Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 May 1915, p. 2

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I n` i DR. `M. H. EMBREE, PHYSICIAN ; and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. 3 0. Alexander.) Oice and resi-` -dance Burton Ave., Allandalai {Diseases of women and children and nervous disorders a specialty. Phone 269. 22-157. I [-1%. _H. T. ARN.A.LL_L-)-FFIC-E. 7 .-.'...J .....~1,'l......... ___....... - "l`-_.---1-- ;DONALD . ROSS, LL.B., BAR- ? rister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money 1 to 1oan._ ;W. A. LEWIS, M.D.-C.M., Surgery] ? and Diseases of Women especial- ly. Oice 58 Collier St. Phone 61-. T T % % ~ 35-] jDR. W. A. ROSS, P.H_YSICIAN, Telephone 165.. . Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.'S., Edin., LR.-C.P., London. Oice and , residence, Dunlap St.. Barrie. |lr`.'`Bosank0l -Barrister, Oicesi Hinds _ Dunlop St. .A.L.L..Lab.V.AJ \.J\.I\I cessor' to Lennox; Cowan & Brown, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Block, No. 8 Money to loan. '1 AAA`, \ '.n.v.l..l 1 1 .L \J.A.LAJ risters, Solicitors. of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Cres- wicke, K.C., W. A. J. Bell, K.O. \J.lJA..l.L, \JkJJ.JJ\J "1-5A7fi31" P1ician, \Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. Oice Hours---9 to 5; other hours by appointment. Phone 565. \ 45-ly 1 In. _y1urux1'v1r,rs. LIUN, 122 Bloor -St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., ` Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases--Eye, - Ear, Nose and Throat. Consu1.tat'ion hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by` / appoin tsment. ' , ff` ` ' ! Some- time ago an Orangeville` `/`Ihotel keeper = Was `sued by the `town fbr business tax. The time .a.ll_oW+ ed for payment expired last Week, and the town seized his ,.automobi1e1 _to square the amount, $90.72.` I and residence corner of Toronto! and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. Dr. 1.. Atzfrnyn _ROSS %FoR% ---- MONEY l`O LOAN 5 n lav-an nw-n.u....4. -4 __.___ UNDERTAKERS SURVEYOR; PHYSICIANS RING 2625 LEGAL) K V-;m S'ie-i'gi\-::s-1;'iE3-t;tters. _ 'a3`'m?:xm$L-mo Horseshoemg No. 55 BAYFIELD ST. OPPOsIrE.' Ross 51 JOHN BABES OLD STAND The qnestion is often _ `asked, What do good roads cost? . If this question were put in another form, viz., What a do bad roadse cost? the answer Would bring home to the people of. Canada What they are paying as a sacrice to poor `transportation facilities---this, in addition to the discomfort. and dissatisfaction of having to travel over them. A - > MA VUFACTURER OF Buggies. Carriages, Wagons Q`-. .I C A 'W.C. Andrew. THURSDAY," MAY zot JOHN JENNETT i CRA|GH.URST.ONT. L [ LlCENSEl_)_ _4_}ICTIONEER _- i C l\IlVL-I-ll` ron IHEESUNTY or snmcoa. {Most reasonable terms given on al `Stock Sales largest 1r ulati ' n Town. 0 he ` on of any paper 1TltheFfI?1tD]:; re'l:`ei tsiaue ,f d rges` Subspuol _ 5 , r ~ act emonst ' its patrons. If you have anf. 911311;," place it with the paper that reaches 331% to 5. not afraiq to pay the price. 9 Deon. Advertlsements. are charged spa.ce-l2 lines non '1 aTdi inch. pare` measure mak'$`m'? 4_5c per line. lIl\Il:IO ""C `TRANSIENT ADVER'!`lSlM'; 0`. Legal Notices. Aucnon bu etc.--First insertion lo centlsCs' e`;"'1`.Bemem, subse uentinsertlon 5cents per ne me Cl M R mg notices, 10 cents per 1{,'] insertion ; 5 cents per line for each 0 f?fh . inset tion 9; the same matter. Obittfgrlyfnoogifl COM M'ERCI AL In 2 I . `- IKE ADVANCE 18 In , largest circulati p ` e. t h 1nthe%$;1ih`\ Y ` The freasurnerfeg one ofthe funds: `that English people are raising to "meet the needs caused by .the "War recently receiv.ed"a package address- ed in a girl s handm-iting. Within, 1179: 9 a-nl.