Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Mar 1915, p. 8

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LW and women 39 A suJb.-workerr~s', 18 to 50 }'0:1h` Of age. Whole or spare timv. U` gay can b3 'eamne<,1_. \\'m `G A..- 11 1`2n gnaw ADVERT-I.SEM;E.\"l`S \V'{l" [Wise ancls -lacr > V II \II\' V I\llI\\II-ll II ' - . `_ ` Infofmal demonstrations of this celebrated instrument are given here daily. Let us demonstrate: it to you. A- ` - ' ? _i-'i'av2an{a We have assembled a magnicent collec- of Millinery for next week, charming mo- dels, each with a distinctive and artistic . note that ourcapable artists knowsowellhow to produce; and yet we may say that the keynote of the Millinery for this Spring is Simplicity. 'Because we have the name for showing. smart and exclusive Hats you may be under the impression that our Millinery is expensive. On the contrary our Hats are surprisingly low in price. We shall appreciate the opportunity of p showing the really good looking Hats we are displaye- ........ -4. Q1 Ill` `Q III` .....I Q0 (III Simplicity, Renement`, Correct Taste and Moderation in Price are distinguishing characteristics of the contribution of the Carpet and House Furnishing Department . to the Style Week." Whether you come with any thought of purchasing or not you ` are sure to be interested in this display of (`arc-sol-o nunr\na:an non}: T :.i.nI.`.....- l\vIaIIlJ 8\J\I\l l\l\llI A-Lulu-I vv\.a I-In\a ing at. .00, $6.90 anJ.36 a - o o o - o o o so Quality and (ma Taste in Carpets at Moder1teCost V use av -us. an-uuuuusuu an I-IIID ulklla Carpets, raperies and Linoleums. SARJEANT &KING S STYLE WEEK The Millinery Tapestry Cbverings`at 37, 45c, 50c, 60c And 65 Silkaline Draperies in many colorings, I yd wide 19 Art Sateens., ..... ..T..._20c, 22c, 25c, 30c and 35c % You HAD The best Art Patterns of ` Arnerica and Great Britain, presented at. an interesting range of prices. ` A very ne and a very large collection of V Art Patterns in Tapestry Coverings and Colonial Draperies, representing critical selections from the best designs of ' American. and English Manufacturers. Quite the broadest. and best _ L--.- ........ f....4.'....-.! The World s Best _Musi_c% Tapestry Coyrings--'-e Colonial Draperigs % THESTORE WITH 'rHE~srocr5 }vi'CT9R.-V.I.cT.R0LA :'A111istbn Hera11d.`--`One eveirmg last week the G.T.R. lbcal `running up -to Oollinglwoodi` ran finte a_ `herd of -caitmle and strewed their carctass- es won both sides of {ah-e nails. Al number of %animsa.`1us ` be1`=on'gin.g to H. J -. Fields of `Lisle `had been rbrousinzg hrougwh. sotme v poplar traaetzs up rbhat W-ay andle Aha Wam- dered ou-t- on the railway track where iihey `lray down. Being mouth of a curve wlhdch obscured -the view" of the engineer as the train calme arlom. Ihe sou-th rthe_' engine Was? `in .