Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 Apr 1915, p. 5

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_];;r1'\ie,M . on ? March TRINITY 5HU~RcsH .L!l.S|1.llUulU|: .IU 11 uu.\,u *Post|A1ude-`Fwt:ai -March. . ..i Tzmnnlftlf ' N()R '1`HEVRN A`DVANCE _Cht.u"c l1es']` . Maticns ? Evening (lT.`_..__n {DIED % \Jl'\J.ll.(&' ..LAu, '. . C. Simper . . Srimper Ei`i:g~ cars, _ cars cars CRIS tin! Mr. and Richard Oxtitaaway, [Rose S*t., aged 3 -years, 8 rmonrlghs and 4 days. Funeral at 2 p.-m. F-ridlay to the Union Cemetery. QUClIRIK--JAt St. -Miehae1 s Hosplital, T'o1_'onsto`,_` OIT1` Tihuzrsday, 1 March 25, .4 -- .. . .r\__:..1- -43 zrullmum-n:v_ ' .Lll.`\).|1` D11. sS'EWREY--sA-c Cundles, on March] ' 25th, George -'Sewrey, brother of -"M11-cs. Geo.` Bishop, in his 49th | V . _ !TE'N`DERaS~ FOR JA'1'-L |. . `SUPEBLIIES AW'A*R-VDED Wonderfully pleasing are these Blouses. They fairlyi radiatesuveetness Vami softness. Many have frilly Lace or Net at neck and sleeves orfancy collars, lending a soft becoming effect to the wearer. Altogether they re about the best-looking lot of Waists we ve shown in a long time, prices range from 98c *- to $2.50. But you should come and see.them. . . The su!b-ommib` of the Ooun-l ty Property Committee, consisting` of -Chairman H. J. Law of Beeton Ladies Dress Skirts, c_olo_rs, black, brown. navv blue, black and white checks, - prices $6.75, $6.00, $5.00, 34.50, $3.751 $3.50, $3.25, $2.95. ' Ladies Spring Coats, no two alike, special value. . . .` . . . . . . . . . .s12.00 lster, 0 L travele Ladies Raincoats, those handy de- pendable garments that are always ready when you need them, quality is theirvstrong `point, priced $12.00, _ 8.00,. 7.50, 6.00, 5.00., 1`oronsto, on `M1-tlzrsecxay, V ma.-mu go, 1915, F. R.Qu.i-rk, of cpleurisy. Interment at Barrie, "OnIt., Satur- diay, March 27, 1915. -----vru.r\-`T , _ a ma 1 ! Childrerfs Tap Kid Gloves, good quality, price . . . . . . . . . . . . 5oc UKIJ, .LJ.|.'s~a.v;- -., _-__, IsO\BI]3NlS|O!N-- lot 6, Con. 1, JO-ro, on, March 28, 1915, E11-a LHiorward4, Ibeloved wife` of Alonzo- Rdbi:InlSO, 42 years and 1 Children's Little Daisy Hose, seconds, but defect is very slight, sizes 7%, 8,. extra value 3v5c_ price, for....... ... .25-c I .l.U\.nnIAunu-v momih. Sizes 5, 5%,6, iarice 25c, for 19c Ladies Plain Black Cotton Hose, sizes` 8%, 9, 9%, 10, special value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , __ I 5c Children s Black Ribbed Wool Hose , extra value 2 5c, price I9c We giveyou a chase, redeema 5c.r Coupon with every dollar pur- ble at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices. SPRING STALLlQN`S1_-[QW f>DAEmI Baniegcultural Society : Rules to Govern. PRIZE us'r_ Section , .' , _ I-,--Heavy Draught` Stallion, Clydesdale, registered, any age on line .................................................... .. 