J-I - .AI\/Jiu, tl\ILL'\I l\JIAIU\pl.L\-l'hIr" AAA town. Mr. __B:oIys is a prorminenrt member of the P-u`b|1ic Accounts |Commirv`oee, and naturally he has been a busy man this session. In an inter-viiew on S-a:t'u1r'da-y, The Ad- lvaance` was given some iidiea of the t.horou-gfhness- and honest, endeavour of rhe Governent in nthe investiga- mion of all charges of graft, fraud, or rmisappropriation of ' puibilic m-0-ney vdhich are brought before |4.n.....__ rm._ ..__.1.. ___,... 1,..:.1. .1.-___ ;.1..-;. uvua.1.vAL uA.u LI\.4\A.\.I`L'\ ....,.,.-,, w..u...._,.... Ivhem. The rude was laid` down that `if rthere was -a.-ndyrthxinsg wrong, it w`ou'1d not be counten-'2un'ced`, no mat- `ter Whose ox -was go1~ed--va.nd `oh-e\ `book, whether political friend or foe. Hon, D-r. Reid asked Mr, iBoys to devote his time to the -work of bhxius mosrta important connmirtibee, and since the sitin-gs commenced`, Mr. Borys has had Ii-`(mile leisure time. S'i-Utin.gs of the committee have been `held morning, aftemsoon and even- ~i-n'g, `and besides --aJtt,ending these, Mrr. Boys has sat on t-Wenty-ve |_d-ivorce cases. ggunil-ty ones would be Ibrqught to . . I Laumer Government it was pra~c- Itci-cally iempoesilbl-e to get an investi- galbion of any account without a {direct motion in the` H-ouse, but the `Borden -Geovernsmemt has thrown the t'Pmblic A~ecou.n;t;s' meetings open for `the i-nvestiigartion of any item in gthe Avudiiltor-Gene~ral =s `Report, and also two mi'l1.ions of army contracts. The people of this counrtry never 'ha=cl `such an op-por-tumIi~t_y rto nd O1J:l3 `y wvheth-err there `is any wrongdoing on the part of the Govemmen-t,0 and ( the Government is `ready and -w)ill`- '1 ing to punish any persons who are doing any "crooked work. Ass soon ., as they `found wrongldloing in -the drucg dontradts, it was reported to ` ;the House Wih the -recommendamiro-n }that the Dept. of Jusituice bring .130 ,1 * book the gwilty on-es. Imrnedi-axtelyl * Bonvrelnl, the Olttavwa drug clerk, gave i up `his $6,200 commission and for- - wenrt $2000 more which he had 3 hoped wrongfully to "extort from the! ] Durin`g; the, regime of the late` i 1- Goverrrmenst. O01. Huvrdman. In- llspeetor of Military Sutpplies, hats uqbeen suspended following evidence` ".that_' he got $2 for inc~.identa:ls s! on eaohrbinoculrar purclhased.p`Mlajor 3 James A; M'cQu:ar1'.ie has sent in ~h-ifs resig'n\a-tion orto -the Minister of (Mdlirtia and'. Defence A as a member -'.of the Land: Transport C'omm:i.`tztee 3 and also as surperivntendent -for the 1! assembil|i-nzg of trucks for the second` Bloonftingent, `Mr. MJGQ-uarrie is bhel 1 man `who testied lberfore the Pulblic` I .4 3 A)C1C'0_Unlt~S `Committee and told of F10-lraviirngp signed a receipt for $1,200 3 from the Wyulxie motor mm for his 3 inuence -W-ih the ~Mi1_1i-ster 'o`f f'Mi1lix1Ji.a. | _` '. `A IBM who are these men? Ap- poimees of the 1a:e_Laurier Govern- `ment and men who were `endorsed by the party who a-.re now trying .to |rais-`e a hue and very` the `Government today. ` n I \,v.---------_- --_-,u_ ' In the Boot Enquiry we nd an-" `other ssensartion `orf impontamce, said ;Mr. Boys. It was. the inform-at.ion dnazgged out of Geo. A. Slwter that 0 he made 50 cents on eaxdh of the 17,000 pairs of - boots supplied by` the Gvamtihier Co. for` the Govern- -menrt. Mr. .'S1arter objected to `aru- 3-sowering qugsations unitil reminded ;wi1_1-art ihavprpened two years ago to` R. C.