Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 Jul 1915, p. 4

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SEED BUCKWHEAT Turnip Seed $7.80 per ton 6.50 per ton Yard Office Phone 118 utloll ..95c The Canadian Beauty" appliances are hon1e;e.rvants. They will lighten your ironing, your cooking. They will make every meal more pleasant-every day a brighter one. And all this they do at small cost. 1 * - , . O'ITON S PHONE 229 msc stove Highest Quality and Utility at Moderate Cost `El IQ t`J.':.-c`s A `MADE IN CANADA Everything that You Could Desire in an Electric Appliance O sou) ONLY AT "lion Canadian Beauty \ Electric Heating Appliances Service is built into the Cana- d ia :1 Beauty" line. The an r- exoelleucoo the materials. the perfection of de- si n.- the carer fu work of our expert opera- tore. allcombine . to make the qua!ity of Ca- nadmn ' Beauty" app nnces Ill reme. Theyo or the greatest value - in up- pearpnce. In ~ efficiency, in long-life. 1 lcommc From as" North as` Wau- bau_shene',` 16 Ballycroy` in . Adj_ala' on South-,} _-The` . Orange Hosts Are % % Coming. l ' The celebration of the 12th of July in Barrie this, year promises lto be theflgggest thing the. "town has seen since the Coronation day] lcelebration. . Lodges from almost .` every section of the County will be in the County `V Town on the 12th. That there " will be a crowd `goes without saying. Up to the time of` I writing the following lodges have signied their acceptance of the in- vitation, of Barrie lodge: A Colling- wood 2' lodgs,- Midland 2. lodges, .Meaford 2 lodges, Orillia, Bradford, Allandale, Elmvale, Penetang, Thornton, rAngus, S.troud, Craig- vale, Uhthoif, Venda, Ivy, Hockley, Churchill, lWaver1_ey, Vasey, Cold- -water, Waubaushene, Lisle, Mid- hurst, Victoria Harbor, Elmgrove, Minesing, Killworthy, Coulson s Hill, Ballyeroy,' New Lowell, Hawkestone, Craighurst, Bond Head, Allenwood, Severn Bridge, Seibright, Wyebridge, Rama Road, Washago, Udney, L_ongford _Mills._ G....,. ..v.....3..'l J-........-.`...2`II .......... L- I I INDJAWSU, \J \LIl\4J , LJULLSLUL \L I JVLl.L1Do Seven special trains` will come to Barrie, this with the regular train service will give Barrie railway . oicials some work, as there will be ;all of 30 _trains pull into Barrie 1 station on the morning of the 12th;| The `specials will come from Vic- toria Harbor, leaving the Harbor at - 7.30 a.m.;' from Bradford at -8.45;` from Meaford at _7.00' `from New Lowell at 10.30;. from . Midland vial Elmvale at 7.30; from Orillia `at; 10.00' Killworthy at 7.10. r The local committee. are sparing no pains to make the day a success. The business men and householders can do their part in hanging out their ags and bunting. There is a special incentive to business men prizes are offered for the best deil corated store, and to residents. there `is a prize for best decorated building. Three street arches are to be erected besides the street de- corations. Taken altogether it will be a big day` in Barrie on duly 12.` I . e I Iuvovvv `E-lilzabelth street, vat the Bl11%l1al1l `block, received more than its l1ot- ted quantityof oil on Saturda of last week. While the oil cart was passing the B_ingham block the front axle fbroke, dropping the cart and its contents onto the roadway. As a consequence the street for almost `the entire block was avlake of oil.'l {The men in charge of the outt had lan exciting time, Henry Reynolds, `the driver, felt the wagon giving way was able to jump to safety, but] J as. Salisbu1'y went down `with the wreck, the result being that he was given an elegant` dose of oil, in fact no part of his. clothing. escaped.l ;The cart was taken to Andrew s| iblacksmith shop for repairs. The! {ood of oil was absorbed in a liberal `application of sawdust, which `later was gathered up and carted away. J. JLLIU , V_I IUUVL J-lvlna-LILVLA ' Looking spick and span, with a! ?fresh coat of paint inside a_nd-out- side, the steamer Otonabee left port Saturday morning on the -rst trip `of the season, running to Orillia. 