Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Apr 1915, p. 2

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TEMPTED $ TO REDUCE LIVE STOCK---DON'T: {Do_NA.LDa gqss, LL.B. BAR- -__1_ ._.C [DR W. H. OCEELS (SUJCOESSOOR 1.- `T\_. T'l...112_._\ T)L__..1....'__. (Successor to` the late R. Fine a.n& Life Insurance j Real Estate Agency n .n 1` 'Money~to Loan W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIA_N, TTWKVCV |JAS. L ARNOLD W. A. LEWIS, M.D.C .~M., Surgery] .... .1` `IX. .... l\lh -1! T'lT........... ............1..'I llr .'%`Bosanko \IJLL\&D3 0 LL JJLEIWJLD Dunlap St. Miioney` to ,1oa1;: ` L`-I II ` Bu1ld1ng.V est rates. -...... OUUICLJ .v --.OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREPT, BARBIE. ' Phone 54. P. 0. Box. 96. .____j:j__ .__.._.. _........_._._....i.:.._. ..Z_...._ INWIN. & ESTEN, Ontario Land Surveyors, En- -gineers, etc; Established 1852. Oice, --Medical Building, S. E. comer Richmond _and Bay Sts., Toronto; `Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & .Esten, Solicitors, Bank. `of To- ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended` to. 7 .u.;. .a..n.. .A..4.u.u.LJA.vJ._'l.tJ, J. .L.I. .I. L)J.'\JL1.LV and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. 0. Alexander.) Ofce and resi- dence Burton Ave., Allandale. `Diseases of women and children and nervous disorders 8. specialty. Phone 269. 1 ` 22-ly. "15'Ai_31Ef' P11}-Eian, 4.44; . Barrie, Ont. Ofce 5; other hours `by Phone_ 565. .L`oLI.LI.J.I.l LU\J LIL), ..IJ.LJoAJ-9 JJLLLII rister, -Solicitor, etc. Bank -of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money .to loan. ' o \I \J\-I..AnsJ \'kJ 1.1 ' ' \/ LU I3i'.`i a1ling), Physi`<;i\:Ja.n;~~ur,-I geon and Accoucheur. `Special- atbention to Eye, "Ear, Nose and Throat._ ,Glasses adjusted. Oice, `Owen St. -Phone 95. ~ 14-ly. 1 .|J.VVJ..kJ, .L'.I.ILlJO\Ja`.LJ.Lo, KJELJ-\.rL. 1113. Iiseases of Women especial- ly. Ofce 58 Collier, St. _ Phone '61. -, T 35- 'Ts",11r:;'e'o1{f' etc., L.R.C.S.,. Edin.: .I-Il\.I|sJ-is}, J. .-l.L.L.'|.}J-'\/.LA4I.L` I L.R.C.1?., London. Ofce and residence, Dunlap St.. Barrie. Telephone. V 165. I J_l.l LLLUL` '.L.L`JJLJ, \.l L L 4L\/JJ uhvhd residehce corner of Toronto `and Elizabeth -Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. - n-on H. T-. ARNALL, 0n};FIC-E __--1.]-__-- _, T t$:%%pia'1'"cIJs of Division of 3',he Do-, .L.{.x'1V_1,ini<`_V>z1-` - tFr1_ns.` is to ------- MONEY TO LOAN I II Iowan nousn.._L -5 _- --, _ uunnirmnnsf sunvmoi; PHYSICIANS. 11UU.l.' JJULLIS UL LULULJDV oney to loan at low- RING 263 BUGLAY, osmo- I'L,-S ,3- \/I\J.l..|.4\J appointment. Aw `I, u..A.I\.z.L.L us ISA!!! TO ......%3..._'4=iI='~... 9m!P**=t- C'O-l` `IIl.'.\lLTKIIIl.l|v \J`l" Buggies, `Carriages. W389 Andrew NORTHEiiN ADVANCE Barrie, `Ont. Town. Tnuv ADVANCE 1s prov largest circulation of any papeinihglaw I11, It,ha.s*also by far the la reoei ts. . rges` Subscdpztan T latter fact demonstrates the itavpatrona. If you have any ad\'ertisqal`t!og placejt with the paper ghat 1-eachesth Km 4 not afraid to pay the pmce. 9 Deon, Advertisements are charged new pa..e-12 lmes nonpareil me ' mo ` rd asure magotc `I TRANSIENT Anvmz-rxsns G Legal Notices. Auctlon b 1 etc.-?-F`ir8t insertion lo _eI::8e8i)e.;`\rrl1i11semem, an uentinsertlon5cents per line "6' each .R 2 notices. 10 cents: M. ..-L- . 111861`!