Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Mar 1915, p. 5

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Men s Blue `and White "Sfripe Overalls, with bib and elastic braces, a very large make, special value. - . .. - - - -`$1.00 7' RAMA, In-NID-I=AJ_N RESERVE Met_1 s Black Dineeii Overalls, with bib and without bib, extra large sizes, special price ..... ...... ..... ....... ..$1.00 Men s Blue and Whit, also Black Dineen Smocks, well made, price.._...f . . . . . . . . . . ..'_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "$1.00 each WCH. llld.UC', auu l,uL`. pl ILCB any; IISIJI. 0 ..$4.5o, $4.00, $3.50, $3.00, $12336,` $.6d,' `mo We give you : a 5c. Coupon with every dollar pur- chase, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices, %i>r;ce-$18.00, $17.00, $16.00, $15.00, $12.00, $10.00, $9.00, $8.00, $7.50 Bicfhe I camped one night at`; Whitesh Lake -and found there. qurite a lri~.t settlement of Greei Indians who A went there to winterl ater the fal'1 bualo hunt, and here` the- Methodists had a mission in charge of the Rev.` Mr. Snteinhaur, a native of Orillaiua, and who had a sclhool for the abtle `Cree -children. .- He put rtihem through their exer- cises, arihunerti-c, reeitations and singing, and I was ce1-etainly sur- lprisedl, the udhi`-1!d1ren`were as sharp `as need`1ves. In regard to the -a~g1r.i;cu]Jtu=nal capabilities of the Lac La --B-i'c`he they shou'x1'=d' `be quite as 1 good as the Peace River region, as lit is far sourth of that river, V and `it is well in`1*and, and at the `time It L speak of the -settlers -were well 9 -satised with. rtheir crops. That should in u anceyou in the-. purchase,,of your ; ' clothes. for Spring. ,I lit or Facts Eveury m a'n who hag seen j our suits this" Spring has been enthusiastic about 5 T `their splghdid style. L A, young spark, notorious ..for his conceit, was boasting in the pres- lence'- of several. gentlemen about the conquests which he had gained lover the female heart. ` 1 II ` `I 1 ((1- ____,.. _ 1..-....J_ !_OVel' um`au:' ucaxu. - Look, said he, here s a hand- some , present I had from my last inamorata, at the same time hand- ing round a Ibeautiful cigar case. A.`I`I` ,.,.II......2..nJ +114-s orfinlo l'Uuu(1 a. UCu.uu.Lu1. U15; Luau. A11` admired the article, which had an endorsement of its quality etamped upon it. ........ ...:-9+ -nan-1'no1I1:AA` n`-nn ;.suuu Lu 1:. Lu. , . T Viz:-uy nkize gift, remagked one of the company._ I -percewe your lady-love even had your name Put |_on the 7- case. nu-rr 11 .1 ;9_ -,__ -..... _.`.~.....-...nJ .011 huU.l:uac. Well, that s queer, , answered `the Iboaster. I never noticed it.f ILook agaii1, rejoined the can- did one. The case is distinctly marked. `Real V calrf. "7 A annel dipped in. xfufpentine Irwill clean a porcelain tub excellent- i ]y. V_ `AT-HE_`7' UpS_U?A;L_` V . -_.,\'f1,'$.' Dfoge glodkecl question- 'i11g1y at heir::,..,"f 1:1. A `j I_ m goti to -see an honest "4inh.n`. 