Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Apr 1915, p. 6

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say, like some `TO1'0Ant0j regi- ments, that we all relieved famous: regiments. of the `British army "when we went into ~ the "trenches. No Batt. -is specially ' picked out for that work. We go Where we `are -told. Things are `quiet around `here at `present. In fact you would never know there was a war on,,except, '-of course, when the bully beef and hard tack is dished out. The weath- er is getting ner and the roads` are drying up nicely. That is about all the news at present.` Re- gards to all.--W. S. ROBB. Poured Liquid "Dow;1 Oicer s Throat .Tha_t Drove -Him Mad. ! Our Wall Papers are all new and up- to-date American \ Patterns. We have the largest stock to choose from; No old pattems--K-every roll new. In. design and quality we can- not be beaten. When you need your parlor, dining room or bedroom paperecl :call on us---we can please ' you in both style and price. Picture eMoulclin5gs kept in stock and" made p'- _ to match papers. ` . _E%E1{IvfAi~i ATR..0G1'1YV Fuouxsn AFURNISHERS Spring Necessities . w u u v Av. uunl H (1.6 `H H `Hun. St. he Was attacked by :1 l:1r`.:0 :n1uskrat near M. A. (`wmlroni store. He knocked th animal 0V`f1' with a pail he was omjx-_\ in':. hI1t}t came back full ('.ha1`_`_",'(` :1::`:1in. T1115 `time he kicked the rat inin the ditch. It again (*_ha1`::`o him. but the third time M1`. Nottl(`t0n'.< boot catlght Mr.` Muskrat on {he head and killed it. V ` Tuesday o\'(11iu: as Mr. (`. .1. Nettleton was going down .\[am (`IL 1 ...` . . . u ,,- Sunday; T-Wxvld _M'ay,- lT915.-_--Mine-! sing, 11 a.m.; Midhurst, 3 Tp.m.; Vespra, /4 vp.m.--Rev. Arthur Strothcr, Rector. A ' Up in the neck of Hm \\`0-')`1_3l known as Pmmtam_ruislu~n<- thv om- zens' _rht f'11r-boarin_- :wi1n;1l.< on the street, as the 1'0llm\'in;" W _'" The Penotanr11ishc11o Hvmlal -W1 {attest} 11-1 - VA. vnnu LAAVLALLU1. ' The Inanufacturo of tin- shells will not interfere" in :m_\' \m_\' with `the regular operations 01' Hm Fish- `_er.Motor factory, which will be our- griedv on as usual. KIBLED MUSKRAT ON 1 PENETANG STREET 5 . 1TH'UR` C s"DAY, APRIL 29th, _,'1'he . -Fisher Motor Co! have` received from Ha] their first Uconsigrnmcnt of forgings for 18-pound sh. shells, says The V02-illia 1: Work was at once })(`f.1'lll1 on ing the shells and will he cuted With all pos.sil)1e \ This. will probably be 90 as. long as the m. When things are workinf: snu the company expect to turn 01 nished shellsia day. `I II AAAA LAJJA\/IA I|l\JLlL} II: \((J V . `The shells come to mi rough state. They will be emf ` `nished, `and. the bullvts p1,_W`lI them, ready. for l15(`,l.v0.\ (`(}],t foul! insertion of the explosive, Tho: machinery used in tho mm1ufa`et of ailtomobiles is well aclaptcd?` this Work. . They are 53.3 incllestn `diameter; It is said that (low Joifre is "unwilling to (-mnn1o1mh' advance till he can ommt on '2lJ00(: shells a day for an iz:.i.-"mite `M iod. This includc-s all 5l7.(.'.s course. The (3OIlt1`ll )U.ll()ll towmg ithis from Qrillia will n0t'b(.- lap lbu-t will sun be apprt-vialylo. *` Ilia in `iN-ortvh simeoe, which w\ t'ur ed [ for his panty. The 1% WiSheS_ of Islaymen amend WW Vlanrt colonel and his ,1,atta1t.hs their -splendid` service for Km 3 Empire. . in- DESGENDANTS or GENERAL SHRAPNBL _.-:._.-._ Mr. Thos. Hill shipped '9, "couple of carloads of potatoes last Week, and M1`. VA'lex. McKay, of the` 3rd lino, Oro, shipped a carload to his brother at Yellow Grass,` Sask. M'.. ....,1 "M'..'