Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Mar 1915, p. 8

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in writing of their claims and " state1nen`t:s'[of their eaooougnts and ' . Ithe nature of the securities, if any,` held by .th . V - `TAKE NOTICE` that af- _vber the Twentieh day `of Mardh, _ 1215, the said admimsi-trat'o rs {Proceed to distribute the assets of said dieoeased among the` pets ` ;eu_1`t:i-led .'rt.he1~eIto, '-58`8~lja 1.91113? 130 the ohlivms of which d1_1a1`1,then have ;m_n!,% J3 _.~ 88,]; `I; ~:-cl--AVA.-..... __!'I.I Ivory ........ .. Gold Soap, large ba . _ Gong inpv ., always ready Have you ` n u n O O Q u c I - o n o c D o o Q o Q o o u o Q I o I C Q Q Q u o o n o o o o ` Fefndale Tea, in blk. Special Blend Flowcrdale Redpatlfs, Sugar, in loo lb; bags ..... .. We also handle Lipton s, Cooking ................ .. Fine Large Table Carrots ..... .. Table Beets.._.` . . . . . . . . . . . Table T umips ., ...... ............ .. Cabbage 54 Spanish Onions - . .. .- - - . . . - . Potatoes...; . . . . . . . .....60c Lalifomia Naval Oranges, seedless an d sweet, for ....... .15, .20, .25, .30 and .40 doz_ Grape Fruit (very large).-. ...... ...... ..3 for 25 Grape Fruit (smaller) ......... .; ........ ..4 for 25 Lemons, fancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c doz. Bitter Oranges for marmalade ....... ..25c doz Large Yellow Bananas ................ ..25c doz: California Naval .20. . .15, Black Raspberries in tins .... ..l5c Maple Leaf Strawberries, reg; 25 Pie Peaches, 3 lb, tins . . . . . . . . . . . Crawford Peaches, in heavy syrup. Sliced Pineapple, reg. 25c for. . , . . French Peas, Th 1 One Week Only, C encing ----------------------$----- ese Pnces are for UL. ' `On Thursday, March -11th,_ and? "Saturday, March 13th, _there 'Will` be -seen at he Grand Opera House' Behind the Scenes, Wfifbh the fam-j ous moving-pcicture star, Mary! -Pickford,. in the title role, at usuali prleoes. ' ' That is {vhat everyone is. trying to do jw may have a far Tax put on them, Tom atoes. A fang- VVC A ye Table ................ ..20c pk. ts...` . . . . . . . . ..l5cpk. nips. ...... ....... ..l0c pk. ........ and 10c eac Fnions ............................ ..30c pk )mons . . . . . . .6 lb. for 25c . . . . . . . .60c bag or-10 pl. in a few ciays. , 15 In charge of th:` Our trimmers . are :_'emphasize ouf present Tdwelling Offerings. They cannot be surpassed. " ~ V Read about a few.` ' " Your .Orp`ortimity 1 to save , is NOW . _Fresh Fruits s, 2oc or 3..'.3Q!JT M114-INERY ....... for 25 ...... ..3 for 25 .......................... ..3 for 25 ............... ...'......3`forV25c zoc ......... ....... ..2 {Or 35 'egetables n syrup .......... ..23c ;.25c for.., . . . . . ..18c We handle the; F Bulk Te us or,2 for 25 5, 25c for .... ..20c . . . . . . ..l5c ice .13 _-..-Y-. ......., an 1:.-JU, 'lIl.v rthej. rocrzfn over Public Lbrary. Re-l port of teams on_ membership can-5 test. So don -t. failrto come. =--For real good owers-_-wed- ding or table bouquets, Funeral Designs, 01-. Floral eects, put up; in the most . artistic manner; see; SUG__AR AND TEAS 18 just now and here is your m, so get in early and g4 Gkocen ............. .............................. ..Reg. 30c for 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..A..................-Rcg.4oc for 35c .