R.E.SW1`?.KP._ & 1?EI=1 W. A. LEWIS, M.D.O.\M., -Surger1y' ......`l6 T\2............. -.E 11'T......._ --_--:_ SD12. W. A. ROSS, IPHY-SICIAN, 1 Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.~S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Oice and residence,_ Dunlap St.. Barrie. T Telephone 165. STRAT-HY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ; `hers, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers. Oioes over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to V loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esben. `DONALD ROSS, LL.B., `BAR- rister, ~So1i'cito_r, etc. Bank of Toronto -Building, Barrie. Money I to loan. - FDR W; H- omens (sU10oEs0R r . ;.- 'n.. 1)-`l'l:.__\ `n1___:-:_..v vuvaz Av 1:511 'Dur_VBy01'8, 1'31` egineers, etc. Established 1852. `Oce, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Richmond and Bay Sts., Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left -with Strathy & Eaten, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building, .,Barrie, will be promptly attended to. I ' (Successor to t.ho~lnt R. `L. hJ lU\JIl\JL` "1" Eye. Ea; hvlose 8 ` _ronit.T rnvnnn can-5 I _..._..._ '`_..A_ an TNWIN, _ tario iI_.and` -S_OII_. EER1'LHTY --ua vuunrcauaa Open day .and and chapel in 'n..' `nun; LUUU connection. . unuertlxers. mght. Morgue Bar- u uuupcx ' rie, Ontario. 1. 'U4aI\l I I .L\/J-L41 Q JJL-I-I-V` risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, -Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. 0:ice,' Ross block, Barrie. A; E. H. Cres- _- _I_- T7 (`I 117 `I `l\-'I`I T7 [1 av UL: ;vicke , Iztatsv. 5:` .-r:*B;ii, >12. H. T. A-RNALL, OFFICE and residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. T Dr; J. nrnun ROSS '23 ii}. "i5a1iLng), 1>`ii`{n, Sur- geon and Aocoucheur. Special. attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses adjusted. Office, Owen St. Phone 95. 14-ly. ' 1115 ' 15eL{sZ oiufxifg e;:;e:i:1J- '1y. Ofce 58 Collier St. Phone 61. 35-` O AULLLIJJAV J-L I.) L1.) .1. , JJLIJELU "tell Solicitor, Notary Public, T32. Oice, .1st oor Bank of Toronto [Build-ing. ` Money to loan at low- est rates. c.1>. 8: s. Edinburgh; M'.F.P. an S. Glasgow ` ---sURenoN--. my ----;__ MONEY to LOAN I` `LUCA Dinning` `II _.-__ minn.-1-Axn;.' Ema 263 rmuzu, Surveyors, 3:94 -`L1 2.1. -.`| -Ihfl r, nBgL_l?.lI;S- BIC TIIK T3559` V . ;T Horseshoe ` V MYFIELD 57- 6` -A mass} 5" "Q-i~3 .?_"? nu ixun-;6rEn}.3iz In Cisrriagos. Wagon . `Sleigh: nd__Cutten::. _ 915:3:-In D-n.n.`.--.' !-u Andrew cum ' ' . """""" " ....a"..':: ,'Y.'.".E.".`.;'.': `?.i,`. 3f.`;'.'. it`: 1939' Apply For Terms ,-10881`: wurr avsnvwnsl -LB. Wider, Hutu:-yum. Port Elgin OI A0 DI ..-..J_ uu vvvvru. It IUW II]OTI1(`I1IS usung 1t. Price 150 and 2:70. -hughxtxfuil after shaving. {Has a omarvellous effect. H11 1'-'.:zTn skm. One or two app1i(atinI1~` W33 1.'5m0`_7e the rough-ness, and by ocoaslonal use the Skin z1('r111:i1'0si".e smoothness and soft.ne$ `of a bah_v's. G1) 0ed01111'a 'iS not strfeky, 2111 may ` V worn a few rnxomon-ts after n1Qf;v\unn -.4 .1)_.:_- 4.. __.- t as aurnvl-DIV 6 FOR THEESUNTV orvsnmcoz. Most reasonable terms given on a] [Stock Sales caAIGHuns1'. cm. W LICENSED Aqcjrnoum ! l.`I\EI -I-nan 4_..-._ JQHN JE1TNE1`f CONTRACT CH ANG E8. .Adve1-tigers will please bear in mind notice of mtentiqn to change atlvex-use I must be handed Into the oice not Ian?