.. rw..- r1-,1;1-_..1 ,-x_- . ""l ."`*hl:. 11 out an Wi'\'iess1's. Geo. V'E1.1smereV and _Go.` Vollick left here for Parry Sound} -on __ Tuesday. '?\A .. rm .... .... n:._-___-_ -n vn_,.,,2- 1 357i :_IltS W1\7I;.W':[`1~1`< ).111as Binnie of Barrie spent a few. days last Week With his b1'othcr,`Mr. G. Binnie. '5 `Lr-..L.._. A_.L1_____ T_,,__- 1 - fl n ' 0 1 :OOO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOVO: Api-11 26t11.-Mrs: (Jo1(uK1- Ward re-] ceived Word on Tuesday of the death of her father, TSerg't.-Major` VDou.2'a1l.' He was a Veteran of the; North VVest Rebellion "of 1885.2 He` died in Toronto a.11d`the. i`u11eral`E took place at Minesing on Thurs- day. ` V R an .-.-.. - -- \.u . LllLl.1\1O I ... ..... .,., ..M. ., Master Arthur Jary' had the mis- fortune to break his arm. on7Thurs- day While cranki11gj his father _s I automobile. ' ---v-an q n - - - - - I 3oooooooooqoooooooooo03 TO CORRESPONDENTS OI`. THE ADVANCE T T Our sympathy goes out_ reaved ones of the late. Bell, who departed `this 19th: ' 11" 1'! The War tax `does not` affect The Advance s special correspondence --envelopes do not require a war tax envelopes, if sent unsealed. The` stamp,` a one cent `stamp carrying, them as before. Any correspon- dence intended for` printer s copy will only require a one cent stamp, if unsealed, , __ ` uyuuv I~.1uI.AA\4svv IVLUAL aJuu4xI/\.r.|. a...LJ.\4LL\l._LJn W Miss BallJof Victoria Harbor is` visiting Mrs. W. G. Booth. 1/12. . D `D.-.].II.'..`l- '....,] 1UI'.....' TIT-.. LJLJ I/\I&L V 1 Mr. Johno Orr and sisters, of!" Little .C111'rent, visited friends _in"-~ this community the past week. Itf. is 35' years since Mr. Orr left thisfi part for the Manitoulin Island. He__` noticed many changes, both in place ._I and people`. i . V '; 1 nu", _co_________,_ _______,_1 1,A,._ -,,_ 1,, . '4 vv;\c lzuultsuo I The farmers around here arebusy seeding'at t1me of w1'1t1n`2f. April 24th.-Mrs. Chas. Denney! has returned home, after spending a Week With friends in Toronto. I Fishing is_ the order of the day; In IIOW. Miss Minnie Smiley` of Allistong spent Sunday With Baxter friends: 1 "III-.. `D..`ll -1? TT_'..L....1._ `l'T..__1.;_'- _.. .....v...b ._.... \Jo Jgvuvxxo - Mrs. R. Ruddick `and Mrs; Wes- ley Ruddick attended the funeral of ' their cousin, Mrs. J. McA11ister of` Alliston. - _ T 1 A -u . o . - Accoudfs may be "opened in the:.n:` of two` or more persons, llrawals to be made by any one of them or by theesurvivozx. S21 Interesi at thelcurrent rate is allowed an all`. deposits of $1 and upwards. - Careful attention is givn to every account, Small accounts V are welco_ ed. ' Accounts may be, opened and npetated by mail. uAPmL$15.nau.non ` RESERVE ruun, $13,500,009 CORRESPONDENCE SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS PA_.RI$H_ or .VBS PRA` THORNTON CRAIGHURST MINESIN G BAXTER BARRIE 3R5NcH _--g-ng. 1,__,._,,_a ,,_. _..._- .,...-....... uuuanux n --vs-3469 _uc WUIU Ouli-1S probably 1111- for a.` `few days; . _ Vl._mowI;1, but after. going up against ; V on _Wed_nesday afternoo.n_,Mr, AP; -thAat_ `trip "1_`. or a while, a horse soon T "-Dbra-hf_s__'w_as`f,the`- scene of :3 s1'na11_,.bec1_ne:'tter.. for % the g'1ue factory " `ia _-stag`-ted'i3fr '8 _.t~?.1;aItr: v`;i3}Iia,~ '1 ' ' ` - '4 % %;z: ` }!1.*:, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ........ nuts 1;u.l.'u.1 routes started, and as the old relic squeaked for the last time over the landscape on Monday, many who sorrowfully shook their heads at its` departure, might easily` have said with the. songster, I don t know why I love you, but I do. In going between Kincardine and Walkerton in the early sixties, the stage passed no less thanhthirteen taverns along the route. Now, one hotel situated at Riversdale. is the sole 0 moisture counter on the road, and it is changing . hands so often that it _ isn t probably `much of a monopoly ' l ._ - - .. " r s L _ either. Mr. Watson, who has been I . MIDH.U-e.RsT- ' . ,.in charge of the stage `for the past !' .April 26th.--LMrs., H. ' Black? of Allandale - called on a few~fr_iei_1ds.. . Miss 4 `Imrie ,.Monteith` spent _ Sun.- day at; liome. ' ` _ g = ,*`Miss. Edith -Barnes, of` _Midhurst . has gone to. Alllandale for Vthe-sum-; or more than `ve times the distance . r 31911115-.vth:.'WI1 ..;. -.j;Mr. lJohn j.Fi'nlay ~ of Barrie i,s) Jame. his `duties. s` *Julsth`qw .n1,%1j1y * sta*ix51gV:`t5;.,`t `Mr-'d;.:'.i J ames '.Ch3W'.in?s'i `h1`S.?.8;! -H9 '.W51'i"911?}.i8*`.Pi*9b&b1Y`:`W9 a days?` I if-i.b:.`..i .aeiter.1.egioing`: : up Mable Irving, teacher at gBethseda, visited Mrs. Dutcher last Sunday. - Mrs. James Sproule, accompanied t by her little `granddaughter, Laura Wilson, has returned from visiting" 9, lerbgauggter, Mrs. W. Wilson, at e woo . _ ' _ Mr. Elmer Banting of Ivy has _ac- lcepted a position in the Union . Bankhere. ,_s 1. Mr, and .1(\iIrs[ Chagilin of Sltieetiiiti and `Mr. an rs. ` ex. ewa motored to Orillia last `Sunday. g .1 eight years and has "covered 56 fn"ii,'les, per day for six days in each 3 week`-Ting his journeys from Kincar-` dine to Walkertongand. return, " has travell'ed.~no less than. 139,776 miles, 1 ( J 1 i 9; TI ._._,.._- 7.. Manager. A-Itlllt JJJJ `JD Mrs. Chapin Bneton and Mrs. `Alex. Stewart Sunday. vs: yu.nn\.csaJ, o I . J amesA Sproule, accompanied ,by Laura has returned from visiting" ,her daughter, 'W. Wilson, |WebbW29d. \a `Argus: ' Miss Mable visited Dutcher `Sunday. ' '11..-,.. T_..--- N I ` "" ; \JvI)vaA.1 \JA.. gnaw Llnlu ye; V1L\JL o u V r . .The funeral .of the late John I Hicks, who died -at his h'ome,,_.Bea- conseld"Ave.,=_Toronto, on vWednes- , ` day` morning, 21st inst., 'Was held :"here on `Friday, a large number. of A "relatives and old .'friends_ attending. , Your correspondent had known 1:3; ` late" j Mr. c Hicks for the past years, and-fcan speak in thed highest terms of his character- "an pr- ciples. His family came to Canaca. r in 1871, living for several Vyehalrs ;` near Richmond Hill, where r. glicks, 'sr., was in the `employof r ; the Patterson Bros. ' "Implement `Works, since merged in the Massey- -[Harris Co. They then` -movedto , E Ivy, Where` they lived for four l years, and thengmoved to Thornton` -nearly forty years ago. The , de- iiceased married Mario_n Francis `Church . of Dalston twenty-eight ;years ago last December. For a `number of years the Hicks Bros. .lcarried on `a very -successful car- ?" riage business here, the "deceased 3 being a good woodworker, and his lbr-othe'r~Wi1liam, Who "is, still `the! 3 `blacksmith here, and -Harry, `an-I L;:t1l)1e1` broher, being tl}e\Ipa1'It$1e1];s. ; out .eig t years ago 1 r. ic s_ ;.i sold his property here to Mr. Noah ;;Grose and moved to Toronto. A 3', year ago last January he contract- -ed pleuro-pneun1onia, W'_hich devel- -"oped intoian affection of the` lungs, and du-ring that long " period he suffered much- Of a family of five girls and one boy, all are `liv- ,ing except one littlle girl Who, died {lsome years ago. hey are: - Mrs. -` Botsford and .Mrs. Stephens of To- ',r,o_nto~, Mrs. May of Trenton, Miss `2Bei-tie "and John at home. His, `Viaged mother, who was `born in ! . 