-1 u-inn. nan : .-. 1...:..J.` .....1.... u U - inch. vv yvn aggavo ` "V COMM-ERCIAL DISLAY Rates will be given on application CONTRACT CHANG ES, Advertisers will please bear in notigebgfhinteintiion h mus an e into `t eoic . 13 Satllfdy at 10 o'clock, and fe nztpgffer thu change must be in THE ADVAxcp ofgmlcn later than 12 o'clock noon on Mona` . 110: week, otherwise the advertiser's an to change 3.d\'cI1]'1[xj2d that h may not be mad... nnhlir-. in-nil .L.- _ _1,.C0mem ,...w 00` ml!!! "1 '1 n00nt'g )`n , 1` er 1 z 0 01:; 6 `(IV . . 5113' lwie ..-wk other W99 cement '1 the Weekfow . U b1l ` gde Bu 1: be ` a! no 3':- `,7 ......uu HCe ' gnay not be made publxc unul wezk tom mg. V. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS, Condensed ac v_ert`ise}nents on first page W, as wants of all kmds. xogt and fpund, pm; ` for sale or to rent, spec}-c amclos, etc M * must be accompamed mm the cash. Cuts for advvtisements mustjn . `. case be mounted on sohd metal b. , ----_---r 0 o ll\I..4LaLl o I Allkinda of Fruit and Ornamental Trees Small~F1-nits. Eve reens. Roses. Shrubs Climbers etc. Everyt ing in the .\'m-scr.V1i , Send list of your wants for `prices. Cala- 1 10800 Free. Apply For Terms % AGENT; WANTED EVERYWHERE _ J._ H. Wisner, Nurseryman. Port Elgin 0` . % TRY Kennedy Special Rye Whis9 `y A QUART The NewFound_r_y| TUETIIIII .. . I NEXTDOOR TO THE TANNEHY Is 0 en for all orders in CASTI.\'GS. MI L REPAIRS, 8:2. 4 -51 , Tn": Anvnzcn: $003! . l!i'l'l'-,`II]nf{nn l\`nvu< -.. -.. u D-;;. u uuuuyggsuxxxs. vv.Lu1uu,""" "" D""""""" `.-'"'"7 "la" was a gold ring and a brief note: 1 b_9911 in V0919: -and r 3` _P1'0Vi110i_a1h 4He would have Wished it so, it,l1cense affairs` have subscribed to its ran, the boy will not come back" regulations. In that` time the num- _....x__.- lber of licenses` has been reduced _by Recently the East Simcoe License 0V" 41000` -i'When the_ Suggestlon Commissioners . granted a second Of Hn- Adam C?'_.kS became 131W liqum. Store license in penetang_ there we_re 6,00Ocl1censes 1n Ontario, nishene, where the shop license_fee, and -now there are but 1600-` . !fl"I l\I\l\ Repairs 0}` all kinds Rsidence. I64 Bayeld Street Phone 627. 1`?-If ADvERT1syyc G.S.RANKlN Transact a General Ba21l.'i.ny `Business. . . . . Notes Discozmml at reasonable rates. Collec- tion of Notes and Accounts gimz special attention. . . . . Drafts Issued payable an 3/zI.'lm'e. at Cheques on outside banlzs cas/zed at lowest rates of exchange. . . . . Sale Notes Casked or Collected -,-- ..-_..---v, uuuo Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on shoxtest notxcc and moderate prices. ' _ Al work done by expert machin- xst and guaranteed first class. [Beecm on most favorable erms. '. BI-zacnor-'*r, BANKERS is $1000. And now .. the new Pro- . , _ mg. | Commissioners a _ second mshene, shop hcense fee vincial License Commission has cut them both off, giving the fornier shop `licensee three months in which to. sell out. V v Contractor & Builder 0ce`Hours-10 to 4 Expert Machinist 5155-: - 6:. CO. xements on , los_t (0 pecrc aruc witn c rst p und, lcs, - ash. TREES ! ! The evidence ' of {improved busi- takable and gratifyihg. Factories -are puting on more hands; houses vacant through the winter are_ll- ing_ up, and with an `improved sum- mer visitor trade, there is `every .n/ess conditions ni Orillia