Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Mar 1915, p. 2

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---u--n aturrivllhvcl GIOKGI. , ~ Overcome the weakness "arrd nature cures the colgl--that is the law of reason. Careful] avoid drugged pill, syrups or -stimuants; the yared only A props and braces_-ajnd whips. 1`. p . '_ It is the pure medicinal nourishment L Scott $ Emulsionj that quickly *en- , gnches the bloocl,j strengthens the ~l\1:1:n_g_:-.. '- and helps h.e.,a.l iajir-ipasosages. - .'fAnd m ar!rTT',1|ai c"`?`i.p.1l "Q4.-.._ in}: `Q . Cease wasting your money -11? _. _.- -..-v -vs sauna. THQMAS iWARD Contractor & Builder opp. the, lfost_[ 16-ti J uvuuo J'\I|.l`, auu Luvuuvb yvu uuw. "D `e iloyailty and pmniadtism of the! farmer has never been caJll_ed' !in.t0! question. He has` the orpgposntumvirty ebeforta Him to give expmess-ion to his pamriotiscm by `helping. to keep up .-tihe food supply of Brimwin and heir Ailies. 'T;`here` -is a[hig1her motive thla-n had: of the pocket merely, oa:n_d' i't slhowld "be a stronger one. [ .A4. 4.1.... ,.....'....... 4.:..._ unimpnt 0! (coil Farm; and Toni Pio- L _' tor sglp easy Imus. - no GJIIIQ l`\I3` U Having spent! years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and havinrerved as Cli ical ssistant in Golden Square , Throat & ose ital.Lod :12 lLod om ' n3'31m(Mo?r331da)?y3r a 3. " P mmm nn as Resident S eon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bgirssl Eye Hos ital, Bristo ;-and Birmingham ___v - guru` C`??? L.R.C.P. &%S`. Edinburgh; M,F.P.& S. Glasgow --SURGEON--f ' DR. M. H. EMIBREE, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. ` C. Alexander.) Oce and` resi- ` [deuce - Burton Ave., Allandale. Diseases of women and children and nervous disorders a specialty. Phone 269. 7 22-157. _+________________________ IDR. "H, A. DUGLAY, os:qEQ- I DA "I"'l.']"l (`1 ,'l')L._-:-3___ 11 1-\ V Brooklyn .(N.Y.), DR. -MORTIMER LYON, 31' Carlton St., late of - Eye and Eaf Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Toronto, Barrie, every ' Saturday. Dis- eases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation .hours, 11 a.'_m. to 5 p.m., and _by appoint- ment. . vuuuyuuaaxa -. | . {But let `not the farmer stay his hand because these and `other Idle- fescrts in" the economic esylsltern ihlave nsoft yet been remediied. , Youvr coun- _ try needs you-, and needs you now. "l`n-.3 . .......m ..-....a..:..u.:..-`.. -;- AL-` ALEXANDER 0OWAN,o s66- 1.-, T-_.. __ -fV-_.___ _ 'I)__-____. QDR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., E 3 L.R.C.P., London.- Office and residence, Dunlop St., Barrie. } Telephone 165. ' ' oR'_EsW1oK:I_3_ & BELL, BAR- - _L L`. _ 5---- 3W. A. LEWIS, M.LD.C.-M., Surge1"y and-` Diseases of Women especial- ly. TOice 58 Collier St. Phone =s1iEW & STEWART, `BAR-. RISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries V Public, `and Oonveyancers. Money to` loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Ofce, 13 Owen St., Bar- rie.` .D. "M. -Stewart. ' STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, -Solicitors intHigh Court of Justice, `Notaries Public, 'Con-= r veyancers. Oioee over the Bank } of Toronto, V `Barrie. Money to i loan at lowest current rates. G. i H. Esten, T DONALDO '1I_{C_)SS,i LL.i., BAR- .'