Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 May 1915, p. 8

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Chance Men : Don t . Miss It will pay you to bus your clothes here. Sarjeq1j_{King This Week, for the holiday, we are showing a special range of Men's downtotheminute suits at the popular price of ~ L $15.00 4u.uu_y ul bu. | All persons` hdving' any cqmplaints against the assessment are hereby notned to be present- A splendid seledtion in the best selling shades, Grey, Brown and Blue, and in Tweed, Worsted and Cheviot Cloths. , CHILDvRE'N S SLIPPERS-~in all the rfewest styles, Patent Colt - . or Vici Kid, greatly reduced in price, `sizes 4 to 7% .......... ..7SC ` H ` Sizes_8to 110%` V 90c. - \ Sizes [1 to2 ....... $1-35 o I o o u Q o no BOYS.--Fibc.BoAx Clalf Boot, good solid _/ ` boots, sizes .111 .to I3 ....... ..$l.4;. MEN'S ne Patent Colt Boot in Button or Lace style, comfortable tting lasts, regular $ 5.00 and 6.00 values, all sizes ........ . 2-50 LAADlE%S -V-Pa`tent Colt` Boots,` Cloth Tops in (all colors, button or _ lacc styles, the Season's newest, regular 4.50, for .......... $3-45 M~0HE S SHOE STORE i, \I-L us. go uussxb (LL 1 .lrl.IE,L \.l. LU]. o The committee having the ar- rangements in hand is as follows: 'S.`N._ Hurst, W.M.; H. G. Robert- and the local lodge is Working most: energetically to ensure the success: of the celebration. Among the- prizes are: band of 15 or under,l .$10; band of 20 orover, $15; larg-l est lodge in procession, $10; lodge coming longest7 distance, $5; best dressed lodge, $5; best banner, $5; best carried banner, $6; fe and drum, 5 pieces and over, $10; fe and drum, 4 and under, $5; oldest memberof Order in procession, $3; oldest warrant, 2; best Briton Lodge, $10; best Lady True Blue, $10; best decorated store front, 1st _$10A; 2nd $5; best decorated build- I 5...... @111 oub, sf`. v u ; Many [prominent Orangemen are lbilled to give addresses, and a list Iof sports 1s bemg arranged for. } lII\Y`I`II'V\:l\l\ "uA\Cv1`r`r.n L`-.. __. MljNlCIl _A_[.lT_Y_ o1=_ BARRlEi (umman) At$ 15.00 $1.45 and $1.65 $2.50 and $3.85 75c to $1.35 FOR MEN .:. $3.45 `The five principal` nations now at war possess between them tinmamn motor vehicles. Barfic, May 18th. 1915. iLAUGH'.].`1IR or THE` BIBLE `son, V` (chairman); C. 13. H01'.~`tir,-M E(treasurer); C. Pa1't1'i1:`c. Jrjm. 'Smith, J. F. Appleby, John Hnlton, Mayor Craig, W. Ra_\'nm'. W \ `Boys, M.P., Armitauo. .:'ln}.>t',; i Buchanan. ml An\AvL- discours 7\ .-'7 ) . .-as-12434-.:u \:4_n`| ulv LIP, J u-`LUI UH Sunday eve11u1gs as iollowsz .\Ia_\' 23, The Laugh of tho Inrolui- `}ous; May 30, The Lauarh or the rDA'.;A':J---- T,__,_ ` rm! ;B&(}sljde1" ; June 6th. "The iLau`g}i of the Christian: Juno 1?}, 1Thc Laugh of the Encm_\"': Jum- 20, The Laugh of the Svoptiwal"; `June 27, The Lau.rh of (T}m1.", ' iAY, MAY 20th, lleathcr, splendid school Sizes I tovs ....... ..