Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Mar 1915, p. 5

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,nv he : $15.50 2 M1.` Wm. Dunn has` his Ifnsition at the dep~_ot, 'afberV b`e._i.n-g -off sick for some t1me.T_ _ : ' . ; M1-.-. P-atterson, V of Toronto, ns'_ `.i;im,g- her daughter, T Mrs`. TWm. Pocrk. T `WJcni1 of T-T.n.mi*]ifn1'-I V-In .1 J. Wilson -of DH-ami*1it;on "is! `.i5im,_;- wi_th` -faher, Mr. `Time: ot.h~y \\'11s0n', B1*ad`f01`dvSft.` ' T T1 nnnne w3h1mnnr` of Hunt `end 01 all tha I111-e.1',\ . -` r m1M -1'.V- ` V ' ' ` .' " ;\[1-, Albert Clark. was raot}ng \'z11'd1m1ste1' for` a few ays 'd|Lu1ng `the ab.-'0m;-e of vMr. and Mrs. J. (jlm-k in To'non'to.T' ' I " " TL .. ...~ A n 1-7 ntvn1'\r:v\CII n`-C -Inna` L`lin'K 111 L\J*L'U' 7 . -_ _` > On Th11rs_d-a-y evemng of next \\'0<*]( T..O.T.. L\T`0.. 452 Wi'1`1 hO1'd_~ a 5.5-nl A1-(:11 Degree meeting When. nV11un'1~b01' of -ean~d\i~dates wi"1T-1 be ad--| valloxed. ? T" \r' T7.i-3,.1 `X7 .-\1+n IX-`E -KT.nm4-`la -paw '2t11<.'t*n. T .~ T ' ` M14. Emiel Welte of N' Bay` d1-m)(\(1' off the train here {on Tues-i (luv -afto.1'11onn, on his way` . home 1:,-H11 Toronto. -to see -his many f,.jm(]: in the .1oca G.T.R. ofvces. H`! A. `\|-.. 'T`;L;-xn \Qn.1..-.m'lnr.-..' I11(.(1x 111 Luc .1 L. \.JI..L..Lv. -'vu.A\.uc That .\I1'.<. wsehmibcr,` Toj~n11to. 15 gradu-`ally recovering. fraun her recent serious `i*11n}SS_. `Will he Jvn1'11o *w1t.h sam1sfact1on by nmny f1'iend*s .in this Ward. 'l\_:_. \' \r`(`< A ]`\.r\.n.`7.(_\r1- .+no~r'n::< Yvon!` V `JLL vL&Joa7 Iviulh 0 1113111) 11 1L4 L V 'l`\m Y.-)[.iC.A. 11-o-ckey gteams went to Strand for "fri-en-d1-y `games ' on Tuo. eV'e11i11g', and `both retu-1'11-I winn<`=1-.<. ' The Junior Y._`team de- feated Stl-'ou'< Juniors `by 5 to 4, am} the 1~eg'u.1-211' Y. team beat the :`( *_"11~T':i1' Strdud team lby 8- 't0"7. The .-\1]:1nd`a'1e, boys were hos-pitably en- te-1-m.inr>d va.f.ter the game. T ' 1 L1 _-_:,1-_-- __n 4.1.... `l.....:..._ 117:.1' H`l'l2l.lll\,'(,1 `(LLLU1 1211-0 Suusxv. ` I A131-]:i7.:1'1)(3.t.11. widow `of the -lfatve Will Iimn J. Earley, who met su-ch anl V11I1fi1I1(f1_\"G11d.`il1 the here ;-em-:11 }W0a1'S ago -when The was -1'11<}1mI to deat/h~ between two -cars, L-AA v . o '.\_-I rs. V \\ JJBUJI, LII uul. ! [.11-.<. H. Ovens netutrn-ef>d _at the`, [ of the week_ %from_ Toronto with the newest Ideasm ladies mil-jl We have the Labor-Saving Devices, such as a Cuood Washing Machine and Wringer. Several different ` A stylesiito choose from. i Costs 1-2` Cent an Hqur to10pera,te_. Price_, $55.90 , In " A MJAER. '13:-in, uy One of Ofurs : f Gxiaranteed for - Hive; . " F9: $5.50 & 1 Lllications han. _ `_ T nme 15 Near M6day%'_t ~25 `:Wia~ Stl,` -aged .50 y<=;_9,rL5s..".FO_r a ggar has: ' in(i:"{*has{ "'~`beTeIiT' a 2-'f` suex-f1j.!