__Mi11er,_the-shame prisoner who. 1ax`1Ig'u-i'shed._ `in jail until the House pmororgued. `It: fwas this same -Mr. Slater `Who suIpp('l'ied.'nea1_'1y all the ".b_0_o-`tls `for ` *h-e- miiliitiiaf during the . Izailhrier ragtime, -durning which time $&1w&maimed%%t he ' sddotga 1 to as hof--;.d1i5k6h`S "4 ; 1~oost`-rin:~}-th.:Liber}- 30 YEARS AGO SOLDIERS mum on SAME soumua 35th Regt. Quota Who `I ent- to North Wst Rebellion Under Late Lt.-Col. O Bri_en.--All Re- . .-Mr. Wm._ ?Marshall , `W40-rsleyl .St., pointed out that 30 years ago, when he arrived: in Barrie the day be- fore Good Friday, troops. were clnillairrgf 011 the Market Square, pre- paratory to leaving for the North- west,` sismrilar to xdhat is now occur- rinigv daily _-on t`he sa-me parade gnou-nld. Tlhi-s` was on April 1-st, 1885, and; on the 2nd day of April the boys of the 35.t;h jevilt for To- rornxto, zwlhere they were joined `by those of 't)h~e'12-t-h from Aurora and Newunarket, and `proceeded to Win- ' nipeg. It took ten days to complete the journey to Wtinni-peg, and they let A for Troy, Assinisboia, on April 12th, .a-limpst `immediately axfber their arrival in M-a11i'to|ba s -capital . ` 'Dhe Simcoe au:1?.Yonk Regianennt, as it was `known, -coxrsaistecl of -28 oicers and -368 men, under `Lt.-Col. Wlm. E. O B1'-i-en. The oioers, as given in The Advance of April 8th, 1885, are as follows: Lieuat.-001., W. E. O Brien, C.O.; Senior Major, Lt.-4Col. Tyrwhitrt; Jun. Major, `Lt.-`Col. VV-yndlh-am; Adjutant, Mia- jor Ward. '00. 1.---Maj. =G~rah:am, C.sO.; Capt. Lanldnigan, 1st v.Lieu?t; Banting, 2nd !LieuIt.; 40 men. ' .n- .`.\r.-: D......m. (1 .ni . .uu:Luu., Iv Lucu. I O0. ' 2.--Maj. Burner, C4O.; Dnin`k'rvv:a.t-er, list Lieut.; Burnet, 2n~d -Lieu`t.; 44 men. -Co. 3.'---Oaapt. Lead-ley, C.O.; Shiannon, 1st VLieu.;t.; Ramsay, 2m]. ]3ieu*t.; 43 men. . n, ; 11---; .rv_-..,A.,L,.1l F10 . .lJ.lCLl'L., ztu uucu. Co. 4.-Capt. 'Czun.pbe1l. .0.0.; Lieu`-ts. Spry and Lennox; :37 men. I00. 5.-JC`apt. _`T`hounpson, `C.rO.; Venue], 1513 IJieut.; 49 men. mond-`S, 1st Lieut; -14 men. n_,.L o-__.:;L ,n l\ . T*3,\..4-n lll'\`11\.lC, .LCIU .I..J1\. L|-'Un , .L.L llAA\4ALu 2 "C_o;? 7.-+C-apt. Smith, `C`.().; Lieuts. LBo`0mh and Fleury; 43 men. .f`*____A. `IT... 3111.. ... .f` {X o JJUUULL -illi\.l .L'.l\:l.lLJ , `(U LI1\/ll; . Go. 8.-4C-a~pt.v W`z1i'I1ing, =C.`O. ; Lieurbs. `Leslie - `and Allen; 39 men. Surgeon, Dr. Mc'C'-artfny; Qwa1wt~cr- master, Lt; Smith. H- A .__............ .\--4. n 1a1I:tvt\r1 !~.r\\~n\r\ 1:1 1u'a:>u<:1, .14L. k)`ll.l1L1l. The re1girm\en.t m'1`.i\'cd home in Barrie on J u1y' 20thf, `after four months c.ampa`ig1uing in the then Vw-i1$dIs of \Vester.n T _Cau*ada, Here large._ cities _nO\\\' staml a11d't:h;c-T11a1f- breeds whom tzhey went. to -g1`n~t. -are . _1 1 ' ' . ` - u _ ._-_ ,._4.-_...... iDI'0e(tS WDOUI tale)` \\ L'1_1l- ILU -uy,Iu'L~ any `as :peac-ealble as any -other -citizens. ;The regiment was greorted with bfands, and immense wcrowd's. the streets `were decoratecl and'- :a grand receept`-ion and :banquet folloawed wtih-e `procession zthrough Barrie streets on their return. Every man came l_hon1e safe. ' On M-o11d=ay (>veni1Lg Mr. E. Don- ne]!1' t-enderet_i' his resl-g'11a Ui011 as [TOW-n Clerk and Treasurer to the |'Co11nci!1, re1i11q11.i.s-Hing` ~t'he posihion . , , - ,_A_J. ' _,r 1:- :.1.:--... L,....1_4.1- ..4:4.,... \2`ULuLU1u, .u:uu.\.1Lu-cuuug, mu, yvuuuv on kaec-ou11`t`ovf ai`1'in.g heal-th afte; lconti-nuou-s; service since 1898. 1"I ' 9 I` _ , A L - ,4," - -1 ..__1_ ---;-..' \..`U.ll.l.al`1LuUua_ o1.Lvu.u Clllhk nuuu. Barri-e s first town` clenk VHS" Wi'113ian1 Mann who was ` appointed in 1854 whe11-`Jonathan Lane was reeve (the rst to ho1 d the position) of he then `new'ly-f-omnedi village. I11 -1855, George Lane was made clerk _and treasurer. with T. D. Mc- Conakey as peeve. Mr. Lane con- rtin-ued rin ofc-e as clerk and treas-_ urere until 1869. when he was suc- 1 1 a A - `n `ar-1')L-,_ ___l_- L...1.