2-Heavy Draught Stallion, Percheron, registered .... .. 3--Heavy Draught Stallion, Shire, registered ...... 4~--Roadster Stallion-on_line, registered, any age.. ..... .. 5-Hackney Stallion on line, registered, any age.. ..... .; 64-Thorgtighbred Stallion, registered, any age,,.........,.. ,Draugh`t ,T_e_atn `attached to wagon .......... .. '.`.v8.-4HeavygDraught or-Gelding,` 3 yrs. or upwards r- ;. _e,st_.`Singgle .I.)rivejr,; attached to.` vehicle (stallions 4 L _V 0' I Q Q n nictooi ` o I o I_'OIvIou3`IIhvt`IIootcu,Io Colors , blad and tan. j: 1:} Maxkef Squa'rwe, Barrie, Thursday, April 1 5th Store will be closed on Good Friday, April 2nd and Cbuncillors J. H. Bennett. 71v vs 1.1 _ ,_J 1.`.`I..,.... "I`\.-.111] -ynqf aI1(1 K.'UU l1'L'1U.UL:! u. .u. ....-...-..,--. _. H. Ball and Eben Todd, met -at the Court House on Monday and awarded tenders for jail supplies -as fdllowsz groceliies 110 James Chees- ma-n, `bread to Bcryson -Bros, meat to Frank _ W-iseman. |IN:S[BEO,TOR WON 1 The Oollingwood Bulletin says:--- a Inspect J. L. Garvin of -Barrie was ..~ `the central gure in a. checker ` toumament which took place at ` the Y.M.-C'.A. on Tuesday. evening. A Arranged around! him at the table were between fteen and twenty` conteetants, each doing his utmost n -----A .1`: n.n1nr;n Q110- F. .-.,_. -T Veho W_'S': ed WIW contestants, eacn aomg Iuls uuuuau to Wm a game. Mr. _Ga.rv1n suc- ceeded. in capturing practically all the honors, only one game of about sixty played during the evening |getting away from him, ` Dr. Con- noly taking this to his credit, whilel Ladies B1ack_Ca'shmere Hose, .Per`1rnar.1 s, no better lines for the money to be had, priced 25c, 35a, 3 for 1.00, 50c. Laiies White 'and Black Silk Hose, special `price. . . . 8 5c, 59c Ladies Black Lisle Hose, price . . . . . . . ... ......35c and 25c See Our Ladies Fancy Collars, prices .... . . . . . . ..25c to 1,15 Spring Coats just at the tlme you need them, t ages 12, 10, 8. 6, 4, colors`, navy blue, brown, red, grey trimmed with black and white checks and navy blue` trimmings, `prices were 5.00, 4.50,` 3.75, clearing price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.95 Ladies Easter Kid Gloves, inblack, tan, brown and white, quality and ` prices are right . . . . . . . .125 and 1.00 1st Ei+5&""1Iyf 1 as 1-210111` 2nd 3rd 4th $5.00 $3.00 $2.00 d g; Q 33 'I\I` one` game was played to a draw. The tournament lasted all evening -and created much interest, many spec- tators watching the contests. -Mr. Garvin has a reputation as a player which sunered nothing by the out- come -of this tournament. nuaug .L\-vuvnuu a---J ..