` Sam g' r&: c ange mus em AVG later than 12 o'clock noon on 13 ml week, otherwise the n,d_vertiser s announ,"i {nay not be made pubhc until the w I ng. ` " ' ` """' "`VV.l'lN 8118-1`8l|t8ed~5. 10. 15 years. U Benverand Blshopbric wall Board Cedar Shingles, Metallic Celuq ' Anything in the Lumber Line GET OUR PRICES BEFORE You THE am mum MILLER Telephone 100 ' |.:...n..... BARBIE. Tn! ADVANCE 1s circulation of anyx;;r;?;e.ni,f':h:`ICve o ht,`-5 Town. It 111:; also by far the largest 5 Th 3 latter fact demonstrates its patrons. It you have any the advenjglwm z%.::.m:3`:2 ;*a:2:z;;::.t $2 .Advert1sementa are charged gge-12 nes nonpareil measuraec 03:31! nu ucnuxnueron 0 cents per Ins notices; 10 cents pe, Ertion ; 5 centsper line for egg] bcsggiggf the same matter. Obi IIt\I:-nu-a-...- . _ , gator than 12 o'clock noon"ori `1Li2f 5` qdyertis_er s anI:1o?;,0LnI n . 3 coxmnxsnn ADVERTISEMEN1-3, Condensed adtfertisements on rstpage as wants of all kinds. los_t and found, I, N for sale orto rent, Bpeqrc articles. etlcwe` must be accompanied wxtn-the cash_ " `K Cuts "for advo-'tiscmcnts must . 1" . case bemouzned on solzd metal Tn: Anvntot 13 largest circulation an; Town. `n L-.. ..|..'. u__ L ~\ CERTAINTEED ROOFINOI guaranteed 6. years. TE'19D!!,!!99.nR| lNax1'ooon'ro THE` _ --- V.-.-......-a v.J.:JL4.l.J.I..l.L1'k) So great has lbeen the demand for? Bulletins, Pampihehs, and - Beporms upon. the P-ufb_ica:ti'oms B1-anvoh._ of the Department of e Agmieuliture wt O/otzawa `as a result of the Patriotismn and Produlehion V M-ovemenlt, that it has been found uiztnpoesibilee/co comply with nail `he ` app1icat.ians_a_s -promptly -as amuld he desired. Otf some if the Bui_?1e- tins the supply has been exhausted and no befn aiorded -fr e e ' ,4 '. t`e ` for ' ` been sutehmhalz instant " wouidmmean applcante .`mi'gh.t * " " *11&.'ein;'iiS" have-toggo wiironixti This has. a: you qocvq commmcux. nrsuy Rates will be given on applica.tion_ an-n--. . .._._ , ---v~ - u-vmvvwv Aaurv---U Buainaa. Notes.Diacozmed at rwgaoouablc ram. Collec- tion 9]` A otea and Accounts given 1'. aszcnorr, Manager Drq/Ialuucd payable anywltefh Olwguuon outside bank called qt lowed 1-`ates Q/`exchange. . . .. Sale Nata (fucked or Collected on modfaoorabla emu. T.Beecroft GEO. MONKMAN. mrdnt, . .. .__- ___---, uuvo Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repair-e_1 on shoxtest notice and moderate prices. , __ _._- --vu-an #1 work done by expert machin- int and guaranteed rst class. EXTDOOR TO THE TANNER' z:ez"1$p*::`;;:_;cfn Is on for all orders i1 REPAIRS, &'.c. BANKERS Trand a General Banking Oee Hot-o-10 to 4 MANUFACTURERS. Expert Machinist G. CO. rie, Ont. 43-21 .L.u vuucu. -vvvxusa U116 ywmncr `.lI.l SCVCH. ' is a negro. The cnumlber of farms operated by negroes in 1910. 1 793,370. -Of this number 218,972. were operated `by their owners, 672,964 by tenants, and 1,434 by m-anagers. The increase -in the number of Io-w:ned' farms during the decade 1900 to 1910 amounted to _ 17.6 per cent., and the number of negro tenlants increased 20.8 per cent. This increase is greater than that -of the negro pomuzlation, , and indicates that the negro is moving from the city to - the country." The total value of -farm property qper-_ ated 1 :by` negroesy in 1910 was $499,941,000 in 1900 -indicating that rwihikih the black man has struggled the `remarka!b1'e'd1araetereof -the pro- gress -indicated :by" the. imets given $1,1`44,181,000, as compared with`: the agricultural property operated : by neg1'0e_s~ increased almost treble _: dsurin-g the decade. ` When one takes . into account the handicaps under 1 a'b.ove 1 appear all the greaer.