Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 May 1915, p. 1

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tch, page % ` T,he'-W'. C. Hunter `Clothing Co. s :1 Inauguration Sale and automobile n contest proved _a great ' successl P Last {Saturday their store was C crowded all day` with eager buyers, and the auto contest promises to be i a great drawing, card. The Ivy- I orchestra,` composed of the follow- ing: Mr. W, C, Lennox, Rev. T. J. i Dew, Mr. F. Stewart, W.` Banting, -1 i W. ,Martin'/and N01'n13Il`_ A.Doan, i proved " at great attraction _ and de- ` ~ lighted the, general public. This In- 1 .. auguration Sale will close Saturday, "] s.M`ay 22nd, the automobile contest` ,] .- wi-ll--gcontinne*-=and=,votes will be given 1 y. '.~fo'r~.fev'e_ry' `cent ;-`spent fin, our store. Q ]'N_'-wt. is.-the time to enter the `auto 3 co.n;tiest-" r.So ipersqn i$;,g..'1ng_.t ,1 d ; (SOUNCIL GlV'ES , $300 A MONTH I _1;_ga_1> :%cRoss Rate Not su-ck Yet, And Es- : timates Must be. Pared Down, Says inance Chairman .iThe granting of $300 [per month until_ the end of the. year to the funds of the Red Cross Society was _one of "the chief items of business at Monday night s council meeting, the. motion being `unanimous. V Nothing was done in reference to compiling the` estimates or striking in-.. 1n1z:`;..., -..n4-n .oc Hm nnitnr- (3U.[1q)1_1u1g hut: cauuuau:-2 mu. uvu-----5 `the 1915 `tax rate,- as the auditor s report was incomplete, the water- works statement not being ready for presentation. Some discussion xresulted on - this question, -and the Finance Chairman stated that if the rate is to be kept down to any kind of a reasonable limit, there must be. considerable paring of estimates. This led Ald. Horseld to remark that it would be better to spend a_ little money and give the working man a chance to earn a dollar or two, even if the rate was a little higher than What they would like to see it. It was decided to have a `special meeting to go over all the] estimates and see what revision could be made, some of the alder- men still contending that many of the expenditures were uncontroll- able by Council, and that, therefore, `little paring down could be done.` a Communications _ - Mrs. G. G. Smith asked` permis- sion to drain water from the roof of her house on Owen St. to the sewer. V I The Bell Telephone. Co. asked permission _,to erect ve poles on Mary St., north of Sophia St. rurnvs The G.T.R. requested the Town to zcontinue `steps at St. Vincent Park- outside their property, as water is doing damage to the work they have done there. i `T I\`I' API\ I `I A fI:;O.L. No. 452 requested permis- sion _ to put up advertising stream- ers -atid such decorations for 24th of May and 12th July. '13-`..- 'D.......-.nLJ- J-`LAn.1.L `LL . 1:.-.n Va. AI4|aJ ungsvu. .5.-vnn vu.sJc `Reeve Bennett thought the `line should be drawn somewhere in re- gard to street advertising signs. - ';n.:| tJ....,.c..1.J ..;.:`,1 u_..; --....-- I bum. \.L vv nvJ.\a\av lav: 1 Va. vsusnzb uxbnnua Ald. Horseld said that many people had put up street signs with- out permission." 'r..;....* .. .....L:,... ....Q.. :--:._.--.1----.1 Later a motion was introduced V granting the request.` V '_ '* Several requests_ for permission tc to cut down and trim trees_ were W sent to committee. . 