Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Apr 1915, p. 3

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regular value All l\ , very ne $10 value, L1` 13 ...{.*..$8.5d Lace Curtains, ne Scrim Curtains, with linen lace and insertion, ecru shade, were 6 50 ` "$4.75 for ........................................... .. `LaceCurtains, ne Scrim trimmed with ne lace and insertion, reg. 4.50 value, for $3.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains in all designs and qualities at 50c, 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 per pr. Curtainettes and Scrims by the yard, in all newest shades and designs,10c to 70 yd. Corsets, all odd lines of Corsets that sold form- `erly from 1.50, up, sizes 18 to 33, for .... ..98c o n o u c o o - o o o n o I o O O o - - Q - o u o o o o o o o - o Q a at Sat. ev g .... .. 3 spools 10 were 25c at. ev g ...................... ..l0c Handkerchiefs--Hemstitched, were 5c ea , Sat. ev g .... .; .................... ....10 for 2 c 'Pi`ns--Goed strong pins, 365 pins to sheet, reg. 5c paper. Sat. ev g...3 papers for 50 Brake Pins -4oo[ to sheet. Sat. ev g .... ..5c . HaiVrpins-extra-large box, 125 pins assorted, ev g. .... .... ., ............. ._. ...... .;...5c `.'SkinSufferers ma- vvo De-V M The ~D.'D.*D; Pnecrirption for Eczema, a mild, amtiseptic Wash, stops Vnhat awful itch instanytly. .T\.._. ._._E ..L... ' .:.L..-_- ...L ..*.-A. L1... -14.. 5 WW ` uu.a. U CJVV L LLL J. DKUJ 1'lLDU(A1HUlJ 0 _Drugg.ists rthrouaghout the city have wiznessedi smeh remarkable cures .w.irth this re{med-y that they `now universally recommend D.D..D. A- _...--c .3 4.1_..:._ ........L'.J..._,..,. 4.1...~... DtLLLVIJL\)ouLJ L\JvU .1./11.10 As proof of their condence, they. offer you the rst full-sized bottle` on guarantee that unless it does the SAME FOR YOU, it costs you not a. cent. A generous trial bottle for 250. . Herbert G. Robertson. Drugglst, Barrie n. p, D. Is MADE IN CANADA preme Court in the Robinson ease,} Mr. Justice Idington called atten- ltion to the absurdity of a man `travelling in care "of an animal be- 'ing_ supposed to know that the- rail- ways rejected any liability for his safety, `and his lordship, `also, in judicial language, roasted the Rail- way Board for authorizing such a. contract. He ._said: ' I :1 _, :1 Uuuuxauu. LL13 ._DG:1u. a V | `Is there anybody else than rail- way managers and lawyers who can be conceived of as presuming that a man be sent for and invited by the company to ride upon its ears in order` to serve its purposes of pro-v tecting itself, must know that he `has agreed without recourse to be lkilled by the negligence of their servants `or otherwise howsoever. `Not only is that to be presumed as :part of common knowledge, but also {that the horse had to be paid for in such case, but not the man. In- deed, also he -is supposed to know that the Railway Commissioners of [Canada were such a set of humor- lists as -to have approved thereof. E VV_e11ington McVicar of -Washago lwas ned $300 and costs by Magise `trate Clark, of. Orillia, for selling iliquorwithout a license. As he did `not have the money, he accepted the County Jail at Barrie. alternative of 3 months in the Youf Relief Is Guaranteed `$3.00 PER ANNUM N! ADVINGI smut.-I: coats `mac: auto alj Ali LICENSES INC. smcona WERE RENEWED QBABLY LASTV MEETING or 01.13 `LICENSE 'BOARD.