-_.. V ,_, story _concerning. a~ smart answer she .onoe heard a sold`-ier make to adremark of hers in India. Sha was visiting some military {hospitals out there, and was so dehigih-ted on what she saw that she exdlaimed: lIFI' .1 ' `I L1- -' ._-_..;-.1-us JAN 51` 9A I) `I think the , nurses deserr a. medal for this campaign as much -as anyone, and I hope they will gut ,___ 99 `Silt! SU.W uuau `D1153 Uzxuuwaxuuuu on-e." . I Idson -t know about a. medal, said a witty ofoer who was in at- tend.`ance; but they are sure to gut `plenty of cl-asps!--&London An- -._.- as-an L.-.__ AA-` MARTIAL -WIT '.Lad Roberts -has rto`1d nnnun-`yard n . G'I1`|Q1'+_ Entrance Fee $1.00 Highly Cor_nd d Comd d do do do do do do do _ . do do do 1 2-14 cabin We | o11eoiO xv, he 7 he `VI axrr-1e _ a}moe Man warn Command Zm] V men `in "t was a. 11,113 . I .t there mhen,3`;-ii ,. , 1'eminiscently_. We nic st.a11d`.a.rd height andf.W`,e- .h men, an_c1 we haa. men 1mt;.,f_91.`.- parts of the (world; ,']'_`1.Av=e-1 `~g1 l1;" educated men, and; an ,bi~ 2`-_ minded men. We had, bf . , `the A*mer`iea,n. the Calm-dian farme. `.7.11*_'_J.'1-31., ~ Ro_v-.13 Nort-11-*\Vest -M-oumgd 713: `U116 _ we had. I 'Uhi11k,13he nest the world! . 11`-Ildbr II`z1`.i1l-1111'. One year Qat. est:1.`b1Vis110d in the NoFthel5Ww9 V ` ]21`\\'1o+.-`11ess (bi:sapp.eared `H .`93t.' hhae.~'-' could go rigiht into an V` and live_ there" wirtlnutt Gailpf i1}_: 111,1oste(1. A. trader '&a.1- hxs wagon and -sugppmies` muid leave and k11u~w that .they Wouan `the 1n'~a`i!L \\-511011 hC` \\'vant.e& V _t'here' do1*in;1'. the rpi11*ag*i11g };}a& 5h_e` _In_u.r-i ed It was the tlnorai angh ::`1pPari. Yslca ,gf\`;a("`t of the RVWBI . ..-.a _ on the Has a Wond_e.1-fu-1 Memory` T`11(:;1~() is a_ qu:ie_tness,`.uanV e vennes of .;p(.p-11 and j11}ect1~on ,itha1; 1s , wonderfully att.ra.ct.1v-e_' abounl Gen- era} ,<.tgp1<>'5 conv_ersat1on. I-I123. n=ar-V mmo runs a.1nng- s1noo o111y Wlloll-t i` emph-`1i_~`, m1_c1 when }1e"0f_ ml eigrlxteox1--hund1'ed- r1-dje _over .1,1j;.-=tm1i11;_-. hot sancls, orj` endless mm.(..;;.(5 t.1n-o11%g~}1 broken country with the t110m11=0111eter 'aJwVa-y _`1_)e1'0'vVT zero. it is wiuth the same -manner w}a11 an o1'.di11?1ry man would ask for a. M111-s-for. His memory _for. dz'w.< and daates is .1n=arve`1@o`us. With-| on~t'.' the .