11* $300 Monthly "to Red Cross The Finance and Assessment Com- mittee reported that-they had care- fully considered the request of the Red Cross Society as presented by a delegation of ratepayers at the last meeting, and every member of your `committee, as well as every member of this Council, feel that las a corporate town we have done very litle in the way of granting assistance in the great struggle, now ll upon us as a nation; As individuals 8 L citizens, many have done their part . and many more will continue to do I noble work in lending assistance to 3 ' the various oragnizations promoted 8 for the welfare and comfort of our 1 I soldier boys; We, as a council, should 8 ` place -ourselves on record as ap- ' preciating the noble self-sacric- ing work of the ladies of Barrie` in" carrying on the work of Red Cross 3 1 Society, and we -should consider it 5 not only a duty but a privilege to l " assist in a cause as worthy as the f Red Cross Society. `_ Your Commit- 1 e tee feel that there is no better` way ` n that we can assist. the men at the a front than by contributing of `our ` 0 -means to the organization known as. i the Red Cross Society. We would V recommend that afgrant of $300 _be` * made each month to the end_ of the year. Your committee feel that the ,` needs of _the Society would demand ` , a larger grant,_. but we keep in view the _ facts that there are extra ` de- 19. Vmands `upon the ratepayers from the` *5` Provincial, G ernment and the 33' County, which, with the current ex-l l f penditures of the year, make our V rate high enough. The report car- 3' _ried unanimously. _. A W- W A 1 . m . . ..:`n1... ....:.a mu 1. 1 `Avun W."X."`i.`3x7v"` v}11% be paid $11, bei _ing `tWo-thirds, va,.lu;eV `of sheep killed. by dogs. T ` ` ' ml... n._L1:- '7-`._`;-1 . _ . . _ , _ _ . ,_'LL_- ,__ ".7 `W5 -N . ' The Public` Works committee 1:0-l commended that the W. and L. Com-l mission be notied that they will be held responsible for damage to `Bradford St, 7pavcmen_t~ cau_s.ed. by break in the '.w_ater pipe unde1'1nin- ing the roadbed; that Merrill . & Hubbard and Mr. Palmer be grant- ed permission "to erect gasoline A jiumps in front of. "the: places `on. A Dilnlop and Elizabeth St,,,.if".f9Y Tisme ;til_l :.`liabi;it_y; " * ` " `I * 2: j when ` ..tmi, , CII\JIl1\JLl, |I\J |l\JlL AAA .- uasvanvnuuw :7 I higfdon s' --rgquest ::;xj=e;`.. I 1 r o-au- i%-win %s'r. _`AND_RI'.W S LADIES * X FURNISH. HOSP.` SUPPLIES Since the -middle of January a ' noble work has been done by the young people of St.- Andrew s `Church in making up Red Cross hospital. supplies`. On Thursday evening last an open meeting was held to allow the congregation to see whatfthis busy band of women , were doing, and it was a '_1`eV(`.ial.1011 tovthe uninitiated to see 35 or 40 of- them at work preparing hospital supplies to help_ in the work of ministering to the wounded on the battleelds of Europe. Up to the 8th of May the following hospital requisites have been made: 56 pneumonia jackets, 1104 large and 2892 small pads, 540` compresses, 720' gauze bandages, 2706 cotton bandages, 1152 annel bandages, 3000 gauze dressings, 1440 -"gauze wipes, 1500 mouth wipes, '3 arm slings, and 250 wash clothes. All the materials for these hospital sup plies were furnished at their own expense, and some of the -S|1','.|pl u"S have been forwarded to Sliornclie ---:l-L nln:-|r\rv\I\1'\+Q }\' have D8811 Lurwurutsu bu uuuu..,....., in conjunction with shipments by the Hospital Club. At Thursday nevening s meeting a voluntary col- ilection of $17.50 was contributed by those present, with `which to pur- chase further material. of land at waterfront in east end. A --.-_---..,1..LZ.\n A? {Jan `OI 13110 at L1uuu 111 vunau \,..\.. On recommendation of the Fire iand Police Committee, two rooms in the re hall residence will be paper- ed at cost not to exceed $15. That Mythical Hose" Ald. Wallace asked if the Board of Works Chairman had any ex- planation in reference to the 500 feet of hose said to have been loan- ed his committee by the Fire De- partment. 