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reg- 50c for 43c 3,` Salad: and Red Rose in packages. in. Heavy Huck Towelling, Red and Blue Border. ........... H Fine Huck Towelling, plain .... .. (6 Go Blue and Red Check Tea Cloth Blue and Red Check Tea Cloth Cl (C (6 Heavy Linen Crash ............. .. -. Blue and` Red Check Tea Cloth`. Plain Linen Tea Cloth..........,... . .n.LJu rthe_. Corn Flakes .. I. -. Star Ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . Old Dutch Cleanser . . . . . . . . . Panshine ......................... .. Lux oWashing Corripound . . Gillette s Lye . . - . . . . . . . . . . . Ioc bag Salt ................... .. n - u - o o o o o o - u . u - o o o u n . o a. Gold Seal Baking Powder! (OI l'\r-an.-l\ -awn: auanulg I U\V1 -`B;and)....... Robm Hood Oats, reg. ` __ -1 -..,_,, .......u.uu.ay PHIC, In qt reg. Soc, for ........................... .. In pint bottles, reg. 25c for. . . . . . . . .4 In quart tins, reg. 50 for ............. .. Bee Hive Corn Syrup, in 2 lb. tins, now...` ..... . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . .... ..1 In 5 lb. tin's,_reg. 30c for ........... In; [0 lb. tinAs, rTeg. 5 50 for ............. lad consequent shdnage in the nished product. Whitc Swat; 'R.ising Bucku A15c .... .... ................. .% Maple Syrup, absolutely pure, rec` :n.~ Fru- Aunt ]emima s Pancake Flcur, - - ----- an -953 I&ll\J \I,= VVe have fresh shipments of Oysters T every week. Coast Sealed Oysters . . . .60c qt. or 1 Fresh Halibut cut in slices ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, Fresh Sea Salmoricut in slices ........ .. Haddie . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . ] F illet.-of Haddie ................ ....... .. Labrador Herring. . , . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . Bloaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'eas there are. the that keep he feet dry, Tag`, a `saving `of 35c to 75 a pair, only; at` Carey s {Curt-Rate Shoe Store. . Boys! This is for, `you. Im-) portant meeting of the L.T.L. on? Thursday,: March 4th, a1_: 4.30, in If.}ID rnwrnq nun. 'l')..-`L`l_', ' angi mlanoolou con- Cleanse;-.... .. `O Iooooo 9500-0 :0` l - u u - - - o n o o ooyouuo-000000 --coco-..I Eng .. reoa'..onooaoooo 9000-0, I 0000.030. If opportunity. Many of these lines get your supply while they "last % packages. na Bancake reg. I 5c .... .. , . . . . . . . for25c Self Rising Buckwheat Flour, `reg. ............ ....... ..2 for 25 _b, pure, in qt." bottles, at ............... .; ....... ........ ..45c ,. .....;. --- f SATURDAY, MARCH em 3. 25 for .. --FREE---A 4 fcwentv-ve 1 bottle `of C-limax cough cm with; -ev_ery dollar `battle of Morg`an s.; Restorative Tonic`--v_ ohe Tnbest springi medicine. This offer is `for March: only at C1-oss1and s Drug Store. ' , '.1r,...>- -11 -< P * ss El.lZABI-ZIH ST. `PHONE 369 . . . . c n ` I .13, ..12%, -.14, I .11. .12%, 1.16, .20, `PICTORIAL _PATTERNS : 30c 21 pt. ......... ..l5c lb. = .......... ..15cIb. --l2%c lb. .. ......... ..l5c lb. . . ..30C dgz. O!!! :00 CV02 present price `( H `pus; -ZOC - . I On Friday and Saturday of this`? weak the great: j motion _picture .si1cm'frfg The =M-aking _,of i Bobr'by.f Buvnit in four parts will be seem `at the Grand Opera House at usual; pricaes, A i. t J6 (1 ha - --3 for; - --3 for: for: -- --3 forl - --3 for} for: for: 5, reg. 15C. .2 for gc and Fish F 25c * 25c ' 25 .' 