Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Mar 1915, p. 4

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"-CU ' 275 -1 25 .26 _35 35 14 15. .41: I UV 7 50 < 60_ } `Tfhe proprietor -of a tanyvard was gmns { ' .. _ Then take off your-' coat . to it; {Just `s.t~rt i-_n_ to sing as ym There are I There laf {With Tiuftl ' Soanebodiy sceedz Oh, yot I . do -harb; `_ , ` AAt least no one_ ever has Buit he took off his -coat tookoff his `hat, , `And!mthe' r_st thing wek: I4 IT C-OU-LDN"_I` BE DONE Somebody "said that it couldn t be done A ' _ T But he, with a '0hu-ck`1e, replied That maybe it couIdIn t, but he { rw.01ilcl` be one Who Wo-u1dn tA say so ` till 'he d, . tried, A So he buckled right Lin,` with a ~trace of a grin ' " `On his face. If {he worried , he hid it. ' {the tthi-ng I'He started` to sing as he -tacl~:1ed_ 5 I. _ That oouil'd'nt_ be done, and V `he 4 did" it. TOASTER A STOVE ;uRlLLl ___:__: larme scale ractica,-ble. But the in- f . p , n 'te11s1ve system of farmmg not only ggives reg'u1a.r employment - and good iwages; it also ts the 'la:boure1- of l~to4.lay-'--in 21 coun-try ~where a man lea-n strake out for 1nmselt--to be llthe .s11ceessf1i1e farmer of to-morrow.. a Nor, in these days of imperonal linoclus-trial relatiolls, sllould; the fact z~be- overlooked th-a.t under -an inteu- lsive system of agriculture, we nd lstilll ~prese.r_vecl -the -kindly persxomll __relation vbetweon e1np_lo-yer j and` em- {ploye which contributes both to `theepleasantness of V life aml T to economic progress and security.- |vSir Tlorace` Plunkett i11'The Rural Life Problem of the U nifzed States. I : I ,.-- vvvvsu ru. 'bU b`lllg_ : ythe. thing Thart cannot 'be dfovne, d}0 .`here thou'san(is Ito' ste.'1l. ` cannot be done, There are rbhoursands to p: faizlure; mm... n..-. m. -` P '.Dhe That couldn t did it. --..-.. nu Dlllg rthegthing A be done, E18` ozf a gri1;,'+ uufiu 7it_hout;any doufbtring or -started to sing as `he Hiha .4115...- -. ,v u u ULICII Y7 I _ A PUZZLER` in, you tackle 't}n.ncr . `THE CANADIAN BEAUTY mt; b of H1 0 f1'Y|'lIYI Ulllllg me K1leW 1s chm, and 9 thing we knew he d' I: O'h, you ll never 3, with Ha bat of -a ~ vvL,L uaa \.lUIl_e' In." and he I H-u.-`.4 ` Jr qvuidld-it; tackled prophe5.Y done it. HOT PLATE-I and! he . you it a bit go "`7 mbab1y n`ot,_ _1ofti1y,_ bw insist on knowingwhat they ` .Brain-s.`--London Tit Bits. _ we u.\.L\A lJ1l.VJLl5`1.lo I "`Pe1\i1aa?p*s?'Tyol11 .$vi11= condescenc` e11`1ig'.htven me` V as to your princ jmp1e1nen1*s?" V " V It is .'hardly worth whlle. don -t unrdierstan-d their*e use. . You ere right. `I am a workino` man, sur, rrephed} -11116 wltness, who was` a eciyivl -engineer. `V_F`a1Ii1ja r` with the use of the pick,_ =sh0've'1' and spade, I presume? To some extent. `These are not the principal im-ptlements of {my trade thOug`h. . uD,.:, - -~- - II my` good fel-low y0Vu reI a, 1:aab)u1'er'??