Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Mar 1915, p. 4

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Among those who. attended the funena:l from a distance were Mr.- and "Mrs. Houcke of Richmond Hill`-, Mir, Wm. 'Tm.1m aI'1;dj'Mrs. `$1.25 AMBITION his to Protect Your Interests. There is no substitute for SOLID LEATHER in the construction of our School Boots for your Boy or [ * Girl. We are making every effort Q to give you VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. fexbend the time for - -cvormpletiqn of of VVorks consider layin;_-- 1? this road. The Legislature ooulda drain Water from Tlms. Hm`. not extend the agreement `between Berczy and Dun~1op ~Sts. the. Town and -this company, but it Sow1es--;WiJkes'--That nmm. `Seemed _D31"mat1m3 to` Send 1i_`-5' _1'9`l be askecf for a-wo1'ki11g fm`m:m. [qwet on to the_Hyder0 'Comm1ss'10n` -`S`0u.1eas--Gray--T}1a=t the [M11 luntnl -the C0L113Lc11 f0111n(1" out ufherei VVOI-ks cQ11gnide1- .'pay.in2- f],,\. .4 ...-_...n- ,__ la_-Wkwalfd `position if it was found` !}i1:&_`th tiltd -agpxzment 4` was. still, {M 7 '111g- _ ~ mlg -t` be Ibet_tfer 1f the I* am. W.u.1d 091.1 a meeting of the _mun'1c-lpahtles -xnterest-ed? to discuss the Whole question. ` ` I` 'l`.L.'n ....._ --V , 1 - ~. .. I ussu vv uvxv \i|.u:-Dvl;lU11. This was concmrred in and the; motion was witzhdvaxwn. j % `T7211--- T , . __ - Misses sci-1001 boot,made of [smooth box calf, solid leath- er all through, sizes 11 to 2. Special $1.75 Boys_ Kip Blucher Boot, a `dandy for country wear, sizes l`to -6, built to stand the wet. Special $1.65 _` 71 ac wu li11LlUl11\'\'11. vVu;;l`1L t-he Boa rd srnlya [AB_R[CS JUST TO HAND V ALLKINDSOF 4 J CLOVERS AND rumuv DEVLIN & MURCHISON Come Zmdsee the [New `Spring Ready-to-Wear Suits and Overc_oats. There are some beautiful patterns amongst them and the styles are the_ best ever. We have a large assortment of new patterns in Spring and Summer Tweeds and Worsteds for Suits and Overcoats. `Made to your measure from 15.00 to 25.00 for .3 Suit or Overcoat. - MEN S AND BOYS READY-T0-WEAR SUITS Make a visit to our .cide on your costum MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS at . $1.75 ke a visit to our Dress Goods Department before you de_ :on your costume for Spring and Summer. All the new; est fabrics at remarkably low prices. and Navy Serges Colored Armures Black and Navy Broadcloths. . Colored Permolincs English Gaberdihe Suitings Silk and Wool Crepes STILKS-.-All colors and patterns in our Silk stock. . WASH GOODS Small Boys play boot, built to stand the wet, light but srviceable, sizes 8 to 103:. `- Special $1.25 Youths S-chool Boot, built of good `strong Calfskin, soft and pliable, sizes 11. to 13, -_Our Dreadnought. $1-50 ' -aag'\r vv u4U\JKx|\Jk o Depu.t' Son 5 explain.-E. Driver Batty had -one of 11L I. -1` filljured '\'v.hi-Ie hauling . banks on the west side of the I . _:1]1d that -he had (been put? `tn $1'_`- .expianse for hire of another, In-~: veter1na_ry expenses. The In-v carried. - ..,-., uwxuu ;u:._ `an H`/'l.