25c ' 25c ' 25c ' 25c ' 25c - 23c .18 .52c 4:11; .18 `.16 .18 .16 ~ --`A peep at Carey s early arrivals in Fine Shoes, wil correct dressers the -trend -of FashiIo'n s latest creations in V iii! sv-A-' `Regular meeting of the Ladies ; Auxilriary of the 'Ohi1~d'ren- s Aid in, Police Court on Tuesday, - Mara-hf 9th, at 3 'o clock. _ Aill. members and; others interested ' invited to nracam {- NIOTICE--Lost or strayed . P9'rnHQ9C 1'71 A: cl--A--': % the action entered by" W. "H. Keir. `option by-law. A uu.'.|.'4;V w ram 1'1*J1J--'1`o buy C21-ey s Fine Bu Bals; worth? $2.25 a pair, for `$1.69 a pair. V 1 ' Meaford Council 1 .una'ni~.mOu_s1y3 Ebaided to employ counsel to ght: nedy of -Barrie to quash the local; 5 A .- 4 .559 \.lU LL l/Ill!) day evening next `WZIEI. V-la33L&! thepastweek. NOTICE sis hereby given that all persons having any claims against the late John 4' 'Coxworth, who died on th_ twenty-sevenvh `day of January, 1915, are nequirezf 3120 send to the undemigned -Sdlici- awtafn n4-".m :} .L............1- LL: ux ao1'aycl1 .ll'UII1 village of Srtroud-, on] 101: . n 1..."..- r1,:u-, 0f the Bar-` L-1I `r ! 1-Iy spring; will give?- Damef" m smal-.t 1 _ I IN THE MATTER of the Estate of `John O'a:cworth_, late of the Town.9h2'p of H Essa, Farmer, de- ceased fl'OIIl I on 4. T for 1 . v-..~- `DU |TlrisV1'1ew peinting 11`: an extensive `business. ,-., ..--.. .N-ux,u- uut7_ pfDI'011ag'e, 01} any who have carriage or automo- bile painting to be done. -Mr. Geo. ; Maleomson spenrt ten years in some I.` `of Toronto s `best shops , and `has a.` recently been `head Aestniper at 1:`he.']' Barnie -Carniage Works. Mr. Guy ; Mann, who, also, has of late `been i with the `Barrie Carriajge Works, I ( spent three years - with the Buick It Au-tomdbile . Works at 'Fl_*inrt, Mvidh. !C This `new painting Should d `an exfanqiwa 'knu.`.'...-..... - , NEW PAINTING FIRM 1 Messrs. `Mallc-omson 8: Mann,? f Painters (and 6Sig-n" Wniters, 4ha>vve.* opened -a` paint shop at ~W. C. An- d'rew s `Blacksmith S-hop, -Bayzeld fSt., and solicit. the patronage of 9 who ammo-3 Lu. J -- - ` ` ',Geo1_-gian Distniat to succeed F. W., Otton who `held that position last} = year. V. 12. Comp. Col. Fredl 1 Sneath was made` Grand -Senior l S`oj.o'urner.. R. E. Comp. J. W. ,!Mer1~ick was the delegate from {Signet Chapter, Barrie. ' Fa1;w T-------- r . I 4'-_rL[i,Al\4U \,u_Aybt.'l', DHTTIE. '. Felix Juneau. of Victoria `bot, ' who `pleaded guri`lty' b `Judge Vance of cutting. the roff a number of horses, will `up for senrtence to-day. - It is [that he had-a letter in his p4 ginforming .a Toronto wholesale }'rm that he would - supply 1 [with 500 -horses tails if they W use ,`him right. He got A. $5 pound for the hair. The farmel the_ dist:-.ict" `tare much incensed l the > affair. __ ` T - ' )AlRLEY--In Bmie, on Wednes-7 day, Feb. 24th, 1915, to Mr. `and; Mrs. John Carley,` Bradzford' St., a daughter, T < . _ ` ITT--At St. Gatlranines, on Sun- dxa-,Fdb "2` 191_5,tOM.- ang `l[`l'8',ru`a:{vn-a-?1th 1J:.a. -- .: r ncauu. u~u;4, ue-an or a-Live, or who` can give -information as rto his` whereabouts to he owner, F '. Jo'b-a' ibitt, Stroud, will receive a -reward} of not less lthan $5.00, and any per` `son or persons Iound guilty of poisoning, keeping or harboring said animal -after date of this` no- tice W5-`I41 be liable to .prosecutJion.