-_- GREAT IMPROVEMENT ml , ...1-.1-u1'119C1 1'J't\|'|'|`I3'l'G A'K'I'1'\| PR 1)l.0'{)a},1)v the 1_ast meeting of"thei .C(.,m~o Simeoe License Board` was,` 'm_,1 1.on Friday. last , when all` the ' 11(+o11.~:(-s now .111 existence in the -im-i.~1i<'ti011 of` the Board` were ~mnt(t for another year from the ilmlolf Ma_\', 1915. `There is `one less T tieoxlse than grranted lasts-year, that },(-in`; the Queen s Hotel, and it is. ;~;-aitl to secure a license for these prem- i.~:e.s by parties who have .no direct iime1'estix1 the property. `The Com- zni.<.-imim-s would not consider the" ;;pp1i._mtio11, however. ` ` " _\lan'_\' improvements have been zuudo in the hotels of `Barrie dur- ing the past. year, and others have been 1*e(s-ommended by Inspector I)uI'1" and the Commissioners,` as'fo1- J lows: -rv . `I 1 ! (`V 'l TT_`L1- that an application was made; ]UlhJu.\, -_\ ;_jm_11tod fc 1.~gt bl.` Maj U(,'.(`X]S(`, tha` Ix-i11}_-* *0 k L-~ \\{ .1unn. ;\x11(~1'i<~:111 Hdtel, G. `S. Webb, Prop.--H:1s qlready eon1p1eted many 1'c~1_)ai1's and 1mprovements, ' or has `thmu 1u1d(?1'_ way, both_ upstairs and <'.(w.'n; ])z1[)01'(`d and refurnished bed- 1'0(m1.~'. is complet.i11g repapering and 1"1m1i.<.l1inu' of ofce, installed im- }>!'()\'(`IIH`I1t.\T in lavatoes, etc., mak- in-.5 f_"1'\`ilt improvenlent through- out h()11.~`,(`. - ` " -H- 1\ hi 1': ( l,z1rk.~'m1 I-louse, -M. A VD. Cubit- '. \'ir-1m1l.<.' P1-op.-v-1\Iany repairs and i::1}n'0\'<~xno11t.s' made during the year, Em-1m`.in:' Hi b0dro0n1s- redecorated, =..~w 1;i\':1101`_\' and bath`, new `sani- 1:113` om-. etc. Linoleum and fresh <':u1m-j; m0m1nended by B0a_rd.'. .`{<'\\` T- >;11'1'i(>_ H0use,_ Gus. May,- .\1:111z1:M'.-~~h bed1'oon1s papered, 1.-n -\\' }n"1.~. 1:x;itt3'(=sses and linen; -' n - 1,_n -1;-c_,. T ;\'v\';' 'Py;m'i0_ H01 31:1x1:1:1'.-4SV bet '2:<;w. `ha?-l.-.. _ Ixxgithros . .;('\\'..~':lHi1i1'I'j.' oor -miumi:L :_1:ul 1:111`. hu\\=l.<. :2`. :1 total (-4 1 . ` \\u \ .ul L\HI.A'. u.L.1\) 'H:1x'_V`m11 Motel, J. F`. Gilmour,` J"z'-;.-~Ii:1`,`- made wvoIiderfu1`~im- ~,~r-<\'<`-nm-1:1 in d'1ni11._ -room,`Which is`; am us Ihv finest in any hotel in any 1n\'.`I1V0}' this Sim`. Board recom- mm that 7 bedrooms .be. paper-.;| M. m-\\' lu\':1t01'_\' and "bath on 2nd} flow: and hall on fi1_'S't oor paper-! ml or painted, also that Walls and, _w()o mltsidp be painted. I ` \..l:..._ .,. .\ V (`1 rn.\A1op. Dmnvx 4.- j>z1]w1'i1:-. y|_.. LXIV. No. 17 ~ . ~ wu . : i `-Ix` lIu1nL\ \l (ll|\l. Ill]/lJ\.a.L\\.|.o , V(`.s'}n`:1. \V. H. Reid, Prop.-V rmt imp1'0\`01n0nt in appearance of` This hotvl, b'Oth- inside and 01113.; Bmml r<-<-0m`mcnded that 5 bed`.-_ rooxns, be painted and ,papered, also c<>i1in*.", of End storey hall. `V 1 l`:ll-._ 1_._L-1 :... ""V`| ""1 H `I\|L.11\LK up l.ll.lILlAv\4\AI ` .~\1'lin`_'10n, VV. G. Tooke, Prop`.-` RH-0nnn<`-ndvd that three bedrooms be paxintml and papered. \',. .\ xv 1T D,.:.1 Dmnvi 4 \4lrIIII`__ U1 4'_ollL DLULUJ uau.. W. .1.<;;1k hotel in. Allandale : ,"1!-" almost ngw,` no rcommenda'- .:0ns wm'e made. ` rm , n . `UH nL'1\: xuauu. 'I`}uL- two shop licenses in Barr_1e were :mnt-0d, as Well as the R9115- rozid Iiosttmrallt at Allandale. ' Three in F109 V. - ` vPlm1]::w't ()11 Hotel," Ed. Hay?`-W ?r01>.-In first-class shape for V11- 1=1f.4:0V110t(*l. V V -... - V--q -I\ '71` ,_#;_ I nuuu. - '` V V U l)umi11i(.nn, Elmvale, F. P,-.H3Ye59 P1`0]>.