`1l\`lllE; 1Hl'Hl:l!l. V the 11- ;11'A VVorks -paying thv. an extra horse u;<,-ed lm-in: snow blockade. ' T` , ,. 1 _ _`. TH1jR$DAY, MAR 13th, f $1.25 $1.50 ...... ..u. on. J.|l1`C- taut: JLI'. W"0l'lCD was` born 1n Markham In 1841,` and came to Innrisil, just 43. years ago to the. day he . passed away, settling on lot 9, 0011. 6, where he farmed: until failing heailt-h =over.1;o ok` him two years ago, and `he retired, Just 2- : hours 2before his death pneumon- ';';l `:71 011':-1| n-I---1/ A- L.` I Including the following va;1riet ie6:fA'f 1 u .u. .1. 11 uu.-au"cl.) H101` l1'l ng , Maren 1 11th," there -passedr wawnay at the` `home of his, daughter, Mrs. Prarht, OIhunohi41}, -one of Innisl s: =pi.oneer resid-en-ts, M-r. Geonge E. Wonuch. The ltate Mr. Wonch was the only son of Wm. Henry Worroh of -Mark-ham T`ovw11shiIp, who came to York 4C`Io,un;ty `from Pennsy-lvlania -and who went through the `Rebel- -11'-on of 37.- The late Mr. YV-one-.1} WITODQI 1\riv|1-1 :1-s _1_L A--- " r` ` ` . 6 300ooooooooooooooooooogopo! CHURCHILL 2000 DO'OOO_OOOOOO:OOO`OO_OOOOO: Samples supplied `on application. CORRESPOIWENCE SEED CORN "Mr. W. F. Wonch was attending! the `Grand! Orange -Dodge Jart North` Bay, when he reoeived' aha tele-I gram -announcing his fa1aher s death, and `he, with his brother, Edwin :E., hastened` homer '. ' ;Sgeds'me'n Grc rs Merrill & Hubbard Successors to J.J_R.A Hamlfly SAVE A e CENT A Ron ON 7 WOVEN Wire Fence /- .. ---7 V -_`.4.4aJ Thursday m`0rn`in-g, -Ir\l]-(VtIr\/-1. .e- ----- -- -AND--A V-W gJ1av_e':j ust j-receiwved 21;, Catrload A [ _ff C,an`adim-1` fu1lfg1a'ue-No. 9, wire" fence `which we a"re bfferjng at the following low prices per rod. ' 5wires,'. A ` H _` Cut out this couoon, ll the blank spaces `and,/present at our " store on` or before MARCH 27th ,-' and . receive a discount. of` one .cent`.per rod on the above prices. . I , v_-.--.- u, mug "'63 G `man WeH_; 1j,e1pecbe(! V `by all who knew him . {.;':f1,1nne1fal1: _ , was. held on T'1;9s 4Mi1'1sin-g' "Rv.. VDVr. Booth`; a "former -pastor, _up= fArom S`t0i11Vi:fle":';V_ -to. V-asgsisjt 1,, , _-r-_'-_-"_: 3 :;; .-H--;;.> ie,BI`.v1oes.? `;-u \1LI'LLl.lillJD 'auu, 111113 g'UU(_l. InUr' al'A c'hara=crter. ..The .funeral. -took place -on Satumday `afternoon arid` was -largely attended, dihe -remains] lb-eing `inrber-red` at Bethesda-. Service` was condmvctedl -at the `house anti `at, Bethesdia ch-urch by Rev. D. A. Mc-A Kemzie, B.A., of -Ohurchill, -.assisted by Rev. Mr. Coulter -of Cboksbown}. The pa-Iil-bearers ` were - his two grandsons, George Pratt and` Ern- est Womch, and! four nephews, Char-I ies Booth, Joseph Booth, -Fvrank Gibson and Al'vin IC unninghv-am. , - uuu.u.uuu. In `Out: B'U1'VlUBSo . 15331085 `Ewe widow;-`one 1 son, MI. Allbertf mndyi `of - `Tom 1? v . BENJ; `HEANlI)-Y` . ' Mr. Benjamin Handy passed away, `at _'his . u-essidenvoe, -Penetang ., on -Simdhy morning, -after an _i* !