are unmis-, 2 prospect of a busy season, "says The Orillia Packet. -T ` Ma-nager 3-tf om Lewis Harcouxft, Eritish Secre-' _tary of State for the` Colonies, front `at London, Eng, last week, said that Gr many stood at the -bar of the world a naked and .un- speaking at a meeting on the. water` I ashamed monster;"' simulating `hu- mamty, but 111 fact a reversion to pre-historic barbarism. I Sir Robert Borden is` Canada s ideal statesman for leadership dur- ing the war. There will `be few! Canadians of any party who will] dispute this statement made by the Ottawa Citizen, which recently de- clared it was 11ot a Conservative newspaper. Our` Liberal friends( should make a` note of this. . NOTE AND COMMENT TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION The nefvous system is the alarm system _ of the human body. A In perfect health we hardly realize that we `have a network of nerves,` but when health` is ebbing, when strength is declin- ` ing, the same nervous system gives `the- hS?!:.hs. tiriedness. dreamful lrritnbnhty andvnnleae - -< u According` to The Sun the police] of Owen Sound have adopted a new method in ` dealing with boys who ride bicycles on the sidewalk. Many of the worst offenders are boys from ten to fourteen .years of age, and the police do not like to lay an information against boys of this `age _ and have them up in court, so they have decided ._to impound their wheels for _a certain length Tof time. Th.~ Police _ feel` g that ' this -method of punih'me'nt* may` ` ,hav.ef the 'desire`d*.,eecb,-.; ,,.,_?in `the; case 4.` an; .en:&-`._ ;:-.. ;..v ` ....'~ w.iI`IJL` 5.1.14.-..L'_".>.'!-;---II 2 Igln / V \L\.na1J._O\.I. Guano, ab, 111 M18 (7858 OI _a ne, it" is usually the` boy s fa`ther and not the boy himself who` has to [pay ~t,hev fne and -Vtlib boy] does nbt igeljthe .+p1A1Vni_s;11,.i_zient. To -~be-. `de-`J Lpiiygs1;,[ he has IMPOUND wnrmns % or k 1 SIDEWALK RIDER ___,_._ I Orillia .Pacl(et-'-AV sight of 7' County Crown Attorney Cotter, ufho ` was there on. Saturday in connection with the Kelly case, sets one s mind running back to the time when he . rst came to Barrie. So alert and _active is he still, it is not easy to. lrealize that Mr. Cotter must have made his first - acquaintance with. Barrie, as a young man, away back, lsay in 1857, ten years before the confederation of the Canadian` Pro- vinces. It would be interesting to know how many {of the present vresidents of Barrie were there at` that time-+58 or `60 years ago. Mr.' Cotte1'_.himse1f, if one may be per- mitted to guess, cannotbe less than 79 or 80 years .of age, judging not by` his appearance, but by the ` ilength of time. he has been a `prom- minent gure in the life of the- `county? town. The Packet should I }b_e,glad to set the Crown Attorney s pen going, and get fromhim some -interesting. reminiscences `probably . not now` available from any other 3 source. . - - or I The North `Star says :-There are! . a lot of brave(!) young. men in Par1'.V, Sound, at least they say they r are brave, but so far they have not fallen over each other to prove it.` A lot of these brave men were look-' ing at a picture . of some of the` soldiers, when one, -with a sneer in h_is voice, said f`I do not see i there, naming one of the boys of, the First Contingent, about Whom' some Smart Alecks were Wont toj poke fun.A No, spoke up a man, who has a boy in the First Contin-I gent, Nor do I see your picture there." You claim to be some ght- er, -but . has shown _more ,pluck than _you dared. He is in 'the trenches ghting like a hero, while you are at home sneering at braver men than you ever, dared; L be. There was silence in the !" group that could be felt and the sneering brave man took himself off. 5 I. l, |"York,~N.B}; col. ury B'ak'r; M.P.