~ ,% said the Ianvyer .to 21' pl-amly dressed Witngss. , T71- L- - V ' THE LAW- ; YER . . . . y .; LIV! ~ all in u 5 ELECTRIC IRON f Rug 1 'uauuIu1'_y--' S1>0p ri-g'ht there, [said the mer- chant, T/h~avt s A Ithie first `time I ever knew Billl Jones to set a date, mvhenhe wuld settle. Are you sure Bi1`l said} h3 d pay in January? v A3? tank so, said the Sweclne. He Said, wou;1d'be onve cold dayj }Avhe11:[:\=paid--*a3' `tank dat be] In ennui?` ..// L3 uau 1CDyUllLl6Llo ! "said' -the Swede, Jim. -Brown said .he d pay when he sold? !hi_s wheat", Jan vPe:tverson said he d, pay next week, Bill` Jones said he d` -pay -in Ja11uary- " '..q.+r\.n 1-:.nI1nA. AL ...__ 99 ' ` -` % ____, --v v.1 AAA` K; ALLLU1. A merchant sen1t ouit his new l~Sw`ede clerk to make ol1ect1ons. 3 WVhe11 j he returned. the merchant lutrying .to nd,.0ut how` (the calf got , through that hdle. 5 GOLD DAY IN J~A-X:UA\RY Great War'D1`ama, ``It s not the ._G1jand,` Bk1.`;r1fcie,_:._(':)V;;;_11o;';-01: DEVLIN & MURCHISON Mde to your measure from 15.00 to 25 - Overcoat. VVe have a large assortment of new patterns in Spring Summer Tweeds and Wnrcrpae rm. Q...-H ...,z r\._. ' 40 to 42 Stripe and Checked Voile. Can be reversed andjsed as . `cg. Come and see the New Spring Ready-to-Wear Suits a; Overcoats. There are some beautiful patterns aII1r>.'2; them and the styles are the best ever. MEN S AND BQYS: REAl)Y-[T0-WEAR suns 27`to 28 Colored Crepes, new designs . . I 5c, 25c, and 35 27 to 28. in. Pongee Linens in Pink, Alice, Navy and I. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2:~ ' Makea visit to our Dress Gc clde on your costume for Spr 'SPLEND_lD srmnc FAAl3`R1l`CS Jusr _ Tao HANB MADE-TO-MEAASURE suns , - llGVL-G Icugc u.aaurLu1t:IlI; 01 new patterns m 5p1'inj_f Tweeds and Worsteds for Sults and Overcoata.` Iii) -- -- u eforc you d( ke.-Va visit Dress Goods Department b : on your costume Spring and Summer. - estvfabrics at" remarkably low prices. Blaek and Navy Serge-s ` Colored Armurcs Black and Navy Broadcloths Colored PCI`mOllncs English Gabardine Suitings Silk and Wool C 1'c1,g `SILKS-V-All colors and patterns in our Silk stock, .wi11= condescehd to ; to principal Triangular 75c. and $1.25 each WASH GOODS You For she'taketh thee bu . joke. _ But when she demurreth at And chideth for what tlu` spent, Tho-u are trea,ding on tron ice, ' -For the maiden hath solo tent. T WAzRNI1\v'-G `When she _Iel:teth thou ' Gpend Andk V ibroke, ,.,.,.L 9 V V ]lu'g']1th to` see rm VTh0u mayst jolly her 011 \v{ end, -1- , ' I .. vwyvxx L). ilgil 111 i. ' Never, saidi the revormu ,m-an, solenmly, "the loam- heaven. ` I vvvn ullyo `. , -& ,<.,re1Ltlemaan sald ,ter: When do from yDeacon `S. agamf )7 F I 1. ...