~l{K-mmmcndcd papering` T01` baxxntilxu (5 bedrooms". ` V ` C01-1t1':1], E1mva1e,. D. N. Rowat, P l -~I{ec0m1nended 2 rooms, `hall. and bar painted and papered. `H..,..... 3,. 1:1-______1 - A 1..-. 1[nT.n~n_ mu 1ra.u1Lcu uuu. yayvuiuo < Queen's, Elmvale, Alex. -McLen- all, P1`0p.-Recomm'ended 3 100135 P3~1>01`0d and painted. - `_ Recommended inside lavatories 111 all three hotels in Elmvale- V The three commissioners, 9.11.. of 4 Whom have held oice for the P3-Sit three years, are: John _Litt197 .Chairman, Allandale; W.eH. Mason, Elmvale, and W. H. Clute, Wye-3 vale. Unless somethiiig -OG.1:11?3 necessitating .a special meeting .;}j_Qf ` the Rm...,1`L...c...... mt...-. R441 f.'H5.v l'\\' I"I.`. ll|(lL).l 7C\.D (4I4Ll.\J. LLLAVA-L, <-\\' .<:mi1;1`I'_`.' I1001'Ain. .ha1l,- oice, n:=11~. :1:;l hm`. and neW" Wa.Sh .m~l<. ::*.':a c.-ostvof $3360.-Re-' {z:m_s-z:!wl that hall on seco11dTat e- }>:1;<~:'ml :1mlT1>ai11ted. T .'\'1nwu Hotel, Alex. MacDonald, :'up.-~Tl .u:m'1_ 1'0C`Ol}1I11I1dCd ' that z1;c~x'i1;:` n1'Akal.~:0111-i11i_11`<. _7` be donein <-`ct-2'::3 z'n(m1s, also -halls. 1 IV'I ULUJJLL .- __.._- ALL BARRiE S HOTELS AND raw MI-NOR REPAIRS Rn. COMMENDED. ` _`_ Fatrrie.` --VUC th`c_z_ s.sIMcon1.IcENs1'.sT % ` 1 -'1'HREE.W1`.RI: GRANTE South iS,imc'oe Ilicense `Commis- sioners held their annual, meeting at Bradford and ' granted liquor li- censes r to the two. hotels at Brad-~ ford and one at Loretto, the same as last year. " `An application from A. W". Burke, of Hami_lton, for a shop license at Keenansville was re- ceived, and on motion of Mr. Geo. Lee, Adjala/s representative on the Board, the application `_ was not con- sidered 4 favorable. The .license, `board will relinquish control of the licenses on the swearing in of the new Provincial License Commission on May 5th. A ` ~ The License Dept. at Toronto has refused to" set aside a conviction }registered in Collingwood. Police {Court against Wm.. Mpller, and the gflatter will have to .pay his ne, of $300 or spend a term incBarrie J ail. MADE CONPETSSIHON AFTER % SERVING 20-DAY TERM. Willian1 f Cumberland, A who on `Monday nished a twenty day term in the County, Jail as a va- grant, has signed a full apology and confession, in which he says that {he collected - money` under false pre- tenses. He comes from- Creemore,l land represented that he "was cool- lecting money for Mr. Leonard. Agar, a respectable citizen of Cree-l more and Master of the Orange Iodge there, ewhom he said had a broken" leg, which Was also a. false statement. Cumberland," being an |Orangeman, Went among members l..c 1.1,... ....,l .......,......:..,:I :.. ....1 of the order, and succeeded i11 col- lecting cmisidedrable money, reports of 1-is operations coming in `from as far as `Sault Ste- Marie._ He was a.1're.ted by Detective Beardsley at Cadwater, under the. namcof Cole, and givenda 20-day ,term as a va- grant. , * I '1/\ C`JnJ-.-.-..