3IT.he,',` " ` " ine,d. avfter: ohe._,rst_ e aw Led 90 V thee. N ~A`__ 9; SAY -but these n.eVw shii'ts for Spring are dandies, sizes are complete now in every pattern and it s easy to nd wharo you want. Size 14 to 18. Price 2.00, 1.75, , 1.50, 1.25, 1.00, 750. Arrow Collars A Fifth A \'e., Chgxdley Marley, Devon Belmont. Winon Margate Kempton TH-E `~'HARD TIMES ? FICTION Oh, lif must be !a season of per- \A`\ n1 \lLl, .l.1J.U uzu-mu uv no uuuuuuu V... r.- . -petual relief To the man who finds enjoyment in as certain sense of grief, `The man who gazes round him as ` T ` `the `busy world goes by, _ And never learns to Work and doesn t even want to try. He is sorry for the people in finan- cial disarray, Though his -personal _condition. nearly always is that way; But he h-ails the explanation of a. fortune somewhat marred That is oered when it s commonly remarked that times are hard`. He sits out on the porch when sum- _ mer days are fair and warm, Indoors ihe haunts a rocking chair i when skies are lled with storm. When confidence a`bounds and all the world is moving fast He Wears a solemn look and says he ll bet it cannot last. When traic s gayly humming he remarks, I rplainly see That everything s O.AK. There is non ' need; of toil from me. And when affairs are dull he says. . -From industry I m barred, I m. forced to sit and take my ease ` Ibecause the times are hard. A -BIT EAR FETIGHEDV `The ring was hot in the lines !_at the Aisne, [but the German `soldiers did not appear to . relish the peppering they were getting from; the Britishers, and so kept cover. One of our men, getting tired of this excessive, caution, was struck ' by a lbrillian-t idea. `9Waiter ! he shouted`. _`Ins'tant1y.ha1fa score of A Ger- "mans sprang .up involuntarily, only `to;-vrepeive` a _volley_ that laid many ' of them 1oV;y.---London Tit Bits. L1` At a pinch coinmon, mvhifre b1an~ 655..-.!.f-1?9...11tpuI>.>.*!1`1 for treacheroui -V-i-7V_VaZshi1T1gton Star. HTS _-., .;nLuL'1u.` 'vi=_th the: ward but as at Ipric 1 t_l1Qu hat} this clerlq threu. recldssls 3.1 TI`IURJSDA}Y, zoooooooooooooooooooooooo:E ..T ooooooooooooooooooooooooo:| .\I:i..<:-. IIa.z~eI Patterson uosf Toronttov` Ems bee.n.visiting her brother.` ` '.\l1-. James of Lefroy is acting_ In-}<-set agent for two -weeks. . I" . 5, Ly pleadnng; %h1'011e1'.s _fo&` te`me=t'-ery for} .\I`r. Bert Fairmlan is runing out 1 V T01'011 o0 for the Exzpress O0. ioar :1 fmv diay-S- ' . ? -l r]e-(wed Ito see Mr. VVa'1`ber., Mam`-: .-lm'l mt after Ibedng ill ail Winter. ' ..\lTr._ `S.'ne has ret.gu1ri1ed' ruwn. -.1fitcr -s-pending two Weeks` VI"n~netAa110'. .\l}1'. 'l`%ho.-. I-Iorner is able rm be nrmmd a.gain, uater being conned. Tn his home for a month. ~ .\I`r. A.` Prartt of V T`o.1~onrto h-as ac- <-vpt(-.(1 va. p0siti`on in the offices of u ;\[nnt;i`ve Pmver Dept.` ' " .\l1'.. A. 'IC.'Pa't-terson" has been ap- jmint<:;]= 10021] agent for the handling Hi` all the ` Kodiak Miss Quin1sa11 hlas resigned he-1` fmsitiml at the P-09!) Oice here, -and 1~um1'11e .t0 Brarntfo11_dl on Friday-I She is >`l1'(309Pd(1 by M'1`SS <. f ( 1 1'-avenm-rst. `. '()`-mn1`uIcbo'r WV:m. - IIu11Hs- -, ealbosose muk re in the yards on Wednes- day 1rivg*113t,`aIb-o,uIt 10,30 p.m,, .an_d` wvzls -conn'p]et;e1y .dem(.>]iiSJhd(1. The} r. .