` for -Bxjqme; Col. Hugh. McLe'_a1i," MP, for `Queens and. Sudbury.. 4 . I ' `f4 In Orillia the E. .L; 5ComI,ni$sion _ -charges $430 .'per` `annum V. `for A-cur-V rent for an electric iron and $3.60 ~. for toasters or other appliances of similar Wattage. `In Barrie, we pay for what current We ;_us'e : for all similar appliances at 4:} cents per 11000 "Watts. The Packet says the ordinary domestic iron consumes as much current as ten 16-c.p. lamps, or nine, and a half 60-watt tungs- tens, or in other words from tW0-| thirds` to three-quarters of a horse-i 0 power; ' The Packet ' A questions whether. those on meter system get icurrent for these appliances _ so `cheap. -* i It - The automatic resignation of _the hundred . odd `license commissions on Wednesday When the new board` as- sumed charge, _marks the ending of la ' system which has prevailed in Ontario for 40 years. Since 1872i the Crooks ` method of local com- missions, airpointed at the sugges- 'tion of legislative members, has 'been vogue, _and all provincial llinonan ..n:..:..- 1.....- ..-.1.--..::.-; L. 21.... As a. substitute for the 'vodkal shbps, `which have been abolished, there have been erected in the open; `places thropghout Russia People s`- Palaces and` smaller buildingsu l Where the people may meet" for en- ltertainment and instruction. Con- siderable progress has already been made in\ carrying out this scheme, [the scale of which can ,be inferredf `from the fact that in the govern-i` iment of'Poltava alone 300 of these- popular recreation places have been` opened or projected. They contain! (reading rooms and halls in whichl uconcerts, exhibitions and other en- itertainments can be given. 477 n . The_ Orillia Packet says: N eWs' ofl the sudden death of Mr. A. E. H. Creswicke, of Barrie, 'Was1a shock to `not a few in Orillia, to Whom the deceased lawyer was known pro- fessionally or socially. Mr. Cres- uwicke s outstanding ability, his un- tiring industry, and the- tenacity and pluck with which he habitually fought the case of his client,.mark- ed himvwith something more than` ordihary distinction among his pro-l Jfessional brethren. It may be some `slight comfort to Mr. .Creswicke s lbereaved widow and family to `know that they have the sympathy of many friends here. _ _ g ?f`.__- e -o | Dr. Wzirnock, ,M.P. of Lethbridge, Alberta, who has accepted a com- mission in the Imperial Veterinary Service, which he is to represent in Canada, is the seventh member of parliament to join the colors. The other members are Col. Carriok, M.P..e Port Arthur; Col. _J. .A. Cur-' rie,e_ MP. for North Simcoe;- Hon. Dr. Beland, now a German _ prison- er; Col. Harry McLeod; ]M.P. for [LIVE STOCK CENSUS % | L or smcor. COUNTY . A_copy of the` censu of the `pure bred live stock of Simcoe County, prepared. and issued by the Simcoe County Branch Ontario Pepartmllt 0-...-- \/vl-IIA\L uuLAJ,v:. LJUGII j 5?}; razor strop,` John Sutherland, 1 politician in opposition to all the lwould stand by Currie s desk and `give imitiations of. Washington crossing the" Delaware, and Na- polean on the Bellerophon, while the rest of us howled, to Jack s dis- comture. I really wish that. I might tell you the history of ' all that group of men who sat in the Mail oice in those `days, for their -careers have been widely diversied. One has figured as a masterful policies of the paper of Which he was the city: editor; others are scattered over the continent `en- gaged ' in di"erent enterprises. But J aek-Jack. Currie--is on the `ring! , [line.