-amon-g` `the animas before it couxld be stopped? -Sixfozf hem were said I130 have. Tbeen killlec}. T The wonder T-DOZAEN. CATTLE AT Those who plan having their Spring Ward- robe made to order will nd our Dressgoods _and Silk Section a very attractive part of the store during.Style week. i The Spring Fabrics are unusually attractive both i as to coloring and texture, and we show the best and newest things, comprising New Gaberdines. ne French Serges, modish Covert Suitings, beautiful Ondyne Suit- ings, in all the newest and smartest shad- ings; For afternoon -and evening these are favored silks, lovely Faille Silks, Fancy - ' Striped Silks, Printed Crepes and the loveliest washgoodsever shown in this de- partment; Come and see them next week. BI-G L ICH-OERIAEL Style Week vrill be 'especiaHy the pre- Easter Ready-to-Weare. Week for Men, Women, Misses and Boys. The `Ladies tan_d Misses New Suits and Coats are here in great array; `The boy Juvenile cloth- ing stock is at its very best and .the Men's - Easter Ties and Hats` -will create quite 'a urry. Don t `miss `-thefenthbusiasm of . ' "Style Week.` Goods Wonderful Display of Dress Materials and Beautiful Silks of- t}`10s:e` on the strain -wlho felt the jar -is that the whole train was not thrown o the tracks. ~_ . '-Dr. Samuel Gowan, *L.D.~S., of Bnosdkvile, and a native of; Cree- rmome; died on Saturday of typhoid fever. He was bum" in. Creemore and ater: graduating -in dsetxtistry in. -1902 at Toronto Univers-iity, opened a practice `in Brockville, where he had taken -an adtive -in- terest in municipal affairs and for the past -three Wars was -a member of -the Town `Cbumcil. He `leaves , ~21 widow and` -three xc~hi * J FORMER FORLFJEMORE MAN ' _ (DIES AT BROOKVILLE Pictorial Paziitei-ns ' By Mail A Daily we receive: many letter or- ders lfor Pic\toria._1 Patterns and in many cases" postage for mailing is not enclosed. QW,e keep no books for our mail order `depart-i ' ment and these" small balances amount in the aggregate to a con- siderable sum,` besides entailing considerable ofce wc,_r_k.A No order for Patterns or for other merchandise will be acknowledg- ed unless postage and _purchase price in full is enclosed. `PATTERNS PO'SIT1VELY` NOT. EXCHANGED }THE [NORTHERN ADVANCE O0NaC{E-RT GOMI-N-G_`r_i A Rehearsasls Win commence next Tuesday evening on the programme to be given by the big ehorrus of combined choirs of Barrie and Al- landale sometime about - dhe end of April -or rst of ;M`ay. Bandmasber Addison is to conduct _ the chorus and there will -be _.-a`-bou.-1: 150 voices eh-oral numbers will `-be prepamd. The protceedis will be equly divided `between `the Red Cross F-und' '-and the Citizens , Band. The Uoliiierr St. -Methodist :S"unday Sichodl Wil be used for rehearsails. `Singers not at present connected with any choir are -asked to register their names with Mr. Addison. 3-`rst time in" Barrie,'portray the style. trend in Spring Millinery. Quite a (rd in fashion. .; . ' ~ " ' ` ` - . ' t durteous Service, attractive vahlesl and clever interpretation of Fashion s : early, and note how reasonablethe prices are.` Miss Coughlan in charge. T sued. . `K. V \uLl.LL5 Uvv I uvuo H. Wi', -the Jeweler, opposite . the Queen s "Hotel, for highest grade jewelry, watches, clocks, etc. ,M:arria-ge licenses ii- V e t-.. .iMiss `Allan, Miss Bessie Ness and Mi`. J. H. -Morg-anwere in rStayners '-last evening, assisting `-in `a patriotic conceft. f _ * | 1'\ 1. 