is gradually "forget-V` ting the market and` his town folk - "(for the sterner matters of the farm j-..-.-the harvest. Sa'turday_ s market bore evidence to this state of af- fairs; the outside. market was as nothing to former Saturdays, and inside the harvest conditions are be- ginning to be seen; " Butter and ..,....... ca`-:1] 1mm Hm {-`mt with g-mden 14 ()0 53 1 '00 45 20 22` 22 14 13 V ml 221 25! 24j 18` 15 18` '14 O0 12 00 10 00 Ann vvv 20 8 30 1100 7 00 .7 50 "1" '05 65 25 55 75 -ll\l\ 3 %u3...f.`oa.% m; f%3.;% . --.-'7 7' ` ` - _ '_.-,v Q Our Own Gog`;-epondents * 3 Q OU6'6i5`CQU69%QOOQ'Q9 Illllg LU UK: nccu. u uuuua. 9.... K still _ hold the jfox-til with garden 1: coming well to `Butter, per lb. 25c , e ` fore. Mr. V D; C.`McArthur had on "sale a`var-_ iety\of lettuce new "these parts, called the Denver, "fa choice article. The prices prevailed as follows: Eggs, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . 21-23c Chickens, per lb. . . . . .- .- . 13c Spring Chickens, pair . . . 90c-$1.00 j Parsnips, bunch ....`5c , Horse Radish, bunch _._ . . . . . . 5c . Lettuce, 3 bunches . . . . . . . . . . 10c . - Sage, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5c - Thyme, bunch 5c j __Onions, bunch . . . . A. . . . . Q . . 5c Rhubarb, 3 bunches . . . . -. . . . 10c , Radishes, bunch . . . . . . g . . . . . 5c 4 . Carrots, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c, Beets, bunch . . . . . 5c ' `Gooseberries . . . . . . . .. 3. boxes. 25c Black Currants, 2 boxes .25c., qt. 15c Black Currants .' . . . . . . . pail $1.00 Red Currants . . . . . . . . . . Box 10c Yellow Currants .. . . ..' Box 7c .Red Raspberries, box . . . . . . 10c Wild Red Raspberries, small pail 50c Cherries box 10., Basket 75c Peas, shelled . . .. . qt. 20c` Peas in pod basket 30c Butter Beans . . . . . . . . . . . qt.- 10c Cauliower . . . .1` . . . . .. head 5-10c ' Cabbage, per head .. 7c. Bouquet owers ..' .. . . . ... . 5c New potatoes, pk-. measure . . 15c Cream, coffee, pt. . . . . . . . . .. 15c. Cream, whipping, pt. . . . . 20-250 Spring Lamb by quarter . . . 25-27c` Hay, new, ton .. $16 to $17 --------~-- I . V ` July 27th. j` ' Miss Mabel Partridge, nurse, To- ronto, `is the guest pf her brothers }`and sisters. _. fI'1-_'.-...L.. Lnn Lnnn "auu slswns. _ A T . Mrs. Warren of Toronto has been the guest. of M1f's. W. H. `Partridge [an`(_1nMrs. John J amieson. % AI 1___ 1r__.....1I Z.-. -":n-H-;`nm anu .LY.L1'S. uuuu uuuucouu. i 'Miss Gladys Mansell is visiting >|her sister at Guelph. ~ ' A 'I"--~ l_..-...'I....'I1.n-Q `Dr:-|mn:{\ 1-na'q g mu` zsmutu; an uumluu. T V Mrs. Campbell -V of Barrle was a Sunday guest of Mrs; Atkinson. 11".. 4...] KIT-no Qnnvi-cs" tr? 'I`n1-nnf.}I Duuuuy guano v.1. 4.u.;.o. .....v.... Mr .and` Mrs. SaWtell:>vf`Toront}) % were Sunday guests of ,Mr; and Mrs. Johnston V - f\ m__._:.__ -._-..:..... mr..