` 0} some mdmths.V. S`he 1eave's four; sons,- the 'you11g\es ve and the eld- est sixteen, and the greatest sym-` prathy is felt by :for"these orphan- ;e4d '1`-he :funera was hehd % yestetrd3ay'at 2 .p.m. ' ' - _ I 1.111 .-... ... L13`tih jCon.,. Innzisl, gwereeorely be- reaved .`.by the dieatih on" Saturday 3 ?1\~rL'i/ai:1d_F|'1\tEi-s;17_']_)-eivid`W; Tyndale,` ;ni-ghzt of their ?d1au'g1hter,I `Elsie . May, at the R.V. .Hospita1._ 1 Miss Tyn- da`1e- had. `just _passed. her _-`. 16th `yeah. and she was taken` `suddenly ill `with ` periatornitis three days .`be>re her- death. `An operatorn failledi 120 save her life, and her death has brought} sadness rbo -her home and relatives.` She was a general favorite and herl early. passing will be much .regretted.! by -a` lhrge circle of friends by` whom she was beloved. The -fun-! era1_Was held on Mon'd4ay: to the` iUnion -Cemetery. . ` I 1 Of interest t-o"a11 Iocal e1;edke14|7 {players is _ the - oou:rnamen.1; for the ;? --Am-a4t_eu*r tC[h8.|IIlp'iOnShip` of Simeoe ge County to be held on Frid.-ay.o.ffthis % week comxmenainug -1'1 'a.'m., u dcer zhe wauspices oi . the , A-1an= eg- Y.`M.'C=.'A. The emtfy A` fee is 50c.` _and mhte Winner will be presented. wiih a-. `handsome pm -ize suii-tazblgy en-.9 graved. iM:r. J-armes `G. Keenan, the} wsel`lJk~n=own -checker expert, T xv-i'1-1` "`ofci=a'tae was `referee. \O'u.t-of- oown lpgl`-ayens will `be ent-ertaiined at the association "overnigwht if neeessagry. 3 The 1';0u'r11a*rnen-Lt will be run" urnd_`er ! ch"ionship rules,` and players are urged Ito have -their entrries in at the earliest pOSSiib1e' -diaoe " 't'O*\ `Mr. James .O1x1'.ke, Y.M.O.A.. Secretary, _A'1ianda"]e. A \g',-00d entry 1'iet T V has so -'fa.r been "received. ` | Trhe 1)01i'n1a`rneI_L;t tvawilvl uulder ' U-;}L3.:`.v.J-.: u.liLS`e -Vie ..,-i"',;,;1L at Ghamriionship are picture that :vi.1l for many rcears to! their ill at `come ibe a highly 1)-rizedi : area'-sure. earliest *Mr- It is at plotograplmic reproductiro-n J3mS:01wFke, Sqcretafya Adhowi-ngthe 32,000 men of C ~anada s _Al2%nda'-1e.` \g'sQ(.)(1 entry _'11ethas,nst,_con`tim.g,mt,.a,k;ingA camp aind "a'r__ T_39'1Ved-V 0 `on A the mvarczh to 10-nn thee C`0ntm- 0 ' ` 1" ent-a1' forces. `It shows miles and` K 4 _ - . `_ . i `,0 ` lmiles of the white tents vandl the` 1` OLD P'REAOHIN'G SEE- march-i11-g - men. It `is "21 mioet inspir- I _ - - V`I`CrES in9:' sig'-h.t. The -size is 20x46 inches, comm`n*ce in `the Baptisat Church. all ready for -framing-_ ']_`.hiS.pic1;u.1-e! ISun'daynext, March 21st. Tihey. i-s sure -to `be a. popuar souvenir of! c.o11=ti_nue for two w,eetks._- * They will the war as far as -Ctanada is con-i be econductedlg by the Pastor, The ' ce'rne`d!, `and .wi-1-1 `be in great dze-1 `Rev. W; W. Lowe of Midland` wi1'1.mand._ It is owned -by The Eamny! [preach on Sunday and each wee-k`Hera1I d and Weekly Star, of Mon-I _-2_.1_ _, _ __'__ I - - -- J. L 0 7-] 1- Vl""L.. | L...