1 i] I V 1826, also survives, and of'a large family, the. following -brothers ` and sisters remain: Charles of Chicago, Thomas of `Toronto, William and . Henry of Thornton, and George of Hamilton; Mrs. Wm. Cline, Mrs. Stewart Wilson, Mrs. Taylor,` Mrs. J. Wilson, . Mrs. Milligan, Mrs. ' Forbes, and Mrs. A. E. Wilson, all of Toronto. At the funeral on lFriday,~= the casket wascovered with [beautiful oral offerings, in respect for the" deceased. The pall bearers Were:._ James H. and R. D. Henry, John A. Jamieson, J. W. Thompson, John West and George Hill._ ` 1l/I'.`m "ll/f..`l-.1.. 'l:f..]'.-....L.... .'.I-1J.__`l ;.;u,uuo 1.1.1 uuLLu_y Lani; uunuuy. The Sewing Circle intend holdingl a patriotic concert in aidof the Red Cross -"next Friday evening. ` lficq T1-nun T1I1'r:11nI .-.-0 D........ '2.- Lvvut \ ucqu .|.'.I.1ud_y UVUll1Ll.g. V _ M1ss Irene Irvmg of Barrie 1s yvisltmg her grandmother, Mrs. R. 1 Gilpin. 'u'.'.._ 1r_1_1- 1'. - - rJuIIuuJ .I1.l.U.l 111115. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boake visited ifrien'dsTin Lefroy last Sunday; ' Tho Qanyinn n:mnln :...4.......:I L..1J:_... 'vAAv>J u.;;. uuu JJLLD. J.y.I.UJ.xUl.1Zal.lf5. " Q1 1arterly services Will be held in `the Methodist Church: here next Sunday morning. _ `M - ......1 `ll ...-. *rrr:n n-_1_- - -- 1 _ `sue MUN!) wALxim.c.v.o..L1.n. no.1... President . ALEXANDER LAIRD.GenerulMnna8et j ` JOHN A1121)`. `Au : Gene:-alllnnadit ` Warren and Baby of London are visiting the nformer s grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. MpKenzie._ I n____L__-'I__ .__,;__! _ Mrs; 'James Simpson and her daughter, M'rs.' J. A. Corbett, and the latter s` nepheW,~ VMervin, are visiting at Dr. Simpson s' in Elm- `vale. - T 4' -no -- Wi\ssT"'LvIu:;ble McMaster visited her`. grandmother, Mrs. Simpson, last week. __, M ' _ I uuu. ucugsc .I..L1u.._ I A short -service was held at the home in Toronto, on Tuesday even- ing, and the `Rev. R. H`. Somerville, assisted by _'the Rev. F. J;-Dunlop, conducted the services at the `grave- side ..-here on Wednesday. The many friends of the Rev. Mr. Coch- rane extend their sympathy in the great loss he has sustained in the death of his life partner "TL... 4'.` . . . ....1 AL` L1,... 1.1.. T-`L.._ After making daily trips for about sixty-ve ye_ars, or almost since the County was `formed, _ the Kincardine-Walkerton_ stage`. made its last journey over the road on Monday and" is now like the last] rose of summer, faded and gone, says The ,_ Walkerton A Herald. . It was good-bye Dolly to the stage when the rural routes started, and -as +1.. nl ...,u;.. ......n..: n l_..... uuuguo, auu: uxwr, IS U931. Add-ress F. `J. CHENEY `& Toledo, 0.. _ j j ISOMJ `by all Druggisbs, 75c. `Take Ha11 s Family Pillxs constipation. j V . THE LAST or THE J % OLD WALKERTON sues, `he have s'1fered 1:he loss _ ofl hi~`i-?. Ewe-... . . .~| Ll`? `LL19 SIIIIIL I '~ `Mr.-Robert Wattie has put` a.- niee pverandah around his house, which improves ' the looks of the property. u'_. 1.1.. 11r..n...: .. -1-.. 1...... a..:..1. - April` 26th.--Interment took place in the Union Cemetery T here, last week of the remains of twoformer. residents of Thornton who have. lived in Toronto for some years. On Wednesday mo111ing, on the, ar-l rival of the 10-o cl'ock train V fromt .Toronto, . the ,funeral .