- ....,1 ' d_uuu5wu.: * V On Tuesday evening`. Mrs. and Miss Chappell were surprised by a feW_ friends drpping `in to say farewell before their -` departure to Barrie. . During the evening iMr. A. Partri-dge. read an address and Miss Rix made the presentation of a dresser and manicure set to Miss Chappel as a slight appreciation of valued services in the church, Ep-.' worth League and Sunday School. _VMiss Chappell made a suitable re- ply. The Methodist church loses two active, faithful Workers in the removal of Mrs. and Miss Chappell from our neighborhood. . - I"LA ...-...`..J-p...`-v (11-\tLwItIV'u\l\I'I`t\I ns-tvunn L1. U111 uu.1. ALVJELA uux Axvuuo The quarterly sacramental service lwill be held next Sur;day_ at _2.30. < July 26th. Miss Margaret Tanton of Toronto is spending her holidays with ifrieqds llero.` ' V IN .L.LlCI.ll.|D 11010: Miss Kathleen. Cockburn is visit`- Hng relatives in Flos. ' ` 'If:.-.... D `Dunn.-lam l\ T\n1nI-An 1174-so n L115 .1 vsurva. V vs: .511. -L Avun Miss R. Brandon of Dalston was` home over Sunday. "f..-... T (`A--n--n4-ml. nu-(Au`nL Ian` uwvnnlv IIUIIIC `J V \./L KJ KLLJIAIJJ I Mrs. J. Cavanagh spent last Week with fxjepds in `Barrie. _` I 'I"IT 1' VV lull .L.L Lulluu 111. .lJu;J.J.Avo -The July meeting of the W.I. was held in their hall on Wednesday, `14th inst. and was well attended. `A number of the ladies `brought their knitting, which is being done for the soldiers.` The next meeting will be in. the` hall on Wednesday, Aug. 11th. It has been decided to hold a picnic in August, proceeds in aid of the Red Cross" Society. fl\1__ 'T.`J.._..__. 'll"-L'l- ..`L-_---1.. ..-ZII LAIJ all]. UL _ IJIIC .IU\J\.I. \./.L\JCb3 Ds}\II./1\JlJ`y 0 The Edgar Meth. church will hold a garden party at the home of `Mr. Jos. Hewitt on Monday, Aug. 2nd. A good programme of sports has {been arranged, to take place before `tea, and a- splendid musical and I literary p1'og'ran1me is being prepared I for the evening. Do not miss: the igood time. F0 .0000 OOQOQVVV l_'..!"!';9_.`!l'.`_ : WWW -`J-lu\fUd.I \ld-I i Mr. Fred Tomlinson spen .f: the ! g'1'eater part ? of last week in Hamil-[ jton as a delegate from Cookstown ito the Grand Lodgenleeting, A.F. & A1!` . :\'ss Margaret Henry and Miss Muriel Bruce have -gone to visit ifri`e'r}ds in Detroit. 11- 1'7 n In LLICIIKIQ 111 LJBULKILUI `- MISS Amy McKay of `Toronto 1s visiting Mrs. S". R. Brown. 'll'.'...,'. 1)'I.....CI.-... I-..,..'~.-.I.uv nu}! ]K:nn V151 I/ILL" JLLLCI KJO J-U0 I.lL\J'V LAD % Missp Phoebe Crossley and Miss oAmanda Hicks of Toronto `spent a. pleasant holiday here. 7l"1,...-...J.-.... ....:..'I7n I\t\I'VI\1\t\]] J-noun An IJIUIIOKI/Liv l1\ILL\lIJ AAAA Va Thornton g1'rl s baseball team de- feated the girl s team of Knock one `evening last week by the score of 18 to 15. The former team defeat- ed:Knock. here the week before. Mr. Preston Thompson of Toronto is visiting friends here. ' `I , `I AD V101!/1115, .LLL\/Ll\.IbJ II A Mr. Fred Arnold has purchased Mr. Wesley .Martin s car and the latter has purchased another. of the same type, Overland Studabaker. _ "11... vvtsqqsntsl Inn:-:t\ru A-9 J31.-.~:n ~n:]`nnv-n AJ(4a.L:.Au v vs-J . Wheat, wholesale Barley, wholesale Peas, wholesale Oats . . V Buckwheat.