'ni...:......m T4`:ahm~__1i`.nrrinm=.r Mac- 1 paI'];meuL. Chauman F1sher--Engmeer Mac- donell said he would present a re- -port 1n writmg. Dnnvvn Dnnnn++_'r}1D 'FIf'.f. i ApOI'L 111 W1'1laJ.l..l5. Reeve Bennett--The fact is they lnever got, 500 ft. of hose last year. VVhat they did get was 300 feet of obsolete hose. Chairman, of Fire and Police Gray substantiated this. ' Motiog -. . Fisher-Wallace-- hat the Board of Works, have the motor installed and stone crushed ready for use. _, _J_A. VIWLI... in n Adsonnd yanu `Shunt: \:.l.u:uu:u.,u_y . u . u v V. } ' -Reeve Bennett-Th1s 1s a dlreci motion and should go to committee. The costtmay be $500 or $1000. Ald. Stap1eton-NoW is the time we want the crushed stone, when We are repairing the roads.` If We have to Wait for three weeks for a report from committee `the repairs will be nished. A 1 1 `l'.1,_-_ ..--...I..:..nJ I-Ln` +110 `Wlu De uxusucu. Ald. Fisher explained that the town is buying gravel ~- now as the town pit has given out, and he .3 -----L4 L. .....4- e4-nno an nvnchnr] ; uv n aAV I... ` Wanted { now. IIUW. A Bennett---Stapleton -- That the `Board of Works have the old wood- en crossing, opposite Mr.. Patter- son s on Sunnidale.Road, taken up, as it is dangerous. Rusk--Gray--That clerk write Vespra township in referenceto building a culvert on Ti"m St., cost not to exceed $100, half share to be borne by Vespra. Wallace--Rusk-That Ald. Clark `be granted one month s leave of . absence. Gray--Bennett--That the VV. and L. Commission furnish council with a statement of the number of lights and hydrants charged for up to May 1st, and for each month there- after. 1': I A-,-,- 1"l..--.....LL 'I`1.n+ If-Ln II nun :- 17 -[22 IECI. \ Robertson-Bennett -- That the` ,Court of Revision for appeals un- der the Assessment Act be held on Monday, May 31st, at 9 am. _ Wilkes--Rusk-That the Fire and Police Chairman, .'or some person appointed by him, examine the var- ious hydrants to ascertain their con- dition, and report to council. AIII 117111--.. .....3 Ll.n4- n4- conrnn n-p dition, and report to couxlcu. l Ald. Wilkes. said that at some of the hydrants the remen have to do digging, while` others were up .in the air. At places where_ repairs are being made sections of the town are cut `off. Ald. Lang said the'i'e was a stream ~of Water running -down ; `James St. ever since .a hy- drant had been used. _,_LL 1:7- '..'L...-1,1` .......,. `llfllla llilvll UCULL unau- I Reeve Bennett--We should com- `plain to theACommissione1'.s and re- .fuse to pay if -hydrants are not ! workable. IV: `I A 133.1. __. V'lV`l....J., `LA .Dt\f\*l0I-I WOTKEULB. ~ Stapleton-Fishe_r-That- the Board `of \Vorl-:s give the grade lines for [sidewalk on Sophi _ from Mary to `Toronto Sts., so t at owners may ., grade their lots uniformly. TxT:Il..-m _T.nnrr;_'I`}\n+ `Rnsn-til nf gratle lalli.`/11' LUUD ul1_1LU.I..u|L_y. A Wilkes-Lang4-That Board of iWorks consider replacing or re- lpairing . culverts at Davis and Thompson Sts. and.` at `Duckworth and Steele Sts. . 717011 ' _._`l- _.. '1.-..\& n\ nrul-'n\rV)|` , :tz`;1,;;,t q1'g tretiizref of this cor-I `KUU DLUUIU Liv-D. 'Wilkes-Fisher--That a comm'i- tee composed of Deputy Reeve Rob- ertson and Ald. VVa1laee be appoint- ed to convey to Mrs. Donnell by means of atletter, this V Counci1 s regret at-._ the `great loss sustained, iiv her: in the de;ath7df~ her `esteem-_ ' "hill and,"'\tfliB`h'g3.d "been*1:he`-'-`Faith -i- I L `IL \.`lu\4.L AL poration; VIVL-In am porauon % ' This ,t!)9;;;fco}1 1.notion was passed with all`. mail` standing as a mark o,f ;L`_,:_f_or a memory 0 '_thcir.~i -I~Ul'\a\`II .LvL 0 ,l;.a.te clerk I 11115 g1VU`ll Uub, (h|A\.L nnv to get stone all crushed .a.. --7 CAPT. RODGERS ` TO BE INVALIDED HOME FOR REST Received Eleven Wounds and Lay In Open Field All 5 Day.-Now At '-nd9,:!'-8- From letters to relatives here, it Lis learned that Capt. Geo. Rodgers will be invalided home as soon as. his wounds heal suiciently for him to travel, and that he will spend six weeks or two months here before re- turning to the front. I 1,,,_.