/IUD 01 6c Der line. - ESDAY, APRIL 29th, vv yes 15:50: ` "M! H , comuaancun DISLAY Rates will begiven on application CONTRACT cnmazs. Advertigers will please bear in notice of mtention to charge C mind [hm must be handed into the o ` adverzise Saturdni at 10 o'clock, and t enot Imermxu M . , as change mnstbe in THE ADVA1\('`%rof0"` later than 12 o'clock noon on hfondaymceu week, otherwise the advertiser's anno "1 "3 -may not be made` public until the we:1?cf0`` inc. `*v public 1ihVt'ii-t1"~;v:::11;m(e0l: ing. A cownmrsnzn ADVERTISEMENTS, Coniensed a.dv_ertisements on rstpugesm as wants of all kmds, logt and f_ound, pm, for sale orto rent: speqrc artxclcs, em, gig must be accompamed vntn the cash. - ' Cuts for advertisements must In , ev case bcmouxrtcd on sohd metal mi , IIIIIIIJI I appeal to farmers to send me sums from $1 to $50, during `the rst week in May.. Every $50 pro- vides one additional hospital bed with the giver s name over"it. By sending me about $10,000, 1,. you would 7 serve your country Well, bring credit_ to yourselves, and make all of us very proud, of you.` For the _ sake `of the wounded. boys, make the_: gift substantialf It will be an investment __ towards the re- covery of. "some Canadian soldier who stood in our stead that our cause mightibe: upheld ; a i -- . 1:!..:41;.1.-.e.n.i.`.......-..' ` n..:-...1 `.:`-=71r--_' - "vi-or Monkman s Glycedonbia. [Has a marvellous effc-ct vn :- skin. One or two app1ic:1ti.n~' " rem_ov'e the roug`h11ess. mail occasional use the -skin a<-q:,xi2w~ ` smoothness and of :2 ':.E Glycedoniia `is not, mu! rvmnn. ' .1. l\ V. _.y y vn-:.\'Ax In-siy Wbe ~WiO1`_`I'1 a few '11 izswing it. Price 1.10 .3 livghstfuil after shaving. _- bu \rAvl_l.Jl'\ 1 FOR THEEGUNTY or suvxcoa, [Most reasonable terms giver. on .21 I Stock Sales V. Beavef aha Blshopbric Wall Boa.-a cedar Shinles. Metallic Ceiling Anything in the Lumber Linc 'aa1' oun nuc:-:s BEFORE YOU Buy `THE mu mums Mill 0 Telephone I09 I.:...;.... ] CRAIGHURST, om". ;L1cENsEn {ATUCTIONEEE I-45-u --.._ _--_ CERTAINTEED Roo{m\e guaranteed 5. 10. 15 Years: Tele-|')ho;e BARBIE. [JOHN JENNE3? "i`2Iit1`I3fii .Zu";{d, % Jag. W. Robertson, _Cha.irman,l LR\ed ` Cross _Socity. at Ottawa; . > ` ` ' I % I 9 0 I I\LlI-4|-I I ' d 1 A ~ \ sm.-m p?ru?:s.F`i5 3Zrde3s{"`i{87fs{ii be:-seto.Everyt i ' th N -vline Send list of your w.;n?`?., ,`, ,i.,`.'`(;ma- 13 F"- T App!!! For Terms ` 1 5.031511`: wurran EVERYWHERE J. H. Wigner, Nurse:-yxnan. Port Elgin 01!` , , 43-21 , Z31` Druggist. V Tm: Anvancx p1-oven 1 rgeat any mm, H`: The NewFoundr! I NEXTDOOR TO THE TANNEP.Yl Is open for all orders in CAS'I'I.\'GS, MILL REPAIRS, 8:9. , T N AI2VERT!.$J.F RE TREES ! ! TREES ! ! LI ..x'...a- -. u. .. "Transact a General Bazzl-any Buaineu. . . . . Notes Disvounlo I [at reasonable rates. . C'0.r<`- tibn qf Notes and Accounts gii-c n V special dttention. . . . . Drafts Issued payable 'an_2/u.-lama Ohequea on outside banks caslml at lowest rates 9) ea:cIzange. . . .. T Sale Nqtes Cashed or Colleetul T.Beecmfi Zmoderate prices. ,/ , __.__--, uvvo Boilers. Engines and z;]1_ kinris of farm and _stat1ona.ry machme-r}` In.(i: and repaxred on shoxtest notice uni conditins in which it is kpt. g . 2. U_s'_e fgothing - bi_1t pure bred nu--:\I~ ' Al Work "done by expert mw.}.in- rat and guaranteedrst class. 1'. BEECROFT, 0n most favorable erms. G_EO. MONKMAN. BANKERS MA m1uo'wnm av VMANUFACTURERS. .-_._- v - -w: -\\I\I 5. 10, years. Oce Hours-10 to 4 Expert illachinist '53:; `(qt V 3.