1 --v n ooooooo9oooooooooooo< or Low. 'The regular weekly drill [of the Barrie Home Guard -will be held in the Town Hall, as "u-s'u`a`1T, -to-morrow evening `at 7 .30. T.` - TT TTY_!JIZ-___ LL- T___-'I-_ Paper-+Spring: necessities --New stock. new designs. See our window cdiisplsay, at Dou'g'a'11 Bros. | w... u A.` 0 1 p. ` . I V iV'diidov: ` C'i<;a.n`ingg raid Car-pet; Beating done -on shortest notice.` Estimates II. Stewart, Barrie i3...o....................: The Carriage Factory is `again wrwking -ten hours a U u'w-.-:;l:-z;;.1)estfy,' Bru.ase* 1's and Union Canpet Squlanes, atlll sizes, new due-_ signs and` colors at D~ougwa11:1 Bros. ITl'T?....a'I.. A. _.1...._'.._.. 1-1.`- I'I.......- ...`l1..,..l_ no-a6Aa.-u \Q \Iv'LvL\J `(u .1J1JLl5'(AIA.L JJAvvJo ' I 'V5 ~o11k on placing the large c1'ock in the P.O. tower is going ahead now, and`-he bell is now in .posi-` -tion. E. H. Williams, the Jeweler, is in change of the wotrk. . T _ -4. T.`._, .1- , _.1'A. -__- _ -;, L1 The stunning New Hats that" are novs} being" shown in our showroom for the-`rst Barrie,"portray ,number of distinctive New Hats are on display" and every model is new, exc1usiv`e,ar'.1d ' ` \ a -'Our Millinery Department is under new management thisseason, andgthe courteous Service; val: dictates are going to meet with your approval_._ It will be worth your while` to come reasonablevtl LO Ill \./LIIQLBVJ \I.L `Ill-l'\J V"\J|L IP80 I Last Friday afternoon the prizes won "at the B.'C.I. 'Fui_e1d Day spouts last fail were given out to the win- ners in the new -Assembly Room of the Cofllegi-ate. V T A __---____ ......_. ____-_J (V -_-._ -..- :\/\r.O\JDAID\l\-'0 .. A young man named ---- Speens , was 4brought to the RV. Hospital yesterday afternoon with severe in- juries T to Ibortfh hands zsu-stained in a` sawmi-151 at Ivy. T........ 1)..,]- ll"-.A.L____._ -_, 1- C'1,___9,, __ . - 'Cli:tizens Band} gave a pleas- ant` dance in the Town Hall V last` night, 17th of March,` from 8.30 to` .s.A: vs saw v v A g I --IronmI`3:d,u-N[axtVa1`>_ ress and Spningsq for _$7 .00 rthib week, _aJt .Douga1l; Dunn -St. .And'1\ew -Choir". -are arranging to give one of their ,-plopwlar con- certs within the next month,` and it` promises rto be the -best yet given by this Ip-opuar _-organization. l ---Oczloath and Lirnoieums, new i designs, ' largesrt shock to - dhoosel .L'_..... -1. 1\_,.--_11 `n `I`n a hockey game `at -the M313: moth Rink on Monday `evening -a team e composed of va'1-stars selecrbed `from the Church League won from the championship Orusaders `by a- score of A 13 -to 6. -i-T1St. Patrick drove the snakes out oi Ilrelzand-, and `Oawey, the Irish Shoe Man, drove high pa-ices tforh good , shoes out of `Barrie. . D. -MoMackon'o\f"Ang1,1a was in -town on .1Fa-idlay andhrbolld an Vevanioe `represent91tive~ of _ 9. young deer crossing zthe .river'11hene one .. ' V blast It wongieregi peace- I 1`:-H ii: "a man i .3. van; uvu J..J\I' List of d*01'l, ;;:O'I:: of clothing for! . Bie`1g`ia.n Relief F-ulmdl my .to March `. 