-A..... .. L-.. -L_ ___`I_` -1! G. A. R'AD'E|N~HU-RST, BARRISF ter, Solicitor," Notary Public, &c. Office; 1st floor Bank` of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- .est rates. ' . ,,,-_- .......... 'nJuJ.VU_yUl'3, 1'41!` gineers, etc. `Established? 1852. Oice, `Medical Building, S. E. corner Richmond and Bay Sts., Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Eaten, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attendetl to. }. G: SMITH & 00., PHONE 32. Establisheti 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night; Morgue and chapel in connection. , Bar- ne, Ontano. It is neither asked` nor expected- that Ithe farmer` should bear he vwhole bu_rd'en. 'Bhe ' ra-ivwayts and other -orgraniz-aai4o1rs _en_'ga'ged in the ~.tra1nsportation_ of products must '?oear their share. Tlhe nancial in - ti1tuIti'ons -of the country must -be tasked to assist: in a`ha.I1c`ing the fvatrmexfs 'bus:i:ness -as, as the: manuifa-cturrer ~s. The farmers of` almost every country in Europe en-" joy rthe -adrvanltages of rural vc>redirts.i Sei-mitliar acdliiibies are -ungvenliy need- `. .. .. . - . I "9 U (`K359 E93 E81 . Ngsg L?-Throat. lnvlnnp nv..._L A _. _ _,_ _--..... -.,.;.uuuuuog1cu society. `OFFICE-78 Duxnor srnnnr. BARRIB. `Phone 51. P. ;O. Box. 96. IAVVIHLLV, 'J!.l.UL[\ll.'I Qntario Land _ __._.-_- w j jj (snpoesso_r no the lite R. L. Bu-wic PATHIC Physician, Barrie, Ont. Oce 5; other" hours b Phone 565. [ L .- -Ital? `J `J '\I cessor to Lennox,1:CoW8.n & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor` for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Oonveyancer, etc. Oioes: Hinds Block, ' No. ` 8 Dunlop St. Money to loan. '-I-7-IJNI V I -L%JLIJ an.- J-IL.` -v -"1-4-U: risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of. Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Cres- wicke, K.C., W. A. J. Bell, KC. u. ;.;.. 4.. L.L.l.ULVJ.l.'.lJ1J, \J.L`L`J.L/`J21 and residence corner of Toronto and Elizaheth Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. ` . \I'\./LL.I.nJ \ L) '\J'\J'JJI|J \I.LII `i a1lin g), Pfysician, `Sur- geon and- Accoucheur. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. - Glasses adjusted. Oice, Owen St. Phone 95. 14-ly. vu '.uuLL7.' .' i I Th need. of supplying the farm- er with nformation 1iha't iwil 'en'a1>ie him to dsisrbrifbulte and malrket {his uprodulcvts .170. the best advzantaige, is becoming more and more, u=rg*e11'vt. Tuhie 0amad`ian Minister of Ag'-rti'c1'r1- turre recently put the 'm~aJtter in? this .u~..... . V \J A` .4.A1.AJ.|J .LU\l Kim), .lJ.|Jo.l.J-, JJLLLU rister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money _:c_g loan. 1 V i. H. T. ARNALL-BFFICE V 3 ant] 1nnn\.:Jn~unn ...._....__ _f 71` _ _ , . L- W. H. O-OHS (iSUlC=C*ES-SOR TI- 1)..`l'l:..;..\ T)L_..:-:-_. CL- MONEY TO" LOAN l A `AIDDA nnuu._c -n __A,, UNDIITAKIII. -Sn my .l`J|D.L ors, 2`.-.4-..'L1:..1_ .1 d .__.-v '-auv\V.u.1.-v uaucu Iyv 111611. .IJII U1.l.I. met only `by ei;p!orting' \ surp. us" aprlocdruots. . There is'_ a iread|y_ market for all the fa\1u{n`produuts' wecan _produo'e over '=andi ualbove our own re- `. qutireinents. twenty per cent, in- crease in fvarm -prodhmion twirlllv cover .our interest p`-a_yrments and` "maintain the eoun-tr_y s credit. This is one ~a.nsWer to -the question, Why is it necessary that Oansaidia` at this psmtitcuasr time shou:1'd1 .inmvea*se th output of rtihe farm? ` '1-L _-_ < .1 1 ,,-3n , - "-' & ESTIEN, Nrnun Js.I.J\/7 `1'=:osB1ock, Hours-9 to appointment- A-01 ugasuu. % 45-1; ` ..v..v fwvwij 71 I I???