1 During the past few weeks, vwork- imen have been engaged putting thel ?boat into -shape `for the season s. business, her boiler has passed the` ` Govt. inspection, and all repairs] necessary to make -her sea-worthy` have been made. ` `A Spill of Street Oil ' ` '. "l1I.'__`L _LL -L__- -'L -1. L1- - 112-- `.1- Li. First .Water Excursion 'rIce_1yr.Aej July 12:1. T0-ASTER cruu. 'roAs'n=.n Walter Bowden, .a painter, _met :with a bad accident on Thursday -of last Week, when a ladder upon which he Was Working, slipped off the pavement, throwing the work-. man to the -ground. ` Mr. Bowden `was employed painting ,a. house on Burton `;Ave,., belonging` to Mr. Don- t ald Ross. -The ladde_1f, hadV been placedgon -;the ~_ cement. walk, and V 'w'*hi1e was" at. work on the upper? portion of the house, the lad ' der slipped, throwing the` man oif ~_the..l_adder down _ upon the cement _ The inj1'1'red; man_ was 'remov-' - his; boarding house t"ande-`Br. It` ;lY>A84. A`jT:,`_f:()xi_1}" _'i,:A11A'e.r" t d1'd'1=i~ A ~ :' 1|. VIII] . ._ IIISIIQ! Myst*eri_`& Is Fire on Elizbea St., _' Tuesday Evg.-Ward Firemen Have 7 Outs - of-Town Call. ' "Mrs. Finlay, Cobalt - The news of the death of Mrs. [Harold M. Finlay, North Cobalt, [came as a sad shock to her many ]friends i11 Barrie and Midhurst neighbors on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Finlay, who before her n1ar- riage in Sept. of " last year, was Miss Estelle J. Coutts, was born i11 Midhurst; she came to Barrie some| lve years ago, `being employed in the dressmaking department ' of thel Vickers store for a year, and then witl1 Sarjeant & King till" her mar- riage. Upon her marriage to Mr. 1 Finlay she went to live in North Cobalt, where` Mr. Finlay conducts a hardware store. The remains were brought to Barrie on Friday ] and then taken to her father s home, -in Midhurst, Mr. James Coutts. The bereaved husband was accompanied! ' by his father, and Mr. Coutts, who {was at the bed-side of his daughter` |whe11 she died. The funeral took [place on Saturday, a. short service being held at the house and the pro- cession proceeded to the Presbyter- ian church, when a public service gwas held. Rev.` Mr. Shepherd, of lAngus, - ' who officiated at the wed- ding, performed the last sad rites. The church choir, of which de- ceased had been a member, led the: singing, and a duet was given by Miss Mille and Mr. Orok, a cousin of Mr. Finlay. Interment took place in` the Presbyterian cemetery, On Sunday the infant of a few days, was laid beside the mother. While` _a "resident of Barrie, the de- ceased was a _most popular, young ,lady, her kindly` disposition making 1 her friends with all into whose com- lpany she came. As an evidence of `the affection in W~hich she was held, lthe-beautiful owers -on the bier iwere silent, eloquent witnesses. The husband who `is left behind has the - , sympathy. of his .Midhurst friends, where he , was born,` where as play; mates he and his wife grew up to I manhood. and. womanhood; ' FELL PROM LADDER. 'IA1\'I V ,A' re of a rather" suspicious -nature occurred Tuesday night _at the residence o f`5Mr. `A. ,Lloyd,_j,2A23 Elizabeth stre?`l Between 10.30 and 11.0 .m.`Mrs`. W; D. Min.i- ` kin, whoi` ive`-{the rsl`. 'housej".west Iof the Lioyd house, noticed .21"; ick. ering Vli ght' shining through the din-. i`ng room window. Knowing that Mrs. Lloyd and family ` were visit- ing in Bracebridge, and Mr. Lloyd boarding in Allandale, the ladies in the Minnikin home thought the -light suspicious. While watching the house a man was seen to come West `along Elizabeth, street, -stop for a moment in front of the house and then, disappear around -the `house, shortly after coming out and go down street. The ladies then called up the Lloyd house, but_ receiving lno answer telephoned lP.C. Lambie. When the constable arrived he` at once saw the house was on re and! sent_ 111 an` alarm. Lambie, on in-, vestigating found the front and back doors open, entering the house a couch in the` dining room and the cloth on the table were burning. Upon further investigation, the mat- tress on the bed in a front room upstairs, was also found to be on re. The_ burning couch, mattress and bed-clothes were soon thrown |out-doors and further. damage pre= |vented: ___ ' ` -nu II .