$I.65 Tennis Boots Every Style The body of Joseph Edward Mor- ris of Orillia was found on the Grand Trunk Railway track Friday morning, about ve miles West of ,0rillia. He ` had evidently been One arm had been cut off, and the skull was badly fractured. Morris had recently returned from the .west, Where he had spent the winter with one of his sons. Thursday he had gone out to a farm` he owned near Silver Creek Station, Orillia Township. It is supposed he: was. walking back to town and was over- taken by the train in a deep` cut. Coroner McLean held an `inquest Saturday afternoon. Deceased leaves! a wife and a grown-up family. He was wo1l-knoWn and highly respect- ed", and was a carpenter by. trade. struck by a train Thursday night Bony or Jos. 1:. MORRIS. ' POUND ON G.T.R. TRACK He Had Evidently Been Hit By- Train in .Deep Gut Near Orillia . UV '---- -----' 1'--7 `1'-`-" ` ,l"'`- -'-"'I Pen No. 2.+--Our utility pen, headed .by' a Cock Bird,` :3, prize Winner at all the local: fairs last `fall. Eggs from this pen, $1.00 per 13,_ $3.75 per 50, $7.00 per 100. LA guarantee of 9 chicks to a set- ting or another .setting at half price. Telephone 478b. 17-22 W. 1:. TODD, Box 363,? Barrie ; `White Wyandottes, Regal Strain 7 . _TWo Grand Pens: ., ,' Pen No. 1-The pick of `our ock, - `headed by f a Cockerel from Mar- v tin s V celebrated prize winners. Eggs from this pen, `$1.50 per 15. an. A O 13---4 -- A ..l NOTICE To cmanrrons T-C;)'l;rt of Revi:-ion;;Id Appeal. `II. Unlvlnlo TAKE NOTICE that after such Vlast` mentioned "date the Ad- finiuistratrix will. proceed to distri- =g'butEe,ethe.vassets_ of the said deceased. mpng the ` parties entitled V, thereto, `; `regard only to the . laims of " fsl)ef_shall_` then A-have "had .no,- . ' .`}'i`a.t she will not .be;_lia.b1.. 4 ~TI`Ew F of V t-hfeu 1Y`e2_1r E EGGS , roR "HA-'I'GHIvNG _ By order of the Court, A A. W. SMITH. A M Clerk of said Mxxnicipalipy my V 2021 `WM. DIN_wodD};,l 11. Clerk I '-For real` good owers.-WetL ding or table bouquets, Funeral Designs, or Floral eifects, put `up in the most` .a1ftistic' manner", see WM. TAYLOR, " Dunlop St._, Bali`?- rie. V t . At a meeting of the Public Li- brary Board on Tuesday aftemoon, {it was decided'to ask the architect to call for tenders for the . new Carnegie Library Building to see if the $15,000 appropriation will -be lsufcient to eover the east, ' .5. -vurgv \.Io ~ ` -u Any Pat.hn1ast'ers_of the Township 61 Innisl wanting the\Road Grader for ujork in` their division. should apply to John Reld. Ellen St;. Barrie. . - 20-22 rzvvn; Us L1: . A meeting: will be held atgthe Town Hall, Midhurst, on Wednes- day evening, May 26th, for the pur- pose of organizing a branch of the Red Cross Society,_ A number from Barrie `will go to `assist in the or- ganization. ' \T_`_,__f'I 1,1 1 11 n ;qvu vvvvvvvv l\IAlI -No' need. to have shabby foot- wear for_theT ho1iday--Moore se are oeringr some Real Boot Bargains for this week. Read our- Ad. on Page 8. . T i: ` ' AL - .._._L_ _._. .1 :1 , 15 11- 7- FJI(\IL\.` -L Il\.IIL\/ i`Il,uI 9 E A new -legal rm, the nartners of lwllicll, are Messrs. Hugh A. O- Don- 'ne1l, of Hamilton, and oDaI_1iel J.