Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 May 1915, p. 5

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V comiil" . hand_s. ought 1n pf he got mgnment can of `adulter- 1: "least a mor if perhaps fell; The $1.25 8. Factory` Cotton, 40 inces wide, ne stfong_ thread, free of specks, extra value 15c, sale . price ............. ..l1c, or 10 yards for -$1.00 Cotton Towelling, I 7 inches wide, scarce goods, extra value 6c, sale price ................... ..5c Sutc1iffe s Leader Soap, extra value `we, sale price...` .................. ........ ..3 bars for 25 Blue Bird Toilet Paper; good value IOC roll, sale price; ............. .._. ........ ..5` rolls for 25 A1,, supreme opportnity to save your dollars. Le your 24th May outfit now and save ' T money on your purhgxses. A I _ . 'bula.nce .work, he was knocked` down and a brick struck him on the head. With three wounded com- rades, he assisted in carrying a man with a. broken leg 5 miles to another station, before being sent to the hospital at Boulogne. Letters have [also been received by his brother, Edwin, at Craigvale, and Mrs. Fred McBurney- of Strand.` I`l_,,_J_ L_... LAIJ.\JQ-II...-`VJ `'5. -v--'_-. Thexvwarnnis costing Canada twol hundred thousand dollars a day,` `says an Ottawa despatch. ` 1 ' 7 '4, L1.-_ 01-1. -2 `ht....-L 4.1..` A-.111 S.\/5 an vwawa ucoyamuu. Up to the 31st of March, the end: `of the scal year, thefty million appropriation 1.made .at the emer- gency session? of Parliament lastl August -had been spent. The hun- dred millions voted recently is now being drawn on "heavily, and very shortly the daily expenditure will` be a quarter. of a million av day. "`I.L..... Annunn I-I11) nnaf A? of transport. U ucuucx. UL a 1111111015 1:. uuJo U 5 These figures include the cost of maintenance -of the forces at hmne and abroad, the purchase of -`arms and equipment, and .A the expenses {no12.'rIcU1.'rtmA1. nnporvr } WILL INTEREST? `ARRIEITES G-Th '=anr'i'u"a`l"* 'th%`5,` am ' A 9r191 4 : =1; `: V_ Z the volnmg, is_ _ ,nx, Ladies and Misees Duck, Gingham, Pique and Muslin-Dressee, prices were 3.95, 3.00, sale only .................................... ..A....$l.49 Ladies White Dck and Pique Dresses and Skirts, well made, prices were 3 oo, 2.00, sale price. . . .. ........................................ ..99c Ladies Black and White Lisle Fashion- ed Hose. Penman s, extra value 25c, sale price Ladies Penman s Black ` Cashmere Hose, extra value at regular price 50c, for AI- 35c for .. 25c for Ladies Cotton Hose, plain, 15c for... l2c` ioc for... Boys; and Children's Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, sizes 6 to 10, extra value 25c, sale ~ -- 120 Taltum Powder, Lily ofthe Valley and Violet, . 1 lb. tins, guaranteed absolutely pure, sale -*: 9 rrsr Q ....... 22 H .... .. .... .. 8c`, .... .. 22 27c president of the Ontario Society, and interspersed throughout its pages are a number of photographs from Barrie. In the opening para- graph, Mr. J. Lockie Wilson, Supt., says: Steadily, year by year, these societies and their central associa- tion are becoming more important factors in the brightening of the homes and environment of On- tario s, urban population. Never |before did a more enthusiastic and Iearnest group of. workers convene {in the City of Toronto, and the `work that is being done will live. v ..Fv-Le -ngsuv-q; .ne.49r 2"-~ 1 I-Q - .v <:4`sax9tnNI'.