`| Lu'!:1' uubu J.uuu, Wu-Uu up n aux, `ceeded by A. "B. M-oPhee, who held `the duial Oice. 'unt-i`l 1874. The Late MvcP.l1ee was` su-oceed-ed by Henry Bird- until 1889, when he `offices were" dtivid'ed~, D. M'u=rdhi- son being ap-pointel -trevasurer and Mr. Bird being eorbinued as clerk, until '1889, when the ofces were a.g'ain 'C0II)|i.Il'd1A and :Mr. E. Don- nell was apcpodnted. 7-- ;- `l'._ 1-\A......n11 n na-\axn.:ru`-rv';nvud' JJCLI. wan wP1}_;u;u.u\.u. A `Since Mr. ..D-onne11 s appcuintmenrt, seventeen years ago, he has under. the_fo1-1orw.in.g mayors: Dr. S. M Wells-, V1898-99; G. A. R*a:1'311- burst, 1900~01; W. A. Boys, 1-902~ 04; Donald Ross, 1905-06; J. H. Bnn"ett,'1907-08; J~as. Vair, 1909; Thus: Beecrort, 1910-11; Aflex. Cowan, 1912-14; John F. Craig, 1915. ' \l.Luvv, 13-157 ind.pmrovg'aJtion is only a` few `days dlistant. ' 1i-- AL- 1.-.... ...........?..;...1 | (lilsuauu. I `Mr. Boys has also been appointee} on a committee to -consider and! re- porn: on the revision -of tihe Divorce Proceldu-re, wirth a view to lessen- ing `the cost and bringing divorce within the readh qf all in all pro- per cases. As it stands` to-d,-ay, the _-ricih_ ap-pIli'-canit for divorce has an :`u11cfr2trirzr_wc_1va,r1 over -the poor ap- j31ineraii;1rb`," Cc'i' Whom tih cost of divorce" l "is prohiliitiifeg no matterl how, dea- st:1'v=uLg.. _ V Boys expecrts to leave Ovttama n=t%% Thursdax *?`n .%Wi11M%-m*r 111* f` To}-<;;;t_gr has V-famnly at SERVED "UNDER 9 MAYORS {s1.b6`e_:n7Xuuuu NI Kiviocl IINIILI COMIC 115?!!! $1 . tufned Safe fur1_1- ;-; Blg f\(Y`_- iij I long. {ills av-vnov 13- ' )1'i< e~ Z `\\`(~H 5` will 11;: am-ial :E1R- 11 feldt We { Fiiiiiwiwitnn | 'A\_u. 1-i211 n1t.n`4~ 1!!iz42.I.E.11!.'!!11% Sudden Death { Of H. Redditt On Good Friday Yuu,_k11u\\' `h T ``'h( V01? in everything costs. Mlif. \\'Mh\,.. umfve Tbuy 0 M M u {mi.1.e i.fm:t 1% Vse1f~d:-` -`:.1\"i11;_>u Aqgeounjt . c?`e3Sa1ry, open` }.\,\-I\ _01<` ~(w&:\7_A])11[ `the UNION h `11.\' in -11-1 1 * and, Wiibh ]'i( 0~f '11. `di(.(`)- buy at ,OL;Ls-h \\`<-H .m1n- haul: b1z11!I11"1ts mvill help to ` \` wfilcle "11161 ybu L` _ mm Iv I. ()1: (`uml 1rid`ay aternoxon alt3 2 -:. -lwk at the home of his fl`-i'6I'1ds'I =4`-Ir. A.` (L If . iI;ar\vr-e11/ce,_ 22 R50x-. c `}Wr<>H.L"i1 I)rive,.To1'-o11to, dea c`h Swill c `IDHIH-I .\I1'_. T11-(xnmas H. Redidiifdty ( PI'i11<~.i1`s;1] Hf the Barrie OO1'1GgiWt'e ( ]`]1. :111r] :the sad i1L't:e1'1!ig 6I1'09|1 "W`L>` l<~:11'n:n'} \\'it~h H-great Surprisv an`-d-{_.w V`Y` Ly Uim ci-tizens of B`l`1'i'-w :\Ir. ml j.\1-1-5, Redditat,|h\ad` 1effc.f9r'g`1 1UI'1N.< wan .the asftvemroon t1`3-`in 1: r-H`*"!i1.\'T. i11t011di1Lg to `sp811'd '0h9 H `1`z1.s".:`)`v\'::<.:tiu11 with frieI11'S there, `_1 mul :xHi1:11r_'.'}1 M1`. '_ Reddit-t" C`U`m' .T7}z1i`1m,l' mi flnold-11g S1`.ig`h`t1y u11_'W_!1Tg ';1.s`.H1t-_\' I-.1,\'o to -the dexp-0t," he'_fe1.ti; `v111U` \\`UH mlowgih 1:`-0 pro 0ed- to TO; I 1'Unt-H, heard him s oirri11g,'=an`d 5'1" `WW5 ` mi? 11-1I1: of ';\Ir. La.w in T10? ` 3~ou?tu'. ht`-';11'(] him stirimg, an(I' W315 9`5`U'11'i`s1 mt he \\V'a's suering-_, 'h0211'L di.~'0:1.~'(`. Three doetors Were if sw.111un011(`d. bust a1rthou1g{h I)0Ssi`H'n'> xvus- d`0ne- for him, `he: 011 away on Good.` Fri-dsay-V -aftB1"I10;n<'_ ufmi` aamt 12 hsourns Tsicknessg : _ The late M-r., *Reddni`t1t W33`, 11} Toronto some 62 years h5. Oilly edu-cna~txio11 be`irn*gV tlvgrg and in Montre'aJ1. 1 He `3m111-14a11t s-chtolar and j . ' A fmm +1, ,. 4-. --m.....`;.-...+'.-`.