-- I Farm, and Ho . V. uue. Obitn line I - chsu 0! an? 2 Barrio. , '.Dhe negro, who fty years ago had emerged from . slavery, has been ]giving -a fairly `good account of himself. The negro [population of he United Staztes to-day al:1s' a bit short of .10,000,000. 0113. this num- ber, contrary to papu!l'a,-r opinion; 7,000,000 live in the oountry,= eon- etigtudsing 14.5 per cent.-`of the coun- Itry popuilwtion of the Uniteq; 4-States. `I ... ALL... ._.....1. -_- I'-~ I ' . There has been issued by the De- partment ` of -Axg'riculrtua'e V through the branch of the Experimental Farms, a brief pamphlet containing seasonalble hints for rthe iinfo'rma- -tion of stock raisers, grain growers, bee-keepers, poultry raisers and gar- deners. While it contains only 121 pages, it is replete with suggestions and recommendations made ` in the hope that some .of them _ at least will be helipcfuli -to. each and every reader who r secures -a copy. Prac- rti'ea'l.lyi all of the sulgigzestions -mad_'e andmecommendatione gjiven, tend to- wards tlhe increasing of _.proc_luction or the lowering of the cost of ftihe artidles prodsuced. . " ` Oopies of this pamphlet -are *be- ing sent to those whose names -are on the maill-invg list of` `the Depart- menit of Aagricul-tuzre, ibuvt. the pamphlet is also available to others who make application to the Pub- lications Branch at` the Department of Agriculture, va. yvywwuxvu vu. U116 UUIIUU 4'3baFIaeS- In other -words one ammer an seven ' , F .4. .. ........_.. rm_- "Barnyard unanume is the best general fertilizer to use on most soils tbeoause not only does it add -just the elements of `food required ib rthe pimlz buxt 51; pwtyhunnue in- tgthe soil which is essentiail for rbhe life processes going` on `there. '11housa.nd.s of dollars are lost every yea:rt'h:roug1.@int-hemanm-_e MR, china -- ---- -- ' `n ` NEGRO MAKES, i`7`iiiaTe.{I` t'o`"`S}oia fmilmy can- not overlooked. Nso farmer `can aord to waste good seedj and culti- vation onA71'and. -tfhta}t has `been dL-p1'et-A Ied of its. fentiity. IJi.me can -used to advantage on much of the land m -S-Lmcoe `Goun- my. Reg'amd1ing'.1Jhe application of it,_ information can aifvvays :.be had by wrirt-ing to rbhe Department [of 'A1g'nicu!1!tuu~e,_ Oolingtwood. -VHL... ...--,...u.:.--.. -1: ..-_-.1 A`_._;:1.24 AGRJIOULTURAL BU;.Ijm*1Ns (IrlIWJv"lo - . |Ocnmnemi.a?l fentillizens `should not !be alone to (build up "worn out 1 land rbuit should be applied; in con- jungsation rwimh .`barny1axrd ' manume. Every ranmer should .-have test plorts rwhere lthe vaniouxs fexjtilizers could be tried on diierent crops `to ascer- ita-iTn_ rbhe neels of ihe man'"3r 1`5B` poudls:WGHrf<;1;W ]3ri`1;a:i-11 70 pounds, and.` \O_an:ad'a' `.03 pounds. ~This aprdbh:b41y7. Vaxcoounsts in some measure for he prosperity "of 11113 fa.