-. In the name of the old boys 'of. the Toronto ;Mail staif. of `twenty- ve years ago,` Iutake oif my hat to Jack Currie. I May he,jbe.back with ' us. soon, bearing with" him the hon- 1 ors _of- victo r`y,v ` v I `Peter McArthur, whose articles 'in The Globe are widely read, says: `Over twenty-ve -years ago in the offices of the Toronto Mail my desk as`a reporter was next to that of, 'Jack Currie}-now Colonel Currie, off :the 48th Highlanders. He had en- `listed as a private, and his fellow -reporters took much joy in jollying [him about his military` aspirations. ,_John- Sutherland, foreman of the printers, veteran of the American Civil `War, and recognized` humoristi of the. Mail Mechanical_ Depart-l ment, `used to come down " about eleven o. clock at night clamoring {for copy, but he always had -time to josh Cupid Currie. Lean I 0Q 11 -an nan nd-Ann ` ' T-`--- C` `TAKE orr HAT TO frm: LATEST Novus v.a. I AL1uu.L 1.1 V11]. \JUl. VV U11. I O J Allandale is enjoying now a little boom, some 9101` 10 residences be- iing in'the course of erecti_on and a {number of others will beerected. ! rn1__ n-,,,r .-...u.uuu;. us. uuuuxa vv.u.L UC`C1UUl;t,Su.. ! The Barrie tannery on tDun1op [St. east (the present site of the shoe Ifactory) is now in operation, beingl `run by the Barrie` Tanning V Co., composed. of J. B. Bickell of To- ronto and Messrs. R. Park & Co. of Newmarket. ~ I The 'following Barrie law Vstu-A ldents T passed their examinations: I 1st inter., T. H. Lennox; 2nd i_nter.,l W. A..Boys, W. M. Campbell and J. H. McCur1'y.- ' _`A cold, Wet May. _ The license commissioners have decided not to grant a license to the {Victoria Hotel at present. T.nn4- vnnnir n J-Any -....... 'I.....'_.... tion in The Advance that the visit of the Third Contingent to Co11ing- A````" i In reference to the recent asser-' Wood was the first time a body of soldiers_ on active service had ever- visited that town, The Orillia Packet asks What about the Woolseley. expedition` in 1871`! The _writer in The Advance has forgot- ten it. Part. of Woo'1seley s_ force,| if not all -of it, went by v Calling-f Wood, and for a few weeks that port had the busiest time in its -history. . :---?j1 - 3 vagv I AuuuL Lu: J...L\Ju\4L 04!: B1 000110. -Last. week a team was being! driven along CLappe1'ton St., near the Baptist Church, when the foun-I dation "of the street gave Way and threatened to "swallow team and -driver.` Almost every year there `is a cave-`in. on this street im-i I l med-iatelyf over the sewer. 1\,r.;-.1....4. ...._-:---` nr: Ni A n.LA\.I\&AV.|Cll\/1.7 VVVL U11`? DCVVUJJ ' | Market prices,` 25 `years ago, `were: wheat. A90-451.00, "beef 8-9, dressed hogs $6.00-$6.75," butter 12- ,15, eggs, 9-10, our $2.85. I rm... Cu... n..:n:._ ___:n L,,:,, , I canny`, A-I 4.0119 ` Ranson Gallinger pleaded guilty` Eto the charge of bigamy at the Po- lice Court, Orillia, and was com- mitted for ' trial. Gallinger came originally from Colwell. ' AIl.......J..`I.. 1... _...._-_,.,n "'A` Lon-`I vobuv u .A,v, u.uu.|. I The Str. Or_i1lia will an ex- cursion` from Orillia on Saturday, 'D...........'. n_n:_--.-_, ,,'I, 1 1 -I. (From, The AdVvTancTe `of May 22nd, 3 TJ A 1890) ' % IDEAL BANKING SERVICE Barrie and Allandale Brannches, H. A. SIMS, Manager or andard W0 36 t5 (j-'A The Toronto`Star seems to have put its pet Gadsby in cold storage until after the War. A wise pre- caution, says The Orillia Packet. Would that it were so. Perhaps "he. has become ashamed since he scr-s that the men of noble birth,.who1`.