~ Coffey, of Toronto, V are- opening offices in the new Bank of Toront Building. . o `E1--. L1,... --;~._...-_-4---L And 1 `I ..v...yu.; J IKJUIJI _41.LI.IILJ.Ll~&\I 1A\.`\;A|0\.D Lnpouuo -No need to make bare your pocket book in buying Barefoot Sandals at Carey s Cut-Rate Shoe Store. 'I;hey T are selling: `them at ' bare wholesale `p1'iocs-'-f1'om 63 a [pair up. * _ I H 1 A .........L:._-_. ___:n 1.. 1.1:: \-\~ALA|\J\l aw U V \Il-IJLI/I\.\1I.I.o Mr. Powell. had to, refuse book- ing for The Chocolate Soldier for May 24th, as the great "serial motion picture Runaway June commences on that date and adverg tising had gone out. for it. rm-.. 1..._.J:--M 1-1---- Ln; saunas. bvsnv \.II.LU' .l.\.IL LU: --The leadinfr House for every- thing in music, also Victor _and Columbia go0,ds-'-Garrett sA . Music |Store, Phone 259a. , I A ' -----_ I-.....l 12___;_ 1.1-- ,--,J_,, 0| .1 u nnnnn `Lug f~---For the ehgagement ring, [high-. grade je1wel1'y or jewelry repairs consult E. H. V\7il1iams, the jeweler. Two_v stores-'-Opp. old " Qucen s Hotel and at Cor. df Elizabeth and Mary Sts. _Marriage licenses issued. xv, _ ....,..1 .. -,...1_.. 1._-.- ____,_ Jvv v&a.\4J.v\L you ULLU UL IIIIUOU calca- ,---N-ow boys _for Running S oes don t go 1'unnin::, past_ the door of Carey s Cut-Rate Shoe Store, as [they are leaders in the race for.:low prices. On high-grade goods v theyl cannot be overtaken.` . A ` A I 151;: May b`noe.b`a1e. V 5` ' . . Prices at W. "A. McCdnkey s cat- .tle `sale at the Wellington Hotel yards on Saturday ranged from $55 to $90, the cattle being the best lot yet offered at one of these sales. \T.._.. 1.--..- .'-_, 1') I _auv|AIvv uvu p.JII\lJ.\Jo A Conrmation Service,` with the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of To- ronto presiding, will be held in Trinity Church to-night (Thursday) `air 7.30. n .- -- May 27th. ' Court of Rcsion for the TOWm~'hi p of Essa. for 1915. will be held in Alex, St;ewart;`s Hotel, Thornton. at 10 o'clock a.m. slum-p,on l_ huz-.~:day,v' .'.- ... .lru ---Open for the season. Little Lake` Summer Resort. Boats for Hire. Board by day or week, and lunches` and soft drinks at all hours. Miss Lawrence. ' 20tf The Morreau brothers , trial for murder was in progress at . the Bracebridge Assizes yesterday. These men were kept in Barrie jail for ieverai months. ` 4 \.I l A.'\.r v_ I./J. ul. xuvuvllao -The biggest shoe bargains we have ever otfered for men, Women and children are ready` at Moore ?s Big May Shoe.Sale. `D..:....... -3. TIT `A 1|r.n_n_.L.,_9 :- ---...- ...-W .._,... ` -180 `pairs of Wpmen s White Canvas Pumps. . A re `lar $1-.35 shoe for 95c a pair, at Ca ey s Cut- Rate AShoe' Stare. -- | In I Jung: 1 V {N Olive '9 A meeting of the creditors of D. Waisberg, insolvent, was called for" Monday last, in Osler Wade s 7 office, Toraonto. V . ' run-r 1-41. -. - --- I a.vAvAAv\lI The B.C.I. Cadets have -received their new uniforms, and khaki is the predominant color in the class` rooms these days. 1Qn -.....:.... -13 nr-_.