9-th:---M7rs. Perkins; Mary `St; Mrs.` O Brien, Sthanrby Bay; Mrs. G. L.. Oaldlwvell, Dazsbon; D. Powell. & C~o.,| me of the ladies of. St. rAndmesw s[ S0 r`L.....,..1. ` \./`A:. u; 1 d-ing or "table bourquets,` Funeral Designs, or` Floral eectas, put up in `the most` ~artisicv manner, see TAYLOR, Dunlop -S., Bax: 0 `F13 ' -1)} A. rea1 v good owers-wed-I Next week is Style Week at the big store. . Although the Millinery and Dressmak-Vi ing Departments have been open since March Istrand the activity manifestpromises well for a very busy -season-, we `shall seek to give spiecialvtimpetus to every depart ment in the store by an additional display all next week--STYLE WEEK--and T extend a cordial invitation to our friends and patrons -to attend. ' {O9000OO9000OOOOOOOOOOO: Una _""%$% outmog Stem as! lalmuouro-gnu` .A._ -_.L-_.` ..._,,, We show. a collection of superb New Dress _Materials in the fashionable weaves and colors, suitable for the Season s New Stylesin Suits and Afternoon Dresses; A coma HERE ma NEW amiss GOODS Beautiful Crepes, Gabardines, Voile v75c to $1 .25 in Blues, Mustard, Gr e_y and Sand Shades. Handsome Whipcords, `Coatings, Bedford Cords,- inTGreens, Blues arid Sand Shades 85 to $1.75 Extra flalues in Blck and Navy Serges... ................................... ..50c to $1.35 1111:; 132:0]. "DI. I. l.aI;nJ 111 V1 \ILv1I.u1 u uvnsw rnsv-I vv---~ ----- ------ Thedisplay is complete and offers a wide range for selection. Suits in Navy, Sand Shades. - Belgian Blue and Black, $10.00 to $22.00 _ Coats in Belgian Blue,Tipperary Tweed, Browns, etc., $10.00 to $16.50 at Geo.Vicke1`S assortrr1ent'.tl1etwe`l;;;;e`e.\;e;.fe;ture.WW "'"""" , We strongly recommend, that this showing be considered, before purchases are made, as it offers not only the best developements in designs and textures but an unusually broad range of extremely modest prices. _mE_ BEST7S'_l`YLE_S gm W(_)_MEN S Ul'l:S`3AN'D`_u(;L()ATSv ARE HERE _ I... `AA-no Can:-1 Qknrl. .1. V Au U (Alt!!!-I-I-\/ll. ' VV `HULL '(.&III. `\,\III V C11 ICILKC3 and the Instittusbe {has furnislhed rit 111110!) `Bar wsitl1h_ chairs, .tables,, 820. The V *5 room will dbuibtless `be greatly ap- at A Mam` pneciamed V `by the farmers " w-ives. 353.5 .eVemn8' Heads a suggestion or the W0- M9ta_1`5 m`en s Institutes of mhe country sm- f18'l16 W011 `f1`0'm rounding `Barrie, -or better still, the mxsadems Tanwctermaght wen be when -up by Toswn ve the Beebon `World:--4Amohher youmg 30903`, -ijhe Irish man -from TBee11on, Mr. George For- gsh, wees f1''t!h,_ Ihas enlisted for the` war. A .4'3 !- _` '- shunt diime ago he and Mr. Fred `of Angus was \Bm9tt,T Io1f_ `thus vicinity, went to L. .A:.. 1...- _-1-___ .1, L D `.1 . Friday eveninkz. The play was we1l| received and 1.- e machine gun 111` action `sent `several -kinds of t.hri>ll's` through A the audience. I ik -Say! .It s just Pike nding Eowneuless money, Ibuyin-g a pair of Shoes ,-at -Carey s \C1it-Rate Shoe, Store. `$2.50 and? $2.75 ones for` [$1.98 `a pair.