-of the late _ Mrs, J.` J. Cochrane took place, -the jremains _b'eiz_1gA emcompanied -Toronto by; l'1_er.,h11s`r2and,_Rev, J. _` ochr.a;1e`, 'f"'ri ner"mi;r1ister 11 he ' V . : V hranl. QHPLUV U3 I411`? .lUUA U1. U110 Fl. Utlcl. II. 9 Mr. John W allwin also has nish- .ed a verandah around his `~ home, wh__i`<`3h ulqoks `moxre comfortablge I10W;. JV IILWIL I\I\IIl$ LI.l\IJ~ `J \J\JAl.4IL\l& UISKILV LA\l V! _I "The " strawberries have Wintred ne, but` need rain._ The most of the farmers cannot nish plowing untll ram comes. ' v :r`Mr. Miller and his two boys sent Sunday with Mrs. B._Fie1dl1_o_use.` p .11`-.. I`1....--Z.. :..- _........_...- -..... II AWOL LIL--LI-730 -`J. uI- LLILIAI-l\J-\5Kl\JI - `Mrs. A. Garv_1n 1s` 1mprov1pg, afi lter an attack of the mumps. ., . 'I'V`I.... TIT.............7... A--..-2I1....-- ..;-.'II`-1_..lJ ' "'71~1l"` \}"o}"1"L `A1i'i1{`"`i11% hold their monthly meeting on May 5th, at 2`p.m., in the 'VestryTof. St. Paul s- "Church. { gggg 51, V V @109 J.` LJ 1111: ' ! Agricultural Team in Harness-- `N. Arnold, Thos. Switzer,` R. Mc- murtry. V V . . Gen, Purpose Team in Harness--- J..Some1'vi1le.. A T -u ' I Single Driver-J. Bundy, \Vm. Boyd, Wm. Mackay.` `Durham Bull-A. J. Harkins, J. I `KT 15"---. _ sun; as 4 Incl: vvansvuo 'IiI1_'.CRoss Cousins is very` ill at present. ' tr... 1,r:n._.. .....:1 1.:.. i.;... 1...... ..-.'.._.4. NEW LOWELI. SHOW i;`X{J&i i {1;-Sir `3iE,""'i' yr o1d-G.J . Witzer. * V ' . -` ' l"J_G1&nera'l P_urpose Colt, 2 yrs o1d-l .' oore. T _ General Purpose Colt, 1 yr. old--{ Ed. Rogers. _ A ' a k.VBest Groomed Colt-A. J. Har- ms. ' ' n. -- - --- ...-;uo Draft Team Harness---S.Peto r- man, Wes. Flynn. Ann." J....lJ..-.;..1 m-_-- `- 7" nun; uu LLLLUVV \.lL(ala-30, IJGID W311`. _and 'M1"s. Geo. God(1:;;d /of `the 2ndoof Flos spent Sunday with *Mr. `.Vm. \Vi1liams. - Mr. Geo; Cameron, of Barrie ship- ped a carload of stock to the city on Monday and Mr. Leo O Neil of Hillsdale another on Tuesday. Mr. G. Dougral of Toronto spent a few days last week with his sig- ter, Mrs. John `Ward. ' I JJIAL llaalll. t W. Murray.`-J "Show, held at'.NeW Lowell on Wed- The Sunnidale in Spring Horse nesday of last week, was one of the most - successful the society has yet `held, and there was a large attend- ance.g The judge was J. Brown- lee, of Clarksburg, and he favor- ably commented on the quality and style of the entries in.all the `class- es, all the horses shown being good.l Barrie was Well represented by a large` number of spectators, _andl many Stayner, Creemoree and Col- lingwood people were interested spectators. T 7"- - _-_.3 , n q nvvvuo ' Im . Draft Stallion-D. arid R.` Cra ord, D.HS. Millsapp. ' l>.onnA.'.-H. n.....c4. o;._n:.... T Tr \.l-IJIIVV`-I-.\JL\A, 1.10 v L}. .LVJ.l.1l_.DalJf}n Canadian Draft Sta1lion-J. Ker-_ nan, R. F. Mumberson. Hackney `Stallion--J. F. Douglas. V Pe.`rc'herong Stallion--J. Swalm. ` _S-tandvard-bred Stal-lion-- J. Hume. Draft Cgilt, 2 .'yrs old-Ivanl Speers. ` I -_A'IL, I (`I I: II ` ~1;I`i:g1:Ji.culfural Colt, 2 yrs. _o1d--T. Armstrong, J. Guilfoyle. ` A(1"I":n11`+111nnl IWATJ. 1 ---- K` J I` LIRJVWUINUKILDJI , , V The pr1ze,W1nners were as fol- llowsz T ` ' --\ .._ -. __- $100 REWARD, $1000 ANQRTVHERN ADVANCE WAS BIG % SUCCESS I. `School, was called away very sud-`J ALICIA) VIA 1 `WE: Ward, iicipal of the__1_ ublicv{ denly to ` the funeral of his` sister in Toronto. His A many friends .e_x'- tend sympathy in his obereavement. ' for v dently intended for ' our billets, - his mark by ` 5 feet deep in a eld. a bridge beside "but had gone wide of 200 yards, doing no more "damage than .making a hole .