--__9_ nrtu- have a see. *8- . ... . .. V _ -Going away for -the holiday"! ' Don t take that shabby Suit Case or Club Bag. Carey s are selling lovely ones this week at a saving of from 35c to $1.00. Costs nothing to A .1 an. - _ lnvovvnbi-IJ bV\I\AbJI .LVL\I\.IJla D LILIUU lJDULC- Mr. Morley Black` has been ap- pointed G.T. R. agent at TElmvaAle,,in succession to T. .E. Lord. V IV 71" T` `V IQIAAA , Anthony Gattie, father of John and Charles" Gattie, formerly of Baxfrie, died at Orillia on May, 7th, aged 70. `~ - f`|..:...... __-_-_ .0--. n , 1 1-1 til _-_--Tennis .or' Oi1t'ing Boots, `a1`1 the newest styles, and all `first quality goods. Moore s Shoe Store. . 1 `- 1\.r.. `M -.. ..-- D1..-1-' L-.. L-_-- _ I, v v vangubo `C08. NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to the Trustee Act that. all- creditors or others having claims against the estate of the -said John James Jennett,- lwho died on or about the eighteenth day- of March, 1915, are requiredon or before the `twenty-ninth day of May, 1915, to `send by post or deliverto the un- dersigned, Solicitor for` the Ad- =ministratrix, o the said deceased, their names and addresses and _full particulars` of their claims and the mature of the security (if any) held by them. -' -.. `Amrn rn A 1.71:` xrnmrnin n...; V '_m.-_. A; %90 OOO 30?V"` A .. * Ag :.........................1 Eltion `Of oi_c'ers: at sonic -Lodge; `.-`to-morrowf (Friday) .'"evening. ` j ` ' - L 7'IV........'.. ....' n;_;.-':_... n- J1 Garrtt's' Music Store _ P. Qgvyox H8 Phom-1 3593 fr}: ~ -"~ ` ' `or . Furninhei. No home is * omplete without one. This A is the .Di_Eet_ent" Player. ..Pi4n9r;*`? P`.'I=,<.>r.oi-} T Wvill eveugtggnlly B119.` Iiivest` . ff gau{*lft %kiI'iV8'fBlt\'|~I`9i`."" """* Heintzman&Co. Player-Piano E What wonderful opiportun ities for diversion alid pleasure the b0LO`60bO`Ui"6`O?'O0 $O vi 5. n ,. %' `A -_- .._-,.......;..uu-u. guuu nun. 1-Jul. ` ] - All persons having business at the said court are requested to attend a.t>the~.-aid time and place. ' ` D" nu-Ann A6? 4-kn r`...-...A. usucu HUD `DU accompany Geo. Sloan, a. v1ct1m of the accldent, on that fateful journey to his home. . Besides her husband, three sons. and two `ds,ughters` shurvive-e-Clement, a traveller; Ed. and ~,,Wal1aee`_ in the Western ` States`; Miss Mossie,` of ;fpvete_secreta1'y to Elbert ..v val u. a:\..I. Iuuu,JUa:1o` .I..'Jl5llI: years ago Mrs. Hypson suffered a'.stroke`,l and since she has V` been conned to her bed. [Her maiden` name Was Elenor McMillin, she being the last surviving` member of the late J as. McMillin s family. She was `born at Bronte, Ont., and came with her parents to Innisl ,near Church- ill, where she was married in 1859. When, quite a young girl she nar-, f'owly- escaped almost :_certain death . in _the Desjardine Canal.` tragedy, when she altered her plans and de- cided not _to accompany` -her uncle, n 11:11`-:A\ `-2 LL. _ - -' MRS. -ROBT. HYPSON An old resident of Barrie, Mrs. Robt.` Hypson, died_ at the family residence, Wellington St., on May 15th, in-her 79th.ycar.'I Eight years EHO MTG ntrnann Q-nin-unJ l\` ...L..-1--"- A.aA.A.\JJ_l.l_lJ.