\:..1 :11-\r] n nnnvr 1; .1-\a111n1 -rn'D21n\f.DI]'I `j_lL`\-/|v\o`L1 U11 K) uxxu-uJ u \JDIr\41L vv vs..- night _ at 8 o_ o'1-O-okg The following |Sunday, the 28th, the Rev. E. E.` S&1ie'al'uds, ~01 Csoingwood, will pfreach` land -ea`c h night the following week. No meeting` on -Sa,-turd-ay. oCome one, Come all! C-ome, bring `your friends.` You. are__-cordially .invit;ed.' oeV Hvusework `be had at THE IDEAL Water Power %Washer Bt Ha1;d'Powt' Machin Mnd J . Price $10.59` ; Doee Perfect Work Guaranteed in Every %Way Price "$16.00 % of the Ontario =.I`.< e'g'is1'9.-1'.'ure held its. on `Friday morninlg `" nd pelectcf Herbert -Lelmox, M.1>.~1>., chairman. Mr. -C. M. .'D-._._..____ ~r:.1_-___.1 ;c.,, .n.__;.__ 13'----,... mhe Pufgiit 1c6u-11:t:3- Uomrimirtxtieel -~lL.o`\In, 3l.I.g;L -u. 0, \/II-IU.IL.J.l.lIllL-I. '[Botwman`,- -Lilbervail :`f01' '|Centre Bruce, moved a motion tthart" jMr. ; -Sproule, /,a2sist9znt Pmovinci.-.a:l Treasurer, and MT, -O1Ia11cy', Plrovilllcliall Ailditor, ~be -ibefone. dahe ""c;om 1nit;tee {on .WIedtn;esda,y, Moarch 17,f -tojexp1* mhe famous. $544,000 item x,v}1`ich- ap- peamecl in the bu 5&1lget w5vi11ho.u1; rbeing certied "by the auditor. ' *'ll....-.'.2J.........' ........ ..L.L....`|-..,] .J......-1.... 4-' {Bowman also has" a f n-umber .o I ` ` ``'` .```"`'?V` "J """ '"'."'""" V ` "T1159, iitemwas -attacked ' the jd-ebaspe. -on_ the Ibudget by -the Op- '.p'9sidiion,"- hef-W gnemlbersj of, which 3 lsadd =id:.jhasd no jbusiness 'bhere afnd .f ,_Vo e1onged"'; to rbhe ddrjit siia of -the `ledger, `Tvhe iI.i.be11al's have` -chosen ct.-his point in `the pulblciso accounts on ivwhich rto open diheir bastberies. Mr. questions to give the 'C)ppios'itio11 a] {chance to discover a weak part in` xtlve IGnovernmen13- ~a.a'rmour. ` ' `I1 1 ,, I In the '-party -i-t gvemexwally undie-r: sto'c_>d_ that -the of the |PuJb1'i!c Aiecou-nrts IGom`mi1Jtee is rtlhe 5314-3-xzt IOaab3inet gyfin-ister am} as i 11161830 '\./"a|l.Fl'll.'UlI VJLLILIIJIVULCL 'lI.'ll.'Ll `(LB 1'0 10 that Mr; Len-nsox has uaspiredx to a portfolio -his -alccepmantce of `the `chairmanship occasioned no great Ilsumprise. "He14b.- 'Len:n'ox" is an old [Barrie-boy and `his msrbs of frietndss. {around town and vic_.inirty W-i1' join in c1ong'rafcu1:atinv=g him` as -21 'c01nin1g [calbi-net min'ister'. 1 ` _ I I THE MARCH T6` '1`-HE BAT-3 TDEFIEELDS; 0:3, ' I l(}1r&ri`1`\T'1`,lD1} S 04% THE WAY I A."L1 , Store J l_lGI'Z.l.1`L1 'clal(lU. VVtt.'1\1.y L__)IUU.1, UL uuvu , treal. _asnd'a op-y .is` :1)ei11g',pre9e11ted'; k-to a.1.1subsc.r'ib`er.s tor -that great 1121-; ti:on:a=1- weekly _newspaper, The F-'a1'n-i ily IIe1'a\1d, :Msontrea1, rwhose ` sub-E soripmion of one Idlql-la-r a `year is re-! 'ce`ive(1 from this, dizxte for -a limited! pet-'i0d$'. % 4 1 i N ORTHE.RN_ ADVANCE _our V` store, FOsST ER.