~'n~'sc-wn;a:. -1- ? x Throughout" the book are a num- ber of illustrations, among them being Part of the lawn and gar- den of. Mr. J. H. Bennett and al- so President Bennett s peony gar- den; Barrie grown peonies and dele phinium la Danube, and a Persian lilac in 9; Barrie garden, all show- ing the high' state of amateur oriculture among the citizens of A Barrie. I In the statistical report `Barrie i stands high in membership of towns `this size, with 212 members. `The total receipts were $690, i` made up of `$149 members fees, $236'vlegis- ~4a'tive' -grant, I $173 municipal nt .$?._`i3 lV-3 . -_ - .6nd'=36n_ations "and _$46: ower {snows-5*" _ _ b _ L V 'A1d;`"s. _ _J. "F`is_1;9r was the Presi- dent of the Barrie Sqc'ity"lat_ yea_.r, MT? T-' I591] `July, sun`: can 2 fork25c Iuu atJv, ....... '55 ,,,.ooooooooooooouni. A , - A AALA`A.....` work 01' 5.7" V` 3...ouooooobouuuooz | T R \'oi11v has moved to Bradford. Tim` mu`-n tealns commenced the \h.S_ J, Terry spent the Week-`end xth Nlrs. D. Adams, at Thornton. Km; 13mm of Midland is a new C1e`,.kUj1; A. E. Patterson s store. \h._ ,j_ D. Wisdom 1s able to be On} a after his recent. lllnese.` 311-_;_ V. E. Knigrlrt and famlly Spmt the week-end in Newmarket. __ \[1-,. 11 . W. Andrews returned to M; work in the G.T.R. oices on \I0m1.( ,\-, after several months ill- ]1S5- ' . .. 11 Amnfnn and`hter street cleaning ' on AMonday.' . H. Appleton and da1_ig_"11te1f left on Tllosday for a short v1s1t to T0(1jE)):l1E1(:icto1' D. Small is now run- ning. in (~l.1a1';;'(` of the'_Hamilton and Meaford ])aSS111f0]' tra11_1. _ . _ I Mr. Robert Stanley 1s bulldmg a. bunu'al0w on a vacant lot near the Ensrlish C`}1111'(:1x; Burton Ave. | `r 1' 1r,,T nn`nn`n "hem knnn. +1-sn1:-x [)u11t_";11U\\ uu a nu/u..u .v.. .-.....- .,--.. Mr. K. .\I has been t1'ans- .fe1'1'od to the passeng'er service as c011ducto1', 1'um11ng from Toronto-to Nortll Bay. m \I'.--..\`.1~ n11r1 D01. R .V01'Ill Dag. Canon ;\Iurpl1_\* and Rev. E. B.` Taylor were in Penetang on Monday and Tuosda_\` atten(li11g' a L meeting of tho l C'l1urcl1 clerggy there. .~\llandalp and Barrie Sons of EnV;*l-aml will attend in St., {G001-g'o s Clmrc-l1. next Sunday morn-J inc`. The Rector, Rev. E`. B. Taylor, will preacll. -A 5 .-gr ix:-..;_ l Mrs. .\I(-Keown and '_(3l1k'1}l_.`d12_1`_11.};.7`:.'ave 1'etu1'11ed to Ma1'quette " mafter .. civ u~nn1:q visit with '}ie`i'-moth'eri H111 [u\,u.Lu. ._. :3 :4: 2: _cl1;J,`d 1_11;;- ave Marquette`; `after a six.wee's v1s1t wlth The`r`,-mother here. ` ` /`v {V ' , __; L- M1`. G00. Cumnxings \Vas+b`a1/e to be down town. on Saturday for the first tnncf 511100 1115 recent lllness. 1Iv'1 , 1---, 1 -.. um, srovz AND act; llll LllllL_' >3ll1\\. Alla J.\.\.I\4L.Lu AAAAAAA -4: C. \\'i1son' is relieving Jas; Mor-. row, 0.