-As" we watch- ed` the German going higher and, farther away, our anti-air-craft- guns opened `fire on him. It was quite an interesting sight. As the shells burst in the air they made 5 or 6 small scattered balls of`whi,t e smoke. The rst shells were u low, but they gradually got, nearer. . At last one shell burst, and you could ' see the puifs of white all round the aeroplane, which seemed} to col- lapse, and then we lost `sight of it, The taube was brought, through later` in the day on a V -.. I, uuu nun uuuaxut: 111 me isee a German aeroplane making `away as hard as it could. The German had dropped `a bomb, evi- for bridge billets- '}m+.1..A ......... --u- -0 _l vv L: a After reading a few ot the To- ironto papers I think it is impos- qsible for me to enlarge any on -tlie [adventures of the rst .Canadian_ !Contingent. They certainly have "giveii you all that liasoccurred [with lots of ourishes. I had a! 1 4 J J 1 I l D I ii fatigue . party to l. trenches 5 v > i J 1 i `meiit knows its duty and . no A ; .ed in the town of llctter froni a friend in Barrie and he` -seemed to think that {our Batt. had not been in action, as he had seen no mention of casualties _in` the pa.per. `V011, sir. I don t think there are any of the boys who.pa_r- ticularly wish to have their names on the roll of honour, and when a ireg-iineiit cairsliow as cleiair a sheet, after` beiiig in the trencies, as we show, then you can say that regi- requires boostiiig. Enough _said. Jack Fraser was just_relating a few of his experiences in the trenches. _Il will give you._one as he related it to me. ,He was told off with a `go from the ration farm and to the bring. back Wood. When inearing ` the farm, a German machine gun opened re on them. Bear in mind there was lots of mud about. Jack, 7 of course, at once lay at on the 1 ground, `and to make _,matters worse i two more men took it into their heads to fall down on top of him, and there was Jack, with his hands and face being pushed` further into the mud, shouting off, and those out lie quiet, whilst bullets were Jack is quite well at present, as. are ' all the Barrie boys. I saw a Ger- man taube brought down about two weeks ago`.-, I_ was attached to the Canadian Ordnance and was billetl . We were at breakfast when we heard a loud report `close at hand. ed up and ran. outside see 9:, V op telling him to the machine gun ' overhead. T in time to anrfhn-n nn----'--A- I - for them to get . We all 'jump- ' mar. ROBE i a wnrnzs mom: 31 BATTLE -THINKS oun BOYS. WILL` BI: HOME FOR NEW YEAR'S.- `NAPOLEON MSO ARMY MAY HAVE MARGHED ON STOM- ACH, `BUT OANADIANS MUST "HAVE BOOTS. * ' ` 1 In a letter postmarked April 7th, Staff-Sergt .Robb - writ_es. fI'OII1 France to .The Advance editor, as follows;' ` - .' ' { 4 How are you all`! The,` Barrie boys are O.K. I suppose everyone is busy looking over the casualty lists- Our Batt. has been very'for- tunate. The boys have done 1/16 days in the trenches` so farand we are now in rest billets. The weather here is `breaking away nicely. I was examining a church near here which had been shelled by the Ger- mans. One "side was perfectly rid- dled by shells. One hole was about 4 ft. "in diameter. All over this country you will nd erucixes, in the houses, _on `the roads, and even on barns, and