`I I Another clergyman. `earnestly wit1h'his p2Vn'i. tl1e construction of .a Itheixj parish, asked `them 1 -si-der the -depl-oreuble cmii' .30,000 Christian E-nglishma-1, I \Vi`tAhOi1-t Christ-ian Iburial." !SIti;1?l more curious '\\`d.~' 111:1 cal slip: A L . 1` -- `I; SOME C`LERI(`.U. .\'I.H ~ One of Ithe best knnv-un has" a fund of (`X(f('ii`I!' stories at his disp0.<;1l. .-u`i'.-.~ is seldom that` any but h~ friends .- "are famrozl \`.'i:K. `Hre: are one or two: A certain p'l``a('h(`I'.v -l. ~:- ;upon` Bunyan 'a11dA-inis \\'.x'}<. a tibteri alnnng his lwznw-1-~ 3 [I1 ` elraimingz ` /:7 and DUSTIN G ' THURSDAY, `M-AR. .15c,25c, 35C _ \T-, . -A 25.00 fcr a Sui avy and Linen, 9 o o ...:_50C.yard and FCO TIM` expc-4'! de- thc `new. llrth POLISHING at pr} thou but ,rcpcsV 1(']1(` lonm PRICE $3.50 Guaranteed Forewier H. H. mm &son/ -___- .,-....u uu. uue swnamp .` meeting t-he question 9 0 hone .0omuqigu9;; .Memna:ay mad %m% I A. - ' ', :o1erkV - - ----.w u-uuzwUu.- '1l8.V l'I gear b and `being 1.; 5 vovln Us R033?! ,0 0 `V $1.00 and $1.50 each` No household shotild withou; one Wu. .uuU pwugma-m was -a;pprec:ia:ted `by Iail those who -were present, after whiclh `baked -beans and bread and bwbter were servveci. j _ _ Mr. W. R. Bee1Jby`ovf.BarrieV visit- ,ed his cousins here recvenrtily. A `few mm here A attended' the funeral of the.1a:te Jos. Sproule of T'hoornton on Sundiay. _ ` Miss Mua;imie Sapeens visited friends aa Ivy last week. .. `Messrs. Willi! and Morley Dyer , [visirbed frien?d's at iStroud ` on. `Sun- day. ' I111 , 1.`! V-3 Mes9srs:-:T'os..Ma1A 1'I:1" uligiz 5']-Tlox-` h.-ain. of Brranatford and Mrs. R. Shannon of Toronto were last week `called to the bedside of their faxt7he.r," {Mn Wm. Bloxwham, who was very low; Gilad to say he 17s easier at time of Wrrilteinlg. ' of M1 c a 1\/r....: W. : A 0 -v v -lKJ1|l1'L1." Rxiyr olds_ `ll',', -1w % Ve_ry[ sor1:y' to {report the serious i7;.ness' of" Miss `E. 'Tynd`a1e. Her f1'fZ:211d's,u11ope for a speedly rec~o`ver$'. - -M.r. Henry Reyinoiltlsp -of Ni-agwara is visitin-g his` bvoher, Mr. R. RP V f 0] (`LG "file `M=arcI1 8t111.--.:`1S\IJ1:.J uandr Geo. Young of G~r'enIf-el visited friends here recently. [ . VA-u-. -.-~ ---- L 1 List of -d`O11'alt.in0!11s `of 0:10-thi111g f0r Boelgiilan R:e'1v.i'ef Fund`: aM'rs. Perkihs, Mary St.; Mms.. O"Brien, vSIhan:ty Ba-y;~ Mrs. G. L. C`aJ14d:w61!l, DaI'ston; D. Powell & 00., some of the I-`qd'ie's of St. A~ndtrew s 'Ohurdh. T _- DAVJIL u . x - 4 In ua. cu-my (`J V 6311911101 .1313 nest of T the prograln 'cIons'1sbs- of music V and} a , d:iIa1=og-ue. Ciome and enjoy . I T.l'\Jt`1', A .T `The most useful ai-ticleT in the . hbme for ` -La `g'rippe' i=s rtahe.-ordler -of the day. A very ex`/cimi-11-g game . o-_f hockey [was h.1`ayed .011 'SIarburd`-ay mgvht , be- tween The Srmilers {of Gwthrie and Sihaa1ty Bay.