-1ig`11test V hesittaxtlon he_ 're- : calla imizl-e11ts in t.hose strenuous 0:11-liar )'(*;1.1'S of his life, _a-11-diotacks -a. any or date to t11e1}1_w1sthout a pau. `in -his conversiamon. ' ccxnm. T hm] em-v\nr1 +.hrnng`.h 12115` I1z1L1\\'-T- 3 pilllse 111 -111.3 LU11v\.'1vuvuvuu I A!fto1- I had served through that 9outl1 ;\f11ic.nn c-ampa~ig11T as a mama? her of Str-at.11co11a. s` horse and peace H ms d'0(:~1-.1ro(1, Irthere came the reor- `ga1niza,tio11 of the troops, and I vgas` ' given charge of p1'a.0i~ng' the men under the s_ame. discipline, the same ` sy:-tmn. of 1ni1-ixtary ta<:t1ics- as were e1np10yed in the R.N.W.M.P. It was . 11d.i(1 Work. -and I had slzlond-id men under me, .--_a . | .1303}? SITITS WORTH $7.50 fo $3.43 ~ , 1 `-.`.'v };u1'<-11-.1. last week ;1|.n.1t~ no m,_\~s` Tweed 3- Piece `Sruits at 4. an the dolar. T-hese Suits :11`: ';~..-.m1 new. fresh from Vhe makers` mm` are \\'<`.rth' from $5.50 to $7.55? W Sufit. For Ea~:s oer selling. We are n'01'i11.g' thenl all I at _ one ptrice, nz_11ne1y [$23.45 per -Suit.` `Sizes 28 to: .x- V111 '. ._-- .43 4-1..` K1-.u'n-mon+ her. -u 43.3. This `is o11e,_0f .the-,5b1g' . 1 Y 1' " \ I`.I'VT) }li_lIll(,`1_\' 'Dv).`1'O }Jt'1 uxu. oer-ed ' 1n T .T)1).f\:Q )_":1in~: ever 'k)l.LI\4U law UV,- -',' gest. bar ' Barrie. `-'_'1.lI1L`. \.\\L -1I1:\"1`-HR . %B`(7):Vs`.` ' I.\' `THE TESTATE OF Benjamin I/un(l_1/, Iaie of the Town of Bar- rfc. in the County of Simcoe, Iienenzan, deceased. ` I .\'()'1`I=(.`*E is hereby given pursnu-| nut to the Trustee` Ads hlshalt _aA11 or others L havuing clmms ;x;:z1i11.~rt .the, said Benjamin Handy, `l,;._;. 4.1.. '1/{J-I1-.v Ann `out there when, 935d` th i We had'- 58. ;' Lheight and.'fW;ixg'ht"fo:1" 3 Lmlcl haal '_ ' zrom gall; ]t~ of the (W'0'1"1d-1 .TP3V`9-9d lb 1 -_-.... QT` r`. ~ ne body of NOTICE To CREDITORS (Continued {rain ZEa,ge~`, - ' S11 WART & STEWART: . Solicitors for the ExecuIt01`S_- '1);-ml. March 29th, 1915. A13.-16. IN THE 21131 TTE1_% an imatea NOTLCIE is `hereby giv`n -tha:t_a11 : persons having any claims against 3 the estate of the lameJOSeph iS P`1'1"?9 C who died on the fth day of Mar l 1915, required _/so S0I.1d_ t-.\th'g mldersigned-, .S'~olici!0r" H1501` `le minirstra:t1~ix of `the estate Of" 5 said deceased, their names and J` dresses and full particulars .'in` ing `of their dllainzs and 9t9t6m9n.t,5'. f 2 of their accounts and". the nature j the securities, if any, held by _ mu) T'AKiE % 'NtO'1`I)OTE-.. .that;T%T,:a5f:% ter the Sveventeentsh ' Idi "Of 1915, the said adix1inis(b1%atrixf`_g.-?`!1'1 .1l"' proceed to distribue~ the. asset6:: the said deceased almomg _th} T sons Aentibled` thereto, 1aViTl8'-:4} - only to th cl ocf..Tw11i!h.s:,%% shaafll then ehavealhad '11:0ti005.. he an.'J. .A 11' I .- ' 'V*- NOTICE To CREDITORS ~-`Wu uucu. uavc uuu. '1L \JU L'\/V`. """"' _"", > said: ~Ad)minis1-,1-a,t'1~.ix. will not?" "be . liable Aor the said` a.sSetS-.'