-- Bank You Can Buy to Advantage % . No. 14 WHOLE No. 4131-1 VLT`"|g.3I,soN CREW: Puuunulll - -I 7! 4.:-. (M. BROWN, _- - Managef Stion-,` n1n'a}I:~ M """ W Cuuulax auu l W~Hf"-"*- -_ f1`0fI_n the U university of -,T`01`3"1t,2. 'ak1ng an honor > . F" 0V'0_1`w1 years he On tezvdhm-g staff of .- Upper `\j(}|a,na,' _01`19.Q`9. and later` vta-'u'zg-hit-' at ` ongds Him High School, and mimora H5'1g`11 S*c411.0o1.} About a` _`11)r ago . he. {gamma Barn __ ntcmjna 20- th.e_'Q'0 ` `-1318 Mr. H em . N0 better Value can be put into a hat for the money. V . , _ 3 in Derbies "and Soft Hats H nu` . u [H |1\ -uuuu. AA\(\J, n.n4L\A d V`_` m :1 =:_'o<) start `-towards-T n- i11 t *11('e. V ` ' SIMMONS & co. J. FRANK JACKSON MAKER OF PORTRAITS . Barrie Branch CARNEGIE IJBRARY MUST BE BUILT 1. Mwmnn ESTIMATE) About a Year Ago Since Mat- _ ter' Was` Taken` Up{--Much Revision of Plans.-Dep- utation Waits bn Town Council ` ...v..... \/\JuIu.l.`>U.L'L u.u. `.uLU1\hwJ' cvvuxug 4 -on `behalf of tl1ePuJbllic Library Board in `reference to the proposed new -Carnegie 0 Library buIi1dting:.' ` Mr. Fletcher gave a synopsis of the . negotiations leading`. up to the se- ` cuvningg of,.a grant from The Car: ` negi-e Trust." A year ago a depurta- _ t-ion asked the Council to apply for I. a grant of $15,000, Whieh the -Oar- 1 `n-eg<.ie Trust had olfered. `When the " Library` Board made ap-plieation they understooldl gfdhaxt -the Council i would look after all details in` re- f ferenee to !buiildIi.ng, hurt the ar_chi- ` test had informed them that the 0 Library Board must V take this re- sponsiibsiliity. They" received ,four-. teen plans "in answer to -tiheir `adi- \' vertrisernenrt, and selected one of ample .room and good appearance for the site offered by -the town. It was .a copy -otf one of the -"best libraries just `built in Tiorontto and their arrzhilteet had ~blue -prints made at some expense. In J 'anu'ary last the plans were returned`. from, the Ca-rneglie -Corporation, sayling .th-art they were not 'sui-table. Their 1 standard plans called 'for a building 07 7x33 feet, While those prepared by the -a'rc'hir_tecrt allowed for a !bu_il d- ing 50x60 feet. `This. '-shape of build- ling would -look much better on the [park * '1-oit opposite the Market, said Mr. ,Fletdher, than `one suggested _~by the Carnegie Cl0rpo=ration.l ' MT..-,_.. __2,. _ 7) _..2 J `L- ._..`L..1. . L-..1`|-.3]: Messrs. `R. J. `Fletcher and` J. %Frank J 'a:c-ason appeared before the Town -Oournci-1 on Nonaiazy - evening run. .n.-C 441. I\ ~ 'D_-IL1l1 - T 31- --A --- { _|J u1u.a \l'(IaL.LL\J&'l`\J, \l'\.IL1J\lL uv1uA;o u Im|ag'i11e, said he, what .a buuild`-I ing 7 7 feet long -on -Miullcaaster St.` and 33 feet on Colrlsierq St. -would ~loo'kl .1-.ik~e.1 -It Woufde-ibe 1i'ke a -~d:ri'1~1 hall. The .-Carnegie Oorporamion ask that the toswn give a p1e:1`ge that not more than $15,000 be spent and that the title of the site is vest- `ed in `-the town. Mr. Fletaher askedx 1 I *.C'ou-nc.i1 to guarantee . that if the 'buti1din=g `cost $16,000 and they were aib-le to get the extra $1000 out of Ithe Ciarnegrie C`sorporat:i_on that -the iT0Iw~11: would agu.-avr'anteev the Board I $1600 per year for :rna.in~tenan~ce. ` A .1 ,1 Tfl",.....-.2 d\`1 r],:r\ 1-av-\rv11`:}\t"t1I no IIPLUUU lkf}. J (.41. . ! A'1d. Horsel-d s _e11quify as to 'whe1Jher the Board co1r1d~ gumwanfbee _1bha.t the _1`iIb1~aryT cou`1d be built for` $15,000 was a.nswe`ned.'? in the nega- tive, Mr. Fletcher stating-. that the Boasrd fwbelieved it could`, Abmt hlads tin-eny wanrted _ t-0. make vhemsrelves `sure, in case iJt' dlid`. cost an extra $1ooo, 0 " A 1 .1 1:`.:Q.L ,... 4-lL m..m`l'.