___ - -_._ _,-,_c - _ Capt. Rodgers had a most danger- ous and terribly thrilling experience at the battle of Langemarck. He was wounded early in the day and lay in the open until midnight, when he was carried into a hut by two soldiers. During the time he was lying in the open he received other rounds . altogether having no less than eleven bullet wounds in his body. He remained in the hut until moved the next day, and by easy stages he arrived at London, where he Writes from Weymouth House. His hosts of friends here Will be pleased to learn that his wounds are all healing nicely, and although it will be some time before he will be able to take up active military work again, that it "is not feared that there Will be any serious results follow. ' The following sad message, dated Ottawa, , May 15th, came over the wire to Allandale on Saturday af- ternoon:-Mrs. J. Herrell, Allan- dale: Deeply regret to inform you 10725 Private Clifford E. Herrell, 4th Batt., oicially reported killed. --Adjutant General. ` _Cliord E. Herrell, who was only 18 years of age,` was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Herrell, formerly of -A1la_n`dalef.` He at one time worked- Acsqnsusuanvo -D-L\I you \rAA\I VAQA\J --nus.` on The Gazette, and later at the Shoe Factory. aHe was an unas- suming boy and had many friends. When the call came for the first contingent he was one of the first to volunteer for serviee, and Went with the 35th quota as a bugler. Some time ago his death was reported in mistake, and his parents were happy to learn then that the report was untrue. When the telegram came --- C1..J.--...J..-- IL -....... ,'l..II-..\-...,'I J... -.. ......u... .. ...... ..- .e..,,-, ........ .... on Saturday, it was delivered to `a. brother, the mother being` in Orillia. Mayor Craig promptly notied her. No` further particulars have yet come to hand. This is the rst fatality among: the Barrie boys in the rst contine;'nt yet reported. A number of the officers of Kerr Masonic Lodge paid a fraternal visit to Orillia Lodgre, No. 192, last Friday evening`, and durin__:' the evening exemplified the First De- gree. The occasion was the official visit of W. J. Martin, of Penetang- uishene, D.D.G.M. of Georgrian Dis- trict, and a banquet followed the Work in the lodge room. I` FIRST BARRIE FATALITY Orillia Lodge is remitting all dues and sending leather cased certicates of membership to the seven of its members who have en- listed "for active service. They are: Lieut. Col. W. J. Douglass, Major Preece, Lieut. W. O. Tudhope. Dr. J .` V. Brown, Dr. E. B. Alpdrt, Artilleryman T. Thomson and Bandsman F. Pilgrim. : With mvmg. En 3- {on .400 Ben Auuuu m Aovnuci IINIEI COIIII 1 I\'AIl,lN`l'I Wher\.Vyou buy your bread look for our label on every loaf. It ; our guarantee to you. " Label MASONS AT ORILLIA BRYSON., S Look For the \ ruona so Ltuva. NI er 15: 1 5349 9-21p. E the "J5 muunm Are Ygur Children Learnmg to Save G. M. UPHAM - to expend Each should haxe a unt in the Ilgiylfgrlgtl Isgavmgg Ac _ ANK _ OF co CANADA, win 1 opbortunities L to. Save 1'l'11la1'1V and t ` ra' ' . ~ . .m.\` xviseiglng 111 how 111 thrift ~ Such and S . an 8 will mursuiiiiiwiina"-uni? : WHOLE No`. 4131'} WLL '\P oN cEw' puauusnan V . . A. X -_4 . $2? 11.0 It 111. I A \ \,l_l-VULLEVQ l~ll.\,[ yV`.mV _R1:\'. 15. 1:. J. TBIGG-S, B.D., Vicar Zn a set- . 1 15 Let me see a hat just ilikc the one you sold-Brown. We hear this every day. When a man ' wants real style, good value and ` absolute satisfaction in a hat. he comes-here for it. We sell hats that bring a man batik" again and again. That's why . we do the biggest hat business between Toronto and North Bay. `| 25{i)ii*ilIi-:R~ \.\'HI'['SL'I\'DAY. _ M .\In\' `.231'(l, 1915. 4.0 u.m.--Hol_\' Communion. 8.41 u.m.-~Ilol_\' Communion. V v [L0 a.m.~,\Iutins and Holy Com-.. T munion. T `_ 3-" }).i11.-~.\'..\`.' and Bible @1333- ]-00 p.111.