Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 May 1915, p. 4

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one nu`-Q11 V1 I11. I: 1' Cl. 0 J-II Ll? quires a span of 60 feet from bne` side of the island and of 40 feet from the opposite side; Since the : `sp1fing_ oods .of 1912, when the old -were ~ washed . away, there V h `.been~no jcrqssing the. river `here, l!..1'!|.11i-"'__ ' Y I`li.nde,hgs ' .a`.:: I -V-_` W . `- 19th. 1 40 -r 21 55 .$17.50 on the mar- 1 the` prim` 3. Xcsl)itt 01 - VT`- 28 26 14 13 35 60 65 95 An (`:_1111m'ou rattle. and Including the following varieties of A `tron 1102!: ._ -3. Longreuow .` s1.75Lu.1.. Compton : Em`-Iy 1.75` _bIish. g:White+Ca"p-Den.tVV 1:59 busI; _,f "Other varieties of Elisilaie 1,35 % BROWN & C0. Dutch Setts, 10. n..; 3 lbs. 25. ~ Potato Onions, Ma.ngel, Turnip,. Carrot and all` .varieties of Field and Garden Seeds. i CORRESPONDENCE seen CORN Seedsmen _ & Grocers 7th LINE VESPRA Work has been commenced on the new township `twin bridges on 25 sideroad, near .Wm.. J._ Bell s, Angus, a Cookstown `contractor hav-` 'ing the work under` way.` It_'re-_- IlII:1a(c an A-rune: J an o`-IAAL _-_. A.. A - ANTEN;` MILLS % 71.1- If-__ `TN `K1711, gumus HOLLY I-R}iB-. CORNERS- . - ' `n8-!h`:mj '1' - ' 5-'1" ` : ,_` - A. .~-'`- ` _ -vusagsuqvgl lJLUo IIGVU H ew ` car, and.;=Messrs; J. McD< >nhld and J$.mns' Gilpin,` fgrmerg, who are J;m . May 17th.:-_Rev. V G. Norris Gray . of Alliston visited here `last week and baptized ,the baby daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Dunlop. . . . . `Mr. A. W. .McDonough `of; Hawkestone is the relieving} G.T.R. agent` here.- . . The followers of Isaac ` `Walton are meeting; `with varied success- . . .. TomIinso1i =;Bros.' have as exf Fe:-qr % nun a .-nA:-|l'........'...- =1 -Ir.-Ix-_'~_.i, uurc we Iouowmg: Anglican, Mrs. W. Fralick; Presbyterian, Mrs, G. G. Johnston; Methodist, Mrs. J. W. Orchard ;. -~Baptis't, Mrs. T. Living- lston; `Women s Institute, Mrs; Geo.` Crawford; Farmer s Institute,` `H. Priest; Minesing Athletic Associa- tion, C. Downey. those hospitals -which `are station- . ,-~--------- - 1 May 17th.--Minesing has taken up the Red Cross work sporadi- cally since the outbreak of the war {in Europe, but `on Tuesday evening`, `May 11th, this community was or-' ganized for steady Work in "supply- ing materials for rst' aid, front" hospitals` (movable hospitals which are designated -by _the number) and. ary and are named, 'and_'from which convalescing soldiers send letters to` `waiting ones at home. We havei I made great progress in many Ways lsince` the days of which Lady Caro: lline Norton wrote, when speaking of a _wou_nded_ and dying soldier, there was lack of woman s nurs-- ing, there was dearth of Woman s tears, and the Red Cross Society lis worthy of the support of all. The executive of the Minesing ed Cross Torganization is as follows: Pres., Mrs. Young; Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. Orchard; - Sec-.'-I`reas.i, Mr. G.- G. Johnston. Representing the various! Women s Societies in `the dierent Christian _bodies and associations are the following: Anglican`, Mrs. W F`ro]:nIr o `D...v.n`I..-.L..._'_`._ It - rd May 17th.--M`r.\`E. Wilson, Miss- es M. Muir and M; Gray spent Sun- day at Jas. Muir s, Minesing. . .. . Mr. Leo Coughlin of Barrie spent Sunday at his- home here. . The W.I. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. R. Carson on May 12th. Officers. were elected for the coming year and a very ` enjoy- able time` was spent.` The next meeting will be' held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Muir, Jr., `on June`9th.~. . Mr. Jas. McLaughlin` had several sheep worried by dogs last week.`_ ;. Pleased to report that Master. Eni- 'mitt Coughlin.~ who had his leg broken a couple of weeks ago, ' is. doing nicely. Miss M. J. Daley] has returned to Toronto, after `Spending a couple` of months "with ~ "-Mrs. R.5Long. lILIJV1l\.lL 111.0 u uuvpouu, .l.U.L but: 111151; fortnight.` .. Mr. and Mrs. Gordonl [Lauder returned from their honey- [moon on Tuesday of lastweek. `Mr. Ray `Slesser and Miss Lily Mc- .Arthur..-mere quietly, married. on Wednesday, May- 12th. . . The an- nual meeting of the Women s In- stitute was held at. the home of Miss Lizzie Shanahan on Wednes-, day afternoon, May 12th, and Was` well attended. The following offi- `cers were elected for the year: Pres., Mrs. Steel; Vice Pres., Mrs. W. Jamieson; Sec.-Tre'as., Mrs. H. Brandon; Directors, Mrs. Cavanagh,f lMrs. Carscadden and Mrs. A. Mc- lLean; Dis. Director, `Mrs- Steel; `Auditors, Mrs. Wm. Hayes and Miss, -`L. Shanahan. After the election of, oicers "a short programme. was given, which all enjoyed. It was de- cided to do more knitting for the soldiers at the next meeting, which will be held in the hall o11.Wed11es- day. June 9th, at 2.30 p.m. ' I GROWN HILL c l May 18th.-Mr. Arthur Caldwell-I is at home from college for a short] holiday, . . Mr. .Manley Partridge of Victoria; College. is holidaying un- der the `parental roof. `.;'l\Irs. Wil- liams of Collingwood is the guest of her cousin, Mr. E. C.Drury..'.* Rev. Harold. Toye, of Hillsdale, conduct- ed service in the Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon, when the Sacrament was `administered. Next Sunday Mr. Clarke, of Orillia, will preach. .. There was no service in- `St. James Church on Sunday even- ing, owing to the illness of Rev. Mr. Browne. . . " The annual business meeting of the ` Woman s Institute` was held at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. Gough. The new officers elected arez` Pres_., Mrs. Fielding;| lVice-Pres., Mrs. Smith; Sec.-Treas., Miss Eva Partridge; Auditors, Miss Belle. Robinson` and Mrs. Edwards,` district director, Miss Rix; direc-; tors, `Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Quinlan, and Mrs. E. C.'Drury;_ or-_ ganist, Miss Quinlan. '-The June meeting will be held at the home of Miss Belle Robinson. _ j } `May 17th.--Mr.W1?:.-e" "J.mieson ofi Toronto has been the guest -of his brother, Dr. Jamieson, for the past 'Fn1`f.`l1';O'}l+' Mv OTIA `R/fun (1.-u..3.u.. my iriags~,`Iyhich 'wii1.`bof will cost `$1300., L ' g T.esBeu 01.1: `Mays. 17th.--Mr.'"f `Thos., '_Cr`.ig,' T. C. Craiggand A. J ary `attended the "funeral of 'iMr. A. E. H. Cresvvicke, K.C.-, in Barrie on Monday of last week. ,. .Mrs. Geo.