-.... . j = Rye . Hay, 13e1~"'t}s}1 '. `Flour, per bbl. (s't.i5 Pastry. Flour, per bbl. New Potatoes, per, bag Potatoes, `per bag, by. LL... 1--.! DLNIIIKI VJ \l V Vi l$IIl~l\& KJI-l\&\A|~|llNAl\zL I ,e The young` ladies of this village held a very social "picnic last Satur- lday afternoon in Mr. Jas. Henry s ` bush. _ Mr. Sam. iArmst1'o`ng ' of Toronto is visiting` his cousin, Mr. Thos. Henry, Si`. Mr. Arms_trong .taught' school in this locality many years I ago and-also kept I a 'ge11e1'a1 . store lhere. ' A .1 'I'\ 1 1 1' \'Jl\.I.ILIO `Mrs. Arthur Pae, Who has been on an extellded` 'visit to friends in Spri11ge1d, 11031` Peterboro, AiS`11OW with her little dau,r,:hte1' under her .father s, Mr. VV. C.'Henry s, roof i ]1e:e_. 4 - * ' "I I J , ,`I D,'_,_,'I Us Pleased to see our esteemed friend Mrs. VVn1. Fraser able to be out ag'ia1,i1_1 :after her illiless. : 1:-H-Ix 7;: GSKNLLA `ILU\JJ- 1l\L J.l.LLL\JtJbJl _ _ M1ss' Tupper and Mlss. Draper of R1chmo11 d Hill are `v1's1t1ng lVIrs, Hindl. I ` .14 :1 n I 1 91' . ,, _L 1.1,. ..I..l.lll\llK3 One of` the fastest, -if f not the fastest, baseball game ever played in ` Simcoe -County was played last Friday afternoon` between Ivy and Cookstown teams at the former place. The game -was `played in about 60 minutes, and the score was 3 to 2 in favor of Ivy. The sum- pires were Messrs. Frank Smith and Archie Burtolrjof Barrie. rThe same "teams played a, tie game the week before.` ` ` tr? , ,__; V___._,_- _L1_-_ LA. 1I'-- We extend our sympathy to Mr. `and Mrs. J. P. Carr in the sad loss , they` have sustained in the death of their grandson. Pte. Charles.Clift'on Carr,~ 3rd Battalion, ~ who was previously reported wounded and taken -prisoner `at St. .Julien, "has 4 died of wounds at Cassel, Germany, Deceased! was 21 years of age and shad been a member of the Queen s ' ,Owr'1' Ries. He . was educated at Upper Canada College and .Fulan s s University, New] Orleans, and. before ' he enlisted` for active = `service `A `had : .been-:.1cmploy_ed at the head oijc_e . of-. the 'T;Jni`on'Bank. "_For_ bravery` i in `I 1 I; ;-a}' A . TE1i1?`TN EDGAR f miam4thy the great loss -he % has` vsustgined. To Mrs. Carr, his` mother,'9ur sympathies go out, as nothing }quals a mother s love. rm... D-.. D 1 ...:...1 MA 'l`m-nn- kl Uuaauuuo, PWL Alcoa nu. - V the load Eggs, `per dozen .. . . Butter, per lb. . .. . . Butter, by the .baske Chicken, dressed, -Ducks Turkeys .. Bezef, hind quarter . . -;.-. Inc`! n-av`-A10 .I.l.U_l/l.`l.l._1.lg cquaxa a. 1l1I_II1n_UL an aura. ; -` _ .v.' R. Laird, 'M.A;, Toron-> fo, Se-*3 of the Presbyterian ~Fin- ' ance `Board, assisted the Rev. R. H._ .Somer\iil1e; ` M.A., last" Sabbath`; The Rev.. Laird Was formerly a _Profes'- _ sor in "Queen s University, Kingston, `and is with `the Rev. Somerville in theminterests `of the above board. 1\-J.'I _.III `aunt:-I1I'\YV' D116 , ILIUULUDIID U1. IIIIU unuvvu uuvw- u. ` The Rev. Dr. Dodd will occupy" the pulpit of - the Townline Presby- terian church next Sabbath, the .Rev. Somerville. being on his holi- | days. ' ` ' rm... `D--. T, T mrnhlnnn on -Earn- uuy a. The Rev. L. J.j Mc_Clean and fam- ily aof `St. Mary s are _ visiting the; latter s parents, and Mrs. J. W. Thompson. l'__ f"I.....J:.vv \T:vn-an A-c (`nn1ra{-ntwh 1 "M1f.m( 3uI;;::`l ;); .Nixon of Cookstownl visited friends here last Sabbath. 