|l ;;uu.;u.uuu -- Ab, Until Methodist Parsonage, Orillia, by_ Rev. J. J. Wheatley, on Wednes- day, May 5th, Rachael Brandon, of Orillia, to .Mr. William VG. , Lauder, of Edgar. , ' . . DIED . . VYOU-NG-In Barrie, -on Monday, `- May 18, 1915, the infant daugh- ter of Mr .and Mrs. A. C. Young, ' Frederick St. . - . I ...vuu ;u;u, uv .LV.L.Lo auu. AVLLD. .LV1.Ul" 1 iris `Alexander, Bradford St., a son. a A 'CURTIS-At the R.V. Hospital, on -`May 11th, 1915, to Mr. and M1-s.l Geo. Harold Curtis, 9. daughter. STEELE---At St. Joseph s Hospital,` Hamilton, on May 12th, 1915, to. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland Steele` (formerly of Barrie) a daughter. YOUNG-In . Barrie, on Monday, May 18, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs`. A. C., Young, Frederick St., a daugh-A ' tnr y`.- A % "MARRIED LAUDER--BRANDON 4.; the! 'l'..L`I..-.12...L `n____-,_ 7 C THE KING S"PLATB 1 Many Barrie people will go to To- ronto on Saturday to see the King s Pl'ate run off. The Mail and Em- pire of yesterday says: A great deal] of interest was manifested in the [trial of Lady Curzon, the Dyment Plater; who was sent the plate route in 2.11 3-5, -the fractional time be- ing: .12 1-5,. 24 3-5, .36 1-5, .49 2-51, 1.03, 1.15, 1.29, 1.421 3-5, 1.57 2-5.] Moss Fox accompanied the plater,| while Beau Cheval joined the pair for-the-last six furlongs. The trial was a most satisfactory one ,and it is the lly s. nal work for the guineas on the full plate distance. I 100% OR 150 ' acres rst-class` farm. Will pay $5000 cash, balance in first-class town property. Apply- W. C. Thompson, 7 Real Estate! Agent, Barrie. . 20- | _ aav.LuJ.V ALEXANDER-In Barrie, on Mayl 1 10th, 1915 to Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ..:.. n---.... -_ r-_.-A TOWNSHIP OF ` INNISFIL - % NOTICE . PICNIC AT SHANTY BAY -A picnic followed by a social evening will be held at the Parson- age, Shanty Bay, on May 24th. Tea` served from 4 to 6 p.m. Admisslon 25c. . 20-20 u..~-.u ruuuu Lu. uuut: The regular monthly business` and sewing` meeting of the Woman s Auxiliary of the R.V. Hospital will be held in the hospital -on May 25th: (Tuesday). Business {meeting at 3( o clock. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all women -- of the town who are interested in the hospital.l ovnu. &l o - _Mr. and Mrs. John Todd, Church- ill, announce the engagement of _their , eldest daughter, Myrtle Amelia, to Mr. Harvey Ralston, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ralston, Lefroy, the marriage to take place in June. ` ' 'L.. ......._.'l___ _,,, III 1 0 ` ` Newmarket, and is again with her ~-~-- . . 1 Mrs. E; J. Clubine returned last` Week from a visit with relatives in] daughter, Mrs. R; W. Andrew; Bay- eld St. ' -.-uua-Iu\nJ vu usavc .I.U.l.' put`: .l.1'ULlE. `Mr. and Mrs; James Sproule, Thornton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura, to Mr. Earl Palmer Boyd of Saskatchewan, Sa_s1. ` ` -ml~\Z[i;s' E.- A. Henry` has passed her third year Arts Course at Toronto University. ` D...;.... T CI -.._' v.