` Ostrander is under the doctor s care. a. . . . Miss Kate. and Miss-. Sarah Ellis of C91: lingwood; are visiting .their sister, `Mrs. A. Jar'y. . .Mrs. Wm.',WiHiams who has been "in poor health of "late,._ is 7 in` Toronto, undergoing medical treatment. . . . .. Capt. Jas. Hill is visiting relatives at Everett. . . Mr. E. Long of Orillia called on Mr. Geo. `Snider on Saturday. . . .. Prof. Brace, who has been holding a vaudeville show here for the past week, attracted large crowds every lnight. . . - Mr. Thos. Hill shipped four carloads of _ potatoes to Fort William last Week. T. .. . Owing. to _Rev. C. Browne. being ill, there was` no service in St. John s Church 011' Sunday. . . The Bishop. of Toronto will hold conrmation here on Tuesday. A pi . t'i_'icts. gmrannnsr A 'EnonNrox Seeding is pretty. well nished in. this district, but many of the farm- ers are busy preparing their root ground. ,. Mr; Edwin Carson came home last Week, suering. from a light attack of the mumps. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jory moved from Edgar a couple of weeks -ago to take pos- session of Mr. Bawlf s farm on. Sunnidale road. Mr. Wattiel Cameron of .Hillsdale visited Mr.' John Morrison last Sunday. . . Miss Annie Dobson spent the week-end visiting friends in Barrie. . . Mr. Earl Switzer is learning the plumb- ing .business with Mr. Neelands of ` Barrie..`. Some of the young people attended the rite of conrmation `at. >Midhurst on Wednesday. _ - 1/IINj'ESIN G BDGAR_ vu guon 3t"1m`n` - ...v...u., unvu uww vvccn. .1116 Luueral was held to the_ Union cemetery here, the Rev. T. J. Dew conduct- ing the `- services. L. . Mrs. Stewart Wilson and two children of Toron- - to are here ona visit. '. . Mrs. Harry 1` Callighan of Algonquin 'Park is here . with. `family again. . . ` W8. V._.-- wU'II\l~' Ia.A_qo / _.LuUDo IDIIUIW OI bert .,were`;Sun|1Gy Visitors o_"_I}h9m- last Week, and attended the funeral of the late Mrs._ James Dunn, who [died in Angus. Mrs. Arthur Pae ac- 'companied the Rev. Mr. Craw on his return home. . Mrs. Albert Bone is conned to her bed with a severe illness.~ . . . . Mr. Samuel .. W. Walker, of Schomberg, visited his brother-'in-law, Mr; James Heylands,. last .week_._ . . Mrs. Allen of Downs-l view. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Stewart. .. Miss Veta Ross was a recent guest of Miss A Georgie Boake s. L . Mrs. John -Crossley his much improved after her recent 'ill- ` ness, -but Miss West is little better. A. . Iteis said that _Mr. A. W. Greene ,of Cifaigvale. has purchased }the Couse elevator here. . . Mrs. Wilson of `West Essa is visiting her broth-l er. ,Mr. J. `A- Corbett. .. Mrs. A. A. Thompson of `Toronto is the guest of her mother_,'M1fs. Torrenee. . . .- . . The sympathy` off-*:Inany friends, "is . e xten_de'd to llIl`3"`-'-*"ain`d` Mrs. Hugh . Gibson, `whose eldest daug_hter,v, Dora, ` died `last week. .T]1`e..funergl , in-on-` LAY.` L- 4.1.9.`-'71*._:__- l $1---Jol1u,.Sn1ith, Wm. McIntosh, J. W. Caldwell, A. Caldwell, John Spearin, C. W. Blaekstock, T.:F. Caldwell, J. W. Bell, Jas. Pue, Mrs. IMoore, L. W. Stotesbury, _,Mrs. Ford, EJ. 'McCandless, B.;Sm1th, Mrs. Rainsford, Mrs. Milbee, Mrs. P. J. Lynch, Mrs. Wm.. Freek, Miss 0. Handy, Mrs. R. H. Fleming, Mrs. Thomson, J. Sissons, W. Ramsford, `Mrs. Reed, Chas. Brown,- Mlss, }Cr_esw1cke, Mrs. Ardagh, J. M. .St1ckles, W. Partndge, Mrs. Urqu- hart, Geo. Cameron,_ T. Preston, J. Lambie, Mrs. Ton1l1nson, Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs. Higgs, ,Miss Black, Miss Laing, Mrs. Horn, K. S. Mac-' donell, Mrs.- Thos. Lowe, J. McKer- inan, J. Shrubsole, Wm. Taylor,'A.