\'p1'ess1nan on the Hamilton run. the latter being vveryiill at his home. ' ' i `| I` _D 1.1.. I o v - Tho_ annual me_eting of the` B0wlirn_*' Club, called for Monday (-\`o11i11}_v', was postponed. until Wed- 110sda_\' o\'o11i11 g` of this Week.f ` I n,1'._1[' nos o\'e11111_ OI t_n1s WCBK. V _ a The ag on Burton Ave; School was flown at half'mast out of" re-, Sp(`('t to Private Clifford ~Herrell,! who was killed in action `at -the front last week. He recefvd his first SChOO1i11;` in Allandal. 77" .,_';> LL- sumu....;,, -;......u...... Oscar Irwin, who red "'01'1" th\e b1'anc-11 10c0m0tiv`e, that plies be- tween Boeton and -Collingwood, some years af_v*o, and later a gradu- ato 01' Knox College, is among the Canadians 1-c-ported missing smce the battle of Lan<,1jen1arck. FT`! - .' I `I 3-, 7"-` LUV UilLlH' (J1 1Jdll;Ullla1Ul\n' The Jnzn-ria,:'e took place in T04: ronto _\'(3>'t(r1'lay of "Mr. Herbert Webb. _\'m111 t "son "of-`Mrs, Webb 01' 110113`. and formerly, of Al- Im1dz1lo. and :\`IiS.S Pea1'1CaldWel'l.of ):1r1'i<-, "Mr. and Mrs.` Webb Win r<~.-ielv in Toronto, where M1'.AW`ebb h21. 1i\'in;: for some time. ' L I I Al v Aug, A\r,L s.:u;..v ....-_-- Thu tn-illia News-Letter sayszi Th<- Th}rt<-on-Tw(e1ity-six_ Club, of- \\'1Ii`<-h .\h-.<. John Carruthers is ]n'<-si will motor to Barrie this` ('I'hm-.- afternoon, twenty-ve . `to visit :1 former member, M13 E1u':21- \Vi1;~;on. Mr. Wilson` is 11()\\'-HH`I1lill}_'.' near Allandale. . H`! _....;- --~-- nu1uun_;_; uL (LJ. 4LL:wLAuwsv- V The 1i1'.~'t lame pigeon race was hold on Saturdmi by the Dom1n1on Fe decep- d was at the bird has be- dollars `allowing s under teen-cent oubt, in s of hgs ies, it 1s \T n D ONE YEAR The Makers T he Woodyatt 'anf b Qfna-L :.. ..:_.... . . :... .14: :4: and '18 in. = -;;w :1 UULIJQLB yullrllyw. 7. stock, m sizes I4iI1.,'16 10-1 $5.25, $5.75 ma `$6.255 ma man *1 BALL BEARING J THE 155%! E daughter visit to . I Cameron ttle, and rload of d from f hogs at $7.50. t. J. G. Scott MAY PRICES Good Always pn Hgnd - ` 3e exdelled. `We. carry this Mower in and '18 in. cut, 10% in. wheels. Prices Homing Pigeon Association. ; e| birds left the ` station at 12.30 no andthe rst two out of 200 made the following time: 1st named bird, |Hatch, made _the ight in '1 `hour and 55 seconds; 2nd named bird O Hearn, 1 hour, 2 minutes and seeon__ds. i an a lumltailhiay oicials say that already: summer tourist tratc is on" the` move, a month` earlier than usual. They assert that the Muskoka Lakes V will .be the most popular summering place on the North American continent this year." Many hotel .,reservations have al-l ready been made, they say, "and the| probability is that more` additional trains than usual will be run` to the popular resort. ]/l'.. ...._J ll`..- CV-__ ___-`I fV__-___..1I A 4 \.JhJ\lJ U0 rvrww ' Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Cerswell, parents of Mrs. (Dr.) J. A.9 C. Evans, formerly of Allandale, on Tuesdav celebrated the ftieth` an- niversary of their wedding at their `home, 60 Lakeview Ave., Toronto. |Both. Mr. and Mrs. Cerswell were born in Simcoe County and raised I-.. n... 3--., ......... D....,:m....,1 Tux.-I AJUA .51 ALA k.llIll\)\I\J \I\Iu&AvJ uAA\ ;uLu\4\L | Ion the farm near Bradford. -Mr." Cerswell is eighty-ve years a old, . While his Wife is seventy-two. "They have lived in Toronto since retiring from the farm twenty-five years Iago. _Mr. Cerswell is a Liberal in politics and a Presbyterian in re- ligion. `He attends Chalmers ` Church, and there are three V sons:` J .E . of Bradford, Dr. B. S. of Top- .penish, Wash., and,Dr..J. A. of 378 Yonge St., Toronto,` and `one daugh- ter, Mrs.