--l`I\'ex_1s0ng and Sermon. hlixv 1: v. -1-s'1\ 1'1` _-_.. Simmons % & Co. Trinity Chgrch SPLENDID VALUES $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 sgmnuggguugg 111 nu: SIMCOE HOTEL MENU FOR SAT.; MAY 22 Stock Tomato 'S{o;up Boiled Pickled Pork and . Cabbage 1 H Roast Beef'--Brown Gravy 7 lK__I Or Dressed H_::art__.,_ V: eaded inner fall. er 13, u bi'-:h Apple or; 9 From and after this date HEADWEAR wnu. ksnvs A ]MEN S - Manager Bdtterea . %Tumips `Wilt sheds heavy t of f the tPATRl0TlC mun Statement Of V Receipts And A Expenditures With List Of Contributors To The | Fund ` | On Tuesday Mr. Marr comnleted his audit of the ,books of the Barrie. Patriotic Fund, and the statement was immediately handed. out to the _ press, A-fter $1806.04 had; been sent to the National` Fund and all expenses met, including $514.98 in relief cheques, "there is still a balance. of -$1170.36 in the bank. `The total fund amounted to $3577.26, of which $3183.19 was col- lected in the canvas made of -the town. The County of Sinicoe con- tribution is not shown here, as it was sent direct to the National Fund. ' ' ` Subscriptions- ' * Per Col1ector s Lists F G. J ohnstone, Minesing. . G, A. Clarke, _Innisl . .. Bajrrie Lodge, No.- V 63;` Tl\[\1J'1 [Printing and Stationery, Northern Advance . .. . . _' Barrie Examiner ,.. ?G.T.Ry.-Guarantee decit . ; C. E. Beatty, billposting . . Sarjeant & King, _Ba.laclavai t`L....,. lJIv|4J Caps "vu..u "-"'57 . National Funei. Relief Cheques- Carey, Minnie . . .. Walton, Mrs. T. Fraser, A. T. .. Jones, E. B. Robb, Miss` . . . Welsby, L. . . . \ Stebbings, P. . . Hayward, I. . .. ~ Hays, R. Herrell, E. _ Hooper,` G. M Marks, Mrs.. . HAS BALANCE j my $1170.35 `By balance, Union Bank of Canada . .. .. ` Claud .F.ux, iPa1'iotic Fund. 1'1-J ......J . Audited and found correct, bal- ance on hand May 18th,` 1915, being eleven hundred and seventy dol- lars, 36-100 in Union Bank of Can-! [ada.--Fred- Marr, Auditor. _ irable _1- rea- The following is 53. `list of the con- J tributors and amounts given: A $100--Donald Ross, M. J. Fraw- ley, .W. A. Boys, A. E. H. Cres- wicke, Wm. Aird. W $75-F.' R. Porritt. J $50--.-GeO. _ Raikes, T Miss `G. Raikes. Judge Ardagh, J. H. Ben- nett, Judge Boys, Thos. Beecroft-.. $25--H. J. Grasset, `M. Stew- art, D. T. Rees, D. H. McLaren, S. J. Fisher, G; M. Vance, J. R. Dqn- H. Kennedy, Mrs. W; A. Wilkinson, Dr. Little, Archie Burton,. Geo. Ball, H. E. Jory; J. A. McLaren_, S. W. Moore, E.` A. Litt1e.~ _ _ A-.nn (`Lag Wnrbes J.I\JI\II-L I . Dance, 'rovc3zi"Ha1'1' '. .' ' " Allandale S.O.E. Concert. 60 Years 9. Queen Patriotic Concert . . . . .; Refund Balaclava Caps, `IKE J1-.. J Midland Refugg Balaclava "(3r'iii`ia Refund, I Interest 1 A ._ Righardsn, A1ex_.`Mi1ne; . cn....'...a-' VT-To'rVnVV_` A. DLUD. `. $10--Dr. Richardson, Alex. Milne, M. E. Ardagh, _She_riff `Harvey, A. D. Simon,` Miss Raikes, T. H. Red- 1.; ditt, Geo. Coles, H. B. Myers, H. c. , od, A.,J. Wallace, Mrs.` J. L McCarthy, Miss K. Stevenson, _E. c Longman, G. H. ,Este'_n,` Dr. _W. A. a Lewis, W. A. J . Bell, Judge Wis- 3 mer, J. G. .Scott, 0. H. Lyon, F.,H. 0 Plummer, Mrs. Millington, - Dr. D. i I \ I 1 1 D,. McLeod, .D. R. Murchison, G. A. Radenhurst, W. R. King, H. 5D. . Jamieson, ` Alfred -_Wi_Ikes, J.` R. Hambly, Cpl. J. B._.\; McI?hee,- R. H. Webb, M1"s_. Mc K_ee,-V" Anti:K ' M. _E. -Maconchey, Mrs. A. .j L.t.t; W,-..jC-. Walls-.,'W-..; H. 1 Rad; By.ron f King; D: i C- Murchis<>n,. ;: < ,...in_ A W \./A\rIJv `'51 per ' wgeigngi 'i*u{1{1I I to Nov. 30th @V cent, . . . . . . . and Expenditures Receipts T_l-IE Am"r:n:s~'_rs or aamnn-:. '1rH-1: counter or stuck): Ann THE oofnutac OF -GRNADA oun cnrramou. Sec.-Treas 'Ca};s, 60 00 25 00 95 00 99_ 98 15,00 zn UIGVG 62 85 180604 .