` Hainey, J. A. Morren, _ Mrs- T. `i/)Iruryi) M_Clrease,C Sgoddad,` rs. . Tc 1 an, . . ., 1'. _Bosanko, M. Black, W. McManus,_A Friend, F. D. Lawrence, C. Sm- clair, `D. D. \McLean, F. Ston_e,' V. A. Hart, `Well. wlsher, Delsla Pie, F. Score, -B. `O Neill, N. St. vacated by Mr. Hughes. Mr; and last week. . . Mr, and Mrs. Brown May .1-7th-.,-Mrs. John Watson is in.-.Colli_ngWood Hospital, "where she has undergone an` operation. Pleased to report, she is improving.` Mr. and Mrs. Gravitt, of the Batteau, have moved into the house lately` Mrs. Hood visited in Collingwood spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs.- W. G. Moir. . . Mr. Goraml left last Week for Cobalt, afterl spending the past` months on his; farm here. _ I |rau.Jruna%Ba1anc$1170.36} ugh THE NoR ?raE%RN`:'%ADvANcE 1; owan, lV1lSS Ur. Walls, Mr. Eoyston, ` WV. Duff, Mr. ,Wh'itby, Mrs. A. E J .R`ob1nson, J_no.PoWgll,Jr., Han- ` Ilpl W.HRonnson, Wm..Tw1ss, H. . B1`S Op, aunders, B. Greaves, J. 3' Hl0V(617n1,{ ` rvlsroe, E.` Reynolds, VV. l Carsa 1:1: - J5 Grey, G, Parks, pi . . oster, J. Malloy, J. Morley, ' Chas. -Reynolds, Wm. Burtch, C. - Brown, A. VT. Marshall, Mr. H. A. E grrgson, Mrs. E. Kohlmeyer, J ean ; L1 gongt S. Fatwcett, P. T. Clark, C. _ ,McD(:1n $1: A f0\_7- V. Brown, P. . J_ Siliiclir 1VenI,I E. Greaves, E B.nmt0 J _,L.ttl. . oole,_ J. S. 2 Parkern? `J M1 M91 ! E. Morrison B. L Thbs CW1 3 dM. Welker -IJ Bawlf ne1\1}' "s a mu Excel! 13- th- J; F_t1ss .1 . ,Sm1th, Wm. j 89% 2 - I zgera d, A. Ballantyne,` ' . herlock, G. Hart, Chas; Mof-' .` tk J6 Crosrgr, J as.f_ I-4;ewis,, Miss Blfowfl`: xv Lrvmgston, `C. erg, G . rtinyns, . D. _Myers, M`. . J W 2 D :1; $13!} Ayes, CGep. Graves, bus H9 {T .. .. Rioutts, -Geo. A Ra _ yer -S rwls, .. Buchanan, -L'(.>we'*yR1,1 ' umshw." A- mm... -A H ;..V'M`f;``' . A' _ _ ". 3 o `u '.V .g9?!nstn`.?4rs-M Y. .M6'6king;~ ` -'1`h:o-.-;- Snnclair, ' D. ,-_-.... ....-vJ u, vv 0 JL uvuuxuuu, , ijF. W. Maley, Margaret Wilkinson,` E. H. Williams, `Mrs. Ma.cRea,, S. J. Anderson, H. Coughey, A. S. Red- .ditt, A. Wise, AL Greenbury, Mrs. Gallagher, E. Guest, S. T. Reynolds, Mrs. Thornley, ~ J. S. Johnston, J. Swan,` Miss G. Walls, Mr. Foysto n\.V_ NI Duff My WL':+L.. Mr..- A U. LIUDIIHS ' Hurlburt, S.` J. Vair, R. Malcon_1- son, F. M. Montgomery, Thos. Nash, S. McKeever, Miss M. Irwin, T. A. McCarthy, I. A. Sneath, C. VV. Marshall, Mrs.~ C. Kelcey, Wm. Crossland, E. A. Cuff, Geo.` Otta-' Way, W. Adams, Mrs- W. K. Ran-I kin, VV. Firth, Mrs. Sprott, Captain] Bird, E, Armstrong, J. C. Laing,' Miss` Hickling, J. M. Syme, IVI1`. Hurrie, ~A.B., Thos. Milbee, E. Wake- eld. Mrs. P. Robertson,- F.'Car~ penter, Mrs. J. G. Scott, Miss C. Scott, Miss B. Scott, Miss Warner, A. D. Smith, Mrs. E. Marby, Mrs. Milne, Mrs. M. Bishop, J. Irwin, Mrs. J. Payne, Mrs. Charles, Mrs.! J. Stephens, R. Powell, J. W. -._Mer-- rick, W. Crompton, D. W. Bolton,` T. Douglass, T. ' McMulke'n, A. Smith, Mrs. Sproule, Mrs. Chees- man, H. C. Channen, E. J. Armson, C. Everest, R. Yarnold, T. Bolger, W. Sweeney, H. A. Smith, A. F.; Dobson, Misses Craig, Miss `Gunn,l R. Bertram, Misses J. and C. King, R. L.. Wolfenden, Miss Aconley, Mrs. i Ogc `H Sisters Joseph, Chas. Jones, S. McAdam, A. `Overs, Clutten, Mrs. Gray, Miss McCarthy,|, Mrs. Lloyd, W. Patterson, J. Gosling, P i"li`_- W, Mglmr 1\/rom~.,m+ \xr:n,:........ :3 Men As Tweed Working Pants, dark colors ..... .. Boys 3-piece Suits, with straight knickers, sizes 29 to 34, values up to 7.00 Per Suit; n "sale. ......................................................... ..