the peculiar thing is `in vmost cases the crucixes have: [stood intact when all around has `been in ruins. I noticed this my- self in connection with this church. Abouta15 ft. -away facing the side of the church which had received the._ severest shelling, was a Shrine. Though masonry -was strewn around it, yet it was not even chipped. In the graveyard stood a crucix, 20 ft. -high and about 20 yards from the church. In spite of the shelling it is untouched. You nd - cases such as `above, all over the country. I am still Working away at the] boot repairing. Napolean said .an `army niarehes on its stomach, but by the amount .of work that comes in, I think they march on their feet nowadays. How long will the war last? We will be in Barrie for Ncw Year s. Regards to - all.--- {Yours truly-A-\V.' S. ROBB. W . , A second letter from SStaff Sergt. W.,S. Robb, dated April 10th, ar- rived at Barrie from the ring `line on Tuesday `afternoon. It is as follows: ' T -.a .. _ - 4 i " _'""' I Miss Sarah Tracy has return-I ed- from visiting her friends in Barrie and elsejvhe`re. __ ` g -`u A -.. ......vvu au. hunt: and, like Jae lown in the mud tgthe dry spots, strict discipline. 1r+11;`nn- 'nI-4- L---- uIrAA\|. vvuoo GLUUGIDUU ELI: KFUKII. In the; `Canadian Parliament Col. Currie. represents th'e riding of `visit to Is*1'ay to see the home of his. forelb-ears, who lived in `the is- \J'&'\- VVUIIC Not long ago 001. Currie paid 21:1 4 n V land -from the time of the Danishg invasion -ti'11 they"1eft for Americ'a.V|1 His grand-'m'ortheTr {belonged to: Mull 4 and was esducaxted at Olfan, 1 T. LL... .t1-;- - 1`, `The service unilorm and equip- ment of the 1st Battalion cost $35,000, and this was provided vol-' unntarily, without drarwing f1-om`the| ,Oan`adi`an Government or the Orow-n. . 1 ---~ VLVLIBAAU nu uxxxa vutlllblj. The ne physique `of the `regi- menrt may be judged from the fact` that no-fewer than 800 men. measure -ve feet eight inches in height. In 19:13 the 48th carried off the King-: s 'Pr.ize for shooting at Bisley and had four men in, the twenty from Can~ ada; 1 - - ` V- vv\Js)I.` ouuu. J.\I1\J1l|/K}: | In a letter. to Mr. Neil Ma-ckin-: non, a na-tiv_-e `of .Co1onsay,, and. a former col-or _sergeant, now in Wa.`1`es, `C01. Currie states that when? the War broke out chexie. were 900. men` on the strength and they all, Wanrbed to go to the front. Further recru~i\ting was easy, and, -leaving a` (large contingent. at home, ' over 1,000 rank and 71e and! of-cars were. brought to this country. ` 'FL.~. .42.... ...L..-:._-_- --1` L1 _-.1.,..-... ._ .. .. ....-. .-- v-- --_. ...__`v- man-aged` to se to his efe-et, `rushed -hither and thither like a madman, ll V1.1; Ub (11111 L'\'1`d[(n. pShrapnel shells were invr-ntm1 5, \ v E __ Lieutenant-General llemw: Slxrapngl While the Gejrmansen-circ1e ehrm. of the Royal A1-tillerv, ih um (.31. slashirng him with swords and dag-lyears of the ,last .e(-ntn1'\', gers till` he Ira'11y Ifell-. This aair were first used at S1l1`lIl:1Il1`lXll`50(El was "wirtnessedt through gtl-asses by 'a,'.had a marked (_.11'g},t at the Bat? brother oicer on the `opposite sidelof Copenhagren, in 1543.3, e of the river, and was conrmed by a medical exam'i_na'tion -of the body, _ _ _ . and were mtroduced into the I (*1n1.~<:xlar cam- _ _ V paign at the battle oi` \'imic-rain Wh-1-chv was exhumed when -the Ger-.1807. Sir Arthur W<-1'.<-.\1<~.- 3,-mi, mans reti1"ed.--The Irish Tlimes, "ed that victory to t},.i u_,.