` I ' --For -tired and Weary -feet -try a pair of Foot Arches, made of com- ponsizte silver, regular $1.50 a pair, `bu~t -CaIrey s curt-1~a:te price is 99c -a paxr. ' I r`: I -7.. I . 1r!` II 10 I `John M. Lynch- was last week! [sen-benced by Judge Vance to six. -months in the -Cenrtral Prison for a hyrtutail assault on Mrs. . Richard Davis of Adjaa, near Allistou. He agaei-n changed his mind; and plead- ed Lg'u?i]lty, amt was sentenced- sever- al" djays earlier .than the trial was culled- for." He was seam -to `Central '\vi1Jh`a batch -of other prisoners. I John C. Witten, -a farm `laborer from the _5t%h iin-e of Innisl g-ot overloaded and on Tuesday mid-V night he attempted to climb into theresidence 01' Mrs. Jvean_Gordon, Charlotte St., via the window. `Neighbors were attracted by the cries of .the inmates and he was ;de- tained .until the arrival of 13.0. Sweeney. In . yes`oerday si Police Court he was ned $3 and costs for being` dirunk and: disorderly. A 1. on 1, A_1 cw` "' "" " -v . Jos. C*0?a;c7ky of Quebec was accused ing drunk - and begging.` P.C. Latmlbie gathered him in and the M~a;gistrate-g*ave thim $1 and -costs or 10 days. He -acoeprted ,-the Ilatter and -was warned than; if he did not ,leave town V-when he `is released- -he will be sent -to the Central. J lack Bumrizdige Went up for 7 days in lieu of $1 and costs, for over-ind-u1l- gen-ce. _in V yeserday s Police Court with be` `I Mr; Juames. Spvoule of Thornton 'was `in town on `T3hurs&ay last and `in renewing `his suibscripation to The 'oAd1va;11-ce, men;tio1Led thait this was the 37-h time that he had paid his indioar -for -Simcoe `Cou.nty s oldest Land! !bet paper. He. also, has sub- scrilbed for 4Ti11e `Toronto Evening "News ever since _icts arst issue; Mr. '.SpIrou1e "is one. of -the Fenian -Rrarid veterans and he and 'his b1~o who 1-axte Jfos. Siproufl-e, were members of who Barrie Oompariy of . the 35th for` many years. V . i. ' The .|Or'ili_1i-a Packet says: The llzfvdosl rest; room at the market -was, awunavu .I.uou .I.'\l\I1Ll. 0.. uuv 1.l.l;l.l.l\V.7l.a \3V'(lQ_ ofcils.-lly opened} on -Saturday, wxhen rt-he Wlovm-en s -'I11Stixt'l1ft6 served` re- zfresahments Ibo about 150 ladies. The mestrodm `is; cosy and -comfortable. It -is supplied -`W-ih all ccpnvqniences, ,......'I .|.l... ' 'l'.._..z.-..L__1__ ll- _ _ Preliminary Showing Of The New%=lM\ _li1n:1jn6{\1fY uuuuusvvv, vu vuxa v'1.Uuu`ui,y, WUHL 'UU, -Bunnie to join the ooo1ors,~Iburt, nd-' ling .rt:1r`at there was only one va- Lcancy, fboth -wen-t -to 1 Toronto, where` `rthey ~m'ad`e application, rho rbhe miI*i- d;ary 3a.u'tah,0rities- for ~en'lvistment,. `but inormed . ,'the necessary nmmlbet had been` ha-ine.d. -E01-syth :~`.I-l.x'.m.-'~w....`m;.`na-.-tl......1.. `-4.. 'D...._... __..1` --- I Tmmsmy, -MtAR..`, 19:5 001. Peuchem of Turontn ttown on Monday. .f`L.-.._.___` ..1_ , [ goooooooooooooooonu: GAO JLvI|uuJ LL56 \.fLAI|\o-0 Gordon Meeking. of the champion Victoria Hocke-5" team. was lmme [for several days this week. ,,_1,_-_ -3 Q. 1v_.1_ _|.\r1 apvpnvou. gguuvu ~u...u y-\_~... ' `Mr. T. A. Banber of -St. (`ath- arines, formerly of Barrxe. was in town on Tuesdlay. 