~t.a.1`t0di from the C0aT ~SNZIOV8 nml \x4h'\i:1-e -tihe t1~.a'inIrnen[p1Ia-yedj-on tihe '1nur11vi11g' c.-ar from the ~sta'biOn lmlranft`, they were ,u-nIa(H1e bo7 get the re under control, ' 0' "i_n:g' be` in_2- lgfit `but the iron ' i ` IIAR-DLY' An E11g`Ii.sh_ cQ10_n_9.1', ,93?_`,, kit; .1`? ;~'pe<.-.ti`o1x, "said `to .P1'iVab3_,E.1aT}n}'. r__rf1U : b . . dxscoursm `.-o1_-k, .ca'us tors ,.by ex Ha! Yes, shirts,` so`(:x1 all very good. `NOW, -can5$: Qii 331?". sure me that all the arti01'3 `Of kit have Ibuttons -on t11em?T 1 . 6`! ' M... `uuuuuxxu 0.. ...-.... ` .33-? said Privsi;te_F1ann5 g;n1,'hesitating. ~ ` ' ` How s that, sir? ` g . ``Ain t no &bu`ttons op;_ t1}e`;}',t9'W.913?.f sir!--Lon do1'1 Tit ']?i'1:_s;-* -fr_-' 7 . `IV .. Special % /4nn0L,zncement_ . The Advance yvviouldi likf -to receive -and: publish ..-inter-_-5 . esting lettexjs :f15<'.3151ie;o11:_1"j&r7l1 `gboys at :the " e 9"111" 1`3ad"31`5`.~5?i :;:i.11v ' (_'>ui s`o1djer'_7_-fboy,-S' V ` ters ' amezway ` A.E. Cudmore Salvage C0`. Letters From thef Front "Ackoss "nus BAY Seuignep s Store-96. Collier -Street. The A, E.';Cudmore,Sa1x'rage Co., Limited, announced in our issue of last week that 'they` would open, their S'('.OI_`e'at 96 `Collier Street, `on Saturday,.March 13th. but owing to the delay in shipping ; the bank- rupt stoc}< here they will be unable to open out their store until the following week, Watch for their Tadverfising next week. There are Q0 cases of the choicest goods and they .will he sold at prices never before heard. Of in Barrie. Safy, March 20 Just East of the Mar/mi `New Home or 5 1 V `Bk. Of Commerce! i It is 'ab.o~ut 46 years ago `since the 3 Bank of ComV1'ne.1-ce `opened a branch in Barrie, and hast week an_ `import- an't milestone in the history of the llowznal brancih was passed: xvhen they 1 moved into their 11andB0n1e new 1 |bui=Lii11g on Dunloup St., During ; rhe, past few years the ba11ki11g .-in- 1 rstituxtions of Barrie have spent ` _il}a11gfe sums 0-11 buai'1din'gs in Barrie, Islhsovwing thait they` have continued ; eonmlence i11 stihe fsounrd-ness of the I eorrnxnereiwal posriti?on' of V this town and -surroun-d(ing'~ country. When rbhe Bank. of Nova S`:coIbi-a opene(l ` up at the Five Points they mted up very attractive 'oix:es`. Several" t years later the Union. Bank` pur- 7 chased the block. they occupied` and at considerable exrpense enstirely re- ' modelled it, "putting in a han-dlsomev L front and inrtenior _ t/cings.V; The Bank of Toronto `last year com-` grletedt amberaitions to the Welsl ` *]3]Joek cqorner vwhuich they * had leased` ` 'J..._'..~. ` ennui DPBIIDISBS; ' _ _ . l Last . Tlmrsdiay. morning the Bank of` -`Commerce opened " txhe `doors of their new home, Awlhilcth is "' . L'L'- -C...-.4. fl...-..J,v `:11 . UOOYS OI vuurr ucwv uvuws "--W W -one of the nvest `bank ibuisldings in` any mtorwn. . in Ctancada, an_d_ now` ..every . reason t0 feel 1 _J_` .uL.. 1.;-unn 1\. n 'Fnnm E . .rVC1'J ', .l.UctO\.u.L .-.vv- vfproud of tube local branches of four lof .C1anad1a as `strongest n:ancai_-al in- E-s1:'itustion*s.. ' _ 3~ ~ The- new - Bank, ,=of` -Commerce b'uyil:diin.g; is most conveniently situ- _- ated {in the censtre -of -tihe biggest _5`b.usiness block in Bvagjr-ie and direct- .