` The score was 2 to 1 `in :av1onr_of SIh'an=ty Bay, 'Mr., A. Rlands-' has returned to the West. - V ` 1 N0. 7 and Shanxty Bay inrtend having a hockey ~m artdh on Tuesday n'i'ghrt. ' ` - * 111' `r The VV.I. _ purpose gilvzi-mg An {Old Tiirme Ilaldlires `Aid Meeting axt I-Oro Oliosxs R_ooaJd in the -S. of T. Hall on Dhuvrsday eVe'nfing'. T`J1e'>_ mat of Mm ,,..,......,.... .-.--- T `l\IIardh v9rtih .--+MiIses J. *VV!i:11'i.2mns, who. has been sick,` is-slow-ly recover-_ ing. ' 1",- ' ' - ' .|.u ..l.`U.l`U1l:UU ,11UvI' '3. ICOHJPIIC OII fWeek'S. ,V `Mrs. I. Nelson and d1au.g'hrter,V |He1'en,` saptentt uhe` week w-iibh friends ijnjgtrou. ' V ' -us " Miss Berti Rotgierson spent: the we-ek-end wi1'2h frie11d!s in Stroud. a. vuavv J. U VV \u\Jl\ -Mtiss `-iJ7V&1inm1_:; spent the` week- enld} Wviubh the Rev. and `Mrs. R. J. W; -Pverrry, iSct. 'Pau."1 s Rectory, on the 191111 Nine. -g-v -. 1,. .Lu us; |L`111\.'u '- Mr. and! Mrs. Nonaih G;vo-se gav la farewell paarmy for Mr. and Mrs; R. B-. Gwrase last Saaturdxay eveninrg. Tfheve will {be a box s0|ci'a'1 in the Grange HIa'=l:l on Friday evening, Marcih 1-9. Proeeedus in aid of a sc1hoId1' library ' c . -R`-____ 1- Ti,` 0 9 0,. n n - - -use-\/\/O CJKILDIJLJI Mrs. L. J aoks i=s vvisi=ting frrien-dis in Toron-110 , or -a ' couple of _Wee k-s. , V -1\/Em 1' "r\T..n---- ---.1 1-T 1- - . ` . ; :0}. QO0.000.00000QOOOOOO:' A GREAT LABOR SAVER ""1.' yirlm Pvieimed ;f11ie11~drs in T6- iro1n_;to=l~ast week. - it TYT. ' ! 5 `Mir. f`-a I{1*d '~El;c-[;arQI.1';aJiI`l:I;-`cer- `tained a number of friendis a.t dJ'in- lner 911 Monday evening. ' ' I 1 -Ir `Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Groeve and family Wenrt to Tioromao on Mondiay evening for a cduxple of Weeks, be- fore retucrniarg .130 their `home in 30cooooooooooooooooooooooo (See 51130 Page 6) I --.-. ...vv Mamh '9:th.-:LMrr. .a1:c1` Ma-S. Me! `Iver 'of Donon:t>o visiybed` "heir movhher, Mrs. J. K`ing, ' over the week-en3d1.v "MT. and Mrs. Hefner have bee . vdsiihing friendls in this vieinviby. Fl!` 1. 1~r ' -r -I 1-` n `I!- CORRESPONDENCE OvR:O CIOUN*/CiI-L / --- v-gcyns-HID W %`i <`.*,h 1n__,u:ated_ , to _ = m. .(1am. forward 17 `mu; THEO-CEDAR} MOPS J `SHANTY BAY HOLLY LEFROY - 4.Jo~7\io , 'al1u 111 the town- LMUCKS 00,4: coon onus Turkeys _'Beef, hind quarter . . 13 00 . _ "` fore quarter..._.. 1100 AM-a-. "MuttonV..;. .. 900 each .. `Q5 00.` .L-irgyhe: Lamb, 1lb;- .. . _18 I ._ f 6 . , , van and f 0.1 ore quarter. ., . . 1. I-in... 4 ' 1 PRICE $4.50 9 ltJToAas?ts, Bails, Fries and Broils Ch-icken. ' diressedy 1b.. Thinb ' l ' ...vuuvvUGD, 1%]: the load.'..,. Apples, No. 1, wixgte Apples, second -quahty Pegs, wholesa-I . . . .:JuLl.1't7, mm Wheat, whblesaib . B-arrley, wholes-atle Buckiwheast . . Rye .. A . Hay, per ton . . . . . . 