$2.90 each Boys Odd Knickers, at 75c, 14.00, 1.10, 1.25 and 1.35, made from good _L..-..... ----- 2600oooooooooooooooooooo:' Bys 2-piece Suits that were priced as High 3.00, - u t; at V 1: u u at :6 3.75 H u H H as u u u I 5.oo, |]EVL|N& MUHBHISON st_ron"g tweed. I. No acket says: 1; omntr "i:v`vfhen'~?~Ill*5**;.ws arrested --.;Bj'1`,1 t`/._.Ii3i;o1.i"0_A'~>:;"iif the -. prsent '.m...;..-. -V--~-.. A-2- tp;%}ihpt;,}Ahe gav ` a* ;ctition name; 3xIi{i`. liggse, back to Orillia. vv a.I.uu._1g L0 recelve mm and he was taken The` Crown At- `sensational i escape from the Orillia I IKELLY IN BARBIE JAIL v WANTS TRIAL BY JURY] Fred Kelly, who made as rather! lock-up several weeks ago, after be- ing sentenced to pay a ne of or three months in jail for ille`g`l~ le of liquor, is now in Barrie jail, awaiting trial on a charge of jail-breaking. After breaking out `he went by train to Toronto, `but was given a fteen .-days term for` the petty-theft of a necktie from a departmental store, Chief Reid of Orillia was` waiting to receive him, (I his Ynlnnun nu) "L- --~- O n avnnvuu LCK Gifts of provisions, . thankfully 'GII'TS TO THE cHILDRI:N*s` . SHELTER I I The following have been received] at the Alice May Cotter Shelter,` :Worsle-y St., for which the Society` desires to thank the donors:. Dals- ,t0n VVomen s Institute, a quilt andl lclothing; The Ladies Aid of Crown |Hill Meth. Church, clothing; Edgar `Congregational _Ladies Aid and Mission Band, two quilts and pillow;, 'Edgar Meth. S.S. classes (Mrs. Best and Miss Patterson). a quilt; `Mrs. John Gordon, clothing; Mrs. Short, books; Mrs. C. Drury, cloth- ` ing; Red` Cross Society, cookies, etc.; Midhurst Pres. and English Churches, 2 quilts, pillow and clothing; Mrs. Lower, clothing; Mr. Wm. Bryson, baby carriage; Mrs.` Wm. Orok, Midhurst, pillow. It should also be thankfully recorded that VDrs.' Little, .- Lewis and Lyons "are Q-' Hmir m~n+-`m..:......1 ..-..-..-- ,,-_-- _-.... ..,..v.v,- uunxo auu uyunsl "are guvmg thelrprofesslonal servlce without fee when need ,9 \ (15134... ..E -----A ~- ` ` ` g :<:;`;::`&`r:..;;:. days with Mrs; J. Sanderson. 3ooooooooooooooooooococo:1 SHANTY BAY - T May 17th.- Miss M. Hart 7 re- turned after spending` a short time with friends in Alliston. . . Mr.'and'l Mrs.. A. Hubbert spent Sunday with friends in Crown Hill. .. Mr. and Mrs. Orok_ and family of To- ronto are spending a short time in our, village, having rented Mr. Robertson s~ cottage. Mrs. Mc- Watt, Toronto, is spending a few? IG. Smith, J. S. Brunton,f_M. Brown, A. Taylor, -R. H. Stone, G. Snyder, W. J. Gracey, Robt. McBride, L. Terry, VV. Greaves, J. Elliott, E. Whitebread, Mrs. J. McNeil, H. E. McMann, J. McBride,,R. P. Mc-l :13;-ide, Mrs. McCausland, W. B1ogg,! Mrs. C. Edwards, Mrs. E. H. Fir-' lman, D. McPhail, E. Taylor, Mrs.. `W. C1.'ross, J. C.- Lewis, Thos.f Royce, Lem. Little, A. C. Little, C.` W. Reynolds, W. C. Patterson, J .` Archer, J. Davidson, A. B. Brunton, T. H. Knapp, F. Colpitt, Mrs. Mon- crief, Mrs. W. Poole, H. M. "Scott, I Mrs. H. A. Gibson, L. F. Addison. U I Amounts under $1.00-$107.69. : Total--$3178.1S_3. _ TY____-.',1 , I Arman 4. \IIII.lIA Unpaid s 1*11')\shc*1"ii)tions, $2_60. at leqt- two, others` on N the` SALE %o1= MEN S AND BOYS RE Y-T0-WEAR 1 (IEOTHING ' Men s:Tweed and Worsted Suits, were 15.00, for .... ..