{. ,1 glra Dulbl-in. E " A _ nell, and continued to Inuke 115(- A. vs . ' the spherical case shot" tln-m1r;l;. HIGHLAND sc0Ts_ - .- V out hlS campaign 1-is.-lit (low, to U INTERESTED IN 431;]; VVaterloo. He declared it wa, m. V possible to speak too .m-mrzlvog C.l currliea-S 'Grack corps, As seen the benet derived l'1'OH_l Ill!` inven. mzmana Mum News. 8Z3;1.Z?siii U d h E _ . ously rewarded. l"11f01't11.n:1t(-l`_\' 11,3; 11.1.11 er e "caption '.H1ghland was never done, and the (1;-may _ .1-itary ews,b the Olban Times was out-of-poel~:et l)e(':1\1s(- m` the Qt 1-\Ia1:`c'%1h20th`-p&1b1i)s`fhef-lthe 'ollosw-l.iziipensetonnectegl VWli'l`l pt-1'1`(*.(fIlng 1n.g._'v e peopi-e_ say ave 21' us invention. The slim-::h Iora paivt1cu.la_r interest in_ th?e.48th 0an- long time were ])117.zle(l h_\' the rr_~ 3'_dl.`3I). H1:gh.l-anders,js1snee its popular sults of the use ot'_ slxmpml. and coinmander, Col. `J. A; Currie, when they finally lmwiz M.P:, claims a close--ancestral eon: was they appeareclto be umh-r nag n_ee_t1on `V113l'l the _green, -grassy isle. `re at such Ion: rang_ro.- the l{mper- '_l`h1:s.galan,t regiment was organ-.or I\apo1ean sent an en\'o_\' to utter- 1ze;ih1n'_1191, n.txhenC~C'-'o_l. `(:']1:1.1`I'}1lf, 35- Gen. Shrapnel a la1(;`e . Im the a "-orousgt gomxg 13810 Lg an -`secret of his invention. This nth.- ner, proved .a tower of strength in was 1nd_ie'nantly refusml, uml it was the then somewhat `diicul/t task of not unt1l the C'1'im(-an W21!` in lf.">4, procuring from the Governme.ntet.he,tl1_at the French beemno I':mul1ar extra. gi1_mt_reqt1i1red dto eIe1Iii111)thei;)s'1thts use. Shrapnel is Hw.'.'11~`(-rl corps. A. me-e ose ~ ays 1g am y a arn1ie.<, and is still m.~,iIl-r- _seAnt1rm-en-t-has ex*te_nded,mueh furth-Ved the most e'ective 21l'Illlt'1'_`.'.`1lI1- erdwest than `Toronto. T. . gmumtion agaiiist int';1ntr.\-. .\I;l_~;.r _ leiftertof i\C_Ir.1IVe1l Maickin-`Shrapnel, who ll\'(`(l in Hrilliu mr 11011`, I_1a'1v_-e A0 . oonsay, a ma.n_v years was the (-lclwt .~o11of former col-or ,n0\v inithe in\'entoi'.7 :\I1's. F. W. \\'(*l)l)H', states whenfwife of Di\'isio_n Court (Eh:-I; \\'r-'n- the `W211 there. 900_he1', of Orillia, "is a (lauu'lm-:- m lla- menqon alljor Shrapnel. and :1 u1`z111;l.!;m-ghtcr `Wanted _fro1J1t.1 of the inventor. , u o 'I\rxn 1,4-1v\.nn -uvvnn An a... f'l11 ANOTHER rxnnbin } TL Ru-ssilans hes-ivtatedv to believe the re- ports of, German Tbarbarities, burt ewidenee is now overwhelming `-that they are not risoll-ated cases, but an` integral pamt of the policy of -fivisghtfulzness. `During the recent fighting on the_ Niemen an eoioer and two. men .Wl1`i'le, on a soourtin-g expedition ' encountered some Ger- mlans, and the two soldiers `were ki-11'ed, while the officer was seriously wounded, but am-anaged. -to drag `him- self to. a hut, where the Germans discovered him. They dragged "him out by the feet, brutally beat him, h-ro'ke his arms, and poured some; liquid down his throat. The officer` managed rise to his feet, rushed and rthither like 'a the Germans encircled `him, -slashing him swords .and dag-l gaers till affair] was iwirtnessed guasses a; brother officer opposite side? by a medical exaIn`ina"cion body, which Ger-, mans Irish Tmes,| - In;tl1e initial :stagesof"thervs.rar,til1e 4zvvA.AA\z uvA.L\4. \1L\)\J vv ALVA`; Mumps seem to be. the order of! the day here. Almost every `other person has them. ., `ll - ur....J .....:._-:_._1 -2 1.1-- 'n__1.1:_

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