` .Keep>ft`he,. best 3 females Tto breed from. 11-71 `I I 1- .1, v-gas-p - L aco. 5 Perf- or eachngfibggg 111 :1`. Obituary Ilf. A v 'n101m*11t ankl` Bin _ auatr/e r "i.'iE;szed ommmo ;Bzm .wE.`N.. `gradig p the cei- tpurebreds. They take no more men steck buy one or two purebred females? and gradually Work T. into St-able` troom, V eat no more than a scrub, but in the end will give `a much better a_ ceount of themselves'.| `The Red Cross Society exists to succor the sick and wounded in war. It needs more money to provide more `beds at hospitals. in Great Britain and France; it needs more "money to ,pay more ,Red Cross Nurses; it needs more money, and more things made by ' women, to supply to Clearing Hospitals, Base` Hospitals, . 9.11 ' "and Recovering Hospie ;mos'rrI:1vr1`1.r. FARMS IN sm- I con COUNTY. ARE moss -I on WHICH MUCH `s-rocx L % `IS KJ:`.PT.--HOW SITUATION MAY. BE IMPROVED. CU`-I\J\JlA4LLU `J-L IIIl\/LAID) V L V V A10 5. Communities, `say i 9'. township, should .decide which ' is the best class of stock for that Ioc_a1ity_and' work together to improve_ it. ` - ' R VITAA ` ma.-gal. 1...... annual Ln IV \l-I IA lI>\Ja\JUll-\IL U\I lIJnIlJJ.\I V \.I_ `III 6. Too much . care cannot. be given to the housing. of stock, `especially the ventilation of stables. '7 (1..-.II 4'-`.-...J2..... ......... 1...'.....2l 1... Readers -of ;;the newspapers and followers of the course of the war must `long ago have become con- l-vinced that the situation` grows `more and. more_ intense, and critical day by day. Great.B'rita'in, is faced not alone by_ outside enemies, but by labor troubles and. by lack of those immense internal resources in- the matter of food `production that Germany and Austria-Hungary] "pos- sess. Shecannoti feed herself, and is compelled to , rely largely on other countries for a supply of the necessaries `of life. In such; case the duty of her children is dis- tinctly "plain. It is noteworthy of her enemies that they are not only thoroughly united but that they are enduring with What fortitude they possess the rigid military enforce- meiits that. are placed upon them for the conservation both of "food and material., Every man, womanl and child, from the Kaiser down,` [have been put , on rations. The idea is three-fold, to guard against` lany possible emergencies, to mis- ilead the foe into, over-condence land by `thoroughness to bring such [pressure to bear as will hasten the` I . . . . . . [nal decisioiip Britain is pursuing `the same course. She has not yet found it necessary /to place her ipopulation individually on short rations, but she has found it desir- lable to take over munitioii factories [in order to ensure supplies that mean either life or death to the nation.. Meantime, Germany: by cowardly submarine assassination `is endeavoring to starve her people and cripple her resources. TIYILL` ..-_-`l. _ -L-J_ 4" fit`. g \{lJ J\J\JLIClIJ ULJIJ V ULLUAASUVLU UL Duuunuuu 7. Good feeding goes hand in Ehanfi with good breeding; V . "rm: BUGLE BLAST TO CANADA . 7 1 Our country, I with its Allies, isl Iwaging a great war for justice, for the .protection of small nations in thevenjoyment of their rights, for [for the maintenance of its pledged lword of honour. Much destruction [and desolation are being caused. Lives are being lost by the thous- and. Canada s rst contingent is now in the `thick of it. Some will fall sick;_ many_ may `be wounded; -some will pay the last full measure lof devotion to their country and its 08.1186. -u-. -. .. -- continued and growing freedom, and. IA RED cnoss APPEAL` TO THE FARMERS an u.