.17;},i Dart thereof to any `pel'S0I1.S Of claim she shall not h ` -nn.L: -- \ ;_ mu .71.`:--L 4-`J"'" of Joseph` Sprouler Townshzp of E33: ceased. ` sue snail 119` noeblce. ` ' Dated at M-a-roh,r lat &fm6[ of the"E'state . late of the Carpenter, dq-_! '1-,ha:t all an-rn-,:1'-|GI'. .*:_oo`6o i'o6ouoo63 `The B. of R.T. gave `a dance -in `the Orange Hall Last nirht. a ggoodoooooofooobo9oog:[ Miss *Reyn0'1ds, -Burton Av., 1eerm'| ` 1- on -`Wednesday `Tmorinrg four a- % short` {visit at Wiaxmn. ` % Mi9ss_'M. Ganmu~~1a1` masmiaeek to accept` a. position in. Midland. ` Jno; Webb made; a business t1_~i.p_ to ATomn!t\o ;1Vast . 0 II C JJQ V V_ l.lC'\.Il\J|L.I'.I. 1%? \.4`\JJ.J &V}1`si:s&ui1ome with the mumps. Hiam-y Gassfbrd of Hamilton was !b n:e g-.u_et of R. J aok for several . _'I. .__... r LL10 u. _ . L 1.. A Seven eandidastes were gwiven the - Royal Ameh. Degree at `L.O.L. "No. - S 432 last Tihvursday evening. Tlhere 3 {was a large crowd present. A num- a ber of candlicliactles will be raised to Jr `the Royal `Scarlet Degree on April [6 . ~ V . > - , 1-` On 'S2iturday, - April 3rd, at 1 e ip.m.,' the executors of the estate of rr- the late Mrs. Barley, 25 i.Wi11iam as "St., A11an`da1e,'wil1 seluls `by auct`ion n a `quantity of Vhousehokdi furniture. me No reserve. Terrms cash. W. A. re` MoOon1;ey, Auctioneer. ` - mm 1-` 1-'r`_] i Mrs. A. . isvis`itd11g` Thuer diaimgthter in Sourbh River, for a couple of weeks; ' -In 1 111013 ' T a`11:d1 T Mrs. '1 Frank Hill sp,en*t` vtche Week-end with . the latter s par"-I 3 enfbs at _A1lfi_sr'ton. ` his `home vwit-h a very bad avttack is contmaed tol gini-ppe. . rm ` ` . . . . I 1 Mr. Jno. Senvlcve `1~.s ope111ng up I a 'plurmJ:.iin'g gs-hdp hexd: door to. D. J. "ll`_.1\..__ ....`IT7.. ;..L.,..... ..-- `U./NINA`! QU- 3 Mr. ihbents otf Tt'>ro1rt`o -has 1)u1'-`L ue}L*ar'sedA the old! VROSSI _ farm on thei b14;fh,`:a11clTi's; virmrpontin-g` thorough-. `bred fowl `and cI2n_trt'1e' to 'st.o'ck-san1e.` `It is bei-n-ggmamaaged by Mr. [Ge'o._3 Weshbmok 01f T-oronto. _ ` 1 1 (Av til-bl'1A.|)L.'uJ.J.5 V\)J4L\I1)' ~LJ.\/`xv \.I\/`J1. UV` .n.r .M*eDou=g1a11 s sabo-re_ on Essa St. """m I ; `Mr. J11o.vV.}:`l".71h suicceeds-' Mr. Gneo, Cumtmings as engin-e~er on` the Mewfoid pa:sLser.1'1rge.r u ar.a'.in; Mr.` 0utr'nimin'gs, hAa.v i11ng retired: 'on S-agt-` lu:1`dayT1aJst, is now on the pension *is't. ` . 1' u Mr. szincl Mrs. Jo-Vserpch Day, Bnad-` ford aSrt., e11te1ftsaii11ed `a numlber of I guests at .8. eu -crhrve party on Thurs- day evening, the prize wi1111eu`=s' be- 3._ .. `!|.r..,. , r\I\ q.n~nv-V1-(111.1! Q; R ".`,`d musay `Uvt:.u.1ug, _l;uU _p11f.