- of seveyaul `months-,_ aged 86 yeam. r. Handy canne to Barrie a1bou.t' vthirt/een years ` ago, after his marlaige in Miss "Mary Bel, having formerly - " at Lisle. * J ust _one week previbusa mo `his death his -b'ro"aher, Jesse, `died e near E1'mvae. Three other T-`brdthers survive,` Josiah -and! J axmes` Handy of Barrie, and `Henry Heady` 1 of Lisle. !w-as a negular attendant "of the .Cen-- tral :Met1h9di'st, and was a V manh we-1'15? ".9111" who _} ` . ` .__ 'i- , '_ nesmg; "R_e v., "Dr. 3 4 ` .~"`._`.'-~._ A._.. Vs, . gr,-_ .v (Continued from Page 1) ~ signed :tIhe position `of Tmeasu-rer of Su1nnids'a.1-e-Tovwndhip, afrber. v lling that /oice for over 45 years. to -the sartisfantion of all, -and: his succes- , eor has not `been Iappoiirnted as yet. For 25 years he was Division Court Clerk, and was Postmaster at _ New Lowdlf1 rfor 18 years, having . been -appointed to succeed -the '-late Wm. Switzer. .Eour ' sons survive him, his__,;Wife having some years` f"agp.`~- He was -29. man . {held in iahe E1iigh$td$}feem Why all` who ,knew im sin is passing is regretted by The funeral" book pllaee on` , Mnnnv ` - i BIAN-TING-~DOBS;O'N E` A very pretty wedding took piaoa 5 g at the }home orf Mr. -and! Mrs. Jno. -;Dobsorn, Utopia, on March 10th, '1915, at" 12.30,. when their eld`e'-st d.auIg`hter, "Fl~orenc-e, was united in marriage to Mr. C.` W. `Banting, of Ivy, - phe ceremony be.i11g perforfnbd 'by the pastor, the `Rev. WV. -S. I-r- Win. The, bride, who was given away by -her ;fa=1_7her,`_w'as ')ecIorming'- `fly in midnzhgut blue silk V.-zrnveteor "N7i|t"h 't'la1ce and; pearl trim- imings and wore a Icorsage bouquet of _ csammartiohs and` moss fern, while Me1rdies'saohn s Wedding 'MIartch..was -`being ' pl-ay-ed` by BM-iss LM3cQuay of Ivy; `Oinlry '-the "immediate relatives of the conttrazdti-11=g - parties were - present. -~ After apartakixn-g of a sumptuous fbnea-kfast, the .11-appy cou;p1e,`;h dgheir .:fniend's-, drove to the station and took (the 4.50 train for Toronto, the .-bride -traveiing -in` a vt~'aJored- suziitgcorf -Belgian blue with _ '1rat 1'/o Tihe gu`oo1n s gift to ' the bride was a. set` of Persian `lamb V fjutrs A and to the organist` 9; ve- i ,o :d1ock `tea set. T-heir "many. friends. wish them much happiness. They received, many useful and costly nnpgnntca ..m-.11: .1-m .+.L.,-:..' -.-....4....... ' '__"n I a . I p I ".""" ' " `"`""-7 auu UUBIUIJ presents and on men _'.r91;urn Wm 1-pa-{HIn'o+ T1711 1M.x:aU11 U3 *U.l1'U.` `K residie `at Ivy. _r-vuvuua.u v xuxu IV 1 U_1l. 1113 lU1`U.l;l1`3-I` 7.. . Mr. H:arv~eynC'a'm-pbe]11 , of landzale visited his cousin, Mr. C. 1 C`a-lnpbell, -last Week. I .|.'u..|.5'} uuuuuvli H156 `b`uIIBI'lI1g` IPOHI la grippe. . ;. . Mrs. `T. Campbell has retllmed` -home rom visiting her d'a ug*h1 /e_r, J .' S. Ferguson, of N-an-tyr. . .. . ' Mr. H. Reynolds has Lgo11fe`- to Hamilton, T after 21' pleasant visit with -his fbrother -here. M- U.....