-.A11IJ;u ALL/L AUDUUL DUD- I With such a state of affairs ex-l istcnt it`is hardly` necessaryv to ex- iiplain to `stay-at-home Canadians `how bes_t'_they can fulll their mani-1 fest duty `and show` the burden-- bearers how completely they possess their sympathy. But the, bugle blast has its rallying power in. peace as in War. `To all the people, and to farmers, breeders andset-I itlers in particular, the Patriotism and Production movement that is in progress. is blowing the bugle, or, in other words, carrying "its mes- sage. Its object is to arouse all and sundry to the part they areI called on to play. That -part does not of necessity mean harder work! nor increased acreage; but it does limply -the exercise of every faculty in attention and vigilance. It does limply _in order-to secure increased and improved production, by _Which alone cultivators of the` soil can {contribute towards the credit of [the country and empire, the great- est care in the selection of seed, in`! the breeding_ of live stock and in economy of the land. - tions is the demonstration of the vital `part p1ayed}- `by =1`ime in the in- crease of -a soi1 s proda1ctiveness._ JITL- .._JL_'_-.4. 1.. J._.....A._.1 2.. _... _.. I uv rzvu-I. va-vun lJ\I&\QUl\l.JlI . '1 1. `Select the class of stocksthat. best results under the` ....,..w '\I'J. .. W..- ysvwuvvavvuvvvo | The _sulbje`ct is rtreated -in an in- -teresting amd practical `way in Bul- ~leti-n N05. 80 of the Experiumental Farrms regular series, -by rthe Do- miniion C'hemi_st, D_r. Frann T. Shurtt,' who discusses it under -the :fo11'ovwing~ headis:-~ A .' TheIzna;tu1"e of lime and limestone. The J agricultural . functions of -lime" and its oomvpounds. - .f`L._.._.-....A..'.... _..1-..... ...C `I: m A A . .._ ' M, ` Ufkecrgthfy. Department of -Railways and ' - `Camalls, Ottawa, 12th April, 1915.` Newspapers inserting rtihis adher- -ti-sement `withouxt auf)ho1ti.ty from the Department not be paid for it.--'7'8266._ -' ._ _ 916-17 | w.,iA :a`3:_'2:o`::ve;pted, bank cheque on at ( ch-a1'.tered' thank: of 'Ganad'a .for the sum of $2,200.00, `made payable to eaxch tender, which sum will be for- feited if. the_ party `tendering de- clines entering into contract rfor the work,.at the rates stated in the offreg 'S11|1`)'IIli1Jted.` ` - -the Order of the Minister of Rai1-- Ways `and. Canals, must accompany` }f"`i`heIi1"L"S `thus X sent in W111 be returned 'to rthe respective contrac- rtors Whose tenders are not accepted. 'q"]1o .n:`r\An11n n.-C. 4-Ln ' a.-.;,..-..\......L'..'I L-.. I tau;-a vuuvcu vuuuvxa (L10 .uUb aUUU]_.M/CUM _ `The -cheque of * the suiccessful rben-U derer willtabe `held as security, or part "security, for the due full-, ment of ' the contract to be entered into. ' `I ' . K - JJJLIVJ C4lIll'\.I 1 115.7 \4'\I\L.Il'tI\l DI-Ll4l\.L\ I . Counparative values of lime com- pound\s..' T The application of lime com- pounds. \ The use and misuse of lime. .Tho`se `iriberested may obtain -a, loopy of this bulletin by. applying to `t'he*Pufb1ications Branch, Depart- ` ment of Agriculture. `Ottawa. ;:i`,i1 lowest or_ dny :tender not necess-arily_ accepted-. T By order, T 11'? 