\, -uu...,.... ,..,., mg Mrs. Geo. Seyvrnour, Miss B. Rhlivneharrt, 5S. Prllchard and A. Riildk 111 ` `\}\/AAv `the s`h'op's here, and also llayin-g` all The G.T.R. are :eutti_1ig' down' vex-5` penses by laying off ktnv-el've men in` tbhe `bridge and butildinlg men o"for over a week. All the section men will Ibe requuired to lay "off on Good Friday. ` L ' I E , % , 1 'I:LA\J may lteeie ACROSS THE BAY conned to :SiHEI*BPI1\TG :`~ TH:o:R;N-| ` BURY . .l ' The following. is ktaken `from a_ ' p:aper'-;~TLhor,nsbu-ry G.T.;B. station W-.hi c h `is the -sh`"1prping_ point for` that` 1j;own*as Well as Cvlarlcsburg and the Beaver Valley, is -the most importanvt distributor of freight `north of Toronto. on the Northern brandh of that railway, as the fol- .1ovv;ng record _'for bhe season of 1914-1915 will show : - n4; 4- -cnn' ,......-. Lb -I.'.K .I.lLCJ VI 111.: \ILJ\-V vv 4 |A}prp1'e _ season 1914-._15-_--160` cars moved -from ~Thor1`113bun'y_ and! A ap- proximately 6000 barrels shipped in smgll @0129. \ v ~ ` - , T---..._- 10.0 An9Jl:\(1f1Ql smau wow. ., .- a . , .. _ ; _January 1392 canload-5': moveni _fromV TZh6mbury'-.--'56 ~.{: cars `1*u.mber,? 17 cars charcoal`, .6 cars,` our an-di` =ro1lled_ -oats, em-;., A1-3' cars apples, 19 cars merchand-isve, 15 cars stock, 54 cars -acetate lime, 2 cars alciohol, .w1hi1st 42 _misoe11aneouAs vca-{loath wire received, inwards. nl --~~-.~.--- `L11 nnsu ` |C3,'I'103(l'~S Were .l'bUU1VUL1._ ;uvv,aLu-a. .. ` Dus1'ir1~g']'ebru:ary, 111 car loads` imov-e& from Thorn!busry--44. ears! -Ilumfber, * 3 - cars chareoa:1,__ 7 cars` ;0u~r gptnd, rolilec oats, em", 13 cars app1|es, 21 cars memhan-drise, 20 cars `stocik; 2 -cars aoeta.-te Time, ` 1 car alcohol, whilst 85 m-iscjellzineous` `loads were're<;e1ved: inwards. ] $ 7 > . 3 1Easter Music} -Prelude--~'C`a]kin.` . _ ' `Pro-cessi~ona1' Hymn---Ye `Choirs of! 1. `New Jerusalem . .. _lSt. `Fu_1bert| Versicles and ` Tyal-lzis. ' .~Ea_s1ber T 'Anthem---Cnvi-st Our Pass- | over . . . . . CPe1h.a.m Humphreys " .r:.1m.:n__o 57 -rm 1,,_- ___A,1 u.u.'u.-.ux .g;. u... L. --_ - U 0VBI' ..V .....V_ U Pr-oper Psalms and G=10ria.`--?_, 57, 11-1 . . . 2 ; . . . . . Greonrian Te Duxm--'\Quadrupile Ch-an"t . . .- +' T . . . . . . `. . Sir H. S. Oake1}-ey` r .... .... .....~ | Benedictus-~Turle. N _ ~ Ho1'y 'IC!ommuni*on _. T E Hymn-Jesus `Christ ,is Risen To-; day ;.. .- ,. .. .. . . Easter Hylnnl Kyrive E1`e.'iso11?--Ta1li~s, ` `f ` I Glsoria Ti 7, Grati-as Ti*Bi--iShO1`t Or<->d.~o--1?r1ain VIChant` in F. . H',Z`mn-`9C=hris't the 'Lo1*c is Risen! ~ - ' `Qf pnrgli 5 To~day . . . . . . . St. George"; Sermon by the V.i-car, Rev. E. R. J.` -Biggs, -B.-A., -B.D. A - 5 I Anithem--Ai1le1u.ia!