-.--- rV.-`_-~-1 W ~ I`I'0`IJLY. - v - March 16th.--+Mr. VVia11ie Dyer tloefrb on-- Monday or the west, after a pleasant -Ithree 1Il'0l]lthS, `visit with his p|are11=ts shere, ~. .-A. P!1`eased to re- port Mr. Wm. T~B1ox-harm is `very much improved in hea-ltih. . .. . A -Iarg1ev11u;m'ber are `su'ering' jfroml In on-{nna 1r..- -FD r`e.{_----1,11 {BROWN & AC0. . MIVNIESINGJ I Panish of Vesepra--5S'und*ay, 21st -of March, 19'15_.--{Minesin"g, 11 a.m.V; Ves-pra, 2.30` p.m.; Mtidihu-rst, 7 p.m.-~Rev. ahu-r S- orohh-er, T Rec- tor. '% . THIORNII`-ON ' ..-R. J. _Gamb'1e, -of TIhorn.t5bn, W0-r- 'shipfu1 C9ommand'er in command` `of the ' Innisl b Searvliet *C%h-aprber, at- tended Grand Lodge in N-our-h Bay .last week, also Mr. W. F. Wonch, i`Distrzict Maswr. L L M~orrison `of ~Oda;r Grbve,{ Malfkzham. Townvship. , ,' ' couPoN{ on-"ER 3:3 52 52 1/ ,' 44 ins. high, 22ViVn. uprights; 6_ 0:) It Name of Paper ...... .. Address-.'. urnco-in-noon. ~o all` - Mr. Wvonch was a staunch Meth-| oidiet, being -a, member of the Beth- seda ahurch -since -he came to the township. He was highly respected by all who knew him for r_n'a.ny ex-1 celilvenrt qualities and` his good mor-f n']1t:a~nnnA>o-n 'T"Ln -9 ----- --1 ` " "\I`his Couponmearis rhoney to you. ` OBlTUAR_Y SIouoInucoatI)IuI;aocluI`onouu-u COUPON ,2lc vuw 35c `_--- ~--6 I I Potatoes Der bag b. the 1034 :. ....7 prges, No. 1, winter PP 98, second quality 'E8`g8.'P8lf dbzen .; .. .. Bmter; P61` -. .. . .. Bwtter, by th basket Chicken. lb... 1\.~....`l... ' Flam-, per um. (staii E3}, '1;er' .t'o`n .. . Pastry `Flourr, per _ gbbl. Potatoes, ~ per -bag . . . Potatoes, Der, bag, by -I-Jan L-ml - _ - _. ---v- aggv .av.|. L/uI.L1.LJ.LI.\J.y '\J'L Essa, who died -some, four years: ago,_ and mwo chi-ld-ren surrv.ive-- Mrs. vSy'1vester Reynolds of Thorn-' ton and Edwin E. Wonch -of the Union. IBa.nvk,' New Liskeard. , -Barrie, Mar. Wheat, who1esa~1Ie7.....- _128 Barley, wvholesalle . . . . 75 Peas, wholesale . . . . 1 50 '_l]uzck:yvh'eat V 75 Iva \/IN\.L J1 weight. '4.LL1.u .ua.u.'5.-- vvvuwb wuuun Tile regu- lar wveixgvht - of `~brea&. I I .-un-derstand that 3 '1IbS. is the lawful loaf. , The -Mayor-.--Tlhe proper way is. to -brinug in, A a motion. The matter shoud` be looked 1:int_o. . .A. ...-:L-3- ibjl-ou.-gvht in that 7 the bakers be notied_- that [bread 1m'1st[_ be` made the standard 5 wain-11+ '- m,atber was closed` V `by the Mrayorv stating -that he would look jnto it. - . ' m~_7H(_ ...[ c..\,u uuu x4u'5'n1Uc1' _`.l.Ua,V(.`. OI aJDs_ence. 'A=1d4.__Lan.g--4He-is st!1' getting his $80 per` month `and is making, a `playfhouse `of our pu|b1ic' buildings. This `is what We are paying him $1000 a year. sfor. Reeve `Bennett---Tohe. Engineer is 'not_ getting $1000 V Lforr inspecting wiurmg. m1.