~ (Dr.) Evans of Roselawn %,_Ave.,_Toronto. , . V .1--e `_ I . W. C. Thompson and John Gor-` don have sold two large farms, one in Oro to. Mr. William VVillia,ms, of New Ontario, and also a large farm. in Innisl to Mr. VValter Wells, of Brampton .' ' 13]--.. `.'..-"4... -nnwnumnn -cam cu-r`n 1tr:+'}\ 1.)]. E1111) DUI} o Place your farms for sale 'wi't'h` Thompson 5 `& G6rdon, Fa1'n'1 Special-'1 Z._L.. . nI.L\l\IIJ.Ll aavavavaa-o -v - An unoccupied brick house oni John St. West was totally destroy- ed by re on -Friday night about 11 3.o clock, only portions of the Walls remaining, The cause of the re is unknown, although there are said to -be. reasons for believing that it might have been of incendiary origin. G. H. Esten owned the property, the house being valued at $1600, which is partly covered by insurance. ' . g - I . . Size :5 in; Size 18 in. .10} in. Wheels - B BELGIAN RELIEF ' 7 _The headquarters of the Belgian Relief Committee has been moved from the old, Bank of Toronto Building, to-47 Collier Street, where donations of clothing, etc., will -be received. .Donations of clothing have been received from the follow- ing; Mrs. D." M. Stewart, Miss O Brien, Mrs. E. Bird, Mr. Forbes and Mrs. Calderwood. Cash previous- .ly acknowledged, `$795.24.; Frank $796.24. Orser, Dalston, $1.00, Total Mrs. Kathleen Blake Coleman, ea Well-known and` talented writer, known to newspaper readers as ,.-.-7.. no 13.: ...L 1.... Inn-rnn inv Hamil- `known to Ilewspupw; m_o,g...., .... K1t, dled at her -home 1n Hamil- ton` on Sunday, aged 51. ' 3 7 _ T I FARM` LANDS IN_ DEMAND HOUSE ;aURNn_n DOWN vv nnnnn avsnv umnsua J \JIll l al- the $7.50 } per (on 6.50 per ton Made In CANADA (GUELPI-I) No Trouble r..a. . . R\epairs% {Phone 118 `Yard Office ` A .; [man cnoss commons: L00, 5:; n4 :0 DOOR), 4 Prior (to April 30th, _the 1adies,_of the Society raised pran- ticalIy`"?$3_;QQQ, ' through the "medium of eone_erts,7;,sa1es,. donations, etc;, and did ` an immense amount `of sow- ing and knitting . for the wounded `soldiers at the `front. . _ ` hl\lO\5&\l& IU CCU U155 LLIIIL As a result ' of the Vaflapalling casualty list during April their" `re: 1 sources were, quite inadequate. to. cope with the tremendous amount of war`: assigned, to "them and . an appeal as been magie to the men of '7tibn.1- _h_e_ cpmmunity fog `-".`t_}1eix co-opera-' .vovAAI , ~ -This is" a tworlci which every man, women and`: . child should" be glad to help, and lists have been opened at the dierent banks and printing oices so that any one wishing to contribute can do so. A number have expressed a desire to contribute monthly while the war lasts and the following shows the lists of contributions and promises since May 1st. rm........ 1:,.;.. ...:n 1... ...1,1..,: 4... .c-..',....`i 1-rovu vu Ian. v o --w . I . . A..Boys`~` $25.00, J. B.-Dougall i25.00, .Wm. Aird 50.00, T. `Bee- ,croft 25.00, .. J ., R. Donnelly 10.00, '_G.'fO1iver7Cameronv 10.00 M. Shan- acy 10.00, D. H. MacLaren 10.00 Dr. Palling, 10.00, Judge Vance" 10.00; 5 F. R. Porritt 50.00, Hy. Ellis 10.