-mners in Holland and` also in Belgtiu-m before the Warr. Ilt might be said that we have scarcely be` gun to use artibial fertilizers in iCVanraJdJa. ._ `The day` is coming when {thew will }be used more extensively. Fammers-should axcquaaint uthetmsemves 'W`itthT the. consti-tuen*ts. of arti-cinal tfenbiilizers and when ' `buying -insist on I r I T The VAag'ricuJ1tum1 War Book gives` the following sbaitermenit of the use of amticdal fertilizers` per -acre of culltivated land: `Belgium ' 224 _--_-._.`l_' `I'1 -!I.1_--_1 -on _.-___.J.. f`|...., \4\IlLII'1VCu and pmm diweananmilu .180 "Vpoun'`"5? _Ge_rg ._...._.__ man ...._-____`lI- l\_..-.a. ...u-...... yd*d%1J1xiti1-i%% re- the I60 it t causes" 11088. The . V 0 put mauure'._pn+_bhe la! 3 just 9 when is made unless the" SHOW 38 -`very deep or the land is rolling oI a'y "w`here '1$heu-e" fWOll:1d .-be -waste from -rum o. uslhiont, well rotted` manure will give results ewpplieci as a top_. bq fzneadiovws` iq. zbhe `UV ! . > UV ` YV 18 ' UIAV spmng. A spread '15 a great, `_1{a:bor saver and putts the manure on so evenly T. that it is amost indispen--. si:b|le; Frequent light dressings `elf manrure -are -Ibettter than luaage qus.n~ - ti'ties_a:pIpI1:ied. apt om? tinm_a._ .1 - -1. - rtion -for his county is -gmaivn, mea- dovw and hoed! amps. an-e. 3. . DheT use of'articieia.~1'fe_1'- free nitrogen from mh u.\J\/\A ou.vv;.- ..u suvw uuwoo Jud: auur _ "Dhene are three prinaixpal ways? of mcreasm-g the fetrliislity of the tilcizens. . _ Legumes such as cliotver, alfalfa, peas and vebches are capable _ of atmosphere and storing it up .in' thesoiul. Since this is a very ex- pensive element the orf suah V amps is of p-mime importance. True we: have haddiicuzlty in gdbtinga camch of V -allover `hurt by the lwf. .n'\MunI;na}u1n can)! an ._;.'II ...._'- `.`jT{"C:;do3F1;.s`1v1; Jr; `}`ic1'{" ?n pdtash I and none ` should` be. aliorweci -to go! SEAIS=ONAIBaLE mnms _..u. Uuv uuu1v -Ink! ZIUULI Olly OI Mamh, 1915. ` % - OOWAIN, Bai-tie - Solicitor for the said 12-14 . E * ._fAdministra.trix. -v--no v-avnvuvu. `Ill-l\Jl-Vll, IIQVLIIE Wm .. . I only tothe oianns ofwhich she shal then have had notice and mhe said Aklminietratnix will not Wye liable $01` the ' `said assets or any part thereof to any persons orfwhose ch-im she 9haH not then have had Dated at `Barrie the 251211 day of lfamhk 1915 -.-v...;.-\J_u.4 no u.uo:.vu.y 5`1VU.ll. 'l:11&'la 11.11 persons ha-vmg -any ` clvalms ~aagaans't . the estate o:11helateJosephS-prouxle, who died on the fth day of March, 1915, are required to send -te the undersigned, Solicirbor for the ad- minietraatnix of -the estate of rbhe said deceased, _ their names and ad- dresses and full perticulem in writ- - Iaf their dhaims and statements of - their accounts and the nature of` the securities, if any, held by rbhem. IAENID TAKE -NIOITJEOE that -af- 4 1291' the Seventeenth day of _A`p1~il, 1915, the said edministratrix will proceed to distribue the assets of the said deceased among the per- f2`:?S` IN THE MATTER ;,f the `Estate of Joseph Sproule, late of the . Township `of Essa, Carpenter, de- [ ceased. \J\.n- `ya ' vuu ~uuu_. -uuuau J.1.v_u..I. ULIUUI EISUUU was born that was waged by the! -ruler who is the cu1lmin'aJti_on of iihe genera11ions'.orf Iiron men that are responsible rfor rtihe spizriz of mili- Ltarism rart appropri-a:ted' the gun '11hart was made in . the `house thait; [Krupp bu!i'lt. ' uuuuuuununuux uu-wu wyyzvyx xwusul D116 [agun thazt was made in _ the house __th'aJt Krupp bui-It. These are the eounttriesu all bleed?