- __--ue ' `-- - - Engineer had; instructed Mr. `Ty- mon to ainsspect wi-ning. "' ' Aid. Lang--.'S'ome' `ofcias have too much rope now ,and' if this is how it is going 't-o Ibe done, .-it is time to cut out `the inspection of wiring. '3' " ` ' Afld. Clark.-V--'We are -paying. the . Engineer `and! he shoud do rit. Reeve Be'n`n`ett-.-Why, we . have 1 given the Engineer [leave of absence. l ` IAJIJ IE` .2 . -L:`5'1` __-ll` I "' (Connuetdl from page one) 't_'h'01`1'iy `had _1i0t 'Ibeen givn by the. C:0`1lnc1'T, ibut ` be supposed} :the 3 F1\m;nonu ]mn.]. -:.,..n.J....- ,.J....:I- 1r , ` uJA\./_ '\JjUullUiJ'1, lU`U'lJ lie I 1Enguneer mstructed unsspect ~w1-mng. AL] 1...... cm Tm 1 .:---u w\Ivvv II All VVJ.1.lL`J.l _ 416 S'JaQ"l.Il'g was ioaccupaed by the ~*Gemnans A for `two days. - T .u.u.~.. ;;c1u',y rruwy OI 'unu.rcn1u1; W. F. Wonch on the =home_s*tea~d' at Thornton, Mrs. Thos. -C`ald`er of Paninswicxk, and" George `who died`! some years ago, Five years after! the death of -his rst wife he mar-' ried -Catherine `M-oKin;1ey of! died years; 1\4udA 1 " ` __...- \.` uy u. 'u.uapmn'cl.u. JLUIU .ll1I(ll are -prepamed to vst-arvt work. Re- celved ouvr _'rst mail over `here to- day and as evidence of the pro- ciencwy of rthe Britisih maixl serviic-e,l I -received , your newspapers sent on the 28th of January. Did 110'G_ get a letter, `but expect one any time. By the way. I did` not td1'1you- ibljst rh-is town in wh'idh we _are shay-in-g W845 01CCU'Di9d -ll` 7t`3,t'n1`I`n1c `FAI- ;.~abua.v, vyvu -DJQEIIJ 111 H. Jbav tluU\V. of our officers went up to work Jast nigvhot -in the trenches, and as we` are wihvin earshot of zhe. guns and see [all kinds of soldiers here, we are just b-idsing our .time to take our -tu-rn which I bdleve is to. be soon. Have opened up a Ihospiotal here and :9 1'0 .`n.1'.31\.)n\nr]` Inn -.-.L...__.4. AV- . I` ?_t'ory`Aof;*`:my.-t1,`iIr England them stand-...of`5eou1sei-IV 'shoul1d_ like to tell I 2 ~ y;pqj;.jn.iIetai1~` ailolbout` it, but -I , our mail`?-is .;:.;I only be to _ give. you uha&tbamEou g15n(<.` _ of We . nsran. 4 _ n`-IMon1dla;y`, :the' 81th ofA,]_`d51*11aan*y,;5;on_ 5froard'a [tramp -steamer ~*beds .emou~gh *t.o~ ~ab 20.0 ands: 80o Well; we hgd 3'. the A and` about 1000 "men " s'dfes,-`V and a.` consequence vge had ` to ":sleep- For myself: I slept Ebeside,` `the horses -un-tiil after two days" on the boat when the odor became pungent 7 and I vacaktedl premises. Finally we`. {landed `in France, w1he.I"e,' ' I_ cannot telil K you. We _ were stationed there `all that day. Had a great time `trying to speak French, I "but we`. could make A `our- selves runderstood all` We `were issued with ours fwr coats-you' have seen pictures of it`hem-so that: ' now we resemble a- ock -of goats. That night we slept in a . sh mar- ket, or rather -We tried to `sleep, -for `the oor was wet and! cold, being ce-i ment, and the rain heating the` A sides of the Jbuirld'ing did not in- crease our comfort, While the smell` of sh certainly did not make the . plaice nesemible an eu:p-toedarte bed- room. Next day we loaded our wa- 1 gene on trucvks -and? clinibedi `into box i cars (freight cairs) .four~teen men to an ear, covered! the Ibortocm of the car with straw, received our issue of {bully beef, Sh I;p_'biSC'l1itS and- j am, and started) on" our journey. 