`Jnn- Ln'vn'n4:ln n 4311" 111111. | \Il. I/lLl5\41Ll(JlLl., TV LILLU [#1119118 LlL\JI>LLII\.l-LR} ` SL(ll}g On Saturday hejmade a full con-I fession and signed a statement thatl any collections Were made under false -pretences. Cumberland, who has served a previous term here for vagraney,` `was in needy circumstances some time. ago and an effort was made among the Orangemen 7 around Creemore to . lstart him in a'_ small` store, `but he left'thev vicinity without leaving` his address. He IlSS11ffQ1`lI1g` with a bad leg and is- not in the best-of health , said to be due to dissipa-A tion. a ' ' ` v I [SON KILLED ON TRACKS , 3 FATHER nnorrnn DEAD] E Simon Desrochesr, of Lafontaine,. Efaher ;1`e1<(21ph(t)}1;e A De:oches_11', w ose un nney ea on e ra1-- !1='oad tracks at Penetanguishene "Was :11d ced in The Advance several Weeks -L -.-_ ..__J.]A..-.1:-r -`31Ir\1'\r\ I `HD1380. 111 1.116 Ixuvauuv D\zV\4.|.uua. u.,.,.-._, I . `ago, died very suddenly from heartlw ,frouble.1n Mr. Picotte s machine 1] shop, Penetanguishene, on April 1 16th. He had" been chatting with ,` Mr. Picotte, and about noon, While - `putting on his coat, a1l'at' once ex- pclaimed, What s' coming over ' V me, and fellgback - helpless into Mr. `Picotte s arms. The -doctor was immediately called, but life was extinct. The late Mr. Des- rochesr was 77 years of age, and came from Quebec over 40 years ago, settling on a farm at Lafon- l taine. He leaves` afamily of six- jteen sons and daughters, besides [ve grandchildren of `his recently rldeceased son. His wife died three years ago. The remains were re- moved to Lafontaine, where the funeral was held on" April 19th, and -` after requiem mass, buried in the R.C. cemetery there. ' V < The Walxerton .l1I':l.`u1u, ... _. .. 5 cent issue, says :---Fve happy, laugh-= ing, `wedding couples on whom theil nuptial knot had just .been tied, drove into Walkferton on Tuesday 4 and had` their pictures taken. It is 1 always well `to get them takenVbe- fore" the smile comes o, for` pic- ' :tures of married. couples when taken ` laters always seem to be minhs -the A smiles. It `is, therefore, nice for * the grooms` to look` back ' and see how happy they once swere. before Wrestling with coal bills and the , ' -rise in-.our... Know nothing, fear. 9 nothing," probably} accounts .for'._the 1` smiles*-- on, `most {wedding `photos, it but. the man`who is caught laugh- ing _ later` 'should_ he yiewed 1 n with W 1 Ubjvtnnzb . . _ _ -, in our. . Km 'uothing; probably"; most. the man who Ving later should I I ....-.-urn nunn ` . 1`;-ea`: V A... soldier at the 'fr_on't[- sends` to = :the.- Cannington Gleaner the wel- _com`e4 unewfs -_t1ia.`tr; ' ` `T " and 'kickin` " ` ~. The Walkerton Hefaldy _, ..,_ - aunvvcn -___T4`vn hSI.`|") A -`GYNIGAL nbrron THE .mTtRI's `or Mime .- Tl-I c-oumw or smanll-: AM: THE `comma: or cumtanl om: cm.uInou.V J3`A1mm, Anso BARMEV, CUN'll OFi sz1M;c0E. ONPTARIO, APRIL 29. 3915 in ,9. `re- `That those Whoe have `Apassed `through; the Master s chair in Kerr Masonic `Lodge hafve not _lost in?" `terest in -the fraternity, Was` evi- ` denced on Thursday evening last when the chairs` ._Were occupied by ` Past -Masters of . the Lodge, who conferred -the Third Degree. .W. ,' Master Stewart and his ofcers were greeted by `a large` number of - members of, the craftjand _a. pleas- ant eveningwas enjoyed. by all. ~ Dunc up-\ Past Masters Night - % At Kerr Lodge `The folldwing Past `Masters occu? pied" the "chairs, - and did most creditable; work . in- the conferring of the Third Degree: `_ i .'.. R. W. Bro- R. J. Sprott I.P.M. .. VV. Bro. O. H. Lyon 'S.VV. .. W. Bro. T. Crew J.W. Bro. R. Stephens Chap. W. Bro. E. R. J. Biggs S.D. W. Bro.