` Sleigh: and cuttlr: Sula! Pluonu. Horaesholing fun we ,E,H.!. 5` 12*-:1~3!.":`. -1; BEE:-tiuuhidmu. .. ._s ,` ua ~n:i-431-273$} `ox 3.3ll 8iI.. Carriages, W880 `V "QI-2'._.I_- ; -1 "II AA___ Andre i ` " u" 0' your `want? for Tricea. Cl Grub Fru. Applu For erms moss-rs wnrran nvenvwmzi I K 1121....-- \v--_,_ ,_ , . v.-I..:n n` v nun-1 u u IIIIITEU nvlsn I Iv-1"" J. 1!. `Winner. Nunez-yuan. Port Elzin 0` 1-. 43.17 g } 33. Ollrnit uId'Ornamental Tre \ Fruits. I Si N A ou.............;m:.;.::::::;.e.;iine Send 1! t - 1-mn:.' '.;':::'.E'.f:: '::=:::."' Great -Brirai-1;_E1::sf invested? hem! .1n('mey in ~1_; cioun{try._-th3n'i11i any other. country *in rtihe wor1.d},r outsiide .of the United %SIta. 0es.- The sumis no less ihhan $2,80_0_,00O,_000, being equaail -to $400 for every man`, wo- mandi and -cth=i=lld. `This; money has gkmve largely to. provide ratilrway and`. other - facilities for carrying on our business. It is Iloaned money, and bears one hundred -a"1\1d twenty mil- liions of dolslars inxterest V annually. Ttbans inmerest -must Ibe Ia; 1...`. ....,.A. ---"l_. 11., - ~ ""*""' 05 II\l.iI'auI 0' All kin M - smu `n':..`.".."'.P1`..:';:`.9:ne.'2s:':'L;':.$:i ,___.- __.v `I 5 l,\IlVl-U A FOR THE counrv or sIMcoz Most reasbnable terms given ox; Stock Sales ` CRAIGHURST, ONT. I LICENSED AUCTIONEFJ :-(`g -|-g_;g- gnu - . . . - . - -~ W K __- - _ ----ur l\\lUrlN rantecd 10. 1.5 years. `Beaver and Blshopbric wall cedar Shlnles. Metallic cm, V Anythingin the Lumbe,-r Lim- Boarz ` car out PRICES as:-`om-: you 3: ITHE um mm mu [1 Telephone 109 Telephone BARBIE. Town. amt hm` also by far the largest sub . Le ` jtg patrons. If you have any adim 1' not afraid to pay the price. each `be 4 latter feet demonstra place itwith the paper that F . Advertisements are char . ` 1: Q `:3 ti `Q \ NV?` izg, x:;,`t1:ht A ..u `*t `in 111% \::}`a` Wk Q 5 1; 31 Ih`iiQlI`h\tQ`tqlQl Q1` `h`:t}:`h1.l{)`b~i?1t1:s`g: \ ` `h*.:;:}(:?`*.i3,tqsfs;~ on qq t1I1~$ Qt.r i~ R 3: Q a t; an t) ad 7. `IV bhqu I)U1El1eh`3n 53 h&8p I) tjll~'_IQn QR?` thghhqgfgi Igh \`.g1]n 2:. :. `ME W`.`~>, \`~rs\ "as Qg `Q to Voh, 31$ 5.1` I1 ` nkhalthgq t 5; 9 Q. Q: Q11 `N 9!) 1-1 *1` Ir` '3 '1q`Q 11,31: Q in y IQQI1 qbetft ts \~i*`nh l}~QQ {:1 fog!` Qage`. Us; } .51, 1` {In . Q 1); Q `hqv `*3 la,` - }``s Q I1 Qnht 3% 3 1351111 s ti} Es Q. . ...0F... "` um wmm Am 1515.7 9010 ........_ ' ``le' ` 'rnnsmN1- ADVER Legal Notices. Auctxon b I etc.-First insertion 10 cenltae - an nont insertion 5 cents per {ire hut ` n otices, 10 _cents per 5` insertion ; cents per lme for eac ne h sub I th . - . gag-`ag: e same matter obmmnw .x, (Units...-.~- . _ CERTAINTEED Room) guaranteed VPRPH Has a ' marvellous effect on rough skin. ` One or two applica- txons will remove the rougnncw and by its `occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a. baby's. Glycedom; is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after usinl it. Price 15 and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. ' MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET- Monkmanfs Glycedonia. `LI..