-3: .-he so villied, were among the rst to go to the front and that many of them have fallen that such as .he might live in safety.` BKfK ms `PRONTO 25 .Years A Ago T HE MODERN 0 BANKING, 0 SERWCE ~ offered by 1 ` The Bank of Toronto to its customers combines all the advantages of sound banking ~exp'erie_nce, gain- ed through sixty years of safe `banking, with the modern ' equipment and progressive outlook necessary to meet " ,present-day requirements. ` ' Careful attention is given to all Business. Accounts, and our long experience and ample funds insure full, satisfac- ' tory service to our cu;omers.. Capital - - $5,000,000 -Reserved Funds - $6,402,810 TI-IE NORTHERN ADVANCE con. JOHN GURRIE` For IINCORPORATED3 I855) cedar shingles. T Metallic cemng` ,-_-_. _---V: 1-it C333` ll1\J guaranteed 5_. 10, 15 years. Beaver and Blshopbrlc Wall Board Anythingin the Lumber Line. V ` our our: PIucss_s3FonE YOU BUY THE Bill PMNING Mlll [JU- Telenhnne um . I ------ w_uv you Ansutnvnus | Telephone I09 BARRIF. cEnTAnN:1`g:n:1p1':1g_(_)_<>F1N(@; I IJLIIJUJCL `Post Ofce Department, j _ Mail Service Branch Ottawa, 8th May, 1915. .,.-uu-.;uv:. \gI\;LL\.L wt. .53 1JLC(I:Dll.lCo ' Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of uro- posed Contract- may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob; itained at the Post Ofce of Barrie. ' G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent pIIQ+ TWnnns.l~.-.u.nJ- ' SEALED TENDERS addressed to` the Postmaster eGeneral, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon on Friday, the 25th June, 1915, for the` conveyance of His Majesty s Mails! on a proposed Contract .for four! * years as required each way, be- `tween Barrie Post Office and Street Letter Boxes, Etc.,_f1-om. the Post- master Genera1?s pleasure. ` H Dv:I1+nA 'I1l\`-`.Inl\r\u ....--J.-_'--_'__ -. A" J1 of Agriculture, has reached this ..oice, and the record should prove ayvaluable help to- all interested in livestock. The `census, which- was compiled-`by J. Laughland, `district representative,_ Collingwood, was taken with the object of` getting a complete list of stock breeders of the county, together with the num- Lber and ages of the animals kept by each. Not only does this in- formation provide denite data re- garding the extent to which pure bred live `stock is kept, but also makes obvious that in localities showing a special adaptation to a [particular class of stock, encourage- lment can be given to community `breeding. o "I11... .'.-.'..-..,.-..J..'..... ..._--L..:_-._J :-_' ;_1__l IN GOLLINGWOOD I On Friday. morning. County Con-I stable` McCrae saw a suspicious looking dray_-going up the main street, says. The Collingwood Mes-I senger. Jumping on the dray, he seized. (in the King s name) What`. appeared to be two full casks of} `beer. Alas! on examination, they] proved to be empties. ! I ...... ..t,. . The information contained in the report Was gathered by visits to farms, by correspondence, etc. The ilist is not claimed to be complete, `and breeders who are not included: |are asked to` send in reports of' their-. live stock, for which cards! will befurnished by.M1'. Laugh1and.\ It is the intention of the depart- ment to issue the report at the be- ginning om each year,` "so as to keep : it up-to-date. . Real Esmt;;nd IT1;aurahce % Phonesao. Bosanko Block . Barrje `V-iv have" `$200,000.00 worth bf houses and property in Barrie `and Allandgle. .g'ht, and `will do -more. She "has Tl1e,London Times of April 21st, has a long article` on Canadian Aid for Wounded. It pays a ne tribute to the Canadian Red.