-,-_;--.:;..- * .n..:. '..'..:..a.+ `ah-m.+_ lam?-Eng` vt;o`111he . . .ER. depott. `It is two stories in ',v is 35x55 feat, ` and presents 4 a;- "handsome, -substana e1qterior'[appea,ranoe. Ivt 5 is entirely Q deiv-ort_ed gbo ' e =b@.n~k s ib1,1siness and .......".-..u.mnn1'\t`.nrl'.:n11 .-Fn-p ` and yi u The enrbranvce, 9w\i_t1. i:t's- ornament-'_ :al' dloors, and_.handS9me.10nti<'50, 55 1 . in appearance if accesab _The {nain ;1Io|b-. -by is 1-311x22` feet m A dlmenswns m1'd,aJ1`the wickets are so :arrang\d , -"___-_`.. 4.1..-.' I-no-|nnn(lf":l'|YI> NF HIE`- ne WUCKUUS any DU 'a-Lsuuguu -as to `make the tnansaaction of busi- -ness Fmfoxsit aonventienft for customers and` emp`loyees of he bank. '` V 'I'$.___;.. '--nun :A`!'IQ\ A; '1-IIWIIS 'an.(1 Glnlployeea - U1.` ULIU vaun- . .Ba;rrie `wasfone. of . r.he rsit `towns `wihere; tIhe' Bank of Commerice esrbafb1i.s7hedI., a. bram1h`a;ter its in- loornpozvarton` in-_1867.-" be old ~ri-s-';--:_ ...4: 11:1 ` "-`i3s`-`{I-."I .:1!';':'in.g- ` .`.4wentl:. unn- :11""1 mg the. 1.-u; uu. ..,_. Laillyy, tea: k'a'nd'*' iu"1869f` nhe`, Banlg of ` Commerce f2o{0k over 17h=3i'r" I`)usin_ ,-retainrifng .I.a-(lvlw, `as %.- H:-:% F3uttni`x1_er.;;.$I:E: s \ em: 3U1'11\:1' W'uuU_uu uuug uwu. .........-.. long. 42e1` and moved into hiaend*some and` Icornvenientt D TIIIU `U111.l'I:\ Iuwa1uuoa azcc'oommodart:ion for `.?he Limited A iamuy of the loaa-la branch. James ES. `Gar -V gngiea suxaceedvdtli . him and `in 1883,- Gri%ay,- now New `Y'o_rk agvenvt :Eor11he` was made -looa-1` m?an- ager.` ALte1-'3 years H.*H. Morris, `now Supt. of Pacic Coast branch- es, wvas vaprpooimyed-` local _manager, and for ove1_' fteen}. years up ' ito_ 5' II T- l`1.._._._._.LJ. .....-U. |e_ summer `Mr. H. J; Gmaseuywas 'Ladt -summer Mr. L. F. Cross of ' Wdnnipeg was appoimbeclhl-oeal Ama.n-; ager, an-d';~1:is stza is fo1`1o!ws: `W. F. Rcmald-, aeeouzrrb-ant; S. W. `Orr, teller; J. =Ar_dhie Htiggs, ledger- keeper; J.`L1_men , j-1_1~nsio-r. V j `For over a quarbeif of la: cemtuiiy -the B-arik of Oommerce . occupied the premises just _ .v-ageaited on the _!;n-ortth-ejiast corner of Dunflosp and ' Owen` Streets. .Pcrevi0us- A-fo =tha1: 11hey premsises_ wthere The Bagrrie 'Fa:i-r now .-is; anti prior _ to that ~ the llooazli braneh (was rsituzaated on Owen St., in the bniek bu-ildsi-ng which for many years was occwpielcla as law oioes. thy the .]3aI1:e H-am-iltotn D.` Stewart. [This was heir rst location in Barrie tin 1869, and: the saame..p1~,eIm ises were formerly -0ecu- .by V .the\ Bank of Upper Can- a `a. - - - . - l-1n oh~`a.rge,f retinin-g on '.p~ension. , ESL-IPSI Local Aspects , orrhewar T:he wsoTdiers a12tnd,:i A$1x1'-andualel Presbyteninan Chumdh on Sunday rmornirig. _ ` .- Y,es`teerd`ay= was housec*1`ean-_ing day `at. the Armnou-nies. Blankets were washed and! a general d1`ea1'1-up madne. ' ` ' ' \ Mlovst of Vnhe 'rthird constingent have {been Owtlbtedr Witll the new khaki [oumrts, -and the ' oompany looks '.ne [as -they mear-oh 11h-mxugwh the streets.