- - ` The New Fnu My NEXTDOOR To `run: 7. NEx'rDoon TO THE` <. v yvn anllvo .COM M`ERCIAL . msnn Rates_will beglven on application, - fVl\$1b A IIIII --` __ :I'REES_ lblnlg AA <-_, o. Transad a Genqiul BanK'h2_r} . Buaincu. . . . . Notes Discomalul at reasonable rates. . . .. C'(>{1e'(`- '9 9/' Notes and Accounts {7i?`P73 Q'No:n7wTn'um7aVv;.ri1il'to_e L'sE'1d:<.a.1T` {(5 the sub- scription List until the money -is paid. ' Subscribers now in arrears for thre inonths. and over will be charged $1.50 per annnm. v ` [Beecroft T. BEECROFT,- D7`??? 18014611 ag/able an 3/tr/.e 7'(. Ohequu an amide banks cadmf 0` lowest rates qfexchangr. . Isak Notes Caahai. or oozmmz _` `favorab1.a erms. ___._ __._-._r, V. Boilere. Engines and all lzindic farm and _stationary n)achinc1'_\` lI`m'i- and repazred on shoxtest noncc 'x.: moderate prices. A] work done by expert muCI.;.'.- ist and guaranteed first class EXT DOOR THE TANNERI` Is (Ewen for all orders in CAS J`I.\'(;.- MI L REPAIRS. &:c. 0 n in REPAIRS, _1I-i V` Occ Houra-10 to 4 3100 1=m.Aj1mtrn UNI'_fED 8T:&'PES" J ~ $1.60 In ADVNQE ` MANUFACTURERS: l'3 `Expert Machinist in CO. Q A L I - I -4 , Marangtr 18th .u-IE5 U, ` Limited ONT.'it'v. %A8h2Qnt f"_"KKE$a?7L?7i;:ifi`S`Em. V$._` } g_`f3t.S bqdy-heavt as protection % ggannst gxntgr slckpessf 4G_t Hscottys; ,.jA:s?*.hns%andV.buxldssip. " B.owfn`c."rcm _jPnblish ed from the oice. l23;;Dnn'lop Street. 1 . - Bur:-iodnthe County of Simone.-t`h'ePro~. V` V , vince of Ontario. Canada. -every Thursday Morning. -by` .' r jgjggx 4.:___-. _*_._._AH Tums or SUB`SClIl?T!01: V-a_. lA\ILJIu`-I3,` `ll! 13 - 44&~mi-ll'ion b s wi'l'E.lbe- required, thus leaving, on 8,, 1915,` in addaictibn to A 3 tity 40f ` ;a,V.l1)a]:ai1r _5%= `won bushels for-it -` .md`;\lIu.nL--a" 1-3 V .t!h-. '11=s`11f:V131" 'sII,1.'1L1` `quan-`~ I I-rIptv\I\Q vow J-\Illl'\I- 9 LWl'LLll'IItall tors 2,853,679 bushels, railway -ele- vators, 13.13,-952 `bushels, other ele- vators` 26,776,246 bushels, _o1n- m-i'l'1s 6,160,840 nbuaihes, in daransi-t [by mail V 12,571,876 `bushels, and in farmers hands 29,556,000 Albudhelsf ' The re- sulrt _ of the"i1'1qtui-Ivy, shows that, the .q1'1ran4tity ovf ___twhea;'t"in Canada, dbmnkl . be`lysu_idi'ent' to meet all re.-. quiremendzs new and! dihe -_nx:, .ha1tvest._f ~-`For e'edi1'1g Ithis , pring for ohe` next "IIlO'l'I`|.h'- `Q -.m-Mu:-.....-.a.-.'In `.1,\_`. 4 ...`...._.`_. uA.|\J \JnJ;u1uUA'UU, uwu. 1_:UuLL`uUh" Tea by rtlhe goensu-s -and Statistics 0'ffic:e .i:n oonjlunctiaon with the pamtmemt of Tnrade and Commence land Ihe of Grand! Cocmmis-` s-toners, -was effected by -means of schedules addressed to Eevzator, Flour FMSH and Rai-lwazy Companies and to ncrop-reporting toorrespon-,4 dents for th estimation of quan- tities in. farmers .hiandns. C|0mpi1]!a* tion of -the returns received? shows . that the amount of wheat, and of wheat Ithe eq-u-is__aen.t of our, in- "Canaka on Febmmry 8th ,, was 79,1v30,'5,9.`_5 -or, if ~a.l-lbrwance be made :fo1`_':""'I,!I. smalll. proportion of ___..._. _ -r-vtrva. v;vu VA `nvoix-1vJevp1m'es_`,*7a%.n"~" aggregate in round gumse of 80 millliipn Ibudhells. The rtottall of 79,130,593 `budlleld is distri- Ibinted as follows: I elega- +m.a~ 0 QK,!.t2J'1n .1.-...1_..1.. ---1 uvn noun uu vuzvcu rune uuu1un0'. We see, > the question asked, `and asked roo by -jioumn-a.l~s, `how can the farmer increase the output rw.