` Al'1e1u:i5a.! . .. .v' -.Rev.'E. Vine znau` ` .l.'1',VInI1`-"`\,`IlI'lSL but Lauru. A o A v A u v - - . Te-`r. my G1gri`a sin 'Ohant 5 To * . . {Reoessi-onal'ADhe King `oil 1 Love My Shepherds is . . Dykess VP_os11Iude in D.--Schueckeir. 9 ` i | ~ Evensong T . 1 _re1uc1`e_-fI(Z`ant11ve11_1 . . . . . . .. Nevm! IP.r-0oess1-on'al Hymn--A1le1u1a! ] ,1 .; i._ . Lu_x iVe'rsic1 s `and. Responses accorchng ; Ito V Ttall-1s.` _ T V \ `Proper Psalms . and Gloria-113, AA '10 V (T Simmer` .L J.\J-]:I\.u. V----_- ,.__ , 1'14, ,1-1-8 . .. .` . .. M2rgnicat+-sMtornington. l'N"_unc Dimittis--Kl` `VHymn--`."Oome Ye Faibl ILL-- ENUIIC .L}.1IIl1`BLlS---1L1-1-uz.. , - lVH'ymn--`.`-Come Faithful Raise `the Strain . . . . . . . ' St. _KevinL Hymn-A:11el-u`i`a! The Strife -is *O er, The Battle. Done. Vi-etory Sermon -by the Vicar--Rev. R.` i J. Biggs, B.-A., 13.1). { L .. ]-A".nthem- --Ye Ohoirs _'.of New Jeru- u salem . .. . . .. .. -`Roland Smart gRecessiona1' Hymn--T1e Day Thou. ` Gavest, Lord, Is Ended . . . . . .3 - . .. .. .`xC1emen.t| __ . -u -r {@0111 ? CO|IJIJI=E`R` `ST. `MIETH. CHURCFH . ~_ ' VMorn'insg V , =.`Or.gan 1 ren1d ,Medita t)ion .[ . . . . . . . Jackson lA11t:he|II1--I' Am He T\hat ' AIL ! c_ r 'Post1ude-4Fefshi-v~a:1 {March . . . , A. . ' " . . . . . . . . . ~Scot;son Clarke Miss Constance Pa'1]1ing--tO`rganIiwst._ Dr. Arnra11--IC`hoi=rma:sVoer. * ` ' Mis' 1 |.L.L1uuL.L\/u.u. .. ...-... _-_ iLi'veh . .. . . ._.. .. . Vtiollirn Solo--Ave Maria | Vuollm 3010-Ava .Lu.a11a. . . . . . . ' .. . . . . . . . .. -Gounod 0ft'er`tory--.-Andan13e? Beethoven . Mr.` E. Shrulbsole -Arnthem-_-tC1l1rist Is? Risen ? . . .. =Tu;1-n-er Voca 'S-o1o-'1`heResrurreetion . ` . . . . . . . . Shelly Miss Gertrude Reeve rsermon `by the Rev. J. W. Graham, All 13.13., Gen. Sec y of Educamion of _ " the -Metlhodist .|Ohu.'rc1h.-. 1'\-_;.n.__..`l_. "(~L II`..mL.n] `Kauai: I J3 V C111 LS5 I. _ _ Organ `Ptrehidie---"`Even)tide .. Ant!hem--Unfold Ye P01-ta from Redemption . . . . . Gounod O*'ertony~--qCha.uson T riste , . Voda -Sb`1o-I Know That My Redeemer Liveth from The Mes-e siah .- . . Handel Srhing . V . .. .. . . .. Turner [Oman Posl-ude-`-P&'1g:nim s' . " 1C:h . .. .. . . Wagner -L. F. A'ddiison-'-4Choirmaster. Msiss Viola 'Rliehard90n+-eOrganist.` `Special meesti1`1rg:fotr men in the T gt _3 music`! -11 9.. ____ . `R S`T(IRiEY--W7RaI1_GHT-~Ii'1 Barrie, on March 26th, 1915, Roy `Storey and Miss {Beastrioe Wright, da_{ug1h- % -ter `of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. WEIJIJWi0}OED--ISM{I'TH-.-40n Wed-_ _ naday, .Ma;1ch .24, 1-915, at the- V ` resi1,die,n.ce.,:,of . the -buvidlds parents, - `Mr. ,andt~'M'1_'s. -F. -M. Smith, `Mil - '. On_t_., V and` sforme'r.llyAV. _ofv Bar- ietiesg

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