- ing and storm that were wrecked? by the war hext from. sheer greed was `born -that was waged! `by the ruler who ' `is the cuullmination of the gen- eraitions - of iron, men that are re- splonsifble for the spvir`_i`t of mi'11itar- ism that appropriated the -gum that was made aim the house that Kruxpvp ibuni]a`t; _ - 11his is the f-urtume `of hatred and scorn of ithe various countries all bleedinrg and! torn rthart cwere `wreck- ed ubylthe war that from sheer greed ......n -.... 1.'L,_1. ___- _ `.wT9lv1.;i;s is -the gun , that was , made in the house Krupp 'bu~i1. ~ `This is the spirit of _ militarism than: appmopriatted the gucn rtzhait was made_ `in the house harti Krupp lI'l`I.:l1."' I - i ' .uuuuu Iu.u'u.Iu .l..Ll'ulkJ'1} ouuluab. This is Ithe war tzhalt from sheer "g-reed was born It1h~a.t~ was waged `by the ruler !Wh0 is the ouylrmin-a`tion of 'g1eneratt,*i-ans of iron men that are responsible for rhhe Tspririt of mIi]:itarism that aJp\propr'a;tedi" the luau:-rm 4-In-n;& -.n.n ....._A .1... _ uuuv '\ru'UuJ11l.lfII'1U DEL U11 WU. pared soil the results are usuay Rnlnanlflrwv ' ca1iiJo:ns as greamly regretted. At the same time it , is impossible `that the size of `the demand -cou-lid have been fonseen. As fast as possible the requests w!i~1'l be amended! to; but in mhne meanmime there will have to be Tepnintinsg` and in cases Tvrevi-sinsg. In such oimumstances patience ap pears to a desimaJb'1e and neces- sary quashty. . THIS IS" THE VII`0?UrS|E .. KRUPP -BIUEDIJT (From The New York Life) T b '_]11's is the house. that Krupp u-1 . ` `These are the generations` of iron `men that are responsiblle for the spirit of mii-lnirtanism fhhast aIprpropr.ri- ated! the gun that was made in the .house that Krupp btu'iu1-t. 'l"."l.-in :91 u.`I.._.. ..--`I:..._ ._..(L.- ,_'- L`-- ' `I -4-_-vu-52v `.ULl'UrV J-L'1|.ll1}}J uuwu. This is Itlhe r-uler who is the cu]- minra-tioni (if the generations of iron men hialt are gnesponsiible for the spirit of umiiiltarrism h-art; appropri- albed the gun -that was made in the house nth-"alt Krulpp Fbutilt. "l"|~u'n :r\ .J-'L.. -...... 41.-.; B..,_,_ Jl- La tefTs't ~M3gazin es A THE LATEST NOVELS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS `NOTIIGE `is hereby that_ all aumnna Jan."-3-..... ....._-'..1._:_.__ _ or anystanw-4% Work 80 to vnav u a .LV'4I.I|lL\I8'\JLL 'lJ'A\ru.l.|\l'U\.lJ - of stern and leaf and would ;.`1; pu::`1" rho be I'ac~k1ing in. a soil produkaing enqps wiithout usufccientt leafy grow- .th and depth of color. Potash `is used in 'b11.i(ldling1 utp cells and is "likely to `be Lacking in `a soil pm- duloing a` weak strawed ~ crop. Phosphorous is `largely used ' in the production of seed. These three e`1ernenits are all present in 'tba-rn- yard manume. A well ordered rout.-a'tion of crops will use -the plamt cf0o in the soil] to "best advantage. iSome -crops` feed deeper than others, some use cer- tain elemenlbs in dierent propor- *t-ion ho ordhens, some require their food earlly in the season and` some tfeed `]J83t6l'. A! good) year solu- 4`11-:n .IbI\l'II!U\`uv- an A-nan... ........ Barrie and Allandale Branches. H. A. SIMS, Manager ml-:AL. BANMNGA s1~:1;v1cE . -AIHEg`f (IN BANK % QFEODESNTO HE `MODERN. B_AiKIN_G smnvxcn ouexed by The Bank of. Tort `nto to its customers combines all the advantages of sound. banking experience, gain- A ed through sixty years of safe banking, with the modern equipment and progressive outlook necessary to meet present-day requirements. - ' Careful attention is given to all Business Accounts, anti our long experience and ample `funds insure full, satisfac- tory service to our customers. 