---L L - Sarjeant s name` appear, among the li1:_ of new :=doctors- --pub? I lish`ed Tusday. ` ` Is. gar] If..- I`1L-_' TI 1 1 n. J aAIunA\l\l. -lo Il`JD\LCIIJ 0 Mr.` and Mrs. has; Lloyd left on? Monday for Sackatchewan, vWhere' they will make their home, 1 1|,r._ 11rr..n..__. 'r-_;1,-, n rn ;n\/J n 1.11. xuan |a.l1C.I.1' 1101116, A U Mr. `Walter cJei1kins of Toronto` Urgiversity has been the guest of his cousin, Mrs. Bailey, - Dunlop St. ~ Mr; T) F`. nornnunn :. ..u......1.'.... vvuustl, LILLOQ JJQLLCJ, Mrs. D. C., Cameron 1s attendmg -the General Council of the Women si M.S. of `the Presbyterian Church. llfn1Irun~nn4- `K... A..-_-- -1--- -- IN 1'31: ESTATE or John -James} Jennett, late of the Township* of Essa, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased. .......... \I-I. um .:.;cau_yut:1'1uu uuurcn. Miss" Margaret. McAvoy, daughter of the late Henry McAvoy, of Apto, was one -of the last contingent, `of nurses to leave for the front. .}/l'.. .....J 1r_,_ 1' " vvvvvvv9000OOOOO9000OO ESYOCIAL AND PERSONAL AAAAAAAAA4A4AAA4A-Ag---4-- wrrv-A-I vast`; Iv van vu.u 1.1:. rI1U.VV fl : ` Mlss`-L; Somervllle 1s v1s1t1ng her slster, Mrs. Marshallcf Spr1ngeld,' Mass." V " ' ...... _ I |zbbobiooodobooooo96oooo: fig`;-'I_A_xL 4 , :0oboo6oooo6oo3ooo:I , uAuv\4.L , ALI. .L\JL \llulI/\J- l :1,\I1::`fStan. Underhill of Aurora. spent the Week-en in VtoW}1;.__ v '- I 1|,r:,_,_.1" c1___-_.__:n_ :_ 4; ,, Toronto. ` ` M1ss Sara Gniths 1s v1s1.t1ng-1n` vs-' - - ..n a. \lJ- vuuvv I Miss Grace Young has been `V;isi't- -ing her sister, in Toronto. 1Ur.. `cu-.. `l`T_-.`l-.__`I-:II ,1: A tor. FARM WANTE3 Notice is hereby given that the first sitting! of the Court. of Revision for the Municipality of Barrie, will be held at the Council Chamber. on`! Monday. the 31st day of May. 1915, at 9'o'clock ; in the fox-enoon. to hear and determine the several complaints of eX'!`0I`S and omissions in the Assessment Roll for 1915. 1 All- _ _ _ . _..I .J`E NORTHERN` ADVANCE ` BOR -..~--1 ----------- V"-*7 '-"" 9'-`"&s`~:` i'W. H.e Kennedy, Robt. `Buchanan; and Geo. Graves. This gives prac-! tical assurance that Meaford, Oril-I lia and Penetanguishene will. cele- brate here. _ ,:~'~:Everything points to a monster |day_in Barrie on Monday, July. 12,` . 9.;-vs; nnaguunvnn 1' any \1uLvv ` b.JI.A\.Iu\/L7uJ.\AL` 3 god after` the case had been laid be- ;o1"e them, the Orangemen there de- cided not to hold a local celebra- tion, but to come to Barrie. Among those who went up from Barrie were: `Wor. Master S. N. Hurst, Mayor `Cra1g, Dep.-Reeve Robert- son, Ald. Horseld, Bert Partridge ` 'I)--..L.......... {KIT II , V........-..`l" D-1.L w1LL- CELEBRATE IN BARBIE . I Two automobile loads of- members [of L.0.L. No. 452, Went to Pene- ltanguishene last Thursday after- noon to interview the Orangemen` there with a view to havingsthem join] in the celebration at ~Barrie. Their mission was quite successful $2.! .42....` n..- ....,... 1...: 1.....;.. I..:.: 1... H0l|llAY SHOE BABBANS i V jjjj Clofhing I Boy : .& ESSA_ C0l_lRT_.0F REVISION}

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