`i.thout Ipwttiun-g more acres under. cuiitivation and empoyi-ng more laabsor? 4'.IVh'at -pmdhwtion may to some ex- tent !be_ increased wirthouot a cor- responding -increase -*:in - 1a.`bor 'c}ea:1ily indicated. -'I1he best strains `of seed will give Iliargereyieldethain ' inlferiovr kinds. `A stra?in_t su'i.ted`n to" the and-oliemate and at 3.s7o%i.mushe1s% ii .-.n~puI\{ " ' n? `gm; 1!} .` .`..' ""..__. ) .111 Z V THE SUBPL3: OF WIHIEAT IN \ (J_ANAaD:A` . ' 'O7t;taaw:a, Muaircih 9th, 1915.-A 'p1'eS_S bu-letiin issued! -to`-day by the llensus and `-Sibatistics Oice gives - the resums ,of a special inquiry for `the purpose` of !ascer`vtwinimg the lsooa-ks of wheat -in canadua on Fe'bru.'ary 8, 1915. The inquiry, rcam`ied,ou4t `direction of rtheHon. Sir George Foster, `Minister of ;Trade and Ofommevoe, and copgtugzt- :;..1 .1... .uL.`. '.n._.....-.-- ;--.J- .... ;. xL\IAu|\/10 vu -uuuanu. -Jan, uuvy `WUIU It-o bring high =sc`h!o`o!ls- into close contaict with 3 .ru-_ra'l ; re_quiir,emen4`ts. Tihe --sulbject is well. worh Sbeing con:sid`ered.--Jou=r-nail of `Commerce. I ..-v uwuvwuuu, -vv -ucuuurcz 4UGDIC3l' `Z1/llu more scientic farmers, and! T bring and apoply -to" their homes ~the tk-nowxledgve aoq-uired_ . in _-a V 'h-'ivg{h school. `Such boys` and: girls ,.never lose _their interest in farm life, and make all :tihe better farmers because I` of their superior edi11ic4at i`o'n, . To | carry on this w_o_rk, good roads are an essential `factor. It would ?be well if some of our badk-ttnoi-t-he-lsaaid asdvvooata were -to look inlto this phase? of rural dlepoputliadvion, and, instead of trying to deprive rucral 'cl1i'1idiren of their s-econdlery edlucaion " or. forcing them- 'to;`go away from their homes -to =db-hain :it,_ they were 1'-n nzm'lmn'.m'| a. -.-.-LA --'`I----- lvupu V:.u.u:.1111.I.` vpancu. IIU -U116 U-._LllULll 59 `high school and brovugvht _- back to their homes every evening`. In this- eway; they are kept in rbowcih with lhome life and rwirbh tfarn} Work, and, .o.+ +.1n.n .1:!n1~1r; .4-1...... .........--A LTL- --- uwme 11Ie atna rwrvn vxarm work, and, at the same. rt1-me, recelve -he sec- ondary` ed*u:ca.-tion, which is of so mulch, importance -under" present V dxay tsondiitions. In other "wm'ds, . they are edsuca1te& -to become better and _f__ ____L ____ , `I. I * 'V\'|'/\`Il\ r` A: ......J. 212.- parts of -Canuad-`a and the United" States. In certain parts -of. the` neighboring -Repu1b:l:ic, four or ve adtiioainin-g school sections combine and -estaiblish and ma'in1:a&11 a un-- !been pressed` into `use, with rtlhe re- suilt` mihast hcildren are gathered; up each Vmornin-g,` gbaiken to the union I.'L.....'I.. _..L...-1 ..____`I `I , - .1 . 1 .'I - ion high sclhooll. Mbtor abusses h-avei `\J v uA.I./UA1k/ 01.1.1`-3 ~uuuuuu.'u,y, IIIJJIUI "U"-u`lI ` I `avg `tby L[-es"ta.'b1ishi-mg secondary Is- an the `c oumry,'. much on mhe same prm-cipl`e as ` c.onso1i .ru-ral nanlg.-.A1.- .---_ -- --AA vvvv -v-v-,-----u vvvsuvun ULIIG J.'l1`lJl; 'U..l.l U.Ia our system` of edulcastion -hais.ter'1tdied to -drive bo'ys -and girls `from Whe farm.` Their public school educa- tion-ris a-ll right, as they are kept in close touch with farm, life -t-h-rouigh home -connections. If a armer" wishes to givehis boy or girl a high {school education, and `to-dlay. most progressive: fa.