--aS}'DR!A7THY T ~SIprin4g ` sunshine `and! sp1~ing s 1 pram-ise 'SL1'1`1`0I11'Idbd3' the rwedding day of of`cer s nbride-Ain-na A Lllelen Gowan Sstrathy, dauig-hnter I of the Tate J ohm -A`. Sttrathy, Barr-ie, % and of Mrs. John A. ` .S ora;t-hy, of A Beclford Road, To1~onrto- -'+whoT'was married in -old: `St. James Cathe- dr-axl on` Sunday, to Harold W. A. Foster, irarrister Ia-ndi Vsulbailtern in h rhhe ggth `B'a.tta~i_on, -2116! Expedition- n..-.. ...... 'Dlu~n-nnh-A, mg g `T1118 ZUIIII DUIDDUWQULI, 'lJL|.\.u .n.a.-1-v...--_V- ary Force. . Canon Plumptre wajs ii` `the oicialt-in\g`. priest, and: Dr. Ham played -the wedding In-amines, while -the =oorng1regation was made up |c-hiey of relations xami friends of lthe bride and -groom.` Her brother -gave away the `bride, who is known to -a'11 her f-riend*s as Queenie, and who wore a; suit of green, dlbth, the of green ninon over_ lace, a touch of pink in its fashioning, and . the, Ibecoming `hat was a com- :1_)inartion of same pretty cowor- r1!l:._- A "v'l`Lnw-nnn 11 .ssgo] `b'il1aItIOIl OI 11113 Slllb 'ylUUDJ \.Uwv; O ing'. M-r. Olive A. `Thompson, -also of ` the 20th .'B'aJttaion, was grooms- _mam, -a-nlcl -Dr. `George -Smrathy -of G 13119 same corps gave his sister asway. 'A.1'were in service uniform. The I '-Mrs. Foster went rho Ni-agara Fall's I and will lb-`e back in 9, day or so at -the groom s V-home, . 100 Bedtfordo `Road. __ o t ` `T-he tS'tna12hys`-come of an did: A Sdoitidh :g~h1`.-`imqgg famiy. Mr. John oStra.17hy,~ the "grandfather, having me to from Pe-1~th'in s 1-810. The da.tJ_e- Mr. Istrabhy A-was ` man 1'? of` the fBa_mk of` Toronto for many` yea;1'-s_._ ,and irocm athi fam- . .i1y,_ with t1hed:wo sons-in-law, Cap: ' ] Vta ; .-0urberbridbe and! Lieut.. .-Eoas:ter,' }, it ~is_esti'1nated, what vthere_a-refat least V j;wenty,,:g1:nenibers;f`ith_e1:o_~a,;t front for 1'sn:;`b.1?ai-n.in2`i ._ nf. if 5 `Z '?; 71 Zo :1?hej_ - 1 AS`~S90Q;l asyou eeloLi1rl_\lew Spring iShoes you will begin to appreciate ` T ' their attraidtivenessi in style and pattern. When yo/ii try them on you cannot fail to recognize the perfedtion of T fflt and feeling ofjcomfort. Once you wear them you will fully realize their staying qualities, the big value you get fioryour money. i ' Ladies; Duchess Patent Button Boot. b1Aa<':k serge top, Kidney heels, special .......... ..$4.50 Ladis Duchess Swede Button >Boot, black serge top, special pri:e.,..;.... ._. ........ ..$4.50_ Ladie's" Duchess Blcher Cut, dull mat top, Special..._ ..... . ._ ...................... .... ..$4.00 We give chase, re you :1 5c. Coupon with evt deemal_>le_ at our Premium `Gr-zisett, _Queen s Owrn, rsat <::ontin- geint, a cousin; Oapt. V George S. |S~trant1hy, No. 2 *C`31earing Station, .a ' ? . Lemesurier, REM.-.C., 17--.. ' . -' -A o mm<:1n_ C-om), i with the Engineers at `, I L. 3 D n L I aild ISte1*li.nxg, with |S~t1-astihy, No. 2 `L310aJ1`ll1`g Dhuuxuu, .. cousin; Dir. now in France, a. cousin; Corp. nSt_ramhy, Royal Engineers, 30ttanva,.: a cousin; Lieuts. Gordlon and Don- Itahe *1'st contin- three I Vgyent, -from IMionxtreaIl, cousins; cousins '-in from Montijea, the 1`SIt contingent; ty, R'C.