+ 0 +]na+' `).~F{ nnr LUJ. VLlll|oIv`ALL'V\/LL|J|vAA\/\/ Ivluuuu, , > .b . I Ald. [F=i-s-her .houag'h~t that 25 per cent. could be saved by doing the W-014k by town luabbr, giicvving. the. ardhintect the power of" a surpeV11in-1 ltenden-t; He felt --sure the` C*o|l-I leagi-ate cO115tI`a*'c-tO1'.S made 25 per cent. prot. ' 1 cent. prom. `Mr; Fletcher jmintedi. -ou-ft that the 'Cou~.nIc'i1 had full say as Tito rtzhe buildrinog. `M-1".` Fletcher said in answer to Ald`. Sfoapleton th'a`t only -provisi-onal esIbinnat.e's_ had been pro- ._-_.-_1 1.... +1". .a.w~JnH-orztf. 9.11;} that he UB'U1lll1"dJ|/CD, uruu. Ln/vu. by-;.u~ cured by the var-chitecrt, _a-nd~ that he could not gutarantee until `the ten- } dens were called that the yudlinng.` could '-be erected for $15,000. If the |tl1d1`S ran rtoo hi-glh, re'vIisi.on {..wou l'd "have to . nbe made. vAd-. Sitaplefton `stated lmart he 0 i understood that the architect -had `-said t.h~awt the (the arlehiitecrt) wouild {be responsible `fort-"L all A cost Over .$1'5sOO0-V ` , t 0- . - Later the Cuznczi-10-pass-ed the de- ,sired moiorn, .i~I1ns;truc rhe Olerrk to write the Oarnegie `C- o.1~poration `that the lot ' was owned by the Town`, and` that a $15,000, bu:i'i`d-in&g Avould `be ereoted. . . ' I I t-clas '11af;t.` LaIwren~c:e s r~e's-iden-Ace, Toronto," ocii 'M]on=daay afst-ernoon, lnterrm-enzt `vbeing. made i-n Mount Ptleassanit Cemetery. Rev. Gan-on Cody, a personal friend, `consdu-cbeclx h-e semi-ces`, Iboth wt he 1 hmuse gqd at the `grave. - 1}rrno`ng 4-- 1r,.,......a A , (1 ` \;\u.1.u _uu-uvu .._-., `hvousse and at `grave. Among -the pa1il4bea_1\er. were Messrs. 'A. G., F.f'IJa.wrenIoe,_ Dr. `W. _J._Wi1`son pf Tfox-.ovnto, amid 9-Mess_rs. _ `Fileury and `J: Wfinmster -off Auroqa, four of Mr. R-edtdliitt Vs closvzst friends. Barrie- Board of Eduleation was represent- ed by Oilraimtran W. Qfbton and vfhree ex4ch*aim:zan;_ Messa-s,~ Riohiar-lat?- ' `* ` " V `-t el A1.---... ..wJ:- T.nmn_ aand., `three ex-ichla-xmnan, .LV.LpSau`a ;..m.....w I ,sou1, Asnd1feW.~an`d. Love, and -the )`Go1-lggriabe staff 1represenvt;`ed`- by - `3Me-sxsrs. A Ray and ` `S; A. `M01-ri-, son. Mass Miflier, __. a former memv _ n ..1 4__.E nu-mn non i:'\1\p_v{.T`(f__~ 3111].: .u4 her of ' was also tp1$es*en*t.- Oltheras from Barrie {wlhpo attended thewfuneml were.` ,Mr,`j.Ered "R. Red`- '- I :,1'n3&n:,. f$.3?'s`_ ..;-a; 1 ; A . _ "`*"-'~~ " "|'\ U` "15 -.n nTm1-en . and . `TI-IE INTERESTS BARBIE, TI-_I_, COURT`! OF Slil 1300 THE DOK$ OF GHNADA OUR CI`-llfiv. BARRIE, COUNTY OF SeI`=MCOwE.O`N'TARIO, ATPRIL 3,1915 REEVE mam-zn SAYSHYDRO I PUTONEAOVER pm; ` % Wiri.ng"Inspector To Be pointed by Commission.- " `Clerk Donnell` Resigns _ ' ' After Seventeen I " Years Service . The Tdwtn Clovu-_n\ci`-1 `ineit. on Mon- dlaay even1img,. the . only absen1;eesoe- ing A1]_.d. Rusk and * T ~O0m-muxnviscaxtionst T T quii-red `in reference to Voters Lists. Two eerticarbes shoru-ld Ibe tprin-ted on `or near the last page; names of co*u2nIc4i11ors an'di oicia.-ls and. posts oiee .170 Ib7e prinrtezl on or near last wpiage; otcscrupiations must [be put in, in all cases, -in `future. _ J. J. Jtaxmieson wr-ovte comp1'ain- ing -of condition of road `in front ocf this three houses on Cumberland Sut., Al1'amdJa'1-e. He asked that the - Judge. Vance wrote re changes we- `ditch on zsouh snide be -deepened -and .1ih\a-t at -sidewalk . be builrt, abourt 140 ` feet long. ~r-u- ya 1-. -r-- I ` EdvIa'1`~Jd Hogue, ,FnedJ -k La:vv~rnce," Wm.` G-nay, Susan 'W7hi't-in`gT and] Alex. =M!cDm1e].=1 petitioned` for a 4- inuch` main to ~`be_ Laildi from reservoir foo orpIposi*teT 24 James St. and! foo have -.hyxd`nan:t `rhh-ere. ` - T n .