-nmeris dlesire _~this,i they must sends`-theirchi-1fdu'en to a rtorwn `or city. Here mhe `boys and girls meet with city ehivldtren and almost un"corn-sc'iouss1y drift away` from the old home ties-. The T-high schools and cotlllegiate inistitutes teach `no- thinlg`. directly` associlaxtedl W2ist`}1A'farm- ing, and when adkiedi to this there is lthe :as-svociamiion with city boys and girls, we nd a `very small` percent- Inumn 4':-mm .+.L.n 43.1-... ....A-......:.- _- A1--A iVK;f;ar:a:1mly -t-hev.reV is only one way -to .overcome this xdifcuzl-ty, ansfij A-11>a-t :0 avg m ~ ~ n - ---- J-----r .._.-.--v-. -nu-nu] GUIIO so "Au: G \rUl\vl sun 3 cold only exists` where weakness exxsts. Remember Mat. - _ ` C I\-'._._-.-_.- . LL - " ` l...-...., vv\J uuw vu VGA. out-nun` 1JU1'Ut711b" Iaigfe from mhe farm returning there {after they have received! their sec- iondxanry educwien; ` S A._,__,_,._.-__1_`I 1 RURlAL *DE1_ 0PU=IJA I`IONI AND ' ISEOONDABY. EDUCATION I117` the T much-dviscussec fback-tow rthe;t1anx&`qus:ti*on,' hose who adsvo-l oate reforms overlook the fac_tV _1:}3~a nn-vb atvacl-nun: -1.` ...`I-_.-_4_'-,, 1 I anunrvsa If the facts of he case_i13dicfaate .it,' "as we believe they do, then the farmer is waq'rant_ed- in _empdoyin'g more `labor, _` provided sulitable labor` I-can 'be'secm-ed; he is wanmnted in this /"better, and tin fhhis manner daoninxg what he can to`me_et the Em- in. this duty in the 0ountry s crisis, will regret it all his dlays. ' preparing: his 1-anti |bet'er, _ sow-ingv pire s needs. The __man- Who, fa-i'ls . x ~1ve`rs-a,1 wastej tinwtfhe .of and sdlid. " in this .to `the. sodil/~the `eleiI`1en'Ibs` fertility notw flost Iihrouyglh `lack -of ~ `ca-re,-a1nd pracluction may {be increased with- ou1t`any appreaialblle increase in Jalknu ' ` `ff t_1i' 7a'I1d.restoi~e' .d. other Q` prin- 0i'i16S:8f159 1103 `G8 Widly; appliedxas .1rhey~`mi?g1ht*be. .' L _ . Tehe`1je is` an appalling and ahnost un-ivversal waste in (like !han of ' vnin 11 11.-nan .u `A `L : r- i1ncreas' T .-` u.vvuI\.g _u:ws nuzg uuc 1133;; am is -esimaxted! % tihatl .nnI`1.nIL-. ...!"I.T. l'L- '__-_, % A0ee--I-16 owan S Phong 288$. Established 10 years; -...u u xuusu IDu.Ilg'&10W W everything up-to-date. Price $16 5 room `house and: -large lot Donald ~St. Price $750. P _ 8 room house, Berczy St., w good garden. Price $850. . I. I'have farms for safe `in all pa of the County, also money to It on farm lands. 1 P C. THOMPSON "5 room fhbus;3-:2aVI;d Yi5tV,mFrederick , St. Price $625. 7 ` room -house and lot, Dunlop St., -with heating, lighting and p1umJb`ing. Price $1750. V V 6 `room wood cottage with large lot, John Sit. Price $1050. New 8 room ioungaliow with evervainn. un-+n_.J..a.. 11-2-. -h-V--M "how `best do rmeet ihe dema`nd': A A .-vuuu ow \/UJ.J.'ULJ|U wouxaxvu. There is no necessity for eanlvling 5 upon -the farmer the work ,harrd'er or for =1`on*ger houns. Neither is it ad`- visalble` to to -him as to rwvh-wt zhe shousd pfrodmtoe nor how he.` s`houilid produce` it. . The 'ind'ivi-d~u-a~1. famner , must deoidle four himself .`XT.p. (Vamps `L A -._- - -L3 - u 1 UU.lll CU L page, W! U11 electric light and toxgii water, Sanford 'St. Price'$_850. A _' 7 room brick house, Charlotte St_., with good stable. Price $1850. .7 room brick house with furnace, town water, and` stable, in "good lo- cation. Price $1750. ' . 