` All the cases of si*ck11esS a1nm1g"l tuhemen` are recwvenmg and -no new cases are deve1op`1ng'. ' ' Percy A. S -a1*jeant, W110` is goingA wli-bh the Universicty of Toront I 1' .l1. _ .L.:_, `_ ,, - 3-, A- L __ __ L.\____'_ VVIJIULL U11-'KI \J LJl_`V`\/L \JJ'UJ \JL . J- \ ,L \JJLIUV" rI1g:diJc'a;`1 oont'1n-g*en,t, was m \ town over Srunduay m umfomn. - . iSVe?rg1t.gF1\'ank K-11ig*h-t_ and 21 nhuni-` her of 11heh'b-oys of the 2nd Con-t-in-1 gent at.T~ouV11onlto spent the - weekend I with .re1a;tjve-s here. ` } "Orilia. P=a-cket'-3T1he oicer com- Im-andmgt mhe 21st Reglitm-ent, -Second Cuonstingen-t, `in which Several O1*i!I'- `liiiansi --are serving`, .i's Lieust.-`C101. .\Vm. ;St.- Pierre -I-Iutghes, `w:h0V-at one t-i~m`e was bookkeeper , for tihe car- ria-ge works of `Mr. Wm. Ramsay. Bly Hughes "was. -hen one -of Oriltlia -s famous` ilacrosase players. ' The Secretary of - the Hillsdeale P~aat'r-ioti'e Leaagxue reports rthaxt con- br-fbtuione to dhe war funds haxve far exceeded rthe ftrhree ?h~un1xd'1red d'-0`1- laar markyqset when the league was organized. Nearly '-ve hundred doliluars has been eontrif-butedL In dadd'i1i.orn a large quaxnstisty? of cloth- ing [has `been forwarded. _ { tlhe T 1rV1i'nis-f pect 0 ` Lieu!t._ Hamm G. Barnum, of 524! Onario St., Toronto, wlho several years. ago, was a member of the Bank __of Oommenoe sma, Ba-rrie, is going with` the Queen s de- twchent of the -3nd. C`io11tn!g7e11t. He has served seven` years wih his 1-egimenit an'd took pamt `in the Eng- -lish. manoeuvvres in 1910, when dhe ~Queern =s went` over as the ' guests of Sir Henry Pelltaxtt. Victoria Hambor Ena--Word has % that -C. `P. Wuadie, Vwfho" left Vic- - covr'a H|a.11bor.for Eng-luand about six months `ago, has received 9: oom- ' mi=ssio_n' as Lieutenant in` Kitchen- ._er s`. army. He Iils now with 15he `been received from . Great` Brirtalin ` I %ueen s R:oy*al: .. `West Survey at 'ort:h'i-ng,_ near 'Brig1hmon. ~ 'A_`l'1ivS'tOn iE[era-kl`--On M0n`d.`ay M-rs. I W. S. E1lis- -received from her son, Private Jud E'1!11's, a post card wni1:- ; -ten somewhere in France on Februlany 1'2. He says :--A-nrivvdd L here -this a..m., all safe, feeli-ngg-, ne.. _Atre Vs-omnewthere in France. I ndt Ibenlil you vwihere as censors are `busy. Leave, :for somewhere else some mirme soon. Just got our whimea 2 fur, coats. -Look '1ike?a ;bunch -of` -`g~oats.? . '\ , AA: _ ,, 4 'Bra:d`cf0i1di has `nine `boys in he trenches,.- aoeonding to The Witness. Besides rhese, Mr. Azrminiger -Stevenson is duivng garrison work e in an1d'Mr. Fred: Steven- son is in training -am The ` teachers and-' pwpiil-s -ocf Bradford :r1'.:..1_ no.1...-..1 .....; ..........1:...... .-..... n...+.-._ .uugau. L)U.I..lvyII. .a_..I.-U Uu.Luuu.L.I.'5 w_u. uuuv gnapih qu-ilut rto 'he Canadian Solld- iens ' =Hoepi*ta ad: 'Gl'i'V0dB'I1, he beaumi1%u1- home 1'-canned by the As- vtorsV for eonvallesoemt soldiiers. _ UVUILILN5 iuwv _DvLu}'0xu 4.;-uu; .,._v.v......,- came to Elmviale -and!" returned 'I`~1_1_:esdy_ moljmin-g xwzith Thomas_ ` Buchanan of `Wyevale, .% a j` meniber of \ ihe- -second C-a;na3di'an contingent, .. ; :" Tr1i0 ;=ha'd' .nheen~ ?.