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnston 50.00, `G. A. Radenhurst 10.00, Geo. Esten 25.00, Mrs. Florence Evans 10.00, [` S. W. .Moore 25.00, J. Frank Jack- son 5.00, Chas. J. Forbes 20.00, Dr.` D. D. McLeod 10.00," ,Andrew Car- 1 son 10.00, Dr. A.,T. Little 10.00, W. N. Duif 5.00, J. R.` Hambly 10.00, Geo. C. Brown 5.00, J. A. Mac- Laren.10.00, H. A. Sims 10.00, 4 Judge_ Wismer 10.00, J. E. Billings- ` ley 5.00, Thos. Sinclair 5.00, S. A. Morrison 5.00, H. V. Ardagh 10.00, S. J. Fisher 25.00,` F. Moberly 5.00, Wm.` Harvey 10.00, F. G. Morton 10.00, Dr. W. A. Lewis 25.00, Byron .King 5.00, C. H. Beatty 10.00.. H. C. Channen 5.00. M. E. VValker 5.00, - T. T. Young 5.00, J. D. Rodgers . $5.00, H. E. Jory 10.00, J. F. Craig , 10.00, Geo. Wilson 25.00, R. . Devins 5.00, L.-F. Cross 5.00, Dr. , VV. A. Ross. 30.00, G. N. U_1A)ham' ;` 5.00,` James McMartin 10.00, A. G.| _Habbick 10.00, D. -M. Stewart 25.00, Wm. Moore 5.00, R. King 5.00. John Claxton 2.00, W. R. King 5.0.0_.--.- l'Total $757.00. ` . . - A `l`--_L1.!__ `l\1-_1..-.. l 3 These lists will be added to from week to ~week as contributions and pledges are made. `IT A D..--_e CDO: nn 1 `D T\A--.....I'I wonnvv lJ-INJ -Lu U0 -l~_V|lGl 1PIUI`fVVo ' C . - A - Monthly Pledges- Geo. Coles $5.00,` L. J. Salter 5.00, A. Lewis {5.00, Edgar `L. Higgs 1.00, Dr. Palling 5.00, A. G. Habbick 5.00, Arthur `Monkman 2.00, Hugh Calderwood 5.00, A. Car- `son (amount not named), Dr. H. T91 'Arna,ll 4.00, F. R. Porrit 5.00, J.) R.,Donnelly 4.00," Dr. E. `D. Mqrton v 5.00, A. G." Ardagh*2.00, H. A;.,_Si_msrz 5.00, W. D. McKinnon,l.0O, J.. Bennett 3.00, Jams McMa1jtin5._00, J_. Tomlinson 1.00.-.-Tota.1 jfper `A , _- L1- th nn }}iont1?,"7.` 6f `LOCAL ASPECTS or THE WAR, Lieut. Dr. . V. BroWn' sailed. forl England on Tuesday of last week?` I)--- 'E`:Inln n -pnvnnm nll-:10]! 0+ 1au.u U11 -I. I.AvsJ\.ls0J VJ. Auuav IV uun-u us _ Roy Eileffe, a former clerk at the Queen s Hotel, who left Barrie {several years ago for Sarnia, has lbeen ofcially. reported killed in action. -' ' 7- - _ _ '... _ --- --w `the 35th quota from here. On Friday Lance-Sgt. W, H. Lake, Norforlk, Eng., of the 4th Batt., .Was reported Wounded, and it is believed` that this refers to Sergt. N. Lake who Went with `I `l'\,,,,_ reinforcements. - J ohn Fraser, one of the Barrie men in ~the rsto contingent, was on Thursday oiciallyi reported wound- ed. = Pte; Fraser was formerly baggageman at the station, and two of V his sons have been selected from the Third Contingent to go` forth as -4 -_ _1... ..-..-...'...l I >1`B1uLU1'UU1ucuva. , Frank Lawrence, Who several 1 `years ago wa_s . assistant civil en- t gineer with the G.T.R. at Allandale, has been oicially reported killed._ Mr. Lawrence left Barrie for the `West and enlisted with the 23rd of Edmonton. -Later he Was; trans- ferred to . the Princess` Patricia/s and was with that regiment when he `met death. He was a `veteran of the SA. War, and was most popu-' lard _when in Barrie. T ._J_-- ........;.:..,.. 1.