---i Darted Mardh 191:, 1915. F. Jvblbrit-t, Sitroud P.O'. AA ' . , p 9-111). 1-------------'----*- `tit;-grand Chapter the Royal -Arch fof sLom_f6n, Ont., > iZirmmerma_n_ of relented R`-m.nA` MJason= `_ ,- - ....... llwvuvlll-3 101' -"]3ae`t0` '.me-asure suits and `overooams for _men-~sa1Jisfact.ion guearaniteed. ' , Tl A half dozen- Oriliia , `youths Ziskated d0_Wn= from Orlia on Sun.-I [1 day. They experienced 1-itlt3le' diffu- cu}ty until they `turned into K-erm-. ;penfe1d/(Bay and had to face `the; '1'wind. for nine Amila up to` (Bar:-i.e. The distance is about 35'.mi`1e-3. and [they were - quite _ content to go home Hria the Cobalt gtzfain at 11 p.m. ` , -+--One~ drollar. `Will buy during, {March -`a regular dollar `bottle. of ; Morg*an .s Restorative Tonic, and` a [regular rt7Wenty~'ve cent bottle `of `Climax T Cough Cure. Morg`an- s -Restorative is a great builder of ` , Xerv'e, Blood and Muscle. "Now is ;the opportune: wme .vart. 'Cross1and 3 ? iD1-ug `Store; -' ` " * ' :5 % V--During -nhe month of -March 3 every dollar`; bottle of = Mogan = 1`Re s_tora.trive.the ne Spring Tonicg! 1?`-h3t_)_r'Ol1j"bUy entitles, you to" a 1 twenty-ve cent bottle of Climax` 3;Courgh. Cure abso'1u`tely. FREE at. 3 . g: A post 'card_ was received at The 3; dvance Ofce on Monday from G90. Rovgigers. It was post- ;}marked Sit. Xazaire, France, -_ and EZQVB 2 ("Fatty nu? +1`-A -M`-'-` *` ' '9 ._--vus/us. .'Mr..T-W'-V- copmey. &T1 Zf1a3311 iii Lat Devlin .h'~ Ex " ; - 1 d S ._ TC, 15011: on Fnday .a1}fh '- aturd`, -Marcjh 5th and 61:11, 1'? 1:1 Ffu-HT _coIlec of T spring zmode = -and patterns -for made-t0- i.In9AH'l'P 'cn;fc nnfl ~.._- `that they expected to go _in1:o ac.-T {an the day it was 'w_n'irtten,v but the {date `id r]o]n+u~'l ' " ......_V wants a nne. aaamon to the ibusmess section of /the rbown. V ' Divsru-i ct_ Deputy .R. W. Bro. W. :3 . Martrn of Penetanguishene will ,pay' his ocigatl visit to Kerr` Mason- ? on Friday` evening. ..1`3 ,"l\ m:lt~hern Light 1 Lodge of Staynez-' pay a fraternal visit and -will in working degrees. `It is . xpected that there `will be a very Harms. rffonrlonnn -4-: _._-1- was round dead `in :be&%i.~. on rived rbyj his wife, fou:r_ ` broifhrs He vw.asV 50 -years 01}, and 13 sure dr'ewf's y ` '-7 """r"-A-he cnuxnvxvt. nu" , ,_. ,-- _-,-5 wsvuuu ucvn, 'W*11.ll.6! `breast, and yore legs, _b>1ack] Ia-nd ydllow body, long bushy`| fwiith rwhilte 4 tip. Anyone ndingi saiid d-0,2`, dead or" a-live, or who, 99, . n;v.n 3-1~'.-..........L. _- Y- usual. QUMU, W H 3. Bernard Pitt, a . sbn. -..uu 5&8!-II. ulll aft endamz a .1ette;.""i'n `;)O:`;`,:L T-}xi<`3m:r;v,'agemenct is announced of Toronto .h0T1eSaV1e fur Miss Marion .Ceci 1_. eldw daughter ,w0u3d_ them of the late Hon. Oharles Drury` and as the`, WOu,1,df3Irs. Dru-rry, vofb Ken=il`w0rth t_ gOt_`$5 per!.I.odge, Barrie, to Mr._Jo}m Ham-_ ha-in _fa1,mers.0f;1`lton, -McDonald , of W1nn1peg soni [.9 incensed overof M.r._ and .Mrs. J. ML-Don_-a1d,` ' ` of Llstowel, v Ont. . The T marnage ` V ~ will take ~p1ace_- qwietiy. during the % +_ - ~ 1` V ~t"x'.;'rr1 v:eek ofMar"ch. . V FR`3[IannJ ` 5 0:1-il1ia_ Times;-Mr;` "He.-gb. _CoIoke,: guitars ha.;_; who Tgnlzsjoed W_=Lth Canadxvan troops If Lt shop at C.` .An_ at V ]C`bOI'1a, B.=C., left _11her , on ' V it patronage.