` Cross Society, the Clivedon Hospital, and the Iiitelligence Bureau. Canada has done -much in raising men to also done a great Work in providing for Wounded, and we are glad the; people -of Britain recognize and ap- preciate Can_ada s efforts. ' l ` `go-so AAHIIIIILJEIQ. Small cash payments. Balance ` as rent. . Farms for Sale. rent, own vow: own HOME Cease wasting your money uni MAIL % CONTRACT T_H9_3'WXEB MANUFACTURERS aooxsro p.` " tlpg 1.9033 'l'..'lmlted ONTARH) 19-21 v , UL uuc l.:UW1l._ wOver' 200 athletes have V ente1`e&. ` `for the Provincial Athlgtiq meet at 1 f`0wn Sond, _now has a jitney service, with. 9. small fare to dier- ant parts of the town; % ' % T.-v=n....-; mm -L'l_I_vL_,, " . . . - mun:-. I I U LUAIV 'Wehave a large a.mo_unt pf money to loan atlowest current ratesqtther 111 small or in large a.mounts_._og t_J1_e_ggun _.v of good farm mm-t. uuuvvcala uurrflt. rates. tnerfm 3319.1`! amounts. on e secun _v o 0 arm rt- ea. 'gIcC.%ITH. BOYS MURSHIE, N. I w on tree ame. , [saw or m-auto ms; Bax-rte UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, Ontario Land Surveyors, En- gineers, etc. Established 1852. Office, Medical Building, S. E. corner Richmond and Bay Sts., Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy ,& Esten, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attendeg to. jv (Successor to the late R. L. Barwick Fire and Life Insurance. . Real Estate Agency % Money to Loan A number `of good lFarIns_ and Tguqn Pm- - poulu for sale on any terms. -__., _.w-w : Iw`. Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8; Nose Hospital, London Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Suygeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bnsfol Eye Hospital, Bristo ; and Birmingham _e -Hos ital. Birmingham ; former Member of p tish phthalmological Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREFT, BARBIE. Phone 54. P. O. Box. 96. .:'3PIlhIishe_tl from the oioe. 123 Dunlop Street ~' I ne.1nt.he County or Simcoe. the.Pro~ ` Vince of Ontario. Canada. every ursduy Mornipg. by ` / ' . Th IIO/HPION DREW. . __-_----` c-7&2 L.R.C.P. 8: s. Edinburgh; M.F.P`. 8: s. Glasgow ' ---SURGEON-- . Eye. Ear. Nose 6 Throat. unn:nm n-un-L I ..-___ v\,,4 n- IEEXANDER % COWAN,o SU-C- T_._._l`1_._. 15_._._. _ GI G. -SMITH & oo., PHONE 82. Established 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Bar- rie,_ Ontario. |Jgs.s. ARNOLD OR}3SWICKE_ & BELL, BAR- 1 _.___.__.__..-__...__._...j_.4__._.. A. RADENHURST, BARRIS- .ter, Solicitor, .~Notary Public, &c. M Oice, 1st oor Bank 'of ._oronto Building. Money to loan at low- i estgratesi . , STRATHY & ESTEN, B-ARRIS- hers, -Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Con-` I veyancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at .lowest current rates. G. I H. Esten. ' ' _/ {DR H. -A. DUGLAY, 0STEO- T)A'I"TTTfV `I'IL,,__`,,'_ % 5s TE L 1 RI-STERS, Solicitors, Notaries ' `Public, and Conveyancers. Money" to loan in any sums at` 5 per -- cent. Oice, 13 Owen St., Bar- rie. D. M. Stewart. 1133.. 3//IORTIMER LYON,` 12-2 T)1_-_. (V1. 1 L "` " - _..-_- _ --V-` ' UNITED STATES SUBRI_B%.~S $;`l.`V5O IN ADVANCE ; 31.09 rm Arfnirm I1rA.DvANonl END new name will be added t6 the sub .so1fi_ption List. until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 "per annum.

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