-up--us } P. J. Lynch, Supt. of G. T`.R., said that company would not be re- sponsible :for any aharges for treat- ment of 'un~knorwn man -injured on Irailiway recen-tl-y._ ` qw- 0., Faux, J. R. `Morley -and six others 'pe'ti ai-oned_ for continuance of the csrideswalk on east side of Bay- r.e1dJ"St. up to Rose Sit. There are now 4 houses and another is to be built in the spring with prospect of others. `They `also mentioned `bet- lter 1~ighti-n;g and Water service. i -rvv I~ `A. veardsley "asked . to have Oliver St. at .Kerrn'pen;f,e1 Hill opened. fzrom Davis St. to ' ra_-i1~way.. utarack, in`orId1er. to have access to his bike "shore property -and if not done he will -refuse -to pay taxes under Mu-ni-ciptal `A-ct, `andmay be compelled to ask for mandiamus and compensation. L *r,_.... n.. 117 `ET,.,.....'.4. ...._,.4.,. +'L...4; Insp. Geo. W. Hvagart wrote that L`./\.Ill.k \/1100!: IILULLI he had a man up under sanitary by- -in Vjalil, iwithourt costs, and`, on ap- plricaltion, P.o~1s'i'ce Magistrate had told Hwgart `he would have to pay '-IJa:ws "who was ned 500 or 10 days witness fees. ` He` asked if Town |wiv-shed: him to -enforce" `by-laws in fmtume as` Town is Tlia'b1e rto 9oe changed with fees of wiatn-esses. 1.1 `1\'-_-__..`l1 .........L.-.- T L........ l.....:... b1luL|6U\L VVI-lblll .L\z\a>J \J`.L vv A-v;A'~.a>.guuu E. Donnell wrote: I have been -considering the matzter of the -ofce work since my breakdown in health and have come to the -conolusion that I should lay the matrter plainly before you. As you are aware, I `have had the ~ad_vi-oe- of a specialist 1 ;and local practitioner, who adveised- < me of their having little -3 or noli prospects of my tbeing afole to do`1 any further oiee Work, and having I received -su=ch_ information I think 1 it is only fair to th-e7 Conn-cril to \tender my resignation as Olenk -and * V Treasurer,` rwlhich oice I have held `1 during the past 17 `years, ~` ' Whicih ruimre I have never spared ~i myself in any work which had tolf ' be done. This may, in part, .be theii cause for -my smdden `breakdown i-nit . health. V I` have concluded , tih-axtg i:tzi would `not fbe -unfair to -ask the Obuneil for a ~retair.ing -allowance, ' of say $1000.` I would, in..retu\m;, whilst my strength would permit` me, dlevonte as much` time as I would ` `be able to in justice to myself, to the work in the pisce, if so desired, by my successor or y by C=ournc:il. -Otherwise -I would not think of in- trulding in the ofce. I '.-may say uhat -there__ i-s -considerialble work -which really" ` belongs to the past year" -in closing up he ledger rand; 3 `in rgitvting my `successor a fair `eta-rt E1` and ` `pli8JCiIl|g" the matter ` -on a `basis g. {whic_:h_ would ;marLeri,a1ly,J` ;ai_d him in. r fruhe work. for the present year.-V Of. 7 course, Afxnpst` of .. you` are aware. that '1 ~, _ __-...... ....o-nu. WA . _ lL'IcE.Ns DISTRICT OF` I %CENTRE SIMCTOE f PJ1J.Ib]1ic '.1\Trot:i` .is . xeieby g!_iven that 7-the" Board of. IJi'censeA Com- jni-sdifdners V. for V-he 9.`-bove distrirxt _'._ L -_- ALA A13... T131- 9.1"1`l6> _ [IlI$@.[U11C1'D .L'U.I. 'u.uu uuuvvu u..,.....v., will AII1!3It_vi11 the ofce of the In- spedtbr on Fnidlay, Apnil v231*d|, .~1'9~15~, at '9, -o. c1ock-1 'a.m., to` consider .` and ~*gta1mt_ 1i_o`enses- .- :69: s V1 :i2c;e11sq_ yea1f` Zsafy1915+1916 ;:`-}=v-=- . .j _ .......L.,.~,..; ___-___'-:1....- . V .`c.'.1`:n,;..,g.,, ...m."-..'.+...1 , gmtxiwea ,3`:5; PlJ,1`5U, J.11.Ulg U.L~ Juu. u;_u -uvvu;u Iu.|.;|.~u ha.ve never given less time ..to of- [L n1,1_D-..I.~vn._-.- ~ __ -_ . - ` V LToIf,avL num`oer;_ of 11~cenAs=e% "granted -4 . 