- __- V C11 lICLl . While the ladies of the Minnikin lhousehold were Watching the light in the dining room, it appeared to lsiliddenly bglto dout, then infgrence is t at the in was pu ed own; of {this the ladies are positive: the blinds were lower than they had" been during the day, because if they had been as far up,; the light in the room would have been seen plainer. Mr- Lloyd _\_is_V employed on the G.T.R. When informed of the re he was a very surprised" man, he. being `at his temporary boarding house in Allandale when the fire; brokeout. ' ..K`.Yl 1 The Ward Six remen were call- ied to a re, about .9.30 the same `evening, thought to beat or near `the Dyment farm; th_e*b1igade after; running to the town limit found thel blaze Wvas near Ferndale school, supposed to be a brush heap; n . A b i , DEATHS AND PUNERALS FRTIFIERN JADVANGAE para-Q-n.v LBADLY _HUR'I' A one mam] LIV} llAi Taking as the text Romans V:1., the preacher said it could not al- ways be found easy to justify our! actions before man or God, and if ` We fail to justify one action how; much harder will it be to justify a whole life before God, to have one s life ijustied means salvation. To seure a prominent place in English so iety, one is- asked, the question Who_ are you, 3 in America. what are you _Worth, and in our _ Canadian west. a man is measured .by What he can d'o;.;with God it is .`~`Whatl` your faith. What you ' ave faith in. is ,w}_1at is placed .in . tie highest estimation` by all; `these. ideals are what we shape ourrlives y and actions ,from. ' Before God; man's worth is jn,dges1aby`his ideals. Fgom the 'bo3'z;, s ;.p1ay :.,.can learn,-f H eglgfwhat .ben1; his;ev;ene`Tii" `V t ,_ ,.";`i" _h 1.-.h9':?h99??1951=?3.*m. F-3? i i loreath9`~th0;y8 and that AJa \JJ. .l.lo.l. o u.AA\ , The pastor "of the church, Rev. C. \V. Reynolds, preached a prac- tical . and instructive discourse, The Ideal lVIan being his theme. Prefacing the sermon Mr. R`eynolds said it was `tting that honor should be paid to those who had _gone on before, everyone likes to be ap- preciated for` the -work he. does among his fellows. \Vhile ` We would be remiss in our duty in fail- ing to recognize the memory of our do not need our appreciation and loyalty, they have become indepen- dent of their. _Better is it- to give one token of love and affec- fellows who have gone, i still theyi tion while in life than after death, of more service is one, bouguet `-in life than a Wreath .of owers on the casket of the dead. This memorial service in- recognition of shows recognition to God and your _responsibilities to him, this service could not be held if there was not a belief in the immortality of the soul.* ` ' VIII :1 n 1 `I1 `-0.: former, friends _in a religious sense` .L\lI\/0 .n..vo v .;w.;u, f B.mgf L.F.+am_1 E; Upwards of i one hundred meni fromthe various organizations of v the G.T.R. attended divine service in Burton Ave. Methodist church on Sunday mornino The occasion was the second` memorial service under the auspices of the O. of 111/111 -x:1)m D-....DTt".....5l| 1 blA1\.l\z.l. UJAU uncut! %R,C`., B. of R.T., `D 13` . ..C` T `D ....,2I A \4 Ull\/ V `Sf L.E;wa1`1,(`1 ` Rev. W. Reynolds Preached to . Railway Men at Memorial _ A Service V I No Further Recruiting CHRIST THE IDEAL MAN Ladies Black and White Voile Blouses, button fronts, newest style, special price ............ ............................ ..98c Ladies? : special ; I.adie White Knitted. Combinatidn, special valu ....... ..25c Lafdies White Knitted Vests, half a `neck, extra value 25c, special pr1ce.._ Ladies Outside Sizes, with half` sleeve and without sleeves, o mcno , , , . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . . . . . .. Ladies Vests, special value .............. ...... ..10c, 15c and 25c Children's Vests, extra value af ........ ............ and 10c Ladies Knitted Drawers, special value .......... ..25c and 35c Recruiting- `Sargt. Reid has re-`` celved no further Instructmns to` recrult men for.act1ve serv1ce.- The quota sent away last completed the number asked .for from the 35th Regt.` T Girls Handsome Tb Dresses, t ages 6, 8,10, 12, in Ging- hams and Print Dresses, nice trimming, extra value 1.50, --=M c1 nn --v----- -- -- -- - - ~ -, - , v- La,die's -and Chi1di'en s White Terry Hts. good value 75c. price ........................ ................................................. ..50c VVith every dollar purchase we will give you a 5:: Coupon. See the nice goods at small prices at our Premium Counter. During July ahd August this stor_e willclose every Wed. at 12 o'clock " Eous Dresses, Gingham ice 1 ig 1 price.....V ..................... ...................... .. SEE OUR EAST WINDOW half sleeves, fancy trimmed --f-- 10:. l y. A I . special meeting of the Presby- 4*??? ~of.~ Pggylfe "W_8v' :l_1,eld_` in ; Bradford ;.9;\;`i3?~>'I`us;1ay-_ H`-Vt. -' `~ the V ' 'cal1 fofs, The p 1'eacl1er heldfup to his l1eaift(311"s` Cl ""t as the per ect man as 1e! onldlbto copy as tllieir ideal}. Christi ' an iiiternatioiia ,1na11 w ie 101' 111 lzfrica, England, or Wherever Chi-ist| is preached, he is proclaimed the universal n_1an_, the _ perfect man, and by be11ev1:11nfHim W1lltSE.lV 2?-g ?i:i`:):alll1} zivliciolizve Tone bcfoire in the: fight ,for the Em ire. They have! died _for their ideals and so will they be judged. lllany of them` have not their names 011 church books. They saw it to betheir: duty to ght for the British E111- pire and what `the ''1re stands! for, many _enlisted. as if it was for! the -sport of .the `thing, but they Idied for` a principle. Christ re- gcognized these things when upon; _learth;_ God Judges each according; to his deeds, the rich man would, not be` judged for his wealth, rathe1'_,; would it be for the Way he treated Lazarus. God never lets any man f- realize his true ~ideal,. no painter! ever -put upon `canvass all his soul: called out for,` no man ever put in-T toj;hi's work all that is'in him. ` _;-The choir of the .;'church, under `Mr; Fred. Norman,, an an-` .th_ein_ The Gloria- from, Mozart s ' Twelfth Mass I in ` a `most ', creditable jmanner, VMrs,.`- Dr. Freeman,_ of 3 Kingston, sisterof. the choir-master, _ a.ve5__t.w__o olin Iiuinbers,_ at Minuet A ` Or1;f,g;Beetl:tfizenv _j9'. Abenlied ' by Maxwell & C0. Phone 86 Dunlop St. SICCVCS, .l'dlu.`y L1.ll|llII\.u ...........19c ooonatlann-lnollucabo NUT, STOVE AND EGG PEA - - - . Coal Coal uormg, uuu alcpv no, ooonounonooo Ll a valuv... A-av, ..............s1.oo % half sleves, DOA .. J. G. Scott HUUL Bib`. vwu, JULY PRICES We clean and block both n Gentlemen : and Ladies Hats te your entire satisfac tion. T % A Good Hardwood Always on Hand AGhi1dren s H:-:..nds_ome Tub Dre_sses, plain Blue and Tans, t ages 4 to 8, special ............. ..50c 'chi1aren s Gingham ]_)res ss, t ages 2 to 4, extra value $1.00, special pnce ................ ..75c ,llla\&\v, III: navy .7 -' .. .., -.-_, _. price..................... .. "Whife Lswn Dresses, Lace and Embroidery `trimmed, t ages 1 to 8 years, special pricc_,_ GO: 0110 I IOR Inn G , m hi1d:r'en s Print Dresses, good Colorings, well ade, t ages 6 to 14, extra value $1.25, spc ciul OE- Ladies Black Cotton Ribbed Hose, extra v'51|- ue_ 15c, specnal -...n.. [n Ladies Plain Cotton Hose, `extra value 15c, ...2 prs. for 25 price _ Ladies 8: Chil- dren s f'1ne Bib- bed Hose, sizes 5 to 10, extra value at |5_c, or 2 prs. for 25c MIN BARNE A % 8118 me Childr P Ribbed Lisle Zgosel;T Cgior lac , an, 'y, ` sizes 6 to 8;. ex-! ` trava1ue,,25c pr. `up, uywunu: I00 U, ll|. ass. A I.\.l v ~u-u, uy- nun '1. `k ..... ...... ..2.25, 2.00, I.5o,"n.25, .35 C Bpnd Head and Sch0111ho1"." <'I~`- es to Rev. \V. M('I11tn.~'h. vi ~John_ s \Vest. ' BROWN& co. ABARRIE , Abfdeen and Greystone ` Swede, Hungarian, Millet and Rape Seed Silvei` Hull, 90c Bushe] -Opposite Bafrie Hotel

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