1r,,_ /n-_-\ n 13 rI`--._1_ -...,..4.. VVVVVVVV vvvvvv v v v v v socm VAND PERs01iK[ UVVIIIU IILIII I ualuvuuu; 3 OOOQOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOON I UUVV11 U11 .LLl\/!)\J4GbJI I K Mrs. (-'Rev.) G. R. Turk wont to iT-oronto on . Monday to rw_'eiVe L medical treatment. 1' ` 'UUVVLl. UAI. .Ll.I.'\.IA;\uu~J ; IMcr. ,A. E. H. ' Creswicko, 1{.c., }and County `Treasurer D. Quinlan are holidaying in Florida. .n_-J:|_A- 1.r--1_:_.,.. -2 H..- .,.L,.......:,.- EXTRA ` WORTH IN . LLIVU xvcu vu1\Ju'uL.I.A\.uA u. IM?iss 'F-neeland has returmvl to `Caledonia, ater a pleasant `visit iwmh Mrs. 'VV. R. King. 1r,',- _ 1`.r:-_ .TT2_.,J.. . ,...~.\_.. LL. YVIULI VV I `I L.lALA6o -Mrs. and Miss Hinds Spmlt the week-end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. D AJ`cy .I~I'inds. `ll`_,_ T-"L_. 'II'._......_ .._1_.._ 2- .....n.. 00 ALIJCJ HI \.I LL V Mr. J. Swan, keepef of `House of Refuge at Beetou. was` in town during the week to .-`co -his Tf-athexga who is semiously ill. 15".. ..___1 1:..- A n - n-_1\__ .4 Mr. ~and,Mrs. A.` C. ` Gaml of ?H'ami`1-ton were in town on Friday and -S\aVturday,r and attende.1 the funerails of the late \V. C. Mt-I.c.1n and" the T-late W. A. -Pae. .M1vs. J ames Pcatton of Everett an- noun-oes ' the engagement of her daughter, Ida, to V Mr. W. H. Cald- well, of aMid1'an"d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F. 'Cald-well, bf Barrie, the marriage to take plvace in April. .1r.. -....3 `Ar..- T-L_ .r~n-_L-_a DMI . .a.;.1;n.\.Ava .190 .I_ LLJKEJ ' -Mrs. John Moore. who 1.: mm` 86 `years of ag , is very ill at the home of_ her -daughter. ' Mrs. Hammer, Maple Ave. % A T A 1.l`_ 1 O_.,._.' 1 ..... .... , L` elm I lull`! lllILL.l.l'lJr6\'7 I-U It(5l\C VVCIUC III. A\[ ``" } `Mr. -and: Mrs. J-oh \CIay.ton. Perl } Sit.. -awn-nounce the ' engage1n-mt of `their '-dau'g.11ter. Agn-es Lo_vn1n. to `Mr. Ronald VV. P-attzers-011. 01' New York Ciltzy, son of Mr. mnl .\{1's. \V .L. Poabterscm, of Vellioo. (":1]i' fomita, "formerly of Bamio. tho mar- riage` to take place. qllivy on "A-pr'i`l Mtih. ]:`()iRLE:1.\L_z\.1\"\\'._\ .\"IED 1Ln` ' vvvuuuu.-nu J:'u1uLu;\1;z1.;\ u .\ .s . up -A*pp|1ications will be rocoi\'ml by- Hhe undrsigned Chi1ir1n;1n ut` the `B08.-l`d_ of Works for "the po. Of .~_Working Foreman, up to n>.>Il 011 Vdnesdqy; March 25th. V S.` J. -].7IrSH4F._R. X % % `Chairman Bd. of \\'nrk3 y (2111 [X3 B2'.hI'1l . V\'1`1u' `Pu eu v `Box, 856, Barrnie, Ont. 1 1'13? .WxAA1N;`1`-ED-4Maid`. Good moral- Alpp`1y, to A. J. \Va1H:1m`. 16 -Peel Street. '11? FOR .=S*A1LE--+Wa1;er iloit. 1m-qmxetion` alily nest lot in Barrie: H`11m'1 with al riglltxs n~..+0I Vd' Apply Thos. Whmd, Real v1``.St8t9v ; Barrie. `Phone 536. 11` 1915, a largv a white d~i:WH ff H and n1::'.~. 51:5 body, long bush? . , end or arive, 01' . 3' vinifomuattion to 1` to Owner, F- 3% as played or` sung by the world s greatest?_rnusici'a_.ns is grdzght ix;fo your home with a I iIl\U'I"I\I\ I TI'I\"I"I'II'\I I

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