`VV. N. Duf J.D. .W. Bro.'T. Beecroft S.S. . VV. Bro. H. E. Jory `J.S. . W . Bro. .D. M. Stewart I.G . VV. Bro. F. Marr From. labor" to refreshment, `read an .o'peni_ng line on the toast _list--and as soon as `the work of the evening was concluded adainty luncheon was served in the ban- iquet hall, followed by a well-ar-_I ranged toast list, interspersed with niusicalselections. W. Bro._ W. N. Duffiwas toast-master and after the King and the Craft had been loyally hono1'ed,.the -`_`Grand Lodge of Canada Was proposed and re- sponded to by ` R. W. Bro. R. J. Sprott. Our ,Brethren Under` A-rms - was ably responded to by W. Bro. E. R. J. Biggs, who made lspecial reference to the part our Indian troops are takingain the lgreat World s conflict. Rev. Mr. lBiggs `was well able to deal with lthis subject, having spent .a number Ztof years` in the Indian Empire. 1 I f\__'.. 1TI...IL...... 7 .\l:nH-A11 mono-vinnanc UL `y UQLD Ll]. unnu .a.;Lu.a.uu..; .._4...l,-- V. 7 Our Visitors elicited responses from. VV. Brethren Felt, Little; Otton and` Redditt of Corinthian, and NV. Bro. Daniels of Toronto, the latter having an appreciative word to say of the part`l_)'eing play- 'ed by the women of Canada in the Empire s _.war. 4 4 mt. - T)......L `I\'.`r.m4-...m A? TIA.-r [.Lll1_ll1l11U D V7 The P Masters of Kerr Lodge was ably. responded to by- W . Bro. F_l\Iarr and _VV. `Bro, H. E. Jory. Mr._Marr feelingly refer- red to ve former occupants of the" schair who. have Crossed the Bourne, as follows : VV. Brethren D. Spry, J. McL. Stevenson, R. E, Fletcher, also made kindly reference to the who joined Kerr Lodge when it met at Belle Ewart. and who later afliated` with Corinthian- Lodge rlwhen `he moved to Allandale. W. {I Bro. Jory compliniented the present L officers of Kerr9Lod;re on the work . they are doing, `and exnressed his =. pleasure at seeing. such 'intcrestVLbe- - ing taken by the younger mem- " J ` J. F. Smith and W. C.- McLean, and . late Bro. John Little of Allandale,` 1' -0 r11'T-",,"I__,!'_ m___;_99_ j V ``_The Junior Warden s Toast . (Wnttenand composed by R. W. Bro. J. C. Morgan, a Past _Master of `vKerr.) was {sung by the lodge pquartctte, composed of Brethren A. . Pratt, Irving McLachlan, VV; Stan- ley and C. Ferguson, who also gave another much appreciated selection.. Songs were given by W. Bro. R. Stanley, and Brethren A. Pratt and` Irvitfg McLachlan. T . iRn1:v1:'IsAAc scon- lcollingwood Paper. Predicts Eisi Election Next Yea.r.-Sketch Of V His Career; ` The Col1ingwood Bulletin, in a lrecent issue, publishes, the following iskgt-dh "pf Reeve Isaac Scott, under -the head-ii11ig.of Old Boys Gal-_ .. .1.`-... Lawn -rnnvna nnf`. {fth D111) I16 U411 1.u`l|J-J vquu-mg .... .....,. bon_0r_ of an Old Boy pf Nobtawa-\_' (sag-a. Our picture is -that of Reeve` ~I`sa:a:c Scott of Nottaswaswga, a" na-tive~bornt son of the land: of the -.; , township. `Ree-ve Scorbt is the ,s_oni .` of ' Thomas and .S-a-rah Scott, who`, , settled i 1'1,qthe_., torwnshirp on lot 4, , concession, .1_1, 186-2,~three years`:: his, )i_1'.th. _During this boy-*'{ ; hood. Isaac attended; , -rvhe home sec- ` " 'ti`dn~: achoo1_ arid . urppn reaching ;man- ;` .:`moved.., over. one concession and V` purchased , 2, T; ?:con`cession 12, 5 .ivvhere';.11e':j1_xars'V i=sin*ee`__residedi I Amway iiinteresmedt in Ttt.pwb1*ic ` `Va=a+i'r;t` ttnde;inxV1.9Q2' 1ery': _ q . ; 'To-day we have moved out into the rbawnship of - No1Jtawasaga- for the piotume for this column. Some "may say he is not an OM Boy ? of O01-lingxwood which is quite true, I 1. L - AlI'|v\ u1.