1\'rTrmn.1- H11-7 Vqyvywvs u.L Auavo .L'UL ` ULLU .LLUu.l; \ P3.va11s,. specications and forms of] tender can obtained. "by applica- mion to the Chief Exngineer, Depart- ment of Railways and Canals, Ot- itaxwa, or to Sruperint'en.d'"ing.Engine- er of -the Trent Olanal, Pete1`.b0r- Dough, Onrt. ' l Goltlen yellow Chirfese s i'lk cur- tains are delightful in a room With `.3, cool north light. ' Department ofiiiways zm`dc`aial`s,'(:anada E TRENT CANAL J | ,N.TK.3'_ T9 COETRACTORS 3 [By J. Laughland, B.Se.A., Dept. of - __ `Agriculture, Collingwood] . -. l ijDuring the past `V few months} prices of grain have gone up to such a` pitch that A many farmers have been tempted to reduce the number of live stock kept so that 7they will have more `grain to sell at these high gures. The axe has ' fallen heavier on the hog than on any other -class of live stock _be4 cause he is essentially a consumer ofgrain refusing to" eat the coarser `fodder. ' Reducing the . live stock! S_vEA;7LED , TENDERS, _ addressed {O the un'dersi.g*ned -and? endorsed Tender for Lock Machinery Fit- ,-tin'gs, 'EItc., Trent `Can-al, ' will be received at 1;his- oice' until 12 'o c1ock_ noon on Wednesday, May '5th, 1915, for the manufacture and delivery 1 of operating machines, anchorage ttings, and ..pdvots for locks, and gains for elllrgency steel stopilog bridges for the `Trent Canal. .' 131-..- -__- n-_i_ Real Estate Qua inlmnce . Phone 538. Bosankollock . Barrie $200,000.00, vvo}th- of houses and, property. in Barrie mug Allandale. ` V `ulna Lgaluuu IS; `Smallcasi; ayments. Balance as rent. Farms for SE15. ' ` jQn--._ ___- mwn YOUR own new rent. THE LATEST NOVELS IDEAL BANKING s1~:nv1cr: Bhrrie ad Aljandale Branvchs.` H. A, SIMS} Manager cattle knows that a sire whose ....- ........ .. ,, uuuuu V0 V . Two things that have hinderedl the development of the live stockl industry in the Province are: first, the use of scrub SlI`0S and, second-o ly, selliiig off the best females when a tempting offer was received. Like begetsxlike. Pedigree is worth something, The breeder of dairy pedigree shows that his dam, _g:' dam,` and a great grand dam! .v'r~re heavy milkers is a .more de- `sixable animal to have at the head of a herd` than one of whose ances- try nothing is known, although in- dividually he may be an animal of] good appearance. Anyone` who] makes a study of the live stocki business, visits the large fairs or some of the prominent breeders and V7 e are fortunate in having in Sim- ~ac1oss- the Atlantic and in_ Canada, tl en goes through a County, knows that there is room for much im- pro"cment.. There are good herds and individuals -in every `district. eoe County horses that have won at ._ many of the big shows both but. to take a thousand animals of any breed just as they` come and A the v average would be far from ' what it might be. A ` ' ' \ rm... .........J.:..... :. . 1...... -.-._ -1.1-- 1:`.-- 1 ` (INCORPORATED! 1355) .4 .` ' ' A5 V T ANK%o1=TORONTfO Cease wasting your money bnf '1Io(cICv:a}::nne;gf i-i{u'nE.':5:E.' 'r_Hp_I01}i.' Wiii The Bank of Toronto to its customers combines all ' Mo15EBN"BA:N1:1NG; SERVICE oiiered by. the advantages of sound banking experience, `gain- ed through sixty years of safebanking, with the modern equipment and progressive outlook necessary to meet present-day requirements. . . - _ . Careful attention is given to all Business Accounts; and ourlong. experience and ample funds insure full, satisfac- tory service to our customers`. . Capital - - $5,000,000 Reserved Funds - $6, 402, 810 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE U1. uuA , ` J. W._ PUGLE , how can the life stock situation be Ai'mproved.I From close observation the` following points would seem to offer `at least a partial` solutio_n. . , C..