7 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE I Capital. `D an Aura: AMUST FEED soil. T0 PRODUCE mccancxors For (INCORPORATED 1855) 1.4.1 .1. -l4l.lJ JJLJJ. 1.1.1. .lJ Ell. .lJU'I(I]Ur'lIl/(I'll! , andy, late of the Town of; Bar- `rie, in the County -of Simcoe, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to the Trustee Act that all credit-otrs or others -havaing claims -against the said Benjamin Handy, who died on or -about the 14th day of March, 1915,` are required on` or before {the 1st day of May, 1915, to] send `by "(post or deliver to the * un- dersigned Solicitors ufor the Execu- tors of the said deceased, their -names and addresses and full par- ticullaars of their claims.-and the na- ture of the security (if any) held -by_ them. ' _ `AND TAIIE'NO 1`IOE thaxt ater such last mentioned date the said Executor-s proceed -to distribute -the assets , of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto,i having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have {had no- tice and that they will not A-be liable for the said " assets or any part thereof to any person or -persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the time of such distnihution. . STEWART & STEWART, ' . Solicitors for the Execuators- Dated, Mamh 29th,` 1915. 13-16 If :a1-mers` wil take the advice of a [dealer who knows what he `is talking aahout, says The Creemore Star, they will be very careful to p1anIt_ none Ibu: wihibe potatoes here- aater, as they sell much` -more read- ily Ibo rwholesalers and outside deal- ers than the red ones. ' I IN THE ESTA1;ET0F' Benjamin D'.....J,.. 1.4,. ...c 41... m....... -: 12-- mi have $200,-000.00 worth of T houses and property in Barrie 3 ans} Allandglc. I .ICuI I\.llIl\u. - umall cash payments. Balance % as rent. Farms for 5515. .jQQg--4 ___- . Ra] Esdu; :11! inannnco Phone 380. Bosanko Block. Barrie own man own new .W|hen the famms of `Ontario were .'rst hrouxgwhtt under culzivation the. If-amber was principally concerned` in purod-ucuing ta good seed `bed, know- inzg lraft if he could only get (the seed in-toy ihe 1and',_ rapid gr-ouwth would ensue owing to the elements of :fenti1~*it;y that `had -'acczus'mul a:bed ':fw1n he decay of meadow and for- est growth for years and years. Oondvitions have; changed} .-in `tihe Older parts of . the Province. _Fa:nm- ers have gone on selvling -grain and live stock wwhaidh represents the -life of the soil; until many elds are -so poor `tihwt -they cannot produce a crow). Of course where a good deal of live stock has {been kept and con- s-ideralble clover grown, the `elds may be -as rich -or even ridher than they were a :few_ years ago, `But where we see Ia continued` failure to get a catch` of clover with other _ crqps yielding only aihoust fifty per cent. we may conclude that the Pneamt has been taken out of the land. f:S'oi.l fentilityy is only one] of t the factors inuencing crop produc- tion bulb it is of such great import- ance that a armer sirmply cannot. aond to attempt the of ` crops on run out land. . A .._....___' _ _ . _ -.. m.-'l_-... 13..