`a`1'1 n11[n`1n;`FV 4'rnv' UOHIDHWUUU "V`1"-1 " `i'"" "` "" but he can fulcly .qua`]ai1y for the -9 '_.; (X13 D-.. mt \Tnh+.onra..` ZOE. `AU LIIJ-\Il.`I. .c'1;__;py` 'a,s1!c1e seam gu,- pug. 11,I_1ti1 .`ffi1`{_n'.1g when he Wed ` u In * '1f9.12`V he fwas - ' I in.`;. `E615 i~r*1:{x-1' WARDEN: r. % . B gs 33 -117 , `\T, T\ . . F. I Jreeord that; makes Thimv the envy ,o `elections -of m>an'rifestin\g their *-ap- %: During "the. ve years since he left 1 the rposiatilon of V eotmeillor he has ( had `but one contest, and one that: oecasion- he had an easy "victory, a I.` ] many 'IIl.1l'I]llJGl'p8.l. "A legisllartorrs, wtho. al- 1 w.ay\s,_ `have to ` ght for anything ] gainedxg In "the township coun ci1",1 Reeve .Sco?tt -has given close atten- 5 tion to the -aairs V of - the people,l1 who evidently do not overlook the .1 _oprportun'ity oered (by the muniei-pal 1 preeiwation of his servinoesj In` the * county council Reeve Scott is de- servedly ~popu'-lar and since going 4 ithere as the representative of Not? 1 tawasaga -has `occupied p*0s'itions on - - _4,,....._ . 3...-nu n.s. n-u4- .nt\- l.a.w a.a'wg-u nab Uuuwyxvu P`UuL'uAvuu V. a number of import-anrt committees. He was -on Finance in 1911 and. on Roads and Bridges for the "past four years. `In 1914 he was elected chairman of the latter committee i I and at the January session this year`; -W-as'a:g~alin honored!._ with the same; position. Now `he isfreely. talkedl ofl as wamdlen for 1916 and those in the know say that his chances are ex- cellent for election. ' - _ '-Reeve Scott is a quiet fellow, but good company. He is a Liberal in poli-tics and a believer in the the- ology of -John Wesley, - `but he is. never found` -endeav1oring`to force his views upon others. He recog- lnizes the. right of the other fellow -~-- A....] J-In:-xuurwls Ln vnotri IIIZC5 ULIU I.'l5`.lI.D UJ. '|J1L\.; '\JUAL'\/J. vvvvv II I to an 0Ipi'n and, though he may think he is V in error if he cannot by angument `show him, he is T pre- parecl to let it go `at that. He is lmodest, that `we know, as it has `taken more time than we care to tell to persuade him that We should have the aceonipsa-ny-ing picture, ' but here it is, -and We are pleased tn have it, to present a gooti fellow to a \lOl370tf xgnood fellows he represents. iNo LIABILITY I'oR 'MAN , `INJURED oN GRAND TRUNK $2--:-1 In the days of Blair, chairman of ;the Dominion Railway Board, back} in 1904, a temporary order Was made whereby `the three great rail- way systems were -enabled to ex: elude themselves from liability when a `man travelling under a special live stock contract `was in- jured or killed as *a result of an accident on the railway. - i ,,---1`l...J im nr\1\1nn+;I\I1l gin? a,cc1_ucuu uu mu: ;uuu...._,. This fact is recalled in connection!` with the d_ecision of the Privy` DEV [IN 8: NIIJHCHISD w: Childtenfs Raincapes, sizes 6 to 12 yrs, Fawn shade, with hood, lined with plain silk, $2.75 Ladies Ladies Raincoats, English make, quality ahd good weight, regular 1 for ..................... ............... .. [Men's Raincoats, English make, Io.oo, for .......... ............... .. %Regular value 7.50, for .... Regular value 5.06, fbr .............. .. 