1' 1\-__ L-_!_ 1-3.. L.___L VLDLDCU .L1..l_.U_u.\.LD 11 .|. LJLNIJ uuuu no ; `The Rev.- T. J. l`)Je;tuook his text from Hababuk iii., Chap. 2, part of 2nd verse, O Lord revise thy` _-..1- 9 ix I-u.1.\A. I w work. ' I _ UUILJ -Ivvaac Haying 1s '1n full swmg 1n these parts at present.` A . uvsaov Lnnuvvv \on:v| A11 Q1111A01Ti ad. U5 VCLII I'll.`/`JL`UO` ' ` A very heavy rain fell on Sunday ` night `and Monday morning, which was greatly n_eede(!. _. ' T_L.. TA-.c-p `P1 -nnt\-It- n Ifiirlrlirn 11:11-11` VVGJO ELCCLDLJ LL\.2\4\.l\.\Lu . John J oriy is raising a. large barn on-Tuesday. Geo; Baldwin is the fra_mer. ` ` `I 1 an 1 1 II, LL CIIIIVJL 0 VA very large crowd attended the] picnic in Debenham s' grove on Thursday. Three` football teams met.` and played for .a $5.00_ball.- In the draw Crown Hill and Craighurst `had to play rst and Dalston play- ed the winners, which result_ed as A follows: Crown Hill won from Craighurst 2 to 0, and Dalston won from Crown Hill 1 to 0, the $5.00` ball falling to Dalston, which team is seldom ever the loser. A good, programme followed. the sports." Craighurst band" `furnished music. The proceeds amounted to $110.00. We wish our Congregational friends! success another year. ` 1')...` rd... D-:.J ..-.....,.1...,1 1-:- 9..-... JJOU1, u;uu \1u.u-a.vva. fore Mutton . Lambs, each . Lamb, per Hogs, live, dressed Sows, live .. .. Butcher `uuuuuaa .....,u..-. J-.. L Rev`. Geo. Reid preached his fare-$ Well sermon Sunday evening. We are very sorry to part with Mr.` Reid, who has done such great Work in our neighborhood since coming, hei'_e. ' ` I I IV 1 1 On '1` ` Jl\JJ. we Chas. Gardner and wife and" `Thomas Gardner from Sintaluta are visiting. here at present. f\.... ..L...... 'l...........-. \l'.. 'l\...;--.. 1,- I AIJAI/-Illa aAva.v vvu 11.: vuvnnvo T Our store keeper, Mr. Doane, on the sick list.` . 3 7 John Wilsoxl _ and family sp Sunday in Barrie. ' TN-.. 11. .C`---,....J. LL- -_..I--.'I- ___ 111 rJu \AI.~J am: J.Jc~L;L.v I Don t forget the `picnic on Wed-{ nesday in Debenham s grove, Come and enjoy the sports and help the `Sunday school. ' _ T 1 July 26th. . Mr. Jas. Caston' and Geo. Binnief `attended the funeral ' of Lieut.-Col. ? at Barrie on_Wedncsday. 1} T 1 -- .1 .L`......ZI-- v I `If-. .. -.,. `El'.'I`I .. -13: KJLA\JlllJll Uuv .5: .|. I uLLuuus~Jo ' , Mr. John WI-Ili v2`zi1('1W family '01?" Peterboro We1'e'visitors at Mr. `Thos.| Hill s during the Week." ' VF]-.. 'I.....,{;1 ...-.'l .. 'I..-.,.... A.------L.._. ....'$ ..s.n.a.n.a u \a.uu.4.Aan u;;v vv vvnnn The bandband a "large `number of the citizens attended the Leunox }picnic at Jackson s Point on Wed- ` d . ' - kne;f.a.`y---.I '\f.... (V l`1 l`|....L..-- ...-..'1 ..\._uuwJ u I I ` . Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Caston and %-Mr. E. Darby motored to Toronto` on Thursday. ` ' 'u'..,.4.