`A., cousin ; and [privates with, IC`-aipt. Hatgiar-I `Lieut. 'Grase ot, . the front, Lieuxt. H'agarty, *3r(i Bat- rstt `con-tintgent, -a cousin; and in addition -Miiss Isabel Stra- thy, of Montreal, `ax tc:ousi-u, has gone 150` the fwnt as a nuxsing sister -with the rs- c continigent. cousin ; taihon, the Lemesurier family -all i; I .' - .|Jv-.Lu4.u BROW,N--+I-n Barrie, on March 12, 1915, to Mar. and` Mrs. L. Brown, Oiwen St., a diaughvter. *~ `*1 i KJWBII 331, a uuub...,.... ' ,GO\IJE'--I.n R.V. Hostpi-tal, Barrie," V ? on `Sunday, March 14tih, 1915, to Mr. `and -Mrs. Hen'ry,'Co>1e, a son. GIB1SiON-In -Aollandlaile on` March 11rb'h, 1915, to -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibson, a son. L ` IJEW'I\S---In `Barrie, on Tuesday, . Marc1h_ 16th, 191-5, .130 Dr. and; Mrs. ` W. A. Lewis, a `son. - P-E}OK-~I-n Alankisale, on March ..nu_ -an-1: +n Mm cgn `Mrs. W. P`-I"L?VCiI{--T~I-n on 10th, 1915, to Mr. and `Mrs. W. J. Pack, a daughter. I PI-TOHZB`0BfD--In` the RV. Hospi.l .1)a1%,on March 12,1915, -a daugh- mer to Mr. and MR8; Bert P1tch- SIA[DM10N'--+At'rbi1e cooks-1 -boiwn, on 2nd, 1915, to __ and Mrs. E. F. Salmon, 3 _'DHOM1P`S-ON---tAt RV. Hospamx,` ' to -Barrie, on -Mamch 141211,. 1915, " Mr. and` Mrs. `Truseman T-homp-I son, of Vespna; 9.. laughter. ` EOlSTER}-5S1IR1A{I\HY.--aOm Su.11-T day, M.a.r.c1h' V1`4Uh,, .1915, at St.` James Cathedral; Toronto,` `-by * ~*"ohe Rev. V.-Gan-on`--P_1um:pt:re, `Anna 1 Jnelevn v_G;o:w`an; } (queeniz), dau:g~h- J :,./ u`~;oooooo3,3 i ` nnnnt` -rut." n%|`u~">2% Men sUras Calf Working boots, Blucher cut, sizes 6 to 11, special price 2.50 Mei1 s` Tan Blucher Cut Working Boots, sizes 6 to _11, extra. value. . . ..2.75 1\I sTan Elk Blucher Cub Working Boots, sizes 6 to 10, special price 3.00, 3.50 and 3.75 Try us for Yoths and Children s Boots. We have the right goods at r\'rv\ 1: TI rn-{nae Couponnwitli every dollar pyr- UIIU 116111.; aux; small. prices. Ladies Dongo1a'Blucher Cut, Doctor Vernon s Cushion Boots, special..... .~. .. ........ ..v....$3.5O Ladie.s Patent Blher Cut, dull mat top, toe, special price .... ...................... ..$ Ladies Ddngola Blucher, 'Aunt Polly, wide width, sizes 3 to 8, just the boot for ladies who "` *-*"-~* --`M $3-00 VV-I\J\r&A, sausage J like comfort, pric. I . IV/.1cn s Black Elk Blucher Cut, special prices ................ ..$8.75 and $4.00 u Mcn s Splifc Working Boots, to 10, special price ............. .. _-___{. See our_ Boys Gun Metal Button Boots, s1z_es 1 to 5, special .... ..$3.00 Bys Fine and \Vor.king Boots, s 1 to 5, special prices 3.00, 2.75, `. 2.25, 2.00, 1.75, 150. . Misses School Boots sizes 11 to 2, special price .................... ..-..