4Hose--Ladies plain black cotton hose," sizes A 8% t9 10, value 15c pr., Sat". ev g ....... ..l0c Vests-Ladies" vests with shott sleeve 6: with-' out, `reg. value I2%c and 15c, Sat. ev'g.' 10 V Towell`in--al1 linen, regular 12%: yd. Sat. ev g ......... ..'-. ................. ........... Cott,on--`W~hitevCott,on,' reg. ipcyd, 36 inches 7 wide. Sat. evfg ................... ..3 yds. 25 Fancy Coll'ai`s--all odd lines of collars that _were sold from 75c to 1.50 each, Sat. v g (ocean. c o o u c up Q I c o o o u o o on o n o u Q o I c o O 0 I - O O O I o Q o I n o O u on 9%c ' .adies_ Raincaps, Fawn shade, collar of black Satin and buttons to match, very stylish, ............. Soc:-' o o u a - o -coon:-on ` EH. Special Bargains For Saturday Night - Council allowing the appeal of the` Grand Trunk Railway and dismis- sing the action` of .A.' N. Robinson, .`who was injured, in a collison' at Burk s Falls While taking a horse from Milverton to__ South Riveinl Robinson did not know he was travelling ' under the terms of the special contract, which dxeluded the` lrailway from liability. The con-i ,tract_` had been signed" by Dr. Park- ler, who was forwarding` the horse, `and Robinson put it in his pocket. % Without reading it. e l h This temporarily authorized forml of contract is still in. force, the Railway `Board never having re- [placed it with another. Taailways Put One Over . i The methods of securing the au-` ,thority of the Railway Board for `the authorizing of this contract, as itold in "the words of Mr. Justice iLatchford, the trial judge in the Robinson case, looks as though the three__ great railway systems of the Dominion had put one over on the learned railway commissioners. His Lordship, in his judgment of: June 6th, 1912, says: 117111-- -......L....,.L ......J.u. u-rkinln +l1n auuc Uul, .1.a.La, .::a._yo. The contract under which thel `horse was carried was a before the Board of _Railway Commissioners `of Canada -for e approval, `on 17th lOctober, 1904, upon the app1ication' of the three great railway systems of the Dominion and of the Pere Marquette Railway Company. An order was therefore made, Which, after referring "to the ematter as one of great importance, `requiring thatl `much circumspection should . be] forms which the board hereafter has to approve, and also into the; question of limitation of liability": on the part of the carriers, em-' powered and authorized the appli-l cants to use the forms submittedl `until the board , shall hereafter` otherwise order and determine. ~ ~ in awn: L" n.. D.,..1m.. exercised in examining into the` [OEDBTWISU UJ.`ut:1' iyuu UUDULLA .... \/0 ' The form signed by Dr. Parker` iis identical with that then" tempor-1 'arily authorized by the Railway` Commissioners, and though ` nearly : eight years have elapsed, no furth-I .... .... ..+1.m. mAm- ha: hmm made in e1gm:- years Ulatlouu, ..., .... .. er or other orderhase been made in` Va-matter so seriously affecting the=` relations between the principal rai1-| iways -of _the country and the ship-1 lpers of hve stock. ' 1.. ,..:..:.m -inr1crmpnf. in the Sn-. ers OI uve SLUUA. - In gwmg judgment 1n the Sn- ----7 to 10 P; M. ONLY- {in

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