'nW.]l.n__.. ~.____, 11! `I gang, 5. \1Lt'ULJ J 1111} 1`U V6(l `T o-day` agrxeu Btu re has to com-' pete i-n the labour market against! other, and-: to many men, more at- tra'*ctive, industries, and a [marked elevation in. the whole standard of! life in the rural would is the best insunance of a `better supply of -good farm lalbour. _:On'ly an . in- tensive system of. `farming can afford any large amount of perma- nent employment at decent wages to the rura 1 labourer, and only a. good .V =1-asbou-r can who . INTENSIVE` .OU:L`TIvVATIUN-- A tion of the '-I-aibour v problem. The F= A`RlM DABOUIR PROBLEM I `The, development _of a more in- teusive cultivation must carry with it it much more carefu.-l_ consi-derae ITS tR'ELAI'_1`ION T-O THE I I I I di`i'cul'ty of getting and_ keeping labofunr on the farm is a common- place. I think `farmers have not faced the fact that this"dif'cu1ty its due in the main to their own way of doing'_ their ib-ursi-ness. Com- petent `men will n-ot stay at farm . l2_a,b=o=ur unless. it offers rthem con-' this is niott poss-bl-e unless iwitih a l greatly improved huyebalndiry. _ l lT0`(I2.V Q0`1"IlI.1'I]H`I11\n. --'-~ `* I r-.__----.,--.. um: A-ug:uuu:u L`U_ &1(l(.!)E Eli new `rural. mail 'dne1ivery c0n1*I_iined' Ietter and` `parcel post box. It is further -s=tated. that `the new boxes will be issued at a cost of $4.5OV each. The King .'Edrwa-1'-d: box, `now in V use, cost ~tzhe `holders $3 each. These V may` `be returned ,forj11e price paid, up to *May.a15th,' 1915. The new boxes have an. automatic! se1'f-1 o='ckix1g metal `device. } -u4_.a-vv J.bU.L\:[1.'11 Jl1A'l.`.lJ .L5`U4X _ Word comes [from Ottawa ,t*hat the postlnastoer-g e11~era1_ has i.sjsue:1` ncvtic/es to all sbox-holders of rural. mail routes tha.t, as a result of the ; cstjaib-Iis h:ment of the `parcel Jpost` systeln "in C7anad'a, the _p0stofo_e de-` palftment has decided ` t-o_ adqdt a '1`l1l`H.] Inn ; '.l]|D] ;.t7t:ns\r nr--~J`n: -'~ - '1 nuz LATES1_'_ max??? ` _ _ ___--..-...,V._ \).|. 4. u-uA1\; vv'u'1'1\b. `On moation of MiKi1xlay and Ma- `honey :1 bill of $28.00 'f1vom*t'hue R. . T. 1 `AV-. H_os;p=1atI';11, Barrle, for ratten'dance 011 J olhn Wellsby, was ordered paid. 3 I `On n1`Oti`O`ll' `OZ-`F \ fIf.I(1.11]"2`Ixr can J.g.'7\.rf,-._ I , l CD065 all that Is necessary to get anl Ordinary meal, and willdo it Quicker ' T than any other make. vu u\_Ju1AL vv czxvaug, WED UI`(lI'CCl pa`lC1'-I `$011 n1ot.i-on" -0:-f` McI{i111 z1v a11(1;,'l\fo~! Art:`.m r, v(.`-1111-ci'1 axdjiourned to "meet! at rbhe call of the Reeve. . V ` H. `J. TUDHOPE, O1erk.i -T 011- m0rti.o11 09f MGA-nt7hur and .M~a-i zhoney, By-ll-azw read t)he' seaond time and C`-lerk insh-%uctAed to forward same to J. J. I-Iambt, 'M.P., for 2113- p1~0v'al of M:i11is:te1'_~Qf Pu?b'1i*c `W-0-rks. .f\, 1 ' ` ,, .. -2`--. ,,, .._....v-., ..