6' room house with double lot. Town water and electric light,` Florence -St.` Price $1100. 5 `room house and lot, Frederick Rt, c 1>..:,.-.. mac: you-.:-nu; bow '_J. .l'.IU\.7 IDJOUU. `House and dot `W-iith all conven-. :iences, No. 84 South Collier St. Price $2300. -Poulitny F arm for Sa Ie----2%} acres "of rs~t--class 1-and." Nice orchard amd -bu~nga.losw. "Cow sbalble, horse stable and. dhicken house 18x70. Dr-`ive shed and wood--`shed. This is -a beaurtzi-fu:1 place. Can be bousgh-t l` for $1700. `Easy. tenms. ` 'l\T.-an .0 -.......... L_;:_-L 1 , '- '- .. qu. JUGOJ _ I.c1Iu_.I'S. ` ..New -8 room brick house and lot with hea-tinxg`, lighting and` p1urm'b- ing, on tbhe souh side of McDonald `St. If you want a nice home this -wtiill su-iot you. Purice A$v2_950`. Ea-sy tenrns_ '*`z"room'5w b{i12U:151o`Pu9sZ,"U1iIo. 121 Mm- caster St. Price $2300. FL`-lfsuqgs ,\.,.J 51...]. _._._'L`I 1.1 Balbies not_ being .'able to help = themselves, /there is* -all the more [reason why -mother-s shouldl t; them- ,selves -to help "the balbsies. What [chance ihiavve _.b'a.bies -to -become, heal-, Norih Collier St.,_ with all con- T 8 room brick house, No. 130] venziences. Price $3300. 'P7 __,._.......' L-..` ,1 1 _ _lt\4 qr u yeauf because their mohers do not know" how to care for` vth-evir child- ` ren. 4 -How many, c.a'1ves- `or vchiIc*k'ens "171;-c.>usa11ds'ef Ibaibiesg die - every die rrom the game "rea-sons? Not many. =Why? Because we have made a study of t,`heirUrequirements and] know how they should be cared for, and because our `Greater has I given t1e m,.t1Ie -power to help them-I |se1ves to a certain ' degree almost frgm` t})i1*.th. V I loss of WO1'k_;` you -know".that;,serious sickness usually starts with acold, and Q 1-also g.n:a-'Ln' ...L --- -----`--- ~ ~ - expontedl.` The i1r1qui-ry [took no axe- coun_1; of quantities Qft Iwtheat ou-r -in the {hands ocE.twh\oI1_esale and ~re'taiil vemdlars ' in towns -and vilangese tthrouaghoust. ?Can;ad`a, nor of quian- tities of wheat in {local grist mi-Es. These quantirties, alildhough :re1Iativve- ly smra`1*1 in ind~i'vidua.1' oases, amount to 3 vcdnsidenaiblle ag1gregva:te,' ..tend- ing to Shaw that the estimate of -80 `milliinon `bushels is :11-ot excessive. !C`a'1ves` and {chickens come `before babies. "in these days of `higher edu- cartion. -Thous'an'd`en of dollars are _spent by o_ur Governments to teach us how rto care for and feed Ical'ves and 5c'h*icke'ns, `bud; dtid you ever -hear of one Idlollasr being spent to teach Ganadkian mothers how to care for bazbives either before 0-r 4 asfrter _'_.1.lL 1) 1 Vl'l\JJ~l ' K 1 b1rt1h? v~BE'T."1`-EtR TcrAN~A*u)LA1~I BA*BI-ES: - &1`nz. ?ANK`o1='TO* 0) TO WHEN W ,YOU CAN OWN - YOUR OWN HOME? no 'uuI uxanv U-Lca-1. UHU |b'1l.-WWI./ltls There is no more reason-aible body -to deal w5:t`h than the falmners. Lay the iadts !before herm clearly -and fulw and they may `be relied` on to! a pornecrt decision. __ T| room cotVtage,V `with electric mu! 4...... -....;-_. of r wtqxrc-t ubwvxttavc -`vi:-*7 are proving to be a very great eonvenjence to many of our friends. With these accounts either of two or. more persons in the house- hold may deposit or withdraw money, and in the event of the death of either, the survivor may withdraw the money WITH. OUT DELAY OR FORMALITY. Interest paid on al1V"sav- ings balances twice a year. BRANCHES AT BARRIE AND ALLANDALE 1"l'oztalA?s4sets Over ointA 'AS__a_vings;Accoi1nts __,.... L- L A _---A_ -__.