-5-"'1:-15+ 13.1` wucu. 11]. L1a.I.1..uu , On Thursday morning. of "last 1` Week, Mr. "Geo. Coles received a 1] telegram from Ottawa informing 1: him. that his ' eldest son, ErnestII Charles` Coles, who went to the 7 front with the rst `contingent, was 1 Imissing, and since no further word has been received, leaving the ,fam- 1 ily in a terrible state of uncertain- 1 ty. Pte. Coles, . ..who `was 28 years f of age, left `Barrie about 9 years 5 ago, after attending Collegiate and 1 Business College here. He has of 3 late. been Sec.-Treas. .of the ` "Standard. Separator Co. of Toronto, i and lived at 18 First. _Ave., River-_ ` dale- -He was `a: ' member of the Grenadiers and. enlisted in ,D -.', Co., -3rd Batt., the large majority of whom. are reported mis sin,<:. k`il1`. ed_ or wounded in the battle of . Langemarck. ' Under -"date of March, 13, he sent; a service, card to friends}. _` in ..Toronto -lsayingz, `- I am _-._ qui_te V .vve1ll.e I have.'.read. your ~`let_ter.- , n_-1:.-...:-..9-` -ll!.~....'-mus" Whine .-min-_ {Pentope and - of Mr-a,nd TI-;I E`. 'NOR'l`HERN AIDVIANCE ,.`..`~`.'$." I .-_ UIMUIGIIJ `J. l_..1au. V [19 . ,brbhe1f, left for the front a week ago, hav-' ing enlisted with the Army Service Corps. Their father, Mr, `Geo. Nunn, -Who, is [well known in Barrie, has expressed his intention of en- listing. He is a veteran of the North-West Rebellion, having been lwith the York and Simcoe Battalion [in 1885. e l ~ `LL .L\J\lVJO After service on Sunday evening, the choir of Trinity Church honored two of .the members of the third contingent, Jos. Brooks e and 1`hos.= Mays, who have given their services to the choir since the. contingent mobilized in `Barrie. Pte. Brooks, who is" a native of Taploo, Eng., was. presented with an engraved gold ring, and Pte. -`Mays, a` native , of ' Surbiton, Eng., . formerly choirmase , ter `at Waubaushene,` was given a -. safety razor; ' ` ` N `-11, _,_ --:..-;:I .. ...... I-`lull-`.1 U. a nu-.-v- - Mr. John Smith` received 9, ser- vice card from his son, Sergt. Robt. Smith, sayirig `that he would soon Lbemgble tio leaye the hospital. - - 1 4... `-41:11: QOIIA L11 nu` JUST11 MORE nus EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED SALE .UU HU16 LU IUGVC uuu llvorumclso Through a letter received by Dr.l and Mrs. Little, and dated May 4th; it is learned: that Wilfred (Happy)| Johnston, whose parents live at Craigvale, and who attended B=.C.I.,~ is; now eqnxalescinge aL';.~.a:_:,- % ate ' " ...3..?1.1..DevopsKiross , .;. lint,` 3 ` Ladies Fancy Summer Dresses, all wool serges, Navy, Brown, Copen, made by the best makers, prices were 12.50, 9.00, 8.50, 6.00, sale price only ........... ...... ..'...$3.95 Ladies Blouses, White Lawn, embroidery fronts, low and high necTE, button at front and back, handsome lines, sizes 34 to 44, extra value at 2.00, 1.69, I. 50, sale price only 98c Ladies House Dresses, dark and light colors, Gingharns, Prints, Percales, sizes 38 to 44, ex- tra value 1.98, I. 5o, 1.25, sale price only 98 Ladies Overall Aprons, colors Dark Grey, Blue and White Spots, light color Stripes, iri `Prints and Gingharns, extra value 5oc, sale. price ........................................... ..43c' Scarce Goods. B1ac1._Ve1vet Ribbon, nearly all widths at reduced prices. A ETS

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