` Of,troqps, enroute or - 1 ax. Mr. 0. ammo? .n`ot:e Monday from `his son `writing gt b,fe;`;,`;n_s from Quebec; 011 Tsunday, F-db . mat aka... ._.1 .1,` 121811. h ft-Anna 2`-vn--- ---5- ` " ~H. Cooke, of Onillia; `received a < 1,; I/AAA L~J'\/A3 u.-.u. V '1 121-553.`: UI 0'6 ' A-F . 20_th, 1915, a large` Coie Dog; has a rwhiteVst1'.ipe down face,-;" rmhte ring around neck, itei {ha-m'.=+ om: .t.,.uL. _.--- A -=' ' ' Iv A u IV I411 I. Utf` H. of ~m'_e-mbers of the] ,_ L` ;1zu`_' fore 1 Hlanr,-. `I P n..-.JJ._,` -done 1111, III}? by .......... T ' -I , In St.` `-A11dorew ,s Church ' on} Sunday ev-eniilg, -an excellent duet] was sung_ :by Miss Bessie Ness, (.12-`n'traI'to,. and Miss Aaxx, soprano, The number, I heard the Voice of Jesus Say, was-, one in wlch, rthce voices" of these promising young} (`vocalists were heard {to admiravhl-e advantage. , . , :_ ( The engagement 1s of .Ceci'l,e el':IIest_ daughter~ slaite Charles _Druriv' and j} A Twilight Tea in aid of the 3 ed `Cross S`ociety v.1i1l beheld art`! [the home, of Mrs. Dr. ,Ba1-her, Essa `St, ;A1Iandale,' on AThu1Sd:ay, March 41:11, {between the hours of 3.30 and. 16.30 p.m. Special musical pro-I ';u.14uL L-L3 1UI_' &. Vl'3I1 Gays. - , vlfiss Violet Mingay spent several da's at Niagara -Falls visiting her -sisger, `Miss Jean -lngay. - ` `\Vorshipful Master R. W. Stew- art and Mrs. Stewart entertained the officers of Ken -Masonic Lodge. 'at {their home, Blake -St.`, on Thurs- lday evening" of Last week. Mr. Ray Simmons, who for the past year_has been with A. - A.| Allan ;Ltd-., `Toronto, "wholesale hat;-3e, `and furs, is'returning to town` rtoj re-enter "the, rm of Simmons 8:,- Cn, ' 5 .. V I 'T,c-morrow night at the `Mam-E moth Rink he nal games in the` ed to the West. .- j `V , 3IrsL sG.' R. Leece `has netumcdi after a month s visit with _Tor.)nto` relatives. _ p , . `Miss Gertrude Reeve` has been; the of Mr.` and .Mrs. Frank! Hartman, Thombury. ' {Miss Rutherford of Toronto was the guest {bf her niece, Mrs. F. V.R.. Redditt; for several days. Wfica X7:'n?o+ `M:.......-- _A-~L `I Nerrio and A La Grace `Corsets l IIJ\I\J I 1' Notable changes in Hats for Spring is ear. Trimmings ; Miss Coughlin, who hasachieved remarkable success department and with a staff of expert trimmers and a a busy preparing for the preliminary showing, notice of which will 1 116% in. . I5 (6 `C Aw list the `price ofJLinens has advanced from 2o to, increase of dutysince the t_nfddlc of February brings upthe advances from . dlstributors o_f {mportcd Lmgns that an mcrease: of I 5 per cent. apove presc A III`, is inevitable. .__A "C A Tll_\1El I-mP_'_T_ HUIISEKEEPERS NOTICETO ciusnirons ea tywrill be held at? S`. -n Thmsdsay, 1;|.z\u~-~ -1? 0 tin ` NORTHERNADVANCE .smpe Crash for..... .... .... .1o,p Half Bleach Bamsley Crash .... .. .13, Best Hand Crash. self border.... .13, Brown" Homespun..- .............. .. .10, Smodth half bleached Crash.. .11, Brown` Crash, Red Borders .... .. .10, Heavy Brown Twill .... ....... .. .15, Stripe Tea Cloth ......... .. .13, resent price . C` C` 5: 5` (K K` .3-' .` (G _u 1 O` (C I` .12 % Stxie for. U-I[ T)1__ _l_ 1'1 mamom-:onnns_6 mac:-zm-: ransom: T 4 Am-zrmour __..... ,uu accll ulc new lxppcrary them? These are just what you Barrington Hall Bakerized` Co'c.. Clotimorew Farm Whipping Cream.. . ` T ` - _` We-are headqt

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