--.. 1.1.- I I Casewasting your money rent. - A NOTICE TO CREDITORS V Contractor & Builder -A Repairs of all kinds Residence. :54 Baycld Stte et Phone 627. 3 ma PIJAT-AN:' I.`, -WHITE ~R0'1`-A'I`OES 1'HpM.A '. H. Kenned; Zljn BOOKSTORE p. we Pqsj .o_lae TRY ...v,.... w. ..... VJLIIU w....... `A lg-rowring amp takes from the` land about men elements in varying qru-anti-ties.r These` eliermenstss with the exvzepltion of three or -four at the most are present in `all soilsdn sui`fiaier1rt quranmities to. meet the needs of crops for all time rho come. The elements hat may be lacking are nitrogen, poltash, phos- phorus '-and lime. The latter is not used direcmly as plant food }bu its presence in the soil aids in liber- arting [elements of plant `By &'k:novm'n~g the cfuncrtion of these ma- iberi-als in plant growth, one is able `to judge ass to their prevalence in -Elie sail. Nrirtrogen promorbes growtih `.4-..w. ........J: v`l....'........'|. .....--J_1. M or we unuavuul HID B80111} 'h`$E':An-rnv mtg Street nu-no`. A nun IIm Vol .:\'ood _Farms aml_ Town Pro- . 4 c`a_lo on`eu_yAI9rms.. mvns I I U LURN _Imoun' oitho of Fire and Life Insuranc Z Real Estate Agency ` Money to Loan lJ.:`;\S- ; ARNOLD Lauzhlend Gives Mianye Prgtcticgul Hints on Greater 'Productio`n.-Farmer can- not Afford to Wasie Good Seed On V Poor. Land ....uu5a nu years roan Graduate work in British H`3spina1s and ha `cal :u'ifi';:`"1.9%;L5~ T'=3;::::..1 % n 021- n on xmo Hital (Mooreida) ;yfor a term as Resident gtggeclarlxc in lliloyalitlglondont hthgl c Hospihttl; s e , Bria 0 ;an nlgrming 111 go: yital,oB.1ninghs1n ;tonner Member of hthalmologlcsl Society. OFFICE-78 Dunno? Srnnrw. BARBIE. 'Ph9ne 54. P. 0. Box. 96. ' _ (._._, --- SCSI? Havin s ntl years Post Graduate sp'talsant`1._lgL_v_i1:._r,_serg5_3dLs ()Ali;zjca1 Anaiaoouo :. 13-13-- L.R.C.P. !G. G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 82. Established 1869. Under-takers. (3-nan Jan a...) _:-`LA 1"` ---_. DR. .M. H. `EMBREE, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon (successor to `Dr. C. 0. Alexander.) Ooe and resi- dence Burton Ave., Allandale. { Diseases of women and children ` and nervous disorders a specialty. . Phone 269. 22-ly. , DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto, will be ' at 91 Owen *`S1:.,, Barrie,- every -Saturdby. Diseases--`Eye, Ear, \ "Nose and .-'I`hroa:t. Oonsul.tat ion % hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m., am} by - appointment. . llr_.Bosank0 DR. H. A. DUGLAY, OSTEO-E PATHIC Physician, Ross Block, Barrie; Ont. Oice Hours---9 to 5; other hours by appointment. Phone 565. ' ` 45-1y ` & `STEWART, BAR- RISTERS, "Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Oonveyancers. Money V to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Oce, 13 Owen St., Bar- rie._ D. M. Stewart. ALEXANDER OOWAN, SUC- desso; to Lennox, Oowan & Brown, T Banister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyance:-, etc. iOioes: Hinds Block, No . 8 Dunlap St. Money to loan. - ["Dh1s' 'i%'sthe fur?-1_% 3?; -senies of articles -on , Lsulbjevems of vital im- porrtance `to the farmer, and. it trea:ts- orf Soil Fertility in sudh a manner that any farmer , :0Tllowing the advice -wgvven here by Mr J Laughlasd, B.-S.A_., sshoudad bexiei :imane`asura,b1y heresby. T ._ her ar- rtitces will :fol'1:o1w sth'i's. one.] ` `