-....,v ywuuuuo I On m-o'Iti:0'11 -of C-ramvford` and MC-! Ki11R`a.y, Bry-Ilauw D429 naxpprop-riating $1000 to Vcovmpleute -swamp road, line `Con. 1'2 `and 13, 1I0 1 to 7, in 1915 on .c011vd?i/bi'011 < that the Provinaial Goverumenet Jpay $500 of said a.m`0,u11t, w=as il1tI`0-dl.1lC'e'd and remi a first time- T ' ,. j 1 Jlay VVa;}k_er, Reeve of Oril'1i'a T.p., W-rote Jth-'ait their C0unc4il after hear- .ing `his s1:'afcemem; -and Ithart of Mn; `T=r'ai-n ? negardainrg the ubnidige on vBro1u,,4]1 .s creek, `decided tham they; would'11ot ulldentalke the `building of a new iburivdige his year. I Dr . Gr, `B. J wmineson; M.O.H.,1 vrmcate re cseetilon 42 -of the Puibl-ic Health Act, .-alsxo re 1'6g]u`1raJtiO1 l=S' con- cer11im~g- s1:aug'hter h-Ourses. A copy of reg'11t1.atiAo11s wnas 01'.-d`ered' to be seemt -to the president of every Beef Ring in `the Torwnshirp. T3 :1 '17` -AA ` ` " U -_ __- - - .. -.....-y., | By-'1a.w `N0. 428 a~pp:o:inbing*[ Over-I `sears A of Highways; -Pou11dukepers and Flrce Vciewers was passed. . fl` V _;l 3 ' [I /V 5' ` ' - * .noA\uvV\av\4l'\J UL: `|JL'\JLl5ll-III UULULTV. Uuwl, and. t-hlast _We would recelve due no- dice of the B'ooaa'.dI shtlngs m To-' -zrontbo. '1`-he Reeve was instructed. -to -q)repare a-nd' or-ward full expvlan-5 ati-on. , j . ` loved V vire; rie Muniipai Council` rbake this opgicsugm-2| ity Ozf. `expressing our deep sympawhy dior yow and all mem'bers- of your -fa21n2i;1'y in the loss of your Eh-us-`b`and and father, whom we know was not only 'a- kind _-husiband and father, `butt an inuential and respectful citizen` acef the" Township -of Oro. Not Only .tr*:!1x] -rnn n~n:.~.n L3- t|Jl\.l\J -.._._.__..1|_ _L.',; _-..w an v vv ;L~:AA Us .L\.I`U` U1 .`_,_: ' 1.! `UL we`m1ss ohls good comraidiesahhp in our everyday ilitfe, " buvt rwe- wi1'1 _hjs friendly advice in. many m a_mter{s `pemtaintimg to our diuties a C?ou ncit1. We . therefore itrrust you sand:1>he members of the family (may be`.spacred' many years of healrth .wli:h the full a1ssur1_'-a.n-oe of meeting again -in "the World beyloynd where ` sorrow is never kni?iwn. -A. D. 'Oo14burg1-t; Seo y anomimn Baa,-lid! Rv. :C%o&nmiLs:s-itoners, wrortera:sk- jneg for full expmmaxtiten {re `the two -maxytlter-s to be tb1*ou',g'hrt before them, V0141!` +:l1lOt"V ii-vn '71r\uql1.:J ...-......:_4.. IL, NEW RURA-L MAIL BOX .Kv'('H'1] nnrnna ' J-an.-. nLL_ .1 Used Every Day all the Year Round Barrie, rrie, Mar. to It oI_ on CIIC CC` opment more in-' vation more The, "and _ keeping] h 'Fn'rn 13 0 '*"""" ` THE NORTI-.IERNA ADVANCE 1-. 10ct=h, 1915 128 130 75' '85 150` 175 5.5 30 '12 13 50 Au vi e+4-- _ J 1400 %Did % % t ` ` .3 +33 t W `` `**` f `T '. % .1. } v.1 '.'.`:'*\. THE CANADIAN BEAUTY!

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