--_..--_.AA L- ...-Ann-o 4-utpsnca THE NORTHERN ADVANCE auAv W W I Ull- 1Prioe `$1600. 4.....- .u uuvuzu uv u ou1.uuJ5V1' U116. V g Alt the same rtviunethe (business 'a,s-I peat must be recognized , With -a food `shortage `sharing it :in the face, -he World- is ready Jrto aibsorb at good! pmoe_s ~a]Il we can produce. _ . f H. A. s1Ms,Manag;r parts r" loan with 011 (!Nc0RPORATED.. ms) Harry Knolwfs, the you-.n'g man who! was sent up for ~tu1ia1' in he Griers-I viIl`le shooting case `last Ha1l,awe en,; -when Joseph -Ferry Ilost his life, wasi ournd -g'u'i-lty of manslaughter in: -Owen Sloru-ml eanly -'Dhursd'ay mam- ing. The ease -liastedi all day vWed.'-U nesday and was given to +t1he juryg ca`-bout eleven o d1ook. They were ourt Valboudz an hour and rendiered a verdict of manslaughter witlh `a strong V reconnnendation for menc-y.l -Gilchrist was mo-umdil ;y sored for hel part he played in che drama The` case was tried? Iby Judge Lennox. l -GU1-LTY OF -MAJNISIJAUGHTERI ;;n\uu '11:. '|.uu. Lu-LU U_J. LAC; \/LIIJKJ. I 'Moth-ers sh-oulldl join in the move! ment for Better EC-'anadi=anv Babies. wand learn from those who have? made a study of babies just what to` do and What not -to do to -have rthem -grow up hdawlthy, happy Even the doctors do , not seem to study the baby; their time is taken up doctorin-`mg adults That, had they been `given proper care when babies would 1h~ave- grown up healthy and strong land: would} not -have needed a doctor so frequently. Banbies arre not `born strong? or weakly; `they are born just -as! their mothers brought them into the world, -and even the weakest: little mortal can `be made healthy` and strong`, if its mother will` only use common sense and good judg- ment rin -the care `of her child. V hxrvxm 1lL'L\JUD `Gill-ll WU C1511 _[l.l.'UuUlC8. - Tube mam o\bJect of * t-hej campargn ms to make clear tlhe sntwaation. _ _ ll 1 "I"L,\.... 2.-. .... _.------ -A-~ ` thy *C4a.n`adlian citizens if m'o'1:her_s do not know how to care for -them? ' 1011-r Governmenits sspend' t_hou~sand1s' of dollars to deal with hog cholera, but where is there a dwllar spent to. stamp` out ~tu-bereutlosis` in sbalkies? < ` :1 1 1 I --....___ Real Ese;:nd Insnnnce 1 Phonet. Bosanko Block . Barrie 1' have $200,006.00 worth of houses and property in Barrie ang Allandglcg 4 nllunlhllllb. -Email cash payments. Balance as rent. Farms for Sale. jh---4 - --- - rent. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Repairs of all kinds V Residence. I64 Bayeld Street Phone 627, w:ft;' is net, hhere:fo1e_, 'onr1'*y greater yprvodulabion, Fburt better production and eheapened plnoduetiton,-'1mosre ac- `currme knawledlge of markets lanai (better fnanei`i`Uies "for" reaching them. *AilIl -these 11h-inxgs are rtieda up tic- gether, ' and it -is to hejse things 11119.1: not only farmers but 'G~orv1e11n- '}men~ts, banlkers and: transportation men have to address themselves. A clearer undersbanding of some of` the 1`8.l'1(1'i:(3apS .nreta1wd`ing =prodn4c:- rtiotn will `be one of theT:g'00d* resufllts mhat must grew out of the presenrt nonhrruo

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