$3:L83 19| .1 25ml 2 501 19-1:5 %$3577 26! BARRIE, COUNTY or s1McoE. QNTARIO. MAY go. 19:5 1170 36 EE77 26 20 00 100 00 514 93 20 oo 76 75 52 00 36 95 23 37 20 00 17 '50 "iakn-'i I . No. 18-209 13 10 3 25 200' 468. LIEUT. J. E. -MORGAN l T HONORED BY cnoms At the weekly, `choir of St. An-l drew s Presbyterian "Church, - Lieut.( J. H. Morgan, the capable and ;pog1:la1;, `choirmaster; ' ` was presented wi- "a.C,olt"'automatic revolver, on the eve of his\departure from Bar- rie V with the 3rd Contingent, C.E.F. : Mr. Geo. Brown, -on. behalf of the choir, voiced the regrets of all the members on losing Lieut. Morgan s services, for a time as their leader, and wished him `a safe return home at- the conclusion of the war. Mr. Stewart Douglas made the presenta- tion. ' _ A I, For the past six years Mr. Mor- gan has been in charge of St. An- -drew s choir and through `his mark- ` ed ability as a soloist and choir 1 director this organization has been i second to none` in- Barrie; Lieut. ` Morgan has been granted leave of absence by the Church, but nothing ' has been done yet in reference to a ' temporary leader ` during his ab- sence. ' ' - ' 17v 1 1 ' , _ L1- .. UlI.UUo Last . Wednesday evening, the members, of Allandale Presbyterian Choir, which also has been under Lieut.. Morgan s direction for the past two years, met at the Manse, when presentations were .made to |two members. Lieut. Morgan was given a. handsome sterling silver lm-onogrammed cigarette `case, _suit- ably engraved, and Pte. Fred Bris- tow, another member of the Third Contingent, was given a gold ring. Rev. A. `V. Brown, ongbehalf of the 4..-_ J- LL- ........~nua-Ln`-:o\v| I-soumans LEAVE mason; 1|JUVn [10 Va LJLUVVLA, \J.ll.V Ilvnnsasa. \. choir, made the {presentation " ` do their bit, " The 35th quota of the Third Con- tingent, which has been in training since the latter part of January, leave on the 7.40 a.m. train on Tues- day next, for Niagara Camp, where the whole 37th Batt., C.E.F., will be mobilized and `receive training for a short time before being sent to England . and then `to the front. During their four months stay in Barrie the soldiers have become most ed "fast friendships hefe. all anxious to They are and will be glad when the order comes to embark 93` England. ` I\... If.-nu Anvr nrvnndnm popular and many have form-y get to the front and mugzuuu. - , . On Monday evening the -Barrie! C Club and the Golf Club honored `Capt- Macdonell, on the eve of his departure". About 30 _of,the mem- bers of boths clubs -Were present in the club, rooms over the Union Bank, and during the evening Capt. }Macdonell was presented with a [handsome pipe, with `the, .best wish`-_ es',of his associates. Reeve Bennett 1 presided `and short eulogistic speech- ` es were _made by Messrs. W.` A. Boys, H. E. Jory, T. Beecroft, R. J. Sprott, A. Cowan, J. G. Bagley .and others, all" expressing regret, that the Town was temporarily losing 3 the services of Capt. Macdonell as j Engineer, and the -"both clubs were 5 losing one of their most popular 1 members. Present and former mem- . bers of the council spoke in they highest terms of appreciation of the valuable" services he` had rendered the town. Songs were given by ' Lieut. Morgan and Mr. VV. A. Boys, and Mr. L. I. Vair served a tasty - supper in the lounge ~room of the - club. It is currently reported that Capt. Macdonnell will shortly be promoted to the" rank of Major, and . that Lieuts. McClinton and Morgan - will be raised to the rank of Cap-` tain. ` ' - ,, 3 __1_L LL- n~:\`:J:l\`n('< vurnunn Arum Lulu- Last night the soldiers were en- tertained` in ' the Presbyterian Church cbascmentc,` all the churches joining in thej farewell to `the boys. On` representation being made the Provmclal tax on theatres has been lowered, and the Grand Opera House, Barrie. will have to pay $50 instead of $100. V

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