`l....J. LL- -1-.._'. .._o _L.-,`I, :1 For (xnconrolwrzm First sherman (about four p.m.) -say'! ; _ . D Second fisherman-Huh? First , shermaIf--Wouldn t make us nervous to `feel that the sh markets of the country were depending on us I-'-Judge. `it .n_zuuu.:.-uxuuxuu _UJ. .Luaz.wwa;yb UJJU. *Cana1s,`O=tta:wa, 12th April, 1915. E_Newsp~apers inselwbingi this adver- tisement withourt authority from the Department will not be paid 4-`m. :+ P7QoQ9 -m Iv I? " "IVV. PUGS-DEY, ` Secretary. IDena1'.tm-mt of Rzagilwways and ;l 1n..n`l-`(\++........ -1m.L A___.2`l -an... .L.LAL uuuklo `The cheque `thus senrt - in will be. returnecle to the respective contrac- -tors whose tenders are not accepted. The cheque orf the successful ten- derer -Will `be held. as "security, or part security, for the due full- rnent of the contract to the entered- ___.L- any . .l.I_\;1I BlvLL\l4I-I\JJ Department of Hallways and canals, Canada terests of agriculture. `The swine T industry always has its ups and to year usually reaps a fair prot. ,,_-i_c V--- . ---V, -uvvvqa in` this way` would seem from `past experience not to be to the best in- downs. When prices are low there are people who sell off and get out` of the game and this brings about a-`scarcity of pork cwith a time of high prices which the man who has sold out cannot take advantage of. The one who refuses to be'stamped`- ed and carried along about the same number of animals from year Each individual farmer has ;to work. for years to develop the animals on his farm_so- that they*'w'1ll give best results under his particular circum-E stances, and if he suddenly sells` them off it means he is back at the: starting point in the race. There! _the soil in a productive state. In] is another reason why it is unwise` to let grain crowd out live stock raising and that is the question ofi soil fertility.` All the manurgthatl can be produced is needed to keep past years when abundant "crops of "clover could be grown the soil WZE seems to be greater need than ever kept fairly rich, at far nitrogen was concerned, but . now that the "clover crop is more or less- uncertain in some localities, there for barnyard manure as a fertili-[ zer. The most fertile farms in the County of Simcoe are those on which avgood deal of live stock is i kept. ' 17-4. ..-.1-- -----_1:| :1. ---_--_J__:-_L1_i J.;L.L` IJ\Jn necessarily accepted. By order, T TTY 1\TTI`1v(`1T FIWTT A I The lowest or _ any tender nqrt [ ' TRENTICANAL iN"_'?E T9- QONTRQCTORS. SEALED TENDERS, addressed] to the urndersigned and` endorsed Tender for .Valves, Trenvt Canal, will be received at this office until 12 o c1oek noon on, Wed-nesday,' May 5th, 1915, for the "supplying, manu- faidtrurin-g and" eerecsti-ng wagon and cylindrical valves for certain lock-s _on;n:che Trenit Canval. T -u .4 n , wt/NB-AA, \/an An accepted: fbank cheque on a char-i tered `bank of "C`anad-a for the sumof $4,400.00. made payable to the order{ of the .Minister of Rai'1}ways. and} Canals, must accompany each ten4' der, which sum will be forfeited if the party. tendering declines enter- ing into contract for the work, at -the rates stated in the oer .sub- mitted. _ ` | : Plans, specication-s and vforms of [tender can `be obtained `by applica- ition to the Cihief Engineer, Depart- ment of_ Railways and Canals, 0.1:-. rtawa, or to Surperi-ntten=ding Engine- ier of the Trent `Can-al, Peterbor- 3-ough, Out. 7 ' I `An _accep`teds ggnk ehegue 911 char:! Rcpa`-its of all kinds Residence, I64 Bayeld Stret Phone 627. . 