'an iI.v a--ll! -what my agreeznent ca1le_d= for. `This was done wiztbout nany . thought rkpe -than ' sty per envt. `above! of em*o1usmen-t. Trusting you; W311` talke rbhis matter into -your kin consilderajzion, and do what 5".'l1' 00n- .si_d'ar fair `in `the manhter.--E-. Don- nef . _ I ' A i'Dhe `Town Engineer as follows: Board_ Olf Wo1'~ks.expe1.1dsi- !tu:re--1Svnovv_ removal `$20 ? .65, clean- -ing water basb`1es $45.66, c0nstrwct- "ing sou-lvert on -.Cnam-p!b0e11 Sit. $2.85,` maintenance. of sewers, $1.93, sup- pllies $1O.368--ToIt.-a.I' $268.92. : `Six p1`u,.Inbii`ng permits, totalling! $546, were issued, wiih $9.00 fees to the- :town. ` Feive buil-djinag permits` total- led: $2250. From Jan. 1st to Afpril -1).; An __-__-:.a... 3.... ._`l...-.L...:....] __--..n- RE, 13'" },'eri.7o?"`S1e2E1$i 6341; were issued`, rwirbh $3-6.67 fees to the `town. 89 inspections were made. .1 'l-.A.L--. J)....a....'|. .f\_.. A...,L1--.. 0.-.. I ULFVYJQO \JQ.I .lLL\JtI\J\J|lL\l II'\/L\.l -l.I..IIb\.l\4ro ` L `A letter dlalted On A'c'tive Ser- vice, Funanoce, Feb y 27th, 1915,\ wa ,rec-eiwed from Oapt. Geo. Rddrgvers l as r;f011_'O'WS :` A T ' H 1 A `I I1 OU'Ll.l\.I U]. 011.!) -.Ll.1\..lL `vvuxu VV'\./L\./ IV\I'L\J.Ll.J.l.'b for the town when ._ uthey `en-listed with Vrthe first contingent, to make applibtamion to;rt1he' -Council` to see-_ ifl you A"w,"il*1 continue their ;pay as you ..._.. .]-.'..._. ...;.'J:L LL- 6)..;] f`1-...'J..'...n..,....+ 1-139 T i (In) .L\JLLLI VVWJ Sirs,'--I-`have been requested fby {some of the .men -wfho were working NF _,,1f__J_-J J ":J.lJ- \/\.IJ..LUL1.II.I\J INIJKILL` UV \I I are A dol-mg cwuth the 3rd Con"-tmgent. Barrie 1:s`rthe rst town I ' have Vheadj of disierlizmin-a:ting. I would ]_i'k-e to .-point out that `some of these` men had been working for the` tovwm -as long, if not longer, than 11,- .._'__..-._ ..___`l A.`l._..._ ...... VUVVM `ow M1145: -+e A-V" *vucvu u-wu the town Engineer, and they are getting (`here-) aiboult `One-half" the [pay hey did when they en1i;sted,| |*1w1ii'1e the other you are paying cwill _n_1- `L ._....-. .......,.1.. .`. ..'.-4-I VLILAL1 UL.I.\J '\I'ULL\Jl. J \J vu -um. v trmavpxb u as. I be na4b1e11c">_ save as much, if not` more, ah*a.n the salary he was re-- cdi:v,ing efbefore enlisitmen-t, out of the pay he receives from the Gov-} erAnIm-nt. '.['uhe-Lse boys are ent1it1e'd's -1. _---_._ --__..:.`l.._... I r U1 u1u..|-um. .Lu.lU-av -VUJ a nun u vu. nu uAv\A. v to` as much, if not more` considera- tion, as they have a1read*y' been -in the rlghming, and _the Third _is very apt n'ot to come . a>cross.-Geo. Rodlgers, _ OaIpt.- C. Co., 4:"oh.Batt. l . rm.- 17:... .....,Il. 1),..1.'.,-m ,~..m:+,+.-.m. .I.U\}Ll1sCl.D, \JuJtlU-' \Jo '\J`\Ju, '.|;u1L ' .nJuavv The Fire and Police `Committee recommended the `purchase of 500 feet of `hose at $1.00 per foot from` Clan-adi-an'Oonszo1idJated Rwbber 00., also Tpurdliwse of one ' Siiuaimese con- nection at $22.25 from Goddbear Ruiblber 00. F. C. Lowe-r s tender: for rp~oIi'cemen s/ clothing `was accept-I ed_ at $30 .per untizform with extra! - _t ..._.A.... U \l,nJv It.I\4s 3 Suairu of pants. l _ Enqusinies Deputy-Reeve `Roibventseon enquired if h'ere was any reply {from the .I{ydmo Oommis-sion, and `the Mayor saiid the only infomnation he -had to offer was rvdhat. was in the papers `rm " I Z A I 734 -__- T)-.......-.L'.L .3.- ~1n.{- rvh O"Vv`I-t'\111`Dlq i'cL,'ciuoiy. L :Reeve Bennett is not enam-ouredl 1;` of the present policy of the Hydro lg Coimmissrion and took occasion Ito) d viorice his dhjections ._f to what he} I characterized their -h-igh-&1and`ed .