-_snj'_)ying_- la holvisdayi "in _*n`I:et'ive` withfowt leae .I`Jll.l.l.l V CIIIU - 4Jauvo?vu veninag two ,so1d`iers` from Torocnsbo _.-.._- L- ,4-\~u;:l' nnnlfqu-waist] {in `.IJan<'3ieA-V-On Monday , ,1 Jt! __.'..V _E_.-__- 7]`-.........;Lu'-s THE N0R'rHERN`ADvANcE, lrend. gentle- and `brought Buclban-anA foo Elmvaile, where he was handed over to the milirtary natlmhorities on Monday 11111;! 1[I.'9Ir L J evening. EMea5fordl[ VExs pre`s:s---AI young man named MctAnhur hailing from St-ayner was "arrested! in *town -on :S'attusrda.y aoternoon by Chief Ciliarke for sloil-icitng subsoripttions in said -of sthe Red: Cross .soeiety.! WTVL- _..;..-...... I-vv\t\`V\ nv\`+o1ILr]` .Q:(\YY\Q D: `.1,I1 `-aw; `U1 zuuu now \J'.I.\roa -...;uu...,.,,,. . The young man entered -some of - el local stores oandl_ made ~appea1s fori thart Sodiety, burt was not -success- -,fuIl in naisinlg any money for the Reci -Cross. He did not` get very. far when he was aptpreihendai lby `the Chief and locked! up` until '_Monday` when he was `let go with a_ warning.` He appa.renrt1`y _-had `not `been making a practice of gulng rt.he pu$b].'io uit was `just rbrying to 7b ----L ---- ...JIa 11r'|l'In1A\'? +n maf -nn-_ nf 'l,\'11U IJLIILIILKJ 'LILUV "' U ggt enonuvgfh money `[30. get town -as "he was brdke. ` Mr. Frank Motherly, |O.E., of Bar- rie, .-W-ri-t-es a letter to rhhe Torormto ,Gitolbe, `in -which he says: | ' `I was very much zinteresated ain y1orur.edi-tortal vin rho-diay xs issue en- .-tistilied , 0pen`i'ng up C-anaxdjafsi ?N01i dh-an:d}, . and rhhe remarks you make, as to `La, Bidhe ` coming &.rnt2o "the zone of settlement. .'When , 1' ASL - .C......l. .Au\1r\nnI-.:.:\.1n EIVIIID T9116 ZIUIIU U1. Iauuuxvunowu. vv V in charge of rbhe rst exploraion { for the Canadian Pacic Rinlway ' between -Fort Granrry and} V-the suzm- ` mifb` of vhhe House and Ye]s1oIw|hea!dJ ' Passes I had -ddoasionl -in January, 1872, to visit Dac -La Bicihe `and found it qurbe a .:Eav'ousn_ite podnt for A retired} ` H-uldson Bay Company s- oicers rbo . It wrasalsyo head- qumctersv jfor Ithe Oarbhoiltic Bishop of e `River. -and " 5 .t~hkaJ.t"-gmand` oll:d|_ missionary, 9 `Bidhop ' `Fe;1ga;1d, -wias` `Vast Ah-e. of =_1e The} R1 shop ` agsmal ..water.rpuwe ' ` " arson ._:11_e %hag1. almsts egugigly Every man _who has purchased a suit assured us that he is well pleased with the value he received. Now there are scores more suits here awaiting your cho1ce--each one with some one thing different from the other.. English tendencies are strongly emphasized in one, American designs are strongly featured in another, and dozens of models that will appeal to the man who wants a conservative style. But you must come inland look them over. Men S Odd Pants, in Tweed and .VV_orsted, choie patterns, `well made, and the prices are rxght . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . 49.` :--n as; An can an aoonn 1-n..I:n conn e1::n Boys Blbomer Pants, W orstd and Tweed, well made, nice T .patterns, `sizes 26 to 33-, prices-.-.$1_50, $125, $1.00 on withou1

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