$l`.50 ' nuns Lvllouuu cloth tog): Misses Patgnt Button Boots, black .1- A. . _ . . , . ,.n 11 an 0 cnprinl yglue _ s_ Fine :_1nd \\_/orking s onn 0'7-`:' of Barrie, and `Mrs. Strrathy, of ' 102 Bedfordz Road`, Toronto, to `Harold VV\i:1l`iaam IA1|examd'er Fos- -ter, of ~O'sg'ooId!e ~Ha`1`1 , barrister- alt.-law, 20th Banttaslixon, Oanadiim1 Expeditionary Force, son of the % 'arbe W. A. `Foster, Q.C., of To- \_ monto,` and! grandson -of the late John Geonge Bowes. iSOA'NI;(]N-~1 :EAR10E-In Barrie, on Wednesday, "March 10th, 1915, ' by Rev. Dr. 'M`eLeod, Miss Eva Pearce to Mr. Percy Sc-anlon, both of Barrie. O "'"f _ ' -. \[1'. Harry M1611 1% SP1..1'd_.`1n8'_"'3 ? -at Englehart.` " few days Mr. J no. Gibbons` -is ,ra1iid1y , co\"L 1`i1 \ . . . ` - I.`t\'\ Qn1'H"}\Qn'l"| `T98 11- from his serious fiflhiess`.-` . ' C{HUtR1CiH;I`LL--I11 Barrie, on Sat- undlay, -Marrdh 13th, .1915, Jon- athan -Churcthil1, aged 69 years _' and 2 months. E-ARLEY-In Aillandae, on Mon- day, March 15th,_ 1915, Elizasbebbl Wid3OW of `the, lame William J. - Earley, aged 50 years. ' GIDC.H'RI[*SiT`--'In `Toronto, on Friday, March 12th, 1915, at his, -residence, 455 Baxlmersbon boule- vard, John :Gri'Mhrist, a native of Ovro, aged 55 years. 1 L GBiA'Y--In Barrie, on March 1'2tEh, ' 3915, Herbert -Cecil Edward, in- -ant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gray, 195 Owen -St, `aged 1 month! and'19 days. .HlA!N'DY---A.t his late residence, 60 ' Pentamg St, ;Ba'n-ie', -on Sund*ay,~ .5Ma:rch 14th,` 1915, Benjamin Handy, aged . 86 years. v_ New` York, Mm-cli _ 0121),` Hon. Wm. Allaize Shiovrtt, L_ eldest son of the late Rev. Wm. Slorttt, -B.'D., "and" brother of Mrs. ;_.|V -Atkinson, Brockvilb. 1 _un1:. A . 'I\R.A;YLIN.G---In Torrombo, -on Fri- day, .'Ma'roh 12th, 1915, Bridge: 'Tray1.i:mg, mother of Rev. Father ` T1vay`1~ing, :Eormer1'y of Orillia, aged 82 years. Funeral `from St. I EM}icah~ae1 s' Cathedral , Tuesdsay ` `morning, March 16th, art 9 _:J: / ' mu-seq-mvsx. LT 1'3 '1'-- LL - 1) `T ' f',....'.,,,,')}n] the R.v.TI1o`e;pnta1, `Saturday, -M~a_.rcth 13th, ~1915,~ - Elsie May, Ibeloved .d-aughter of I 'y'nd;a;1e, 513mb Con .....-.._ __ J. `I `) DUIIUII L)UUL3, Ulaun stzes 11 to 2, specnal value runonlou Iuocluontaon J.J`(l~ V .l.'\.U I I -AAA. .1. J {L\gQ~; amqsl`, aged 16 months. ., ._ lKA\J Vs; ..... . $3136 at Auto ..... ..$3.50 sizes 6 $1 11 .$i`.`-2-5 , sizes , 2.50, `mntn on Monday ut-o sipend` -Xsocrne few *'`. "' 7" no. Q-1s vrap1d:LvT_;17e,_ c0;v.g1-i11, ~hisA eserl-outs I, (:93, Smithson hash, neI_nOji_ed' from Essa St. ;tO BT111`tOI.); Ave.]f-j`f*~ -_qL,m-t,_ Fawcett of the -2nd:-. ` tin(,.L.,1]t, now at Torqnrto, gw-as. 1_n; to; ffor the -week-end. ` . M1-_.', 1{e1111n11.m- came up from time at her Strathallan home. 1: : 311;; Frizzelsl. rturned'*.on Fridiyi to resume `her du-mes at.-SV1m_coe'H'a:l(1. Szmitnriuln. - T T ; T -xr.. xvm Thmn has =re.mmnr?|- "hm

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