7 We passed through many French towns of note, the names of -wihioh I must not disclose, but you can imagine how many when I tell you We were orty-eight hours -on the train; ,in faot, it was a regu-1ia:r continental tour ` and we enjoyed i=t very much. F-inay we .arrived -at our destina- ` tion, at least for rhe present. The rst night here we , slept -in the ~at- tie of an old people s home. very mu'cfh_ like a `poor house. v Next 2 m'orn1ng' we moved: part of the -com- 1 peny.and; that night, or rather last ' in-gxht, we-slept in a hav mow. Somel r.l'\+' .rn11-I nm.nnnn en.-.--.J. THE l,_ATSI%MARlEE-1`_S; WAR -H-LETTERS 2 ii % s-IMQOE _GOUN._TY_.OYS! -` . - _ __--.- }L;_ .`:Rriwa Jam Eis, of Aisbon, who `is in -France *w1i-h bherst eon- ;t-ingent, Iwirites who the A']i1isbon`H_er_- `aid as ronaws; ` Weight. of Bread motion in reference to asking The 'S~ta of Liif Jan`-g--WhaJt about `the ht _I nun-ders1:and La 3.. 4.1.... .1-_;c._:| 'l_-t- THE NORATPIERN A1)vA NCE' lLo1igfellow ' % . _ Compton : Early ' T` White-Cap-Dent` AIM other varieties of` . '.lj ::5U' 10 50 11,700 -5:-;25 E _A ` .g.,-`4`J- 1! :36 12 13 50: % `:35 ? 114 V . . 318 '14 00 um ll -L5; A "7 E6 T 60 5 Mangel, Turnip, ` Carrot and all varieties of Field and Garden Seeds. 3 All Seeds sold under ` 4-. Government Inspection We hand]/e the famous Steele T _ . BV1-igg s Seeds. . . - ' _..1..... 13..-..- the_ Hywdtro`-Elecafmic - {Power =C`0mmi-s- siaon to give a report on an electric` ra'i1w-ay in - and `through Barrie, and also from some point on the Metropolitan in WhitchuTdh, or any other feasiib-l`e point; was put in but Iafberwards withdrawn. ` % | I " ` ' " `mm m"' I I * `Reeve Bennett said that Mr.` Fooote of Whintchurch _ had asked _toE meet representatives from -Barrniel and. other nearby municipalities.` `The Reev-e pointed out that uthei Town had an vag'reemen~t with the Barrie and` Orilllia `Rad-]:wa.y for the use of our streets, and there was ta request before the Legislaxture to -Boys or Girls box calf` blu- cher boot, nice soft leather, -good for Sunday or Monday. sizes 8 t_o 10'}. Special $1.25 Boys Bo-x _Call" Blucher Boot, strongand serviceable`, . all solid leather, sizes 1 to 5, Special -$1.75 Solid %_I_._ather School FOR BOYS AND j & MURCHISON V , --..u.u 'L1\JL\I.lL7 .u1a ucauu p1J.Uu'.[IlUIl" ia set in and: he rapidy sank until -the `end came -on Thursday morn- ing; He was twice ma,-rried~, his `-.St Wife, who died` in 1878, being `Miss , Lydia Kinder -of Innisrl. Tlcre were four of'a faam-y, viz.: ;Ir.~:. Henry Pratt of Ghu-rchil; W. 1;. . . . H71. IIL -..- ' J--'L - 1 -

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