-.. rn nr..1..L....'..x.= 1r:,n..`..T: :'. us: A. an IAL vutw. u l Master T. \Vebber'of l\Iidlai1d is visiting his uncle, Mr. W. Hodgson.` Mr. Thos. Hill and family are] camping` at Orr Lake. - l .rm.,. 1.--: .AI.`.--..;1 -4. 1.1.- n----M_.._-l i'1`{ 13a3Ii `}1;y`E1"2at the Congre-" gational garden party at {Dalston on ' Thursday evening. 7'I'Tl-.. A ......II.....'.- ......'.I 'I')-..-...L-.L..-.I.... T `The St. Lawrence grain market was quiet on Tuesday, with prices as a rule nominal. Hay quiet and rm, with sales of twelve loads at $21 to $23 a ton for old, andtat $14 to $17 a to11 for new. Straw nominal at $17 to $18 a. ton. Wheat, __ce1'eal . .-.$ 1 20 $ 0 00 Do., milling, bush. -' 1 20 0 00 lGoose 1 15 -. 0 00 Oats . . . . . . . . . . 065-000 Barley 070 000 Buckwheat . .. . .. . . 0 80 .0 00 'Rye...._`..._. .... .. 100 000` Hay, 21 00 '23 00 n- M... 14 nn 17 ml The linglicah and Presbyterian ;Sunday Schools held a. picnic in, VCraig s grove on \Vednesday, which was well attended- U n.-u . -r '1: .u.\.Auv v v \/AALIACI i `V was _s~uuvLA\A 'mIoru`-'On Jul`3?"l6th,` to Mr. and`! : Mrs. V` James Ellsmere, a daughter. l D-.. 15"-. T)-......Lg-. .....-'.I TIA ... (V..- `vgusuo U Lunnnvu .l_AAA\llAl\JJ.\l vvvI.b|AU\I.I.O Rev. Mr. Preston 11171 Mr. Geo. VVVhite of Elmvales were V guests of `Mr. Greo. Snider on. Thursday. ' '\l _. l'V.;.. T)..1J.--- `AL '(XT.'---_.'_....... '....11 o kJAl&\|\. .5. nnuLuus~J I m1V.I 1':W(`}Jeo. Bo1t*()11v(A)9E Winnipeg [call- ed on- friends here on Thursday. ll..- L..--.1 ...:II I... -4. L1... .M.L-..'... ; ""rF{ gm `R?i1`1f{iaat` 12}; }%{-io. `tic picnic at Hillsdale o11'July. 30th.- Mrs. Geo. Miles of Barrie is visit-_- ing: her` dau,9:hte1f, Hrs. Geo. Binnie.-I `If... T\ T.....-.'.......-. ..J.' 7'I"--...--L- .. AAA,` saw; \A\yu,.~:AvuL, ALLLIJO \Jl\./\lC J.lA.LlLl-I-\JQ Mrs. D. Jan1"Le'son, of Toronto is` jthe guest of` her brother. Mr. Wm.- ` VVilrlian1s. I V `r -r\' -1 n-1-1 1 u Gbngregational V Church Have SuA.c-"V ' cessful Aifair ' The picnic under the auspices ofl the Dalston Congregational church held in .Mr. A. -Debenham s grove on .July_ 22nd was a decided success from every point of view. We were favored with ideal weather` and the grounds were all that could be de- sired. Games, swinging and races were indulged in until tea was ready, `which was well served by the ladies. `After tea - thexcrowd follow- ed the football teams to' an adjacent ed in Crown` Hillvbeating Craighurst 2 to 0, `Dalston then`, took` the foot - ball by beating Crown Hill "1 to 0. The young ladies had a busy` time 'b.0,?Ehi.'::" serving _the_'_ many patrons; at the ... .-.__-_1_:_.-..? _.. .LL- '.....-.._.-......- eld, "where the tournament result 1 "Iw`f'Z"{(1 Mrs. Boyd of Eady spent. VSu'ndayfw?it11 Mrs, \V. Morrison. ' 1.:--.` -.-,1 M`-.- T ...,1- Me D......:,. k/LLLA\|tnJ _ 11 L931 41.1.1. no I v o I.L.\l.l..A.A|J\.ILLD Mr. and Mrs. Luck` of Barricl spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Glen-`"! nie} ' T T ' . July`

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