} methouds in various` matters. He! 13` quioited -S-ir Aldlaim Beck as zsayingm` that the Legislature had -passed| a leg`i~sletion` at the instance of the '1 City of Toront-o to appoint electric '1] icspeotors for various districts. So V We have no say in the matter, -sa;idC the Reeve. `.`TLhe. lawseare being t made for the City -of Toronrto .,not i the other municipalities. He also C` .cla.-izmed that this was not the only` 5 lthdng the Hydro had -put over on`; ( us, and gave his opinion that if H .we had knorwn as much when we_en- H terecli into the hydro agreement as 1 We di0~ now, we rwoutld. never have ] signed up. It mow tie .apspament, hie said, _, . Athant lp11lbli'@' schools must use ihydiro, a - and that the ,G_ene'ra,l Utilities Act ] L is also eontrolled by the rhydro; and,4 ith-e vrstt thing we `know they ,wi'lll, ,-he stepping in to build` our sew-ers,,1 _letc. 'Iihey may, saleo, soon be ap---,` oipdi11rti.n:g our -cmnmisssioners, in 'favot,l. letters now come -T adrllressed to the ` , Superintendent. not to the Oom`mis- .j ,& esioners. 'Dhey ll soon he hsir.irng the _ l-, superintendent and we ll pay for it. . ll !Co!lllIi1rg'.w\ood is wondering \ iwhait we. ; are kicking .a5bou:t,i_ burl: they will` 1: `nd -ourt one of these. diays. . Take ,, the llight (bill. for foh'e'.Oo1u1cil - louyil-dlirnsg1s--4we never: got nsuzeh `:1! y large fb-i'l1 when Jwelhasd a `steamw ,; plant, and hnait does not look like 1-, rtihe rartes, _Mr."'Dougal`1, a 1 former Ioocmirn-ission-er, told me he 1; would replace the electric with gas" 3 -if it did notre-d11`oe; .I think emu"-n`-' Q. ici-pal - orw-nei-ship. is" ,developing7 -into J . I I ` * Town Foreman ` I 1. Md. Hiorsield` enquired if sthe` Board. of Works {had `yet engaged a` Torwn `Foreman, and Ch`asi~1'.man F:i.sh'er replied that mainy people "had. been asking hitn Whetihelj the Ear` gi.neer s salary is Ybe conrtinvued jasn well as thg *Eorema.n -s._ I-I-e -could` In-ort answer and thought it -a matter lfO`1,""th`e V`Coua1-(ail t_c'>' deoi'd'. 11.1 1-. ,,_` _ __ .___..",_' . :V`_/L `Well; `,'.lUL' b}1`U \_/uuuxuu u_U Ll'UU1'bLUa _ . 3-`: `Aid. _:IJanig-Th_e agreement 'W`i'hg the .7.Errg1ineer ca.l1}s for` six sm-9-nths"l nooe; ` ` ` 133- 'rr`;'-9..'"_-'.`A.V - V ;;_;_L' .2-..` unx. , . _ ,. _ _ The Mayor-.--4Iit' is, ' not `a question of discontinuing, his` se'1_*vices,' . but _.his `salary. T ' VA 1 .1- C1.4....J ..'L..... T .411-.'v3..]'; .'_'..': .,...M`,.r_ I -LIIIU DGAGL he` ' same as. \\1,f.1 1`e ~ Ald`. tgtapletson--I some`-, iahing 9110111-d be done to E(;3`hair-j_ ~man;. Fissher pgu-1.'oe_ ` '~,`h-;..`. ' . ` Reve in ` Bennett---V V|r9ng_. . ":cALg~a-.i-n. Th6,':.;_ . agreement " ~;.i8_iYe, -Abbe. 'APP0lNTEES or I LAURIER cow. 1 nu: WRONGDOERS Public Accounts Committee, | of /Which W. A. Boys,'M.P.,' V Is A Member, Throws Searchlight ont Crook- ed Transactions. During the session of the House of Commons just dlratwing` to a close the -ordinary inrbere-st of rthe people was shifted ftrorm tthe oor of the Hbuse to the -committees. _ Stirriung .-aocusualtions have {been made-- c.here have been two. `or -three sensations id a. day--evid~ence has been taken and references made to the purclhase [of all kci-ndus of war moateri~al's- from muilitary [boots and binoculars, to re- morsun-ts and swbmanines---and the reports ` are yet to come. I ` Perh.a:p~:-sj 11; member Of these in-' Ivesltigvatiinig ucommitees has worked {more indeamigaxbly in the interest] of the people at large, than South Simueoe =s _p0pu1=ar member, Mr._ W. IA. Boys, who ' spent -S'astur d1a,s_ in L...._.... 1] . 17---- 2... LlL(\J|llI\l A, 1::-%15T