16.1; G.S.RANK|N ' \iI;1;n aI.J cuT;;Jr}J:_v'aTvBsI _ i=ii6NE 0-33 vlilvot only would it seem advisable! that -' each farmers should retain about the usual number of animals but there may be opportunities for- branching out in some directions. For instance, with regard to the breeding of draft horses, two breeds the Percheron and the Belgian, na- tives of the \va1'.zo11, are ' being used up largely for War purposes. These are two popular. breeds in the United _States, and if their numbers are greatly reduc_ed a need,- is likely to arise for a` good type of draft horse such as` Ontario farmers can produce.- m..... 11.:.,.,_. n...; 1-..--- "l-:_._V:l.._-..,J '. -H. Kennedy [ONE 033 . . ABARIIIE - On a. Nibbleles Day Contractor & Builder BOQKSTORE ._...-.._.__...__._....___.-___-. 3. .~tlie- V Post Oiae ' 16-i7 smwrmror S'TEWuA.=RT, BAR- RISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 A per cent. Oice-,' 13 Owen St., Bar- r'ie;' D. M. Stewart- ` ER OOWAN, SUC- cessor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship; and administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. 'nHin_ls Block, No. 8 1., 1--.. IIIUIVE. I I U LJJIII` . Wehave a large amount of money to 109. n atlowest current rateaeitherfin small or in large `"`' 2`1%T?&%Ef `6x sE;au`n5:x`8I on Street Barrie. G. A. RADENHURST, B`AR-RIS- . 'ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. 1st floor Bank of Toronto il'._.._. 1.. 1...... -4. 1...... o}:}i:` ?s'dT I your-`strength 1 The dc ednir,-tubes .s.% Hect your. ` anti-speedily-|e_a_dTh ammonia. ~ ORESWIOKE &' BELL, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyanoers, ` veto. Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Cra- wicke, K.C., W. A. J. Bell, KC. D:-.%J_. kRTHUR Ross -._, __7-c : -nantOOQ British Hospitals and having served as Clinical E1-Iaving spent4 years Post Graduate work in` Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8; Nose Hospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds); for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Ofhthalmic Hospital; Brisfpl Eye Hospital, Bristo ; and Birmingham e HOS3lt8.l, Birmingham ; former Member of tish phthalmological Society. '79 "\vv1vr Ava L`--V----- "" ` """"' ,_._ _ _ _`,:-g I L.R.c.P'. 85 s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: s. Glasgow ---SURGEON--- STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRI-S- ters, -Solicitors in High Court of Justice, - Notaries Public, 0011- vieyancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. I H. Esben.- i BR. M. H-. EMBREE, HYSICIKN ......J G._.......... I_,,,__ , G. G. SMITH & CO., PHONE 82. . Established? 1869. Undertakers. ` Open day and night. Morgue 1 and chapel in" connection. Bar- in erie',i Ontario. :_A_ _of (coal Farms and Town Pro- ` (oI`n.loVon ogsy Imus. . I DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto, will be_ ` at 91 Oweh St.-,, Barrie, every `S-aturdiay. . Diseases-_Eye, Ear. Nose and `Throat. C 0-nsult,at:ion hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. ` T 1 EIUULL Q EMILIJIJQIVILV UVT\i\Il% 1 * bronchitis in an easy. natural way. * Its curative OIL-FOOD soothes` the `inamed, membranes. l.'i0'!3_r|` .1d%.-that:a.u8!:thm'tm.b19- } amt -rV?Y.e}3!1'P . -1?`.l?8` to 1.`n~.s.\ 4 ..;m.-.':. .. A;; .; ~

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