$12,50 M4e.n s'TweedV Worsted Suits, made in 3 button sack style, extra good "value at 1o.oo, on sale at ................... ..$8_50 Men s Tweed_ahd~ Worsted Suits,` were` 12.00 and 12.50 each on sale for... ................................................. ..$9.75 A few Suits only, sizes 34 to 37, were sold as high as 750 - and 13.50, on sale for ..... .f .............................. ..$3.95 Navy Blue Lilian Beelby of Barrie __ visited at Mrs. T. Campbell s recently. . .Miss Jessie Kell of Toronto is visiting at her home. here. Miss Amy Srigley has returned home from May 17th.-e-Mrs. R. `and Miss] Barrie. .. Mr._ and Mrs. Earl Monk-` man and the latter s mother,` Mrs. S. Gibson, of Toronto, are. visiting` at Miss Lizzie s Gibson. s. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ferguson of Nantyr spent -Sunday at Mrs. Jos. Fergu- son s. . . ` } ___v.-VJ unvunuthlg UCUUIIIE, etc., will always be .received.--Andrew Smith, I " ucu uucucu. . ~ 9 money, clothing, bedding, o`I17nvvn~ L- I 0.00. on sale for .......... ..$ 1.95 `Worsted Suits...9.85, 13.75, 16.50 and 17.75 .. ............... ..$l.25 pair _ vvuavvv [JUL U55, U)` Ethe loaddu... ' ggs'per ozen .. .. Buttr, per` lb. . . . .. Butter; by the basket" %hkken,. dressed`, Illlb I ----v.;, vvu..1vJ.t;Da~I.U n` 0 o lPbas, wholesale .. .. Oats ._ . . . . . . . . . . . .. `BiJckwheat`...' .. Rye .. Hay, per ton .. Flour, per bbl. (Star) Pastry A Flour, per :bUl. Potatoes, per bag . . . I Inna Potatoes, per bag, by` 3 Wheat, wholesale I gimley, wyl`1olea1e uurne, ,cLovaas A_NIi many; __I\__. I Eggs were plentiful on tho mn- 'ket on Saturday, and the I'"" dropped to 17c and 18c. 01 Bradford shipped 17 (*:1. to T" ronto. Considerable bum-1' "'. offered at 25c and 270. :1 drol ` [several cents. Eight loml.- or ha)" {Was somewhat unusual for 1h. time of the year, the price ran`-'i` from-$21 to $23 a ton. 1 otaw` are a1m"ost unknown on tho nmrkt`I- lthe price having dropped so Iluwh` 14111 I May 19--To-day Goo. (`;nnm'<' `shipped 160 hogs and 15 mttlv. :11 J. Shepherd shipped :1 van-loml hogs._ Mr. s]1ip1w1 " Hawkestone. The prim` of .*_4`_ Went up to $9.00, with. sm\`.~ :11 *7-'3 Cattle were down slig]1tl_\'. force come from Mara, the (levy tion did not work, and word wa.~ -.-.: once sent to Orillia that the hzri had been caught. . Kelly ll:1sl-- tween one and two lll]11(l1`(l ilnli;:.;e {in ready money, and, even :11lm\`i:.. ;f01' his aesthetic tastes, was ium; `no necessity to steal a li1`tm1-mt necktie. -This money, no doubt. it. 5 part at least, is the p1'0( (`('1l.~' oz 1.: [sales of whisky. His sllpplies. it 2~ now known, came by the L`..\'.ll.F-. and -presumably with the i-om_.:- vance of. some of the train ll:ll`n'..~. [Part of the liquor was l)l'01l*.'ll[1T1 in cases, and for case wliisky ht` -.'-vi $1.50` a bottle. Each co1isi:`1iim:.f_ included a ve-gallon can ldraught whisky. This he :ulul1.:- iated by the addition" of at It-:1>I 4* gallon of water, sonietimos mmw 1'. lbusiness demanded it, and }oi-li:i;_-- Ia little blue stone as well. '1-" price of this tipplc \\':1s $1.35 4 |bottle. %mfii SnAY; MAY 20` THE LATEST MARKETS 2.75 3.90 5. 75. 8.50 7110198318 . . . I fholesale . . d:;...' ...'-'I ton ssh 2o-oo, "` 18.00,. .... ..$15.oo Barrie, ...I......I.. sman CRAIN

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